What problems are raised in the story French lessons. What moral issues are raised in the story "French Lessons"? The value of Rasputin's work


"French Lessons" (research methodical work, to help the teacher to the lesson of literature)

The subject of literature research is always a person with his passions, joys and sorrows. But, depicting him, the writer pursues some of his main goal, the idea, the thought for which he writes the book.

One of the main themes in the work of V. Rasputin, in my opinion, is the theme of “human morality”. Therefore, his works are very topical and relevant. After all, it is not for nothing that high school students are looking for answers to the “eternal questions”: “What is wrong? What well? What is to be loved? And what is there to hate?

The work of Valentin Rasputin attracts readers of all ages. Next to the ordinary, everyday in the works of the writer there are always spiritual values, moral laws. The unique characters, the complex, sometimes contradictory inner world of the heroes, the author's thoughts about life, about man, about nature not only help the young reader to discover in himself and in the world around him inexhaustible reserves of goodness and beauty, but also warn: the life of man and nature is fragile, it is necessary save her.

Reading the stories of V. Rasputin, it is difficult to find exact words and it is impossible to fully express the impression of real prose, which at all times is directly occupied by the human essence, the human soul. It is difficult, because such prose is never perceived as a text that has become cold and frozen, unchanged in its meaning, and no matter how much you turn to it, this text, it will move, live and reveal to you new and new features, feelings and thoughts. The stories of V. Rasputin are difficult to read. But why is it difficult? This prose does not play with us, does not flirt, does not amuse, does not deceive, but presupposes the labor of reading, presupposes sympathy, co-creation. You need to live everything that is written in the stories - to live it yourself, and besides everything - you also need to tear your consciousness away from the deceptive appearances of vanity, you need to tune in to the music, the look, the movement of stories, to feel yourself in the world of V. Rasputin.

It is difficult to read, but after reading, you will not throw away the book, gradually or immediately forgetting what you have read, but you will still feel, think, and, if possible, your soul will wake up, begin to live in the world of these stories, it will see these people and they will turn out to be acquaintances, relatives. And finally, surprise. But you will surely understand that everything. What V. Rasputin wrote about, it was with you, it happened in your life. And if not sometime before, then now, now, in the hours of reading, in the minutes of the concordant sound of this prose and your life ...

The stories of V. Rasputin are necessarily united by the constant, painful, bright, inevitable, desirable and strange movement of a person who is trying to break through and get close to that higher, eternal and only definite thing that is inherent in him by the Nature that created him, to what he is. as an insight, realizes only in moments of living contact with the consubstantial, all-constituting, infinitely comprehended Life - all-being. This world comes into a person, and a person sees the shores, his channel, sees the roads of goodness, the roads of the eternal movement of his spirit. This man sees not beside himself. And in himself, he seems to remembers banks, channels, roads, remembers its purpose and the direction of its life movement.

A person in the stories of V. Rasputin "comes to his senses", and his soul turns out to be the only way out into the real world.

From a meeting with a truly Russian rare word, you feel how native, hearty light, music and pain it is filled, how consonant with everything high and honest, which constituted and constitutes our national spiritual wealth, which unites us around righteousness and beauty.

The theme of "human morality" is solved in a particularly original and sharp way in the story "French Lessons".

Before approaching the consideration of this problem, let us pay attention to the definition of "morality" given in the reference literature.

So, for example, the dictionary of S. I. Ozhegov gives the following definition: “morality is the rules that determine behavior, spiritual and spiritual qualities necessary for a person in society, as well as the implementation of these rules of behavior.” The philosophical dictionary gives the following definition: “morality is a form of social consciousness that reflects and consolidates the ethical qualities of social reality (goodness, goodness, justice, etc.) Morality is a set of rules, norms of community life, people's behavior that determine their duties and relationships with each other and with society.

But we are interested in the morality of not just any person, but the morality of the teacher, that is, the one who is engaged in teaching and educational work.

Pedagogical morality… What is it? We will not find a ready answer to this question in dictionaries. In my opinion, pedagogical morality arose from the objective need to regulate the relationship of children with each other and with the teacher, to coordinate their actions, actions, desires. Pedagogical morality has no written laws, does not rely on the power of state, administrative coercion, it determines the rules of the teacher's behavior, his spiritual qualities, judgments.

Before we turn to the content of the work of V. Rasputin, I would like to dwell on the personality of the artist. Who is Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin?

V. Rasputin has an extremely enviable literary fate.

A native Siberian, he was born in Ust-Uda, on the Angara, in 1937, into a peasant family. In the mid-1950s, he entered the Faculty of History and Philology of Irkutsk University, dreaming of becoming a teacher, "he was glad of that, he was proud and seriously prepared for this business." Once he wrote an essay for the Irkutsk youth newspaper. The editor drew attention to the story elements in the essay. In 1961, this essay, under the title "I forgot to ask Lyoshka," appeared on the pages of the literary almanac "Angara". Four years later, V. Rasputin showed several stories to Chivilikhin, who came to Chita and became the godfather of the beginning prose writer. The stories were the first book of V. Rasputin - "A Man from This World." And ten years later he is the world-famous author of four stories: “Money for Mary” (1967), “Last Bow” (1970), “Live and Remember” (1975), for which he was awarded the State Prize and “Farewell to Matyora” (1976). Sergei Zalygin writes about V. Rasputin that he "entered literature immediately, almost without a run-up and as a true master of the word." V. Rasputin is called the "Siberian Chekhov"

In a few words, it is necessary to recall the content of the story. Its action takes place three years after the end of the Great Patriotic War, in 1948, in a distant village, fifty kilometers from the regional center. The story is told on behalf of a twelve-year-old boy who was left without a father. A mother with three children had a very difficult life. Since there was only an elementary school in the village, and the capable and hardworking boy wanted to study, his mother took him to the regional center. The teenager was here alone with almost no means and was starving. Bad peers taught him to play for money in the so-called "chika". In order to get money for bread and milk, the boy was forced to learn this game, and he began to win. For this he was beaten, and the teenager was again left without money. The French teacher of the local school, Lidia Mikhailovna, turned out to be a person of great soul: she tried to “feed” the boy, but he stubbornly refused, believing that it was shameful to take someone else's. Soon the teacher realized that a teenager would not take anything from her for free. Then she decided to “cheat” by offering him to play “chika” now with her, and, deliberately losing, gave the boy the opportunity to purchase “legitimate” pennies for bread and milk. The director of the school, Vasily Alekseevich, a representative of imaginary humanity, learns about this game between a teacher and a student. The teacher had to leave the school and go "to her place in the Kuban". But she still managed to save the teenager with her sensitivity, and the boy, in turn, although still very vaguely, began to understand what it is - a big heart in a seemingly complete stranger.

The story "French Lessons" is an autobiographical work. It was first published in the Literaturnaya Rossiya newspaper on September 28, 1973.

“This story,” the writer recalls, “helped me find my teacher. She read it and recognized me and herself, only she does not remember how she sent me a package with pasta. True goodness on the part of the one who does it has less memory than on the part of the one who receives it. That’s why it’s good, so as not to seek direct returns ... "

The dedication that precedes the story: to Anastasia Prokopyevna Kopylova and the introduction: “Strange: why do we, just like before our parents, every time feel guilty before our teachers? And not for what happened at school, no, but for what happened to us after”, as if pushing the boundaries of the narrative, giving it a deeper, generalizing meaning, helping us to understand that the story, outwardly simple in composition, concludes in itself, in essence, three planes: the real world, the features of its reflection in the children's consciousness, the memories of an adult about his difficult, hungry, but in his own way wonderful childhood.

The story of V. Rasputin is not easy to read, as the author tells about a difficult time, about loneliness, about hunger. V. Rasputin is a writer of the post-war generation and the echo of the war in his soul. The writer recalls himself, an eleven-year-old boy who survived the war, the post-war hardships of life. The image of memory, which realizes in modern socio-philosophical prose the idea of ​​the relationship between man and time, the spiritual continuity of generations, is of fundamental importance in the artistic system of V. Rasputin. In search of supports protecting morality from losses, with all his works, V. Rasputin affirms the active spiritual power of memory. In the writer's interpretation, this is the highest, surpassing external expediency, a person's attachment to his land, nature, native graves, to the people's past, saving the wealth of the Russian word, "memory" of his social and civic duty.

In the text of the story there are signs of a difficult post-war period. We penetrate into the world of feelings and experiences of the hero, we more fully represent the author's position by reading the following passage: You don't have to think about food all the time.

Was it only one boy who was hard and hungry? And we find these numerous sad signs that create the background of the narrative: “Hunger that year has not yet let go”, “the collective farmer in those years was happy with any penny”, “we lived without a father, we lived very badly”, “we had three mothers , I am the eldest”, “Aunt Nadya, a noisy, wrapped up woman, hung around alone with three children”, “they didn’t keep a cow”, “we didn’t have any money”, “the famine here did not at all resemble the famine in the village”, “I all the time I wanted to eat, even in a dream I felt convulsive waves rolling through my stomach”, pasta for a boy “wealth with a squeak”, the radio in Lidia Mikhailovna’s room does seem to be an “unprecedented miracle”.

Let's see how the subtle and tender soul of a boy develops in the conditions of a harsh life. Who influenced the moral formation of the child?

Reading the first pages of the story, we learn the necessary facts about the boy: “I studied well, went to school with pleasure”, “I studied well here ... I had no other business here”, “I always learned all the lessons; in his village he “recognized as a literate person: he wrote for an old woman and wrote letters”, he checked bonds, the first from the village goes to the region to study. Who laid the wonderful seeds of kindness in the boy? Why does he have such a desire to learn, to understand the life of adults, a desire to help do something to make life easier?

The boy has a mother who is loving, sensitive, kind, gentle. It is she who becomes his first teacher, a friend for life. The mother managed to spiritually support the boy in difficult times, temper his will and courage.

For the first time, the pride of the boy's character appears, the pride of a man who knows how to overcome his weakness after a meeting with his mother. He ran after the car, but "came to his senses and ran away" because "he was ashamed of his weakness in front of mother and in front of his village, because he was the first from his native village to go further to study, he must justify the hopes.

The second friend of the boy is the French teacher Lydia Mikhailovna. She wanted to help the boy endure the test of hunger and understood that this unusual student would not accept help from her in any other form. Lidia Mikhailovna understands her students very subtly, unlike the headmaster, who does not like children and acts only according to instructions, formally.

In the story of V. Rasputin, a young teacher attracts a hungry and stubborn boy to her, playing with him in the "wall", or "zameryashki". This is the unusual plot of the story. Many stories about teachers have been written, warm, noble, and the same situation varies in them: a student who lives hard, but honest and noble, and a teacher who extended a helping hand to him. And although the forms of offering were varied, but always within the framework of pedagogical rules. In the story of V. Rasputin, the act of Lydia Mikhailovna at first glance can be regarded as non-pedagogical. Her student, who had previously stubbornly taken nothing, now, after the end of the game, accepted money from her, because it was a "fair win", and again ran to the market to buy milk.

An inflexible, kind of very open, very natural humanity was the most important thing, the most important thing in the lessons of the distant and refined French language, and the boy understood and probably remembered this forever. French lessons have become life lessons, morality lessons, humanity lessons that a young teacher does not give according to the rules.

Not only by the actions of the teacher, by her attitude towards those students whose class teacher she was, we learn that we have a person of great heart, but also by the language with which the author, as if intruding into the thoughts of a teenager, describes the teacher. Readers will learn that Lidia Mikhailovna had “a regular and therefore not too lively face with eyes screwed up to hide a pigtail in them”; a tight smile that rarely opens to the end and completely black, short-cropped hair. You can't ignore this That's why. A subtle observation of life is stylistically conveyed here in a very simple way: really “correct faces” are rarely beautiful enough. At the same time, the writer talks about correct, and not about beautiful faces. And the liveliness of the face, which gives it charm, at the same time makes it a little bit wrong, a little bit asymmetrical. The whole appearance of Lidia Mikhailovna confirms the validity of the author's observation: the teacher loves her students and at the same time she is strict, she is preoccupied with their life destinies. The correct features of her face are not alive enough, despite the kindness and goodwill of the teacher. This is how the seemingly “dry” adverb is stylistically comprehended That's why. At the same time, “not too much” does not exclude the possibility that such a person would be alive in certain situations.

At first, the teacher's voice seems to the boy to sound insufficiently "to your heart's content ..., so you had to listen to it." The teenager explains this to himself by the fact that Lidia Mikhailovna, a teacher of a non-native language, needs to “adapt to someone else’s speech,” which is why “the voice without freedom sat down, weakened, like a bird in a cage, now wait for it to disperse again and get stronger.” The transition from direct to indirect speech, here barely perceptible, gives the reader the impression that the boy, although he sees the “flaws” of the teacher, at the same time loves her, regretting her, as he sees it as an ungrateful profession (“adapting to someone else’s speech”) .

But when later the teenager is convinced of the nobility of the teacher, her voice ceases to seem to him the voice of a "bird in a cage." Moreover, now the little boy thinks like this: "by tomorrow I will learn the whole French language by heart ...". By this he seeks to bring joy to the already beloved teacher. At the same time, the boy's views on a foreign language also change. The image of an unfamiliar language approaches the image of a teacher who wishes the boy well, so a foreign language becomes worthy of learning. Soon, Lidia Mikhailovna also begins to seem to the teenager an “extraordinary, unlike everyone else” person.

The writer tells not only about the lessons of humanity of the young teacher, but also about the courage of Lydia Mikhailovna, who was not afraid of the formidable director. The cruel and soulless principal of the school does nothing directly wrong, but when he finds out about the games of his student, he only "raised his hands above his head." And this uplift (one word) completes the characterization of the “correct” director.

I remember the final dialogue, reproduced by the boy, between the principal of the school and the French teacher.

Do you play for money with this? .. - Vasily Andreevich pointed his finger at me, and with fear I crawled behind the partition to hide in the room. Are you playing with a student? Did I understand you correctly?


Well, you know ... - The director was suffocating, he did not have enough air. - I'm at a loss to immediately name your act. It is a crime. Corruption. Seduction. And more, more ... I have been working at a school for twenty years, I have seen everything, but this ...

The soulless director did not even have a name for the child: “You are playing for money with this?..” A rude, callous man who has twenty years of teaching experience in a school behind him. But one can hardly call such a person a teacher who causes only disgust. As a teacher, this man died, only his shadow remained, gray and terrible, which children and teachers are afraid of. The director resembles a robot who knows what is good and what is bad, what is right and what is not, but does not want to listen, understand, understand and help. And the teacher does not try to explain anything to the director. She understands that it is completely useless: she will not be understood here anyway. Answering a question with only one Right, Lidia Mikhailovna, as it were, agrees with the director, as if she was engaged in "corruption" of the boy. Meanwhile, she sought to help the child, to give him the opportunity to live and learn.

The act of the teacher cannot be called pedagogically immoral. She acted exactly as her sensitive heart, sympathetic soul, and conscience prompted her.

And how good are the generalizations of the teacher, based on her everyday experience: "A person grows old not when he lives to old age, but when he ceases to be a child." And this aphorism is remembered by the fact that it follows the actions of a kind person: a teacher can directly frolic with children, forgetting about her age, but not forgetting her duty, the duty of a teacher.

The influence of the teacher and the boy's mother is very great on the emerging personality before our eyes, from a quiet, inconspicuous little boy, a person grows up who has his own views, beliefs, knows how to prove and defend them. In actions, in reasoning, the character of the boy is revealed.

For example, let's take a fragment about the loss of food: “... I was constantly malnourished ... I very soon began to notice that a good half of my bread was disappearing somewhere in the most mysterious way. Checked - it is: it was - no. The same thing happened with potatoes. Who was dragging - whether Aunt Nadia, a noisy, wrapped up woman who hung around alone with three children, one of her older girls, or her youngest, Fedka, - I didn’t know, I was afraid to even think about it, let alone follow ... "

Here pride, nobility, dignity, delicacy are manifested. The boy, living with Aunt Nadia, understands how hard it is for her: "a wrapped up woman who hung around with three kids." He understands that life is hard for a mother, sister, brother, all adults and children.

He thinks in an adult way about the misfortunes, troubles that the war brought.

Rasputin confronts his hero with negative characters. They are condemned not by words, but by the description of their actions and deeds. Bad boys do not seem to force our hero to play for money, but they create an environment that forces him to “earn” a living in this way.

Characterizing the players in "chika", we note that Vadik and Ptah did not play because of hunger, like a boy. “Vadim was driven by a sense of greed and his own superiority over the younger ones. He always considered himself smarter, more cunning, above all. “Bird is the shadow of Vadik, his henchman, has no opinion of his own, but is just as vile.” "Tishkin is an upstart, fussy, fawning over the elders and the strong." Vadik and Ptakha beat the boy because they don’t like that he is serious, that he is almost an excellent student: “Whoever needs to do homework doesn’t come here.” Vadik feels the superiority of the boy and is afraid that other guys who are dependent on him might understand this.

During the beating, the boy behaves courageously, even under the blows of his fists, he stubbornly repeats his truth: “He turned it over!” Weak, sick, anemic, he tries not to humiliate himself: “I tried not to fall, I would never fall again, even in those moments it seemed to me a shame.”

Thus, we see how the Man awakens in the little man!

The episodes associated with Lidia Mikhailovna are interesting in the story. In communicating with her, the pride, inflexibility, and nobility of a teenager are again manifested: he is very hungry, but refuses to eat at the teacher's house, politely, but resolutely refuses to accept a parcel of pasta. Where do these sources of nobility and pride come from! In my opinion, they lie in the upbringing of the boy, because from early childhood he rotates in a working environment, close to the earth. He understands what work is, and that nothing in life is given for nothing. And then there's pasta!

In the “duel” with the French language, which was unyielding at the beginning, the writer shows his diligence, perseverance, desire to learn, desire to overcome difficulties. We can trace how the comprehension of life takes place in a small person, deprived of life experience. And the boy accepts it not lightly - superficially, but in all its depth.

What attracts us the most to a boy? What is the main thing in his character? And how to show it to children?

Valentin Rasputin talks about the courage of a boy who has preserved the purity of his soul, the inviolability of his moral laws, bearing fearlessly and bravely, like a soldier, his duties and his bruises. The boy attracts with clarity, integrity, fearlessness of the soul, but it is more difficult for him to live, much more difficult to resist than for the teacher: he is small, he is alone in a strange side, he is constantly hungry, but still he will never bow to either Vadim or Ptah who beat him bloody, nor in front of Lidia Mikhailovna, who wants him well.

The reasoning of the boy, who distinguishes between the possibility of an honest and unfair win, is also true: “Accepting money from Lidia Mikhailovna, I felt embarrassed, but each time I was reassured by the fact that this was an honest win.”

The boy organically combines light, cheerful, childhood carelessness, love of the game, faith in the kindness of people around and not childish serious reflections on the troubles brought by the war.

Joining the difficult but wonderful fate of the boy, we, empathizing with him with the help of the writer, reflect on good and evil, experience “good feelings”, take a closer look at those around us, at our loved ones, at ourselves. The writer raises in the story the problem of pedagogical morality, an important question about true and imaginary humanity.

This simple story makes a big impression. His general ideological plan is strong, and the strength of his emotional impact is undoubted: great people are found not only in big, but also in “small” deeds, just as bad people manifest themselves in deeds that seem to be “correct”, but outwardly. being callous and cruel. In the story of V. Rasputin there are no "beauties of the language" and, nevertheless, but rather because of this, the entire narrative relies on carefully thought out and carefully selected resources of the language. Critic I. Rosenfeld writes: "The special position of Rasputin's stories is the ability to find and present a detail that is completely poignant and, for all its improbability, very material and convincing," which we saw when analyzing the story "French Lessons." V. Rasputin in the author's narrative and in the speech of the hero-narrator is dominated by colloquial, everyday vocabulary, but even in an ordinary phrase there are often words that convey a complex range of feelings and experiences. After all, the skill of a writer is determined not only by his general talent, his ability to see the reality around us in his own way, his worldview, but also his language and style. And Valentin Rasputin can be safely attributed to the outstanding writers, the master of the artistic word, the writer-psychologist, who so deeply comprehended the child's soul.


Budagov R. A. How the story of Valentin Rasputin "French Lessons" was written. - Russian speech, No. b (p. 37-41), 1982.

Title page

Title The problem of pedagogical morality in the story of V. Rasputin

"French Lessons" (research methodical work, in

help the teacher for the lesson of literature)

Surname, name, patronymic Danilova Lyubov Evgenievna

Position teacher of Russian language and literature

The name of the institution MOUSOSH No. 2 of the Kopeysky urban district of the Chelyabinsk region.

Subject name, Literature class, Grade 6


1. Budagov R. A. How the story of Valentin Rasputin “French Lessons” was written. - Russian speech, No. b (p. 37-41), 1982.

Vashurin A. Valentin Rasputin. Stories. Our contemporary. - Siberian Lights, No. 7 (p. 161-163), 1982.

Lapchenko A.F. "memory" in the stories of V. Rasputin. - Bulletin of the Leningrad University, No. 14 (50-54), 1983.

Mshilimovich M. Ya. Lessons of courage and kindness. - Literature at school, No. 6 (p. 43-46), 1985.

Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language. - Publishing house "Soviet Encyclopedia", M., 1968.

Rasputin V.G. Selected works in two volumes. - Publishing house "Young Guard", volume 1, 1984.

Philosophical Dictionary edited by M. M. Rosenthal and P. F. Yudin. - Publishing house of political literature, M., 1963.

Lesson topic: Problems of morality raised by V. G. Rasputin in the story
"French lessons".
Lesson Objectives:
1. Introduce students to:
some personality traits of the writer,
the main themes of his work,
history of the story.
2. Help to reveal spiritual values ​​that make a person richer and kinder.
3. To cultivate observation, responsiveness, kindness.
Equipment: portrait of V.G. Rasputin, explanatory dictionary edited by S. I. Ozhegov
(meaning of the word "autobiography"), illustrations for the story (frames from the film)
Board design: epigraph: “The smarter and kinder a person is, the more he notices good
in people "(L.N. Tolstoy)
During the classes.
1. Introductory speech of the teacher.
Guys, today at the lesson of literature we will get acquainted with the work of V. G. Rasputin,
we learn the history of the creation of the story "French Lessons" and what kindness lessons he received
the main character from his teacher, and also try to reveal the moral
story problems.
Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin was born into a peasant family. Mother - Rasputina Nina
Ivanovna, father - Rasputin Grigory Nikitich. The future writer spent his childhood in
the village of Atalanka. “My childhood fell on the war and the hungry post-war years,
the writer recalls. It was not easy, but, as I now understand, it was
happy. After graduating from the local elementary school, he was forced to leave alone for fifty
kilometers from the house where the secondary school was located. After school he entered the history
Faculty of Philology, Irkutsk State University.
Lives and
works in Irkutsk and Moscow. As a student, he was a freelance correspondent.
youth newspaper. One of his essays caught the attention of the editor. In the 1980s
years was a member of the editorial board of the magazine "Romangazeta". The first story "I
I forgot to ask Leshka...” was published in 1961.
Rasputin V. G. notes that “childhood makes a person a writer, his ability to
at an early age to see and feel everything that then gives him the right to take up a pen.
Education, books, life experience nurture and strengthen this gift in the future, but
he should be born in childhood.”
2. The main words in the writer's work are conscience and memory. (attaches to the board
printed terms)
His article about the history of the creation of the story "French Lessons" Valentin Grigorievich
called "Lessons of kindness." Let's read it (reading aloud the article "Lessons of kindness"

Why is the word lessons used in the title of the article and story? (student answers)
What laws of kindness does the author speak about in the article “Lessons of Kindness”? (answers
3. Work with an epigraph.
“The smarter and kinder a person is, the more he notices goodness in people” (L.N. Tolstoy).
What is the meaning of the epigraph? (student answers)
4. The story "French Lessons" is an autobiographical work.
What is an autobiography? (student answers).
An autobiography is a description of one's life.
Today we will get acquainted with the new literary concept of autobiographical
story. Let's turn to the dictionary.
5 . Questions session.
What feelings and thoughts did the story “French Lessons” evoke? (student answers).
Why is the story called "French Lessons"? (student answers)
What two parts can the story be divided into?
Who is the main character in the first part of the story? (Narrator).
Who is at the center of the story? (teacher Lidia Mikhailovna).
Find in the text a description of the portrait of Lydia Mikhailovna and write down the key words.
(“She was sitting in front of me, neat all over, smart and beautiful, beautiful both in clothes and in
of my female young pore, which I vaguely felt, the smell reached me
spirits from her, which I took for the very breath ... "" Lidia Mikhailovna then
was probably 25 years or so; I remember it correctly and therefore do not
too lively face with squinted eyes to hide a pigtail in them ...”).
Key words and phrases "squinting attentive eyes", "beautiful",
“carefully examined the class”, etc.).
What technique does the author use in describing Lidia Mikhailovna? (In the description of Lydia
Mikhailovna used opposition. The antithesis of the teacher's description
is a description of the hero himself. Lidia Mikhailovna is opposed to the director, and
not only the description of appearance.).
What does she have in common with the main character of the story?
And now, guys, let's find the passage that begins with the words: “Not to the warehouse! -
announced Vadik ", and we will read it by roles.

Why did our hero have to put up with it? (because he couldn't prove his
Why did the boy start playing "chika"?
(The boy began to play "chika" because at first he did not understand the dishonest character
games, in the foreground there was only the desire to show dexterity. He also realized that
after training, he will be able to win money and spend it on milk. So he and
did: “I did not allow myself to get too involved in the game ... I only needed
Why did Vadik and Ptakha beat the hero? (The hero quickly realized that Vadik was cheating in the game,
receives most of the money. And our hero, after long training, achieved good results.
results in the game, he does not cheat like Vadik, but plays honestly. But gambling is not
can be honest. She does not accept honest ones.)
Guys, we left our hero in a very difficult situation: he was brutally and vilely beaten.
Let's find the passage that begins with the words: "they beat me ..." and read
How does the hero behave in the fight and after it? (Courageously. The hero knows what kind of
no one will intercede. He almost does not defend himself, only shouts: “Turned it over!”,
upholding justice).
What kind of person did our hero show himself in this episode? (Honest and
Why did the boy trust Lidia Mikhailovna and tell the whole truth? (Lydia
Mikhailovna is trying to figure everything out with a joke. The hero lies clumsily. If the matter
reached the director, then the hero would be threatened with expulsion from school. He's afraid of shame
afraid of appearing untrustworthy.)
Have you met teachers like Lidia Mikhailovna? (student answers).
Why can't every teacher be trusted? (student answers).
Why did Lidiya Mikhailovna decide to play "zameryashki" with her student?
(Lidiya Mikhailovna realized that the boy would not accept help, and
decided to use the means known to him - a game for money. She
specially adapts to him, asks not to extradite Vasily
Andreevich. The teacher encourages the boy with trouble-free tricks:
"Are you afraid"; succumbs to it, and when he exposes foul play. then does
the kind that shamelessly deceives the hero. So she got it
the boy began to win money and buy milk for himself.)
Was she a teacher? (No. She wanted to help the boy endure
hunger trials, and she understood that in another form this unusual student
will not accept help from her.)
What is your attitude to the act of the teacher? (student answers).

How did the director behave? (The director accused the teacher of the worst sins
and kicked out of school. In this episode, kindness, sensitivity,
responsiveness, trust, respect for the children of Lidia Mikhailovna and
callousness, inattention, heartlessness of the director. He must have known about
plight of the boy.)
Why did Lidia Mikhailovna make the hero do extra work? And why for
boy were those painful days?
(She decided in this way to distract the hero from the game of money, save him from bullying
and beatings. The boy did not understand this. And the narrator, already an adult, remembering
events of his childhood, understands that the teacher saved him, helped him).
How do you evaluate this act? (kindness, responsiveness).
How is Lydia Mikhailovna behaving? Why didn't she explain her action to the director?
(She responds to the director's indignation calmly, does not get out, does not
justified. Her confusion is betrayed by the first seconds after the "exposure": she
“slowly, very slowly, she got up from her knees, flushed and disheveled ...”)
What actions of Lydia Mikhailovna indicate that there is
good? (She tries to feed the boy, sends a package, starts a game with him,
finally gets his way, and the boy can buy milk again).
What is the meaning of the end of the story? (It emphasizes responsibility, kindness,
teacher sensitivity).
What do you think the hero experienced when he received this package? (Following meeting
his teacher, the author found out that she did not remember this premise).
Why do you think? (student answers).
How does this fact help to understand the main idea of ​​the story? (Good is disinterested, it is not
requires a reward, it is transmitted from person to person and returns to those from
whom it came from).
6. The result of the lesson.
Did Rasputin manage to tell, using the example of a story from his childhood, what laws are
kindness, that they exist in the same way as real kind people? (answers
7. Student assessment
8. Homework.
Write an essay on the topic: “My attitude to the act of the teacher Lydia

Valentin Rasputin belongs to the galaxy of the most talented contemporary writers. His work is so multifaceted that every reader, regardless of age, will find in him something especially important for himself.

His heroes are characterized by such qualities as justice, mercy, kindness, self-sacrifice, sincerity and honesty. The author continues to inherit the humanistic traditions of twentieth-century literature in his work.

One of the works in which eternal human values ​​and virtues are proclaimed is the story French Lessons.

The history of the creation of the story "French Lessons"

The story is based on the autobiographical story of the author. The prototype of the image of Lidia Mikhailovna is the teacher V. Rasputina, who occupied a very important place in his life.

According to Rasputin, it is precisely such a woman who has the power to change what is beyond the control of an ordinary person. It was the teacher who helped the author to set the right life priorities and understand what is good and what is evil.

In the story "French Lessons" we see an ordinary rural boy and his teacher. The child has purity and a good soul, but difficult living conditions, eternal poverty, hunger, pushes him onto the wrong path. In order to earn authority among the boyish company, the child begins to play “chika” with them so that they will quickly accept him.

But still, this does not help, and the boy is forced to endure constant humiliation and even assault from the older guys. This situation was noticed in time by the French teacher, Lydia Mikhailovna. She is trying to find out from the child what prompted him to play for money.

The boy, who is not accustomed to a kind attitude and ordinary human participation, begins to tell the teacher that he plays in order to have friends and earn money for his food, because because of the poverty of his parents he is constantly starving.

The problem of awakening conscience

Lidia Mikhailovna sincerely wants to help him and, under the pretext of studying French, invites him to her home. The teacher always tried to feed the child, but pride and self-esteem did not allow him to accept food.

Lidia Mikhailovna nevertheless found a way to help the boy, she offered him to play the already known game for money. The teacher often succumbed, thus providing her student with money for a hearty lunch every day.

Helping the boy, the teacher cunningly took him away from the dubious company, and also did not go against his principles. The heroine of Lydia Mikhailovna is that ray of good that disadvantaged people so need. She did not remain indifferent to the misfortune of the little man, but willingly began to help him, risking losing her job.

The author in his story, as is characteristic of him, glorifies human kindness and noble impulses. After all, both the boy and the teacher were honest people, with a humanistic value system. The story also sharply raises the topic of social insecurity of young children who are forced to earn money on their own for the most necessary food.

The story "French Lessons", which we are now analyzing, was published in 1973. Despite the small volume, the work occupies an important place in the work of Valentin Rasputin. Much has been brought into the narrative from my own life experience, a difficult childhood and meetings with different people.

The story is autobiographical: it is based on the events of the post-war period, when Rasputin studied in the village of Ust-Uda, many kilometers from home. Subsequently, Rasputin said that often people feel guilty before teachers in the same way as before their parents, but not for what happened at school, but for what "became with us after." It is in childhood, according to the writer, that the child receives the most important lessons in his life. About these lessons, about dear people, about the formation of a person, the story “French Lessons” was written.

The image of the main character in Rasputin's story "French Lessons"

The hero of the story largely repeats the author's childhood fate, and the analysis of "French Lessons" illustrates this well. At the age of eleven, his independent life began: his mother sent him to study in the district center. In the village, the boy was considered a literate man: he studied well, read and wrote letters for the old women, and even knew how to fill bonds. But a simple desire to gain knowledge was not enough. Living in the regional center was not easy, as elsewhere in the hungry post-war years.

Often the boy had nothing to eat, the stocks of potatoes brought by his mother quickly ran out. As the child discovered, the son of the mistress of the house where he huddled was stealing food on the sly. Already here we see the character of the boy: his stubborn desire to study well, despite malnutrition and homesickness, firmness of will and responsibility. It is no coincidence that he considered it shameful to return home without studying and struggled with all the difficulties. Let's continue the analysis of the work "French Lessons".

To avoid excruciating hunger, the teenager had to decide on a not entirely legal matter: to play for money with older guys. The smart boy quickly understood the essence of the game and unraveled the secret of winning. And once again, the mother sent some money - the boy decided to play. Rasputin emphasizes that he spent money on milk and now felt hunger less acutely.

But, of course, the constant winnings of the stranger did not please Vadik and his company. Therefore, the hero soon paid for his luck. Vadik acted dishonestly: he turned over the coin. During the fight, or rather, the beating of the child, he still tried to prove his case, repeated "turned over." This situation shows his stubbornness and unwillingness to agree with a lie.

But, of course, not only this situation became an edification for the boy. A real life lesson was for him the help of a teacher in a difficult moment. After her student was beaten for the second time, Lidia Mikhailovna realized that she could not do without her help.

If you are doing an analysis of “French Lessons”, note the following thought: there are two narrators in the work: the narration is conducted in the first person, that is, on behalf of an eleven-year-old teenager, but events and people are shown and commented on by an adult, a writer who wisely looks back at himself young . It is this matured man who recalls his shyness and pride at the same time when he came to the teacher to study French and refused dinner when he indignantly told her that he could not accept the package. It is this adult who understands how much Lidia Mikhailovna meant to him and how much she did. She taught him to help people and not leave them in a difficult situation, to be grateful and do good, not thinking about gratitude and not expecting a reward. This is the meaning of the title of the story "French Lessons".

The image of a teacher in Rasputin's story "French Lessons"

Lidia Mikhailovna is a real person, a French teacher who taught in a small village. We see her through the eyes of a hero. She is young, beautiful, the mysterious French language itself seemed to give her mystery, it seemed to the boy that the slight smell of perfume was “the very breath”. She is shown as a subtle and sensitive person. She is attentive to the students, does not scold for wrongdoing (as the headmaster constantly does), but asks and listens thoughtfully. Having learned why the hero played for money, despite the prohibitions, Lidia Mikhailovna tries to help him in various ways: she invites him to study French at her home, at the same time hoping to feed him, sends a package with apples and pasta. But when all this does not work, he decides to play for money with the student. And then he takes all the blame. Thanks to the analysis of the work “French Lessons”, this idea is clearly visible.

It has sincerity and cheerful enthusiasm. She tells how she herself studied at the institute, what beautiful apples grow in her homeland, and when playing “sweeps”, she got carried away and argued. It is she who says in the story: “A person grows old not when he lives to old age, but when he ceases to be a child.”

The spiritual beauty and kindness of the teacher were remembered by the boy for many years. In the story, he pays tribute to the memory of such open, honest, disinterested people.

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Moral problems of the story by V.G. Rasputin "French Lessons". The role of the teacher Lidia Mikhailovna in the life of a boy

The purpose of the lesson:

  • reveal the spiritual world of the hero of the story;
  • show the autobiographical nature of the story "French Lessons";
  • identify the moral issues raised by the writer in the story;
  • show the originality of the teacher;
  • to cultivate a sense of respect for the older generation, moral qualities in students.

Equipment: portrait and photographs of V. Rasputin; book exhibition; explanatory dictionary edited by Ozhegov (the meaning of the word "morality"); recording of the song "Where Childhood Goes", computer, projector.

Methodical methods: conversation on questions, vocabulary work, student reports, demonstration, game moment, listening to music. . expressive reading of a poem.

Good heart and right
the soul is so lacking for us that the more
our heroes and we will live the better
will be for us.
V.G. Rasputin

The reader learns from books not of life, but
feelings. Literature, in my opinion, -
it is first of all the education of the senses. And before
all kindness, purity, nobility.
V.G. Rasputin

During the classes

  • Organizing time.
  • Teacher's word.

In the last lesson, we got acquainted with the work of the wonderful Russian writer V.G. Rasputin and his story "French Lessons". Today we are conducting a final lesson on the study of his story. During the lesson, we will discuss several aspects of this story: we will talk about the state of mind of the protagonist, then we will talk about an “extraordinary person” - a French teacher, and we will end the conversation with a discussion of the main, moral, problems posed by the author in the story. And about the life of V.G. Rasputin we learn from a small press conference presented by journalists, researchers and readers.

(listening to the verse of the song "Where does childhood go")

  • Word to the members of the press conference (element of role-playing game).

Included in the lesson electronic educational resources, in this case, the screen displays

Journalist: Now we have listened to an excerpt from the song. Tell me, how did childhood affect the work of V.G. Rasputin?

Researcher: V. Rasputin wrote in 1974 in the Irkutsk newspaper: “I am sure that a person’s childhood makes him a writer, the ability at an early age to see and feel what then gives him the right to take up a pen. Education, books, life experience educate and strengthen this gift in the future, but it should be born in childhood. Nature, which became close to the writer in childhood, comes to life again on the pages of his works and speaks to us in a unique, Rasputin language. The people of the Irkutsk Territory have become literary heroes. Truly, as V. Hugo said, “the beginnings laid down in a person’s childhood are like letters carved on the bark of a young tree, growing, unfolding with him, forming an integral part of him.” And these beginnings, in relation to V. Rasputin, are inconceivable without the influence of Siberia itself - the taiga, the Angara, without the native village, of which he was a part and which for the first time made me think about the relationship between people; without a pure, uncomplicated vernacular.

Teacher: Guys, tell us about V. Rasputin's childhood.

Reader: V. G. Rasputin was born on March 15, 1937 in the Irkutsk region in the village of Ust-Urda, located on the banks of the Angara. Childhood partially coincided with the war: the future writer went to the first grade of the Atalan elementary school in 1944. And although there were no battles here, life was difficult, at times half-starved. Here, in Atalanka, having learned to read, Rasputin fell in love with the book forever. The elementary school library was very small, only two shelves of books. “I started my acquaintance with books with theft. A friend and I often went to the library one summer. They took out the glass, climbed into the room and took the books. Then they came, returned what they had read and took new ones, ”the author recalled.

After graduating from the 4th grade in Atalanka, Rasputin wanted to continue his studies. But the school, which had the fifth and subsequent classes, was located 50 km from his native village. It was necessary to move there to live, and alone.

Journalist: Yes, Rasputin's childhood was difficult. Not everyone who studies well is able to evaluate the actions of their own and others, but for Valentin Grigorievich, study has become a moral work. Why?

Researcher: It was difficult to study: you had to overcome hunger (his mother gave him bread and potatoes once a week, but there was never enough of them). Rasputin did everything only conscientiously. “What was left for me? - then I came here, I had no other business here .... I would hardly have dared to go to school if I had not learned at least one lesson, ”the writer recalled. His knowledge was assessed only as excellent, except perhaps French (pronunciation was not given). This was primarily a moral assessment.

Journalist: To whom was this story (“French Lessons”) dedicated and what place does it occupy in the writer’s childhood?

Researcher: The story "French Lessons" is dedicated to Anastasia Prokofievna Kopylova, the mother of his friend and famous playwright Alexander Vampilov, who worked at school all her life. The story was based on the memory of a child's life, it, according to the writer, "was one of those that warm even with a slight touch to them."

This story is autobiographical. Lidia Mikhailovna is named after her. (This is Molokova L.M.). A few years ago she lived in Saransk and taught at Mordovian University. When this story was published in 1973, she immediately recognized herself in it, found Valentin Grigorievich, met him several times.

  • A brief report on the main themes in the work of V.G. Rasputin (presentation).
  • Questions session.

Teacher: Before discussing the problems posed by the writer in the story, let us recall its key moments. Readers, I appeal to you. You can use a quote plan made at home.
- Why did the boy, the hero of the story, end up in the district center? (“In order to study further .... I had to equip myself in the district center”). (Slide 2.3).
- What were the successes of the hero of the story at school? (slide 4) (in all subjects, except French, fives were kept).
What was the boy's state of mind? (“It was so bad for me, bitter and disgusting! - worse than any illness.”) (slide 5)
- What made the boy play "chika" for money? (I was sick, I bought a jar of milk at the market with this money).
- How did the relationship of the hero develop with the guys around him? (“They took turns beating me ... there was no one that day ... a person more unfortunate than me”). (slide 6)
- What was the attitude of the boy to the teacher? (“I was scared and lost .... She seemed to me an extraordinary person”), (slide 7)

Conclusion: So, guys, from your answers, we realized that V.G. himself is the prototype of the main character of the story. Rasputin. All the events that happened to the hero were in the life of the writer. For the first time, the eleven-year-old hero is torn away from his family by the will of circumstances, he understands that the hopes of not only his relatives and the whole village are pinned on him: after all, according to the unanimous opinion of the villagers, he is called to be a “learned man”. The hero makes every effort, overcoming hunger and homesickness, so as not to let his countrymen down. And now, turning to the image of the French teacher, let's analyze what role Lydia Mikhailovna played in the boy's life.

  • What was the main character's memory of the teacher? Find in the text a description of the portrait of Lydia Mikhailovna; what is special about it? (reading the description of “Lydia Mikhailovna then it was ....”; “There was no cruelty in her face ...”) (slide 7)
  • What feelings did the boy evoke in Lydia Mikhailovna? (She treated him with understanding and sympathy, appreciated his determination. In this regard, the teacher began to study with the hero additionally, hoping to feed him at home); (slide 8)
  • Why did Lidia Mikhailovna decide to send a parcel to the boy, and why did this idea fail? (She wanted to help him, but filled the package with "city" products and thereby gave herself away. Pride did not allow the boy to accept the gift); (slide 8)
  • Did the teacher manage to find a way to help the boy without hurting his pride? (She offered to play for money in the "wall"); (slide 9)
  • Is the hero right, considering the teacher an extraordinary person? (Lydia Mikhailovna is endowed with the ability for compassion and kindness, for which she suffered, having lost her job). (slide 10)

Conclusion: Lidia Mikhailovna takes a risky step, playing with the students for money, out of human compassion: the boy is extremely exhausted, and refuses help. In addition, she considered outstanding abilities in her student and is ready to help them develop in any way.

- An epigraph to the lesson is written on the board: "Reader ...". And what feelings does the story "French Lessons" bring up? (Kindness and compassion).

How do you feel about the act of Lydia Mikhailovna? (children's opinion).

Today we talked a lot about morality. What is "morality"? Let's find the meaning of this in the explanatory dictionary of S. Ozhegov. (The expression is written on the blackboard).

Teacher's word. Playing for money with her student, Lidia Mikhailovna, from the point of view of pedagogy, committed an immoral act. “But what is behind this act?” the author asks. Seeing that her student was malnourished in the hungry, post-war years, she tried to help him: under the guise of additional classes, she invited him home to feed her, sent a parcel, as if from her mother. But the boy refused everything. And the teacher decides to play with the student for money, playing along with him. She cheats, but is happy because she succeeds.

Kindness- that's what attracts all readers in the heroes of the story.

What qualities should a teacher have in your opinion? Both positive and negative qualities are highlighted on the board. What moral qualities attract you the most?
- understanding;
- philanthropy;
- responsiveness;
- humanity;
- kindness;
- justice;
- honesty;
- compassion.

You have indicated all the qualities inherent in every teacher. Many songs, stories, poems are devoted to teachers. Our student will read one now.
I want to leave a memory of myself
Here are the lines dedicated to you:
You are that comrade, my muse,
My blood brother and even mother
It's easy to walk with you through life:
You taught me how to write
Love yourself and believe in miracles
Be kind to others
Take care of your best friend
Don't be offended by people.
All these truths are simple
I knew with you on a par,
And I want to say: “Master!
You are the best on earth"

Conclusion: The French teacher showed by her example that there is kindness, responsiveness, love in the world. These are spiritual values. Let's look at the introduction to the story. It expresses the thoughts of an adult, his spiritual memory. He called "French Lessons" "lessons of kindness." V.G. Rasputin speaks of the "laws of kindness": true goodness does not require a reward, does not seek direct returns, it is disinterested. Good has the ability to spread, to be transmitted from person to person. I hope that kindness and compassion play a big role in a person's life and that you will always be kind, ready to help each other at any moment.

  • Summarizing. Student assessment.
  • D / s. Write a mini-essay on one of the topics "Teacher XXI", "My favorite teacher". At the request (and opportunity) of the students, the task is given to prepare a review Internet resources on this topic.

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