Which footballer was Bulanova's husband. Singer Tatyana Bulanova: biography, personal life, family, husband, children photo


Tatyana Bulanova's divorce from football player Vladislav Radimov after 13 years of marriage came as a surprise even to close stars. Yes, the couple always lived “loudly”, tried several times to break up, but somehow all the conflicts still managed to be smoothed out. Relatives of the star couple hoped that the spouses would come to their senses this time, but Bulanova and Radimov officially divorced.

And the other day, the star of the 90s became the heroine of the Tonight program with Andrey Malakhov, where, in particular, the recent divorce was discussed. The singer first spoke about what an unpleasant surprise for the news that Radimov had a mistress, fitness trainer Irina Yakovleva. The woman immediately after the divorce of the couple gave a long interview on you, where she spoke about her affair with the married Radimov.

“It was funny for me to watch it,” said Tatyana Bulanova. - I know Vlad very well, so I understood that somewhere she was telling the truth, and somewhere she was lying. Divorce, in any case, we did not happen because of her. She simply humiliated herself with this performance. I feel sorry for this person. She made up her own story. Girls, don't mess with married people! Wait until they are free."

As it turned out, Irina Yakovleva gave an interview to Channel One, and “Tonight” showed a recording where the woman again told how she met Vladislav Radimov seven years ago in one of the cafes in St. Petersburg, how then she warmly communicated with his mother and daughter from the first marriage. And she even showed the keys to the apartment of the Radimovs' parents, which, allegedly, they themselves gave her.

During this story, the camera several times showed the TV viewers a close-up of the face of Tatyana Bulanova. Apparently, the singer, indeed, no longer feels any emotions about her ex-husband's mistress. But about the fact that it is possible to glue a broken marriage together, Tatyana said that she does not exclude such a possibility.

“Maybe it will still come back. Don't know. Maybe we will still have a wedding, ”summed up the star.


Tatyana Bulanova: I'm really tired of Vlad's topic!

Conversations around the family troubles of the St. Petersburg singer have been going on for a long time. Tatyana Bulanova put the final point on Saturday, confessing to Andrey Malakhov's program for the whole country in a divorce and confirming this in a conversation with Komsomolskaya Pravda


Singer - "Komsomolskaya Pravda":

Infidelity is not the main thing, harmony is gone

We got through to Tatyana Bulanova herself

- Tatyana, is it really true?

Is it true. I'm already divorced. This is a painful topic... Most of all I worry about my youngest son. I understand that all this will affect him somehow. I deleted the post about the divorce on my page on the networks so that there would be no unfriendly comments, so that my son would not read this. I wrote it - and realized that I did something stupid.

- And how did your youngest son react to the divorce?

Until we discussed this with him ... I take care of his feelings. It's a shame when families fall apart, but it happens that parting is better than torturing each other. We lost the harmony that was...

Last year, St. Petersburg fitness trainer Irina Yakovleva made a scandalous statement on television. She said that she had a seven-year affair with your husband and that he lives in two families!

I saw it. It was disgusting, unpleasant. And even more for Vlad. This is a humiliation. I saw this girl for the first time on TV. I don't know her. I don’t know if this is true or not, God is the judge here. The story is probably on the conscience of Vlad's mother. The girl said that she was friends with his mother. In fact, I feel a little sorry for her...

- But after all such recognition is a reason for divorce!

This is not a definite reason. Divorce with us is a consequence of our internal moments ...

- Did Radimov himself explain anything to you about that mistress?

No, he didn't explain anything.

"Clinging is humiliating"

- Are you able to forgive betrayal?

It depends on how you perceive it - as a betrayal or not ... In my concept, forgiveness is when you stop being angry with a person. I'm not vindictive. So yes, I'm sorry. But there are some things I don't forget. I'm sorry, but I remember. And if I communicate with such a person, then with an eye, not like before.

- Do you have a fear that divorce threatens loneliness?

I don't know not yet.

- Maybe you are already fine, and you don’t need a husband at all?

Look what a husband. If the husband is ugly, vile, then what's the point? If he is wonderful, loving - another matter. ()

Tatyana Bulanova is a popular singer, whose star caught fire in the distant 90s. Bulanova's songs sounded from the lips of everyone, and today many of the compositions are still popular.

The famous performer still has many fans. Let's find out interesting details not only from the stage life of the singer, but also interesting facts from her biography and personal life.

Height, weight, age. How old is Tatyana Bulanova

Tatyana Bulanova has been performing on stage for a long time. All this time, fans of the singer's work saw Bulanova only in excellent shape. Many are surprised to find out her height, weight, age. How old Tatyana Bulanova is of interest to almost everyone. In March of this year, the performer turned 48. Her height is 160 cm, and her weight is 53 kg. Tatyana Bulanova always takes care of herself, looks younger than her age.

Bulanova never had big problems with weight. Maximum 5-6 kg. But, striving for perfection, Tatyana was on diets, just to achieve the best result. So it was at the institute, as well as after the birth of the first son. On the advice of Bulanova, so that there is no big weight gain, you need to start working on yourself, noticing only the first prerequisites for extra pounds. As for sports, Tatyana Bulanova does nothing except exercise because of the rapidly growing muscle mass. She noticed this while participating in the Dancing with the Stars project, when everyone was losing weight, she, on the contrary, gained muscle.

Biography of Tatyana Bulanova

The famous performer was born in Leningrad in 1969. Mother first worked as a photographer, and then devoted herself entirely to the family. Father is a torpedo miner. He retired as a captain of the first rank. Unfortunately, Bulanova's father passed away quite early. He died of cancer. Tatyana also has a brother, Valentin.

Bulanova's childhood was ordinary: studying at a simple school, gymnastics, a music school. Tatyana did not like studying at a music school, as she was more attracted to modern trends in music. By the way, the singer's brother taught his sister how to play the guitar. She would later learn to play the piano herself. And from the genres he will master pop, folk and chanson.

After graduating from school, Bulanova begins her studies at the Institute of Culture, which her parents wanted. In parallel, the girl worked in the library at the navy. Tanya did not like either study or work, and therefore, as soon as the opportunity arose, she left them. In 1989, Bulanova entered the music school-studio of St. Petersburg. But, during this period, Bulanova met Nikolai Tagrin and dropped out of school to participate in the song group "Summer Garden". And so begins the creative biography of Tatyana Bulanova.

Tatyana Bulanova brought unprecedented fame to the team, which won all kinds of song contests.

At the beginning of the 90s, the group recorded a number of lyrical songs that firmly secured the title of "the most crying pop singer" for Bulanova.

At the peak of their popularity, the group began to disintegrate, as all of its members hoped to continue their equally successful solo careers. Then Tanya left. The singer's debut solo album was a huge success. Almost all of Tatyana Bulanova's compositions were sad, whiny, then she decides to change her role. In 1997, she performed the song "My Beloved", for which she received the "Golden Gramophone".

If we talk about the contemporary work of the singer, then she released the most recent album seven years ago.

Like many other celebrities, Bulanova often flashed on TV screens. It was participation in various television shows and television programs. Nine years ago, Tatyana Bulanova tried herself as a TV presenter.

In the project "Dancing with the Stars" the singer took first place (2011).

As for the cinema, here, Bulanova's songs first appeared. Then, she starred in several TV series, and in the film. But Bulanova's most notable role was in the film Love Can Still Be.

Recently, Bulanova began to appear frequently in various television shows. One of the most popular is "Exactly".

In 2004, the singer received the title of Honored Artist of Russia.

Personal life Tatyana Bulanova

Many are interested in how Tatyana Bulanova's personal life developed? The singer has been married twice. The first marriage with producer Tagrin lasted 13 years. In this marriage, the couple had their first-born son Alexander.

The second time the singer tied the knot with the popular football player Vladislav Radimov. Despite the 6-year age difference (Bulanova is older), the marriage was quite happy, but also broke up, as Bulanova told the press last year. 2007 is the year of birth of the second son Bulanova with Vladislav. The marriage lasted 11 years, and Tatyana Bulanova was the first to announce its breakup. She does not hide the fact that she maintains friendly relations with her ex-spouse.

Family of Tatyana Bulanova

Since the singer is not officially in a relationship with anyone, Tatyana Bulanova's family today consists of her and her two sons. Bulanova's children are becoming a frequent subject of discussion by the press. The eldest son Alexander, who works in a barista cafe, drew particular attention to himself.

Many are surprised that the son of a famous singer chose an ordinary and routine job, but Alexander himself and his mother are not at all embarrassed. Bulanova is opposed to children living at the behest of their parents. Plus, the young man only seeks to earn money on his own, and not live on his mother's money, which is quite commendable.

Children of Tatyana Bulanova

The children of Tatyana Bulanova are the sons Nikita and Alexander. The eldest son is a professional barista, works in the cafeteria. The mother is pleased with her son and has no doubt that if he wants to, he will succeed. The youngest son of the singer Nikita is currently studying at school.

So far, Bulanova's sons are not making any attempts to follow in their mother's footsteps, but there are clear signs in favor of choosing a creative profession. Tatyana Bulanova does not insist on a specific profession, but provides freedom of choice. She is ready to support her children.

The son of Tatyana Bulanova - Alexander

From the first marriage with Tagrin, the son of Tatyana Bulanova, Alexander, was born. He is 22 years old, at the moment he works in a cafe as a barista. As Alexander admitted, he is going to become a musician in the future. The young man wants to gain independence and financial independence.

But not only this influenced Alexander's non-standard work for celebrity children. He is not going to work here all the time, but only saves money for the future in the world of music. The mother treats such an undertaking commendably, does not put pressure on her son and in every possible way supports their choice and desires.

The son of Tatyana Bulanova - Nikita

In the second marriage, another son of Tatyana Bulanova, Nikita, was born. He was born in 2007, and therefore, he is 9 years old. Not so long ago, Tatyana Bulanova divorced Nikita's father, Vladislav Radimov. As the singer herself admitted, the husband was the initiator.

By the way, there are details that point to the betrayal of her beloved man. Nevertheless, Bulanova maintains a relationship with Nikita's father. Recently, Bulanova and her youngest son participated in a design show for charity. As many have noted, the boy is very similar to his father.

The ex-husband of Tatyana Bulanova - Nikolai Tagrin

The first ex-husband of Tatyana Bulanova is Nikolai Tagrin. Young Bulanova met him when she became a member of his group. According to Bulanova, everything was in the first marriage - love, passion, tenderness. But most of all she was embarrassed by the fact that she remained financially independent.

There were no gifts and assistance with funds or a joint budget. Although, the reason for the dissolution of the marriage was not this, but the new lover of Tatyana Bulanova. The son, joint with Nikolai, was not against the divorce of his parents, as he was already quite old and supported his mother.

Former husband of Tatyana Bulanova - Vladislav Radimov

Last year, the second ex-husband of Tatyana Bulanova appeared - Vladislav Radimov. Bulanova has been married to a football player for more than 10 years. The spouses have a common son Nikita. According to the singer, the divorce happened due to her husband's infidelity. According to some reports, he not only cheated, but left Bulanova, and to her friend.

This was a big blow for Bulanova, which she is still experiencing. Of course, he tries not to show it. It is worth recalling that she preferred Vladislav, and therefore divorced Nikolai Tagrin.

Many fans of the famous singer are surprised at how good Bulanova looks. There are no signs of old age on the figure or on the face. This leads some to think about the use of plastic surgery. That is why everyone is so zealously searching the net for information on the topic “Photo of Tatyana Bulanova naked”. Everyone knows that the singer changes her image very rarely, or almost never.

Tatyana Bulanova did not dare to go under the knife, but she still resorted to some procedures to maintain her beauty and youth. The singer told reporters about the bad experience of Botox injections. Now, she does not intend to experiment anymore, which she advises others. According to Bulanova, the best and safest result is good sleep, proper food, and sports.

Instagram and Wikipedia Tatyana Bulanova

Like most domestic celebrities, the network has Instagram and Wikipedia Tatyana Bulanova. The Internet is replete with headlines and a wide variety of information about the singer, both personal and professional. Bulanova has more than 27 thousand followers on Instagram, but the profile itself is closed. It would not be superfluous to recall that it was on Instagram that Tatyana Bulanova first told the public about the break in relations with her husband Vladislav.

In fact, she does not like to share secrets and details from her personal life with the press, but this was an exception. Among other things, Tatyana Bulanova also has her own channel on You Tube. Here she shares various tips regarding health, fashion, style, and also answers online questions from her fans. Also, with the help of online broadcast, everyone has the opportunity to take a tour of St. Petersburg with Tatyana Bulanova.

For seven years of marriage, the singer and football player lived together for only a few months!

The presentation of the duet song by Tanya BULANOVA and Sasha POPOV "I drove it into my head" took place in the capital's club "Kai Metov". Everyone was struck by how the singer boldly accepts the advances of her stage partner.

In Bulanova's inner circle, they whispered to me in secret that there was nothing surprising in Tatyana's such behavior. For several months now, she and her husband, the famous former football player Vladislav Radimov, have parted ways. The singer could not get used to their constant separation. It seems that she is married, but her husband is never around!
- I come from the tour, Vlad, on the contrary, goes to the training camp. Haven't seen each other for months. I'm leaving for another city, and Vlad returns to St. Petersburg. So they lived all these seven years, - Tanya admits bitterly.

Although Tatyana knew that there would be difficulties before going to the registry office with Vlad:
- Of course, I understood that we have different professions, one might say polar ones. And immediately warned Vlad that I would not change anything in my life. As they say, she warned him "on this shore." I often shoot in Moscow, then “Song of the Year”, then concerts. Last year, for example, when I was filming in Dancing with the Stars, I spent four months without getting out in the capital and still could not stand it and asked the producers to let me go to St. Petersburg at least once a week, to my children and husband.

But it would be naive to believe that it is only a matter of frequent separations. With her first husband, the founder of the Summer Garden group, Nikolai Tagrin, Bulanova was together 24 hours a day, and still, after 14 years, the marriage broke up. Nevertheless, the ex-husband is still her producer! By the way, it was Tagrin who came up with the image of an eternally crying single mother for Tatyana, which allowed Bulanova to be at the top of the charts in the mid-90s.
So, in addition to constant separations that undermine the marriage from the inside, there were problems of a different nature. Last year, Vlad, the head of the Zenit team, was significantly demoted and his salary was cut. In the match with CSKA, an extra foreign player entered the field as part of Zenit. As a result, the defeat was counted against the Zenitites and a large fine was imposed. Radimov was named the culprit of the puncture.
Vlad was very worried, but he didn’t even have anyone to cry in his vest: the wife-singer, as usual, was on tour.

Cook and footballer

Bulanova is not going to fully become a Muscovite, although she bought an apartment here several years ago.
A woman's home is where her children are. And my sons live in St. Petersburg, Tatyana explains.
Tanya can talk about her boys for hours. The eldest, 19-year-old Sasha, who was born in marriage to Nikolai Tagrin, studied for a year at the St. Petersburg Institute of Culture as a director. But then he realized that it was “not his” and abruptly changed his fate by enrolling in ... a food institute.
- He likes everything that is connected with cooking, - mother tells about her son with tenderness. - He invents, cuts all sorts of salads, cakes, pastries.
Pleases mom and youngest son - Nikita. He is only five and a half years old, and he, following the example of his father Vlad, dreams of becoming a football player and is successfully involved in the football section.

BULANOVA frankly confessed to the owner of the establishment, Kai METOV...

In 2013, rumors began to circulate in the press about the upcoming divorce of singer Tatyana Bulanova from former football player Vladislav Radimov. Later, the artist admitted that their marriage really came to an end.

Tatyana Bulanova and Vladislav Radimov

The couple does not talk about the reasons for the breakup, this is their own business. But some sources claim that Radimov's betrayal is to blame. They say that for a long time he met with a young mistress.

Bulanova's friend does not support these gossip. She claims that the main problem in Tatyana's family was money. The girl is very worried about the future of the youngest child, or rather for his material security. The singer wanted her husband to leave the apartment to his son, to which he eventually agreed.

Wedding of Tatiana and Vladislav

However, Bulanova and Radimov are still not officially divorced, they are husband and wife. But, it turned out that the couple did not live together either. Apparently, despite 8 years of marriage, they still did not manage to survive the crisis in relations.

Just 2 years ago, Tatyana said with great confidence that she did not even think about divorcing her husband. Yes, they had quarrels and scandals, but they could not lead to anything serious. Apparently something went wrong.

Tatyana Bulanova with her husband and children

Now Tatyana lives with her son Nikita Radimov, and Vladislav lives separately. I remind you that this is not the first divorce for Bulanova. With her first husband, Nikolai Tagrin, the artist lived for 13 years and bore him a son, Alexander.

In one of her last interviews, the singer said that she and Radimov are very different. Recently, this began to interfere with life together, and they decided to divorce. There is nothing wrong with this, it just becomes clear at one moment that it will be better for everyone.

Honored Artist of Russia - Tatyana Bulanova was able to win the sympathy of a large audience and carry it through the years. The singer "felt" her fans, so she immediately realized that the image of the "crying" performer began to become boring. After such conclusions, Bulanova decided to radically change not only the lyrics, but also change her image. And it worked, the listener approved this course of events.

Her collection contains a huge number of awards and prizes. The songs of the pop singer have repeatedly occupied the first places in the charts and music TV shows.

In her interviews, the singer admitted more than once that she was on diets, only as a student, her weight always “walked” by a maximum of five to six kilograms. So let's find out what her height, weight, age, how old is Tatyana Bulanova. The artist's height is average - 160 centimeters, weight meets the standards - 53 kilograms.

Tatyana Bulanova - photos in her youth and now differ significantly: hairstyle, makeup, clothes. Many critics note that today the 49-year-old performer looks much more attractive than at the dawn of her youth.

Biography of Tatyana Bulanova

Many listeners will be interested to know where the biography of Tatyana Bulanova originates from. The future star was born in Leningrad. Her father, Ivan Petrovich Bulanov, was a soldier, her mother, Nina Pavlovna Bulanova, worked as a photographer for a short time, but then decided to become a housewife in order to devote more time to Tanya and her older brother, Valentin.

Little Tanya graduated from a regular school and, at the insistence of her parents, became a student at the Institute of Culture, her profession is a librarian.

After studying there for three years, Tatiana leaves the institute and enters the Music Hall. It is here that Nikolai Tugrin notices her talent and invites her to the Summer Garden group. Almost immediately, the team becomes popular. Their songs sounded almost everywhere. In the early nineties, albums were released one after another, cassettes became the most sold out in the cities of Russia.

Since 1996, Tatyana Bulanova began to pursue a solo career. Her songs are heard in the TV series popular at that time: "Streets of Broken Lights" and "Gangster Petersburg".

Since the beginning of 2014, she has been participating in the show "Just Like"

Tatyana Bulanova continues her career as a singer and at the same time tries herself as a TV presenter.

Personal life of Tatyana Bulanova

The personal life of Tatyana Bulanova can be said to be happy and not happy at the same time. The People's Artist was married twice, both marriages lasted a little over ten years, but in the end they broke up. However, thanks to marriages, she became the mother of two sons.

Stormy personal life of the singer can not be called. In her youth, she devoted all her time to studying, although at the very peak of her popularity, Bulanova was repeatedly credited with novels with colleagues in the shop.

Currently, Tatyana's heart is not busy. Admirers of Tatyana's work are sure that the singer will definitely meet a person whom she will fall in love with, and this feeling will be mutual.

Family of Tatyana Bulanova

The family of Tatyana Bulanova - at the moment, these are her two children, her older brother and mother. Tatyana often recalls her happy childhood, trips with her parents on the carousel. With gratitude refers to her brother, who taught her to play the guitar.

Tatyana loved music from an early age, but she liked modern music, so she disliked the music school to which her parents sent her a little and graduated with difficulty. She is a "fanate" from the Forum group and its soloist Viktor Saltykov. I also enjoyed listening to the repertoire of Vladimir Kuzmin.

Children of Tatyana Bulanova

The children of Tatyana Bulanova are absolute copies of their fathers. Alexander and Nikita love and respect their mother. The eldest son supported the singer when she decided to divorce her husband, believing that she had no right to tell Tatyana what to do.

In turn, the performer is ready for anything for her sons, because children are the meaning of existence for her, her everything. Fans are confident that Tatyana will be able to properly educate them, they will become the real pride of their mother.

The fathers of the children maintain close contact with them, are interested in their life, help when something is needed.

The son of Tatyana Bulanova - Alexander Tagrin

The son of Tatyana Bulanova - Alexander Tagrin - appeared in March 1993. Being pregnant, Bulanova performed on stage to the last, went on tour. As she herself admitted, colleagues did not know about her interesting position until six months. Literally a week after returning from another city, the singer gave birth to her first child.

Even with the advent of the child, the creative family did not take a break: the people's artist and producer continued to delight fans with new videos and songs. Tatyana's parents were engaged in the upbringing of Alexander.

The singer's son is already quite an adult young man. He plans to become a musician, since he has talent. However, now Alexander works as an ordinary barista, in a small cafe. He takes an example from his mother, wants to achieve success in life himself, without using his mother's popularity for his own purposes.

Relatives and family friends do not understand this state of affairs, however, the star mother supports her child in everything, not trying to put pressure on him in choosing his favorite business.

The son of Tatyana Bulanova - Nikita Radimov

The son of Tatyana Bulanova, Nikita Radimov, was born in a second marriage, he is fourteen years younger than his older brother. Despite the fact that siblings are only by mother, they have excellent relationships and mutual understanding.

Nikita just recently went to school, so it's too early to talk about his preferences in choosing a profession. However, given that his father works as a football coach, it is redundant to voice the child's favorite game.

Tatyana reads a lot in her free time, her favorite author is Somerset Maugham. Somehow, in one of the interviews, she admitted that the children wanted to teach her how to play computer games, but, alas, they gave up - it seemed to her not an exciting activity.

The ex-husband of Tatyana Bulanova - Nikolai Tagrin

The ex-husband of Tatyana Bulanova, Nikolai Tagrin, was the head of the Summer Garden group. For a long time he was looking for a soloist in the team, until his colleague Mikhail Vayman - he taught at the Music Hall, advised Tatiana to listen. Nikolay liked the gentle voice of the girl and her appearance. Without thinking twice, after a secret audition, the producer offered Bulanova a vacancy. Thus began not only the girl's creative career, but also her personal life.

After recording the first song, feelings broke out between the young people. This relationship grew into true love and, in 1992, they formalized the relationship. The couple spent all the time together: concerts, tours, recording new albums.

Despite the fact that they were practically inseparable, many called their family strange when they learned one interesting detail from their life together. The fact is that they did not have a family budget as such. Tatyana Bulanova was financially independent: she bought clothes herself, bought an apartment herself, and even when she took money from her husband, they were then deducted from her fee.

Be that as it may, they had a son, Tatyana and Nikolai lived together for thirteen years.

The reason for the divorce, some call the emergence of a new lover of the singer. Nevertheless, Tagrin is still the producer and sound engineer of his ex-wife.

Former husband of Tatyana Bulanova - Vladislav Radimov

The ex-husband of Tatyana Bulanova, Vladislav Radimov, is a fairly well-known footballer who played for the Russian national team, and is currently a coach. Vladislav is six years younger than his wife, but this is not noticeable, because the singer looks great.

They got married in 2005, almost immediately after Tatiana broke off the previous relationship. Two years later, the singer gave birth to a second child - a joint son.

It would seem that everything is fine with them, a happy family. But after some time, rumors about scandals in the family began to leak into the press. The reasons were different: Vladislav's jealousy - although Tatyana never gave a reason, his misunderstanding of the singer's financial independence. It got to the point that they began to assume that they live separately. Bulanova and Radimov did not comment on this information.

Last year, the singer nevertheless officially announced her intentions to divorce. The reason was the betrayal of the spouse, and, according to rumors, it was Tatyana's close friend.

Bulanova found the strength to endure an unpleasant situation, she even said that if Vladislav needed any help, she would provide it.

A photo of Tatyana Bulanova in Maxim magazine would look organic. There was a note on the Internet that, it seems, at the peak of her fame, she was offered good money for a photo session, but it is not known whether this is true or another fiction.

Pictures of the singer from various shows in which she has taken part more than once, too conservative people can identify in the section - candid photos. As arguments, they begin to criticize Tatyana's sometimes too open outfits.

Bulanova does not like to advertise her backstage life. Sometimes it is very difficult to find pictures where she is relaxing in nature or in a cafe, and even more so, somewhere on the seashore in a swimsuit.

Those people who were lucky enough to communicate with the singer personally or those who closely follow her biography claim that Tatyana Bulanova and naked are two things that are incompatible together.

Instagram and Wikipedia Tatyana Bulanova

Instagram and Wikipedia Tatyana Bulanova are officially registered pages on the Internet. Instagram has more than forty-five thousand subscribers, but the account, unfortunately, is closed. On the official website, you can read a brief biography of the singer, see where and when Bulanova's next concert will take place.

The work of Tatyana Bulanova is still popular, her songs are sung with pleasure in karaoke, they are included in the playlist of various events. It remains only to wish the People's Artist of Russia to please the listeners who loved her with all their hearts for a long time to come.

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