What paints to draw a drawing in the entrance. Graffiti congratulations


Not every one of us is lucky enough to live in a clean and well-groomed entrance. Shabby and scribbled walls, scattered leaflets and free newspapers, an unpleasant smell in the elevator have become a sad norm these days.

But everything is in our hands! You just need to respect each other, not to litter, and the dull look of the walls can easily be turned into a real work of art by painting the walls with bright colors with your own hands, resorting to the help of professionals and ordering graffiti in the stairwell or simply painting it with high quality.

Among your neighbors, for sure, there are active people who are ready to help in transforming the entrance. After all, few people are delighted with the crap and mutilated appearance of the walls, which they have to “enjoy” every day on the way to their apartment.

To decorate the staircase does not need to make incredible efforts. The minimum contribution of each tenant to the common cause will change your entrance beyond recognition.

After voluntary assistants are found, it is necessary to enlist the support of the management company. It is she who is responsible for the condition and appearance of the entrance.

Once consent has been obtained, you can get down to business. Find out if one of the residents of the house draws well, and what if a real artist lives right above you?

Drawings can be of completely different themes: natural landscapes, heroes of children's fairy tales, forest dwellers, beautiful sea nymphs and much more. As soon as colorful images appear on the walls of the stairwell, they will stop littering and spoiling common property in the entrance - a time-tested law.

And how happy the little inhabitants of the house will be, dreaming of living in a fairy tale! If you are not sure that you can bring all your most daring ideas to life, you can order a professional decoration of the entrance using the graffiti technique.

Art of graffiti - painting of entrances

Graffiti artists from special agencies have nothing to do with vandals, defacing all the surfaces they come across, dotting them with incomprehensible signs and words, although their style is certainly similar.

Graffiti masters will be able not only to draw beautifully, but also to breathe life into a unique picture.

Decorating walls with graffiti has a number of significant advantages.

  1. Beautiful image.

You can choose any drawing you like: the underwater world, the starry sky, picturesque landscapes of nature and more.

  1. Fast application.

A drawing created with graffiti dries instantly, so creating a whole masterpiece does not take much time. And this is a significant advantage over the usual drawing technique.

  1. Suitable for all surfaces.

Aerosol paint is extremely unpretentious, it fits perfectly on enamel, varnish and any irregularities, which cannot be said about its competitor - water-based paint.

  1. Cheapness.

The method of covering walls with graffiti is much cheaper than the services of classical artists using paint. In addition, agencies specializing in graffiti usually provide discounts for entrances for the simplicity of the drawing.

If your neighbors are quite passive people and it is difficult to organize them to jointly decorate the entrance, do not be discouraged. Feel free to call artists to paint your own floor, and all the residents, seeing such beauty, will definitely pull themselves up and ask to decorate their space accordingly.

DIY wall painting

The easiest option to ennoble the appearance of the walls of the entrance is to paint. Of course, you can contact the management company and listen to endless excuses about the lack of funds, but, as practice shows, it is better to save your time and put things in order and beauty in your house yourself.

You can give the walls a decent look with paint or whitewash. Which option to choose, it is better to decide at a general meeting of residents of your entrance.

Whitewashing will cost several times cheaper, but this option will quickly lose its appearance and will require periodic updates. In addition, if you accidentally touch the wall, you will have to wash for a long time.

Therefore, it is better to choose paint, the method, although more expensive, but durable.

The next step is to choose the right paint.

It must meet the following requirements:

  • high plasticity (paint with this characteristic easily tolerates sharp temperature fluctuations, does not crack and does not lag behind the walls even in the absence of heating);
  • ease of application (only those types should be used for which a roller is sufficient);
  • lack of a sharp unpleasant odor (residents of nearby apartments should not experience inconvenience);
  • dry quickly (otherwise all visitors to the entrance risk not only accidentally getting dirty, but also ruining the work already done);
  • perfectly lay down on any surface and material, hiding building irregularities.

All these requirements are met by water-based paints. They are easy to use, suitable for all surfaces and are sold at an affordable price. Their only drawback is a small color gamut.

Today, the paint and varnish market produces special additives that give the desired shade and color saturation when added immediately before painting.

For a fresh, updated look in the entrance, you need to paint not only the walls, but also the floor. Floor paint should have a slightly different set of properties, the main of which are high strength and resistance to external influences. Often, the same paint is used to cover the floor as for painting the roofing of roofs.

The floors in the entrances are wooden and concrete. With wooden ones, there will be no problems, any coloring agent is suitable for them, except for a water-based emulsion. But still, in most cases, the floors in the entrance are made of concrete. How to choose the right paint for them?

Paints for concrete floors:

  • acrylic - easy to prepare for work and looks great;
  • latex - has a number of advantages: it dries quickly, is suitable for any surface, demonstrates increased moisture resistance, but is more expensive and is not suitable for low temperatures (below - 15).

The paint color for the walls and floor is chosen jointly by the residents of the entrance.


After buying paint, you can get to work. It is desirable that all the neighbors contribute a part of their work to the common cause: one will help with advice, the other will bring a roller, the third will gladly take up the main work.

Immediately before painting, it is necessary to perform a number of preparatory actions:

  • clean part of the walls from old pollution;
  • remove old paint with a spatula;
  • to putty uneven places on the walls.

If there are uneven remains of plaster on the walls of the entrance, you will have to remove them with a hammer.

Together, you will quickly put your house in order, and in the future, you may even be able to participate in the competition for the title of the most neat and beautiful entrance.

Whatever decoration option you choose: graffiti, art drawings or ordinary painting, the result will surely please the big and small residents of the house and pleasantly surprise random guests.

And bright colors will give a great mood even on the most cloudy and dreary autumn day!

The fashionable trend of recent years in interior design is wall painting with acrylic paints, made using various technologies. What paints are used to decorate the surface, the selection of a color palette and the methods of applying a pattern will be discussed in detail.

Wall decor paint options

The answer to the question of what paints are painted on the walls depends on the quality of the surface coating. Preliminary design with an acrylic base involves choosing a similar material for applying a decorative image. If the wall is covered with a conventional emulsion, the picture should also be painted with oil-based paint. The use of water-based paint in the initial interior design obliges to stop at a similar material for the final decor. Consider the characteristic features of each type of paint for painting on the walls.


The leader among paints and varnishes intended for painting walls are acrylic paints. The popularity of products is due to multiple advantages:

  • ease of application;
  • fast drying;
  • no unpleasant odor;
  • high degree of adhesion with any surface;
  • resistance to high temperatures.

After drying, a film is formed on the surface of the wall, resistant to mechanical stress, which does not change color under the influence of the sun's rays. The environmental safety of the product is especially relevant if you plan to draw in the children's room. In some situations, acrylic paints are used to create a relief surface. Knowledge of the special application technique with a palette knife knife allows you to create an interesting texture of the walls.

There are two types of acrylic paints - synthetic and organic. Artificial resin is the basis of the paintwork material, the difference lies in the origin of the coloring pigment, they are artificial and natural. If you paint on the walls with synthetic products, where salts of various metals are used as dyes, the picture is bright and juicy, as in the following photo:

If you want to get an image of soft pastel shades in the process of drawing, it is better to turn to organic-based products. The result of this art is shown in the photo below:

Depending on the area to be treated, they paint on the walls with acrylic paints using a brush, roller or spray gun. The range of its use is very wide. Due to the water resistance of the paintwork, in addition to finishing interior surfaces, it has recently become fashionable to paint on the facades of houses.

In most cases, acrylic paint is presented exclusively in white. To paint on the walls, they turn to tinting, which results in the desired shade. For painting surfaces, this is a very convenient option.


A very original interior can be obtained by painting with fluorescent paints. Such an image appears at night when ultraviolet light is directed at it. Complex pictures are not created by this method, usually they stop at simple shapes. Butterflies and placers of flowers are especially popular, often they draw original patterns.

Stencils purchased or made independently will help speed up the process of interior design. Professional designers use the option of combined painting, when the main pattern is complemented by fluorescent paints. It looks very attractive.

Oil and screen printing

Oil paints are sometimes used as paints for painting on walls. Usually professionals in their field undertake to paint with oil products. The result is images that, without exaggeration, are highly artistic works of art and arouse the admiration of those present.

The limited use is due to the following factors:

  • the complexity of application, requiring professional skills;
  • the high cost of the material;
  • long drying process;
  • due to the presence of a solvent in the composition, the entire drying period is accompanied by an unpleasant odor.

Comment! Oil paints allow you to get a lively and detailed image on the walls, which cannot be achieved using acrylic paint products.

Another option to decorate an interesting interior is to paint the walls with screen paints. Economic consumption allows you to create a pattern even with a small volume of product packaging.

Drawing color palette

The palette of paints for walls depends on the type of paintwork. Due to the greatest prevalence of acrylic materials, it will be repelled from them. To do painting, you will need to purchase a color scheme of the following colors:

  • The minimum set is yellow, red and blue.
  • It is advisable to take an additional purple color scheme, since mixing blue and red often leads to a dirty shade.
  • Orange and green will help diversify the painting.
  • To achieve various light shades, the main color scheme is diluted with white paint (white).
  • If necessary, draw dark areas, colors of the corresponding colors are purchased.

Drawing methods

There are various drawing techniques. In most cases, paint with a brush or airbrush. If you have the appropriate skills, the tools are combined.

Attention! If you paint with an airbrush, the image is obtained like a photograph due to high-quality tonal transitions. With a brush, this technique is more difficult to do.

Learning how to draw large pictures on the walls is quite feasible. This will require:

  • Create a thumbnail image.
  • Break the drawing into squares.
  • Put a breakdown on the wall with the same number of squares. Using a laser level will help speed up the process.
  • Transfer the sketch to the wall surface, guided by the breakdown points.

If you can’t draw professionally, a variety of stencils will come to the rescue. Compact templates are easy to make yourself:

  • First, draw a figure on paper.
  • Then the sheet is compacted by gluing it to cardboard or by treating it with adhesive tape.
  • Cut out the contours with a clerical knife.

To make a large painting on the wall, the corresponding stencils are purchased ready-made or they order the sketch they like in special companies.

Wall painting in the hallway

To start painting in the entrance, where the walls are whitewashed, the surface is first opened with a white or transparent primer. These actions will not allow the paint to quickly wear out or crumble. One liter of protective coating is enough to process 8-10 m 2 of the wall.

Advice! The primer solution is applied with a brush, the use of a roller will cause the whitewash to curl.

Over the next two hours, the primer dries, they begin to draw on the wall with a simple pencil, and remove bad places with an ordinary eraser. After preparing the sketch, they move on to painting the walls with paint. For work you will need:

  • White and transparent water-based paint, resistant to moisture.
  • Coloring pigments for acrylic products.

Finding a transparent water-based paint labeled "Base D" is extremely difficult, but it is necessary to form rich shades. To get a bright outline of a black pattern, a couple of drops of concentrated pigment of the corresponding shade are added to 50-100 grams of colorless paint. Within an hour after application, the contour on the wall will dry, and you can draw internal fragments.

To obtain unsaturated shades, white water-based paint is used, rich colors are formed by adding coloring pigments to a transparent base. After a couple of hours, the image will dry, after three weeks the walls will withstand washing with a soft sponge and liquid detergents that do not contain abrasive substances.

Drawing on the wall is an extremely exciting activity that can radically change the interior of an apartment or the design of a house facade. Proper selection of colors contributes to the long-term preservation of the image in its original form.

You have practiced the skill of creating a single dot in the center of the drawing. Let's take this idea further and draw a part of the city in frontal perspective where buildings, sidewalks, roads are and seem to dissolve into one point in the distance.

Look again at the picture of the city.

Looks very interesting, right? This is true! And drawing it is much easier than it seems. This lesson will focus on reinforcing a number of drawing laws: size, placement, shading, as well as proportions, additional details and practice.

In drawing, the term "perspective" stands for "create the illusion of depth on flat surfaces". The word "perspective" comes from the Latin word spec, meaning "to see."

1. Draw a horizontal line with an anchor point in the center.

2. Just as you drew guide lines to determine the position of the ceiling, walls and floor in the previous lesson, draw these lines to determine the location of buildings and the road.

3. Draw a vertical line where the buildings start. Start on the left side. Then draw a vertical line where the buildings will end, also on the left side. Make sure the lines are strictly vertical and parallel to the edges of your notebook. You can use a ruler if you like. When I draw a small frontal illustration, I usually do not use anything, I do it by hand. Try to draw this way and that, both with a ruler and freehand. Which way did you like best?

When you draw with a ruler, the drawing will be uncompromising and precise, while freehand drawing will not look as accurate, but will reflect your individual style. It often happens that someone who starts experimenting with the triangle becomes dependent on this tool. It should be understood that the ruler is just another drawing tool, like feathering. However, you can draw just fine without them.

4. Now do the same on the right side. Draw vertical lines to indicate the position of the buildings.

5. Make sure the top and bottom edges of the buildings match up at the vault in the center.

6. Draw horizontal lines corresponding to the skyline from the top and bottom corners of each building on the left side of the drawing. This is the moment when your drawing becomes voluminous!

7. Now do the same on the right side of the drawing.

8. Draw the road and the median. Shade the shapes of the buildings. Position the light source at the arch point and shade all surfaces facing the opposite direction.


In life, you yourself, without knowing it, meet with frontal perspective. For example, when crossing the street or shopping in a supermarket, you notice a neatly arranged island of tin cans. It's really very exciting. ABOUT! Another great place for a frontal perspective is the library! All the books on the shelves are in even rows. Pay attention to this the next time you are in the supermarket or library. It makes the idea frontal perspective crystal clear!

Redraw the lesson again and add a few extra details. You can draw doors, windows, neighbors.. Have fun! Picture awnings, a porch, maybe a flower pot or two. True details are the spice of life!


Why stop there? Why not use the frontal perspective technique in reality and see how it works? Take your easel and go outside. Find a place that is visually interesting. Try to sit down somewhere in the park, on a bench, on a pier... And repeat what you see.

You can also take a suitable photo and use it. Of course, this is not as interesting as a walk, but it will still help you practice frontal perspective

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One of the sought-after areas of work of the Aron Honore studio is beautiful drawings in the entrance. We love it when people take care of children and decorate their rooms with pictures on the walls. But customers who are concerned not only with home comfort are even more pleased.

Photos of drawings in the entrances show how the living environment is changing, how cozy and harmonious it becomes. We admire those who invite us! We admire those who invite us. It's great that we are surrounded by people who care about what is happening around. And they have a desire to make the world more beautiful selflessly. To please neighbors and passers by. To make a person smile when leaving the elevator, seeing the drawings on the walls.

Everyone likes pictures of nature paintings. The harmonious design of high-rise buildings is useful for children, because from an early age it forms a sense of beauty. We draw on the walls of residential buildings, so that every neighbor would be pleased to look around. Exotic animals and colorful jungles make you admire the beauty of distant lands and awaken dreams. This album contains photographs of drawing and completed work in one of the entrances in Moscow. The work was done by the artists of the studio "Aron Honore" at the invitation of the cheerful girl Irina.

Irina ordered a rich drawing, bright and filled with many elements. She tried her best. And the cat here is not just any, but sleeping, "to touch." Irina wanted to decorate the entrance for everyone on her own behalf. When you notice the drawings on the walls in the entrance to Moscow, think that someone wants to make the world a better place. And try to keep up, and we will help with this!

Graffiti of hockey players on the wall in the entrance is an interesting option, which the workshop staff will do perfectly well. In the catalog you will find a selection of original sketches. After reviewing the photo of the drawings on the wall in the entrance of an apartment building, you will learn how to decorate the floor with the work of a professional artist. We have found ways to draw wonderful flowers, fairy-tale characters (Sadko, for example) and other paintings without using stencils, so that the result exceeds expectations. Be sure that bright pictures will appeal to every resident of neighboring apartments, please contact us!

Graffiti at the entrance | Graffiti gift | Registration of an entrance graffiti | entrance painting

We will be happy to decorate your entrance, make a bright beautiful drawing on any topic. We use high-quality paints, prepare the surface for work. Let's make a sketch. Graffiti in the entrance can last more than 10 years. Drawings will cheer you up every day and make the space bright and fresh.

the paint dries quickly within 5 minutes, the graffiti pattern can be washed, it is safe to interact, the smell of the paint lasts no more than 10 hours.The service can be ordered in different cities of Russia: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Ufa, Kazan, Sochi, Nizhny Novgorod, Astrakhan, Samara, Chelyabinsk, Novosibirsk, Krasnodar, Krasnoyarsk, Perm, Tula and others.


The cost of graffiti at the entrance (work + paint)

graffiti decoration of the entrance from 800 rubles per square meter

artistic painting of the entrance from 1500 rubles per square meter

We also make graffiti greetings to order in the entrances!

Graffiti postcards in the entrances- a brand new kind of winter greetings indoors, with which you can surprise the imagination of your loved ones!

We come to the address indicated by you, and on any wall, in the homes of your loved ones, we make a graffiti drawing. You can make a durable drawing or washable paint. It is possible to paint over the drawing after a certain time.

Washable paints are easily removed with water if necessary! That is why we hope that you will not have problems with concierges, HOAs and neighbors who can interfere with your plan.

Any complexity of the drawing is available to us - up to 3D graffiti.

Most importantly, you can give freedom to your imagination and ideas. Graffiti congratulations can overflow from one plane to another - from the floor to the ceiling and elevator doors, and this makes them even more expressive and voluminous.

ordering a drawing at the entrance is easy and simple, and usually all residents like ours and everyone is happy!

We carry out the order of graffiti in the right place, at the right time!


Congratulatory drawings at the entrance

congratulations graffiti 4900r - 5 square meters

congratulations graffiti 7500r 10 square meters

congratulations portrait from photo - 12.000r-15.000r

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