What literary heroes are real historical persons depicted. Literature Olympiad


What features of a historical work can be distinguished in The Captain's Daughter and what Russian writers depicted historical events in their works?

Read the text fragment below and complete tasks B1-B7; C1-C2.

We sat down. "To the Belogorsk fortress!" - said Pugachev to the broad-shouldered Tatar, standing to the ruling troika. My heart began to beat violently. The horses set off, the bell rang, the wagon flew...

Stop! stop!" - a voice sounded, too familiar to me, - and I saw Savelitch running to meet us. Pugachev ordered to stop. "Father, Pyotr Andreevich!" - shouted the uncle. - "Do not leave me in my old age in the midst of these scams ..." - Ah, the old bastard! Pugachev told him. “God let me see you again. Well, take a seat.

“Thank you, sir, thank you, dear father!” Savelich said as he sat down. - “God grant you a hundred years of health for the fact that I looked after the old man and reassured me. I’ll pray to God for a century for you, but I won’t even mention the rabbit coat. ”

This bunny sheepskin coat could finally irritate Pugachev in earnest. Fortunately, the impostor either did not hear or ignored the inappropriate hint. The horses galloped; people on the street stopped and bowed from the waist. Pugachev nodded his head at both. sides. A minute later we left the settlement and rushed along a smooth road.

One can easily imagine how I felt at that moment. In a few hours I was to see her, whom I considered already lost to me. I imagined the moment of our connection... I also thought about the person in whose hands my fate was, and who, by a strange coincidence, was mysteriously connected with me. I remembered the reckless cruelty, the bloodthirsty habits of the one who volunteered to be the deliverer of my dear! Pugachev did not know that she was the daughter of Captain Mironov; embittered Shvabrin could reveal everything to him; Pugachev could have found out the truth in another way... Then what will become of Marya Ivanovna? Cold ran through my body, and my hair stood on end ...

Suddenly Pugachev interrupted my thoughts, turning to me with the question: “What, your honor, deigned to think about?”

How not to think, - I answered him: - I am an officer and a nobleman; Yesterday I still fought against you, and today I am riding with you in the same wagon, and the happiness of my whole life depends on you.

"Well?" asked Pugachev. - "Are you scared?"

I answered that having once been pardoned by him, I hoped not only for his mercy, but even for help.

"And you're right, by God you're right!" - said the impostor. - “You saw that my guys looked at you askance; and the old man even today insisted that you were a spy, and that you should be tortured and hanged; but I didn’t agree,” he added, lowering his voice so that Savelich and the Tatar could not hear him, “remembering your glass of wine and a rabbit coat. You see that I am not yet such a bloodsucker as your brothers say about me.

I remembered the capture of the Belogorsk fortress; but did not consider it necessary to dispute it, and did not answer a word.

A. S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"

What is the name of the genre of literature to which The Captain's Daughter belongs?


This kind of literature is called epic. Let's give a definition.

A kind of literature (along with lyrics and drama), a narrative of events assumed in the past (as if accomplished and remembered by the narrator). The epic embraces being in its plastic volume, spatio-temporal extension and event saturation (plot).

Answer: epic.

Answer: epic

Indicate in what century the depicted events take place.


The events depicted take place in the 18th century.

Answer: eighteenth.

Answer: eighteenth | eighteenth

Danil Evdokimenko 26.05.2016 16:13

Hello, I answered this question with the word "eighteenth", and I was credited with an error, that is, the correct 18. Please tell me which is more correct?

Tatiana Statsenko

In the demo version, such answers are written in cursive. Corrected.

Masha Sinkevich 02.04.2017 18:14

Hello. I wrote "eighteenth" in the answer, but the answer was counted as an error. Is it not possible to indicate the age in the nominative case?

Tatiana Statsenko

Can. Changes have been made.

Anatoly Kulbaev 13.06.2018 20:50

How does the age of the Pugachev rebellion relate to literature in general? The question is more historical!

Tatiana Statsenko

Our classical literature is characterized by the reflection of life on historical and social material. There is no Russian literature without this.

Establish a correspondence between the three main characters appearing in this fragment and their inherent personality traits. For each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.



A-4: Grinev - honesty, nobility, courage, sensitivity. Pyotr Grinev is the main character of the story. He is 17 years old, he is a Russian nobleman who has just entered the military service. One of the main qualities of Grinev is sincerity. He is sincere with the characters of the novel and with the readers. Telling his own life, he did not seek to embellish it.

B-2: Pugachev - toughness combined with gratitude and generosity. Pugachev Emelyan - the leader of the anti-noble uprising, calling himself the "great sovereign" Peter III. This image in the story is multifaceted: P. is both evil, and generous, and boastful, and wise, and disgusting, and omnipotent, and dependent on the opinions of the environment.

B-1: Savelich - devotion, care, worldly wisdom. The image of Savelich embodies many attractive features characteristic of a simple Russian person: fidelity to duty, directness, the ability for deep affection and self-sacrifice.

Answer: 421.

Answer: 421

Establish a correspondence between the three main characters appearing in this fragment and their future fate.

Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



A-2: Grinev escapes prison and penal servitude, pardoned by the Empress. At the end of the story, saving her beloved Grinev, Masha, as an equal with an equal, talks with an unrecognized empress and even contradicts her. As a result, the heroine wins, rescuing Grinev from prison.

B-4: Pugachev was sentenced to death. At the end of the work, Pugachev is condemned to death.

B-1: Savelyich accompanies Masha, liberated from the Belogorsk fortress, home.

Answer: 241.

Answer: 241

What is the name of the genre of narration on behalf of the author about real events of the past, of which he was a participant and eyewitness?


This genre is called memoirs. Memoirs - notes of contemporaries, telling about the events in which the author of the memoirs took part or which are known to him from eyewitnesses. An important feature of the memoirs is the installation on the "documentary" nature of the text, which claims to be the authenticity of the recreated past. Memoirs differ from the chronicles of contemporary events in that in them the author's face comes to the fore with his sympathies and dislikes, with his aspirations and views. Very often they belong to persons who played a prominent role in history, sometimes covering a significant period of time, for example, the entire life of the author, often connecting important events with the details of everyday life, memoirs can be historical material of paramount importance.

Answer: memoirs.

Answer: memoirs

Guest 16.05.2013 18:07

wrote a memoir, that is, in a single number - it gives an error, they say, memoirs! is it really that important? thank you in advance

Indicate the name of the compositional element of the text, which occupies an important place in this fragment, reproducing the speech communication of the characters.


This form of communication is called dialogue. Let's give a definition.

Dialogue is a conversation between two or more persons in a work of art. In a dramatic work, the dialogue of characters is one of the main artistic means for creating an image, character.

Answer: metaphor

How does this episode relate to the epigraph to the novel: "Take care of honor from a young age"?


In the epigraph of the story "The Captain's Daughter" A.S. Pushkin took out the Russian proverb "Take care of honor from a young age." Very often, the meaning of proverbs is understood only when a person experiences some life difficulties on himself.

So it happened with Peter Grinev. He faced a choice: take a risk, but act like an honest person, or, frightened of the danger, betray loved ones, his ideals.

Masha's only salvation from the hands of Shvabrin was Pugachev. At the same time, turning to the rebel, against whom Grinev himself fought, who swore allegiance to the queen, was very risky. Pyotr Andreevich, risking his life, was still able to maintain honor and dignity, because he was truthful with Pugachev, brave and did not change his oath to please the person on whom his and Masha's lives depended. Being in the same sleigh with the impostor, he did not give him reason to think that he was at one with him, openly answered the rebel: “I am an officer and a nobleman ...” A sense of duty, sincerity, devotion - these qualities make up Grinev's personality. Sometimes he is afraid and doubts, but he tries not to deviate from his convictions and, in extreme cases, is ready to commit truly heroic deeds for the sake of loved ones.


Many literary critics call The Captain's Daughter a historical novel, primarily because it was based on the history of the Pugachev rebellion. There are real historical figures in the work: the impostor Yemelyan Pugachev, a fugitive convict who proclaimed himself tsar, and Empress Catherine II. The novel shows the real territories covered by the rebellion. You can find prototypes for the characters of The Captain's Daughter. Through history, like through a sieve, heroes are sifted, and the one who is honest and merciful survives and is rewarded with happiness, and the one who is low in soul is punished. According to Pushkin, history is a kind of force that acts independently of people, beyond their control and sometimes even hostile to them.

We can also find signs of historicism in the novel by L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace", where we also find real historical figures among the characters: Napoleon, Alexander I, Kutuzov and others. During several historical eras, the events of "War and Peace" develop: the era of the Russian-Austrian war, the Patriotic War of 1812, the preparation of the Decembrist uprising.

The epic novel by M. Sholokhov "Quiet Flows the Don" continues the traditions of Pushkin and Tolstoy in revealing human destinies and characters through historical events. History is a clash, a struggle of warring parties, without them history does not exist.

Gorky believed that a writer is obliged to conjecture and typify a real person, turning him into a hero of a novel, and the search for prototypes of Dostoevsky's characters would lead to philosophical volumes, touching on real people only in passing.

Nevertheless, as it turned out, quite specific types of characters are most often and most strongly associated with their prototypes - adventurers of all kinds and stripes, or fairy-tale heroes. It is not a fact that everything was exactly like this in reality due to the prescription of years or the absence of the main persons, but at least these assumptions are very interesting

Let's remember some:

Sherlock Holmes

Joseph Bell (Sherlock Holmes)

The relationship of the image of Sherlock Holmes with the doctor Joseph Bell, Conan Doyle's teacher, was recognized by the author himself. In his autobiography, he wrote: “I was thinking about my old teacher Joe Bell, his aquiline profile, his inquisitive mind and incredible ability to guess all the details.

If he were a detective, he would definitely turn this amazing but disorganized case into something more like an exact science. “Use the power of deduction,” Bell often repeated, and confirmed his words in practice, being able to understand the patient’s biography, tendencies, and often the diagnosis from the appearance of the patient.

Later, after the release of the Sherlock Holmes novels, Conan Doyle wrote to his teacher that the unique skills of his hero are not fiction, but just how Bell's skills would logically develop if the circumstances were for it. Bell answered him: "You yourself are Sherlock Holmes, and you know it very well!"

Ostap Bender

The prototype of Ostap Bender, by the age of 80, became a quiet conductor of the Moscow-Tashkent train. In life, his name was Osip (Ostap) Shor, he was born in Odessa and, as expected, he discovered a penchant for adventures in his student years.

Returning from Petrograd, where he studied for a year at the Technological Institute, Shor, having neither money nor a profession, presented himself either as a chess grandmaster, or as a contemporary artist, or as a hiding member of the anti-Soviet party. Thanks to these skills, he got to his native Odessa, where he served in the criminal investigation department and fought against local banditry, hence the respectful attitude of Ostap Bender to the Criminal Code

Professor Preobrazhensky

With the prototype of Professor Preobrazhensky from Bulgakov's Heart of a Dog, things are much more dramatic. He was a French surgeon of Russian origin Samuil Abramovich Voronov, who in the first quarter of the twentieth century created a real sensation in European medicine.

He completely legally transplanted monkey glands to humans to rejuvenate the body. Moreover, the hype was justified - the first operations had the desired effect. As the newspapers wrote, children with mental disabilities gained mental alertness, and even in one song of those times called Monkey-Doodle-Doo there were the words "If you are old for dancing, get yourself a monkey gland."

As the results of treatment, Voronov himself called the improvement of memory and vision, good spirits, ease of movement and the resumption of sexual activity. Thousands of people underwent treatment according to the Voronov system, and the doctor himself, to simplify practice, opened his own monkey nursery on the French Riviera.

However, after some time, patients began to feel a deterioration in the state of the body, rumors appeared that the result of treatment was nothing more than self-hypnosis, Voronov was branded as a charlatan and disappeared from European science until the 90s, when his work began to be discussed again

But the protagonist of The Picture of Dorian Gray has seriously spoiled the reputation of his life original. John Gray, in his youth a friend and protege of Oscar Wilde, was famous for his penchant for the beautiful and the vicious, as well as the appearance of a fifteen-year-old boy.

Wilde did not hide the similarity of his character with John, and the latter sometimes even called himself Dorian. The happy union ended at the moment when the newspapers began to write about it: John appeared there as the beloved of Oscar Wilde, even more languid and apathetic than everyone before him.

Enraged, Gray sued and got an apology from the editors, but his friendship with the famous author slowly faded away. Soon Gray met his life partner, the poet and native of Russia Andre Raffalovich, together they converted to Catholicism, then Gray became a priest at St. Patrick's Church in Edinburgh.

Michael Davis (Peter Pan)

Acquaintance with the family of Sylvia and Arthur Davis gave James Matthew Barry, already a well-known playwright at that time, his main character, Peter Pan, who was based on Michael, one of the Davis sons.

Peter Pan became the same age as Michael and received from him both some character traits and nightmares. It was from Michael that the portrait of Peter Pan was molded for sculpture in Kensington Gardens.

The tale itself was dedicated to Barry's older brother, David, who died the day before his fourteenth birthday while skating and remained in the memory of his loved ones forever young.

The story of Alice in Wonderland began on the day Lewis Carroll walked with the daughters of the rector of Oxford University, Henry Lidell, among whom was Alice Lidell. Carroll came up with a story on the go at the request of the children, but the next time he did not forget about it, but began to compose a sequel.

Two years later, the author presented Alice with a manuscript consisting of four chapters, to which was attached a photograph of Alice herself at the age of seven. It was titled "Christmas gift for a dear girl in memory of a summer day"

While working on Lolita, Vladimir Nabokov, according to his biographer Brian Boyd, often skimmed the forensic section of newspapers for stories of accidents, murders, and violence. The story of Sally Horner and Frank Lasalle, which happened in 1948, clearly attracted his attention.

It was reported that a middle-aged man, breaking all the rules of morality, kidnapped twelve-year-old Sally Horner from New Jersey and kept her with him for almost two years until she was found in a Southern California motel.

Lasalle, just like Nabokov's hero, passed off Sally as his daughter all the time. Nabokov even casually mentions this incident in the book in the words of Humbert: "Did I do to Dolly what Frank LaSalle, a fifty-year-old mechanic, did to eleven-year-old Sally Horner in '48?"


Aleksey Tolstoy, as you know, although he only sought to rewrite Pinocchio by Carlo Collodio in Russian, published a completely independent story in which analogies with contemporary cultural figures are clearly read.

Tolstoy was not a fan of Meyerhold's theater and its biomechanics, so he got the role of the antagonist - Karabas-Barabas. The parody is read even in the name: Karabas is the Marquis of Carabas from Perro's fairy tale, and Barabas is from the Italian word for swindler - baraba. Meyerhold's assistant, who worked under the pseudonym Voldemar Luscinius, got the no less eloquent role of Duremar

By the way, somehow we had a controversial story about either. But actually

Perhaps the most incredible and mythologized story of the image is the story of the creation of Carlson. Its possible prototype is Hermann Göring. Relatives of Astrid Lindgren, of course, refute this version, but it still exists and is actively discussed.

The acquaintance of Astrid Lindgren and Goering happened in the 20s, when the latter arranged an air show in Sweden. At that time, Goering was fully "in the prime of life", as Carlson liked to repeat about himself. After the First World War, he became a famous ace pilot, who had a certain charisma and, according to legend, a good appetite.

Carlson's motor behind his back is often interpreted as an allusion to Goering's flying practice. A possible confirmation of this analogy is the fact that for some time Astrid Lindgren supported the ideas of the National Socialist Party of Sweden.

The book about Carlson was published already in the post-war period in 1955, so it would be crazy to advocate a direct analogy of these heroes, however, it is quite possible that the vivid image of the young Goering remained in her memory and somehow influenced the appearance of the charming Carlson

And a little more about our Soviet cartoon:

In total, there were two series about Carlson: "Kid and Carlson" (1968) and "Carlson returned" (1970). Soyuzmultfilm was going to make a third one, but this idea was never realized. The studio's archives still contain a film that was planned to be used for filming a cartoon based on the third part of the trilogy about Malysh and Carlson - "Carlson is playing pranks again."

Carlson, Malysh, Freken Bock and all other characters were created by the artist Anatoly Savchenko. He also suggested calling Faina Ranevskaya to voice the “housekeeper”. Before her, a huge number of actresses auditioned for this role, and no one came up, and Ranevskaya fit perfectly. She had another "minus" - a difficult character. She called the director "baby" and categorically rejected all his remarks. And when she first saw her heroine, she was frightened, and then she was very offended by Savchenko. "Am I that scary?" the actress kept asking. Explanations that this is not her portrait, but just an image, Ranevskaya did not console. She remained the same.

Carlson also did not have a “voice” for a long time, Livanov found himself, by accident. The actor every day went to the creators of the cartoon for a game of chess, and once at the game, director Boris Stepantsev complained to him that he could not find a person for the role of Carlson. Vasily Livanov immediately went to the studio, tried, and was approved. Later, the actor admitted that, while working in the image of Carlson, he diligently parodied the famous director Grigory Roshal

One of the versions explains that the teddy bear with sawdust in its head got its name from the nickname of the favorite toy of Milne's son Christopher Robin. Just like the rest of the characters in the book.

However, in fact, Winnie the Pooh was named after a real-life bear who lived in the London Zoo. Her name was Winnipeg, and she entertained the inhabitants of the British capital from 1915 to 1934. The bear had many admirers. Among them was Christopher Robin.

One-legged John Silver

In Treasure Island, Robert Louis Stevenson portrayed his friend, the poet and critic Williams Hansley, as a good villain. As a child, William suffered tuberculosis and one of his legs, doctors, for some unknown reason, decided to amputate to the knee.

After the announcement of the book, the writer wrote to a friend: “I have to make a confession. Evil in appearance, but kind at heart, John Silver was written off from you. You're not offended, are you?"

A sophisticated man with a princely title, married to a Dutch princess and prone to dubious adventures - this is how the prototype of James Bond, Prince Bernard van Lippe-Biesterfeld, really looked like.

The adventures of James Bond began with a series of books written by the English spy Ian Fleming. The first of them - "Casino Royale" - was published in 1953, a few years after Fleming, on duty, was assigned to follow Prince Bernard, who had defected from German service to British intelligence.

Who does not know, I will tell you and what is the continuation of

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Answers Literature Grade 6.docx


Answers to the Literature Olympiad Grade 6

1. 1-B;

2 -D;

3 -B;

4 - G;

5 - A;

6 - E.


2. A - Pushkin A.S.

B - Lermontov M.Yu.

B - Tostoy L.N.

The maximum number of points is 3

3 . A) no
B) yes
B) yes
D) no
D) yes

The maximum number of points is 5

4 .

1 -g

2 -d



5 -i

6 –z




10 -b

The maximum number of points is 10





4 -d


6 -g



The maximum number of points is 8

6. 1. Literary device - personification, a verb that transfers the action of a living being to other objects: Streams run, the forest will dress, winter has carried away)

2. State - a premonition of happiness, joy; anticipation;

And the heart is still strong in the chest

7. "Three Heroes", "Ivan Tsarevich on a Gray Will", "The Frog Princess", "Kashchei the Immortal", "The Sleeping Princess", "Alyonushka", "The Fight of Dobrynya Nikitich with the Seven-Headed Serpent Gorynych", "Flying Carpet", "Vityaz ”, “Bogatyr”, “Knight at the Crossroads”, “Bogatyrsky lope”, “Guslars”, Baba Yaga”, “Princess Nesmeyana”, “After the battle of Igor Svyatoslavovich with the Polovtsians”.

1 point per fact

8 . Fragments from fairy tales. The element of the composition of fairy tales is called the ending.

Maximum points-1

9 . A) a saber and a knapsack - a soldier, a fairy tale by G.-Kh. Andersen "Flint"
B) magic hairs from a beard - old man Hottabych, from the fairy tale of the same name by Lagin
C) a barley seed in a flower pot - Thumbelina was born from it, a fairy tale by G.-Kh. Andersen "Thumbelina"
D) a broken trough - an old woman, A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Goldfish"
E) a wonderful talking mirror - stepmother, A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Dead Princess..."
The maximum number of points is 15 points (for the hero, the title of the work and the author, 1 point each)

10 1) Comparison. 2) Litota. 3) Metaphor. 4) Epithet. 5) Litota. 6) Metaphor. 7) Personification.

8) Epithet. 9) Hyperbole. 10) Personification. 11) Antithesis. 12) Comparison.

11. Our colonel was born with a grip.

HVAT - a dexterous, quick person, full of daring.

Maximum score-2

12. Text analysis.

1) Landscape.

2) Winter: "frosty, bright silence", "yesterday's powder"; "Nast", etc.

3) Epithet: "bright silence";

comparison: "powder, like powder with sparkling sparkles";

the personification "the bush looks and sees", etc.

1 point per fact

Selected document to view Answers Literature Grade 9.docx


School stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren in Literature 2014-2015 academic year

Grade 9 Answers

(evaluation: for each correct answer - 1 point. Maximum number of points - 4)

1.1. V. A. Zhukovsky "Svetlana"

1.2. A. S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit"

"The Tale of Igor's Campaign"

D. I. Fonvizin "Undergrowth"

2. From which works are the excerpts taken? Name their authors and genre.

(assessment: for each correct answer - 2 points. Maximum number of points - 6)

2.1. M. V. Lomonosov "Ode on the day of the ascension ...". Oh yeah.

2.2. N. M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa". Tale.

2.3.B. A. Zhukovsky "Lyudmila". Ballad.

3.The list of works below A. Pushkin, their names are confused. From the words that make up the wrong titles, restore the true names.

(evaluation: for each correct answer - 1 point. Maximum number of points - 8)

"Journey to Arzrum", "Arap of Peter the Great", "House in Kolomna", "Brothers - robbers", "History of the village of Goryukhin", "Prisoner of the Caucasus", "Count Nulin", "Egyptian nights".

4. What literary heroes , real historical persons, are depicted in the following passages? Name the work and the author. (assessment: for each correct answer - 2 points. Maximum number of points - 6)

4.1. Peter I. A. S. Pushkin "Poltava".

4.2. Ivan groznyj. M. Yu. Lermontov "Song about the merchant Kalashnikov"

4.3. Emelyan Pugachev. A. S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"

(Evaluation: for each correct answer - 1 point. Maximum number of points - 3)

5.1. "The Tale of Igor's Campaign"

5.2. D. I. Fonvizin "Undergrowth"

5.3. A. S. Pushkin "Brothers-robbers"

6. Explain the meaning mythological names in the cited texts. (evaluation: for each correct answer - 1 point. Maximum number of points - 3)

Elena - in Greek mythology, the most beautiful of women, the daughter of Zeus and Leda, the wife of the king of Sparta Menelaus. The abduction of Helen by Paris triggered the Trojan War.

Troy (Ilion) - an ancient city destroyed by the Achaeans (Greeks).

Stribog - in East Slavic mythology, the god of the air elements (wind, storms, etc.)

7. Give an interpretation literary terms mentioned in an excerpt from the work of M. Yu. Lermontov "A Tale for Children". (Evaluation: for each correctly explained term - 2 points. The maximum number of points is 6)

Epigrama short poem ridiculing a person or

social phenomenon

Poem - one of the types of lyrical-epic narrative kind of literature:

poetic storytelling, poetic story or short story


Drama - 1. One of the three literary genres,whose formal distinction from others in

that it is intended to be played on stage.

2. one of the main genres of modern theatrical art (along with

comedy and tragedy)

8 . Assessing the quality of the interpretation of a poetic text, we propose to be guided by the following criteria:

Emotional dominants of the text 2 points;

Themes, ideas, motives, poetic images 4 points;

Position of the lyrical hero 2 points;

Literary context (literary direction)2 points;

Rhythm 2 points;- composition 2 points;

Genre features1 point; chronotope 1 point;

Poetic vocabulary 2 points;

Poetic syntax 2 points;

Sound recording 2 points; - integrity and compositional harmony of interpretation 2 points. The maximum number of points is 24.

Selected document to view Answers Literature Grade 10.docx


Literature Olympiad Grade 10


Maximum Points- 6 b. (Title, author - 0.5 each; hero - 1 point )

1.1 N.V. Gogol "Inspector", mayor

1.2 A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter", P. Grinev

1.3 A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin", Tatyana

2. The maximum number of points - 3 b. (author, title by 0.5b)

    1. N.V. Gogol "Overcoat"

2.2 N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls"

2.3 A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm"

II . Historical and literary assignments.

1. A.N. Ostrovsky 1b

2. Sovremennik 1b

3. "Dowry" A.N. Ostrovsky, "Gypsies" A.S. Pushkin, N.S. Leskov "The Enchanted Wanderer". 1 b each

III . knowledge of literary theory. Max. 3 b


    A dull lantern, a dim aura is an epithet

    Rain beads - metaphor


2 Max. 8 points

Title of the stanza

Example number









IV Maksim. 25 points

We propose to be guided by the following criteria:

Emotional dominant of the text1 point

Themes, ideas, motives, poetic image 4 points

The position of the lyrical hero2 point

Literary context1 point

Cultural context1 point

Historical context1 point

Rhythm, meter2 points

Composition2 points

Chronotop1 point

Poetic vocabulary2 points

Poetic Syntax2 points

Morphological features1 point

sound recording2 points

Integrity and compositional harmonystatements3 points.

Total for work47b + task II (3)

Selected document to view Answers Literature Grade 11.docx



The school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in literature. Grade 11.

2014-2015 academic year

1.Maximum score - 5 points

“Mtsyri”, “Prayer” (“in a moment of difficult life”), “Sail”, “In the wild north”, “Death of a poet”, “From under a mysterious cold half-mask”, “Duma”, “To N.I ... . ”,“ Both boring and sad ... ”,“ Leaf ”.

2. Maximum score - 10 points

"Who's to blame?" A. Herzen, "Financier" T. Dreiser, "Cliff" N. Goncharov, "What to do?" N. Chernyshevsky, "Ordinary History" N. Goncharov, "The Fate of Man" M. Sholokhov, “Bleak House” by C. Dickens, “Trap” by E. Zola, “Les Misérables” by V. Hugo, “Thunderstorm” by A. Ostrovsky, “Forest” by A. Ostrovsky, “Call of the Ancestors” by D. London, “The Nose” and "Overcoat" N. Gogol,

"Walking through the torments" A. Tolstoy.

3. Maximum score - 5 points

Allegory - allegory; anapaest - poetic size, three-syllable foot; annotation -shortpresentation of the content of the article, book; aphorism - a short expressive saying;

alliteration is the repetition of the same consonants.

4. Maximum score - 10 points

Realism (N. Ostrovsky, M. Sholokhov, A. Tolstoy, D. Bedny, later work of V. Mayakovsky). Silver Age (V. Bryusov, K. Balmont, A. Blok, A. Bely, and Annensky, S. Gorodetsky, A. Akhmatova, N. Gumelev, O. Mandelstam, V. Khlebnikov, V. Mayakovsky, I. Severyanin, N.D. and D.D. Burliuks, V.Kamensky, A.Kruchenykh.

5. Maximum score - 5 points

1) "Stray dog"; 2) Northerner; Mayakovsky 3) "Tower" 4) publishing house "Knowledge" 5) "Balagan"

6. Maximum score - 5 points. The maximum mark is given if the main milestones are indicated the life of Vrubel (1856-1910), his significance for art - he is the founder of symbolism and modernity in Russian painting. He is distinguished by innovative searches in the field of form (the principle of "crystallization") and color ("purple worlds"). The most famous paintings are: “Seated Demon” (1890), “Pan” (1899), “Lilac” (1900), “Defeated Demon” (1902), “Princess Dream” panel (early 1896).

7. Maximum score - 4 points

8. Maximum score - 5 points for each task

1) anapaest, cross rhyme, masculine, exact; 2) iambic, ring rhyme, male and female, inaccurate; 3) free verse - free verse

9. Maximum score - 10 points

1) M. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man" 2) V. Nekrasov "In the trenches of Stalingrad" 3) V. Bykov "Obelisk" 4) A. Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin" 5) K. Simonov "Wait for me" 6) M. Lermontov "Borodino" 7) M. Bulgakov "The White Guard" 8) B. Vasiliev "The Dawns Here Are Quiet" 9) Y. Bondarev "Hot Snow" 10) S. Smirnov "Brest Fortress"

10. Maximum score -10 points

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School stage of the Olympiad for schoolchildren in literature

Grade 5 2014–2015 academic year

    Andersen "The Princess and the Pea"

    Little robber; G.H. Andersen "The Snow Queen"

    Stepmother; A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Dead Princess"

    The heroine from Andersen's fairy tale "Wild Swans"

    Old man Hottabych from the fairy tale of the same name by Lagin


a) a fairy tale b) proverb; c) riddle

3. Fill in the missing word(s). Indicate the author and the title of the work from which the excerpt is taken

A) A.S., Pushkin "The Tale of the Dead Princess"; prince Elisha ;

B) A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"; don't want to be pillar noblewoman

4. Identify the writer by biographical facts. Write his last name, first name, patronymic. (6 points)

A) Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov; b) Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

5. Restore the full forms of the writers' names (first name, patronymic, last name). (5 points)

Ivan Andreevich Krylov

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

Mikhail Yurjevich Lermontov

Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol










P.P. Ershov "Humpbacked Horse"

8. Divide the mythological characters: Yarilo, Atlas, Dazhd - god, Zeus, Hercules, Apollo - into groups:

a) Slavic: Yarilo, Dazhd-god;

b) Greek: Atlas, Zeus, Hercules, Apollo.

Write the name of the fables. (2 points for definition, 2 points for answer - 4 points in total)

Moral - the initial or final lines of a fable with a moralizing conclusion. I.A. Krylov a). "Swan, Pike and Cancer" b). "A Crow and a fox"

10 creative task

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Literature Olympiad answers for grade 7

Task number 1

1.N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov, the opera "Sadko"; Grechaninov, opera "Dobrynya Nikitich"; V. Vasnetsov "Three Bogatyrs", "The Knight at the Crossroads", "Guslyars", « After the battle of Igor Svyatoslavovich with the Polovtsy» ; Repin "Sadko", I. Bilibin "Volga's team", opera by A.P. Borodin "Prince Igor" ...

Exercise №2

Mark Twain

A.P. Chekhov

V.A. Zhukovsky


L.N. Tolstoy

Exercise №3

Deforge (Dubrovsky); two Caucasian captives (Zhilin and Kostylin); a hero nicknamed Chameleon (Ochumelov), a young peasant woman (Liza Muromskaya), an amphibious man (Ihtiandr), a man on the clock (Postnikov), Biryuk (Foma).

Exercise №4

Moscow (“Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich ...”), monastery (“Three Musketeers”), front door (“Reflections at the front door”), shack by the sea (“The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”), Ithaca (“Odyssey ").

Exercise №5

A carol is a song in which the owners of the house were famous and contained wishes for a rich harvest, abundance ... Carols were sung during the Christmas and New Year holidays. Caroling - festive detours of houses with carol singing, with dressing up. This is the difference between carols and other calendar-ritual songs.

Exercise №6

a) The beaten unbeaten is lucky.

To whom are the tops, and to whom are the roots. …;

b) There is no beast stronger than a cat.

And Vaska listens and eats.

The strong always blame the powerless.

Elephant - I did not notice.

And nothing has changed. …

Task number 7

The east is burning with a new dawn - a metaphor; crimson smoke - an epithet; like a plowman the battle is resting - comparison; throwing piles of bodies on top of a pile is a hyperbole.

Exercise №8

a) "The Young Lady-Peasant Woman", Lisa - Akulina
b) "Dubrovsky", Vladimir Dubrovsky

Task number 9

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

Mikhail Yurjevich Lermontov

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

Nikolay Alekseevich Nekrasov

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

Task number 10

We evaluate the answer according to the following criteria:

Listed by subject or genre of the book that is in the home library - 3 points;

It is told about the addictions of family members and their choice in reading books - 2 points;

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Literature Olympiad

Grade 10

    Knowledge of literary texts.

    Before you are the dreams of literary heroes. To whom do they dream? List the work and its author. (Max points - 6 b, title, author - 0.5 each; hero - 1 point )

    1. I seemed to have a presentiment: all night long I dreamed of two extraordinary rats. Really, I have never seen such things: black, unnatural size! They came, sniffed - and went away.

1.2 I had a dream that I could never forget, and in which I still see something prophetic when I reflect with it on the strange circumstances of my life.

It seemed to me that the storm was still raging and we were still wandering through the snowy desert ... Suddenly I saw the gate and drove into the manor yard of our estate. My first thought was the fear that the priest would not be angry with me for my involuntary return to my parents' roof and would not consider it a deliberate disobedience. With anxiety, I jumped out of the wagon and saw: mother meets me on the porch with an air of deep chagrin. “Hush,” she says to me, “father is ill at death and wants to say goodbye to you.” Stricken with fear, I follow her into the bedroom. I see the room is dimly lit; people with sad faces are standing by the bed. I quietly approach the bed; Mother raises the curtain... I knelt down and fixed my eyes on the patient. Well? .. Instead of my father, I see a man with a black beard lying in bed, looking at me cheerfully. In bewilderment, I turned to my mother, saying to her: "What does this mean? This is not a father. And why should I ask a peasant for a blessing?" …

1.3 . Fell into the snow; bear nimble

She grabs and carries;

She is insensitively submissive;

Does not move, does not die;

He rushes her along the forest road;

Suddenly, between the trees, a miserable hut;

All around the wilderness, everywhere he

Covered with desert snow

And shines brightly in the window,

And in the hut and scream and noise;

The bear said: here is my godfather.

Warm up a little!

And he goes straight into the canopy,

And puts it on the threshold.

    Find out the piece by the end. Name the author. 3 b. by 0.5b)

    1. The ghost, however, was much taller, wore an enormous mustache, and, directing his steps, as it seemed, towards the Obukhov Bridge, disappeared completely into the darkness of the night.

      A bell is filled with a wonderful ringing; the air torn to pieces rumbles and becomes the wind; everything that is on earth flies by, and, looking sideways, step aside and give it way to other peoples and states.

2.3 Good for you, Katya! And why am I left to live in the world and suffer!

    Historical and literary assignments.

    For the plays of which Russian playwright, the dictionary N.S. Ashukina and S.I. Ozhegov, including the following articles: grand - delicate; something - nothing; electricity - electricity; frishtykat - have breakfast; hypocrite - feigned - virtuous person, hypocrite (The maximum number of points is 1 point)

    This literary journal was published successively by A.S. Pushkin, P.A. Pletnev, N.A. Nekrasov from 1836 to 1866. It contained "The Captain's Daughter", "Notes of a Hunter", "Mumu". Name the journal.(Maximum points - 1 point)

    In what works Russian classics are the characters gypsies? (One point for each correctly named work + author)

III . knowledge of literary theory.

1. Indicate the means of artistic expression used in the passage? (Maximum points - 3 points)

In one place, a particularly dull lantern diluted the darkness, and, passing through its dull aura, the fog turned into beads of rain (V. Nabokov "Other Shores").

    Before you are fragments of lyrical works and the names of genres. Compare them to each other. Write down the answer using the letter and number designation (for example: m - 9). Max-8b.

Genre name

Example number

A) idyll

B) sonnet

B) a message

D) elegy

D) ode

E) thought

G) epigram

H) haiku

1. He plays chess with one hand

With the other hand he conquers the nations,

With one foot he strikes friend and foe,

With another he tramples the universe on the shore.

(A. Suvorov)

2. The day is already paler, hiding behind the mountain;

Noisy herds crowd over the river;

A tired peasant with a slow foot

He goes, thinking, to his calm hut.

(V. Zhukovsky)

3. Crowd gloomy and soon forgotten
We will pass over the world without noise or trace,
Not throwing for centuries a fruitful thought,
Nor the genius of the work begun.
And our ashes, with the severity of a judge and a citizen,
A descendant will offend with a contemptuous verse,
The mockery of the bitter deceived son
Over the squandered father.

(M. Lermontov)

4. The calm of the ashes.

The cat plays with fur.

All will pass.


5. Love, hope, quiet glory
The deceit did not live long for us,
Gone are the funs of youth
Like a dream, like a morning mist;
But desire still burns in us;
Under the yoke of fatal power
With an impatient soul
Fatherland heed the invocation.

(A. Pushkin)

6. Poet! do not value the love of the people.
Enthusiastic praise will pass a moment's noise;
Hear the judgment of a fool and the laughter of the cold crowd,
But you remain firm, calm and gloomy.

You are the king: live alone. By the road of the free
Go where your free mind takes you,
Improving the fruits of your favorite thoughts,
Not demanding rewards for a noble feat.

They are in you. You are your own highest court;
You know how to appreciate your work more strictly.
Are you satisfied with it, demanding artist?

Satisfied? So let the crowd scold him
And spits on the altar where your fire burns
And in childish playfulness your tripod shakes.

(A. Pushkin)

7. Time verb! metal ringing!

Your terrible voice confuses me,

Calls me, calls your moan,

He calls - and brings him closer to the coffin.

As soon as I saw this light,

Death is already gnashing its teeth

Like lightning, oblique shines

And my days, like cereal, cuts.


8. Shepherds, I will forget

Hours, how I was sad, groaning,

Again I will jump into my flute,

You will see me again in your circles. (A. Sumarokov)

IV . Analysis of the poetic text. Maksim. 25 points

F.I. Tyutchev

As the ocean embraces the globe,

Earthly life is surrounded by dreams;

Night will come - and sonorous waves

The element hits its shore.

Then her voice: he forces us and asks ...

Already in the pier the magic boat came to life;

The tide is rising and taking us fast

Into the immensity of dark waves.

The vault of heaven, burning with star glory

Mysteriously looks from the depths, -

And we are sailing, a flaming abyss

Surrounded on all sides.


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School stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren in Literature Grade 11

2014-2015 academic year

1. Complete the description of M.Yu. Lermontov, given by V.G. Belinsky, with examples - indicate the name of Lermontov's poems in the gaps or quotes.

“Throwing a general look at the poems of M. Lermontov, we see in them all the forces, all the elements that make up life and poetry. In this deep nature, in this powerful spirit, everything lives; everything is accessible to them, everything is clear; they respond to everything.

Indestructible strength and power of the spirit (_______________________________________),

unctuous fragrance of prayer (_________________________________________),

fiery, stormy animation (______________________________________),

quiet sadness, meek thoughtfulness (____________________________________),

cries of proud suffering (_____________________________________________),

mysterious tenderness of feeling (________________________________________),

ills of modern society (__________________________________________________________),

intoxication of love (_________________________________________________________________),

contempt for the prose of life (_____________________________________________________________),

poison of denial (_________________________________________________________________),

everything, everything in Lermontov's poetry: heaven and earth, heaven and hell.

2. Read the text, find the names of works of art hidden in it. Write them out, indicate the author.

“Mentally running through his life, he asked himself with excruciating anguish: “Who is to blame for the fact that he, having successfully started his career as a financier, fell off a cliff and ended up at the bottom of society. What to do? The most ordinary thing happened! Such is the fate of a man who believes in the kindness and meek tenderness of the world. How hard it is for him to be given the truth that our world is an empty cold house, the inhabitants of which beat an empty cold heart. The world is a trap for the gullible, a huge barge loaded with outcasts.”

It was already getting dark. Purple clouds drifted across the low sky, harbingers of a coming thunderstorm. The streets became dark, like the jungle of a dense, impenetrable forest, in which, as if coming from the depths of memory, the call of the ancestors sounded someone's quiet, strict voice. Hiding his nose in the beaver collar of his overcoat, he, ignoring the raindrops, slowly walked alone through the empty city, like a holy martyr who made a cleansing journey through torment.

3. Explain literary terms:

Allegory - ; anapest -; annotation-; antithesis-; aphorism -; alliteration -.

4. What trends and trends in Russian literature of the early 20th century influenced the work of the best poets and prose writers of that time?

5 . 1. The first public performance of V. Mayakovsky with the reading of poetry took place in the famous artistic basement ____________________________________________

2. In 1918 At a poetry evening at the Polytechnic Museum in Moscow _______________

__________________ was elected, the second place was taken by Mayakovsky, and the third by Balmont.

3. Since the autumn of 1905, __________ has become the brightest literary salon in St. Petersburg.

Vyacheslav Ivanov, his apartment in a house on Tavricheskaya Street, located on the top floor, in a corner tower.

4. The publishing house headed by M. Gorky ____________ in different years included L. Andreev, I. Bunin, V. Veresaev, N. Garin-Mikhailovsky, A. Kuprin, I. Shevelev and other writers

5. In 1907 The premiere of the play by A. Blok _____________ took place at the theater of V.F. Komissarzhevskaya, with music by M.A. Kuzmin.

6. A. Blok said that Vrubel's "Demon" and Lermontov's "Demon" are "symbols of our time." Write a short article about this artist, name his most famous paintings.

7. 1. In the period 1900-1903. the poet wrote his best poems : "Verbalism",

“I am the sophistication of Russian slow speech ...”, “Most tenderly”. In 1904-1905. The Scorpion Publishing House published a collection of the poet's poems in two volumes. This period ends with the collection “The Liturgy of Beauty. Elemental Hymns", in which the poet rebukes people who "have fallen out of love with the Sun".

8. 1. Determine the poetic size, rhyme, rhyme method in each passage;

1. My queen has a high palace,

About seven he pillars of gold,

My queen has a seven-sided crown,

It has no number of precious stones

2. Insomnia. Homer. Tight sails.

I read the list of ships to the middle:

This long brood, this train


That over Hellas once rose.

3. She came from the cold,


Filled the room

Aroma of air and perfume.

9. Select the match: writer - work:

1. M Sholokhov 1. "Brest Fortress"

2. V. Nekrasov 2. "Borodino"

3. V. Bykov 3. "The Dawns Here Are Quiet"

4. A. Tvardovsky 4. "Obelisk"

5. K. Simonov 5. "White Guard"

6. M. Lermontov 6. "The fate of man"

7. N. Bulgakov 7. "Wait for me"

8. B. Vasiliev 8. "Hot snow"

9. Y. Bondarev 9. "Vasily Terkin"

10. S. Smirnov 10. "In the trenches of Stalingrad"

10. Analysis of the poetic text.


"Sky and Stars"

Clear evening sky
Distant stars are clear
Clear as the happiness of a child;
ABOUT! Why can't I think:
Stars, you are as clear as my happiness!

Why are you unhappy
Will people tell me?
That's why I'm unhappy
Good people that the stars and the sky -
Stars and sky! - and I'm a man! ..

people to each other
Envy is nourished;
I, on the contrary,
I only envy the beautiful stars,
I would just like to take their place.

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School stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren

Olympiad tasks Grade 5

The maximum number of points for the entire work - 50

1. Which of the literary characters owns the following items? Name the character, work and author.(By1 points for the hero, author and title of the work)


    A sharp sparkling knife and a fur clutch

    Fresh fragrant golden-ruddy apple

    Shirts knitted from nettle yarn

    Magic beard hairs


2. Define and name the genre according to the fragments of the text.

( The maximum number of points- 3)


genre name

A) Once upon a time there was a good king Matvey,;

Lived with his queen

He has been in agreement for many years;

And there are still no children.

B) Alone in the field is not a warrior

C) The red yoke hung across the river.

3. Fill in the missing word(s). Indicate the author and the title of the work from which the excerpt is taken. ( The maximum number of points- 4)

A) white-faced, black-browed,

I like such a meek one.

And the groom was found by her,

Royal __________.

B) “Come back, bow to the fish:

I don't want to be ___________ ___________,

And I want to be a free queen"

4. Identify the writer by biographical facts. Write his last name, first name, patronymic. ( The maximum number of points- 6)

a) Born in the Arkhangelsk province in the family of a peasant fisherman. Without the knowledge of his father, he left for Moscow. He entered the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy. He made many scientific discoveries in the field of physics, chemistry, astronomy. He carried out a reform of versification.

b) Born in Moscow. His uncle, Vasily Lvovich, was a famous poet. The nanny had a great influence on the boy. He studied at the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. V. Zhukovsky gave him his portrait with the inscription "To the winner of the student from the defeated teacher."

5. Restore the full forms of the writers' names (first name, patronymic, last name).

( Maximum points - 5)

Ivan Andreevich Lermontov

Mikhail Yurievich Gogol

Lev Nikolaevich Krylov

Alexander Sergeevich Tolstoy

Nikolay Vasilievich Pushkin

6. Match the given nouns with constant epithets (you can connect them with arrows):

(The maximum number of points is 5)










7. Mark works of art that belong to fiction:

    I.E. Repin "Dragonfly"

    P.P. Ershov "Humpbacked Horse"

    P.I. Tchaikovsky "The Nutcracker"

    A.M. Opekushin. Monument to A.S. Pushkin

    S. Aksakov. "The Scarlet Flower".

    Barma and Postnik. Intercession Cathedral (St. Basil's Cathedral)

(The maximum number of points is 2)

8. Divide the mythological characters: Yarilo, Atlas, Dazhd-god, Zeus, Hercules, Apollo - into groups:

a) Slavic; b) Greek

(The maximum number of points is 6)

9. Define the moral of the fable. What fables are morals drawn from?

Write the name of the fables.

( 2 points for definition, 2 points for answer - total 4 points )

a) “When there is no agreement among the comrades,

It won't work out for them."

b) How many times have they told the world,

That flattery is vile, harmful; but it's not all right,

And in the heart the flatterer will always find a corner"

10. Creative task

In fairy tales, inanimate objects often come to life. For example, a darning needle, an inkwell, a coin from G.Kh. Andersen, mirror at A.S. Pushkin, toys
T.A. Hoffmann and A. Milne, maps from L. Carroll.

Compose a fairy tale, where the main character would be some thing.

(The maximum number of points is 10)

We wish you success!

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Literature Olympiad 6th grade

1. Match the genre definition with the titles of the works below.




"Horse Family"








"The Tale of Bygone Years"


Fairy tale


"Porridge from an ax"







"White birch"

2. Identify the writer by biographical facts.


Born in Moscow, his uncle Vasily Lvovich was a famous poet, the nanny had a great influence on the boy, he studied at the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, V. Zhukovsky gave him his portrait with the inscription “To the winner of the student from the defeated teacher”


He was raised by his grandmother, studied at Moscow University, entered the school of guard ensigns and cavalry cadets, was exiled to the Caucasus for one of his works, died in a duel.


He spent most of his life in Yasnaya Polyana, participated in the Crimean War, opened a school for peasant children, they say about him that he is “the pride of the Russian people”

Maximum points - 3

3.Answer each of the questions "yes" (if the statement is true) or "no" (if the statement is false).

A) V. Zhukovsky is called "the sun of Russian poetry"

B) Chronicle writing in Rus' began in the 11th century.

C) A poem based on a historical event, a legend with a sharp plot is called a ballad

D) epigraph - a short text placed by the author after the work

E) The story and the word are genres of ancient Russian literature.

Maximum points - 5

4 Connect the names and surnames of Russian and foreign writers.

1) Agnia a) Yesenin

2) Astrid b) Prishvin

3) Sergei Alexandrovich c) Kuprin

4) Alexander Ivanovich d) Marshak

5) Alexander Sergeevich e) Lindgren

6) Konstantin Georgievich e) Rodari

7) Gianni e) Astafiev

8) Viktor Petrovich g) Barto

9) Samuil Yakovlevich h) Paustovsky

10) Mikhail Mikhailovich i) Pushkin

1 point per fact (10 points).

5. Match the term with its definition.

1) Description of nature in a literary work. a) rhyme

2) A conversation between two or more people. b) landscape

3) Consonance of the ends of the lines. c) dialogue

4) Allegorically describes the subject, teaches

guess what's going on. d) a fable

5)Small artwork,

depicting a single event in a person's life. e) riddle

6) Allegory, with the help of which the abstract

the concept is conveyed with the help of a specific image. f) antithesis

7) A small piece of narrative

moralistic character. g) allegory

8) Stylistic figure based

on the opposition of concepts, images. h) story.

1 point per fact (8 points).

6. Read the poem by A.N. Pleshcheev "Spring". Answer the questions:

1. What figurative - expressive means underlies the poem

(comparison, epithet, personification).

2. Write down the words that emphasize the emotional state of the poet,

write what.

The snow is already melting, streams are running,

The window blew in the spring ...

The nightingales will soon whistle,

And the forest will be dressed in foliage!

clear blue sky,

The sun became warmer and brighter,

It's time for evil blizzards and storms

Again a long time passed.

And the heart is still strong in the chest

Knocking like it's waiting for something

As if happiness is ahead

And the winter took care

Maximum score-2

7.Name the paintings based on fairy tales created by Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov?

1 point per fact

8.Here are excerpts from several literary works. What do these passages have in common? What is the name of this element of the composition of fairy tales? Maximum points - 1

1. ... They didn’t become for a long time,

To think, with an honest feast and for a wedding; guests have arrived

The wedding was played; I was there, there I am honey and beer

Drank; flowed down the mustache, but it didn’t get into the mouth. And everything is here.

2 I was there; honey, drinking beer -

    Which of the fairy tale or literary characters owns the items listed below? Name the character, work and author.
    A) saber and satchel
    B) magic beard hairs
    C) a barley seed in a flower pot
    D) broken trough
    D) a talking miraculous mirror
    The maximum number of points is 15 points (for the hero, the title of the work and the author, 1 point each)
    10. Based on these examples, determine the type of trail.
    1) "The knight fought like a lion"
    2) "Below the thin bylinochka you need to bow your head"
    3) "Magnificent carpets, shining in the sun, the snow lies"

4) “Under it a stream is lighter than azure, above it is a golden ray of the sun”
5) "Man with a marigold"
6) "The shadow of sadness has disappeared"
7) "The golden grove dissuaded"
8) "Pale Stars"
9) "A rare bird will fly to the middle of the Dnieper"
10) "Hunger armed them with courage"
11) "Black wind, white snow"

12) "Eyes like the sky, blue"
1 point per fact (12 points)

11. Find and correct the semantic error in the passage below. Explain the meaning of the found word.
And the sky just lit up
Everything suddenly stirred,
The formation flashed behind the formation.

Servant to the king, father to the soldiers...
Yes, sorry for him; smitten with damask
He sleeps in the damp earth.
M.Yu. Lermontov "Borodino"

Maximum score-2

12. Text analysis.
Blue shadows...
Silence resumed, frosty and bright. Yesterday's powder lies on the crust, like powder with sparkling sparkles, the crust does not fall through anywhere, and on the field, in the sun, it holds even better than in the shade. Each bush of the old wormwood, burdock, blade of grass, blade of grass, as if in a mirror, looks into this sparkling powder and sees itself as blue and beautiful. (M.M. Prishvin).
1) What is the name of this description?
2) What season did M.M. Prishvin depict? Prove this with examples from the text.
3) What expressive means of artistic speech does the writer use
in this description?
1 point per fact

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Literature Olympiad. 7th grade

Task number 1

Epics inspired many masters of art to create original creations. Name the authors and their works. (The maximum number is 5 points).

Task number 2

What writer are you talking about? (Maximum number - 5 points)

1. This writer's real name is Samuel Clemens, his pseudonym means a pilot term used on the Mississippi River. At the age of 12, he was left without a father, was forced to leave school and earn his living. He tried himself in various professions: he was a typographer's apprentice, compositor, pilot, gold digger, journalist. Already during his lifetime, he was so famous that letters reached him, even if only the name of the country and his name were written on the envelope.

2. The first stories of this writer were funny, funny, funny, witty, and they were published in magazines, the names of which were also unusual: “Dragonfly”, “Alarm Clock”, “Shards”. And he writes these stories under a pseudonym, being a student of the medical faculty of Moscow University.

3. He was not only an excellent poet and translator, but also a wise teacher, educator of the heir to the throne, the future Emperor Alexander II. A.S. Pushkin called himself his student. In response, this writer gave the great poet his portrait as a sign of respect after the release of Ruslan and Lyudmila.

4. William Sydney Porter (this is his real name) creates his first story while in prison, and with the proceeds he buys a Christmas present for his daughter, who, along with her mother, is waiting for him at home.

5. At his home in the estate near Tula, he creates a school for peasant children and teaches in it himself, writes the ABC, creates four Russian books for reading. By that time, he had already returned from the Caucasus and retired after participating in the heroic defense of Sevastopol. His collected works comprise 90 volumes.

Task number 3.

Remember and name the true name of the heroes.(Maximum 7 points) .

Deforge; two Caucasian captives; a hero nicknamed the Chameleon, a young peasant woman, an amphibious man, a man on the watch, Biryuk.

Task number 4

The events of many works are connected with these places. Tell me, in what books did you come across these places? (For each correct answer 1 point, total 5 points)
Moscow, monastery, front entrance, shack by the sea, Ithaca.

Task number 5

(Maximum -3 points)

What are carols? When and where were they performed? What is their difference from other calendar-ritual songs?

Task number 6

(Maximum -4 points)

Give examples of proverbs that came from

a) fairy tales

b) fables by I.A. Krylov.

Task number 7.

Determine the literary devices (tropes) in the lines of A.S. Pushkin from the poem "Poltava" ((Maximum number - 4 points)

The east burns with a new dawn; purple smoke; like a plowman the battle is resting; throwing piles of bodies upon piles

Task number 8.

Pushkin's heroes often change their former way of life, becoming, as it were, "imposters." In what work and who became:
a) a peasant
b) a robber

(The maximum number is 2 points.)

Task number 9

What are the names and patronymics of writers

Pushkin __________________________________________________________

Lermontov __________________________________________________

Turgenev ____________________________________________________

Nekrasov ____________________________________________________

Chekhov _________________________________________________________

(The maximum number is 5 points.)

Task number 10

(Maximum -10 points)

“A personal library is not just a collection of books, it should contain only the necessary books that meet the needs of the mind and soul of the owner of the library.” What books are in your home library? (List subject or genre of the book. Tell us about the addictions of your family members and their choices in reading books). name 3- 5 of your favorite authors and their books. Explain your choice.

Total 50 points.

a) what is the difference: poems / ballads

b) what is the difference: plot / plot

2. Knowledge of the texts of works of art (10 points for each correct answer)

1. From what works are these heroes? Who is their author?

A) Ochumelov

B) Deforge

B) Natalya Savishna

D) Liza-Akulina

D) Princess Volkonskaya

3. Do you remember…(5 points)

a) How many years did Oleg reign?

b) Who did Batu send to fight Evpatiy Kolovrat?

c) Who was the first to recognize Peter I in the "Glass State"?

d) How much money did Tsar Ivan Vasilievich order to pay the young man “for dishonor”?

e) What happened when Martha finished her speech at the place of execution?

4. Name the genre of works: (5 points)

Name the genre of works:

a) N.M. Karamzin “Martha the Posadnitsa…”;

b) V.A. Zhukovsky "Forest King";

c) N.V. Gogol "Inspector";

d) K.G. Paustovsky "The joy of creativity"

e) M.Yu. Lermontov "Mtsyri".

5. Determine the poetic size: (2 points)

a) In the hope of glory and goodness

I look ahead without a fight

The beginning of the glorious days of Peter

There were riots and executions.

(A.S. Pushkin)

b) The leaves in the field turned yellow,

And spin and fly.

Only in the forest drooped spruce

Greenery is gloomy.

6.Find and correct the semantic error in the given passage of text: (2 points)
You listen to my command
Came here, thank you.
Everything is better in front of someone
Lighten my chest with words
But I did not harm people,
And so my deeds
It's a little good for you to know
Can you tell your soul? M.Yu. Lermontov "Mtsyri"
B ) And only the sky lit up,
Everything suddenly stirred,
The formation flashed behind the formation.
Our colonel was born a brother:
Servant to the king, father to the soldiers
Yes, sorry for him; smitten with damask
He sleeps in the damp earth. M.Yu. Lermontov "Borodino"

7. Recognize the work by its finale, name the author. (6 points)

1. "Here are the worthy fruits of wickedness."

2. “- Vish, trudged along! - he muttered, - yes I did! ..

Half an hour later he said goodbye to me at the edge of the forest.

3. “And with this thought I will fall asleep,

And I won’t curse anyone!”

8. What means of artistic expression are used in the passage? (3 points)

The nature of the thirsty steppes

She gave birth to him on the day of wrath,

And green dead branches

And watered the roots with poison.

9. Which writers and poets are associated with literary places in Russia: (5 points)

a) Yasnaya Polyana;

b) Spasskoe-Lutovinovo;

c) Nizhyn;

d) Tarkhany;

e) Mikhailovskoye.

10. Read the work of I.S. Turgenev - a poem in prose "The Beggar" (1878).

Explain how you understood its meaning. In your answer, rely on the tasks proposed after the text (the recommended amount of answers to each question is 3-4 sentences). (8 points)

I was walking along the street... I was stopped by a beggar, decrepit old man.

Inflamed, tearful eyes, blue lips, rough tatters, unclean wounds... Oh, how ugly poverty gnawed at this unfortunate creature!

He extended his red, swollen, dirty hand to me... He groaned, he bellowed for help.

I began to fumble in all my pockets... Not a purse, not a watch, not even a handkerchief... I took nothing with me.

And the beggar waited... and his outstretched hand swayed weakly and shuddered.

Lost, embarrassed, I firmly shook that dirty, trembling hand...

“Do not seek, brother; I have nothing, brother.

The beggar fixed his inflamed eyes on me; his blue lips smiled

and he, in turn, squeezed my cold fingers.

˗ Well, brother, ˗ he murmured, ˗ and thanks for that. That's also an alms, brother.

I realized that I also received alms from my brother.

1. Formulate the theme of the work. By what artistic means does Turgenev characterize the situation of a beggar? (2 points)

1.2. Then everything was gone: meadows and skies.

We are in a dark room. To complete the miracle

The floor opened up - and you are from there,

Pale as death, and hair on end!

Here with a thunder the doors were flung open

Some not people and not animals.

We are apart - and they tortured the one who sat with me

1.3 . That night from the evening they dressed me ...

black veil

on a yew bed;

they scooped me blue wine,

mixed with grief;

poured me from the empty quivers of filthy foreigners

large pearls on the chest

and do not live me.

1.4 .And now I walk like crazy. All night long, such rubbish climbed into my eyes ... Yes, then you, mother, then father ... As soon as I start to fall asleep, I see that you, mother, deign to beat the father ... So I felt sorry ... you, mother: you are so tired, beating the father …

2. From which works are the excerpts taken? Name their authors and genre


2.1. The joy of kings and kingdoms of the earth,

Beloved silence,

The bliss of the villages, the fence of the city,

How useful and red you are!

Flowers bloom around you

And the classes in the fields turn yellow;

Treasure ships are full

Dare in the sea for you;

You pour with a generous hand

Your wealth on earth.

2.2. The sensitive, kind old woman, seeing her daughter’s indefatigability, often pressed her to her weakly beating heart, called her divine mercy, nurse, the joy of her old age and prayed to God to reward her for what she did for her mother.

2.3 . Suddenly a blizzard is all around;

Snow falls in tufts;

Black Raven, whistling its wing,

Hovering over the sleigh;

Raven croaks: sadness!

The horses are hurried

Sensitively look into the dark distance,

Raising manes.

3. In the list of works by A. Pushkin below, their titles are confused. From the words that make up the wrong titles, restore the true names.

"Journey to the Village of Kirdzhali", "Prisoner of Peter the Great", "Arap in Kolomna", "House of an Egyptian Peasant Woman", "Caucasian Robbers", "History of Arzrum", "Count Nulin's Brothers", "Nights of the Young Lady Goryukhina".

4. What literary heroes, real historical figures, are depicted in the following passages? Name the work and the author.

4.1 . His eyes

Shine. His face is terrible.

The movements are fast. He is beautiful.

He is like a thunderstorm.

Goes. They bring him a horse.

Zealous and humble faithful horse,

Feeling the fatal fire

Trembling. Eyes askance

And rushes in the dust of battle,

Proud of the mighty rider.

4.2 . Here the king frowned black eyebrows

And he fixed his eyes on him,

Like a hawk looked down from heaven

On a young gray-winged dove, -

Yes, the young fighter did not raise his eyes.

4.3. He was wearing a beautiful Cossack caftan trimmed with galloons. High sable hat with

with golden tassels was pulled down over his sparkling eyes. ... sat in the first place,

leaning on the table and propping up his black beard with his broad fist.

5. What is the work in question?

5.1. “The greatest patriotic poem is dedicated not to one of the victories, which Russian weapons knew a lot, but to a terrible defeat, in which for the first time in Russian history the prince was captured, and the army was almost destroyed!” (D.S. Likhachev)

5.2 . They say that one of the young nobles recognized himself in the hero of this work and was so shocked that he rushed into learning, studied at home and abroad, studied languages, philosophy, the history of painting ... This was Nikolai Alekseevich Olenin, one of the most educated people of his time .

5.3 . When A.S. Pushkin was passing through Ekaterinoslavl, two brothers escaped from the local prison. The poet himself testifies to this: “In 1820 ... two robbers, chained together, crossed the Dnieper and escaped. Their rest on the islet, the sinking of one of the guards is not invented by me. This incident became the reason for writing a large poem, which the author then destroyed, leaving only the beginning. This passage has become a poem in its own right.

6. Explain the meaning of the mythological names in the given texts.

6.1. Like a crane wedge in foreign borders -

Divine foam on the heads of kings -

Where are you sailing? Whenever not Elena,

What is Troy to you alone, Achaean men?

(O. Mandelstam)

6.2. “Here are the winds, the grandchildren of Stribog, blowing arrows from the sea ...” (“The Tale of Igor's Campaign”)

7. Give an interpretation of the literary terms mentioned in an excerpt from the work of M. Yu. Lermontov "A Tale for Children."

The weapon is excellent: you throw an epigram in the face of your enemies ...

Do you want to annoy your friends?

Let them in with a poem or a drama!

8. Interpretation of the poetic text. Suggest your version of the literary analysis of this poem.


Does the beast roar in the deaf forest,

Does the horn blow, does the thunder rumble,

Does the maiden sing beyond the hill

For every sound

Your response in the empty air

You suddenly give birth.

You listen to the roar of thunders,

And the voice of the storm and the waves,

And the cry of the rural shepherds -

And you send an answer;

You don’t have a response ... Such is

And you, poet! (A.S. Pushkin. 1831)

- genre features 1 point; - chronotope 1 point; - poetic vocabulary 2 points;

- poetic syntax 2 points - sound writing 2 points; - integrity and compositional harmony of interpretation 2 points.

The maximum number of points is 24.The maximum number of points for the entire work is 60 points.

Find material for any lesson,

School stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren

Olympiad tasks Grade 5

The maximum number of points for the entire work- 50

1. Which of the literary characters owns the following items? Name the character, work and author.(By 1 points for the hero, author and title of the work)

  1. Pea
  2. A sharp sparkling knife and a fur clutch
  3. Fresh fragrant golden-ruddy apple
  4. Shirts knitted from nettle yarn
  5. Magic beard hairs

( 5)

2. Define and name the genre according to the fragments of the text.

(The maximum number of points- 3)

3. Fill in the missing word(s). Indicate the author and the title of the work from which the excerpt is taken. (The maximum number of points- 4)

4. Identify the writer by biographical facts. Write his last name, first name, patronymic. (The maximum number of points- 6)

a) Born in the Arkhangelsk province in the family of a peasant fisherman. Without the knowledge of his father, he left for Moscow. He entered the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy. He made many scientific discoveries in the field of physics, chemistry, astronomy. He carried out a reform of versification.

b) Born in Moscow. His uncle, Vasily Lvovich, was a famous poet. The nanny had a great influence on the boy. He studied at the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. V. Zhukovsky gave him his portrait with the inscription "To the winner of the student from the defeated teacher."

5. Restore the full forms of the writers' names (first name, patronymic, last name).

(Maximum points - 5)

Ivan Andreevich Lermontov

Mikhail Yurievich Gogol

Lev Nikolaevich Krylov

Alexander Sergeevich Tolstoy

Nikolay Vasilievich Pushkin

6. Match the given nouns with constant epithets (you can connect them with arrows):

7. Mark works of art that belong to fiction:

  • I.E. Repin "Dragonfly"
  • P.P. Ershov "Humpbacked Horse"
  • P.I. Tchaikovsky "The Nutcracker"
  • A.M. Opekushin. Monument to A.S. Pushkin
  • S. Aksakov. "The Scarlet Flower".
  • Barma and Postnik. Intercession Cathedral (St. Basil's Cathedral)

8. Divide the mythological characters: Yarilo, Atlas, Dazhd-god, Zeus, Hercules, Apollo - into groups:

a) Slavic; b) Greek

(The maximum number of points is 6)

9. Define the moral of the fable. What fables are morals drawn from?

Write the name of the fables.

(2 points for definition, 2 points for answer - total 4 points)

a) “When there is no agreement among the comrades,

It won't work out for them."

b) How many times have they told the world,

That flattery is vile, harmful; but it's not all right,

And in the heart the flatterer will always find a corner"

10. Creative task

In fairy tales, inanimate objects often come to life. For example, a darning needle, an inkwell, a coin from G.Kh. Andersen, mirror at A.S. Pushkin, toys
T.A. Hoffmann and A. Milne, maps from L. Carroll.

Compose a fairy tale, where the main character would be some thing.

(The maximum number of points is 10)

We wish you success!


Literature Olympiad Grade 6

1. Match the genre definition with the titles of the works below.


"Horse Family"




"The Tale of Bygone Years"

Fairy tale

"Porridge from an ax"


"Monkey and Glasses"


"White birch"

The maximum number of points is 6

2. Identify the writer by biographical facts.

Born in Moscow, his uncle Vasily Lvovich was a famous poet, the nanny had a great influence on the boy, he studied at the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, V. Zhukovsky gave him his portrait with the inscription “To the winner of the student from the defeated teacher”

He was raised by his grandmother, studied at Moscow University, entered the school of guard ensigns and cavalry cadets, was exiled to the Caucasus for one of his works, died in a duel.

He spent most of his life in Yasnaya Polyana, participated in the Crimean War, opened a school for peasant children, they say about him that he is “the pride of the Russian people”

Maximum points - 3

3. Answer each of the questions "yes" (if the statement is true) or "no" (if the statement is false).

A) V. Zhukovsky is called "the sun of Russian poetry"

B) Chronicle writing in Rus' began in the 11th century.

C) A poem based on a historical event, a legend with a sharp plot is called a ballad

D) epigraph - a short text placed by the author after the work

E) The story and the word are genres of ancient Russian literature.

Maximum points - 5

4 Connect the names and surnames of Russian and foreign writers.

1) Agnia a) Yesenin

2) Astrid b) Prishvin

3) Sergei Alexandrovich c) Kuprin

4) Alexander Ivanovich d) Marshak

5) Alexander Sergeevich e) Lindgren

6) Konstantin Georgievich e) Rodari

7) Gianni e) Astafiev

8) Viktor Petrovich g) Barto

9) Samuil Yakovlevich h) Paustovsky

10) Mikhail Mikhailovich i) Pushkin

1 point per fact (10 points).

5. Match the term with its definition.

1) Description of nature in a literary work. a) rhyme

2) A conversation between two or more people. b) landscape

3) Consonance of the ends of the lines. c) dialogue

4) Allegorically describes the subject, teaches

Guess what you have in mind. d) a fable

5)Small artwork,

Depicting a single event in a person's life. e) riddle

6) Allegory, with the help of which the abstract

The concept is conveyed with the help of a specific image. f) antithesis

7) A small piece of narrative

Character with moralizing content. g) allegory

8) Stylistic figure based

On the opposition of concepts, images. h) story.

1 point per fact (8 points).

6. Read the poem by A.N. Pleshcheev "Spring". Answer the questions:

1. What figurative - expressive means underlies the poem

(comparison, epithet, personification).

2. Write down the words that emphasize the emotional state of the poet,

write what.

The snow is already melting, streams are running,

The window blew in the spring ...

The nightingales will soon whistle,

And the forest will be dressed in foliage!

clear blue sky,

The sun became warmer and brighter,

It's time for evil blizzards and storms

Again a long time passed.

And the heart is still strong in the chest

Knocking like it's waiting for something

As if happiness is ahead

And the winter took care

7. Name the paintings based on fairy tales created by Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov?

1 point per fact

8. Here are excerpts from several literary works. What do these passages have in common? What is the name of this element of the composition of fairy tales?Maximum points - 1

1. ... They didn’t become for a long time,

To think, with an honest feast and for a wedding; guests have arrived

The wedding was played; I was there, there I am honey and beer

Drank; flowed down the mustache, but it didn’t get into the mouth. And everything is here.

2 I was there; honey, drinking beer -

  1. Which of the fairy tale or literary characters owns the items listed below? Name the character, work and author.
    A) saber and satchel
    B) magic beard hairs
    C) a barley seed in a flower pot
    D) broken trough
    D) a talking miraculous mirror
    The maximum number of points is 15 points (for the hero, the title of the work and the author, 1 point each)
    10. Based on these examples, determine the type of trail.
    1) "The knight fought like a lion"
    2) "Below the thin bylinochka you need to bow your head"
    3) "Magnificent carpets, shining in the sun, the snow lies"

4) “Under it a stream is lighter than azure, above it is a golden ray of the sun”
5) "Man with a marigold"
6) "The shadow of sadness has disappeared"
7) "The golden grove dissuaded"
8) "Pale Stars"
9) "A rare bird will fly to the middle of the Dnieper"
10) "Hunger armed them with courage"
11) "Black wind, white snow"

12) "Eyes like the sky, blue"
1 point per fact (12 points)

11. Explain the meaning of the highlighted word.
And the sky just lit up
Everything suddenly stirred,
The formation flashed behind the formation.
Our colonel was born
grip :
Servant to the king, father to the soldiers...
Yes, sorry for him; smitten with damask
He sleeps in the damp earth.
M.Yu. Lermontov "Borodino"

Maximum score-2

12. Text analysis.
Blue shadows...
Silence resumed, frosty and bright. Yesterday's powder lies on the crust, like powder with sparkling sparkles, the crust does not fall through anywhere, and on the field, in the sun, it holds even better than in the shade. Each bush of the old wormwood, burdock, blade of grass, blade of grass, as if in a mirror, looks into this sparkling powder and sees itself as blue and beautiful. (M.M. Prishvin).
1) What is the name of this description?
2) What season did M.M. Prishvin depict? Prove this with examples from the text.
3) What expressive means of artistic speech does the writer use
in this description? a B C)….

1 point per fact


Literature Olympiad. 7th grade

Task number 1

Epics inspired many masters of art to create original creations. Name the authors and their works. (The maximum number is 5 points).

Task number 2

What writer are you talking about? (Maximum number - 5 points)

1. This writer's real name is Samuel Clemens, his pseudonym means a pilot term used on the Mississippi River. At the age of 12, he was left without a father, was forced to leave school and earn his living. He tried himself in various professions: he was a typographer's apprentice, compositor, pilot, gold digger, journalist. Already during his lifetime, he was so famous that letters reached him, even if only the name of the country and his name were written on the envelope.

2. The first stories of this writer were funny, funny, funny, witty, and they were published in magazines, the names of which were also unusual: “Dragonfly”, “Alarm Clock”, “Shards”. And he writes these stories under a pseudonym, being a student of the medical faculty of Moscow University.

3. He was not only an excellent poet and translator, but also a wise teacher, educator of the heir to the throne, the future Emperor Alexander II. A.S. Pushkin called himself his student. In response, this writer gave the great poet his portrait as a sign of respect after the release of Ruslan and Lyudmila.

4. William Sydney Porter (this is his real name) creates his first story while in prison, and with the proceeds he buys a Christmas present for his daughter, who, along with her mother, is waiting for him at home.

5. At his home in the estate near Tula, he creates a school for peasant children and teaches in it himself, writes the ABC, creates four Russian books for reading. By that time, he had already returned from the Caucasus and retired after participating in the heroic defense of Sevastopol. His collected works comprise 90 volumes.

Task number 3.

Remember and name the true name of the heroes.(Maximum 7 points).

Deforge; two Caucasian captives; a hero nicknamed the Chameleon, a young peasant woman, an amphibious man, a man on the watch, Biryuk.

Task number 4

The events of many works are connected with these places. Tell me, in what books did you come across these places? (For each correct answer 1 point, total 5 points)
Moscow, monastery, front entrance, shack by the sea, Ithaca.

Task number 5

(Maximum -3 points)

What are carols? When and where were they performed? What is their difference from other calendar-ritual songs?

Task number 6

(Maximum -4 points)

Give examples of proverbs that came from

a) fairy tales

b) fables by I.A. Krylov.

Task number 7.

Determine the literary devices (tropes) in the lines of A.S. Pushkin from the poem "Poltava" ((Maximum number - 4 points)

The east burns with a new dawn; purple smoke; like a plowman the battle is resting; throwing piles of bodies upon piles

Task number 8.

Pushkin's heroes often change their former way of life, becoming, as it were, "imposters." In what work and who became:
a) a peasant
b) a robber

(The maximum number is 2 points.)

Task number 9

What are the names and patronymics of writers

Pushkin __________________________________________________________

Lermontov __________________________________________________

Turgenev ____________________________________________________

Nekrasov ____________________________________________________

Chekhov _________________________________________________________

(The maximum number is 5 points.)

Task number 10

(Maximum -10 points)

“A personal library is not just a collection of books, it should contain only the necessary books that meet the needs of the mind and soul of the owner of the library.” What books are in your home library? (Listsubject or genre of the book. Tell us about the addictions of your family members and their choices in reading books). name 3- 5 of your favorite authors and their books. Explain your choice.

Total 50 points.


The school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in literature

Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra

2017-2018 academic year

city ​​of Megion

8th grade

Task completion time - 2 hours Maximum points - 62

Dear participant of the Olympiad!

You are offered 9 tasks.These tasks include questions that reveal your real knowledge in different sections of the educational material, verifying the development of speech and reader's horizons, text understanding, theoretical knowledge of literature .. Tasks are more complex than in literature lessons.

You do not need to rewrite them, just read the wording of each question carefully and clearly write the correct answer on the answer sheet.

Tasks 8 and 9 reveal your ability to analyze lyrical and prose works.

Don't rush, don't worry, take your time. Try not to leave traces of your thoughts on the survey sheet. It is better to do this on a draft, and in the answer form, make out all entries cleanly and accurately.

We wish you good luck!

Knowledge of literary texts

1. What are the characters from the story of A.S. Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter" are depicted here?

  1. He was a kind fellow, but windy and dissolute to the extreme. His main weakness was a passion for the fair sex; often for his tenderness he received shocks, from which he groaned for whole days.
  2. His appearance seemed remarkable to me: he was about forty, medium height, thin and broad-shouldered. There was gray in his black beard; living large eyes and ran. His face had an expression rather pleasant, but roguish.
  3. She was in a white morning dress, a night cap and a shower jacket. She seemed to be forty years old. Her face, full and ruddy, expressed importance and calmness. And blue eyes and a slight smile had an inexplicable charm.

2. Before you are excerpts from the poems of Russian poets dedicated to the onset of spring. Name the authors.

  1. Spring, spring! How clean the air is!

How clear is the sky!

His azure alive

He blinds my eyes.

  1. I love the storm in early May,

When spring, the first thunder,

As if frolicking and playing,

Rumbles in the blue sky.

  1. I came to you with greetings

Say that the sun has risen

What is hot light

The leaves fluttered...

  1. Now it's my time: I don't like spring;

The thaw is boring to me; stink, dirt - in the spring I'm sick;

The blood is fermenting; feelings, the mind is constrained by melancholy.

  1. Oh, spring without end and without edge -

Endless and endless dream!

I recognize you, life! I accept!

And I greet with the sound of the shield!

3. In the above quotes, insert the missing word, choosing it from several suggested ones, determine the author and title of the work:

Friends three times ... and fixed their eyes on each other, full of tears. Both were pleasantly surprised



Kissed each other

Shake hands

In the desert... and...

On the ground, the heat of the red-hot,

Anchar, like a formidable sentry,

It stands alone in the entire universe.

Gloomy and deaf

Sultry and empty

scary and empty

stunted and stingy

I knew only one thought power,

One - but fiery passion:

She, like ... lived in me,

It gnawed at the soul and burned it.





Evaluation: for each correctly inserted word - 1 point (maximum - 3 points).

Historical and literary assignments

4. With the names of which writers and poets are literary places in Russia associated:

a) Yasnaya Polyana;

b) Spasskoe-Lutovinovo;

c) Nizhyn;

d) Tarkhany;

e) Mikhailovskoye.

Evaluation: 1 point for the correct answer (max. - 5 points)

1) "Svetlana", "Lyudmila", "Sleeping Princess", "Forest King".

2) "Foreman", "General Court Grammar", "Questions".

3) "Airship", "Angel", "Demon", "Cliff", "Runaway", "Three Palm Trees", "Motherland".

Evaluation: 1 point for the correct answer (max. - 3 points)

Knowledge of literary theory

6. Find where the size of the verse is erroneously determined, correct the error:

A) “Spruce covered my path with a sleeve” - 4-foot amphibrach

B) “Well, go, for God's sake!

Sky, spruce and sand" - 4-foot trochee

C) “My first friend, my priceless friend!

And I blessed fate ... ”- iambic 5-foot

D) “Why are you looking eagerly at the road

Away from cheerful girlfriends? - 3-foot anapaest

Evaluation: for each corrected error - 1 point.

7. Indicate to which genre each of the proposed texts belongs. Define these genres. What features allow you to attribute the text to your chosen genre?

1. With the strong, the weak is always to blame:

That is why we hear a lot of examples in History,

But we don't write history...

On a hot day a lamb went to the stream to drink;

And it's gotta be bad luck

That near those places a hungry wolf roamed.

He sees the lamb, he strives for prey;

But to give the case a legitimate look and sense,

Shouts: "How dare you, insolent, with an unclean snout

Here is pure muddy drink


With sand and silt?

For such audacity

I'll rip your head off...

2. A beautiful maiden sits over the sea;

And caressing his friend, he says:

"Take out the necklace, go down to the bottom:

Today it fell into the abyss!

You will prove your love to me with this!

The young man's dashing blood boiled,

And his mind embraced an involuntary illness,

He suddenly rushes into the foamy abyss.

Pearly sprays fly from the foam,

And the waves are crowding, and rushing back,

And again they come and hit the shore,

Here they will bring a dear friend.

Oh happiness! he is alive, he grabbed the rock,

In his hand is a necklace, but as gloomy as he was.

He is afraid to believe tired legs,

And wet curls run over the shoulders ...

3. The trouble is, if the cobbler starts the pies,

And boots to stitch a pieman, -

And things won't go well

Yes, and noted a hundred times,

That someone loves to take on someone else's craft,

He is always more stubborn and absurd than others:

He better ruin everything

And glad soon

Become a laughingstock of the world

Than honest and knowledgeable people

Ask or listen to reasonable advice.

Toothy Pike came up with an idea

For the cat to take the craft.

I don’t know if the evil one tormented her with envy,

Or maybe she got bored with the fish table?

But as soon as she decided to ask the Cat,

To take her hunting with him,

To catch mice in the barn ...

4. Volga began to grow up to swear,

Volga wanted a lot of wisdom:

Volga walks like a pike fish in the blue seas,

Volga flies like a falcon under the shells,

Like a wolf roams the open fields...

Volga began to grow and swear

And he gathered a good squad for himself,

Thirty fellows without a single one,

Volga himself is still in his thirties.

5. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, the son of God.

I, pitiful and sinful, narrow-minded, dare to write about the holy prince Alexander, son of Yaroslav. Since I heard from my fathers and myself was a witness to his mature age, I was glad to tell about his holy, and honest, and glorious life. This prince Alexander was born of merciful and philanthropic parents, most of all meek ... And he was handsome like no other, and his voice was like a trumpet among the people, his face was like the face of Joseph, whom the Egyptian king appointed the second king in Egypt, strength but it was part of the power of Samson, and God gave him the wisdom of Solomon ...

6. The day is already turning pale, hiding behind the mountain;

He goes, thinking, to his calm hut.

In the foggy twilight, the neighborhood disappears...

Silence everywhere; everywhere a dead dream;

Only occasionally, buzzing, the evening beetle flickers,

Only a dull ringing of horns is heard in the distance ...

1. Ballad

2. Epic

3. Fable

4. Life

5. Elegy

Write your answers in the table:

text no.

Genre, definition

Genre features in the text

Evaluation: for the correctly indicated genre - 1 point each (maximum - 6 points).

For each correct definition - 1 point (maximum - 5 points).

Pupils can name a different number of signs (for each correct - 0.5 points).

Interpretation of a lyrical and prose work

8. Perform a written analysis of N. Rubtsov's poem "The Star of the Fields". When analyzing a poem, rely on the proposed questions.

Star of the fields

The star of the fields in the icy haze,

Stopping, he looks into the hole.

It's already twelve o'clock,

And a dream enveloped my homeland ...

Field star! In a moment of upheaval

I remembered how quiet it was behind the hill

She burns over the autumn gold,

She burns over the winter silver...

The star of the fields burns without fading,

For all the anxious inhabitants of the earth,

Touching with your friendly beam

All the cities that have risen in the distance.

But only here, in the icy haze,

She rises brighter and fuller,

And I'm happy as long as the world is white

Burning, burning star of my fields...

What type of lyric would you attribute this poem to (landscape, philosophical, intimate, civil)? Why?

Determine from what person the text is built, how is the speaker expressed (directly or indirectly)?

What is the main subject of speech in this work? What words are, in your opinion, key?

What connection, according to N. Rubtsov, exists between nature and man? How is this connection made?

How does the poet manage to convey his attitude towards nature?

Maximum - 7 points

9. Read the work of I.S. Turgenev - a poem in prose "The Beggar" (1878).

Explain how you understood its meaning. In your answer, rely on the tasks proposed after the text (the recommended amount of answers to each question is 3-4 sentences). (8 points)

I was walking along the street... I was stopped by a beggar, decrepit old man.

Inflamed, tearful eyes, blue lips, rough tatters, unclean wounds... Oh, how ugly poverty gnawed at this unfortunate creature!

He extended his red, swollen, dirty hand to me... He groaned, he bellowed for help.

I began to fumble in all my pockets... Not a purse, not a watch, not even a handkerchief... I took nothing with me.

And the beggar waited... and his outstretched hand swayed weakly and shuddered.

Lost, embarrassed, I firmly shook that dirty, trembling hand...

“Do not seek, brother; I have nothing, brother.

The beggar fixed his inflamed eyes on me; his blue lips smiled

- and he, in turn, squeezed my cold fingers.

˗ Well, brother, ˗ he murmured, ˗ and thanks for that. That's also an alms, brother.

I realized that I also received alms from my brother.

1. Formulate the theme of the work. By what artistic means does Turgenev characterize the situation of a beggar? (2 points)

2. Describe the state of mind of the narrator and name the methods by which it is expressed. (2 points)

3. Explain what alms the beggar was talking about, and what alms the narrator meant in the last phrase of the work. (2 points)

4. Logic and literacy of the test. (5 points)

Maximum - 11 points


School stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren in Literature

2017- -2018 academic year

Grade 9

1.1. Suddenly a blizzard is all around;

Snow falls in tufts;

Black Raven, whistling its wing,

Hovering over the sleigh;

Raven croaks: sadness!

The horses are hurried

Sensitively look into the dark distance,

Raising manes.

1.2. Then everything was gone: meadows and skies.

We are in a dark room. To complete the miracle

The floor opened up - and you are from there,

Pale as death, and hair on end!

Here with a thunder the doors were flung open

Some not people and not animals.

We are apart - and they tortured the one who sat with me

1.3 . That night from the evening they dressed me ...

black veil

on a yew bed;

they scooped me blue wine,

mixed with grief;

poured me from the empty quivers of filthy foreigners

large pearls on the chest

and do not live me.

1.4 .And now I walk like crazy. All night long, such rubbish climbed into my eyes ... Yes, then you, mother, then father ... As soon as I start to fall asleep, I see that you, mother, deign to beat the father ... So I felt sorry ... you, mother: you are so tired, beating the father …

2. From which works are the excerpts taken? Name their authors and genre


2.1. The joy of kings and kingdoms of the earth,

Beloved silence,

The bliss of the villages, the fence of the city,

How useful and red you are!

Flowers bloom around you

And the classes in the margins turn yellow;

Treasure ships are full

Dare in the sea for you;

You pour with a generous hand

Your wealth on earth.

2.2. The sensitive, kind old woman, seeing her daughter’s indefatigability, often pressed her to her weakly beating heart, called her divine mercy, nurse, the joy of her old age and prayed to God to reward her for what she did for her mother.

2.3 . Suddenly a blizzard is all around;

Snow falls in tufts;

Black Raven, whistling its wing,

Hovering over the sleigh;

Raven croaks: sadness!

The horses are hurried

Sensitively look into the dark distance,

Raising manes.

3. In the list of works by A. Pushkin below, their titles are confused. From the words that make up the wrong titles, restore the true names.

"Journey to the Village of Kirdzhali", "Prisoner of Peter the Great", "Arap in Kolomna", "House of an Egyptian Peasant Woman", "Caucasian Robbers", "History of Arzrum", "Count Nulin's Brothers", "Nights of the Young Lady Goryukhina".

4. What literary heroes, real historical figures, are depicted in the following passages? Name the work and the author.

4.1. His eyes

Shine. His face is terrible.

The movements are fast. He is beautiful.

He is like a thunderstorm.

Goes. They bring him a horse.

Zealous and humble faithful horse,

Feeling the fatal fire

Trembling. Eyes askance

And rushes in the dust of battle,

Proud of the mighty rider.

4.2 . Here the king frowned black eyebrows

And he fixed his eyes on him,

Like a hawk looked down from heaven

On a young gray-winged dove, -

Yes, the young fighter did not raise his eyes.

4.3. He was wearing a beautiful Cossack caftan trimmed with galloons. High sable hat with

with golden tassels was pulled down over his sparkling eyes. ... sat in the first place,

leaning on the table and propping up his black beard with his broad fist.

5. What is the work in question?

5.1. “The greatest patriotic poem is dedicated not to one of the victories, which Russian weapons knew a lot, but to a terrible defeat, in which for the first time in Russian history the prince was captured, and the army was almost destroyed!” (D.S. Likhachev)

5.2 . They say that one of the young nobles recognized himself in the hero of this work and was so shocked that he rushed into learning, studied at home and abroad, studied languages, philosophy, the history of painting ... This was Nikolai Alekseevich Olenin, one of the most educated people of his time .

5.3 . When A.S. Pushkin was passing through Ekaterinoslavl, two brothers escaped from the local prison. The poet himself testifies to this: “In 1820 ... two robbers, chained together, crossed the Dnieper and escaped. Their rest on the islet, the sinking of one of the guards is not invented by me. This incident became the reason for writing a large poem, which the author then destroyed, leaving only the beginning. This passage has become a poem in its own right.

6. Explain the meaning of the mythological names in the given texts.

6.1. Like a crane wedge in foreign borders -

Divine foam on the heads of kings -

Where are you sailing? Whenever not Elena,

What is Troy to you alone, Achaean men?

(O. Mandelstam)

6.2. “Here are the winds, the grandchildren of Stribog, blowing arrows from the sea ...” (“The Tale of Igor's Campaign”)

7. Give an interpretation of the literary terms mentioned in an excerpt from the work of M. Yu. Lermontov "A Tale for Children."

The weapon is excellent: you throw an epigram in the face of your enemies ...

Do you want to annoy your friends?

Let them in with a poem or a drama!

8. Interpretation of the poetic text. Suggest your version of the literary analysis of this poem.


Does the beast roar in the deaf forest,

Does the horn blow, does the thunder rumble,

Does the maiden sing beyond the hill

For every sound

Your response in the empty air

You suddenly give birth.

You listen to the roar of thunders,

And the voice of the storm and the waves,

And the cry of the rural shepherds -

And you send an answer;

You don’t have a response ... Such is

And you, poet! (A.S. Pushkin. 1831)

Genre features 1 point; - chronotope 1 point; - poetic vocabulary 2 points;

Poetic syntax 2 points - sound writing 2 points; - integrity and compositional harmony of interpretation 2 points. The maximum number of points is 24.The maximum number of points for the entire work is 60 points.


Literature Olympiad

Grade 10

2017-2018 academic year

  1. Knowledge of literary texts.
  1. - 6 b, )

1.3 . Fell into the snow; bear nimble

She grabs and carries;

She is insensitively submissive;

Does not move, does not die;

He rushes her along the forest road;

All around the wilderness, everywhere he

Covered with desert snow

And shines brightly in the window,

And in the hut and scream and noise;

Warm up a little!

And he goes straight into the canopy,

And puts it on the threshold.

  1. Find out the piece by the end. Name the author.(The maximum number of points is 3 points by 0.5 points)
  1. The ghost, however, was much taller, wore an enormous mustache, and, directing his steps, as it seemed, towards the Obukhov Bridge, disappeared completely into the darkness of the night.
  2. A bell is filled with a wonderful ringing; the air torn to pieces rumbles and becomes the wind; everything that is on earth flies by, and, looking sideways, step aside and give it way to other peoples and states.

2.3 Good for you, Katya! And why am I left to live in the world and suffer!

  1. Historical and literary assignments.
  1. For the plays of which Russian playwright, the dictionary N.S. Ashukina and S.I. Ozhegov, including the following articles:grand - delicate; something - nothing; electricity - electricity; frishtykat - have breakfast; hypocrite - feigned - virtuous person, hypocrite (The maximum number of points is 1 point)
  2. This literary journal was published successively by A.S. Pushkin, P.A. Pletnev, N.A. Nekrasov from 1836 to 1866. It contained "The Captain's Daughter", "Notes of a Hunter", "Mumu". Name the journal.(Maximum points - 1 point)
  3. In what worksRussian classicsare the characters gypsies?(One point for each correctly named work + author)

III. knowledge of literary theory.

1. Indicate the means of artistic expression used in the passage?(Maximum points - 3 points)

... In one place, a particularly dull lantern diluted the darkness, and, passing through its dull aura, the fog turned into beads of rain (V. Nabokov "Other Shores").

  1. Before you are fragments of lyrical works and the names of genres. Compare them to each other. Write down the answer using the letter and number designation (for example: m - 9). Max-8b.

Genre name

Example number

A) idyll

With one foot he strikes friend and foe,

With another he tramples the universe on the shore.

(A. Suvorov)

2. The day is already paler, hiding behind the mountain;

Noisy herds crowd over the river;

A tired peasant with a slow foot

He goes, thinking, to his calm hut.

(V. Zhukovsky)

3. Crowd gloomy and soon forgotten
We will pass over the world without noise or trace,
Not throwing for centuries a fruitful thought,
Nor the genius of the work begun.
And our ashes, with the severity of a judge and a citizen,
A descendant will offend with a contemptuous verse,
The mockery of the bitter deceived son
Over the squandered father.

(M. Lermontov)

4. The calm of the ashes.

The cat plays with fur.

All will pass.


5. Love, hope, quiet glory
The deceit did not live long for us,
Gone are the funs of youth
Like a dream, like a morning mist;
But desire still burns in us;
Under the yoke of fatal power
With an impatient soul
Fatherland heed the invocation.

(A. Pushkin)

6. Poet! do not value the love of the people.
Enthusiastic praise will pass a moment's noise;
Hear the judgment of a fool and the laughter of the cold crowd,
But you remain firm, calm and gloomy.

You are the king: live alone. By the road of the free
Go where your free mind takes you,
Improving the fruits of your favorite thoughts,
Not demanding rewards for a noble feat.

They are in you. You are your own highest court;
You know how to appreciate your work more strictly.
Are you satisfied with it, demanding artist?

Satisfied? So let the crowd scold him
And spits on the altar where your fire burns
And in childish playfulness your tripod shakes.

(A. Pushkin)

7. Time verb! metal ringing!

Your terrible voice confuses me,

Calls me, calls your moan,

He calls - and brings him closer to the coffin.

As soon as I saw this light,

Death is already gnashing its teeth

Like lightning, oblique shines

And my days, like cereal, cuts.


8. Shepherds, I will forget

Hours, how I was sad, groaning,

Again I will jump into my flute,

You will see me again in your circles. (A. Sumarokov)

IV. Analysis of the poetic text. Maksim. 25 points

Grade 11

2017-2018 academic year

  1. Before you are the dreams of literary heroes. To whom do they dream? List the work and its author.(Max points- 6 b, title, author - 0.5 each; hero - 1 point)
  1. I seemed to have a presentiment: all night long I dreamed of two extraordinary rats. Really, I have never seen such things: black, unnatural size! They came, sniffed - and went away.

1.2. I had a dream that I could never forget, and in which I still see something prophetic when I reflect with it on the strange circumstances of my life.

It seemed to me that the storm was still raging and we were still wandering through the snowy desert ... Suddenly I saw the gate and drove into the manor yard of our estate. My first thought was the fear that the priest would not be angry with me for my involuntary return to my parents' roof and would not consider it a deliberate disobedience. With anxiety, I jumped out of the wagon and saw: mother meets me on the porch with an air of deep chagrin. “Hush,” she says to me, “father is ill at death and wants to say goodbye to you.” Stricken with fear, I follow her into the bedroom. I see the room is dimly lit; people with sad faces are standing by the bed. I quietly approach the bed; Mother raises the curtain... I knelt down and fixed my eyes on the patient. Well? .. Instead of my father, I see a man with a black beard lying in bed, looking at me cheerfully. In bewilderment, I turned to my mother, saying to her: "What does this mean? This is not a father. And why should I ask a peasant for a blessing?" …

1.3. Fell into the snow; bear nimble

She grabs and carries;

She is insensitively submissive;

Does not move, does not die;

He rushes her along the forest road;

Suddenly, between the trees, a miserable hut;

All around the wilderness, everywhere he

Covered with desert snow

And shines brightly in the window,

And in the hut and scream and noise;

The bear said: here is my godfather.

Warm up a little!

And he goes straight into the canopy,

And puts it on the threshold.

2. Read the text, find the names of works of art hidden in it. Write them out, indicate the author.

“Mentally running through his life, he asked himself with excruciating anguish: “Who is to blame for the fact that he, having successfully started his career as a financier, fell off a cliff and ended up at the bottom of society. What to do? The most ordinary thing happened! Such is the fate of a man who believes in the kindness and meek tenderness of the world. How hard it is for him to be given the truth that our world is an empty cold house, the inhabitants of which beat an empty cold heart. The world is a trap for the gullible, a huge barge loaded with outcasts.”

It was already getting dark. Purple clouds drifted across the low sky, harbingers of a coming thunderstorm. The streets became dark, like the jungle of a dense, impenetrable forest, in which, as if coming from the depths of memory, the call of the ancestors sounded someone's quiet, strict voice. Hiding his nose in the beaver collar of his overcoat, he, ignoring the raindrops, slowly walked alone through the empty city, like a holy martyr who made a cleansing journey through torment.

3. Explain literary terms:

Allegory - ; anapest -; annotation-; antithesis-; aphorism -; alliteration -.

4. What trends and trends in Russian literature of the early 20th century influenced the work of the best poets and prose writers of that time? Name the representatives of these movements.

5 . 1. The first public performance of V. Mayakovsky with the reading of poetry took place in the famous artistic basement ____________________________________________

2. In 1918 At a poetry evening at the Polytechnic Museum in Moscow _______________

__________________ was elected, the second place was taken by Mayakovsky, and the third by Balmont.

3. Since the autumn of 1905, __________ has become the brightest literary salon in St. Petersburg.

Vyacheslav Ivanov, his apartment in a house on Tavricheskaya Street, located on the top floor, in a corner tower.

4. The publishing house headed by M. Gorky ____________ in different years included L. Andreev, I. Bunin, V. Veresaev, N. Garin-Mikhailovsky, A. Kuprin, I. Shevelev and other writers

5. In 1907 The premiere of the play by A. Blok _____________ took place at the theater of V.F. Komissarzhevskaya, with music by M.A. Kuzmin.

6. A. Blok said that Vrubel's "Demon" and Lermontov's "Demon" are "symbols of our time." Write a short article about this artist, name his most famous paintings.

7. 1. In the period 1900-1903. the poet wrote his best poems:

“Non-verbal”, “I am the sophistication of Russian slow speech ...”, “Tenderest of all”. In 1904-1905. The Scorpion Publishing House published a collection of the poet's poems in two volumes. This period ends with the collection “The Liturgy of Beauty. Elemental Hymns", in which the poet rebukes people who "have fallen out of love with the Sun".

8. 1. Determine the poetic size, rhyme, rhyme method in each passage;

1. My queen has a high palace,

About seven he pillars of gold,

My queen has a seven-sided crown,

It has no number of precious stones

2. Insomnia. Homer. Tight sails.

I read the list of ships to the middle:

This long brood, this train


That over Hellas once rose.

3. She came from the cold,


Filled the room

Aroma of air and perfume.

9. Select the match: writer - work:

1. M Sholokhov 1. "Brest Fortress"

2. V. Nekrasov 2. "Borodino"

3. V. Bykov 3. "The Dawns Here Are Quiet"

4. A. Tvardovsky 4. "Obelisk"

5. K. Simonov 5. "White Guard"

6. M. Lermontov 6. "The fate of man"

7. N. Bulgakov 7. "Wait for me"

8. B. Vasiliev 8. "Hot snow"

9. Y. Bondarev 9. "Vasily Terkin"

10. S. Smirnov 10. "In the trenches of Stalingrad"

10. Analysis of the poetic text.


"Sky and Stars"

Clear evening sky
Distant stars are clear
Clear as the happiness of a child;
ABOUT! Why can't I think:
Stars, you are as clear as my happiness!

Why are you unhappy
Will people tell me?
That's why I'm unhappy
Good people that the stars and the sky -
Stars and sky! - I'm a human!

people to each other
Envy is nourished;
I, on the contrary,
I only envy the beautiful stars,
I would just like to take their place.

In what works of Russian literature are images of historical figures created, and in what way can they be compared with L. N. Tolstoy's assessment of real historical figures?

The following characters can be used as a literary context: Emelyan Pugachev in the novel by A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" and the poem of the same name by S.A. Yesenin, Ivan the Terrible in "The Song about the Merchant Kalashnikov", the imperial court and generals Kornilov, Denikin, Kaledin in the epic M.A. Sholokhov "Quiet Don", Stalin and Hitler in the epic novel by V. S. Grossman "Life and Fate" (two positions of the student's choice).

Justifying your choice and comparing the characters in the given direction of analysis, note that the image of Pugachev in A.S. Pushkin, like Leo Tolstoy's Napoleon, is subjective, not so much historically specific as subordinate to the author's idea - to show the tragedy of the "people's tsar", which is the product of "Russian rebellion, senseless and merciless." The impostor is poeticized by the author: he is kind, humane, and fair, unlike his guys.

Point out that the image of Pugachev in The Captain's Daughter and Napoleon in the epic War and Peace is due to the writer's task: for L.N. Tolstoy it is the debunking of Napoleonism, for A.S. Pushkin - poeticization of the image of the "counselor". Both are characterized by unique personal qualities, military genius, ambition. Pugachev’s willfulness is manifested in his statement: “To execute like this, to execute, to favor like this: this is my custom ...” For all the difference in the position of the impostor and the French emperor, both are shown not only as historical figures, but also as people in their relationship with the people, the servants. Rise and fall also distinguishes the nature of their fate.

Tell us how Lermontov's depiction of Ivan the Terrible in "The Song about the Merchant Kalashnikov" is dominated by the attitude towards stylization of folk epic works, and, consequently, towards idealization. Like the French emperor, the Russian tsar is self-willed: if he wants, he executes, if he wants, he pardons. The injustice of the tsar's decision regarding the fate of Kalashnikov pays off with his indisputable authority among the people.

Remember that in the novel by V. S. Grossman "Life and Fate" Stalin and Hitler act only as weak-willed slaves of time, hostages of circumstances created by them. Hitler himself created the magic wand of ideology and believed in it himself. Comparison of grotesquely reduced images of the rulers of two great nations gives the author the opportunity to compare Hitlerism and Stalinism, which must be condemned and overcome.

Summarizing what has been said, note that Tolstoy’s Napoleon is a small man in a gray frock coat with a “fat chest”, a “round belly”, a trembling calf of his left leg, Grossman’s Stalin is a pockmarked dark-faced man in a long overcoat (“Shtrum was outraged that Stalin’s name overshadowed Lenin, his military genius was opposed to the civilian turn of the Leninist mind"). These arbiters of destinies do not realize the strength of the people's spirit.

S. Grossman, following Tolstoy's traditions, orients the reader to comprehend historical patterns. Ascended to unprecedented heights, idols then become victims of their own people.

Searched here:

  • which works contain historical figures
  • name another work of literature in which the image of the king was created

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