What character traits unite the boar and the wild. The image and characteristics of the Kabanikh in the play "Thunderstorm" by Ostrovsky: a description of the character, a portrait in quotes


In 1856, A. N. Ostrovsky traveled along the Volga. The impressions of the trip are reflected in his work, "Thunderstorm" is also written based on this trip. This is a story about a merchant's wife, brought up in strictness and morality, who fell in love with a young man. Having cheated on her husband, she is unable to hide it. Having publicly repented of treason, she rushes into the Volga.

In contact with

The controversial image of Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova

The play is built on the juxtaposition of two strong opposite characters: Ekaterina and Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova. In fact, they have a lot in common: the primacy of the patriarchal world, the maximalism inherent in both, strong characters. Despite their religiosity, they do not compromise and are not inclined to mercy. This is where their similarities end. They are at different poles of the patriarchal world. Kabanikha is an earthly woman, she is concerned about keeping order to the smallest detail. She is not interested in human relations. The patriarchal way of life for Katerina lies in dreaminess, spirituality.

The image of Kabanikh in the play "Thunderstorm" is one of the central. She is a widow left with two children, Varvara and Tikhon. She can rightly be called harsh and merciless for Tikhon's reproaches that he loves his mother less than his wife Katerina, and constantly strives to get away from the will of his mother.

The predominant property of Kabanikhi's personality can be called despotism, but not madness. Each of her requirements for others, whether it be her son or daughter-in-law, is subject to the moral and everyday code "Domostroy". Therefore, she firmly believes in the principles of which it speaks, and considers their unswerving observance right. Referring to Domostroy's concepts, she believes that children should honor their parents so much that the will of the children does not matter. Relations between spouses should be built on the wife's fear of her husband, unquestioning obedience to him.

Boar in the speech of strangers

The characterization of Kabanikha is understandable to the reader, thanks to the statements of the characters in the play. The first mention of Marfa Ignatievna comes from the lips of Feklusha. This is a poor wanderer who is grateful to her for her kindness and generosity. In contrast, Kuligin's words sound that she is generous to the poor, and not to her relatives. After these brief characteristics, the reader is introduced to Kabanikha. Kuligin's words are confirmed. The mother finds fault with the words of her son and daughter-in-law. Even with her meekness and sincerity, Katerina does not inspire confidence in her. In the direction of the son, reproaches fly for the lack of love for the mother.

Opinion about Kabanova members of her family

One of the most emotional moments in the play scene of seeing off son Tikhon. The boar reproaches him for not bowing at his mother's feet, and does not say goodbye to his wife in the way he should. Katerina, after Tikhon's departure, according to Kabanikha, should show her love for him - howl and lie on the porch. The younger generation violates all customs and traditions, and this leads Kabanikha to sad reflections.

Katerina, the daughter-in-law, gets it more than anyone else. Any of her words is cut off by sharp attacks and remarks. Noticing affection, and not fear, in dealing with Tikhon, Kabanikha reproaches her with malice. Her ruthlessness reaches its limit after Katerina's confession. In her opinion, the daughter-in-law deserves to be buried alive in the ground.

Boar contemptuous of Katherine, considering her an example of how irreverently young people treat the older generation. Most of all, she is burdened by the thought that she can be left without power. Her behavior leads to the play's tragic ending. In the suicide committed by Katerina, there is also her fault. The daughter-in-law endured humiliation in her address for a long time and once could not stand it.

Obeying the orders of a crazy mother Tikhon becomes a spineless creature. The daughter runs away, tired of the constant interference of the parent in her personal life. The old way of life with true high morality disappears from life, leaving only a dead, oppressive shell. The young characters of the play pretend to keep the patriarchal commandments. Tikhon pretends to love his mother, Varvara goes on secret dates, only Katerina is tormented by conflicting feelings.

Marfa Ignatievna is busy with earthly affairs. She considers herself fair, because, in her opinion, the severity of parents will be reflected in the best way on children - they will learn to be kind. But the old way of life is collapsing, the patriarchal order is disappearing. This is a tragedy for Marfa Ignatievna. However, irascibility and folly are not in her character. She is unhappy with the temper of her godfather Wild. With her willful behavior and complaints about the Dikoy family, she irritates her.

The boar is devoted to the traditions of her family and ancestors and honors them without judging, judging or complaining about them. If you live according to the will of your fathers, this will lead to peace and order on earth. There is religiosity in the character of Kabanikh. She believes that a person will go to hell for committing evil deeds, but at the same time she does not consider herself guilty of anything. Humiliating others at the expense of her wealth and power is in the order of things for her.

Kabanikhe characterized by dominance, cruelty and confidence in the correctness of their views. In her opinion, maintaining the old order will be able to save her house from the unrest that is happening outside of her house. Therefore, rigidity and hardness are manifested in her character more and more clearly. And having eradicated his own, superfluous emotions, he cannot bear their manifestation in others. For disobedience to her words, the closest people are punished with cold-blooded humiliation and insults. At the same time, this does not apply to strangers, with them she is pious and respectful.

Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova is an ambiguous character, it is difficult to feel sorry or just condemn her. On the one hand, she hurts her family members, and on the other, she firmly believes in the correctness of her behavior. Thus, the negative qualities of the character of Kabanikha can be called:

  • cruelty;
  • authority;
  • composure.

And the positive ones:

  • strong unshakable character;
  • religiosity;
  • "kindness and generosity to strangers."

“And they do not lock themselves from thieves, but so that people do not see,
how they eat their own household food, but they tyrannize their families.

As Dobrolyubov correctly noted, Ostrovsky in one of his plays depicts a truly "dark kingdom" - the world of tyranny, betrayal and stupidity. The action of the drama takes place in the city of Kalinov, which stands on the banks of the Volga. There is a certain symbolic parallelism in the location of the city: the rapid flow of the river is opposed to the atmosphere of stagnation, lack of rights and oppression. It seems that the city is isolated from the outside world. Residents learn the news thanks to the stories of wanderers. Moreover, these news are of very dubious, and sometimes completely absurd content. Kalinovtsy blindly believe the stories of crazy old people about unrighteous countries, lands that fell from heaven and rulers with dog heads. People are used to living in fear not only of the world, but also of the rulers of the "dark kingdom". This is their comfort zone, which no one intends to leave. If, in principle, everything is clear with the townsfolk, then what about the above-mentioned rulers?

In "Thunderstorm" Dikoy and Boar represent the "dark kingdom". They are the masters and creators of this world. The tyranny of the Wild and Boar knows no bounds.

In the city, power does not belong to the mayor at all, but to the merchants, who, thanks to their connections and profits, were able to get the support of higher authorities. They mock the philistines and deceive the common people. In the text of the work, this image is embodied in Savl Prokofyevich Dik, a middle-aged merchant who keeps everyone in fear, lends at huge interest rates and deceives other merchants. In Kalinov, his cruelty is legendary. No one, except Curly, can respond to Wild in a proper way, and the merchant actively uses this. He asserts himself through humiliation and mockery, and the feeling of impunity only increases the degree of cruelty. “Already such a scolder as Savel Prokofich is with us, look for more! For no reason will a person be cut off ”- this is how the residents themselves say about Diky. It is interesting that Wild takes out his anger only on those whom he knows, or on the inhabitants of the city - weak-willed and downtrodden. This is evidenced by the episode of the quarrel between Diky and the hussar: the hussar scolded Savl Prokofievich so much that he did not say a word, but then all the household “hid in attics and basements” for two weeks.

Enlightenment and new technologies simply cannot penetrate Kalinov. Residents are distrustful of all innovations. So, in one of the last appearances, Kuligin tells Diky about the benefits of a lightning rod, but he does not want to listen. Wild is only rude to Kuligin and says that it is impossible to earn money in an honest way, which once again proves that he did not receive his wealth through daily efforts. A negative attitude towards change is a common feature of Wild and Kabanikh. Marfa Ignatievna stands up for the observance of old traditions. It is important for her how they enter the house, how they express feelings, how they go for a walk. At the same time, neither the internal content of such actions, nor other problems (for example, her son's alcoholism) bother her. Tikhon's words that the hugs of his wife are enough for him seem unconvincing to Marfa Ignatievna: Katerina must “howl” when she says goodbye to her husband and throw herself at his feet. By the way, the outward ritual and attribution is characteristic of Marfa Ignatievna's life position as a whole. In the same way, a woman treats religion, forgetting that in addition to weekly trips to church, faith must come from the heart. In addition, Christianity in the minds of these people was mixed with pagan superstitions, which can be seen in the scene with a thunderstorm.

Kabanikha believes that the whole world rests on those who observe the old laws: “something will happen when the old people die, I don’t know how the light will stand.” She convinces the merchant of this as well. From the dialogue between Wild and Boar you can see a certain hierarchy in their relationship. Savl Prokofievich recognizes the unspoken leadership of Kabanikha, her strength of character and intelligence. Dikoi understands that he is incapable of such manipulative tantrums that Marfa Ignatievna arranges for her family every day.

Comparative characteristics of the Wild and Boar from the play "Thunderstorm" is also quite interesting. Dikoy's despotism is directed more towards the outside world - towards the inhabitants of the city, only relatives suffer from the tyranny of Marfa Ignatievna, and in society a woman maintains the image of a respectable mother and housewife. Marfa Ignatievna, like Diky, is not at all embarrassed by gossip and talk, because both are sure that they are right. Neither one nor the other cares about the happiness of loved ones. Family relationships for each of these characters must be built on fear and oppression. This is especially clear in the behavior of Kabanova.

As can be seen from the examples above, there are similarities and differences between Kabanikh and Diky. But most of all they have in common a sense of permissiveness and an unshakable conviction that this is how everything should be.

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The action of Ostrovsky's drama takes place in the fictitious city of Kalinovo on the banks of the Volga, where the traditional way of life reigns. The city has beautiful nature, but callousness and ignorance, anger, drunkenness and depravity reign among the inhabitants of this area. And the worst thing is that people are used to it. They had such a way of life, and if a normal person got to them, then he could not stay there for a long time. As in every literary work, there are positive and negative characters in Ostrovsky's play "Thunderstorm". The negative, first of all, are the mother-in-law of the main character Katerina - Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova and uncle Boris, Katerina's beloved, Savel Prokofievich Dikoy.

In the play, these heroes are rarely called by their first names and patronymics, they are more called and. What these characters have in common is that they are both cruel and heartless people, but their love of money unites them. Relationships of people, according to their worldview, are based only on wealth. They, as they want, mock their household, forcing them to live in constant fear.

Wild put himself above everyone around him, and they are afraid of him and do not even try to resist it. He shows permissiveness, because in Kalinin there is no one who could resist him. Wild is convinced of his impunity and considers himself the master of life.

The boar covers disrespectful behavior with a mask of virtue. She is a strong and powerful person, she is little interested in emotions and feelings. As a person of the old formation, Kabanova is interested in earthly affairs and interests. Her requirements are the unquestioning fulfillment of order and rank.

Wild, as well as Kabanova, can be considered representatives of a certain part of the merchant class who behaved inappropriately. Such people cannot be called pious. But it cannot be said that the Russian merchants of the 19th century were the prototype of Kabanikha and Dikiy. In the same drama, Ostrovsky shows that Boris's father was the brother of Diky, but being brought up in the same family, he was different from the merchant Diky. Boris's father was married to a girl of noble origin, and he had a completely different life than his despotic brother.

Kabanova is also shown as a typical representative of the merchant class. Being the head of the family, the mother of Tikhon, Varvara and the mother-in-law of Katerina, she constantly harasses her loved ones with her behavior. Maybe she loved her children in her own way, but how can a normal mother behave like that? Probably not. The drama contains a description of Katerina's childhood story. Katerina's parents were also from the merchant class, but Katerina's mother was a sensitive, kind and sympathetic woman. She loved and cared for her daughter very much.

Ostrovsky took the plot for his play from real life, but the city was given the fictitious name Kalinov. Many Volga cities believed that the play "Thunderstorm" was written based on the events that took place in their city. Now for some reason they believe that this is the city of Kostroma.

Tyranny and Ignorance in the drama by A. N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm"

1. Realism of the drama "Thunderstorm".

2. Portrait of Savel Prokofievich Wild.

3. Boar - the head of the "dark kingdom".

4. Completion of power Tyranny and ignorance in the drama of A. N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm"

The idea of ​​creating the drama "Thunderstorm" came to Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky in 1859 after a long journey through the Volga cities. It is generally accepted that the prototype of the main character of this play - Katerina Kabanova - was a real-life woman, Alexandra Klykova. The story of her life was very similar to the fate of Katerina. Of interest is the fact that Ostrovsky completed his work about a month before Klykova drowned herself in the Volga, unable to withstand the bullying of her relatives. This circumstance, of course, indicates that the author very clearly and realistically showed in the drama "Thunderstorm" a tough conflict taking place between different generations in the same merchant family.

Tyranny and ignorance in the drama of A. N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" shown by the author with the help of two very vivid images - Savel Prokofievich Diky and Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova ("Boars"), the mother-in-law of the main character.

Wild - one of the typical representatives of the provincial wealthy merchants. This is a person who has certain rights in the city and believes that he is allowed, if not everything, then a lot. This is evidenced by the following statement:

Kuligin. Why, sir, Savel Prokofievich, do you want to offend an honest man?

Wild. Report, or something, I'll give you! I don’t give an account to anyone more important than you ...

Further, Ostrovsky points out that tyranny, the unworthy behavior of Wild is not at all a vicious quality, but a natural property of his "hot masterful heart." The trouble with Savel Prokofievich is that he does not make any attempts to curb his indomitable temper, and therefore he does whatever he wants with impunity.

Surrounding people perceive Savel Prokofievich ambiguously. For example, Kuligin argues that Diky should yield in everything so as not to run into rudeness, but Kudryash quite reasonably objects to him: “... who will please him if his whole life is built on swearing? And most of all because of the money; not a single calculation can do without scolding ... ".

But no capital, no means can contribute to the enrichment of the spiritual life of the Wild. Despite the unshakable conviction of his own rightness, he quickly turns his tail, colliding by chance with a more significant person. At the same time, self-criticism is not at all alien to him: for example, having shouted at an innocent peasant who brought him firewood during Lent, he publicly apologized to the offended so as not to take sin on his soul. But this "good" act is just another whim of a rich tyrant, and not sincere repentance.

Savel Prokofievich's life is built around money, capital - in his opinion, everything good can be bought, and money should be given away "just like that" only in exceptional cases. He himself directly says this: "I will give back, but I will scold."

Unlike Diky, Marfa Ignatyevna Kabanova, whom others call "Kabanikha", adheres to the established norms of the old morality, or rather, its worst side. Observing the rules and laws of Domostroy, she scrupulously selects only those that are beneficial to her, not paying attention to the rest. Unfortunately, she does not observe the most important, key law - you cannot condemn people who accidentally sinned, you should first of all think about your own sins and take care of it. The boar, on the other hand, finds negative aspects in everything - even at the moment of Katerina’s farewell to her husband, who is leaving on business on the afternoon of the week, the unkind mother-in-law finds a reason for a malicious statement: “Why are you hanging around your neck, shameless! 11th you say goodbye to your lover! He is your husband, head! Al order do not know? Bow down at your feet!" At the same time, Marfa Ignatievna treats her son too harshly, imposing her own views, not allowing him to live independently.

Perhaps such despotism, the desire for unlimited power over the household was not the main character trait of Kabanova. She tried with all her might to maintain strict order in the house, to manage not only the household, but also human relationships. Unfortunately, due to its ignorance, it is not able to delicately resolve emerging conflicts, aggravating the tense situation even more with its dictatorship. The opinion of strangers is indifferent to her; she does not know how to learn from her own mistakes.

The tragic denouement of the drama "Thunderstorm" is the suicide of Katerina, tired of the constant oppression of her mother-in-law, emotional stress, constant excuses due to fictitious sins and "wrong" actions. This is not just a departure from a disgusted life, but, above all, an unconscious challenge to that power Selfishness and ignorance which governs the surrounding world, a protest against the imposed false "morality". And even Katerina's husband, downtrodden and depressed by his mother, Tikhon, understands this. Leaning over the body of his drowned wife, he says: “Good for you, Katya! And why am I left to live in the world and suffer! He begins to understand the depravity and insincerity of the relations prevailing in his family, but his soft, weak-willed nature does not allow him to decide on a serious act, to resist psychological pressure.

Tikhon's words make us understand that life in the "dark kingdom", where tyranny and ignorance rule, is worse than death. Otherwise, how can living people envy the departed, especially suicides (after all, according to the laws of the Orthodox Church, voluntary “escape” from life is one of the gravest sins)? And the very existence of this vicious circle is coming to an end. A normal person cannot exist in an atmosphere of oppression, resentment, ignorance and false morality, which means that liberation from the power of Kabanikha and her ilk is nearing.

The play by A. N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" was written in 1859. However, interest in it does not decrease even today. What makes this little piece so relevant? What problems does the playwright raise in the work?

In the center of the story is a social conflict, reflecting the confrontation between the old and new forces. A vivid personification of the old world are Savel Prokofievich Dikoy and Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova.
These are typical representatives of the society that the critic Dobrolyubov rightly and aptly called the “dark kingdom”. The despotism of these people knows no bounds. They, like an octopus, spreading their tentacles, seek to extend their power to those around them.

The prosperous merchant Dikoy cannot but evoke angry rejection. He has enough influence in Kalinov. He is known to the townspeople as a brawler and a miser. Swearing has become an integral part of it. Savel Prokofievich cannot live a day without moralizing speeches. He will always find the object of attacks, whether it be relatives, nephew or employees. He is very strict with all household members, does not allow anyone to breathe freely.

One can always recognize the formidable notes of instructiveness in his tone.

Wild to obscenely greedy. He puts his nephews in a humiliating position, not wanting to give them the inheritance bequeathed by his grandmother. In an effort to extract his own benefit, he negotiates the conditions. So, Boris, in order not to anger his uncle, should behave respectfully, carry out all his instructions, endure his tyranny. Wild will always find something to complain about. Dejected Boris does not really believe that his uncle will fulfill his grandmother's will.

Not inferior to Wild in ignorance, rudeness and Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova. Everyone in the house moans from her.

The boar keeps everyone in complete submission.

Obedience became the norm for her son. Mother's control turns Tikhon into a wordless shadow that has nothing to do with the concept of "man". He cannot even protect his wife from the despotism of his mother.

Daughter Varvara Kabanikha brought to the point that she was forced to lie to her all the time, because she did not want to live according to the laws established by her mother.

Katerina becomes the real victim of Kabanikh's despotism.

The mother-in-law believes that the daughter-in-law should unquestioningly obey her husband in everything. The manifestation of one's own will is unacceptable. Moreover, it is punishable! Her savagery, ignorance and despotism persistently formed in her mind the idea that a husband should “educate” his wife by beatings. There should not be any warm, human relations between them. Kindness to his wife is, according to Marfa Ignatievna, a manifestation of weakness. The daughter-in-law is obliged to fawn before her husband, to serve him and his mother.

Thus, the "cruel morals" of the city of Kalinov have their inspirers, who are represented by the images of the Wild and Boar.

Option 2

A.N. Ostrovsky reflects in The Thunderstorm the world of tyranny, tyranny and stupidity. And also the reality of people who do not resist this evil. The literary critic Dobrolyubov called all this the "dark kingdom". And this concept stuck.

The action of the play takes place in the Volga city of Kalinov. The name is taken fictitious. What is described in prose was the reality of all Russian cities of that time. And the settlement, fenced off from the outside world by a large river, is even more closed and conservative. Therefore, the inhabitants learn about everything from holy fools. And they believe that rulers with dog heads live somewhere, the people are even more oppressed. And that means they are still doing well. And we must pray for the local "benefactors".

Kalinov's "dark kingdom" rests on two people: Dikoy and Kabanikha. Self-will, selfishness, unlimited rudeness, rigidity, love of power are the common features of these two personalities. These are stupid and despotic people. They are the strength and power in this city. Even the mayor will not contradict them. Savel Prokofievich is a wealthy merchant, "whose whole life is based on swearing." Every day he tyrannizes, humiliates, scolds someone. And if a person comes across over whom the Wild has no power and he is answered with the same abuse, then he takes out all the anger on his family. They will not answer, the family is defenseless before him. The merchant's wife, his children and nephew Boris, who suffers the most, suffer and are afraid.

The hero is also despotic in relation to his workers. Wild is very greedy. He does not tolerate at all when they talk to him about money. Even if he himself understands that he must pay a person or repay a debt. Rarely does the master pay what is due to the peasants. And happy with it. He even explains to the mayor what profit he has if he does not pay extra to each employee. And he punishes his nephew to work. And the salary will be in a year, how much the uncle wants to give. Self-interest is its main distinguishing feature. This man only respects the rich. Anyone who is below him in material terms, he brutally humiliates.

The boar, on the contrary, cannot be called greedy. Marfa Ignatieva is generous in public and even to some extent kind. He welcomes wanderers and praying women at home. Feeds them, gives alms. Everything so that these old people praise her in public, it amuses her pride. Tikhon's mother is no less capricious and selfish than Wild. And he also likes to assert himself by belittling other people's dignity. She shows self-will and excesses only in the family. Kindness to strangers, but domestic "stuck with food." Whereas Savel Prokofievich does not make an exception for anyone. That's just the emotional torture of Kabanova is much more sophisticated. Even her own son she turned into a weak-willed creature. And the worst thing is that she is sure that she is right. She's older, wiser and knows everything better. Who else will teach the youth? They have no mind of their own, they must live with the mind of their parents. So what she does is not tyranny and tyranny. A manifestation of maternal love and care.

Dikoy and Boar differ only in their approach to the humiliation of others. They understand that they are, in fact, weak and may lose power. Therefore, people are clamped in a vise. So that no one would even think of resisting them.

Wild and Boar in the story of Groz Ostrovsky

The play "Thunderstorm" by Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky shows the main characters and the clash between them, associated with their different views on the world, dissimilar ideas and values. The work proves that life is constantly changing with the passage of time. Representatives of the "dark kingdom", the merchant Dikoy and Kabanikha, live according to the house-building order, which dictates patriarchal norms, old traditions to the new generation, which leads to the emergence of interpersonal conflict in the work.

The boar, the merchant's widow Marfa Kabanova, appears before the reader as a tyrant and a hypocrite. Being a conservative due to his illiteracy, he does not know and does not even think that it is possible to live somehow differently, he actively preaches his ideals, since he believes that the eldest in the family is the main one (based on the norms of patriarchy). Kabanova understands that the patriarchal way of life is collapsing, so the poet imposes it even harder, this serves as a further reason for the collapse of the family.

The boar tries to keep the old, because of which he absolutely does not see real feelings and does not experience them, suppresses them in others. She is ashamed that Katerina shows feelings for her son openly, since she considers it unacceptable to “hang” on her husband’s neck, makes her bow at his feet. She speaks in an imperative tone with rude expressions, believing that she has the right to indicate because she is the eldest, the main one in the house. Maximalist, never makes concessions, does not tolerate will, believing in the customs of antiquity.

The merchant of the Wild is also a representative of the "dark kingdom", a supporter of the Kabanikha. But his image has several differences from the image of Kabanikha. Wild tyranny lies in the worship of money. A stingy egoist who seeks profit in everything, when he suffers losses, then loses his temper, gets irritated, perceives this as a punishment.

A.N. Ostrovsky shows Dikoy’s lack of education in the scene of a dialogue with Kuligin, a self-taught mechanic, who proposes to install a lightning rod, but Dikoy, who believes that a thunderstorm is sent as punishment, starts shouting at Kuligin. The abuse of this hero is his kind of protection. Wild used to intimidate everyone, suppress others, a sense of power over others brings him confidence, pleasure.

It should be noted that A. N. Ostrovsky endowed the heroes with "speaking" surnames, which make it possible to reveal the essence of their rude, absurd characters.

Thus, the problem of the existence of representatives of the “dark kingdom”, who are trying to keep petrified forms of life, finds a place in Russian classical literature, affects not only everyday life in the work, but covers other areas of life, develops into a larger conflict.

Sample 4

The provincial town of Kalinov, where the action of the play "Thunderstorm" takes place, is located on the high bank of the Volga. It would seem that the life of the inhabitants of the city against the backdrop of a beautiful landscape should have flowed calmly and evenly. But it's not. Behind the outward calmness lie cruel morals. Kuligin, a self-taught mechanic, telling Boris about the plight of ordinary residents of the city, says: “But what do the rich do? .. Do you think they do business or pray to God? No, sir! And they don’t lock themselves up from thieves, but so that people don’t see how they eat their own household and tyrannize their family! .. "

Depicting the life and customs of the city, A.N. Ostrovsky denounces the masters of life in the person of the merchants Diky and Kabanikhi.

Savel Profiich Wild - despot, ignorant, rude. He demands unquestioning obedience from all. His family suffers: they hide from the wrath of the Wild One so as not to catch his eye. Boris, Dikiy's nephew, who is financially dependent on him, has the hardest time of all. Wild holds the whole city in his hands, mocks people. Humiliates Kuligin when he asks him for money for a sundial for the city. Money is everything for Wild, he cannot part with it. For the sake of money, he is ready to go to deceit and fraud. He underpays his employees. Complaining about Wild is useless, he is on friendly terms with the mayor himself. For rudeness and swearing, the clerk Kudryash calls Wild "a shrill peasant."

Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova - the head of the Kabanovs' house, a tyrant and despot. In the house, everything always happens only by her will. She completely controls the family and keeps the whole house at bay. Kabanikha is an ardent supporter of the old foundations of life, customs and rituals. She says that Domostroy should be observed, but she herself takes from there only the most cruel norms that justify her despotism. The boar is superstitious, attends all church services, gives money to the poor, and receives wanderers in the house. But this is ostentatious piety. And the worst thing is that Kabanikha does not doubt that he is right.

Kabanikha torments and pursues his victims day after day, undermining, "like rusting iron." Her son Tikhon grew up as a weak-willed and spineless person. He loves his wife and tries to calm her down after her mother's attacks, but is unable to change anything and advises Katerina not to pay attention to her mother. At every opportunity, Tikhon tries to break out of the house and get drunk. The boar brought Katerina to the grave. Varvara, Tikhon's sister, adapted to such a life, she learned to hide the truth from her mother. But Varvara cannot stand it either, she leaves home after the death of Katerina. The morals of this house are capable of destroying every person who gets there.

The patriarchal world, represented by Dikoy and Boar, is strong and merciless, but it is already on the verge of collapse.

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