What character accentuations do you know. Character accentuations


Classification of character accentuations (according to K. Leonhard)

1. Hyperthymic type. Such people are very sociable, they tend to people. When talking, they actively gesticulate, and also have a pronounced facial expression. These people are fickle, so conflicts often arise due to failure to fulfill their obligations and promises. Differ in activity, activity, initiative, and also optimism. Despite all this, they are frivolous, optional, sometimes commit immoral acts. Elevated mood is combined with a thirst for activity, increased talkativeness, a tendency to constantly deviate from the topic of conversation. It is characterized by great mobility, sociability, and the severity of non-verbal components of communication. Everywhere they make a lot of noise, they strive for leadership. They have a high vitality, good appetite and healthy sleep. Self-esteem is increased, they are characterized by insufficiently serious attitude to their duties. Since they are sociable people, stability is hard to endure. It is difficult to endure the conditions of strict discipline, monotonous activity, forced loneliness.

A noticeable feature of the hyperthymic personality type is the constant stay in high spirits, even in the absence of any external reasons for this. High spirits are combined with high activity and a thirst for activity. Hyperthyms are characterized by such qualities as sociability, increased talkativeness, and an optimistic outlook on life. Difficulties are often overcome without much difficulty.

2. Disty type. Closed people who do not like noisy companies and spend most of their time sitting at home. They highly value friendship and are distinguished by reliability, high standards of morality, as well as seriousness. However, they often suffer from depression and depression, act slowly. Differs in seriousness, depression of mood, slowness, weakness of strong-willed efforts. They are characterized by a pessimistic attitude towards the future, low self-esteem, low contact, and reticence. Often gloomy, inhibited, tend to be fixed on the shady sides of life. Conscientious, have a heightened sense of justice.

A dysthymic personality is the opposite of a hyperthymic one. Dystimics tend to focus on the dark, sad side of life. This is manifested in everything: in behavior, and in communication, and in the peculiarities of the perception of life, events and other people (socio-perceptual features). Usually these people are serious by nature, they are not characterized by activity.

3. Cycloid(affectively labile) type. Leonhard believes that these people are characterized by a quick change of mood, therefore, in communicating with others, they can quickly change their behavior, either being cheerful and good-natured, or rude and depressed. These are people who are characterized by a change in hyperthymic and dysthymic states, sometimes without visible external causes.

An important feature of the cyclothymic type is the change of hyperthymic and dysthymic states. Such changes are frequent and systematic. In the hyperthymic phase in cyclothymes, joyful events cause not only joyful emotions, but also a thirst for activity, increased activity. In the dysthymic phase, sad events cause them not only grief, but also a state of depression. In this state, slowness of reactions, thinking, and emotional response are characteristic.

4. Excitable type. These people are unsociable, their actions and reactions are slow, but they can be quick-tempered and irritable. They often provoke conflicts, can be rude and rude. Of the positive features, one can single out accuracy, love for young children, as well as reliability and conscientiousness. This type is characterized by insufficient controllability, weakening of control over drives and impulses, increased impulsivity. This type is characterized by instinctiveness, anger, intolerance, and a tendency to conflict. There is low contact in communication, heaviness of actions, slowness of mental processes. Work and study are not attractive to him, he is indifferent to the future. Lives entirely in the present. Increased impulsivity is extinguished with difficulty and can be dangerous to others. Can be imperious, choosing the weakest for communication.

A feature of an excitable personality is a pronounced impulsive behavior. The manner of communication and behavior largely depends not on the rational comprehension of one's actions, but on impulse, attraction, instinct or uncontrollable impulse. In the field of social interaction, representatives of this type are characterized by extremely low tolerance.

5. stuck(affectively - stagnant) type. Of the positive features, one can single out sociability, high demands on oneself, and the desire for success. However, such people are not very talkative, they tend to give morals to people around them, so they are called bores. Vulnerable, very jealous, sometimes overconfident. These people are vengeful, it is difficult for them to understand others. This type is characterized by a high level of delay of affects - "gets stuck" on their feelings, thoughts, cannot forget insults, is inert in motor skills. Prone to protracted conflicts, clearly defines the circle of enemies and friends. Suspicious, vindictive. Shows great perseverance in achieving his goals.

The stuck type of personality is distinguished by a high stability of affect, the duration of an emotional response, experiences. Insulting personal interests and dignity, as a rule, is not forgotten for a long time and is never forgiven just like that. In this regard, people around often characterize representatives of this type as touchy, vindictive and vindictive people. The duration of experiences is often combined with fantasizing, carrying out a plan of revenge on the offender.

6. Pedantic type. According to Leonhard's accentuation, this is a very neat person, which is what he requires from the rest. Does not claim leadership, rarely initiates conflicts. Such people are too arrogant and demanding, however, they are very conscientious in business, reliable. It is characterized by rigidity, inertness of mental processes, a long experience of traumatic events. Rarely enters into conflicts, at the same time it reacts strongly to any manifestations of a violation of order. Punctual, accurate, scrupulous, clean, conscientious. Assiduous, focused on high quality work and special accuracy, prone to frequent self-checks, doubts about the correctness of the work, formalism.

External manifestations of this type are increased accuracy, the desire for order, indecision and caution. Before doing anything, such a person thinks everything over for a long time and carefully. Behind external pedantry are the unwillingness and inability to make quick changes, the lack of desire to take responsibility. These people love their usual work, conscientious in everyday life.

7. Anxious type. People are insecure, very timid and withdrawn. Rarely are the initiators of the conflict, behave like a "mouse". Such people need support and support. However, they are very friendly, reliable and not afraid of criticism. Representatives of this type are characterized by low contact, minor mood, fearfulness, self-doubt, touchiness. Anxious children are often afraid of the dark, animals, afraid to be alone. They shun active peers, feel a sense of timidity and shyness. Adult representatives of this type have a sense of duty and responsibility, high moral and ethical requirements. They are characterized by timidity, humility, inability to defend their position in a dispute.

The main feature of this type is increased anxiety about possible failures, concern for one's fate and the fate of loved ones, while there are usually no objective reasons for such anxiety or they are insignificant. They are distinguished by timidity, sometimes humility. Constant alertness to circumstances is combined with self-doubt.

8. Emotive type. These are people who prefer a social circle of close people, they are moderately sociable, understand others, non-conflict. All grievances are kept in themselves. They are attractive with their kindness, they can always share the joy and sorrow of another person, they are very diligent. However, they may be too sensitive and vulnerable. It is characterized by sensitivity and deep reactions in the field of subtle emotions. This type is related to exalted, but its manifestations are not so violent. They are characterized by emotionality, sensitivity, empathy for people, responsiveness, kindness, impressionability. They rarely come into conflict, they carry grievances in themselves without splashing out. This type is characterized by a heightened sense of duty, diligence.

The main feature of an emotive personality is high sensitivity. Such qualities as kindness, kindness, sincerity, emotional responsiveness, highly developed empathy, increased tearfulness are characteristic (as they say, ``eyes in a wet place'").

9. Demonstrative type. People of this type tend to show themselves in society, they love to be in the spotlight, communication is easy for them. They tend to intrigue. These people attract with eccentricity, activity, artistry, and they are also able to interest anyone in anything. However, according to Leonhard's theory, this type is unpleasant for people because of excessive self-confidence, egocentrism, and also laziness. They provoke conflicts. It is characterized by demonstrative behavior, liveliness, mobility, ease in establishing contacts, artistry. Prone to fantasy, posturing and pretense. It has an increased ability to repress, it can completely forget what it does not want to know about, which unchains it in a lie. Usually lies with an innocent face, because what he says, at the moment, is the truth for him; apparently, internally he is not aware of his lie, or he is aware without remorse. Lies, pretense are aimed at embellishing oneself. He is driven by a thirst for constant attention (even if negative) to his person. This type demonstrates high adaptability to people, emotional lability in the absence of really deep feelings, a tendency to intrigue (with an outwardly mild manner of communication).

The main feature of a demonstrative personality is the need to impress, to attract attention, to be in the center of events. This is manifested in vain, often deliberate, behavior, in particular, in such traits as self-praise, perception and presentation of oneself as the central character of any situation. Much of what such a person says about himself often turns out to be the fruit of his imagination or a much embellished account of events.

10. exalted type. Sociable people who love to talk often fall in love. They argue, but it rarely comes to conflict. They have strong bonds with family and friends. In life they are very altruistic and sincere, however, mood swings and alarmism often interfere with them. Representatives of this type are characterized by a high intensity of the rate of increase in reactions, their external intensity; react more violently than others, and are easily delighted with joyful events and despair with sad ones. Exaltation is most often motivated by subtle, altruistic urges. Attached to family and friends. Joy for them, for their good fortune can be extremely strong. To the depths of their souls, they can be captured by love for art, nature, experiences of a religious order.

The main feature of an exalted personality is a violent (exalted) reaction to what is happening. They easily get excited by joyful events and fall into despair from sad ones. They are distinguished by extreme impressionability about any event or fact. At the same time, inner impressionability and a tendency to experience find a vivid external expression in their behavior.

11. Extrovert type. Perhaps the most sociable type. Such people have a lot of friends and acquaintances with whom they have excellent relationships, as they know how to listen and do not seek to dominate. Very non-confrontational. However, they are somewhat frivolous, like to gossip, commit rash acts. It is characterized by an appeal to what comes from outside, the orientation of reactions to external stimuli. They are characterized by impulsive actions, the joy of communicating with people, the search for new experiences. Subject to other people's influence, their own opinions are not stable. It is characterized by an appeal to what comes from outside, the orientation of reactions to external stimuli. They are characterized by impulsive actions, the joy of communicating with people, the search for new experiences. Subject to other people's influence, their own opinions are not stable.

Such a person is easily influenced by the environment, constantly looking for new experiences. The opinion of such people is not stable, since new thoughts expressed by others are easily accepted on faith and are not internally processed. A characteristic feature is impulsiveness of actions.

12. introverted type. These people are out of touch with reality. They draw their strength from solitude and reflection. They really don’t like noisy big companies, they quickly get tired of long communication, but one-on-one communication is acceptable for them, they are excellent partners. Introverts are quite reserved, always sticking to their own beliefs. However, they are too persistent and stubborn, it is very difficult to convince them that their own point of view is always the only true one for them. Lives not so much with perceptions and sensations as with ideas. External events as such affect the life of such a person relatively little, much more important is what he thinks about them. If a reasonable degree of introversion contributes to the development of independent judgment, then a highly introverted person lives mostly in a world of unrealistic ideas. The favorite food for the thinking of introverts is the problems of religion, politics, philosophy. Unsociable, keeps aloof, communicates out of necessity, loves loneliness; immersed in himself, tells little about himself, does not reveal his experiences. Slow and indecisive in actions.

This type is characterized by reliance on their life experience. This type is not affected by various situations. The degree of immersion in the inner world leads a person to separation from reality. Characterized by an accentuated tendency to think and a weak readiness for action.

Rice. 6. Character accentuation scheme according to E. Filatova and A.E. Lichko


Two main groups of dynamic changes can be distinguished during character accentuations.

The first group is transient, transient changes. In fact, they are the same in form as in psychopathy.

In the first place among them are acute affective reactions.

There are several types of acute affective reactions.

1. Intrapunitive reactions are a discharge of affect through auto-aggression - self-inflicted injury, attempted suicide, self-harm in various ways (desperate reckless actions with inevitable unpleasant consequences for oneself, damage to valuable personal belongings, etc.). Most often, this type of reaction occurs with two seemingly diametrically opposed types of accentuations - sensitive and epileptoid.

2. Extrapunitive reactions imply the discharge of affect through aggression on the environment - an attack on offenders or "venting anger" on random faces or objects that fell under the arm. Most often, this type of reaction can be seen with hyperthymic, labile and epileptoid accentuations.

3. The immune reaction is manifested in the fact that the affect is discharged by reckless flight from the affective situation, although this flight does not correct this situation in any way, and often even turns very badly. This type of reaction is more common with unstable, as well as with schizoid accentuations.

4. Demonstrative reactions, when the affect is discharged into a "performance", into acting out stormy scenes, into the depiction of suicide attempts, etc. This type of reaction is very characteristic of hysteroid accentuation, but can occur in both epileptoid and labile.

Another type of transient changes in character accentuations, most pronounced in adolescence, are transient psychopathic behavioral disorders ("pubertal behavioral crises"). Follow-up studies show that if these behavioral disorders occur against the background of character accentuation, then in 80%, when they grow up, satisfactory social adaptation occurs. However, the prognosis depends on the type of accentuation. The most favorable prediction is with hypertonic accentuation (86% of good adaptation), the least - with unstable (only 17%).

Transient violations of behavior can manifest themselves in the form of: 1) delinquency, i.e., in misdemeanors and minor offenses that do not reach a crime punishable by the court; 2) drug addiction behavior, i.e., in an effort to get a state of intoxication, euphoria, or experience other unusual sensations through the use of alcohol or other intoxicating drugs; 3) running away from home and vagrancy; 4) transient sexual deviations (early sexual activity, promiscuity, transient teenage homosexuality, etc.). All these manifestations of transient behavioral disorders have been described by us earlier.

Finally, another type of transient changes during character accentuations is the development against their background of various psychogenic mental disorders - neuroses, reactive depressions, etc. But in this case, the matter is no longer limited to the "dynamics of accentuations": there is a transition to a qualitatively different level - disease development.

To the second group of dynamic changes with character accentuations belong its relatively stable changes. They can be of several types.

1. The transition of "explicit" accentuation into a hidden, latent one. Under the influence of growing up and the accumulation of life experience, the accentuated character traits are smoothed out and compensated.

Nevertheless, with latent accentuations under the influence of some psychogenic factors, namely those that are addressed to the “weak link”, to the “place of least resistance” inherent in this type of accentuation, something similar to decompensation in psychopathy can occur. The features of a certain type of accentuation, previously disguised, are revealed in their entirety and sometimes suddenly.

2. Formation on the basis of character accentuations under the influence of unfavorable environmental conditions of psychopathic developments reaching the level of the pathology environment ("marginal psychopathy", according to O. V. Kerbikov). This usually requires the combined action of several factors: 1) the presence of an initial character accentuation, 2) unfavorable environmental conditions must be such as to address exactly the "place of least resistance" of this type of accentuation, 3) their action must be sufficiently long and, most importantly, , 4) it must fall at a critical age for the formation of this type of accentuation. This age for the schizoid is childhood, for the psychoasthenic - the first grades of school, for most other types - different periods of adolescence (from 11-13 years old for unstable to 16-17 years old for sensitive types). Only with the paranoid type, the older age is critical - 30-40 years - a period of high social activity.

3. The transformation of types of character accentuations is one of the cardinal phenomena in their age dynamics. The essence of these transformations usually consists in the addition of traits of a similar, compatible type, and even in the fact that the traits of the latter become dominant. On the contrary, in cases of initially mixed types, the features of one of them can come to the fore so much that they completely obscure the features of the other. This applies to both types of mixed types described by us: both intermediate and "amalgam". Intermediate types are due to endogenous factors and, possibly, developmental characteristics in early childhood. Examples of them can be types: labile-cycloid, conformally hyperthymic, schizoid-epileptoid, hystero-epileptoid. Amalgam types are formed as a layering of traits of a new type on the endogenous core of the former one. These stratifications are caused by long-acting psychogenic factors, for example, improper upbringing. So, due to neglect or hypoprotection in education, traits of an unstable type can be layered on a hyperthymic, conformal, epileptoid, and less often on a labile or schizoid nucleus. When brought up in a "family idol" environment (indulgent hyperprotection), hysterical traits are easily superimposed on the basis of a labile or hyperthymic type.

Transformation of types is possible only according to certain patterns - only in the direction of joint types. I have never seen the transformation of a hyperthymic type into a schizoid one, a labile type into an epileptoid one, or layers of traits of an unstable type on a psychasthenic or sensitive basis.

Transformations of types of accentuations with age can be due to both endogenous patterns and exogenous factors - both biological and especially socio-psychological.

An example of endogenous transformation is the transformation of a part of hyperthymes in post-adolescent age (18-19 years) into a cycloid type. First, against the background of previously constant hyperthymia, short subdepressive phases appear. Then the cycloidity is outlined even more clearly. As a result, in first-year students, in comparison with high school students, the frequency of hyperthymic accentuation noticeably decreases, and the frequency of cycloid accentuation noticeably increases.

An example of the transformation of types of accentuation under the influence of exogenous biological factors is the addition of affective lability (“explode easily, but quickly depart”) as one of the leading character traits to hyperthymic, labile, astheno-neurotic, hysteroid types of accentuation due to the lungs transferred in adolescence and young age but repeated traumatic brain injury.

A powerful transforming factor is the long-term adverse socio-psychological influences in adolescence, that is, during the formation of most types of character. First of all, they include different types of improper education. We can point to the following of them: 1) hypoprotection, reaching an extreme degree of neglect; 2) a special type of hypoprotection, described by A. A. Vdovichenko under the name "indulgent hypoprotection", when parents leave the teenager to himself, actually not caring about his behavior, but when misconduct and even offenses begin, they shield him in every possible way, rejecting all accusations, seek any ways to release from punishment, etc.; 3) dominant hyperprotection ("hyperprotection"); 4) indulgent hyper-protection, to the extreme degree reaching the upbringing of the "family idol"; 5) emotional rejection, in extreme cases reaching the degree of bullying and humiliation (upbringing like "Cinderella"); 6) upbringing in conditions of cruel relationships; 7) in conditions of increased moral responsibility; 8) in the conditions of the "cult of diseases".



Psychology of individual differences. Texts / Ed. Yu.B.Gippenreiter, V.Ya. Romanova. M.: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 1982. S. 288-318.

Psychopathies are such anomalies of character that, according to P. B. Gannushkin (1933), “determine the entire mental appearance of the individual, imposing their imperious imprint on his entire mental warehouse”, “during life ... they are not exposed to any abrupt changes", "prevent ... adapt to the environment". These three criteria were designated by O. V. Kerbikov (1962) as the totality and relative stability of pathological character traits and their severity to a degree that violates social adaptation.

These criteria also serve as the main guidelines in the diagnosis of psychopathy in adolescents. The totality of pathological character traits is especially pronounced at this age. A teenager endowed with psychopathy discovers his type of character in the family and at school, with peers and with elders, in school and at leisure, in work and in entertainment, in everyday and familiar conditions, and in emergency situations. Everywhere and always, a hyperthymic teenager is seething with energy, a schizoid one is fenced off from the environment by an invisible veil, and a hysterical one is eager to attract attention to himself. A tyrant at home and an exemplary student at school, a quiet man under harsh authority and an unbridled hooligan in an environment of connivance, a fugitive from a house where an oppressive atmosphere reigns or a family is torn apart by contradictions, who gets along well in a good boarding school - all of them should not be classified as psychopaths, even if the entire teenage period occurs in them under the sign of disturbed adaptation.

The relative stability of character traits is a less accessible benchmark for assessment at this age. The life path is too short. Any abrupt changes in adolescence should be understood as unexpected transformations of character, sudden and radical changes in type. If a very cheerful, sociable, noisy, restless child suddenly turns into a gloomy, withdrawn, fenced-off teenager from everyone, or a gentle, affectionate, very sensitive and emotional child becomes subtly cruel, coldly calculating, callous to close young men, then all this is more likely everything does not meet the criterion of relative stability, and no matter how expressed psychopathic traits, these cases often turn out to be beyond the scope of psychopathy ...

Adjustment disorders, or, more precisely, social maladaptation, in cases of psychopathy usually go through the entire adolescence ...

These are the three criteria - totality, relative stability of character and social maladjustment - that make it possible to distinguish psychopathy ...

The types of character accentuations are very similar and partially coincide with the types of psychopathy.

Even at the dawn of the doctrine of psychopathy, the problem of delimiting them from extreme variants of the norm arose. V. M. Bekhterev (1886) mentioned "transitional states between psychopathy and the normal state"...

P. B. Gannushkin (1933) referred to such cases as "latent psychopathy", M. Framer (1949) and O. V. Kerbikov (1961) - as "pre-psychopathy", G. K. Ushakov (1973) - as "extreme variants of the normal character.

The most famous term was K. Leongard (1968) - "accentuated personality". However, it is more correct to speak of "character accentuations" (Lichko, 1977). Personality is a much more complex concept than character. It includes intellect, abilities, inclinations, worldview, etc. In the descriptions of K. Leongard, we are talking about character types ...

Accentuation of character is an excessive manifestation of certain personality traits. As a result, selective vulnerability to some psychogenic influences is observed while maintaining resistance to others.


The concept of "accentuated personality" was introduced by the German psychiatrist, psychopathologist Karl Leonhard. His classification of personalities had much in common with the concept of "latent psychopathy", proposed earlier by the Soviet scientist Pyotr Gannushkin. However, it was developed by Leonhard into an independent theory.

The scientist presented his reflections on the typology of character in the work "Accentuated Personalities". In the first part of the monograph, a classification and analysis of various accentuations is given, in the second, accentuated types are considered on the example of the heroes of classical works of world literature.

Although according to the International Classification of Diseases ICD-10, accentuated personality traits are included in the list of problems associated with difficulties in organizing a normal lifestyle (class 21 / paragraph Z73.1), the presence of accentuation does not equate to a mental disorder!

At first glance, Leonhard's character accentuations are similar to personality disorders, which leads to the assumption that there is a connection between them. However, the scientist only sought to identify those personality traits that bring difficulties to their owners in life. When describing accentuations, Leonhard turned to the negative manifestations of certain character traits in an extreme, most pronounced form. Therefore, his characterization of psychological types is perceived as an illustration of human shortcomings, painful patterns of behavior. However, according to Leonhard, accentuations are still a manifestation of the clinical norm, albeit in a pointed form, therefore they cannot be used as a psychiatric diagnosis.

Psychologists and psychotherapists around the world are actively interested in issues of accentualization, since the disproportionate development of certain personality traits creates conditions for the formation of appropriate mental or psychosomatic disorders.

In Russian psychology, Leonhard's typology was developed and supplemented by the scientist Andrey Lichko, who changed the original term "accentuated personality" to "accentuation of character". After all, an accentuated personality, according to a Soviet psychiatrist, is too complex a concept, more in line with the idea of ​​psychopathy.

Correspondence table of accentuations according to Leonhard and Lichko.


(questionnaire H. Smishek)


(questionnaire PDO)

1. Astheno-neurotic
2. dysthymic
3. Demonstrative hysterical
4. Unstable
5. stuck
6. Pedantic Psychasthenic
7. Schizoid
8. Hyperthymic Hyperthymic
10. Excitable epileptoid
11. Anxious and fearful sensitive
12. Cyclothymic Cycloid
13. Affectively exalted labile hysteroid
14. emotive Labile
15. Conformal
Total 10 12

Types of accentuations

Allocate into separate groups types of temperament and character accentuation according to Leonhard.


To temperament, as a biologically conditioned formation, the scientist attributed six types of accentuations. Let's talk briefly about each of them.

  1. Hyperthymic (hypomanic) temperament. It is characterized by a predominance of an optimistic mood, a thirst for activity, a focus on success, and sociability. In the negative, superficiality develops, the inability to bring the matter to the end. There is a violation of ethical standards, a waste of opportunities.
  2. Dysthymic type (subdepressive). The opposite of hyperthymia. Differs in orientation to failure, pessimism, serious ethical position, extreme passivity in actions, lethargy.
  3. Affectively labile type (cyclomic). It is characterized by a frequent change of hyperthymic and dysthymic states.
  4. Anxious. Characterized by the inability to defend their point of view in the dispute, timidity, timidity, alertness, humility, humiliated position. Compensation is possible in the form of feigned self-confidence or even impudent behavior.
  5. The affective-exalted type is distinguished by the intensity of experiences, violent emotional reactions, and a tendency to extreme manifestations of feelings (enthusiasm, despair). Easily charged with the mood of others.
  6. The emotive type is characterized by the ability to deeply feel, empathize. Differs in impressionability, kindness, compassion.


The classification of character according to Leonhard is represented by four types.

  1. Demonstrative (hysterical) type. The peculiarity of accentuation is a hypertrophied tendency to repress. This explains the property of a hysteric to embellish reality. A person, as it were, enters the desired image, starting to believe his fantasies. Thanks to this trait, it easily adapts to the environment, instilling in itself a feeling of love, sympathy for others. The notorious "need for recognition", as one of the motives of the demonstrative type, is exaggerated. Rather, the passion for self-praise is associated with the ability to displace objective information about oneself. In an ordinary person, if they want to embellish the real state of things, the brakes are turned on. The hysteric tends to forget himself, which often leads to rash acts.
  2. Pedantic character. In contrast to the demonstrative type, the repression mechanism is poorly developed. People with this type of personality are not able to displace doubts, discard irrelevant details of the issue, so they can hardly choose any solution. Hence indecision, scrupulousness in work, hypochondria.
  3. Stuck type. Differs in resistance of affective reactions. A tendency to ideas that completely take over the thinking of a person. Stuck affect is most clearly manifested in the case when the personal interests of a person are affected. The affect in these cases turns out to be a response to wounded pride, as well as to various forms of suppression, although objectively the moral damage may be negligible. As a result, the stuck type develops traits such as suspicion, hostility, jealousy, and morbid ambition.
  4. Excitable type (epileptoid). It is characterized by following the lower instinctive impulses and ignoring the voice of reason. As a result, impulsiveness, intemperance, exactingness, intolerance, irascibility, conflict develop.


Character types according to Leonhard also include extraverted and introverted personality accentuations.

The psychiatrist's understanding of extra-, introversion differs from the popular definitions of these terms by Eysenck and Myers, and Briggs in socionics.

Due to the fact that most psychologists rely on the interpretation of terms according to Eysenck, and psychiatrists - according to Leonhard, such a terminological discrepancy creates a problem in finding a common language between specialists.

According to Leonhard, an extroverted personality type is a conformist who does not subject to special analysis information coming from outside, and therefore easily amenable to other people's influence. An introvert, on the other hand, does not blindly give in to the sensations of the present moment, focusing primarily on previous life experience and his own conclusions. Here, Leonhard's opinion coincides with the point of view of Carl Jung, who attributed the features of thinking types to introverts, and ethical (experiencing) types to extroverts.

Methods for diagnosing personality

Leonhard considered observation and conversation to be the most reliable diagnostic methods. In a personal conversation, the scientist should not study the verbal information coming from the patient, but focus on his facial expressions, changes in the intonation of the voice. The study of the patient's behavior at work, in a relaxed home environment, in communication with other people, according to Leonhard, provides comprehensive information about the characteristics of his personality.

Leonhard's theory of accentuated personalities quickly proved its validity and usefulness. However, its use was limited by the age of the subjects - the questionnaire for determining accentuation is designed for adult subjects. Children and adolescents, having no relevant life experience, could not answer a number of test questions, so it turned out to be difficult to determine their accentuations.

The solution of this problem was taken up by the domestic psychiatrist Andrey Evgenievich Lichko. He modified it for use in childhood and adolescence, revised the descriptions of the types of accentuation, changed the names for some of them and introduced new types. A. E. Lichko considered it more expedient to study accentuations in adolescents, since most of them are formed before adolescence and are most clearly manifested during this period. He expanded the descriptions of accentuated characters with information about the manifestations of accentuations in children and adolescents, and the change in these manifestations as they grow up. Peru A.E. Lichko owns the fundamental monographs "Adolescent Psychiatry", "Psychopathies and Character Accentuations in Adolescents", "Adolescent Narcology".

Accentuations of character from the point of view of A. E. Lichko

A. E. Lichko was the first to suggest replacing the term “personality accentuations” with “character accentuations”, arguing that it is impossible to combine all the personal characteristics of a person by defining only accentuation. Personality is a much broader concept, including worldview, features of upbringing, education, and response to external events. The character, being an external reflection of the type of the nervous system, serves as a narrow characteristic of the characteristics of human behavior.

Accentuations of character according to Lichko are temporary changes in character that change or disappear in the process of growth and development of the child. However, many of them can turn into psychopathy or persist for life. The path of development of accentuation is determined by its severity, the social environment and the type (hidden or explicit) of accentuation.

Like Karl Leonhard, A.E. Lichko considered accentuations to be a variant of character deformation, in which some of its features become excessively pronounced. This increases the sensitivity of the individual to certain types of influences and makes it difficult to adapt in some cases. At the same time, in general, the ability to adapt remains at a high level, and with some types of influences (which do not affect the “places of least resistance”), accentuated individuals cope more easily with ordinary ones.

A.E. Lichko considered accentuations as borderline states between the norm and psychopathy. Accordingly, their classification is based on the typology of psychopathy.

A. E. Lichko identified the following types of accentuations: hyperthymic, cycloid, sensitive, schizoid, hysteroid, conformal, psychasthenic, paranoid, unstable, emotionally labile, epileptoid.

Hyperthymic type

People with this accentuation are great tacticians and bad strategists. Resourceful, enterprising, active, easily oriented in rapidly changing situations. Thanks to this, they can quickly improve their official and social position. However, in a distant time, they often lose their position due to the inability to think through the consequences of their actions, participation in adventures and the wrong choice of comrades.

Active, sociable, enterprising, the mood is always good. Children of this type are mobile, restless, often play pranks. Inattentive and poorly disciplined, teenagers of this type learn in an unstable way. Often there are conflicts with adults. They have many superficial hobbies. They often overestimate themselves, strive to stand out, earn praise.

Cycloid character accentuation according to Lichko is characterized by high irritability and apathy. Children prefer to be alone at home instead of playing with their peers. Hardly experiencing any troubles, irritated in response to comments. The mood changes from good, upbeat, to depressed with a frequency of several weeks.

When growing up, the manifestations of this accentuation usually smooth out, but in a number of individuals they may persist or get stuck for a long time in one stage, more often oppressed melancholy. Sometimes there is a connection of mood changes with the seasons.

sensitive type

It is highly sensitive to both joyful and frightening or sad events. Teenagers do not like active, outdoor games, they do not play pranks, they avoid big companies. They are timid and bashful with strangers, give the impression of being closed. With close friends can be good comrades. They prefer to communicate with people younger or older than them. Obedient, love parents.

Perhaps the development of an inferiority complex or difficulty with adaptation in a team. They make high moral demands on themselves and the team. They have a developed sense of responsibility. Assiduous, prefer complex activities. They are very careful in choosing friends, they prefer older ones.

Schizoid type

Adolescents of this type are closed, they prefer loneliness or the company of elders to communicate with peers. Defiantly indifferent and not interested in communicating with other people. They do not understand the feelings, experiences, the state of others, do not show sympathy. They also prefer not to show their own feelings. Peers often do not understand them, and therefore are hostile to schizoids.

Hysteroids are distinguished by a high need for attention to themselves, egocentrism. Demonstrative, artistic. They do not like it when in their presence they pay attention to someone else or praise others. There is a high need for admiration from others. Adolescents of the hysterical type tend to occupy an exceptional position among their peers, draw attention to themselves, and influence others. Often they become the initiators of various events. At the same time, hysteroids are unable to organize those around them, cannot become an informal leader, or earn authority from their peers.

Conmorphic type

Children and adolescents of the conformal type are distinguished by the lack of their own opinion, initiative, and criticality. They willingly submit to a group or authority. Their attitude to life can be characterized by the words "be like everyone else." At the same time, such teenagers are prone to moralizing and are very conservative. In order to protect their interests, representatives of this type are ready for the most unseemly acts, and all these acts find an explanation and justification in the eyes of a conforming personality.

Psychasthenic type

Adolescents of this type are characterized by a tendency to reflection, introspection, evaluation of the behavior of others. Their intellectual development is ahead of their peers. Their indecisiveness is combined with self-confidence, judgments and views are categorical. In moments when special care and attention are needed, they are prone to impulsive actions. With age, this type changes little. Often they have obsessions that serve as a means of overcoming anxiety. It is also possible to use alcohol or drugs. In relationships, they are petty and despotic, which interferes with normal communication.

paranoid type

The types of character accentuation according to Lichko do not always include this variant of accentuation due to its late development. The main manifestations of the paranoid type appear by the age of 30-40. In childhood and adolescence, such individuals are characterized by epileptoid or schizoid accentuation. Their main feature is an overestimation of their personality, and, accordingly, the presence of overvalued ideas about their exclusivity. These ideas differ from delusional ones in that they are perceived by others as real, albeit exaggerated.

Adolescents show an increased craving for entertainment, idleness. There are no interests, life goals, they do not care about the future. Often they are characterized as "going with the flow".

Emotionally labile type

Children are unpredictable, with frequent and violent mood swings. The reasons for these differences are minor trifles (an oblique look or an unfriendly phrase). During periods of bad mood, they require the support of loved ones. They feel good about themselves around them.

epileptoid type

At an early age, such children are often whiny. In the older one, they offend the younger ones, torture animals, mock those who cannot fight back. They are characterized by dominance, cruelty, pride. In the company of other children, they strive to be not just the main, but the ruler. The groups they govern are brutal, autocratic. However, their power rests to a large extent on the voluntary submission of other children. They prefer the conditions of strict discipline, they know how to please the leadership, to seize prestigious positions that make it possible to exercise power, to establish their own rules.

In addition to the classification of K. Leonhard, in the practice of psychologists and psychiatrists are used accentuation of Lichko's character.

He expanded and supplemented this concept, deduced his own typology of characteristics of pointed personality traits.

Brief background

A. Lichko derived his systematics of character accentuations, based on, G.E. Sukhareva and P. B. Gannushkin.

However, she slightly different.

Classification in the first place for studying adolescence, covers not only accentuations, but also psychopathological deviations of character.

Lichko proposed to replace the term "personality accentuations" with "character accentuations", explaining that personality is a broader concept and cannot be assessed only in terms of accentuations.

Attention in the studies was directed to adolescence, because during this period, various psychopathy begin to manifest itself most clearly.

Types of character accentuation according to Lichko:

Accentuations of character from the point of view of A. E. Lichko

According to Lichko's theory, accentuation is temporary. In the process they may appear and disappear. These changes and personality traits sometimes turn into psychopathy and persist into adulthood.

The direction of development of pointed personality traits is determined by the social environment and the type of accentuation. She happens overt and covert.

According to psychiatrist A. Lichko, accentuations are borderline states between norm and pathology.

Therefore, he built his classification on the basis of the types of psychopathy.

Character accentuations - examples:


The following types of accentuations were distinguished:

  1. Hyperthymic type. Active, restless, poorly controlled by teachers. Flexible, easily adapts to changing situations. Teenagers are prone to conflicts with adults, including teachers. Change is not afraid. The mood is predominantly positive. tend to overestimate their capabilities, so they are able to take risks without hesitation.

    For them, excitement, noisy, active companies and entertainment are acceptable. There are many hobbies, they are superficial.

  2. Cycloid. Characterized by frequent mood swings - from good to bad. They prefer loneliness, being at home, than active entertainment in the company. Adversity is hard to bear. Painfully reacts to criticism and remarks. There is a tendency to, apathy, easily irritated. Change of mood can be tied to the time of year.

    In the process of growing up, the pronounced features of accentuation can be smoothed out, but sometimes it gets stuck at the oppressive-melancholic stage. During the period of recovery, when the mood is good, there is cheerfulness, optimism, high activity, sociability, initiative. In the opposite state - a bad mood - they show increased sensitivity, react sharply to criticism.

  3. sensitive. People of this type are highly sensitive. Adolescents give the impression of being closed, they do not strive for joint games, they are timid. They treat their parents well, behave obediently. Difficulties in adapting in a team are possible. An inferiority complex may develop.

    People of this type have a developed sense of responsibility, make high moral demands on themselves and others.

    Perseverance allows you to successfully engage in painstaking work and complex activities. choose carefully. They prefer to communicate with those who are older.

  4. Schizoid type. There is isolation, the desire to spend time alone, fenced off from the world. They are indifferent to other people and communication with them, which can manifest itself in a defiant avoidance of contact. They lack such a quality as sympathy, they do not show interest in the people around them, there is no empathy and understanding of the feelings of others. do not seek to show people their feelings, so their peers do not understand them, considering them strange.

  5. hysterical. They have a high degree of egocentrism. They need the attention of other people, and they do everything to get it. Demonstrative and artistic. They worry if attention is paid not to them, but to someone else. They should be admired - one of the important needs of the individual. Hysteroids become the initiator of events and events, but they themselves are not able to clearly organize them. It is also problematic for them to earn authority among their peers, despite the fact that they strive for leadership. They need praise in their address, but criticism is perceived painfully. Feelings are shallow.

    Prone to deceit, fantasies, pretense. Often they show a demonstrative type of suicide in an attempt to attract attention and earn the sympathy of others.

  6. Conformal type. Teenagers with a similar accentuation easily obey the will of other people. They do not have their own opinion, they follow the group. The basic principle is to be, to act like everyone else. At the same time, they are conservative. If they need to protect their interests, they will do anything, finding an excuse for them. prone to betrayal. Finds a way to survive in the team, adapting to it and adapting to the leader.
  7. psychasthenic type. Differs in indecision, unwillingness to take responsibility. They are prone to introspection, they are critical in evaluating their personality and actions. They have high mental abilities, ahead of their peers. In behavior, impulsiveness and thoughtlessness of actions can be observed. Accurate and prudent, calm enough, but at the same time indecisive and not capable of active actions, where risk and responsibility are required.

    To relieve tension, they tend to use alcohol or drugs. Psychasthenics manifest themselves arbitrarily in personal relationships, which can ultimately lead to their destruction. They are also prone to pettiness.

  8. Unstable. They show little interest in learning, which causes a lot of excitement for parents and teachers. They have a penchant for entertainment. There are no life goals, they live one day, they are not interested in anything. The main features are frivolity, laziness, idleness. They are not interested in work. They do not like to be controlled, they strive for complete freedom. Open to communication, communicative, love to talk. They are prone to different types of addictions. Often fall into dangerous companies.
  9. Emotionally labile type. Abrupt, unpredictable mood swings. Any trifle, up to an incorrectly thrown glance or a spoken word, can serve as a reason for changes in the emotional state.

    The type is sensitive, needs support, especially during periods of bad mood.

    Treats peers well. It has sensitivity, understands the attitude and mood of others. Strongly attached to people.

  10. epileptoid type. One of the pronounced character traits is cruelty, they tend to offend the younger and weaker animals. He prefers to make friends and communicate with adults, the need to establish communication with peers causes discomfort. At an early age, they show traits of capriciousness, tearfulness, and require attention.

    They have self-esteem and a desire for power. If they become the boss, subordinates are kept in fear. Of all the accentuations, it is considered the most dangerous personality type, as it has a high degree of cruelty. If it is necessary to make a career and achieve a high position, they are able to please the top management, adapt to its requirements, while not forgetting their own interests.

  11. Asthenoneurotic type. Show discipline and responsibility. However, they have a high degree of fatigue, this is especially noticeable during monotonous activities or the need to participate in competitive work. Drowsiness, fatigue can occur for no apparent reason. In manifestations of accentuation, irritability, increased suspiciousness, and hypochondria are noticeable.

    There is a possibility of emotional breakdowns, especially if events do not happen the way asthenics want. Irritability is replaced by remorse.

In addition to pronounced types, there can also be observed mixed characters.

Table of character accentuations:

Where is the technique used?

Lichko test expanded to 143 questions. Focused more on children and teenagers.

used to identify obvious problems and accentuations in character, allows you to predict the appearance of psychopathy, start correcting negative states in a timely manner, and identify dangerous personalities.

Lichko believed that it was important to study accentuations already in adolescence, since the majority during this period manifests itself most clearly and is formed. up to adolescence.

The use of methods of diagnosing, testing, conversation allows identify the problem in a timely manner and develop a corrective program.

How to identify character accentuations? Psychologist's comment:

Accentuated people are called extraordinary personalities, and in some situations when they are not able to maintain constructive interaction - people with oddities. Due to the large number of criteria of norm and pathology, in psychology there is no strictly defined framework between normal and accentuated behavior. Excessively manifested character traits are an extreme degree of the norm: they are on the border with psychopathology if their severity does not reach clinical manifestations.

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The essence of the phenomenon

Character is a set of stable personality traits, which is expressed in the specifics of interpersonal interactions, attitude towards oneself, work and lifestyle in general. Character along with temperament reflects the type of human nervous system. It is observed in communication and various activities, determines the significant actions of a person and his behavior in familiar and non-standard circumstances.

The accentuation of character is manifested in deviations of a person's behavioral reactions associated with his psyche. This is a kind of distortion of character, when some of its features are especially pronounced. A person becomes overly sensitive to certain types of psychological influences, which makes it difficult or even in some situations impossible to interact with others. Such deviations are considered the norm, although they are on the verge of pathology.

For example, anxiety as a character trait is present in almost all people. It manifests itself when a person finds himself in a non-standard situation, a new environment.

But if behavior is characterized by unmotivated anxiety, constant concern for oneself and loved ones, and this affects his relationships with other people and work, then there is an accentuation of character. There is no reason to talk about mental pathology in this person. But in adverse life circumstances, accentuation can lead to deviation from the norm, the development of anxiety neurosis and psychosomatic disorders.

Accentuations are most pronounced in adolescents and in early adolescence. 12–18 years is a period of character formation, with which the concept of “youthful maximalism” is associated: polarity of thinking (“all or nothing”), excessive emotionality, categoricalness, lack of flexibility and ability to compromise.

Often, accentuations are temporary and gradually disappear as a teenager matures, gaining experience in constructive interaction with others and problem solving.

There are two degrees of character accentuation:

  1. 1. Explicit accentuation is close to psychopathology, this is the extreme limit of the norm. The character trait is expressed excessively, it can create problems in communication and work. In adverse circumstances (conflict, stress) manifests itself in inappropriate behavior, maladaptation. With age, the feature is slightly smoothed out, compensated, but is demonstrated quite clearly. A person is sufficiently socially adapted if his activity corresponds to his capabilities and abilities.
  2. 2. Hidden accentuation is a variant of the norm. The person is well socialized. In a familiar environment, a character trait is expressed weakly, but it manifests itself brightly or unexpectedly for others in stressful situations, specific circumstances, and psychological trauma.

Accentuation largely affects the choice of occupation and determines how comfortable a person will feel in a team.

Typology of characters A. E. Lichko

There are classifications of character types of domestic and foreign authors: E. Kretschmer, W. Sheldon, E. Fromm, K. Leonhard, A. E. Lichko. A reliable typology of the accentuated characters of adults was developed by the German psychiatrist Karl Leonhard in 1968. Psychiatrist Andrei Evgenievich Lichko in 1977 revised his questionnaire in order to determine accentuations in childhood and adolescence. This was rational, since many accentuations develop in childhood or adolescence.

Lichko's typology is also widely used to identify accentuations in adults. Lichko believed that these are temporary states of the psyche that can change or even disappear over time. However, many of them persist for life and can develop into pathology. It depends on the severity of accentuation, lifestyle and upbringing of a person, life circumstances and social environment.

In each type of accentuation, there are “pain points” that are characteristic only for it and do not coincide with other types. Therefore, accentuations are clearly expressed only in certain situations aimed at the “pain points” of this particular type of character. Difficulties that do not affect weak points do not cause disturbances in emotional reactions, therefore, accented individuals are able to solve tasks outside the “weak link” even better than others.

The table shows 11 types of character accentuation according to Lichko. Some names are derived from the names of mental illnesses (schizoid, hysteroid, etc.), but this should not be embarrassing: character accentuation is not psychopathology.

Type of accentuation Positive features Weak spots
LabileRich sensual sphere. The need for empathy, signs of attention, sincere friendship. Sociability, kindness, responsiveness. Preference for communication with peers or elders, choice of ward statusExcessive affectivity: a violent immediate reaction to the situation, a sharp change in mood under the influence of an external situation (even the most insignificant), a difficult experience of separation, loss
HyperthymicActivity, ingenuity, resourcefulness, sociability. Ability to navigate new and changing situations. Mobility, the predominance of good moodKnowledge of the rules, but inability to follow them fully. The inability to think through the consequences of their actions. Propensity to risk, participation in adventures, promiscuity in the choice of friends. The surface of hobbies. The desire to brag, inflated self-esteem. Children have restlessness, pranks, bad discipline
sensitiveResponsibility, reliability, ability to perform complex activities that require perseverance and patience. In communication, preference is given to companies younger or older. Obedience in childhood, tender attitude towards parentsExcessive sensitivity to both joyful and sad events. Avoidance of vigorous activity, games, large companies. Shyness and shyness in an unfamiliar society, isolation, inability to make acquaintances, difficulties with adaptation
Cycloid (cyclothymic)In the lifting phase, there are many similarities with the hyperthymic typeChange of mood from good to depressed with a frequency of several weeks to match the season. In the decline phase, a high degree of irritability, apathy. Preference for solitude over companionship. Heavy experiences of even minor troubles, failure. Rejection of criticism, comments
SchizoidReliability, reticence, seriousness, constancy of interests. The need for honesty and sincerityClosure, detachment, demonstrative indifference to the state of others. Preference for loneliness, dwelling in the world of their fantasies. Difficulties in the sensual sphere, misunderstanding of experiences, inability to sympathize, show emotions. Problems in communication
hystericalActivity, communication, dedication, perseverance, initiative, sense of humor, various emotions. EmpathyThe need to attract attention, admiration from others. Demonstrativeness, excessive emotionality and theatricality of behavior, jealousy, egocentrism, cowardice. Initiative combined with an inability to organize, a pronounced desire to shock others
Astheno-neuroticDiscipline, accuracy. High degree of emotionality, intelligenceFatigue (especially during mental work), tendency to hypochondria, irritability due to fatigue. Increased excitability, hotness. Unmotivated outbursts of discontent and emotional breakdowns
PsychasthenicAccuracy, reliability, attentiveness, prudence. The tendency to reflection, reflection, introspection. The mood is even. The ability to critically assess situations. High level of intelligenceFear of responsibility and making mistakes. Peremptory. Pettiness, self-confidence, despotism. Tendency to obsessive thoughts and ideas
ConformalFriendliness, the desire to avoid conflicts, discipline, constancy, good mannersLack of own opinion, lack of initiative, inability to critically assess. Tendency to obey, fear to stand out, the desire to be like everyone else. Intolerance to cardinal changes, excessive conservatism, rigidity, stereotyped, banal
epileptoidAccuracy, adherence to principles, attentiveness, discipline, frugalityExcessive excitability, tearfulness, internal tension, irritability. Inertia, perfectionism, pettiness, jealousy. The desire for dominance, dominance, pride. Periods of wickedly dreary mood. Outbursts of anger, manifestation of cruelty, aggressiveness
UnstableCommunication, openness, helpfulnessPropensity to idleness, laziness, unwillingness to work, carry out assignments. Lack of life goals, rejection of control. addiction, weak will

Application of the classification

Knowledge of the types of accentuation (based on psychodiagnostic methods) makes it possible to choose the most suitable type of activity or profession, to build conflict-free relationships. This information is used in the development of programs for psychotherapeutic rehabilitation, increasing the effectiveness of various types of psychotherapy (individual, group, directive, art therapy, etc.), in order to facilitate social adaptation.

The type of character accentuation must be considered:

  • parents;
  • HR managers, company executives;
  • teachers, psychologists, social workers;
  • medical workers.

Accentuated individuals should be engaged in the business that will allow them to be "in their place."

For example, hyperthymic and hysteroid types are called demonstrative. They are distinguished by the ability to tell well, are highly active, able to convince, and hysteroids are able to adapt to the interlocutor, quickly navigate the situation. Such people can work in sales, teaching, television and theater. And they will not cope with the duties of an analyst or with research activities. A persistent and stubborn epileptoid will ardently convince his superiors of the benefits of a new project. The psychasthenic type loves to do work that requires precision and accuracy.

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