What colors to mix for purple. What colors to mix to get purple


Have you ever wondered how professional artists work with different colors to create paintings? Do they stock up on every possible shade of color for their work? Of course not. As a rule, they have several basic colors in their arsenal and with the help of an entertaining science - coloring - they get hundreds of desired shades.

This article is all about purple, the latest color in the rainbow. It is not base in the palette. The main colors are blue, yellow and red. What does it mean? By mixing them, you can get a huge variety of colors and their shades. It is worth mentioning two more colors. It's black and white. They cannot be obtained by mixing. So in essence, artists use five colors when creating their magnificent masterpieces - these are three basic colors plus black and white.

A bit of history

Violet (aka purple) is considered a cold and deep tone. Its history is interesting and shrouded in mystery. Purple has always been considered a mystical and "royal" color.

In Byzantium, the purple color was called blattion and was considered imperial. Purple was very often used in stained glass in cathedrals in medieval times. Purple smalts can be found in Byzantine mosaics in Ravenna.

In Rus', the purple color was called Yubagr. And in England in the second half of the 16th century, only members of the royal family or reigning persons had the right to wear purple fabrics.

Purple has a special meaning in Christianity. It represents the seventh day of the creation of light and is considered a day of rest. This is the spiritual meaning of this color.

Among Catholic Christians, the traditional clothing of the clergy is the cassock - this is a split dress to the floor. Only bishops can wear such a purple robe, it is forbidden for ordinary clerics.

How to get purple? The easiest way

Coloring is a very entertaining and interesting science. All children like to watch how, with a wave of a magic wand, two or three colors form a completely different, fourth. It really looks like a mystic.

For example, in order to get brown, you need to mix blue, red and yellow on the palette.

For orange - red and yellow, green - yellow and blue.

But how do you get purple? You only need to mix two colors - red and blue.
The depth and brightness of the resulting purple will depend on a number of indicators:

  • tones of the original colors;
  • quantities of one or another paint, their proportion.

How to get different shades of purple?

But after all, artists are not content with just one shade of purple when writing their paintings. It would then not be art, not magic. Yes, they can create dozens of different tones of this mysterious color.

How to get dark purple color?

There are two ways.

  1. Add a few drops of black to red.
  2. Mix red and blue, adding more of the latter, and also adjust the intensity by adding black. It will turn out a very dark, muted, but purple color.

How to get magenta tint?

It is necessary when mixing red and blue paints, put more red. If there is more blue in proportion, then purple will turn out to be brighter and more pronounced.

How to get a light purple hue?

You need to mix pink and blue paints on the palette.

How to make the resulting color lighter?

In this case, you just need to add white to the mass.

Features of working with gouache and watercolor

The above methods are ideal if you are wondering: "How to get purple with gouache?". This type of paint is thick and well pigmented, the artist will have no problem adjusting the intensity of the color. But there is one pitfall that you should not forget about: when dried, gouache brightens by several tones. This is always worth remembering when getting the desired purple hue.

In some ways it is easier, and in some ways more difficult to work with watercolors. It does not have such a rich texture as the same gouache. How to get purple paint color and desired shades with watercolor?

The way it works is exactly the same. But if there is no white, then the pallor or saturation of the desired shade must be adjusted already with the help of water (diluting the paint with it). And, of course, it is quite clear that the same color saturation cannot be achieved from watercolor as from gouache.

Methods for dyeing mastic in purple

When preparing their delicious masterpieces, confectioners very often color mastic. And just like artists, they do not have to have all the shades and colors of dyes in their arsenal. To answer the question: “How to get the purple color of the mastic?”, You need to determine how this delicious “plasticine” fell into the hands of the master?

If the mastic is homemade, then there is nothing easier than adding two dyes - blue and red - to the still liquid mass during its preparation. They can be both dry and gel type.

If the mastic is purchased and white, then it will be easiest to first paint two balls in different colors - red and blue. And only after that mix them in different proportions, resulting in the desired shade.

The effect of purple on humans

There is such a science - chromotherapy. She studies the effect of different colors on the human condition. So purple has a very beneficial effect on almost all organs and senses.

  1. Promotes a more rapid production of priceless hormones of joy - endorphins.
  2. Rejuvenates.
  3. It has a calming effect on insomnia and migraines.
  4. It has a tonic effect on the pituitary gland and eyes.
  5. Increases immunity.

But you need to use this color wisely, without overloading your space with it. Too much purple can lead to melancholy.

Now you know how to get purple. You know how it affects the human body and you can successfully apply the knowledge gained in practice, whether it is color treatment or the creation of a confectionery or artistic masterpiece. So multifaceted, from pale purple to almost black, this color personifies everything sensual, mysterious and mysterious.

Obtaining lilac color and its warm and cold shades

It is impossible to overestimate the importance and popularity of the lilac color in various design developments, whether it is the design of clothes or an apartment. This is the favorite color of the Provence style, a necessary addition to the Scandinavian style and high-tech style. It all depends on the fullness and saturation of lilac and its shades. Let's talk about how to get a lilac color.

There are many shades: from a barely distinguishable white-lilac to deep purple - it all depends on the degree of brightness of the strip and the susceptibility of the human eye. Some will like the upper band, some will like the center band, and some will remain indifferent to the whole range.

Similarities and differences with purple

For many, purple and lilac are the same color, in addition, both purple and lilac are traditionally considered cold, which makes them “close relatives”. Their affinity is also in the fact that they are the colors of the third group (III order), that is, they were obtained by mixing three or more colors.

Both are “born” from red and blue colors, however, eggplant purple is brighter because there is more red in it. Wisteria, on the contrary, is the “child” of blue, like any of the lilac tones. All shades of plum or violet can easily fall into the group of warm tones if they increase the influence of red in them.

Advice! How to make a lilac color from a "full-blooded" purple? You will need to add regular white!

If we add a blue color scheme to a clarified pale lilac, we get the following line:

Having caught the difference between the colors, you can start decorating the room.

The use of lilac in design

The walls and ceilings in the rooms, painted in the colors of spring fragrant clusters, give the room a slight sprinkling of fabulousness. Even in the smallest room it becomes light and joyful! The main thing is to keep a balance: you should not paint everything in a single lavender or purple - a variety of palettes allows you to show maximum imagination.

A great option - one wall is accented with a powerful plum or piercing eggplant, and the ceiling is a delicate pale lilac. In this “situation”, lavender mixed with a warm, almost white cream or cream color will suit the walls. So we will not lose harmony, and we will make the room visually more voluminous and interesting.

A pure snowy white combined with any shade of faint amethyst or the most delicate wisteria is a great choice! White balances any emotions, and lilac colors are the very spiritual harmony. Having chosen the appropriate option, we begin the experiment of mixing colors.

How to achieve the desired color?

We take red and blue colors, and mix them in the same proportions 1: 1. It turns out a classic dark "low" purple. Now, to get a weakened strong violet, add white to it in the same volume. We got a base for experimenting with lilac options.

To get a color that “leaves” into blue, you can add ultramarine, and carefully mixing the composition obtained after that with raspberry dye - a magnificent Persian blue.

To get a bright lavender, take red paint or pink diluted with white and rub it with diluted blue - blue. Add a green gram to the resulting color - the lavender is ready! The intensity of the lavender will determine the amount of dye added to the white.

So, experimenting and mixing paint after paint, regardless of what paints you currently use (acrylic, gouache, oil or watercolor), you can choose the color you need for bold design decisions.

On the video: getting purple.

What colors to mix and in what proportions you can be told by color catalogs, which are often published on the websites of paint manufacturers.

It remains to consider some rules:

  1. Since the lilac color has many shades, when mixing colors to get a new one, you have to start all over again every time if you don’t like the gamut of the resulting shade.
  2. Again we mix red and blue in the same proportion that was originally, gradually adding more intense and white.
  3. It is necessary to mix paints only on a clean surface-palette and only with clean brushes.
  4. Since the shade of lilac depends on the initial color of the main paints, then mixing must begin with them. How to mix? - very carefully.
  5. Be careful with the introduction of yellow, orange and black colors. Otherwise, you will learn not only how to get lilac, but also how to ruin it hopelessly.

Color mixing (1 video)

All the chips on how to get purple when mixing paints

Every person has ever thought about how this or that color is obtained from the artist. In fact, many shades are obtained with colorists.

Consider the process of obtaining purple: the primary colors are red, blue and yellow. It is when they are mixed that a wide variety of tones and shades are obtained.

Mention should be made of black and white. They don't come out of mixing, so it's worth considering that artists use these five base tones in their work.

What colors should be mixed?

For purple color just mix red and blue. Moreover, the shade of color will directly depend on the following factors:

  1. Saturation of original colors
  2. Their number and ratio.

When mixed, the main tone of purple is obtained.

Shades of dark purple

To get a dark purple tone, you can use two methods:

  1. Add some black to the red.
  2. Mix blue and red, and more than the first in ratio. You can adjust the black intensity of the desired shade.

Table shade of purple

Light purple is obtained by adding white to the base tone. A magenta tint can be made by changing the ratio in favor of red.

Gentle purple will turn out when mixing pink and blue paints. The scarlet shade of red and light blue give a beautiful burgundy shade of purple.

Mixing dark blue and red results in a rich eggplant tone.

Mixing Features

For different paints with different composition there are certain ways to mix them to get the tone we want.

How to make from watercolor?

When faced with this type of material, there is a problem with the saturation of the resulting color. To solve it, you will need the use of whitewash. In the event that they are not available, saturation can be adjusted by adding a certain amount of water.

From oil at home

Oil is more fluid than acrylic or watercolor. Therefore, the compositions must be mixed very carefully. You can call this a disadvantage, but it allows you to get uniform tones. With partial mixing, you can get multi-tone inserts.

There are three ways to mix oil paints: mechanical, color overlay and optical. In the first case, the process takes place in one container, and the saturation is regulated by adding basic tones. In the second case, strokes are applied to each other. In the third method, the paints are mixed directly on the treated surface, which allows you to get a more even tone.

How to get from acrylic?

They are universal and are used for many purposes - painting walls, drawing patterns on the ceiling, and so on. The composition adheres well to the treated surface. Buying all possible shades will be very expensive. For this reason, base colors are mixed.

To get the specific shade that you need, in the case of acrylic paints, you should use a special table that shows mixing options.

How much to add corrector?

The corrector is able to neutralize the unwanted shade from the resulting color. To facilitate the task, use the so-called Oswald's star. There are six colors - three basic and three additional.

If the ends of the star are connected with diagonal lines, then you get colors that neutralize each other. Eg, purple is able to neutralize the basic colors: green, red and yellow.

To enhance the color, you need to add a corrector below the color wheel.

In various fields of use, these correctors are also called mixtons.

UV for tattoo

The paint used is a powder that is "charged" by light and releases this energy in the form of a glow. With this combination, a luminous tattoo is obtained, and the desired color is achieved by adding a dye.

UV pigment is safe for humans. The composition does not cause allergies, but the paint should be tested to avoid undesirable consequences for the body.

Important! Why should you use UV pigment carefully? Any paint can cause an allergic reaction, so you need to be careful when choosing a pigment manufacturer.

In conclusion, we note that coloring is a very interesting science that allows you to give full rein to the artist's imagination. Getting purple and its various shades clearly illustrates this. Moreover, these methods work not only when writing works of art, but also for decorating rooms, interiors and stained-glass windows.

All about mixing purple colors. Olga Bazanova

How to get purple by mixing paints

lookcolor.com » How to get color » How to get purple by mixing paints

To get purple, you need to mix red and blue, or red and blue containing tones, the main thing is that they do not have a yellow undertone, which, as an additional color to purple, will give a grayish or brown undertone of the resulting paint.
Violet requires pure colors, and even then the result will be paler than its derivatives, and if it is necessary to lighten and darken the paint, then the resulting product will be of the third order and even paler. Based on this, it is better to create shades of purple from the purple paint available in the kit.

How to get purple dye?

Mix red and blue to get dark purple
Bright red and rich, dark indigo result in a dark, almost black purple. Moreover, even diluting it with white, it will reluctantly lighten to a gray-violet hue.

Dark blue “devours” all the lightness and saturation of brightness-red, and even if we increase the influence of the second (add red to the resulting purple tone), we will not get purple or saturated red-violet, but almost barely distinguishable in its dimming eggplant color. If it is diluted with white, we get a gray-red-violet.

Mix red and blue to get medium purple

Intense reds and intense blues result in a medium purple that is much more sensitive to the addition of undertones.

From medium purple, you can already get rich plum and its lighter colors:

Mixing pink and blue colors we get lilac, amethyst
To achieve lighter yet richer shades of purple, the best way to get it is to mix warm pink and deep blue, resulting in a light lilac that is easy to whiten and does not lose much of its intensity.

So you can create a whole range of pastel colors.
Red will help you achieve amethyst tones.

How to mix colors to get vibrant shades of purple?

All shades of purple obtained with the help of red and blue containing tones do not differ in brightness. Therefore, in a set of 12 colors there is always a bright lilac from which you can build the entire diverse range that the purple palette contains.
A rich, cool dark purple can be obtained by mixing bright purple and dark indigo.

Intense blue-violet or cornflower blue is obtained by mixing with blue.

Pronounced amethyst is made from warm pink.

Purple, berry - from the main tone + rich red.

Bright cormorant will be a derivative of lilac + red + indigo.

You should not use yellow and all yellow-containing tones (orange, green, brown, etc.) in the construction of shades of purple, since it is an additional color, as a result of mixing which we will get brown.

Light shades are also much more convenient to obtain from the paint available in the arsenal.

Black is best not used for dark purples, as it quickly clogs the shade to dark gray. For this, dark indigo is more suitable.

Table for obtaining purple shades when mixing colors

This table will show you how the color should theoretically behave when mixed with other tones. This will help you navigate your beauty experiments.

In the center is the color from which the building is going, around it there are colors that will be further mixed with the main one in the indicated proportions: the first circle of purple flowers is mixed with the front ones standing in a forgiveness ratio of 100% to 50%, the next circle after them: at the end of the beam hue from 100% to 20%, from it darkened and shaded tones to 20% white and 20% black.

How to get other colors and their shades: theory and practice. Click on the icon.

Color mixing

Modern interior design is full of original shades. The range of finished products does not always contain the desired semitone. The color mixing table will help you get the desired result at home. The information is useful not only when renovating an apartment. Knowledge of mixing colors is useful to a wide range of people: novice painters, car repair workers, decorators and other creative people.

Blending experiments: what you need to know in advance

The world around us is filled with a wide color palette, but all the colorful splendor is based on three primary colors: blue, red and yellow. It is due to their mixing that the desired semitone is achieved.

To get a new shade, use base colors in various proportions. The simplest example of how to get green. The answer is extremely simple: mixing yellow dye with blue. An illustrative table of primary, secondary and transitional colors obtained by mixing is presented below:

This table will help you understand that the question of how to get yellow is in itself incorrect. It cannot be achieved by combining other components, since yellow belongs to the three main tones. Therefore, when a need arises for yellow, they acquire a ready-made dye or extract a pigment from natural products, which is not entirely advisable.

The same initial colors, taken in different proportions, when mixed, give a new result. The larger the volume of one dye, the final result after mixing will be closer to the original shade.

It is necessary to conduct experiments taking into account well-known rules. If you combine chromatic colors that are close to each other in the color wheel, after mixing, you get a paint with a pronounced chromatic tint, although not having a pure tone. The combination of dyes located in opposite directions leads to the formation of an achromatic tone, in which a gray tint predominates. The chromatic circle will help you navigate in the optimal combination of colors:

For example, if you take red cinnabar and white lead, the resulting bright pink color will darken after some time. It is advisable to take the most limited number of initial paints to obtain the desired tone. When mixing, their compatibility must be taken into account. For example, oil-based dyes are sensitive to solvents. Darkening or quickly fading materials are best excluded immediately. A table of combinations that should not be used will prevent mistakes in the creative process:

Variety of shades of red

Red is one of the three original colors that make up the base. Therefore, even a minimal set of colors cannot do without it. However, the question of how to get red when mixing paints sometimes still arises. This is due to the fact that magenta is involved in printing, so creative searches for how to get red are natural. Everything is solved extremely simply: to obtain natural red, yellow is mixed with magenta in volumes of 1: 1.

The color scheme of red is diverse, therefore there are many combination options:

The following circle demonstrates the variety of shades of red. It is worth noting that the addition of white colors to any mixture leads to a lightening of the tone, and black to a darkening.

The following table will help you understand the names of shades of red:

Variations in blue

An equally rich palette of shades gives mixing with blue dye, which is part of the basic triad. Therefore, its presence in any set is mandatory. However, even a set of 12 paints sometimes does not meet the need for a true blue tone. The reason is color variations. The classic tone is called royal, and on sale it is often replaced by ultramarine, which is characterized by a bright dark hue with a slight presence of purple. Therefore, the question of how to get the blue color no longer seems absurd. The way out of the situation is to add white to the base color in a ratio of 3: 1. Blue is obtained in the same way, only white is used more when combined.

An interesting color of blue with a moderately saturated result is obtained by combining a darkish ultramarine with turquoise.

  • Equal volumes of blue and yellow dye will produce a dark blue-green tone. The introduction of white contributes to some lightening, but the brightness is reduced. The reason lies in the combination of three components, and the more of them, the more dull the color.
  • To get a turquoise color, cyan blue is mixed and a slightly smaller amount of green is added. This shade is also called aquamarine.
  • The color obtained from equal volumes of blue and light green is called Prussian blue. With the introduction of white, the saturation decreases, but the purity of the hue does not go away.
  • Blue with red colors in a ratio of 2: 1 give blue with a hint of purple. The resulting color is lightened by the introduction of white.
  • Mixing in equal parts blue and magenta pink will give royal blue, which is characterized by unusual brightness.
  • Darken blue is obtained by mixing it with black in a ratio of 3:1.

An assistant in mixing experiments will be a table with the names of shades of blue:

Variety of green

The original green is usually presented in all sets; in the absence of the desired dye, there are no problems with obtaining. Combining yellow with blue gives the desired green background. But any direction of creativity, be it painting, interior design or another option for decorating objects, requires a wide palette of green. The basic principle of all experiments is to change the proportions of the base colors, white or black dye is used to lighten or darken the background.

  • The combination of blue and yellow with a slight addition of brown represents khaki. Green with a small amount of yellow forms olive.
  • Traditional light green - the result of mixing green with white. Adding yellow or blue will help regulate warmth.

A variety of colors of green hue demonstrates a circle. The base dye is located in the center, then there is an additional component, after - the result of mixing. The last circle is the experiments of the resulting tone with the addition of white and black dye.

The next table will become an assistant during the experiments.

Other color combinations

The color kaleidoscope is not limited to the combination of basic dyes. For example, gray is often required. Different proportions of white and black pigment will give a wide achromatic palette.

How to get ivory? The base will be white, ocher and dark brown are gradually added to it in small portions. Ocher contributes to the manifestation of warm tones, an increase in brown leads to a cold background.

Another table shows many blending options:

How to get black color? By combining cyan, yellow and magenta. They are not always available, so three basic dyes will become an assistant. Combining green with red will also give some semblance of black, but it will not be pure.


Even if you didn’t find a description for which question, tables will be of help, which not only provide recommendations for mixing, but also clearly demonstrate the result of the experiments. The results of our own mixing experiments may differ slightly from those stated above, it all depends on the composition of the dye and the surface on which it is applied.

Decorating walls in a house or apartment is impossible without a creative approach. Ready-made paint shades do not always meet personal or customer requirements, so it is important to know which colors and in what proportions to mix to get purple. Violet lends itself to adjustments made by the introduction of light shades. The article discusses ways to obtain purple by mixing paints.

Obtaining purple from magenta, blue or cyan

The color spectrum perceived by the human eye and brain consists of three colors. Shades are formed by mixing red, blue and yellow. The color saturation effect depends on the amount of one of the three shades. This information provides an understanding that one color is formed by various variations of the primary colors. You can get rich purple from magenta. Magenta is a rich, light pink color that absorbs shades of green well. After absorption, red and blue remain in the visible spectrum. When a part of blue is added to magenta, green and red are absorbed, and violet remains in the visible spectrum. The effect is explained by the receipt by color receptors of a strong signal from blue and a weak signal from red. The brain, combining the signals, perceives them as purple.

Advice! The brain perceives purple when cyan is added to magenta. Cyan covers the spectrum of red, leaving bright purple to be perceived.

A five-color printer will help in mixing shades. One of the subtractive colors in it is magenta. A drawing or a figure created in a graphic editor is not difficult to print. A sample is required to purchase paint with a magenta tint. The store makes a small dab of paint next to the sample for comparison. It is impossible to get magenta by mixing shades, because the color belongs to the main spectrum. The result of adding yellow to magenta in various proportions is a red and orange tint. When cyan is added, not only violet is formed, but also bright blue. The saturation of violet is varied by adding blue and cyan to the magenta without a greenish tint.

Making purple from pure red and blue

You can achieve a violet hue without using magenta. The result will be in the presence of pure blue and red colors. Determining their purity is important, because manufacturers add yellow and orange pigments to red paint tubes to get a rich tone. The blue paint container contains yellow and red pigments. If you mix containers with colors that are not pure, a dirty brown color is formed. You can check the purity of the color with white. To do this, blue or red is diluted in a glass of water. White is added to the aqueous solution. Diffusion shows shades of different colors. If you see peach in the case of red and aqua in the case of blue, then the colors are impure.

Note! Pure red, when mixed with white, forms pink, pure blue - blue.

It is convenient to mix pure colors on the palette. An equal amount of red and blue is poured into the cells, which are mixed with a brush. If the target is purple, then the blue part should be smaller. An extra bit of red will create a purple with a pink tint.

How to correct the resulting purple color

The color result is adjusted to obtain the desired hue. You can apply for this black white, dark blue, blue and pink. You can lighten the mixture with white. It does not matter how the result is obtained. A small amount of white added to purple makes it brighter. Increasing the content of white, pastel colors are formed. Black adds depth to purple. The substance is added gradually, in small doses, so as not to turn the main shade into black. It will not work to correct the result with whitewash, because adding white will make it gray.

With the right combination of white and black, together with purple, a lavender with a gray sheen is formed. For the predominance of pink, red or magenta is added. You can adjust the color to lilac with blue and cyan. An overflow of purple is formed in tandem with blue or cyan.

For the purity of the resulting shade when working with substances, clean containers and tools are required to collect the composition. The instruments are washed several times, because the remains of the components are not always visible on a dark background. If white remains, then the color will not be saturated, black will smear the result. Understanding the consistency and ratio comes with experience, so at first the arrangement of substances is done gradually so that you do not have to start again. On the palette, the substance may have one reflection, and on the canvas another, therefore, after mixing, part of the composition is applied to the edge of the canvas to compare the result. Mixing the components until the desired shade is formed is required not only by artists, but also, for example, by confectioners.

The effect of absorption can interfere with achieving results, so you need to add components with caution. Lilac belongs to the cold spectrum, so it is obtained by correcting violet with blue and red. Accompanying the correction with whitewash, the composition is saturated. Lilac can set off one of the components that was corrected, this can be compensated by saturated black, added interspersed with a brush.

Shades of purple: palette, color names

By experimenting with substances, you can get all 196 elements of the Pantone palette. As a result, one substance becomes bright, dull, saturated, purple, with a reflection of gray, lilac, bluish, with a pink overflow and others. Pastel colors fade into rich dark. The names of each of them are given in the diagram above.

Color Mixing Chart

Above is a table for obtaining each of the pigments shown on the left. Fashion encourages the use of non-standard pigments in the production of clothing, accessories and furniture. Understanding the principle of formation of shades will make it possible to convey the whole depth of mood in a picture or photograph. The artist achieves the result by expressing the mood by mixing the components. Chromatic substances are located side by side in the palette, achromatic components are located at a great distance. Mixing achromatic pigments adds a grayish sheen to the result. A video on how to get the desired shade is below.

The use of pigments will not give the desired result if they have a different chemical composition. Pigment components are capable of reacting, which can lead to fading of the composition during mixing. An example of this is the interaction of red cinnabar and white lead. The short term result will be a bright pink substance. When standing, the substance darkens and loses its properties. Oil formulations are mixed with oil. Sensitivity to solvents is taken into account when processing surfaces. Mixing experiments are conveniently carried out with acrylic paints. This is due to their versatility. Acrylic compositions are applied and fixed on glass, concrete, canvas and paper, so it is easy to paint any surface with them. At the same time, to implement the idea, several colors will be required, among which there will definitely be white and black for adjustment.

Note! It is more difficult to obtain the desired result when working with large volumes of substances, so the ratio is calculated mathematically and checked practically, starting with drops.


As you can see, in most cases, it is not necessary to purchase the entire range of coloring compositions to create unique paintings or interiors. Fantasy and understanding of how some tones absorb others will make it possible to create exclusive solutions that will be difficult to repeat. After creating a masterpiece, even the author himself often finds it difficult to repeat the result obtained when mixing the components. A sense of proportion is important. The task of mixing components will be simplified by tools with applied scales. Thanks to the scales, it is possible to record which component and in what proportions was mixed.

Being engaged in painting, painting or applied arts, one can often face the problem of a lack of one or another color. That's when an entertaining and very useful science comes to our aid - a colorist. For example, let's talk about paints.

What do you need for this?

  • Paints (we look at what is available from red, blue, black and white may be needed).
  • Tassels (the more the better).
  • Palette.
  • Water or thinner for oil paints.

Whatever paints you paint - acrylic, oil or watercolor, you need on the palette, and only then apply to the drawing. In this case, you can adjust the intensity of the shade you need and correct it if necessary.

Paints, many were told in drawing lessons in elementary school. But when we urgently need to “figure out” such a color, we frantically begin to mix all the shades in a row, getting a kind of dirty mass.

How to get purple color from paints in a few steps?

Violet itself is a secondary color, in order to get it, we need to mix two primary, primary colors - red and blue.

Take some red in your palette and add about the same amount of blue to it. Mix colors thoroughly. You will get the basic one. Most likely, it will not suit you, and you will have to “finish” it.

  • In order to get a lighter shade of purple, you need to add white.
  • If you mix purple paint with white, you can also get purple. Depending on the amount of white, purple shades of varying intensity will be obtained.
  • A soft purple shade of color can be obtained by mixing pink paint with blue.

There is another way to get purple from paints. To get a muted purple color, you need to mix black paint with any cold ones. For example, it can be alizarin red. You will get exactly purple, it will not be very bright and chromatic.

There is another important point in how to get purple from paints. A large role in this will be played by the saturation of the shades of the outgoing colors. For example, it would look like this: a scarlet shade of red + light blue paint will give you a purple color with a beautiful burgundy hue. Or if you mix red with dark blue, you get a rich purple color, very close to eggplant.

In the event that you work with watercolor and do not use white, adjust the saturation or pallor of the color with the help of the amount of water.

And if you prefer to work with gouache - do not forget that when it dries, it becomes lighter by several shades, and you need to achieve a darker purple color.

Be sure to change, wipe or wash the brushes with each set of paint, then your experiments will delight you.

Well, now you know how to make purple. And the situation will not take you by surprise.


Many people remember from school, from drawing lessons, that purple is a secondary color, so you can use two primary colors to get it - red and blue. Take some red paint with a brush and apply it to the palette. Then, not forgetting to thoroughly rinse the brush in water, take the blue paint. Paints should be taken in approximately equal proportions, only slightly varying them, otherwise, if there is much more of one of the colors, the color will vary from dark purple to crimson.

If you want to get a light purple, take pink paint, put it on the palette, and then add blue there and mix thoroughly. Apply a couple of strokes to the canvas, perhaps this particular shade suits you the best.

In order to get purple, you can go the other way. Take the purple paint and mix it with the white, remembering to rinse the brush in the process so as not to ruin the entire tube. By varying the amount of white paint, you can get a purple color of varying degrees of intensity.

In principle, any color belonging to the blue range of pigments, with cold red, gives violet. If you are serious about painting, you probably have more than just a pack of six colors of gouache. Therefore, to get you the purple you need, mix cobalt red, ultramarine, azure blue, phthalocyanine blue with red. By adding a little white paint to the palette, and mixing thoroughly, you can lighten the color you have.

Mix black paint with any red cold color. It can be phthalocyanine or alizarin red. As a result, you will get a muted purple color. It will be duller and not as chromatic as pure pigment, but you will still get purple.


  • how to make a different color gouache

Traditionally considered a neutral color, giving ample opportunities to focus on design, cut, architecture. Beige can serve as an excellent base, as against its background the main color will reveal itself more vividly and deeply. Beige color harmoniously combines with almost all other colors. And if the shade of beige you need is not on sale, you can easily achieve the desired shade yourself by mixing different colors.

You will need

  • Paints of different colors, a container for mixing, a brush, a working surface for checking the resulting color.


Try to paint a small area with the resulting shade. If the shade of beige does not suit you, then experiment with the proportions.

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Do not immediately paint the prepared surface with the resulting shade of beige. It is possible that when the paint dries, it will change its color a little, and it will not turn out the way you need it. Paint a small area in an inconspicuous area, or experiment on a specially prepared work surface.

Helpful advice

To make your interior sparkle with new bright colors, choose beige as the main background. Its apparent simplicity will favorably set off all design solutions, switching the attention of your guests to exquisite details.


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The human eye sees many shades. People are accustomed to different colored world and usually do not even think about the fact that there are only a few main ones. These include yellow, red and blue, and the rest of the colors of the spectrum are obtained by mixing them.

You will need

  • Red, blue and white paints, a sheet of paper, a brush, a palette, water, a catalog of shades


After you learn how to get purple, try lilac. It is lighter than purple, which means that it can be obtained on the palette by adding white paint. Take the purple paint you like and add some white to it. And if you add a little more white?

You can also go the other way. First, lighten the blue or red paint by adding white to it. Blue and pink will turn out, their shade depends on the proportion of red and white, blue and white paints. Mix colors. It turns out purple colour.

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Helpful advice

Paints can be any, but for a school experiment it is best to take gouache;

As a palette, you can use a piece of plywood or PVC tiles;

Lilac color can also be obtained on a computer. In the RGB system, purple is obtained in exactly the same way as in a regular palette - by adding red to blue or vice versa. After that, you need to increase the overall brightness in order to get exactly the lilac color. The RGB model defines the colors we see on a monitor. But another option is also possible - in the CMYK system. It uses a different method - not color mixing, but color subtraction, when the base RGB colors are subtracted from white. This principle is based on the absorption of one or another paint of one of the components of the white beam. For example, blue paint from a white beam absorbs the red component - and vice versa.


  • lilac how to get

Lilac color in nature is quite common. Lilacs, violets and many other flowers have just such a color. In some European cultures, purple is considered a royal color. There is an interpretation of it and psychologists. The preference that a person gives to this color is sometimes interpreted as a tendency to loneliness and reflection. Lilac is not one of the main ones. This means that it is obtained by mixing paints.

You will need

  • - color circle;
  • - NCS color catalog;
  • - paints of blue, red and white colors;
  • - palette;
  • - utensils for mixing.


From the base colors you can get any others. Therefore, for experiments with purple, take the smallest box. There may be only six colors or even four, and this will be enough. Get a dark purple color first. Mix equal proportions of red and blue paint. In fact, purple has several shades, in art paint sets two are very often presented - “purple K” and “purple C”. In the first case, more red paint is taken, in the second, more blue, respectively. In the color wheel, the first hue will be between purple and red sectors, and the second - between purple and blue.

Add white to the resulting paint. Lilac color has many shades, it can be dark and light. You can add about the same amount of white, it was blue and red colors. If you want an even lighter shade, add some more white.

You can do it differently. First, dilute the blue and red paints with white. You will get blue and. By mixing them, you get a purple color. And in this case, you can also try to make its different shades. By adding more blue, you get a color that is in the blue part of the spectrum. If more than pink, then the shade is in the red part of the color wheel.

When working with watercolors, white is rarely used. In this case, the role of the clarifier is water. In the same way as when painting with gouache, mix red and blue paints, resulting in purple. Then dilute it with water.

If you need to cover a large surface with oil paint or enamel, but the nearest hardware store does not have a suitable shade, contact a specialized one. There you can always use the catalog. Samples of flowers are even posted on special stands. You just choose the right one and ask the seller to get it. This is done in special machines that allow you to get a large amount of paint of the same shade. When staining small volumes, use the same method as for gouache.

On a computer, purple can be obtained in several ways. Open the Adobe Photoshop program. In the top menu, find the "Image" section. By clicking on this button, you will get a drop-down menu in which there is a line "Mode". It offers you several options, in this case you may be interested in RGB and CMYK modes. In the first case, lilac is obtained by the method of color composition, that is, approximately the same as when working with ordinary paints. First add red and blue to get purple. Then increase the brightness to the color saturation you want. In CMYK mode, the desired shades are obtained by color subtraction from white. In this one, as in some other editors, you can get purple in an even simpler way. Open the picture with the color wheel. Set the RGB mode In the left menu, find the button on which the eyedropper is drawn. Place it on that point on the color wheel

Experienced artists are able not only to draw various objects and unusual images in a very believable way, but also to create completely new and original colors and shades, using the usual mixing of paints of various proportions.

How to make a lilac shade from watercolors by mixing other colors

Lilac light is obtained by combining purple with other shades and tones. Essentially, lilac is a desaturated, pale purple. Masters working with watercolors create a lilac color by simply diluting purple with plain clean water. To make the color brighter and more saturated, add blue paint, also diluted with water.

How to mix gouache to make a lilac color

From gouache paints, you can also get a variety of shades of lilac. To do this, you can use purple ready-made paint, and prepared by combining red and blue. The cold color of lilac is easy to get by diluting purple with a little white. A rich lilac color with a metallic sheen can be obtained by combining purple with a light gray color.

For delicate still lifes, more varied colors and shades are needed. A subtle lilac shade can be made by combining pink as well as blue. In addition, instead of pink, you can use a brighter one - raspberry. Instead of blue - indigo color. If in a still life in some areas, use a diluted lilac color with yellow, then the picture will be bright and colorful in summer.

Soft transitions between flowers and leaves can be achieved by diluting lilac with green.

The picture will look more picturesque, more beautiful and saturated if complex colors are involved in the work. An artist who has the skill of mixing different colors will be able to create lilac by combining shades. To do this, two colors are being prepared on the palette - pink and purple. Purple is obtained by combining red with blue. Pink can be made by combining red with white or gray if you want a thicker color. After that, both colors that are obtained as a result of the combination can be mixed on the palette with the addition of white. If the result is satisfactory, it can be applied to the canvas.

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