What crafts to make dedicated to Chukovsky. Exhibition of crafts based on the works of Chukovsky


Crafts on the theme "Tales": we make panels and compositions with children from natural materials.

Crafts on the theme "Tales"

Today we continue with you our autumn workshop of children's crafts. We have already done crafts based on children's fairy tales with you - you can find detailed master classes in step-by-step photos with step-by-step descriptions in the articles:

And today in this article - more ideas for crafts on the theme of "Fairy Tales" with preschool children. They were sent to us on the “Native Path” by Lyubov Anatolyevna Petushkova, a teacher of the middle group No. 11 “Stargazers” from the city of Yugorsk, Tyumen Region (MBOU secondary school No. 5). A family competition of crafts made from natural materials on the theme "Tales" was held in the "Stargazers" group. Here are some crafts on the theme of a fairy tale that parents created with their children.

We will be glad if these ideas and photographs of the work of children and parents will help you make your own interesting crafts based on the plots of different fairy tales with children.

Crafts on the theme of fairy tales about Baba Yaga

Baba Yaga in a mortar

Baba - Yaga with a broom

Crafts on the theme of the fairy tale about Kolobok

Craft on the theme of the fairy tale "Three Little Pigs"

Craft on the theme of a fairy tale: Masha and the bear

This handicraft is made in the technique of appliqué from natural materials.

Crafts on the theme "Tales of the goldfish"

The craft - a goldfish - is also made using the appliqué technique. It is very easy to make it. On a piece of cardboard we draw a sketch of a future craft. We smear one of the details of the sketch with PVA glue and fill the contour with natural material. Next, fill in other details until you get a picture.

You can lay out the entire image only from natural materials, or you can only part of it, supplementing the plot picture with details drawn with a felt-tip pen or paints or an application made of colored paper.

Craft: a fabulous hut on chicken legs

Fairy tale craft: Miracle tree

You can learn the technology for making crafts from natural materials in children from detailed step-by-step master classes in the heading

More than 130 years ago, Nikolai Vasilyevich Korneichukov was born, a children's poet - Korney Chukovsky, whose poems we know from early childhood.

“I have never had such a luxury as a father or at least a grandfather”- Korney Chukovsky, real name Nikolai Vasilievich Korneichukov.

Information from the Internet:
“Nikolai Korneichukov was born on March 31, 1882 in St. Petersburg. When the boy was 3 years old, his mother with two children moved to live first in Nikolaev, then in Odessa.

Nikolay Chukovsky. Odessa. 1906
In Odessa he spent his childhood and youth.
The mother of Nikolai Ekaterina Osipovna had no education, and in order to raise her children - a son and a daughter - she was hired "to people" to wash clothes. The money she received for washing was almost her only income. Ekaterina Osipovna, made every effort to give her children an education: the girl entered the diocesan school, the boy - in the Odessa gymnasium
From childhood, the boy was addicted to reading, he began to write poetry early. In the Odessa gymnasium, he met Boris Zhitkov, in the future also a famous children's writer. Nikolai often went to his house, where there was a rich library collected by Boris's parents.
But from the 5th grade of the gymnasium, he was expelled by decree on the release of the gymnasium from children of "low" origin.
He independently completed the entire gymnasium course, self-taught English and French, passed the exams and received a matriculation certificate.
In 1901, the newspaper "Odessa News" published the first article, signed by "Korney Chukovsky", under the title "To the eternally young question."
Then Chukovsky wrote a lot - both articles and feuilletons on a variety of topics. Thus began his literary career.
At 21, he was sent as a correspondent to London, where he lived for a whole year, studied English literature, wrote about it in the Russian press, returning to Russia, published his articles in newspapers and magazines.
But it was poems and fairy tales for children that glorified him.
Chukovsky himself said that he became a children's poet and storyteller quite by accident. It turned out that his little son fell ill. He fell ill in Finland, in Helsinki. Korney Ivanovich was taking him home in the night train. The boy was capricious, moaning, crying. In order to somehow entertain him, his father began to tell a fairy tale. When he started, he himself did not know what would happen next.
There lived a crocodile.
He walked the streets
Smoking cigarettes!
spoke Turkish,
Crocodile Crocodile Crocodile
The boy fell silent and began to listen.
Korney Ivanovich recalled what happened next:
“The verses spoke by themselves. My only concern was to divert the attention of a sick child from bouts of illness. Therefore, I was in a terrible hurry ... the rate was on speed, on the fastest alternation of events and images, so that the sick little boy did not have time to moan or cry. So I chattered like a shaman:
And give him a reward
One hundred pounds of grapes
One hundred pounds of marmalade
One hundred pounds of chocolate
And a thousand servings of ice cream!”
The boy, listening to a fairy tale, imperceptibly fell asleep. But in the morning he wanted his father to tell the yesterday's tale again: he liked it so much.

Chukovsky with his son.
Chukovsky began to lead the children's department of the Parus publishing house, began to write for children: poetic tales Crocodile, Moydodyr, Fly-sokotuha, Barmaley, Aibolit and others.
Korney Ivanovich is listened to with interest, and then his poems are read by very young children.
In his children's books, he uses folklore forms that children love so much - counting rhymes, sayings, riddles, sayings, comic "absurdities", for which he came up with his apt name - "shifters".
He also works as a translator. It is thanks to Chukovsky's translations that children and adolescents can read in Russian such books as Kipling's Tales, Robinson Crusoe by D. Defoe, Tom Sawyer, Huckelbury Finn by M. Twain, Munchausen's Adventures by R.-E .Raspe, "Uncle Tom's Cabin" by G. Beecher Stowe, "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" by A. Conan Doyle.
In 1928, the book by K.I. Chukovsky "Little Children" was published. The author will be finishing it for 50 years. It will become the prototype of the book “From Two to Five” - an amazing, unique book that both children and their parents have been reading with pleasure for many decades.”

The Japanese adored Chukovsky: in Japan, his book "From Two to Five" was published twice, which Japanese scientists and educators consider one of the best studies of child psychology. If you have not read From Two to Five by Korney Chukovsky, then you can easily find this book on the Internet and read it. Get great pleasure and, most importantly, even better begin to understand your kids.
The main dates of the life and work of K. Chukovsky:
1882 , March 31 (March 19, O.S.) - was born in St. Petersburg.
1885 - Ekaterina Osipovna Korneichukova moved to Odessa with her children: daughter Marusya (Maria) and son Nikolai.
1898 - in the fifth grade, he was expelled from the gymnasium "due to his low origin."
1901 , November 27 - the first article in the newspaper "Odessa News".
1903 , May 25 - marriage in Odessa to Maria Borisovna Goldfeld.
1904 , June 2 - the birth of the son of Nikolai.

Son of K. Chukovsky Nikolay.

K. I. Chukovsky in Kuokkala with his children. 1910

In the nursery. Nikolai and Lydia with mom and dad, Boba in the arms of the nanny. Kuokkala. 1913
1906 , autumn - the Chukovsky family settled in Kuokkale near St. Petersburg (now the village of Repino).

Family at dinner. Photo by K. Bulla. Kuokkala. 1912

Family of Korney Chukovsky.

Korney Ivanovich - and Kolya, Bob, Lida. Summer 1914
1907 , March 11 - the birth of daughter Lydia.
1907 , September 9 - acquaintance with I.E. Repin.

Ilya Repin reads a message about the death of Leo Tolstoy, 1910

Repin's Penates. Ilya Efimovich (standing second from left) with guests. In the boat - Korney Chukovsky with his wife and children. 1913
1908 - a collection of critical articles by Chukovsky "From Chekhov to the present day" was published and was reprinted three times.
1910 , June 30 - the birth of his son Boris.
1911 - the collection "Critical Stories", the brochure "For Mothers about Children's Magazines", the book "About Leonid Andreev" are published.
1916 , September 21 - acquaintance with A.M. Gorky.
1917 , June - fairy tale "King Puzan" for a children's play in Kuokkale.
1917 , autumn - edits the magazine "For Children", which publishes the fairy tale "Crocodile".
1918 - The commission for the publication of Russian classics instructs Chukovsky to edit Nekrasov. Work begins at the publishing house "World Literature".
1920 , February 24 - the birth of daughter Maria (Mura).

Mura Chukovskaya, 1924 Sestroretsk.

Mura Chukovskaya.

Korney Ivanovich with Mura and Tata
“Murochka, the fourth child of Chukovsky, was born on February 24, 1920 in hungry and cold Petrograd. "The long-awaited child, who - the devil knows - why, wanted to be born in 1920, in the era of peas and typhus," her father wrote in his diary. Spanish influenza, no electricity, no bread, no clothes, no shoes, no milk, nothing.
Chukovsky was almost 38 years old, the older children were 16, 13 and 9. He earned his living, as they said then, by soldering: he lectured at the Baltic Fleet, at Proletkult, at World Literature, at the House of Arts, at the Red Army University; I read to midwives and policemen, read, read, read endlessly. Rations were given for lectures. All households were fed on these rations: a wife and four children. “No one in all of Petrograd needs more than me,” Chukovsky wrote at that time in a statement to the People's Commissariat for Education. - I have four children. The youngest daughter is an infant. The People's Commissariat of Education is obliged to help me and - immediately, if he does not want writers to die of hunger ... Help should be immediate and not miserable. It is impossible for a person who has such a huge family to give an allowance of 10-15 rubles.
The girl starts talking. Individuality is already being defined: the emotional, sensitive, nervous Murochka is easy to make laugh, delight, amaze, annoy, offend; she is very similar to her father - even in that, like him, she does not sleep well. While laying down, talking to her through long sleepless nights, he tells her fairy tales. The famous “Crocodile” also grew out of such a fairy tale-incantation told to a sick child on the road. Chukovsky and the sick Blok, when he went with him to Moscow, chatted, distracted, started talking - and it seemed to him it became easier.
Murka soon became his faithful reader, and then - his favorite conversationalist. As soon as she spoke, it became unusually interesting with her. "You know, when it's dark, it seems like there are animals in the room." For her, the reader and interlocutor, he collected Murka's book, which she was looking forward to. This book has become not only Murochka's reading: almost all the children of the country have been starting to read Russian for ninety years already from Murka's Book: from Confusion, from Zakalyaka, from Kotausi and Mausi, from the Miracle Tree and "Barabek". Murochka Chukovskaya is a sister to all of us according to the first books.
He walks a lot with his daughter, runs, shows her the world - animals, birds, people, even a cemetery. He plays school with her, invents countries for her, writes books for her. Marina Chukovskaya, the wife of Korney Ivanovich Nikolai's eldest son, recalled how Chukovsky played dog with Mura: he led her on a leash, and she barked; the scene shocked passers-by, but both were incredibly happy.
Murochka is his joy. With Murochka, he reads Pushkin, Nekrasov, Longfellow, teaches letters with her, talks; Murochka is a fairy to him: knock, a fairy will come to you and fulfill your desires ... She appears and fulfills: she makes a bed, takes dishes out of the room ... The diaries show how the spontaneous talent of a wonderful age from two to five to six years is replaced by reflection, artificiality and looking back at others: dad, I came up with a childish word - yummy instead of casserole ...

Chukovsky with his youngest daughter Mura. 1925
“Mura took off her shoe,
Buried in the garden
- Grow, my shoe,
Grow up, little one!
Just like my shoe
I will pour water
And the tree will grow
A wonderful tree! ("Wonder Tree")
Moura fell ill at the end of 1929, in 1930 it became clear that she had bone tuberculosis. The girl was taken to the Crimea, to Alupka, where in the sanatorium of Dr. Izergin, tuberculosis was treated by hardening. They didn’t know how to treat him with anything else then: they only took the sick to a mild climate and tried to strengthen the body so that he himself fought the disease ... Murochka died on the night of November 11, 1931, she was only 11 years old.
1923 - fairy tales "Moydodyr" and "Cockroach" are published.
1925 , January-February - publication of "Barmaley".
1926 - “Telephone”, “Fedorino's grief”, the collection “Nekrasov. Articles and materials».
1941 , June - the beginning of the war, work in the Soviet Information Bureau; both sons go to the front.
1941 , October - evacuation to Tashkent; performances in Tashkent schools and clubs.
1942 - work in the Commission for Assistance to Evacuated Children; son Boris went missing at the front; the book "Uzbekistan and children" was published.
1942 , September-October - a trip to Moscow; publication of the fairy tale "Let's overcome Barmaley!".
1943 - return from evacuation to Moscow, lectures.
1945 - work on a new fairy tale "Bibigon".
1956 - an abbreviated "Bibigon" and a collection of "Tales" are published.
1957 , April - the 75th anniversary of K. Chukovsky is widely celebrated; he begins construction of a children's library in Peredelkino.
1957 , October - opening of the library.
1965-1969 - six volumes of the Collected Works of K.I. Chukovsky are published.

Korney Chukovsky.

K. I. Chukovsky (read by the author) - “Telephone”.

Korney Chukovsky and Yuri Gagarin. Peredelkino, 1961

K.I. Chukovsky. Oxford. 1962.

Korney Chukovsky with children walks near the children's library in Peredelkino. 1959

Korney Chukovsky among children. 1961

Writer Korney Chukovsky at his dacha in Peredelkino with readers, 1951
When a person reaches out for a book for the first time in his life, it turns out that Chukovsky's fairy tales are already waiting for him. They are waiting to please, to teach their native language and love for their native poetry. There, in front, Pushkin, and Lermontov, and Nekrasov, and Mayakovsky are waiting, and now he is taking, as it were, a preparatory course for great poetry - Chukovsky's fairy tales. These fairy tales have become so firmly established in our lives that it is difficult to even imagine a time when these fairy tales did not exist in the world. Aibolit, Crocodile, Barmaley, Cockroach for us stand next to Baba Yaga, the Gray Wolf, Ivan Tsarevich, and we don’t even think about the fact that the heroes of folk tales are dark and dark years old, and the heroes of Chukovsky’s fairy tales were born relatively recently. It seems as if both existed together and always ...
The first book of my childhood was the fairy tales of Korney Chukovsky. I was 2 years old when my parents gave me a book. Many years have passed and more than one generation has grown up on these fairy tales ... The book is already 44 years old and it is still with me!
The book is old, but so dear ...

The doll (German, by Elisabeth Bürckner Elsterwerda with the EVE brand) is also from my childhood, she is even older than the book.

Now the doll has an “outfit in the French style”, the last outfit from childhood has been preserved by the doll - a cute sarafan.

With her, in the next part, we will leaf through the old, old book with the good tales of Korney Chukovsky. To be continued…

A little about Chukovsky. Educational activities and crafts based on the fairy tales of K. I. Chukovsky.

About Korney Chukovsky

Probably, in our country there are not so many adults who would not know the continuation of the lines:

Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky (real name Nikolai Korneichukov) is one of the favorite children's writers. Parents, grandparents of modern children grew up on his works.

The works of Korney Ivanovich are written in a special rhythm, they are dynamic, easy to remember by kids. This special rhythm in his works is not a coincidence or luck, but the result of painstaking work: pedagogical, psychological and philological studies and observations of the peculiarities of the perception of words by children, their speech. He recorded some of the results of these studies in the book From Two to Five.

Therefore, his works for children are the result of not only a special talent, but also a huge work, extensive knowledge.

For example, seemingly meaningless repetitive onomatopoeia not only express the emotionality of the text, but are also very fashionable now tongue twisters ("Ding-la-la! ring-la-la!”,“where-where! where-where!”, “chiki-riki-chik-chirik”, “ding-dee-laziness, ding-dee-laziness, ding-dee-laziness”, etc.)

Not everyone knows that Korney Ivanovich was also a literary critic and translator (he learned English on his own). He translated "Tom Sawyer", "The Prince and the Pauper" by M. Twain, fairy tales by R. Kipling, short stories by O. Henry, stories by A. Conan Doyle, plays by O. Wilde, English folklore and much more.

Scary and cruel moments in Chukovsky's fairy tales

I myself skipped them when I read "Fly-Tsokotukha" or "Cockroach" to my very little daughter. Gradually, I began to read them, but without expression, trying not to instill fear in the child with my voice or facial expressions. Later, I began to read the entire text, as usual, with expression.

I remember the events that particularly impressed me in my childhood from the age of two. There are no scenes from Chukovsky's fairy tales, although we had collections of his fairy tales, they were read to me regularly and in full. And I loved the poems "Moydodyr" and "Telephone" so much that I asked my grandmother to reread them countless times. According to my grandmother, at the age of two I knew them by heart, told me, childishly distorting the words: "Bose, Bose, it happened ..."

Chukovsky specially studied and researched not only everything connected with children's speech, but also child psychology, the problem of children's fears. He himself believed that children have a completely different perception, very different from an adult. P it is impossible to completely isolate oneself from everything dangerous and terrible, but you can learn to overcome fear and return the natural optimism inherent in babies. And his fairy tales help children learn to overcome fear, learn to sympathize, empathize with others, not be cruel, be able to be happy for others. That in his works, experiences at the end are always rewarded with fun and forgiveness of insults.

Do the constantly repeated unjustified aggression, cruelty and other negativity from the TV screens, which in our time are on almost all the time in many homes, help to learn this, much worse in terms of impact on the fragile child's psyche? From computer monitors, where on many sites with materials for children blinking, attracting attention, banners that are creepy even for adults? Questions with obvious answers.

Of course, every mother knows her child better, so she has the right to do what she thinks is right. Nothing terrible will happen if the child gets acquainted with some of Chukovsky's famous children's works later, when he is psychologically ready for this.

V. Chizhikov. Chukovsky with the heroes of his books

The theme of the assignment of the contest "Magic World of Fairy Tales" in May - "Tales of K. I. Chukovsky"

Educational activities and crafts based on the fairy tales of K. I. Chukovsky (works of the participants of the competition)

  1. Tatiana and Lisa (blog "Creative workshop" KANGAROO") held a thematic lesson "Fly-Tsokotuha". They made a samovar and tea-drinking utensils, insects, remembered their habits, had a physical education session, learned in detail how a bee makes honey and played a fairy tale:
  2. Alina and Serezha (blog “our not gray everyday life!”) Conducted a developmental lesson on the fairy tale “Doctor Aibolit”. played in hospital, figured out the specialization of doctors, who treats people and who treats animals, played how Aibolit got to his patients, helped him treat them, sew new legs on the bunny, made a prescription potion, mixed colorful medicines for the frog. We made Aibolit, Barmaley, the Push-Pull character, sick monkeys from Kinder containers, traveled around Africa with the help of cards and a stitched geographical puzzle, made various solutions, etc.:

  3. Maria and Sonya (the Banilaska Home Development School blog) held a thematic lesson on the fairy tale "Moydodyr". Self-made Moidodyr read poems, asked questions and riddles. And Sonya washed the "dirty" doll, determined what was superfluous, did finger gymnastics, trained dexterity, played the game "disassemble the linen", made crafts - Moidodyr's friends, etc.
  4. Masha and Dasha Kostyuchenko made a real Miracle Tree based on the work of the same name. The application with a tree is decorated with wonders: slippers, boots, socks and sandals.

  5. Maria with Lisa and Nastya spent a thematic day on the work of K.I. Chukovsky "The Miracle Tree". They made the application “Wonder Tree”, the shoes were divided into groups (boots, shoes, felt boots, slippers, sneakers) and by season. Played shop and put on toys. They drew socks using a stencil and painted them, and then applied them to pictures with people and animals, selecting them according to size. They did exercises for the legs, learned to lace up shoes and tie shoelaces.
  6. Ksenia, Gleb and Mark were engaged in TRIZ (the theory of inventive problem solving) on ​​the topic "Aibolit and the train of time". They blinded Aibolit, built a house and a tree from a constructor. Guessed the word associated with the treatment, using questions that can be answered "yes" or "no" and which refer to a specific property of the subject. They looked for good and bad sides in illnesses, played the game of life and life, traveled on the train of time, guessed that there is now something that was not there in the past, invented improved objects and how to make people not get sick at all.
  7. Alina and Serezha (blog "our not gray everyday life") held a thematic lesson "Fly-Tsokotuha". They played with a sensory bowl, counted and sorted coins, modeled a fly, had a tea party for cockroaches and insects (with a score and cards), studied the letter "c" and insects (measured and recorded). Crafts also participated in the lesson: a fly, a samovar and finger insects:

  8. Anastasia and Nina (blog "anoyza.ru") based on the work "Fedorino's grief" made a toy metal frying pan made of waste material indispensable for playing in the yard in the sandbox or in the country:
  9. Anastasia Senicheva and Katya (the "Shadow of the Tabby Cat" blog) were engaged in the fairy tale "Fly-Sokotuha": they played, studied geometric shapes, made a fly from a matchbox, a spider, a cobweb-lacing and an appliqué with a samovar:

And this origami craft with the name "The Stolen Sun. The battle of a bear and a crocodile for the sun" Roma (7 years old) and his mother Daria from Chita, the Trans-Baikal Territory, were sent to the "Summer Creative Competition" (articles about all competitions are in the section " Contests and news").

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Natalya Markina

The works of K.I. Chukovsky have a huge educational, cognitive and aesthetic value, because they broaden the horizons of the child, influence the personality of the baby, develop the ability to subtly feel the form and rhythm of the native language. This creative activity related to children's works. AND. Chukovsky contributes to the development of interest in the book.

During the lesson, students get acquainted with the biography of K. Chukovsky, get acquainted with such works as "Moydodyr", "Fly-Tsokatuha", "Miracle Tree", "Aibolit", perform crafts with their favorite characters.

fairy tales"Aibolit"

Exhibition of children's works

Volumetric application based on fairy tales"Fly-Tsokatuha"

Craft based on fairy tales"Wonder Tree"

Craft based on fairy tales"Moydodyr"

Craft based on fairy tales"Moydodyr"

Volumetric application based on fairy tales"Fly-Tsokatuha"

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