Which peoples are genetically closest to the Russians. Russian genetic roots


Something again began to observe a surge of Ukroslavian vyalichiya, too often from the lips of dill patriots statements began to sound that they, black-browed, are the mega-Slavic people, but the Russians are only a Bulgarian-speaking chukhna and a mixture of different nations, and the Ukrainians are not an example of them just example of ethnic purity. Since the only witness to ethnic frequency can only be such a science as genetics, let's turn to it and check how large the proportion of Slavic and non-Slavic blood is in our two ethnic groups.

According to Y-DNA (male), the main Slavic marker is the haplogroup R1a1 (mutations M-458 and Z-280), inherited by the Slavs from the Proto-Indo-European ancestors - of all the Indo-European peoples, R1a1 is most often found among the Slavs, and it is among the northern Slavs - the southern Slavs genetically closer to Romanians and Albanians and R1a1 is rare in them. Data on the distribution of R1a1 among the Slavic peoples is given by Europedia:

As we can see, the representation of R1a1 (43%) among Ukrainians is lower than among Poles, Belarusians and Russians (46%), but higher than among Czechs, Slovaks and South Slavs. Thus, "genetically pure" Slavic peoples do not exist at all, and the Ukrainians are slightly inferior to the Russians in terms of the representation of the Slavic fundamental principle.

This is the data that official genetics gives us. But if you do not trust the sampling and the conclusions of official science, then everyone can independently verify their ethnic origin through DNA analysis, for these purposes there is an international project in the field of molecular genealogy and population genetics -

The description of this project says: "Involving specialists from various sciences (historians, geneticists, linguists, archaeologists) for cooperation, genetic genealogists help to confirm or refute this or that hypothesis (ethnogenesis of peoples). Conclusions and assessments are largely comparative in nature, depend on the availability and the completion of statistical data. This project is intended to contribute to this (accumulation of statistical data)." And here are the statistics, that is, the Y-DNA haplogroups, of real people from three Slavic countries that the project has accumulated:

Ukraine Russia Poland

R1a1 101(21.1%) 322(39.4%) 433(41.35%)

total 478 819 1049 members.

Amazing stats! Russia with its large non-Slavic population - once again I remind you that these are data by country, not by ethnic groups - only slightly behind Poland in terms of the representation of the Slavic haplogroup R1a1 and twice overtook Ukraine, in which 97% of the population are Slavs. Almost a mockery is the assertion that Ukrainians, unlike Russians, were able to maintain the purity of the ethnic group - almost all genetic markers found among Russians were also found among Ukrainians, and the most exotic haplogroups are more often found precisely in the territory between the Don and San, and in greater numbers. And the myth about the supposedly Finno-Ugric origin of Russians is completely dispelled upon close examination: the main haplogroup of the Ural-speaking peoples - N1 - was found only in 14.7% of Russians; for comparison, E1b alone - the Western Balkan haplogroup of African origin - was found in 16.5% of Ukrainians.

In general, genetic studies show that the influence of the Balkans on the gene pool of Ukrainians was simply enormous - in the aggregate, the main haplogroups of the Balkans - E1b, I2, T and J2 - make up 37.5% of the Ukrainian gene pool according to official science (see the European table) and 38.7 % according to SEMARGL statistics - two to three times more than the Russians and Poles; however, Ukrainians could also get J2 from the Caucasus, through the Turkic tribes - the subclade J2a4b, characteristic of the Vainakh peoples, is often found in Ukraine.

(The map of representation of haplogroup I2 - Ukraine lies entirely in the distribution area of ​​​​this haplogroup characteristic of the Balkans.)

(Haplogroup E1b1b and its distribution in Africa, Europe and Asia)

It is even more interesting to study the representation of East Asian (Mongoloid) haplogroups in the gene pool of the Slavs. The myth of the Mongol origin of Russians, although already dilapidated, still remains popular among some unpretentious Ukrainians, but alas, genetics testify otherwise - the Mongoloid haplogroups C, O and especially Q are more often found not in Russia, but in Ukraine; according to Europedia, it is Ukraine that shows the largest number of finds of haplogroup Q in Europe (4%, see table and map):

It should be noted here that in Ukraine there is almost only one subclade of this haplogroup -Q1b1, also found among the Uyghurs, Khazarians and 5% of Ashkenazi Jews - it seems that only one people could award related East Eurasian genes to both Jews and Ukrainians at once - they were Turkic Khazars.

Thus, according to SEMARGL statistics, the East Eurasian (Mongoloid) component of the gene pool (according to Y-DNA) is 5.64% for Ukrainians, 3.17% for Russians, 4% for Ukrainians and 1.5% for Russians. It is also interesting that the typical Negroid haplogroup E1a was also found among the Slavs, and in Ukraine, again, this is found more often. Western and South Asia also left their mark on the genetic history of the Slavs - haplogroups J1, R2 and H; according to SEMARGL, they generally give 12.34% of the Ukrainian and 6.06% of the Russian gene pools - and again, the Asian influence is more clearly manifested in Ukrainians, and not in Russians.

But the Russians, on the other hand, got more West European and North European genes, the R1b and I1 haplogroups together give 11% of the Russian and 7% of the Ukrainian gene pools according to Europedia, and 15.26% and 11.5% - according to SEMARGLE statistics.

(The prevalence of haplogroup R1b in Europe).

Another evidence of the Northern European influence on the Russian gene pool is the N1 haplogroup - this is a generic marker of the Finno-Ugric peoples, but its presence in the gene pool of the Baltic peoples is also great (they also inherited it from the Finno-Ugric peoples), it was also found among the Scandinavians - the study of the DNA of Russian nobles from the tribe of Rurik showed that the legendary Varangian was also a carrier of the haplogroup N1c1. The distribution of haplogroup N1 among Russians is uneven - it is most densely represented in the Russian North, on the lands of the former Novgorod and Pskov republics, in Central Russia it is already much less common, and in Southern Russia it is even less common than in Ukraine. According to Europedia, N1 in total gives 23% of the Russian gene pool (two times less than the Slavic haplogroup R1a1), according to SEMARGL - 14.7% (2.5 times less than R1a1). According to mtDNA (female), the Finno-Ugric influence is slightly more noticeable, but nothing more:

Boris Malyarchuk's table: Russian regional populations by mtDNA (upper table) and Y-DNA (lower) - as we can see, according to Y-DNA, only Russians of the Pskov region are close to the Finno-Ugric peoples and Balts, and the rest of the groups of Russians are closer to each other and others Slavic peoples; according to mtDNA, the genetic distance of Russian populations from each other is wider. The East Eurasian (Mongoloid) influence on the Russian mtDNA gene pool is also insignificant and is associated not with the Tatar or Mongolian, but with the Finno-Ugric influence:

Even in the Russian North, the East Eurasian mtDNA haplogroups in total give only 4-5%, and the Russians of the Center and the South have even slightly less Mongoloid mtDNA haplogroups than the Western Slavs. In total, according to a study by Malyarchuk and K "the East Eurasian component of mtDNA Russians is 1.9% , Ukrainians - 2.3% (gentis.ru/info/ mtdna-tutorial/freq). In general, the mtDNA gene pool of Russians and Ukrainians is quite close and is characterized by the predominance of haplogroups H, U, V, and J, typically European.

So, the representation of the Slavic haplogroup R1a1 among Russians is higher than among Ukrainians, and the representation of non-Slavic ones is lower. Of the extraneous influences in Russians, the genetic influence of the Finno-Ugric peoples, as well as Western and Northern Europe, is most noticeable, while the influence of the Balkans and Western and Eastern Asia is more noticeable among Ukrainians - most likely the Asian genes went to the Ukrainians from the Turkic peoples, since the Turks of the Black Sea The Caspian steppes themselves have a genetic mixture of East and West Asia, the Caucasus and Europe. So make a conclusion which of the two Slavic peoples is more Slavic. In conclusion, I place one more table - the "average" faces of athletes from different European countries; don't you think that the faces of Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian athletes are surprisingly similar?

Scientists have recently come close to deciphering the human genetic code. In many ways, this made it possible to take a fresh look at the history of the Russian ethnos, which turned out to be more ancient and not as homogeneous as previously thought.

In the depths of centuries

The human genome is a variable thing. In the course of the evolution of mankind, its haplogroups have undergone mutations more than once. Today, scientists have already learned to determine the approximate time when this or that mutation arose. So, American geneticists found out that one of these mutations occurred about 4,500 years ago on the Central Russian plain. A boy was born who had a different set of nucleotides from his father - he was assigned the genetic classification R1a1, which arose instead of the paternal R1a.

This mutation, unlike many others, proved to be viable. The R1a1 genus not only survived, but also settled in a significant part of the Eurasian continent. Currently, approximately 70% of the male population of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine are carriers of the R1a1 haplogroup, and in old Russian cities this number reaches 80%. Thus, R1a1 serves as a kind of marker of the Russian ethnic group. It turns out that the blood of an ancient boy who lived in the late Neolithic era flows in the veins of most men in modern Russia.

Approximately 500 years after the birth of the R1a1 haplogroup, the migration flows of its representatives spread to the east - beyond the Urals, to the south - to Hindustan and to the west - to the territory of modern European countries. The fact that the inhabitants of the Central Russian plain went far beyond their original range is also confirmed by archaeologists. Analysis of the bone remains of burials in Altai of the 1st millennium BC. e. showed that in addition to the Mongoloids, pronounced Caucasians also lived there.

There is no Tatar

In one of the issues of the popular science publication The American Journal of Human Genetics, an article was published about the research by the Russian-Estonian team of scientists of the gene pool of the Russian people. The findings of the researchers were quite unexpected. First: the Russian ethnos is heterogeneous by its genetic nature. One part of the Russians living in the central and southern regions of the country is close to the neighboring Slavic peoples, the other part - in the north of Russia - is genetically closely related to the Finno-Ugric peoples.

The next conclusion is more interesting. Scientists have not been able to detect the notorious Asian element in the Russian genome. There is no Tatar-Mongolian set of genes in any noticeable amount in any of the Russian populations. It turns out that the stable expression "Scratch a Russian - you will find a Tatar" is erroneous.

Professor Oleg Balanovsky, head of the laboratory of genomic geography at the Institute of General Genetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, considers the Russian gene pool “almost completely European”, and calls its differences from the Central Asian one “really great”, as if they are two different worlds.

Academician Konstantin Skryabin, head of the genomic direction at the Kurchatov Institute, agrees with Balanovsky. He says the following: "We did not find noticeable Tatar introductions in the Russian genome, which refutes theories about the destructive influence of the Mongol yoke." In addition, Siberians, according to the scientist, are genetically identical to the Old Believers - they have the same "Russian genome".

The researchers also draw attention to a slight difference in the genotype between the Russians on the one hand and the neighboring Slavic peoples - Ukrainians, Belarusians and Poles - on the other. The difference between the southern and western Slavs from the inhabitants of the Russian North is more pronounced.

Special Markers

According to anthropologist Vasily Deryabin, the Russian genotype also has its own clear physiological markers. One of them is the predominance of light shades of eyes in Russians: gray, blue, gray-blue, blue. We have 45 percent of them, in Western Europe it is less - about 35 percent. Many among Russians and fair-haired. According to anthropologists, Russians with natural black hair color are no more than 5 percent. In Western Europe, the chance of meeting a black-haired one is 45%.

Contrary to popular belief, there are not so many snub-nosed people among Russians - about 7%, in about 75% of cases the nose is straight. Also, among Russians, epicanthus is not found - a fold typical of representatives of Mongoloid peoples at the inner corner of the eye.

The Russian ethnic group is characterized by the predominance of I and II blood groups, among Jews, for example, group IV is more common. Biochemical studies also showed that in the blood of Russians, as well as other European peoples, there is a special gene PH-c, but it is absent in the Mongoloids.

Northerners are closer

Research Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Anthropology. D.N. Anuchin Moscow State University conducted an in-depth study of the gene pool of the Russian people, during which a difference in the genotype between the Russians and our northern neighbors, the Finns, was established - it amounted to thirty conventional units. But the genetic differences between the Russian ethnic group and the Finno-Ugric peoples (Mordovians, Mari, Veps, Karelians, Komi-Zyryans, Izhors), who traditionally lived in the north of our country, correspond to only three units.

Scientists are talking not just about the genetic unity of Russians with the Finno-Ugric peoples, but about their common origin. Moreover, the specific structure of the Y-chromosomes of these ethnic groups is largely identical to the peoples of Hindustan. But this is not surprising, given the direction of the settlement of the genetic ancestors of the Russian people.

The Pentagon recognized experiments with biomaterials of Russian citizens

The apocalyptic assumption about the possible development of biological weapons by the Americans has received strong confirmation. The Pentagon acknowledged the fact of collecting biomaterials from Russian citizens.

According to Pentagon spokesman Bo Downey, the US Air Force 59th Air Medical Group's Center for Molecular Research is conducting musculoskeletal studies to identify various biomarkers associated with trauma. Samples of Russian origin are required only because the first batch was from Russia, and now an identical one is needed for control.

Recall that the US Air Force intends to purchase 12 samples of the RNA molecule and 27 samples of the synovial (articular) fluid of the Russians. The announcement was posted on the US Government Procurement Portal. At the same time, the contract emphasizes that among all residents of Russia, the customer is only interested in Europeans, and immigrants, for example, from Ukraine will not be considered.

The issue of collecting biomaterials from Russians began to be discussed in society after a public statement about this by Vladimir Putin. According to him, biomaterials are collected "for different ethnic groups and people living in different geographical points of the Russian Federation." “The question is, why are they doing this?” the president asked rhetorically at a meeting with human rights activists.

Later, Dmitry Peskov explained that it was about information received through the special services.

Putin's words provoked caustic ridicule from part of Russian society. “The ancient Incas were also afraid of such dirty tricks, so the supreme ruler even had special maids, whose task was to eat hair, spit, nail clippings and other biomaterial left over from the Great, in order to prevent garbage from falling into unkind hands,” teacher Andrey is quoted by the media Nikulin.

Nevertheless, the country is preparing to counteract the new threat at the legislative level. It is expected that in December the law on the protection of biomaterials will be submitted to the State Duma. “Today we have many laboratories that conduct clinical research, these are foreign laboratories, for example, Invitro. We let them into the most intimate,” Gennady Onishchenko, First Deputy Head of the State Duma Committee on Education and Science, explained the problem.

In "Invitro" they denied their involvement in the export of biomaterials. In turn, the Institute of General Genetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences "SP" reported that this institution was involved in the collection of biomaterials. “The scientific director of our institute, academician Nikolai Yankovsky, just organized and headed the program for the collection of biomaterials,” said Ilya Zakharov-Gezekhus, an employee of the institute. It was not possible to promptly contact Yankovsky "SP" himself.

Aleksey Kulikov, senior researcher at the laboratory of genetics at the Institute of Developmental Biology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, is inclined to justify his American colleagues.

You have to understand what the Americans were doing. They looked at how genes work in patients with affected musculoskeletal system and looked at the composition of the synovial fluid. They initially purchased biomaterials somewhere in Eastern Europe from sick representatives of the Slavic nation, and therefore they also need control samples of people who are fine with the musculoskeletal system from representatives of the Slavic nation: Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, etc.

"SP": - Well, how? The tender explicitly states that biomaterials from Ukraine will not be considered. They need the Russians...

It still has nothing to do with any intentions. Genetic weapons are all nonsense. This is unrealistic, because people in the world are too polymorphic - very diverse. It's hard to come up with something that works for some and doesn't work for others. I think it's just about the conditions of the experiment. There is scientific experience and there is control. Control materials must be from the same region.

"SP": - Everything is so, if these "scientific studies" were not carried out by the military, the Pentagon ...

Scientific research can also be carried out by the military. We also have specific medical tasks that are solved by representatives of law enforcement agencies. Perhaps we are talking about the low mobility of the pilots. They must sit for a long time. Therefore, it is fundamentally important that there are no problems with the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, Americans are interested in these diseases and what specific genes are responsible for this.

In turn, Sergey Kiselev, head of the laboratory at the Institute of General Genetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, believes that it is too risky to create genetic weapons and it is easier to kill people using traditional methods.

Biomaterials from Russia have been transferred and are being transferred. At least, as Onishchenko said, within the framework of clinical trials. Because over the past 25 years, dozens of foreign companies have been conducting clinical drug trials in Russia. Biomaterials are needed to understand how drugs work.

Of course, any such sample can be used both for the above purposes and for some others. Because it still remains a national biological sample. The main thing is how the information obtained using the sample will subsequently be used. Genetic information can be used for a variety of purposes, including for personal gain.

"SP": - What?

Today's technologies allow us to determine the genome of each person in detail. That is, by taking a DNA sample from a spoon in the dining room of the CIA building, you can determine whether the intelligence officer really comes from the state of Minnesota, as he wrote when applying for a job, or he is from Eastern Siberia. That is, you can very accurately tie a person to a place.

But for this it is necessary to first create a genetic map of the territories. I think that the interested intelligence services of many countries of the world have been making such maps of territories for a long time. To be able to identify people in different circumstances.

For example, people of dangerous professions. If one of them is torn to pieces, then it is possible, using a genetic map, to establish who he is, where he came from and pay tribute to him. That is, within the country. But if this information gets into third parties, it can be used in their interests.

"SP": - In this case, we are interested in the probability of creating a genetic, ethnic weapon ...

In my opinion, creating such a weapon is pointless. Firstly, in order to kill a person, it is necessary to influence vital functions such as respiration, blood circulation, etc. There are few of them, and they are the same for all people. Finding an ethnically important vital function is hardly possible.

And, secondly, who are the Americans? They do not have a titular nation. Everyone mixed up there, including Russians, Chinese, Anglo-Saxons. Therefore, if a weapon is created against the Russians, some of the Americans will fall under its action, since they are either Russians or their descendants.

Therefore, the greater the spread of people around the planet, the mixing of genomes, the less likely it will be to create a genetic weapon. It's unprofitable. It is easier, cheaper and more efficient to “soak” in another way.

"SP": - Nevertheless, the Pentagon conducts such studies, and today its representative directly admitted this ...

I looked at the terms of the tender. This air force base requested RNA samples. But RNA is subgenetic material. It is an intermediary between the human genome and the functional state of the cell. RNA reflects the specialization of each individual cell at one time or another. That is, the genome - DNA in each cell of the body is always the same. And the RNA in each cell is different, because it is a portrait of how the genome works every minute. Therefore, an RNA sample taken from the big toe will be different from RNA from any other organ. The Americans did not indicate where exactly they need the RNA.

The second thing they asked for was synovial fluid from the joint capsule. Moreover, in the terms of the tender, it was stipulated that the liquid could be taken from another donor, not from the one from whom the RNA was taken. That is, the Americans do not need any connection between RNA and synovial fluid. It looks like they took samples for different studies, not related to each other.

"SP": - However, this did not increase clarity ...

Maybe they laundered money there. Or students learned how to write tenders.

But the former member of the UN Commission on Biological Weapons, Igor Nikulin, has no doubts about the aggressive plans of the Pentagon.

Of course, this is an attempt by the Americans to conduct research for military purposes. The Pentagon is not a charitable or humanitarian organization designed to benefit mankind. Rather, on the contrary. Here it is possible to use viruses that will act selectively.

Such viruses still exist today. For example, Ebola, Lassa, Marburg. The hemorrhagic fevers that they cause act mainly on the Negroid race, bird flu - on the Mongoloid, SARS on the Indo-Europeans.

"SP": - In the conditions of the competition, for some reason, an exception is made for Ukraine ...

In Ukraine, the American program was carried out 5-7 years ago. And now they have only epidemics. Either measles, or rubella, or tuberculosis, or tetanus, or cholera, etc. And then the Americans offer them vaccines against this. Very comfortably.

Over the past ten years, the United States has spent tens of billions of dollars, set up more than four hundred laboratories around the world, in which new types of biological weapons and vaccines are being developed. About forty laboratories are located in the countries of the former USSR. These are Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. Such is the controlled chaos.

"SP": - But our Russian geneticists are skeptical about the likely development of weapons aimed at one or another ethnic group ...

What else is left for them to do? Many of them are on grants. If I were on a grant, I would also be silent. But, since the Americans will not offer me any grants, I can speak freely on these topics.

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American genetic scientists Harvard University for several decades, detailed studies have been carried out on the inhabitants of Europe, Asia, America, Oceania and Africa for differences in heredity in people of different races and nations that inhabit our planet.

Scientists managed to find out that all people on earth are divided into 22 clans, which originate from a common ancestor, standing at the base of the clan. Naturally, there were initially much more genera, but only these 22 genera survived in the process of evolution. This was done thanks to the analysis of the male Y-chromosome and the mutations that have occurred in it for many millennia. Each person carries a kind of "biological document" that cannot be lost - this is human DNA. DNA genealogy methods allow access to that part of DNA that is passed unchanged from father to son in a direct male line - the Y chromosome.

Lives in Europe 4 main genera, which are also called haplogroups:
1) R1b - Western European
2) R1a - Eastern European or Eurasian
3) I - Old European (subdivided into I1-Scandinavian and I2-Balkan)
4)N - Balto-Finnish or Finno-Ugric

Based on these studies, Ukrainians are predominantly characterized by the genus R1a, which is found in more than 55% of the population, and in some areas reaches 80% of the number of people living there. In the northern, primordially Russian (Russian) regions (Novgorod, Pskov, Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Murmansk, Kirov regions), the percentage of this genus does not exceed 30-35%. In these regions of Russia, two other genera are common - N (Balto-Finnish) and I1 (Scandinavian). Only in some southern Russian regions, the genus R1a occurs with a frequency of 50-55%.

The genus R1a is predominantly characteristic of the steppe peoples and their descendants (it is extremely rare among Western Europeans and does not exceed 3-8%). Among Europeans, except for Russians, this genus is widely distributed among Poles (about 57%), Ukrainians (more than 55%), Belarusians (about 50%), Czechs (more than 35%), Hungarians (about 25%). Among some peoples of Asia, the genus R1a is dominant - among the Pashtuns of Afghanistan (70%) and the Balochs of Pakistan (70%), Punjabis of Pakistan and India (80%), Tajiks and Kirghiz (about 70%), Nogais, Bashkirs and Kazan Tatars (from 40 to 50%), Altaians - 47%, Kazakhs and Uzbeks - approximately 30%, Crimean Tatars - 33%. Of the already non-existent peoples, the haplogroup R1a was the main among the Khazars, Scythians and Sarmatians. This was shown by genetic samples taken at their burial sites.

And how are things going with the Slavs and Balts in general? What genera are they predominantly descended from?
1. Poles - 57% R1A, 16% R1b (Western European), 7% I1 (Scandinavian), 10% I2, 5% N
2. Ukrainians - 55% R1a, 2% R1b, 15% I2, 4% I1, 5-10% N, 8% E (African), 7% J (Semitic)
3. Belarusians - 50% R1a, 10% R1b, 3% I1, 16% I2, 10% N (Finno-Ugric)
4. Russians (all) - 47% R1a, 8% R1b, 18% I1+I2, 20% N
5. Slovaks - 47% R1a, 17% R1b, 17% I1 + I2 (total), 10% E, 3-5% N
6. Czechs - 38% R1a, 19% R1b, 19% I2+I1, 8% E, 6% J
7. Slovenians - 37% R1a, 21% R1b, 12% I1, 20% I2, 7% E, 3% J
8. Croats - 37% R1a, 16% R1b, 32% I2, 6% I1, 6% E, 6% J
9. Serbs 20% R1a, 11% R1b, 30% I2 (Balkan), 20% E, 6% J
10. Bulgarians 20% R1a, 20% R1b, 20% I2, 20% E, 11% J
11.Bosnian Croats - about 75% I2 (Balkan)
12. Russians (north) - 35% R1a, 5% R1b, 35% N (Finno-Ugric), 15% I1 (Scandinavian)
13. Russians (center) - 45% R1a, 8% R1b, 5% I1, 10% I2, 15% N, 5% E
14. Russians (south) - 55% R1a, 5% R1b, 15% I2 (Balkan), 5% I1 (Scandinavian), 5-10% N
15. Latvians - 40% R1a, 40% N, 11% R1b, 7-8% I1+I2
16. Lithuanians -38% R1a, 45% N, 5% R1b, 10% I1+I2
17. Estonians -35% R1a, 9% R1b, 33% N, 18% I1
18. Norwegians - 28% R1a, 28% R1b, 34% I1, 5% N, 1% I2
19. Swedes - 20% R1a, 22% R1b, 35% I1, 11% N, 4% I2
20. Finns - 8% R1a, 4% R1b, 59% N, 28% I1, 1% I2

It is also interesting to note that the genus of the Rurikoviches, the founders of Ancient Rus', turned out to be Balto-Finnish or Finno-Ugric in origin (genus N). The study of the Americans was based on DNA analysis of several dozen descendants of this glorious princely family.

For a long time, the main method of distinguishing between different ethnic groups of human civilization was the comparison of languages, dialects and dialects used by certain populations. A fundamentally different approach in determining the kinship of certain peoples is demonstrated by genetic genealogy. She uses the information hidden in the Y chromosome, passed from father to son almost unchanged.

Thanks to this feature of the male chromosome, a team of Russian scientists from the Medical Genetic Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, in collaboration with Estonian and British geneticists, managed to identify a significant heterogeneity of the primordially Russian population of our country and trace the patterns of development of the history of the formation of Rus' from prehistoric times to the era of rule.

In addition, scientists were able to show that differences in the genetic structure of the Y-chromosome of northerners and southerners cannot be explained only by the gradual drift of genes due to the isolation of small populations due to geographical conditions. Comparison of the variability of the male chromosome of Russians with the data of neighboring peoples revealed great similarities between northerners and Finnish-speaking ethnic groups, while the inhabitants of the center and south of Russia turned out to be genetically closer to other peoples who communicate in Slavic dialects. If the former often has the "Varangian" haplogroup N3, which is widespread in Finland and northern Sweden (however, as well as throughout Siberia), then the latter is characterized by the haplogroup R1a, characteristic of the Slavs of Central Europe.

Thus, another factor that determines, according to scientists, the differences between the Russian northerners and our southern population, is the assimilation of the tribes that lived on this land long before our ancestors came to it. The option of their cultural and linguistic "Russification" without significant genetic mixing is not excluded. This theory is also confirmed by the data of linguistic surveys, which describe the Finno-Ugric component of the northern Russian dialect, which is practically not found among southerners.

Genetically, assimilation was expressed in the presence in the Y-chromosome of the population of the northern regions of the family of N-haplogroups. These same haplogroups are also common to most of the peoples of Asia, however, Russian northerners, in addition to this haplogroup, almost never show other genetic markers that are widespread among Asians, such as C and Q.

This suggests that there was no significant migration of people from Asian regions in the prehistoric times of the existence of the Proto-Slavic peoples in Eastern Europe.

Another fact was not surprising for scientists: the genetic variations of the Y-chromosome of the inhabitants of the central and southern regions of Ancient Rus' turned out to be not only almost identical to those of the "Slav brothers" - Ukrainians and Belarusians, but also very close in structure to the variations of the Poles.

Scientists believe that this observation can be interpreted in two ways. Firstly, such closeness of the genetic structure may mean that the process of Russian advancement to the east was not accompanied by the assimilation of local peoples - at least those that had strong differences in the structure of the male genetic line. Secondly, this may mean that the Slavic tribes had already mastered these lands long before the mass migration to them in the 7th-9th centuries of the main part of the ancient Russians (more precisely, the East Slavic people, which had not yet been divided into Russians and other peoples). This point of view is in good agreement with the fact that the Eastern and Western Slavs show great similarity and smooth regular changes in the structure of the male genetic line.

"Map" of the genetic proximity of the peoples of Europe and individual populations within ethnic groups // ajhg.org/"Gazeta.Ru"

It should be noted that in all cases, genetically identified subpopulations do not go beyond the ethnic groups defined from linguistic positions. However, this rule has one very curious exception: four large groups of Slavic peoples - Ukrainians, Poles and Russians, as well as Belarusians not shown in the diagram - show great closeness both in the genetic structure of the male hereditary line and in language. At the same time, the Russian northerners are significantly removed from this group on the multidimensional scaling diagram.

It would seem that such a situation should conflict with the thesis that geographical factors have a greater influence on Y-chromosome variations than linguistic ones, since the territory occupied by Poland, Ukraine and the central regions of Russia extends almost from the center of Europe to its eastern border. . The authors of the work, commenting on this fact, note that genetic variations, apparently, have much in common even for remote territorial ethnic groups, provided that their languages ​​are close.

Summing up the article, the authors conclude that, despite the popular opinion about the strong Tatar and Mongolian admixture in the blood of Russians, inherited by their ancestors during the time of the Tatar-Mongol invasion, the haplogroups of the Turkic peoples and other Asian ethnic groups practically did not leave a trace on the population of the modern northwestern , central and southern regions.

Instead, the genetic structure of the paternal line of the population of the European part of Russia shows a smooth change when moving from north to south, which indicates two centers of the formation of Ancient Rus'. At the same time, the movement of the ancient Slavs to the northern regions was accompanied by the assimilation of local Finno-Ugric tribes, while in the southern territories individual Slavic tribes and nationalities could exist long before the Slavic “great migration”.

P.S. This article caused a lot of feedback from readers, many of which we did not publish because of the unacceptably harsh position of their authors. In order to avoid inaccuracies in the wording, which could at least partially cause a misinterpretation of the conclusions of scientists, we talked with Oleg Balanovsky, the lead author of the work on the genetic structure of the Russian ethnos, and, if possible, corrected the wording that could cause a double interpretation. In particular, we excluded the mention of Russians as a “monolithic” ethnic group, added a more accurate description of the interaction between Mongoloids and Caucasoids in Eastern Europe, and clarified the causes of genetic drift in populations. In addition, the unfortunate comparison of mtDNA with DNA of nuclear chromosomes has been excluded from the text.

It is also important to note that the “ancient Russians” who moved to the east in the 7th-13th centuries were not yet divided into three East Slavic peoples, so calling them Russians may not seem entirely appropriate. You can read the full interview with Oleg Balanovsky.

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