What fantasies can be written. Game of forfeits funny tasks in verse


Our people love holidays. And most often most of them take place in the form of feasts. After all, it is the easiest way to communicate with family and friends. However, so that people do not get bored, you can periodically entertain them by distracting them from eating and talking. That is why now I want to consider various comic tasks for guests at the table.


This is a well-known and very fun game that is suitable for a company of any age. It is best to prepare in advance the tasks that the participants must complete. But you can make things more interesting. Each participant must come up with a task. But which one of them will come across to someone - this is already a secret. What can you write on a piece of paper?

  • Kiss everyone at the table (regardless of gender).
  • Eat a banana without using your hands.
  • To repent before the guests, on their knees, in the three sins of their past.
  • Depict an animal: a pig, a monkey, a dog, a cat.
  • Take a selfie with each guest, and then give each one a photo.
  • Speak for half an hour in any foreign language.
  • Sing a song, read a verse, etc.

There are a huge number of options. However, it is important to take into account the company that will gather at the table. After all, for young people, slightly different tasks can be invented than for a more mature audience.

Comic forfeit tasks for guests at the table can be prepared in other ways. So, each guest can take a personal item (keys, lighter, brooch, etc.). Everything goes into a bag. A blindfolded participant chooses a phantom, and its owner immediately comes up with a task.

We write a fairy tale

Considering comic tasks for guests at the table, I would also like to recall the “Let's Write a Fairy Tale” contest. To do this, you will need to stock up only with sheets of paper and pens. Each participant is given a writing set. Then the guests simply have to answer the questions posed, creating their own unique story. When the answer is written, it is wrapped to the width of the text, and the leaf is passed to the next participant. So it will turn out to be some funny fairy tales. Sample questions:

  • What did you do?
  • Who helped?
  • When?
  • For what?
  • How did it end?


You can also come up with comic tasks for guests at the table on the anniversary. In this case, you can try to beat the number, that is, the number of years of the birthday man. For example, if a lady turns 30, then guests should tell her 30 compliments that will not be repeated. All guests will definitely join this game.

Very funny contests

  1. Competition "Milk the cow". To do this, you need to break into pairs (neighbors at the table). One person holds a glove with small holes in the fingertips, while filled with water. Another is milking a cow glove. This is a lot of fun, because in fact, few people know how to do it right.
  2. "Guess the animal", "Guess the star of show business", "Guess the politician", etc. Only one player sees the photo, while the rest, while at the table, try to guess what or who the presenter is showing.
  3. "Crocodile" in a new way. So, the player must show the guests certain periods of the life of the birthday boy, while the participants must guess what exactly they are talking about.

Terms of Use

In this case, the number of participants is unimportant, it can be either 5 or 15 people. The facilitator chooses a simple object, such as a glass. Guests should provide as many options as possible for the use of the selected object. And if at first everything is modest, then a little later the participants will give out real pearls.

Sobriety test

Often companies gather a few hours before the New Year to spend the outgoing year. And sometimes it happens that you have to meet a new one in a not quite sober state. That is why guests can be invited to hold a sobriety contest before. To do this, everyone at the table must say a simple tongue twister or say a complex phrase:

  • Jump from under the twist.
  • Lilac tooth picker.
  • Sasha walked along the highway and sucked dry.

It will be very funny, because even a sober person will not always be able to pronounce such phrases the first time.

For the New Year

What else can you come up with comic New Year's tasks for guests at the table? So, before the chimes, you can invite all guests to wish each other something good. And at the same time, wishes should not be repeated.

Alternatively, you can invite guests to make a wish. It will be a kind of competition. Everyone is given a small leaf, a pen and a lighter. Each participant, under the chimes, must have time to write a wish on a piece of paper, burn it, throw the ashes into a glass of champagne and drink it all. Who made it, well done. And who did not have time, he will have to complete a certain task of the company.

Like - don't like

Choosing comic tasks for guests at the birthday table, you can offer those present a very interesting competition. So, each participant must name three body parts of the birthday boy that they like, and a couple that they don’t like. Just be honest. The first part of the assignment is a compliment. The second one is more interesting. After the announced list, each speaker approaches the birthday man and kisses the named part of the body, or rather the one that was named in the list of those that they do not like. As a result, the head of the festivities will receive not only a set of compliments, but also a lot of kisses!

Napkins for dating

If there are guests at the table who are not too familiar with each other, you can introduce them. To do this, put a pack of napkins in a circle. Each guest should take as many of them as they wish. As a result, the napkins are recalculated by the leader. And each participant, according to the number of papers counted, must name as many interesting facts about himself and his life.

Guess who?

We consider further comic tasks for guests at the table. To diversify the fun, you can offer the invitees the following game. All participants are given a piece of paper and a pen. Task: describe yourself so that the guests can guess the person from the description. However, it is forbidden to name exact words (for example, a lady in a red dress). The winner is the one no one can guess from the description.

poetry competition

You can invite guests to come up with a verse for the birthday man. Everyone will have their own task: one participant - to create a romantic rhyme, the other - a cheerful one, the third one - a sad one. Next, you have to arrange a small competition. And the birthday boy will choose the best creation.

Who is thinking about what

Everyone in turn is given a piece of paper on which a letter is written. Guests must use the chosen letter to name the first word that pops up in their heads. After everyone has spoken out, the host says: “Now it’s clear who is thinking about what!” The result will definitely be very fun and unforgettable.

Song Contest

Comic tasks for guests at the table can also be songs. The invitees are divided into paired teams. Next, the participants are given a piece of paper with a word written on it. It is about this subject that we will have to sing a song. Sometimes the choices of participants are simply surprising and amusing.


And the last contest, which will be very popular not only for children, but also for adults. All participants are given a piece of paper with a drawn fragment. Next, the guests must finish something so that the picture is complete. After a while, all the guests present their results. It will turn out very fun and funny.

A long-awaited event is coming - your name day, and maybe someone close, daughter or friend, for example. In any case, I want to be able to boldly declare after the holiday: it will be remembered for a long time! What is needed for this? To organize a game part, and forfeits as one of the entertainments is a great solution.

We get acquainted with the "pledge" fun of the XIX century

They were played by Pushkin's contemporaries (and the poet himself, too). And they did it this way: the participants were offered to solve the charade. Those who did not cope with the task gave some thing as a pledge. Well, it was possible to return the given item for a ransom in the form of performing some action. The famous fabulist, Krylov, in order to get his forfeits back, was once forced to compose a fable under the table.

Centuries later, the game has come down to us in a slightly modified form. Rarely is the first part of it - guessing the puzzle and returning the deposit. Now forfeits for a fun company are limited to comic tasks, which are most often played out by lottery.

We are looking for a suitable game option

The simple pulling out of a bag, which has already become a classic, is best left for those cases when there is absolutely no time left for preparation. Well, if the deadlines are not running out yet, try something new!

  • Hybrid games are gaining popularity, i.e. combining forfeits and any of the contests. Interestingly, they can be played as a team. Here is a simple example: we inflate balloons with phantoms inside, fix them on the wall, hand out darts to the teams and start the accuracy competition. The task is carried out immediately by the entire command staff.
  • They add fun and unusual ways of giving lots-tasks: hide them inside confectionery, at the bottom of a glass of wine, and the like. Ideal for a fun company of adults at the table.
  • It is not forbidden to return to traditions, at least partially. A pledge in the form of any thing from each player can stir up interest in entertainment. Just change the object of the draw. First voice the upcoming "test", and then pull the item, the owner of which will be subject to it.

Find out what not to puzzle the participants

Not all gaming commitments will be met with enthusiasm. In order not to get into a situation where you have to go to persuasion or a new draw, exclude from the list:

  1. Everything related to food. First, no one wants to get their holiday attire dirty; secondly, it's not so funny to look at a person eating a lemon (what if he is allergic to citrus fruits?).
  2. Age-appropriate game requirements. Birthday fantas for children are hardly suitable for an adult team. Agree that jumping on one leg will look at least stupid in the performance of a thirty-year-old uncle.
  3. Banal vulgarities like "dance a striptease." It is better to forget these remnants of the past completely, anyway, no one will see beautiful undressing, but the embarrassment and awkwardness of a person is for sure. This, by the way, is also a great way to beat off interest in participation for a long time.
  4. Unnecessary complexity. Run to the neighboring house and crow - while such a task is being performed, the guests will have time to get bored, and the desire to play will dry up.

We borrow ready-made ideas

Don't know where to start? Take the already tested options as a basis, and add your own to them.

For children's party:

  1. Invite mom / grandmother / dad / older brother or sister of the birthday boy to a slow dance.
  2. Depict any grimace (protruding tongue, pouting cheeks, etc.) for a photograph.
  3. Write “Happy Birthday!” Holding a felt-tip pen with your teeth (or you can use your feet).
  4. Infect with yawning one of the guests, or better, the hero of the occasion.
  5. Hold on to as many balls as possible, having previously magnetized them on the hair (whose exactly, you can not specify).
  6. Walk in a straight line to the birthday boy after preliminary unwinding on the spot.
  7. Blindfolded to the touch to determine who is in front of you.
  8. Listen to music through headphones and try to lip read what your friend has to say.
  9. Go to the other end of the room, stepping only on the marked places.
  10. Show with gestures and facial expressions a line from the song so that the others recognize it (you can try this one: “Let the pedestrians run clumsily through the puddles ...”).

For those who are older:

  1. How about exchanging a couple of your things (which you are wearing, of course) with the neighbor on the right?
  2. Demonstrate innovations in tying a tie (2-3 ways).
  3. Bite through an inflated balloon.
  4. To convey line by line the essence of the poem on behalf of a sports commentator (Tyutchevskoe “Winter is angry for a reason...”) is perfect.
  5. Come up with a quatrain with rhymes for the words "star" and "choice". And no foul language needed!
  6. Get to know the guests at the next table using the famous “King, it’s very nice, king” (if the celebration takes place in a crowded place).
  7. Play the role of the very person who “always spoils photography”, and ... and do it!
  8. Feel free to talk about your best sides, along the way, demanding undeniable evidence from others.
  9. Make a solemn invitation to the birthday man to climb under the table with you and a glass of alcoholic drink, and there, in private, wish something intriguing.
  10. Imagine that all the guests are different animals, tell us about the habits of each animal.

Here are such comic forfeits, which are not at all difficult to prepare on your own, can turn any name day into a bright and memorable event. And as a bonus from the holiday, there will also be magnificent photos - there will definitely be something to surprise users on social networks!

Funny, not vulgar, tasks for playing for forfeits. Find the best ones for you and don't forget to bookmark them. Fanta is a well-known game that is suitable for a large and fun company. Its roots go far back in history, and the name is translated from German as "pledge".

The essence of the game is to perform the so-called tasks for the phantoms. But none of the participants can guess what kind of assignment he will get.

It is a mistake to think that this game is only for children. It is also interesting to play for adults of different ages. And this is a fact that has already been proven by time.

3 Types of Fanta Games

  • With the help of a leader. Players give the host any of their things, for example, jewelry, mobile phone, keys. The leader puts everything in a special bag, which can be used as a regular hat. Now the players take turns taking something out of there and asking: “What should Fanta do?”. The host comes up with a task for each fan. After the end of the game and the completion of all tasks, the item can go to its true owner.
  • The second version of the game is with the help of cards. All players come up with any funny tasks for the forfeits and write them on small pieces of paper. Then everything is mixed and placed in a bag. They take turns and do what is written. When coming up with tasks, do not forget that you can also get on your own card. Therefore, it is better to write what you yourself could do. But you also don’t need to come up with very easy and elementary desires, for example, jump on one leg ten times. This will make the game as uninteresting as possible.
  • Fanta with matches. This type of game is not safe, so you should not play like this with children. But still, it has its place. Players set fire to a regular match and pass it around to each other. The task must be carried out by the person who puts out the match.

As you can see, there are many ways to play this game. The main condition for a good party is a good and slightly noisy company.

But how to come up with tasks for forfeits if nothing comes to mind?

This article will come to your rescue. We have selected only the most interesting and funny fanta tasks that you and your loved ones can easily use and not bother.

So, friends, to your attention the 50 best fanta tasks:

  1. Show without words some of your actions, for example, what you do at school or work.
  2. Take a picture with all the players, but a prerequisite is to place everyone in some original poses.
  3. Fill your mouth with corn sticks, popcorn or candy. And then say some funny phrase. This is a good task for fans, but be careful!
  4. Approach any person and wish happiness, love and health. But you need to do this only on your hands! You can ask friends for help.
  5. Pretend to be very drunk and start pestering everyone in a row, and then defiantly lose consciousness.
  6. Put on a bathrobe and sunglasses and so go to the store. Ask the seller for a fly swatter and a pinch of salt. This is one of the best fantasy tasks in the summer, and preferably in the evening.

    Game for forfeits - find your task

  7. Draw or glue on a cute mustache and walk like that for the rest of the game.
  8. Go outside or onto your balcony and shout, "People, I love you all!"
  9. Feature an athlete, animal, plant, stripper, Harry Potter, famous politician or singer, etc.
  10. Let your imagination run wild and make delicious cocktails for the players.
  11. within an hour, inform all players, every five minutes, that five minutes have passed. If you forget at least once, then start again.
  12. Give any player a beautiful haircut or massage.
  13. Play a prank on someone on the phone.
  14. Tell us the most ridiculous incident in your life that you are ashamed of.
  15. In the winter season, bring a snowman from the street into the house. It is possible in parts.
  16. Make a special medal for each player. From what and for what exactly - you decide.
  17. Spoon feed the players.
  18. 10 minutes pretend to be a foreigner. Speak any language, even your own.
  19. Say unfunny jokes for 10 minutes.
  20. Drink something with a pierced straw. If you pierce well, then it will be very difficult to do it.
  21. Do yourself a bright evening make-up. Continue like this until the end of the game.
  22. Juggle eggs. Be sure to clean up after yourself.
  23. Transform into a fantasy or cartoon creature for 20 minutes.
  24. Exchange clothes with one of the players.
  25. Drink something from a glass, but only without hands. A good fantasy task, especially in a company where alcoholic drinks are drunk.
  26. Write your phone number in lipstick on a napkin and toss it to someone when everyone forgets about this task. If a person notices, he has the right to throw a napkin to someone else. The one who ends up with it must kiss any of the players.
  27. Act out the scene with other players. For example, about how the husband returned earlier from a business trip.
  28. Play a performance called "Blue Light". Assign yourself to other role players.
  29. Kiss your neighbor on the knee.
  30. Pretend that you are a hereditary fortune teller and predict the fate of each of the players.
  31. Think of the best way to escape from prison. Don't be banal.
  32. Confess and repent to all players about your three worst sins of the last couple of years.
  33. Say 10 times how good you are in different voices and intonations.
  34. Picture a baby.
  35. Eat food that doesn't go well together. For example, herring with sugar. Be careful what you choose.
  36. Pop a balloon with your own buttocks.
  37. Imagine that you are running for president. Give your campaign speech.
  38. Dance a dance, such as a can-can, while holding a glass of water in your hands.
  39. Beg until you collect 100 rubles.
  40. Draw what they tell you, holding the pen between your teeth.
  41. Imagine that you are a reporter. Spread "yellow" and not true news about people sitting near you.
  42. For half an hour, call absolutely all the players by the same name, for example, Gennady is perfect.
  43. Make a marriage proposal to the neighbor on the right. Do it beautifully and as romantically as possible.
  44. Put tights on your head. Walk in this hat with ears until the end of the evening.
  45. Imagine that you are now graduating from high school. Give a heartbreaking speech.
  46. Recognize 5 different blindfold objects by touch, of course.
  47. Sing a popular song, but only use the vowels. It's fun.
  48. Talk in the style of Dzhigurda for 5 minutes.
  49. Draw yourself a solid eyebrow and sit like that until the end of the evening.
  50. Invite five people to a common slow dance. Do it as beautifully and sensually as possible.

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