What dances allow you to lose weight faster. Lose weight with dancing at home


Trying to lose weight, many people agree to experience all sorts of diets, train in gyms or run in stadiums. Why not use dancing for weight loss? It turns out that there is such a direction. After all, any dances are movements, and active movements help to lose extra pounds. This is a kind of exercise, you just need to choose the right music and suitable dances.

At the same time, dancing does not require special training and any equipment, only your desire. Properly selected dances are able to correct the figure, since each direction involves different muscle groups. Dancing for weight loss can be done in special sports complexes or at home.

The effect of dancing on the body

Scientists have proven that, in an hour of dancing, the human brain produces the hormone of happiness endorphin as much as he would have received by eating two bars of chocolate. And, as you know, a good mood helps to improve the metabolism in the body. During such exercises, the load on the vascular and lymphatic systems is reduced, regular exercises help strengthen the heart muscle, and calories are effectively burned. Those who love to dance live much longer than those who consider it a waste of time.

But don't just rely on dancing. They are only able to speed up the process of losing pounds, make it more enjoyable. The very same weight loss should occur through proper nutrition and adherence to the regime.

What to choose?

What dances help to lose weight? Everything, but it is recommended to give preference to single species. This is due to the fact that when we work in pairs, we train memory and the ability to interact with a partner more than muscles. But various single compositions are able to “pump up” various muscles of the body.
The following dances will help you not only lose weight, but also develop flexibility and plasticity.

  • The eastern direction helps to normalize the metabolism in the body, helps to get rid of extra pounds, strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle, abdominals and back. Plus, this type of dance has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system of women. Loss - 450 kcal / hour.
  • Latin American Rhythms. Very fiery and energetic. Fast rhythmic movements help to get rid of extra pounds. During training, all muscle groups will be involved in you, which allows you to align your posture and pump up the press. Loss - 900 kcal / hour.
  • Flamenco - helps to tone all the muscles of the legs and back. With regular exercise, weight begins to return to normal, while improving the work of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Loss - 650 kcal / hour.
  • Jazz-modern is a new trend that emerged in America and brought together many movements of hip-hop, R&B, tap, break, etc. Very energetic movements require maximum endurance and impact. This contributes to the speedy weight loss and the development of all the muscles of the body. Loss - 1000 kcal / hour.
  • Strip of plastic. Let's say right away that these classes are not suitable for unprepared people. This direction includes Latin and Oriental elements, in addition, you need a "stretch". They are also called erotic-acrobatic sketches. During training, all the muscles of the abdomen, buttocks, back, legs are involved. Loss - 1200 kcal / hour.
  • Zumba's specially designed weight loss classes deserve special attention. Their founder is the Colombian choreographer Beto Perez. It was he who, in the 80s of the last century, came up with the idea of ​​doing various exercises in incendiary Latin music. These classes are equated with cardio training, since Zumba movements have a beneficial effect on the human cardiovascular system. These weight loss exercises contribute to weight loss, develop and strengthen the muscular system, and give a good mood. Loss - 1000 kcal / hour.

How and where can you do it?

  • Depending on the chosen direction, you can find a suitable club in the city and sign up for a circle there.
  • In some cities there are special fitness centers where you will be offered to develop a program for you personally, taking into account all the characteristics of your body.
  • Hire a personal trainer and train with him at home or in a club.
  • Usually, groups are recruited at swimming pools and sports complexes for those who want to lose weight with the help of Zumba, shaping, Latino and "East".
  • The simplest thing is to find the disk “Dancing for Weight Loss. Video lessons” and study at home, in a relaxed atmosphere.

We lose weight fun

Would you like to know how to lose weight through dancing? To do this, you must adhere to the following rules.

  1. Choose the type of activity that you enjoy.
  2. Training should be regular. It is recommended to do it in the morning or in the afternoon, for an hour and a half. In the early days, do not overload the body too much, otherwise the next day will be difficult.
  3. An hour and a half before and after training, you should refuse to eat, you can drink at any time you want.
  4. If you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to turn to professionals, at least at first. For classes, you should choose the most comfortable clothes and shoes.
  5. Give up classes on "special women's days", during illness, if your head hurts or you feel weak, at elevated body temperature.

That's all the rules. Do these exercises help you lose weight? The answer will be positive if, at the same time as regular exercises, you follow the daily routine, eat right or follow a non-strict diet and enjoy the exercises!

To lose those annoying pounds, you can take different actions: starve, eat only apples, exhaust yourself with excessive physical exertion, or you can lose weight while having fun. All you need to do is dance!

If you choose the right style of dancing, you can achieve incredible success. The main thing is to dance regularly and enjoy it. So, you want and do not know how to lose weight? Then - DANCE! The results will pleasantly surprise you!

Eastern dance

Oriental choreography helps to tidy up the metabolism, normalizes the digestion process, which leads to the expected results: your waist becomes much thinner, the muscles of the hips, abdomen and back are strengthened. It is very useful for women to dance oriental dances: they contribute to the prevention of diseases of the genital area.

For an hour of intense exercise, you can lose 450 kcal.


Spanish passionate flamenco dance will help you strengthen your legs and back, your figure will become fit and slender. At the same time, the cardiovascular system is strengthened, breathing becomes rhythmic and deep.

In an hour, dancing flamenco, you can lose 650 kcal.

Latin American dances

Incendiary and rhythmic dances in the Latin American style will definitely help you become slimmer. By devoting at least a few hours a week to these dances, you can strengthen your muscles, straighten your back and pump up a beautiful elastic press.

For an hour of Latin American dancing, an average of 900 kcal is lost.

Jazz Modern

Such a variety as modern jazz arose relatively recently. He incorporated several well-known styles - such as break, hip-hop, rnb, step. Not everyone will be able to engage in modern jazz - here you will need maximum strength, endurance and energy.

But as a reward, you will receive a loss of kilocalories in a record amount - 1000 for every hour.

Strip of plastic

To perform the movements that make up a strip dance, you need to have certain acrobatic skills, be able to do a serious stretch. In addition, before you start doing strip plastic, it would be nice to take a course in oriental or Latin American dances. In a word, this style is for prepared girls.

During active training, excess weight is burned, the muscles of the abdomen, legs, abs, back, buttocks are tightened.

Losing 1200 kcal per hour - that's what you will get from intense, but such a beautiful strip plastic.

At home or in the studio?

It is not easy to answer this question. It all depends on the warehouse of your character, circumstances and other nuances.

Many people prefer to dance in the company of like-minded people - it's more fun and more effective, and the presence of a coach will allow you to accurately master all the skills of the chosen style.

You may want an individual approach. This is quite possible if you ask a dance and fitness coach to develop a special program for you - of course, not for free.

An even more elite option is to hire a private trainer. Then you don't have to adapt to someone's schedule: they will work with you in the studio or right at home when it's convenient for you.

If you go to the gym or swimming pool, keep an eye out for announcements: there are often groups of people who want to learn Latin American or oriental dances.

Finally, you can study on your own, at home, with the help of a training course on a disk.

A properly selected complex will help you become slimmer in a couple of months - of course, provided that you exercise at full strength.

Olga Moiseeva for the Women's magazine "Charm"

Dancing for weight loss- the choice of those who want to burn extra pounds and increase the vitality of the body. If we consider dancing as one of the fitness areas, it is worth noting a useful cardio load, synchronized work of various muscle groups during music lessons.

Regular dance training is especially recommended for those who are just starting to introduce their body to sports. For experienced athletes, dancing will help to relax the muscles constrained by strength training.

The benefits of dancing as a means to lose weight

1. Having chosen a dance direction to your liking, you can be sure that you will be able to work out even an hour-long workout with high quality.

2. In the evening (after a working day), dance classes are much easier than, for example, step aerobics or strength training.

3. Dancing directly affects the development of a positive attitude towards everything around, helps to significantly increase self-esteem.

"For many people, dancing becomes a long-awaited impulse for new achievements. "

4. The ability to conduct workouts at home - there are a huge number of free video tutorials on the Internet.

5. By developing a sense of rhythm and learning the basic dance moves, you can feel more comfortable and confident, even if your body has not yet acquired ideal proportions.

Fitness club or home workout?

Not all beginners decide to attend a group dance class. Seeing their figure flaws, women are afraid that their movements will look ridiculous or ridiculous from the outside. In this case, home training will become a kind of preparatory stage for "going out".

In order for dance classes to give a quick result, you need to give them forty to sixty minutes two or three times a week. As we said, your home trainer is waiting for you in one of the many video tutorials. It is recommended to practice in the following sequence: repeat the dance movements several times, looking at the video instructor, then try to dance the lesson, looking at yourself in the mirror.

"After a couple of weeks, you will be able to perform dance moves without video prompts, create your own combinations from them, using your favorite music for training. "

When you feel that you have mastered the world of music and movements, you should sign up for group classes with a fitness trainer so that your undertaking gets the proper development.

Dancing for weight loss at home: what to choose?

We recommend trying three main areas that are popular in fitness clubs: latino, belly dance, zumba . The last dance direction is the most effective for weight loss, however, due to the high cardio load, it may be contraindicated for people who are obviously overweight. Belly dancing and varieties of Latin American dances have a great effect on the lower body, and also help to develop immunity against many female diseases.

Only by trying everything on yourself, you can make the final choice in favor of one direction. To kick-start your new love of fitness, add a play moment to your workout. Add dance-style trappings to your home practice uniform: decorate your hair with a flower while dancing salsa or bachata, tie a scarf while performing belly dancing.

Dancing for weight loss: training rules

For a dance class, the same rules apply as for other fitness training:

1) training is allowed no earlier than 1.5 hours after eating. Eat on the day of training should be protein foods and vegetables;

2) after class, you should wait a couple of hours before eating again;

3) the use of natural energy drinks is welcome - coffee without sugar an hour before training, green tea;

4) pay special attention to shoes. If dynamic training is expected - step-dance or zumba - shoes should provide a stable, even step, insure against ankle dislocation.

Hello Tanya! I read in some magazine that you can. Please answer - is weight loss through dancing true or high-profile yellow press headlines?

Every woman wants to be the happy owner of a perfect figure. To achieve this, any methods and means are used that are far from always safe for the woman's body. For some reason, the fair sex forgets that there is one excellent means of obtaining the desired forms, namely, dancing.

This is a safe, absolutely physiological, optimally distributing the load on all muscle groups, a sport. Let's understand why dancing is most suitable for the formation of a proportional and beautiful figure.

Physical reasons

1. Dancing is safe. Choosing from a variety of directions and types of dance, each lady can choose the option that suits her and even helps restore her health.

2. Dancing helps to eliminate congestion in the body and improve blood flow. Some styles of dancing are the stabilizer of the internal organs and their massage.

3. Dancing also helps to stabilize the daily routine. The need for breakfast, timely meals, morning warm-up, warm-up during the day, relaxing exercises before bed and drinking water perfects wonderful forms.

4. In addition, dancing is a pleasant physical activity that helps burn excess fat.

Lose weight with dancing

5. During dancing, the fair sex evenly distributes the load on all muscle groups, sometimes even on those that other sports cannot reach. Internal fat is burned, not just subcutaneous fat.

6. Alternately relaxing and straining all muscle groups, you perfectly combine cardio loads with strength ones.

7. Metabolism improves due to the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract.

8. In the end, dancing forms a royal posture. A young lady with a straight back and a proudly raised head is slimmer both visually and in fact.

Metaphysical reasons

1. Dance helps to normalize the energy exchange of the body, which improves mood, improves the work of all internal organs and reduces weight.

2. During the dance, a woman reveals her femininity. At the physical level, this spills over into the normalization of the reproductive and hormonal systems. As soon as the level of hormones in the blood stabilizes, you will notice that you have got rid of cellulite, as well as fat deposits in the back, shoulders and abdomen.

Lose weight by dancing

3. It is also worth noting that a dancing woman begins to take care of herself and love herself. Such a woman will no longer allow herself not to get enough sleep or eat harmful foods.

4. A woman begins to accept and love her own body. And as a result, the fat accumulated by the body to protect not only from hunger and cold, but also from the aggression of the hostess against herself, will no longer be useful.

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 7 minutes


Many women have heard about dancing for weight loss. But not everyone has enough time and courage to "lose weight" in dance studios, and at home, as they say, even the walls help. There are practically no costs, no one needs to be embarrassed, no one cares about the level of training, and much less time is spent. What kind of dances contribute to weight loss, and what is needed for this?

General recommendations: how to lose weight while dancing - we organize dances for weight loss at home correctly

The maximum load is provided, as you know, with a single rhythmic dance, taking into account the involvement of almost all muscle groups. For example, belly dancing helps to shake off extra centimeters from the hips, stomach and waist, Irish dances form posture and train legs, and strip dancing is work on all muscles at once. But to begin with, prepare for home workouts. That is, choose a dance that is closest to your body, "go" to virtual dance lessons (this can be done without leaving this page) and create suitable conditions at home.

Video lesson: Dancing for weight loss at home.

So, what do you need for home dances, and how to prepare for them?

  • Place for dancing should not cause discomfort. The room should be large and bright. It is good if there are large wall mirrors that will help you see your mistakes.
  • Any irritants should be excluded. The environment should be conducive to enjoyment. Therefore, you can send children and pets to the next room, send your husband to the shops, forget the phone in the kitchen, and put all the problems out of your head.
  • Don't forget comfortable clothes and shoes. You can, of course, practice in the old "training pants", but the suit is the mood and mood, which means it's half the battle.
  • The music is no less important. Sometimes there is absolutely no energy for training, but as soon as you put on good cheerful music, the mood immediately appears. Choose those compositions that do not allow you to get bored and "let your feet dance." And keep experimenting.
  • How much and how often to dance to lose weight? Each case is individual, but experts advise training 5-6 times a week for 30-60 minutes or 3-4 times a week for 1-2 hours. Stretching doesn't hurt after a workout.
  • Use food only as fuel, and only useful. There is no point in dancing for weight loss if after a workout you break into the refrigerator and pounce on buns, sausage and battered pork. Read: .
  • Don't be discouraged if you don't succeed the first or second time.. This takes time. Just enjoy the dance, the movement, and the fact that you are already on your way to a beautiful toned body.
  • Don't dance after eating - wait an hour, then start training. After dancing (after 1-1.5 hours), focus on vegetables and proteins.
  • Think about "energetics" - invigorating green tea, water, ginseng, vitamin B.

The biggest advantage of dancing is mood that they create. Dancing people are not angry and gloomy - they radiate positive and cheerfulness. Dance, lose weight and be open to life and your desires.

Important: to whom dancing for weight loss is contraindicated or limited

Dancing, you not only reduce the level of impact on the nervous system of daily stress - you improve your blood circulation and metabolism, unload the lymphatic and vascular system, burn extra calories. But before you start training, pay a visit to the doctor and consult for contraindications to avoid trouble. And there are contraindications for any physical activity. For example:

  • Dynamic dances are forbidden with serious chronic diseases, with problems with the cardiovascular system and respiratory organs, with diseases of the spine, with hypertension.
  • Dancing not recommended if there were convulsions, or there is a temperature, malaise, menstruation, pregnancy.
  • Belly dance is contraindicated those in whose medical record there are diseases such as displacement of the vertebrae, diseases of the female genital area, hernia, inflammatory, chronic and tumor processes in the body, varicose veins.
  • Contraindications for pole training - the presence of injuries of the ankles, knees, scoliosis, joint problems, obesity of the 2nd degree, etc.

If there are no serious contraindications, dancing will be only for joy and health.

The best home dances for weight loss - which dances help you lose weight quickly?

Dancing is one of the most effective ways to give the body flexibility, plasticity, harmony and beautiful relief.

What dances are considered the most effective for weight loss?

  • Belly dance (and other oriental dances).
    What gives? Strengthening the muscles of the press, gaining plasticity, forming beautiful hips, eliminating extra cm from the waist, preventing diseases of the female genital area, normalizing metabolism.
    Video: Oriental dance lesson.
  • Strip dance.
    Gaining flexibility, correction of body contours, strengthening of all muscles, efficient burning of calories, development of self-confidence and sexuality.
    Video: Strip dance lessons.
  • Flamenco.
    Strengthening the calf muscles and hips, correcting the contours of the legs, gaining grace, getting rid of extra cm in the upper body (neck, arms, etc.).
  • Hip-hop, breakdance.
    Effective burning of excess fats, development of flexibility, endurance, formation of an ideal physical form. These dances are considered the most energy-intensive, but not everyone can afford and like them.
  • Irish dances.
    Training of all leg muscles, prevention of cellulite.
  • Latin American dances.
    Strengthening of the hips and leg muscles, correction of body contours, prevention of vascular diseases.
  • Step.
    Developing a sense of rhythm, strengthening the buttocks and leg muscles, fighting sagging skin and excess weight.
  • Zumba.
    Similar to cardio. Effective weight loss, beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, improved mood and performance, strengthening the muscular system.
    Video: Zumba dance lessons fitness.

Are you in a hurry to lose weight? Then dance to your heart's content, just for fun. At least half an hour a day - and the lines of your body will become smoother and more graceful.

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