Which women were most afraid of breakups. Female images in the novel by Goncharov Oblolov essay with a plan


I. A. Goncharov in his novel "Oblomov" tells about the life of Oblomov, a typical representative of the nobility of his time. The author reveals the character of the protagonist, including through the depiction of his interaction with other characters. Among other characters in the novel, Olga Ilyinskaya and Agafya Matveevna are depicted.

In adulthood, Oblomov avoids communication with the fair sex, not wanting to cause himself unnecessary trouble. However, in early youth, women did not leave the hero indifferent. But this period was very short. It was "still in that tender time when a person in every other person assumes a sincere friend and falls in love with almost every woman and everyone is ready to offer his hand and heart ...".

Two women played a prominent role in the life of the protagonist: Olga Ilyinskaya and Agafya Matveevna. Olga can rightly be called an extraordinary person. She is smart, intelligent, interesting. Ilyinskaya is not like the young ladies of her circle. Here is how the author says about her: “Be that as it may, but in a rare girl you will find such simplicity and natural freedom of sight, word, deed.”

Despite the numerous virtues of the girl, she is clearly underestimated by others. “... She spoke little, and then her own, unimportant - and she was bypassed by smart and lively “cavaliers”; the timid, on the contrary, considered her too tricky and were a little afraid.

We see that Olga Ilyinskaya cannot boast of universal attention. But it seems to suit her just fine.

Olga wants to transform Oblomov, wants him to join an interesting and active life. Paradoxically, Olga herself cannot understand why she is trying so hard to change Ilya Oblomov. Perhaps the internal energy needs to be released. Therefore, Ilyinskaya so zealously took up Ilya Ilyich. Soon the girl began to truly admire herself: “And she will do all this miracle, so timid, silent, whom no one has obeyed until now, who has not yet begun to live! .. He will live, act, bless life and her. To bring a person back to life - how much glory to the doctor when he saves a hopeless patient!

And save the morally perishing mind, soul? She even trembled with proud, joyful trembling; I considered it a lesson appointed from above. We understand that Olga is trying not only and not so much for the sake of Ilya Ilyich, she herself needs to feel her importance and significance. In this case, the girl seeks to realize herself.

A tender girl becomes despotic, tough. She literally subjugates the weak and weak-willed Oblomov. Olga is sure that she is acting for the good. She often says that "life, obligation, duty, therefore love is also a duty."

We understand that Olga's "love" for Oblomov is a completely different feeling that does not correspond to the concept of "love" in the generally accepted sense. Ilyinskaya herself thinks about what she feels for Ilya Ilyich. The girl understands that Oblomov is important to her, that so far she has not loved anyone, including her relatives. However, Olga's feeling is not like sincere love, bright, exciting. The girl treats Oblomov as an object with which she proves her strength, the ability to awaken a weak-willed and spineless person from sleep.

Olga is very happy to hear a declaration of love from Oblomov. After all, this proves to herself that she was right in trying to influence Ilya Ilyich. Again we see that Oblomov's feeling in itself is not very important for Olga. It is important for Ilyinskaya to realize that this love arose as a result of her purposeful efforts. The girl is delighted with her mission - she seeks to remake Oblomov. Of course, she doesn't succeed. And there is nothing surprising in this. Oblomov for some period begins to change. But this is only the outer side.

In fact, Ilya Ilyich remains the same as he was before meeting Olga. Oblomov simply does not have the strength to resist. In addition, he sincerely wants to please Olga, because he likes her.

Oblomov understands Olga better than she understands herself: “Now she loves how she embroiders on the canvas: the pattern comes out quietly, lazily, she unfolds it even more lazily, admires it, then puts it down and forgets it. Yes, this is only a preparation for love, an experience, and he is the subject who turned up first, a little tolerable for the experience, on occasion. Olga Ilyinskaya is a bright and interesting female image.

The girl has an amazing strength of character: she feels a thirst for activity. Olga is self-confident, self-sufficient, does not need approval for her actions. She needs to "remake" Oblomov, because she considers it necessary. It is important for Olga to see the result of her activities, so she does not take into account the peculiarities of Oblomov's character. Olga is short-sighted, she rejoices at the external changes in Oblomov, not realizing that this is all a mirage. It is impossible to remake another person if he does not have his own desire for it. Therefore, we can admit: despite the strong character, Olga is just a person who tends to be mistaken.

Of course, Olga should have directed her activities to something more important than wasting her strength on obviously fruitless attempts to “re-educate” Oblomov. In connection with the analysis of the image of Olga, a wonderful expression comes to mind: “Do not throw beads in front of pigs.”

In this case, it is very appropriate. Olga wastes the treasures of her soul in vain: Oblomov cannot appreciate her efforts. He is even afraid of Olga's zeal, it seems to him that he is just an experiment for her.

Another female image of the novel is the image of the widow Pshenitsyna Agafya Matveev-la. A simple woman, she has tender feelings for Oblomov, surrounds him with care and attention. Agafya Matveevna is sincere in her thoughts and actions. She cares about Oblomov for his own sake, and not for her own ambitions.

Pshenitsyna treats Oblomov not only with tenderness and love, but also with genuine admiration. After all, he is so different from her late husband: “Ilya Ilyich did not walk like her late husband, collegiate secretary Pshenitsyn, with petty business agility, does not constantly write papers, does not shake with fear that he will be late for office, does not look at everyone like that, as if he asks to saddle him and ride, but he looks at everyone and everything so boldly and freely, as if he demands obedience to himself.

Agafya Matveevna sacrifices a lot for the sake of Ilya Ilyich. In particular, she is ready to sell some of her poor property so that Oblomov does not starve to death. Pshenitsyna accepts Oblomov for who he really is, does not try to remake him. Oblomov and Agafya Matveevna even have a son, named after Stolz, Andrei.

If we compare Agafya Matveevna with Olga Ilyinskaya, then the first one seems uninteresting, primitive, narrow-minded. But on the other hand, she is more sincere. She does not think about herself, she is ready to completely forget about her own interests for the sake of Oblomov. It is no coincidence that Ilya Ilyich feels happy with her. Now he does not need to pretend, to observe external propriety.

He is accepted for who he is, he is loved, he is taken care of. In Agafya Matveevna we see sincere philanthropy. She is ready to help and sacrifice.

Of course, it can be said that Agafya Matveevna, with her indulgence of Oblomov's weaknesses and whims, is ruining him. After all, Ilya Ilyich is slowly but surely degrading. He doesn't even try to change his life. And Pshenitsyna's worries only contribute to this. However, in the novel we have already seen that the aspirations of the active and purposeful Olga Ilyinskaya were also doomed to failure. Oblomov himself does not want to change, so any aspirations of other people to change him are basically useless.

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27. Female images in the novel by I. A. Goncharov "Oblomov"

Despite the significant volume of the work, there are relatively few characters in the novel. This allows Goncharov to give detailed characteristics of each of them, to draw up detailed psychological portraits. The female characters in the novel were no exception. In addition to psychologism, the author widely uses the method of oppositions and the system of antipodes. Such couples can be called "Oblomov and Stolz" and "Olga Ilyinskaya and Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna." The last two images are complete opposites to each other, they can safely be called lines that will never intersect - they are simply in different planes. The only thing that unites them is Ilya Ilyich Oblomov.

Olga Ilyinskaya is a young determined girl. Her demands on life are high, but she herself is ready to put in enough effort to get what she wants. Olga's life is like a turbulent river - constantly in motion. Olga will not back down from the task, but she will not waste time on the implementation of her plans if she sees that the idea is doomed to failure. She is too intelligent to waste her precious time on nonsense. With her brightness and eccentricity, she attracted the attention of Oblomov. Oblomov fell in love with her with that pure, ingenuous and sincere love, which, of all Olga's entourage, perhaps only he is capable of. She delighted him, fascinated and at the same time tired. She loved herself too much to notice him in her dazzling brilliance. The image of Olga Ilyinskaya is ambiguously interpreted by critics. Someone sees in it a worthy synthesis of rationality, education and spirituality. Someone, on the contrary, blames her for superficiality and inability to have a high feeling. It seems to me that Olga is an ordinary person striving for comfort and coziness, only her concept of well-being is somewhat different than that of Oblomov. In fact, they turned out to be too different people who had the courage to admit it at the time. Why was it necessary to torture each other, if it is clear that nothing will come of it? Olga is indeed more suitable for Stolz, the same sane person as she herself.

Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna is a completely different image. This is the type of a real Russian woman, mature, conscious, possessing simple worldly wisdom, which is much more useful than all treatises on psychology put together. It will never occur to her to neglect the interests of the person living next to her, she will not rush to defend her rights. Perhaps, for her sake, a man will not accomplish a feat, but it is next to such a woman that he will feel needed and strong. Agafya Pshenitsyna will never think of trying to remake a person. Psychologically, she is much closer to Oblomov, she has that naturalness that helps to guess the secret thoughts of another person. Everything that Olga was deprived of, Oblomov finds in Agafya.

Olga and Agafya are complete antipodes both in terms of character and lifestyle. But it is no coincidence that Agafya Pshenitsyna appears in Oblomov's life to replace Olga. Goncharov sincerely believed that it was necessary to describe life as it is, without embellishment. That is why his works are completely devoid of any didactics, he trusts the reader that he will make a correct judgment about the novel. It seems to me that Goncharov's heroes, being taken from real life, described without embellishment, are neither "bad" nor "good", just as an ordinary person cannot be only bad or only good. Olga is young, attractive, smart. Agafya, in turn, is a wise woman, her desires are similar to Oblomov's ideals. She wants simple female happiness and to be able to take care of someone. Oblomov, on the other hand, wants to experience the comfort that he yearned for. But Olga has other ideas about happiness, and in this case you can’t judge anyone.

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Bykova N. G. Roman Oblomov by I. A. Goncharova In 1859, the novel Oblomov by I. A. Goncharov was published in the journal Otechestvennye Zapiski. By the distinctness of the problematics and conclusions, the integrity and clarity of style, by the compositional completeness and harmony, the novel is the pinnacle of creativity.

Many works written by famous creative people have always included several fatal, important female images, without which the essence of the works lost its meaning. One of these works is the socio-psychological novel "", authored by I.A. Goncharov.

The protagonist Oblomov has always tried to avoid communicating with women and not to succumb to their charms. He considered it a stupid waste of time. But, like all of us, at some point in his life he was fascinated by young beauties.

Reading the novel, we see how he gets acquainted with. And she plays an important role in his life.

Goncharov describes this woman as quite smart, concise, reserved. A woman does not play the role of a coquette, she does not use lies as a means to an end. Olga is a fairly simple woman. And this causes indignation and bewilderment among others. Only one character in the novel, Stoltz, really sees her as a good person. The rest of the characters just avoid talking to her.

Olga, belonging to the ladies from high society, does not fit into their circles. She does not communicate with those persons who are not interested in her. Perhaps her inner world is much wider and more developed, unlike other characters in the novel. This is what she attracts the attention of Oblomov.

Already after the first meeting, Ilya Ilyich begins to think about Olga. Goncharov describes Olga in a special way. He does not make her a beauty, he does not make a doll out of her, with coral lips, with pearls, with miniature hands. But, he makes her image harmonious and graceful.

She had a neat, proportionate physique. Therefore, Oblomov pays attention to her and eventually realizes that he cannot live without Olga. He really likes her singing, the heroine begins to come to Oblomov in strange dreams. After a conversation with Stolz, who asks to "stir up" Ilya Ilyich, Olga pays more and more attention to him. She forces Oblomov to read books, she wants to make him a normal, active person, like everyone around. And this hobby so captures Olga that she considers it a message from above. She was so proud of her activities, she admired her actions.

It is at this moment that we can see the real essence of such a timid, sweet girl. Olga interferes more and more in Oblomov's life, she imposes her ideas, thoughts on him, she makes him find meaning in life. All her actions turn into sarcasm, mockery of the protagonist's thoughtlessly lived years. And, in the end, they come to a despotic attitude, the imposition of will.

Oblomov confesses to Olga his feelings and his love. The girl considered this a sure sign and the right course of events. For some time, Ilya Ilyich really began to change, but, realizing that he simply fulfills all the requirements of a woman and cannot resist them, he thinks about all his actions.

Oblomov begins to think about the fact that Olga is only passionate about raising the main character and does not pursue any further goals for this. This idea also occurs to us, the readers. Even if we think about the fact that a woman sincerely fulfills Stolz's request and helps Oblomov with good intentions, we see that her behavior goes beyond all acceptable boundaries. She simply breaks a person and makes him right and convenient only for her. On this basis, Oblomov writes a letter to Olga and expresses all his thoughts, although he soon repents of his deed and they reconcile again.

In the further plot, Oblomov even thinks about marriage, but his thoughts are dispelled against the background of the incomprehensible behavior of his beloved. Their relationship continues, but finds more and more disagreements. Oblomov wants to hide from everything, hide from prying eyes. And Olga wants a secular life, wants to attend the theater, wants to show everyone her position as Oblomov's bride.

Another female image, which is revealed in the novel, belongs to Pshenitsyna Agafya Matveeva. She falls in love with Oblomov, always trying to please him and provide for his needs. She constantly compares him to her ex-husband and admires the dissimilarity of the two men. Its spaciousness allows Oblomov to feel comfortable. After all, they do everything for him. Everyone takes care of him. Oblomov and Agafya Matveevna have a son, and they continue their measured life.

The protagonist built his existence in the most favorable way for him. And in recent years, he was with the woman who took care of him and did everything for the comfort and coziness of her beloved.

Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov in the period from 1848 to 1859 wrote the novel "Oblomov", which is included in a trilogy with such works as "Ordinary History", "Cliff". In his work, the author takes us along the entire life path of the protagonist - Ilya Oblomov. The novel is psychological, philosophical, makes you think about the meaning of life. If in the novel it is impossible to find an integral hero of the male ideal, then Goncharov showed the female ideal very well in the image of Olga Ilyinskaya.

The protagonist Ilya Oblomov is thirty years old, a lazy pampered man who lives his life in peace and laziness. But in his heart he is a romantic and dreams of an ideal wife, who should combine intelligence and femininity in herself, should be a good housewife and mother of children, but should not forget about herself and be well-groomed and tidy. As R. Rubinstein noted, in the ideal of Oblomov's wife, "there are two beginnings, and one will meet in Olga, the other in Pshenitsyna."

The author endowed Olga Ilyinskaya with all the features that he would like to see in the ideal Russian woman, outwardly she did not stand out in any way, but "if she were turned into a statue, she would be a statue of grace and harmony." In society, the attitude towards her was ambiguous "Some considered her simple, short-range, shallow" and only a few saw in her a whole and spiritualized nature. And among them was Stolz, who appreciated her and entrusted his best friend Oblomov. Olga, with her active lifestyle, enthusiastically undertakes to "awaken" Oblomov and soon she falls in love, but this is the love of "Pygmaleon for Galatea". Putting pressure on Oblomov and dictating her own rules, she tries to "blind" him into a suitable half for her. Olga is an idealist, in a relationship she completely gives up her feelings, but does not receive anything in return, no matter how hard Oblomov tries. He does not keep up with the rhythm of Olga's life. By temperament, the energetic, active Stolz is more suitable for her, having met Olga in Switzerland after many years, he understands that Ilyinskaya has changed a lot.

The relationship between Andrei and Olga is very different, they spend a lot of time talking, walking. She does not experience the same feelings that she had for Oblomov, but "with courageous curiosity she looked at this new way of life, looked around him with horror and measured her strength."

Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna is completely different from Olga: intellect, character, and even love for Oblomov. This is the mistress of the house in which Oblomov settled, limited in knowledge, unobtrusive. She reminds Oblomov of the image of her mother in her behavior. Pshenitsyna was caring, she even cared more about Oblomov than about her children. All housework and housekeeping lay on her shoulders, she looked after Ilya like a nanny. Outwardly, Agafya changed from Oblomov’s attitude towards her, when he was silent and gloomy, Psheniyyna became thoughtful and pale, but if Ilya Ilyich was cheerful and kind, the mistress changed before her eyes.

Another quality of character that distinguished her so much from Olga Ilyinskaya was sacrifice, her caring attitude seemed to transfer Ilya Ilyich back to Oblomovka.

In life, Oblomov met two loves: love for Olga, who sought to save him, and for Agafya Matveevna, with whom Oblomov was weakening more and more both spiritually and physically.

In the novel Oblomov, Goncharov described many characters. With the help of a variety of characters, the actions of many heroes, it is easier for the reader to understand the author's train of thought, his intention. Female images in the novel "Oblomov" are revealed in great detail. They acquaint with the life of the past tense, mores and moral principles, allow you to better understand whether a woman can influence the fate of her beloved man.

Olga Ilinskaya. Her simplicity and talents

The beloved of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, Olga Ilyinskaya, belonged to a noble noble family. A young twenty-year-old lady lived with her aunt. Rich parents are long dead. The girl inherited a huge estate.

"Has a village, a garden, and a house perfectly ready for living."

He enjoys singing and playing the piano. He likes to read books, occasionally embroiders.

Origin and talent did not make her proud and arrogant. The girl is always open to communication with people. Guests often come to the Ilinsky estate.

“She walked the easy way of life and according to a sound, not outwitted upbringing, did not deviate from the natural manifestation of feelings, will, thoughts.”

Andrei Ivanovich Stolz told Oblomov that everything in her is simple, down to “a barely noticeable movement of the eyes, hands or lips. There is no affectation, coquetry, lies, no tinsel, no intent! You don't often see such traits in a lady.

Appearance. Olga's love

“Olga could not be called a beauty, that is, there was no whiteness of the skin in her, the bright color of her lips and cheeks, her eyes did not burn with inner fire, without corals on her lips, there are no pearls in her mouth.”

Her intelligence and good manners seemed to complement those features of appearance that could make her even more attractive.

It is impossible to consider her too wise, rather, due to her young age. Too smart and serious gentlemen avoided her. At the first meeting, Ilya Ilyich also treats the girl with caution. He believes that she can play with other people's feelings.

Already at the first meeting with Oblomov, she will begin to show interest in him. Olga does not take her eyes off him all evening. And when the master confesses his love to her, this will plunge her into embarrassment. This fact speaks of the decency, sincerity, purity of thoughts of the young noblewoman.

Soon she and Oblomov will begin an affair. The girl surrenders to the feeling with her head. She is anxiously waiting for a meeting with her beloved, she cares about his health and mood. When a man cannot come on a date, the lady is ready to rush herself to a meeting in any other place. She is full of aspirations and plans for the future. Faced with the fact that Ilya Ilyich could not justify her hopes, he breaks off relations, continuing to love him.

No matter how positive Olya's character seemed, she could not change for the sake of elevated feelings. The girl erected certain limits. Ilya did not fit into them.

“Would you like to know if I would sacrifice my own peace, go along the path with you? Never, never!"

Acquaintance with the widow Pshenitsyna. Modesty and efficiency of a woman

The complete opposite of Olga is the widow Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna, in whose house Oblomov will settle. She was the wife of a late official, lived with her children Vanya and Masha. The character of the widow lacked pride and arrogance. The woman is very hardworking. She breeds poultry, sells eggs, goes to the market herself. He believes that there is nothing shameful in this, because it is necessary to feed the family.

“We have a lot of chickens; We sell eggs and chickens. They take everything from the count's house."

Pshenitsyna is constantly in the care of the house.

“She has everything in her hands! It flies from morning to evening, its economy goes cheerfully, cheerfully, with an original touch. The arms are white, but with large knots of veins protruding outward. She hid them under her shawl.

This suggests that Agafya is ashamed of her simplicity and hard work. And such human qualities should be proud of. It becomes clear that the young lady has excessive modesty.

The unpretentiousness of Agafia. Love for Oblomov

In clothing does not adhere to certain rules. I'm glad that there is an opportunity to throw at least something on my shoulders.

“The dress, in relation to the chic shawl, seemed old and worn.”

When he sells these things, he will walk around in cotton clothes and with an old scarf around his neck. New outfits will be exchanged for money to buy goodies for Oblomov.

She will love him with all her heart, unselfishly. She has no desire to change anything in him, as Olga planned. The woman says that until the age of thirty she did not experience such feelings. Compares the love that has settled in her heart to a sudden fever. Shows excessive custody of Ilya Ilyich. “Other wives don’t look like that - by God! She will see everything, there is not a single undarned stocking - everything herself.

After the death of Oblomov, he often goes to the cemetery, cannot come to terms with the bereavement. For the sake of their son, he gives him up to be raised by the Stolts.

The image of the mother of Ilya Oblomov

In the chapter Dream of Oblomov, the reader meets the mother of little Ilya. She was a noblewoman. She lived, adhering to the principle that it is necessary to rejoice at what you have. Striving for the best was absent in her character. Like many household members of the Oblomov estate, she was lazy, loved to sleep and talk.

I considered myself a good mother. She took care of her son excessively, fulfilled all his childhood and youthful requirements.

“Mother will put Ilyusha’s head on her knees, and comb his hair, admiring their softness. And she talks with them about the future of her son, makes him the hero of the epic she created.

She often allowed the child to stay at home, at times when he should be in a boarding house. This contributed to the fact that a lazy and weak-willed man grew out of him.

The image of the maid Anisya

“She was an active, agile woman, about forty-seven years old, with eyes running in all directions, a caring smile.”

Soon she became the wife of the old servant Zakhar. With her care, a keen female gaze, she managed to maintain order in the house. Her husband, though often grumbled at her, but helped.

Died of cholera. Very similar to Agafya Pshenitsyna. In their images, the author put the whole essence of a simple hardworking woman, ready for anything for the sake of loved ones.

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