What a heroic deed Danko did. The theme of feat and self-sacrifice in the "Legend of Danko" from the story of M


Danko is a strong and selfless young man who in ancient times lived calmly and carefree with his tribe on earth. But suddenly invaders came to their territory. They forced people from their former habitat into an impenetrable forest, in which it was impossible for a person to live. When Danko's tribesmen were on the verge of despair, the young man offered to become their guide. He decided to lead people through the forest to the saving steppes, and they, inspired by this idea, followed him.

But the road was very difficult and dangerous, so people were tired and desperate to go further. They were ashamed to admit their powerlessness, and therefore they took up arms against Danko. The young man quickly understood their "thought", and she "gave birth to melancholy in him." But because of this, his fiery heart only burned more strongly, and he tore it out of his chest and lit up the road to salvation with this “torch of great love for people”. And having led his people out of the forest, the young man died, but the tribesmen were so absorbed in their joy that they did not notice this. And one person even stepped on his “proud heart”, and now it, “crumbled into sparks”, went out.

Such is the sad and at the same time romantic legend about Danko. The feat of this young man is really inspiring, because it lies not so much in the fact that Danko sacrificed his life to save his people, but in the fact that the young man did this, seeing the true essence of the people around him.

When the anger of his fellow tribesmen fell upon the young man, “indignation boiled in his heart, but it went out of pity for the people.” This hero was able to forgive all their vices, since his love was sincere and disinterested. It was the desire to save people at all costs that inspired Danko to the feat, and in the eyes of the young man "the rays of that mighty fire flashed."

For Gorky, the story of Danko's selfless act is not just a legend. The writer says that in ordinary human life "there is always room for exploits." He puts these words into the mouth of his heroine Izergil - a woman who is not at all a standard of morality, but nevertheless also capable of sacrificing herself in the name of love.

In order to save her beloved Arkadek, Izergil alone, risking her life, went to rescue him from captivity. And the woman did this despite the fact that Arkadek abandoned her and betrayed her feelings, and in general, according to Izergil, he was a "deceitful dog." This comparison with an animal by Gorky is not accidental, because in the legend of Danko, the young man's fellow tribesmen were also "like animals."

Thus, for the writer, Danko is the bearer of an important moral idea. It consists in the fact that the whole life of a person should be illuminated by the light of love and the meaning of our existence is to serve people.

Application of technology for the development of critical thinking.

Literature lesson in grade 7 on the topic "Danko's feat in the name of people". (According to the story of M. Gorky "Old Woman Izergil").

Goals and objectives of the lesson.

Lesson type: learning new material.

Work form- frontal and steam room.
Teaching methods


To overcome difficulties
It's not enough just to know a lot.
Gotta be active
Brave, kind, strong.
Also desirable
Do everything carefully!slide 1

-We today We will work both collectively and in pairs. Do you think rules are needed for working in pairs? Do you know them well? Let's remember them.

...................................................... slide 2

-These rules help you work together? ( Yes) -How?(learn to negotiate)

-I think that you will succeed.

Call phase.

-Let's take by the hand. Let's hear our hearts beat. Let's give them to each other.

-"Dream - does not mean to live! We need feats, feats!slide 3

-What kind of person can you argue like that? (A person who lives brightly, actively, does not shy away from difficulties, ready to rush to help at any moment)

- What is a feat? (Heroic Selflessdeed.)

How do you understand the word ACTION?

(Decisive active action in difficult circumstances).

slide 3

-We're done the study of M. Gorky's story "Childhood", an autobiographical work that helped us to get to know the writer better, to trace how his personality was formed.

- And today we are talking about one more pr-and Gorky, which reflects the meaning of these words....................... What?

(Of course, "Danko").slide 4

- Why? (Danko saved people at the cost of his life,i.e. accomplished a feat in the name of people)

-How What will be the theme of our lesson? (The feat of Danko in the name of people. (According to the story of M. Gorky "Old Woman Izergil"). slide 5

- Write the date and subject in your notebook.

- How do you think, the legend speaks only of feat Danko? ( Also O cowardice and betrayal )

-So, we have named with you such concepts as feat, cowardice, betrayal.before we define target lesson, I want to draw your attention to one more concept: SELF-SACRIFICE - sacrificing oneself, one's personal interests for the benefit, well-being of others.

-We will collect these 4 words in a cluster. slide 6

-Look at him and tell me, what questions do you have in connection with the combination of these words? What can be written in the center of the cluster?

Why did Danko help people?

Danko's act - a feat or self-sacrifice?)

-The purpose of our lesson is to answer these questions.

Meaning Realization Phase .

-Through throughout his long life, Gorky carried faith in man. Reflected his dreams and aspirations in romantic works of the 90s. And today we will work on an excerpt from romantic the story "Old Woman Izergil" - the legend of Danko. We will study it in full in high school. The work is unusual in that it consists of legends that the old woman Izergil tells, they are all connected by the same type of heroes - strong, proud and beautiful.

-What is ROMANTISM or romantic? Open your textbooks on page 297, let's read the definition.

-Now let's find phrases that are basic in meaning in the definition (bright images,high appointment of a person)slide 7

-What do you think Can you add more to these definitions? Let's remember the legend. A vivid image there is.... Danko. Does he operate normally? (unusual setting)

-What is the landscape in the legend? (scary, strange). When you read the work, did you pay attention to the peculiarity of the narration, its language? ( Bright)

- How else can we call these definitions? (Signs of a romantic work)

- Come on let's find out what is calledlegend ? slide 11 (p. 295, reading the definition)

-name words that are basic in meaning in the definition (real and fantasy)slide 8

-How Is a legend different from a fairy tale?

- Which can we draw a conclusion from all this?

-Conclusion : today we will talk about a romantic work, a legend, where a strong, proud and beautiful hero will act in an unusual setting.

- slide 9 So the old lady a Moldavian named Izergil tells the legend of the young man Danko. This legend is based onbiblical the story of Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt. Listen to it at the end of the lessoncompare with the legend of Danko , define, What general O in works and how theyare different. slides 10-12

God commanded Moses to lead the Jewish people out of Egypt. Suddenly the Egyptian king regretted that he had let his slaves go. The Jews approached the sea when they saw behind them the chariots of the Egyptian troops. The Jews looked and were horrified: in front of the sea, and behind the armed army. But the merciful Lord saved the Jews from destruction. He told Moses to strike the sea with a stick. And suddenly the waters parted and became walls, and in the middle it became dry. The Jews rushed along the dry bottom, and Moses again struck the water with a stick, and behind the backs of the Israelites it closed again.

The Lord showed many favors to the Jews, but they were not grateful. For ingratitude, God punished the Jews: for forty years they wandered in the desert. Finally, the Lord took pity on them and brought them closer to the land promised by God.

But at this time their leader Moses died.

-To to understand why Danko decided on such an act, you need to find out what made him lead the tribe, i.e. behavioral motives

-Let's turn to the beginning of the text. How does Gorky characterize the tribe? (2 sentences)

-Where are they lived first? (1 sentence)

-How much Have these brave people ended up in a dense forest? (3 sentences)

-To to better understand, to understand the situation in which the tribe was, let's turn to the linguistic features of the text.

-Exercise: find on page 84 paints describing the nature of the forest (1 pair), sounds and smells of the forest(2 pairs), tribe description(his characteristic) (3 pairs).

-match those characteristics of the tribe and habitat.

(contradict, opposed)

-What does it want say author? (People are trapped in circumstances)

people in the weak and timid, creating a romantic landscape. What expressive means does the author use and what is their role?

Let's work in pairs: 1 pair writes out epithets, 2 personification, metaphor,3 - hyperbole, comparison.






old forest,

hard time, stone trees,

strong darkness, poisonous stench,

the triumphant sound of the forest,

living fire.

the wind was beating

the shadows jumped

the wind sang a funeral song, evil spirits triumph;

the swamp opened its mouth,

the trees whispered, the trees stretched out their gnarled long arms.


rays fell

horror gave birth to women

the rays of the sun could not make their way to the swamps through the dense foliage;

The ring of strong darkness tried to crush,

people died one by one.


the trees blocked the road like a mighty wall;

branches intertwined like snakes;

it became so dark, as if all the nights had gathered;

walked like a flock of sheep.

-Conclusion.They give the narrative a special musicality, bewitching melodiousness, rhythm.

-How much Have such strong people born fear? (from hopelessness and death of loved ones)

-Anything taken by the tribe to change their lives?

-Choose a synonym for the word DOING NOTHING. (indifference, inaction)

-For what led to inaction? What gave birth? ( cowardice)

-For what were they ready? (ready for slavery and addiction)

-Those. Better is slavery from enemies than slavery from powerlessness and fear.

-Is it possible the life of a person living in fear, indifferently, ready for slavery, to be called honest and free?

-slide 13 L.N. Tolstoy said: “In order to live honestly, one must tear, get confused, fight, make mistakes, start and quit, and start again and quit again, and always fight and lose. And peace is spiritual meanness.

-How about this says M. Gorky in our text? Find his words and read them.

("Who does nothing, nothing will happen to him")

-What is the proverb? exists in Russian folklore?

(a rolling stone gathers no moss)

-Those. while a person is inactive, he will not achieve anything, he will not even develop morally.

-Why do people, looking at Danko, saw that "he is the best of them"? Read the quote.

(“There was a lot of strength and living fire in his eyes”)

-Why entrusted to him to lead the tribe?

(This is a desire to relieve oneself of responsibility, to shift it onto other people's shoulders. This is a blind faith that D. one cope with possible difficulties)

-So why did they first “begin to grumble” at Danko, and then completely “fall in anger” at him? ( “I was ashamed to admit my impotence”With. 86)

-Why should he was to perish ? (for the fact that it was not easy for them on the road)

-What is the feeling Danko, looking at the crowd of people judging him?

(at first indignant, but "out of pity

to the people it went out, With. 86"flashed with fire of desire to save them")

-Those. what won it? (The feeling of love for people won in him. text... he loved...With 86)

- What episode legend is the climax?

*slide 14 Reading the text by the teacher

- What will I do for people?! Danko shouted louder than thunder.

And suddenly he tore his chest with his hands and tore out his heart from it and raised it high above his head.

It burned as brightly as the sun, and brighter than the sun, and the whole forest fell silent, illuminated by this torch of great love for people, and the darkness scattered from its light and there, deep in the forest, trembling, fell into the rotten mouth of the swamp. The people, amazed, became like stones.

-For what Did D. tear his heart out of his chest? (to prove love and loyalty to people)

- And what literary heroes you could compare with Danko?

(The feat of Danko is similar to the feat of Prometheus, who stole fire for people, but suffered a terrible punishment for this).

- Found cautious Human . With. 87.And, "afraid of something," he stepped on a proud heart with his foot. What is this “cautious person” afraid of? (Perhaps, he is afraid of everything, afraid of life, afraid of what might happen).

-What's the point the image of a "cautious person"?(Not every person is capable of a feat. There are those who live for themselves).

-With which of the literary heroes can you put it next?

(He, in my opinion, looks like the Wise minnow from the fairy tale of Saltykov-Shchedrin, who “lived and trembled and died and trembled.” After his life, there will definitely not be a single, even small, spark left).

We agreed with you that at the end of the lesson we will compare the biblical legend and the legend of Danko. What are the similarities between the biblical story and the legend of Danko? (1) Moses and Danko take people out of dangerous places for further living. 2) The path is difficult,

3) the relationship of Moses and Danko with the crowd is complicated, as people lose faith in salvation).

How does the plot of the legend of Danko differ from the biblical story? (1(Moses leans on the help of God, and God saves people.

2) And Danko feels love for people, he volunteers to save them, no one helps him, he saved everyone alone).

Reflection phase

-A now let's try to imagine, what would happen if ... I propose to create "Tree of Predictions"

* Imagine, What Danko is no different from the rest of the tribe . Write a guess what would be the future of the tribe and Danko? blue leaflets. And then go to the board and fasten on left side of the TREE.)

*Now imagine that “one person” did not step on D.’s heart, but put it in the hero’s chest, and he came to life . What would be in the future with the tribe and Danko?(Create a BANK OF IDEAS and select the most interesting ones and write them down on red sheets. Attach answers to right side of the TREE.)

-what kind of leaves turned out to be optimistic?

(Because there is faith in life, in the future, and this faith drives a person)

- Is Danko's death in vain?? (saved a whole tribe; he will not be forgotten when they realize what he did).

- Sparks left from the heart Danko, lit other hearts.

- slide 15- Are there examples in our life? After all, Gorky said "In life there is always a place for a feat"

Events of the present: "Nevsky Express", a fire in the Perm club "Lame Horse", terrorist attacks in Volgograd, a meteorite fall last year.

So heroes live among us

-Back to goals our lesson. Were we able to answer the questions? slide 16

(How can a feat, cowardice and betrayal be related?

Why did Danko help people?) ( Gorky showed us examples of the life of people in society: some choose life for the sake of their self-preservation, others choose life for the sake of others).

-Danko's act - a feat or self-sacrifice? (Danko's act is a feat of a man who sacrifices himself to save people. The hero dies, but the sparks of his burning heart illuminate the path to truth and goodness)

slide 17

- As a result Creative task : write a syncwine in which the keyword is “Danko”.

-Homework. slide 18

slide 19


Let's take hands. Let's once again listen to our heart and give a piece of the warmth of our hearts to people - this will be our little feat.

-It was pleasant and interesting to work with you. All worked well and excellent.

Examples of syncwines


Bold, handsome.

Regretted, saved, died.

The beautiful are always bold.


* * *


Fearless, courageous.

Pity, love, sacrifice.

Can conquer death.


* * *


Selfless, noble.

Loves, leads, dies.

Ready to sacrifice himself for the sake of others.

Legendary person.


This lesson is a program in the study of Gorky's work. The biography of the writer and his story "Childhood" have already been studied.

Goals and objectives of the lesson.

Continue acquaintance with the work of M. Gorky; analyze the legend of Danko from the point of view of its ideological and artistic originality.

To form universal learning activities through the elements of critical thinking technology: to improve the skills and abilities of analyzing a prose text, comparing and summarizing material, the ability to compare, classify, choosing the most correct answer; read and listen, extracting the necessary information, correlate it with existing knowledge, experience; understand and maintain the learning task; cooperate with a friend in a group, participate in a dialogue, in a general conversation, following the accepted rules of speech behavior, speech culture.

Raise interest in the subject; through the analysis of the legend, to bring up high moral qualities in students.

Lesson type: learning new material.

Work form- frontal and steam room.
Teaching methods: problem - reporting, partially - search, research.

The lesson was divided into three phases.

1 phase - call. First, the process of recreating the existing knowledge and meanings in connection with the material being studied is organized. At this stage, the awakening of the cognitive activity of students occurs. In parallel, work is underway with dictionary entries in order to concretize the target concepts. This is necessary for the child to make associations, parallels and face a question that he finds it difficult to answer. This is one of the most difficult and important stages. Here students formulate hypotheses, assumptions or questions.

At this stage of the lesson, such competencies as communicative and educational-cognitive competencies are formed.

Phase 2 - the realization of meaning. Students work with information according to their goals: first, searching for the necessary information (working with text on cards), then independently comparing the considered material (comparing the description of the tribe and the hero). At the same time, the motives and actions of the characters are analyzed. The main technique is an analytical conversation.

Here such competencies as informational, communicative and educational-cognitive competencies are formed.

3 phase - reflection. At this stage, the main thing is building a new experience in the system of personal meanings. To do this, students compare the behavioral motives and mental state of the characters. In order to develop fantasy and imagination and the ability to think critically, the "Tree of Predictions" technique is used. At the end of the lesson, metasubject connections are built - a feat in their lives.

At this stage of the lesson, value-semantic competence is formed.

I believe that the educational possibilities of the content of the educational material were fully used. The proof that the children understood the meaning of the works was their correct answers. The students quite actively and with interest answered questions related to the meaning and artistic features of the legend.

Thus, the material of the lesson aroused the interest of the students, mutual understanding was reached between me and the students, which resulted in our active cooperation.

The goal of the lesson has been achieved.

Feat Danko

Dedicated to A.K.

When it was, no one will remember. No one will say whether it was true or not, a fairy tale about the impossible.

It has never been so cold in this city. The temperature slowly dropped to forty in a thin red stream. Ice figures of trees froze on the street. They dipped their heavy branches in silver and platinum. The wind tore off the last snow from them and swirled it in flakes in a sad winter waltz, throwing it in the face of rare passers-by. For a long time nature was sleeping soundly, and daisies bloomed in her heart. Winter never evoked in her melancholy and regret about the past summer. There, intoxicated by the smell of lilacs, she walked the streets of Russian cities, sunbathed on the gray sand of local beaches, found friends whom fate would never meet again, and loved without memory the next “only” man who, like everyone else, left behind pleasant memories. The last drop of summer has been drunk, and there is still a whole box of effervescent and seething life ahead. Maybe…
She flew. And the shackles of a heavy fur coat could not keep her on the ground. Her eyes shone brighter and warmer than the lonely and dim sun in the sky. She laughed louder and louder than the fervent spring streams. And it wasn't cold at all. Somewhere inside, something was pulsing that warmed her. At the end of September, he carelessly struck a match and brought it close to his flammable heart, and it exploded with feeling. Now for her life consisted only of short meetings, short conversations. In the evening, their paths crossed, and again diverged in different directions.
Only in his eyes did she see the Cosmos, where she wanted to fly away, closing herself in the room with him. The stars paled in comparison to the brilliance that burned in her eyes when he was near. Just next to each other, shoulder to shoulder. And do not hide the embarrassment when the conversation was suddenly interrupted by a languid silence. And what a stupid phrase that broke the silence.
And there was absolutely nothing in common. It was difficult to find words to conduct an interested dialogue. KVN, KK, sports, music, cars, mathematics, although she didn’t understand a damn thing about it, the whole world is something they could talk about, but it’s so difficult ... Maybe because there was something between them something more than a common topic of discussion? Love…
And around it, like a huge iceberg, the city froze. Transport got up. Cars jumped into sheepskin coats, made complex lifts, and merged into a passionate kiss on icy highways. The temperature on the thermometer dropped every day. People watched all these outrages of nature through the glass of their car, or a cozy cafe, or looked at all this from their office. But no one dared to show his nose to the street once again without a special reason.
And she didn't care. She walked along the central streets, composing poems to herself, imagining scenes of confession, a kiss ... and something exciting tickled in the lower abdomen.
He, like everyone else, wrapped himself deeper in his jacket and occasionally taking his hands out of his pockets to warm them with his breath, hurried to cling to the stove in the minibus, to the heater of the house. I hoped for warmer weather to go to conquer the slopes of Khabarovsk. I was preparing to pass the discreet, as always, excellent.
And suddenly…
-I love.
He averted his eyes and remained silent.
-I like you! she raised her voice.
He smiled.
-I want to yell at you. I want to warm your ice.
Now the alluring, beautiful coldness of his eyes became clearer than ever. The usual indifference, sprinkled with snow and covered with a crust of thick ice. She stood, looked at him without tears, not ready for disappointment, and waited for an answer. I was waiting for a word.
- A reckless act to confess to you, isn't it, but it will be twice as easy for me, even if I hear: "No."
He carefully examined the snow that had accumulated on his boots.
- What is your silence about? About the fact that nothing can be, you don’t want anything, you don’t want to upset me, or are you so overwhelmed with feelings that it’s hard for you to even breathe?
In response, only a short smile to someone in the direction.
"I need you." I looked out the window. And it snowed even harder. The wind drove the lost people. The neon lights of the shops were off. The city has become pale, dull these days, like a sick person waiting for an operation. The temperature has become critical for this strip of terrain. To the north, you will not frighten a child with such weather. What kind of people are there, probably strong and courageous in spirit ...
They announced on the radio that an accident had occurred, the old, new pipes could not withstand the low temperature and exploded. The city has completely lost heating. ZhEK and personally the governor in the near future promise to correct a situation. The last one himself, probably, will undertake the repair. All of a sudden, they all came to life, chirping like birds returning from the south. Only something out of the ordinary can stir people up and tear them away from their affairs. The prospect of walking down the street and sleeping in the same clothes did not please anyone.
Yes, even in our age of high technology, we cannot resist nature, and we will never find so much strength.
He was indignant: “Now I will have to buy another heater. Who knows when it will be repaired. Everyone will die until they wait for the heat, ”he looked at his interlocutor, waiting for support.
- I have a broken one. Enough for me, - she touched the window painted with lace with her palm, - You won’t freeze from this cold ...
- What are you talking about? the young man frowned.
- Yes, it is. Thinking out loud.
"You've never been friends with reason," he smiled.
“I like it when you smile,” the girl said softly. Only in those moments it seemed to her that he, too, could burn.
But his meaningful silence burned hope with ice. A frightening emptiness crept into my heart, which gradually turned into a hard, somewhat rude, reasonable person. She could not and did not want to be like that. Touching a reddened cheek will not ignite the fire in the eyes.
Do you want everything to change? It will become warm ... like summer in July. Everything melts in a second, runs water along the sidewalks, - she spoke quickly with breaks, barely managing to swallow her saliva. - You will get warm, people... It will only be hot, very hot... You will drink, drink, but the water will not save you. Everywhere you will look for coolness ... looking forward to a downpour to cool off for a moment.
- Steam doesn't break bones. Brr...the legs are cold.
The girl looked into her beloved eyes, they still sank light, as in black holes. He stood motionless, opposite her. Just as dumb and blind. She wished she had a telepathic gift. Maybe now he was confessing his feelings to her ... She grinned, turned away, went with a quick step towards the exit, somewhere where all the shadows faded.
- Why do I need one of his unbearable fire? she said with emptiness. - He drains me from the inside, deprives me of freedom of feelings and actions, giving in return ... happiness? Happiness to love, hope, believe. Flying is not a dream! And when you go somewhere, you sit somewhere... it doesn't matter. The body becomes light in an instant and, like a balloon, rapidly leaves the ground! You do not love? It happens ... let my love warm you even now. Hundreds and thousands of people are with you. Here is the heart! In the palms it shrinks from the external cold and is again filled with scarlet blood. You should have seen how it now glows, brighter than the scorching sun. Would you feel its heat, burning.
The girl did not cry. The pain left her. She throbbed convulsively in her thin arms.
Asphalt appeared underfoot. Perspiration broke out on the body. She turned around and the trees were already budding. Amazed people pulled off their colorful hats and scarves. In less than five minutes, everyone forgot about winter and the issue of heating that had once worried them.
He went outside: “Great weather!” – and smiled.

Publication date: 26.08.2015

Short description:

material preview

Application of technology for the development of critical thinking.

Literature lesson in grade 7 on the topic "Danko's feat in the name of people". (According to the story of M. Gorky "Old Woman Izergil").

Goals and objectives of the lesson.

Lesson type: learning new material.

Work form- frontal and steam.
Teaching methods


To overcome difficulties
It's not enough just to know a lot.
Gotta be active
Brave, kind, strong.
Also desirable
Do everything carefully! slide 1

-We today We will work both collectively and in pairs. Do you think rules are needed for working in pairs? Do you know them well? Let's remember them.

slide 2

-These rules help you work together? ( Yes) -How? (learn to negotiate)

-I think that you will succeed.

Call phase.

-Let's take by the hand. Let's hear our hearts beat. Let's give them to each other.

-"Dream - does not mean to live! We need feats, feats!"slide 3

-What kind of person can you argue like that? (A person who lives brightly, actively, does not shy away from difficulties, ready to rush to help at any moment)

- What is a feat? (Heroic Selfless deed.)

How do you understand the word ACTION?

(Decisive active action in difficult circumstances).

-We're done the study of M. Gorky's story "Childhood", an autobiographical work that helped us to get to know the writer better, to trace how his personality was formed.

- And today we are talking about one more pr-and Gorky, which reflects the meaning of these words....................... What?

(Of course, "Danko"). slide 4

- Why? (Danko saved people at the cost of his life, i.e. accomplished a feat in the name of people)

-How What will be the theme of our lesson? (The feat of Danko in the name of people. (According to the story of M. Gorky "Old Woman Izergil"). slide 5

- Write the date and subject in your notebook.

- How do you think, the legend speaks only of the feat of Danko? ( Also O cowardice and betrayal)

-So, we have named with you such concepts as feat, cowardice, betrayal. Before we define the purpose of the lesson, I want to draw your attention to one more concept: SELF-SACRIFICE - sacrificing oneself, one's personal interests for the benefit, well-being of others.

-We will collect these 4 words in a cluster. slide 6

-Look at him and tell me, what questions do you have in connection with the combination of these words? What can be written in the center of the cluster?

Why did Danko help people?

Danko's act - a feat or self-sacrifice?)

-The purpose of our lesson is to answer these questions.

Meaning realization phase.

-Through throughout his long life, Gorky carried faith in man. He reflected his dreams and aspirations in romantic works of the 90s. And today we will work on an excerpt from the romantic story "The Old Woman Izergil" - the legend of Danko. We will study it in full in high school. The work is unusual in that it consists of legends that the old woman Izergil tells, they are all connected by the same type of heroes - strong, proud and beautiful.

-What is ROMANTISM or romantic? Open your textbooks on page 297, let's read the definition.

-Now let's find phrases that are basic in meaning in the definition (bright images, high appointment of a person) slide 7

-What do you think Can you add more to these definitions? Let's remember the legend. A vivid image there is.... Danko. Does he operate normally? (unusual setting)

-What is the landscape in the legend? (scary, strange). When you read the work, did you pay attention to the peculiarity of the narration, its language? ( Bright)

- How else can we call these definitions? (Signs of a romantic work)

Let's find out what is called a legend? slide 11 (p. 295, reading the definition)

-name words that are basic in meaning in the definition (real and fantasy) slide 8

-How Is a legend different from a fairy tale?

- Which can we draw a conclusion from all this?

Conclusion: today we will talk about a romantic work, a legend, where a strong, proud and beautiful hero will act in an unusual setting.

Slide 9 So, an old Moldavian woman named Izergil tells the legend about the young man Danko. This legend is based on the biblical story of how Moses led the people of Israel out of Egypt. Listen to it and at the end of the lesson compare it with the legend of Danko, determine what is common in the works and how they differ. slides 10-12

God commanded Moses to lead the Jewish people out of Egypt. Suddenly the Egyptian king regretted that he had let his slaves go. The Jews approached the sea when they saw behind them the chariots of the Egyptian troops. The Jews looked and were horrified: in front of the sea, and behind the armed army. But the merciful Lord saved the Jews from destruction. He told Moses to strike the sea with a stick. And suddenly the waters parted and became walls, and in the middle it became dry. The Jews rushed along the dry bottom, and Moses again struck the water with a stick, and behind the backs of the Israelites it closed again.

The Lord showed many favors to the Jews, but they were not grateful. For ingratitude, God punished the Jews: for forty years they wandered in the desert. Finally, the Lord took pity on them and brought them closer to the land promised by God.

But at this time their leader Moses died.

-To to understand why Danko decided on such an act, you need to find out what made him lead the tribe, i.e. behavioral motives

-Let's turn to the beginning of the text. How does Gorky characterize the tribe? (2 sentences)

-Where are they lived first? (1 sentence)

-How much Have these brave people ended up in a dense forest? (3 sentences)

-To to better understand, to understand the situation in which the tribe was, let's turn to the linguistic features of the text.

-Exercise: find on page 84 paints describing the nature of the forest (1 pair), sounds and smells of the forest(2 pairs), tribe description(his characteristic) (3 pairs).

-match those characteristics of the tribe and habitat.

(contradict, opposed)

people in the weak and timid, creating a romantic landscape. What expressive means does the author use and what is their role?

Let's work in pairs: 1 pair subscribe epithets, 2- personification, metaphor, 3 - hyperbole, comparison.





old forest,

hard time, stone trees,

strong darkness, poisonous stench,

the triumphant sound of the forest,

living fire.

the wind was beating

the shadows jumped

the wind sang a funeral song, evil spirits triumph;

the swamp opened its mouth,

the trees whispered, the trees stretched out their gnarled long arms.


rays fell

horror gave birth to women

the rays of the sun could not make their way to the swamps through the dense foliage;

The ring of strong darkness tried to crush,

people died one by one.


the trees blocked the road like a mighty wall;

branches intertwined like snakes;

it became so dark, as if all the nights had gathered;

walked like a flock of sheep.

-Conclusion. They give the narrative a special musicality, bewitching melodiousness, rhythm.

-How much Have such strong people born fear? (from hopelessness and death of loved ones)

-Anything taken by the tribe to change their lives?

-Choose a synonym for the word DOING NOTHING. (indifference, inaction)

-For what led to inaction? What gave birth? ( cowardice)

-For what were they ready? (ready for slavery and addiction)

Those. Better is slavery from enemies than slavery from powerlessness and fear.

-Is it possible the life of a person living in fear, indifferently, ready for slavery, to be called honest and free?

Slide 13L.N. Tolstoy said: “In order to live honestly, one must tear, get confused, fight, make mistakes, start and quit, and start again and quit again, and always fight and lose. And peace is spiritual meanness.

-How about this says M. Gorky in our text? Find his words and read them.

("Who does nothing, nothing will happen to him")

-What is the proverb? exists in Russian folklore?

(a rolling stone gathers no moss)

Those. while a person is inactive, he will not achieve anything, he will not even develop morally.

-Why do people, looking at Danko, saw that "he is the best of them"? Read the quote.

(“There was a lot of strength and living fire in his eyes”)

-Why entrusted to him to lead the tribe?

(This is a desire to relieve oneself of responsibility, to shift it onto other people's shoulders. This is a blind faith that D. alone will cope with possible difficulties)

-So why did they first “begin to grumble” at Danko, and then completely “fall in anger” at him? ( “I was ashamed to admit my impotence”With. 86)

-Why should he was to perish ? (for the fact that it was not easy for them on the road)

-What is the feeling Danko, looking at the crowd of people judging him?

(at first indignant, but "out of pity

to the people it went out, With. 86"flashed with fire of desire to save them")

-Those. what won it? (The feeling of love for people won in him. text... he loved...With 86)

- What episode legend is the climax?

* slide 14 Teacher reading text

What will I do for people?! Danko shouted louder than thunder.

And suddenly he tore his chest with his hands and tore out his heart from it and raised it high above his head.

It burned as brightly as the sun, and brighter than the sun, and the whole forest fell silent, illuminated by this torch of great love for people, and the darkness scattered from its light and there, deep in the forest, trembling, fell into the rotten mouth of the swamp. The people, amazed, became like stones.

-For what Did D. tear his heart out of his chest? (to prove love and loyalty to people)

- And what literary heroes you could compare with Danko?

(The feat of Danko is similar to the feat of Prometheus, who stole fire for people, but suffered a terrible punishment for this).

Found a careful man. With. 87. And, "afraid of something," he stepped on a proud heart with his foot. What is this "cautious man" afraid of? (Perhaps he is afraid of everything, afraid of life, afraid of what might happen).

And what is the meaning of the image of a "cautious person"? (Not every person is capable of a feat. There are those who live for themselves).

-With which of the literary heroes can you put it next?

(He, in my opinion, looks like the Wise Gudgeon from the fairy tale by Saltykov-Shchedrin, who “lived and trembled and died and trembled.” After his life, not a single, even small, spark will definitely remain).

- We agreed with you that at the end of the lesson we will compare the biblical legend and the legend of Danko. What are the similarities between the biblical story and the legend of Danko? (1) Moses and Danko take people out of dangerous places for further living. 2) The path is difficult,

3) the relationship of Moses and Danko with the crowd is complicated, as people lose faith in salvation).

- How does the plot of the legend of Danko differ from the biblical story? (1(Moses leans on the help of God, and God saves people.

2) And Danko feels love for people, he volunteers to save them, no one helps him, he saved everyone alone).

Reflection phase

-A now let's try to imagine, what would happen if ... I propose to create "Tree of Predictions"

* Imagine that Danko is no different from the rest of the tribe. Write a guess what would be the future of the tribe and Danko? blue leaflets. And then go to the board and fasten on left side of the TREE.)

* Now imagine that "one person" did not step on D.'s heart, but put it in the hero's chest, and he came to life. What would be in the future with the tribe and Danko?(Create a BANK OF IDEAS and select the most interesting ones and write them down on red sheets. Attach answers to right side of the TREE.)

-what kind of leaves turned out to be optimistic?

(Because there is faith in life, in the future, and this faith drives a person)

- Is Danko's death in vain?? (saved a whole tribe; he will not be forgotten when they realize what he did).

- Sparks left from the heart Danko, lit other hearts.

slide 15- Are there examples in our life? After all, Gorky said "In life there is always a place for a feat"

Current events: "Nevsky Express", a fire in the Perm club "Lame Horse", terrorist attacks in Volgograd, a meteorite fall last year.

So heroes live among us

-Back to goals our lesson. Were we able to answer the questions? slide 16

(How can a feat, cowardice and betrayal be related?

Why did Danko help people?) ( Gorky showed us examples of the life of people in society: some choose life for the sake of their self-preservation, others choose life for the sake of others).

-Danko's act - a feat or self-sacrifice? (Danko's act is a feat of a man who sacrifices himself to save people. The hero dies, but the sparks of his burning heart illuminate the path to truth and goodness)

- As a result Creative task : write a syncwine, in which the keyword "Danko".

Homework. slide 18

Let's take hands. Let's once again listen to our heart and give a piece of the warmth of our hearts to people - this will be our little feat.

-It was pleasant and interesting to work with you. All worked well and excellent.

Examples of syncwines

Bold, handsome.

Regretted, saved, died.

Beautiful - always bold.

Fearless, courageous.

Pity, love, sacrifice.

Can conquer death.

Selfless, noble.

Loves, leads, dies.

Ready to sacrifice himself for the sake of others.

Legendary person.


This lesson is a program in the study of Gorky's work. The biography of the writer and his story "Childhood" have already been studied.

Goals and objectives of the lesson.

Continue acquaintance with the work of M. Gorky; analyze the legend of Danko from the point of view of its ideological and artistic originality.

To form universal learning activities through the elements of critical thinking technology: to improve the skills and abilities of analyzing a prose text, comparing and summarizing material, the ability to compare, classify, choosing the most correct answer; read and listen, extracting the necessary information, correlate it with existing knowledge, experience; understand and maintain the learning task; cooperate with a friend in a group, participate in a dialogue, in a general conversation, following the accepted rules of speech behavior, speech culture.

Raise interest in the subject; through the analysis of the legend, to bring up high moral qualities in students.

Lesson type: learning new material.

Work form- frontal and steam.
Teaching methods: problem - reporting, partially - search, research.

The lesson was divided into three phases.

1 phase - call. First, the process of recreating the existing knowledge and meanings in connection with the material being studied is organized. At this stage, the awakening of the cognitive activity of students occurs. In parallel, work is underway with dictionary entries in order to concretize the target concepts. This is necessary for the child to make associations, parallels and face a question that he finds it difficult to answer. This is one of the most difficult and important stages. Here students formulate hypotheses, assumptions or questions.

At this stage of the lesson, such competencies as communicative and educational-cognitive competencies are formed.

Phase 2 - realization of meaning. Students work with information according to their goals: first, searching for the necessary information (working with text on cards), then independently comparing the considered material (comparing the description of the tribe and the hero). At the same time, the motives and actions of the characters are analyzed. The main technique is an analytical conversation.

Here such competencies as informational, communicative and educational-cognitive competencies are formed.

3 phase - reflection. At this stage, the main thing is building a new experience in the system of personal meanings. To do this, students compare the behavioral motives and mental state of the characters. In order to develop fantasy and imagination and the ability to think critically, the "Tree of Predictions" technique is used. At the end of the lesson, metasubject connections are built - a feat in their lives.

At this stage of the lesson, value-semantic competence is formed.

I believe that the educational possibilities of the content of the educational material were fully used. The proof that the children understood the meaning of the works was their correct answers. The students quite actively and with interest answered questions related to the meaning and artistic features of the legend.

Thus, the material of the lesson aroused the interest of the students, mutual understanding was reached between me and the students, which resulted in our active cooperation.

The goal of the lesson has been achieved.

If the material does not suit you, use the search

    I was always inspired by Danko... Maybe because I had such a childhood, such books, and such ideals in society... For me, Danko's act is certainly a feat, because he did not expect people to acknowledge or thank him. No matter how grandiloquent it may sound, he loved people and did not think that he was performing a feat or self-sacrifice. He saw no other way out for his people and did not know how to help in any other way.
    And the "cautious person" ... he also does not know how to live otherwise: carefully, no matter what happens, it's better to have a tit in the hand ... And then, next to people like Danko, it's not easy: you have to comply. What if someone, seeing Danko's burning heart, will raise it (both literally and figuratively: pick up the baton)? Then again - a difficult path, struggle, the need to reach out, to conform ...
    At any time there are people like Danko, and "cautious" people. The first is always very few, and the second - a lot. But it is Danko, Prometheus who move humanity forward. Not every feat is as bright, undoubted as the feat of Danko. Staying true to yourself, your principles, conscience is also a feat, it also moves you and the one who is next to you at this moment forward.

    Answer Delete
  1. For me, Danko's act is certainly courageous and thoughtful, because in our time it is very rare to find a real Hero (with a capital letter!). After all, not all people are able to take on such responsibility as Danko took. This young man can really be called a hero, leading many people who trust him. However, the act with the heart struck me, I did not expect such a turn of events.
    "Cautious person"... In my opinion, a "cautious person" is someone who always does not want to do or is afraid to do something superfluous or more. He takes the easy way so as not to make a mistake. And, unfortunately, there are more such people.
    I think that in our world it would not hurt to have more such valiant people as Danko. Let there be few of them, but they will serve as a prototype for still timid and timid young people and girls.

    Answer Delete
  2. I think that Danko acted like a real person!
    People would have remained to live in the forest and perish, if not for this brave man, a hero. Danko led them, despite the evil intentions on their part. The man loved them, was ready to do anything to save them. And these people behaved like little spoiled children. The climax of the story surprised me. I did not think that Danko would rip out his heart. He did it for the people, lit the way with his heart. Brought them out of the forest - saved their lives. I think he died, realizing that he coped with the task and fell asleep forever with a calm soul. All the people were happy about it. that they got out, but hardly at least one thanked Danko for this, because they didn’t even notice how the hero died ... I don’t understand why the “Cautious Man” behaved like that. He decided to just forget his savior? Or scared? If I met a person. resembling Danko, I would definitely shake his hand. Such people, heroes need to be known by sight, and not to trample on all the memories of them, like simple dirt. The same thing happened to Danko's heart...

    Answer Delete
  3. I think that Danko acted nobly, he knew how to love people. His attitude towards people is worthy of emulation. Love is not the only virtue that Danko had. That is why his heart burned so brightly - this is how the author speaks of love. He also believed that he would succeed in what he had planned. Without faith, his love and deed would be fruitless.
    The author also raises the theme of the ungrateful, capricious crowd in the legend, because people, having fallen into the thickest darkness of the forest and swamps of swamps, attacked Danko with reproaches and threats. They called him "an insignificant and harmful person", they decided to kill him. However, the young man forgave the people for their anger and unfair reproaches. He pulled out of his chest a heart that burned with a bright fire of love for these same people, and lit the way for them: “It (the heart) burned as brightly as the sun, and brighter than the sun, and the whole forest fell silent, lit by this torch of great love for people ... »
    For me, Danko's act is a feat. I believe that people like Danko should be in the modern world, they will serve as a good example for other people.

    Answer Delete
  4. (The work of Nikita Savelyev)
    To me, Danko's act, of course, seemed courageous and courageous. He was a man of extraordinary courage and courage, who managed to lead the people. And even when hope seemed to have faded, Danko was not afraid of death and tore his heart out of his chest. As for the man who crushed his heart, then, in my opinion, this act is nothing more than a fright of the courage of the noblest heart of Danko.
    In the modern world, people like Danko are, of course, needed. There are very few such people who force others to follow them.

    Answer Delete
  5. For me, Danko's act is something amazing, inspiring. Indeed, in our time there are no such people left ... Ready to sacrifice for the common good. And there are a great many "cautious people" in our world.
    I think that the "cautious person" was afraid of something new, not like everyone else. I think that this man was afraid of change, he was afraid of Danko himself.
    And, of course, in our world there is a critical lack of such people. Many are ready to lead society, but not for their own good, but for their own benefit. Danko tore out his heart, not in order to light the way for himself, and save himself. He did it for others. Not many people today are capable of that.

    Answer Delete
  6. From Alexandra Prokaeva
    It seems to me that Danko's act is worthy of respect, because not every person in our insidious world could do this, only out of pure love for people! This man was unusually brave and managed to lead so many people. When, it seemed, hope faded Danko tore his heart out of his chest in order to prove his love and devotion! But ungrateful people took it not as a feat, but as a miracle. They would not follow him and would not listen to him without making him so amazing, but at that At the same time, a risky step! I think the "cautious person" was afraid of Danko. He was afraid of the danger posed by Danka's still living heart. This person did not want other people to be affected by this act.
    It seems to me that Danko's act is worthy of respect. For me, he is a hero. I would like to see such people in our time ... to love disinterestedly and try for the good of society !!!

    Answer Delete
  7. Danko's act is certainly heroic, and in my opinion people like him are now very lacking. He was able to lead desperate people, and even their anger and anger could not overshadow that desire, that goal to help them, for which Danko led them. Danko sacrificed himself for these people. He
    ripped the heart out of his chest in order to dispel the fear that was born in the hearts and minds of this tribe. What is a "careful" person? Such a person is afraid and does not trust people like Danko. And Danko is a man of honor. He took on this no easy task, and he completed it no matter what.

    Answer Delete
  8. Danko's act was courageous, he acted like a man. Everyone in the forest would simply have died if not for Danko. He was not afraid of death. I was very impressed with this move. A cautious man shaving to do something not careful, that is, he goes straight, only along his safe path. Of course, in our time, such people are very much needed, but unfortunately, the more centuries, the less such people.

    Answer Delete
  9. I think that Danko's act is very brave, strong and heroic. Not everyone can make a sacrifice to save other people and become a hero. I treat him with respect. And as for the person who destroyed the heart, he is afraid of a saving deed. Danko is a person who knows how to keep promises made to himself. Set a goal and achieve it at any cost.

    Answer Delete
  10. I believe that Danko's act was noble, courageous and brave. This act is worthy of a real man. In our time, there are few such strong and courageous people. Such people are the ideals of modern society. A cautious man was afraid of the power that comes from Danko's heart. He acted vilely and horribly by stepping on that heart. I believe that people like Danko are sorely lacking in the modern world.

    Answer Delete
  11. Danko acted like a true patriot of his people, like a person who did not lose heart in a difficult moment, who retained optimism and hope for salvation, like a person who instilled this hope in the hearts of the people around him, sacrificing himself for the common good. In my opinion, this is a noble act.
    To achieve the goal, Danko and his people made a lot of efforts. Overcoming the difficult path was most difficult for the people, who were weakened by thoughts. "Cautious person" is a typical representative of this people. He was afraid of further difficulties, so he simply "stepped on his proud heart with his foot ...".
    I believe that people like Danko are simply necessary in the modern world, as they would be able to open new horizons, overcome all obstacles, lead people, be responsible for their actions, in general, be leaders and patriots. Otherwise, society will not progress without leaders and patriots.

    Answer Delete
  12. (The work of Tanya Mokeeva)
    I really like this hero. Danko is brave and courageous as is his act. After all, despite the fact that people in the middle of the road went berserk and wanted to kill him, Danko’s desire to help these people and get them out of this terrible forest soared even more. To tear his chest and pull out his heart from there for the sake of the people, not everyone dares, let alone resist such a huge influence people on Danko.

    Answer Delete
  13. Danko's act is brave and courageous. Not every person will agree to this. He has a chalk to love and appreciate people. Despite the fact that people in the middle of the path went berserk and wanted to kill him, Danko even more soared the desire to help these people and get them out of this terrible forest. He believed in people, he believed in himself. After all, Danko sacrifices his heart for the sake of the people.
    In this work, people protesting against Danko are clearly expressed. They were afraid of unnecessary dangers. They sat "idle," doing nothing to save them.
    For me, "cautious people" are those people who want to avoid trouble and trouble. Nowadays, there are a lot of “cautious people”, this is very bad. Nowadays, people lack such qualities as courage, courage and love for people, which Danko has.

    Answer Delete
  14. From Ivan Shatsky.
    Danko showed the highest degree of heroism and love for people. This hero is worthy of memory and admiration. He sacrificed the dearest - his own life. Danko tore out his heart from his chest in order to illuminate the dark path for people in an impenetrable dense forest. He saved people.
    People like Danko are very much needed in the modern world to remind people of the power of kindness and love.

    Answer Delete
  15. 1) I believe that Danko committed a very selfless and brave act. He led the people, but people were afraid of the dangerous path and began to blame the only one who tried to save them for all the troubles. They were afraid of any difficulties and tried to kill him, finding in him the culprit of all problems. But Danko still loved people, he felt sorry for them, and he sacrificed his life for people like them. Not everyone would be able to sacrifice themselves, not only for the sake of those who considered him their enemy, but even for the sake of a loved one.
    2) I believe that this cautious person crushed Danko's heart because it made people fearless in the face of any difficulties. Danko was the only person who could lead the people and he could do it thanks to his heart, but the cautious man no longer wanted such long journeys and with his act crossed out any attempt at the moral improvement of their people.
    3) People like Danko will always be needed by society. There are only a few such people, and there are millions of times more people like this people. And the further, the worse. Now you will not find a person who is able not only to overcome all difficulties, but also to help others overcome them, even at the cost of their own lives.

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  16. From Alena Dementieva.
    I think that Danko is a man with a capital letter. He was able to awaken in people faith in himself. Even when people took up arms against him, he did not lose faith not in himself, not in people. He is the only one who was able to put the inhabitants on the right path and help them fight for the life they want. Danko is a person who can help people and will do everything so that people do not give up and stop believing in themselves.
    It seems to me that the "cautious person" was afraid of the power that came from this heart. And so that suddenly, that did not work out, he decided to step on him, so that this power would not pass to another person. People like Danko are extremely lacking in the modern world, who could help people and be morally strong in order to direct people on the right path. He can overcome all the hardships and difficulties that come his way.

    Answer Delete
  17. I believe that Danko made the right, responsible and very brave act. Not every person is able to give his life for the sake of others. Even when people went berserk and tried to kill Danko, he did not give up and continued to lead these people, I can’t imagine how strong Danko was not only spiritually, but also physically.
    It seems to me that this man was afraid that there was such a powerful force in his heart that it could be transferred to other people. As for the modern world, there are very few people like Danko left in our world, the same brave, responsible and loving people who do not look at all adversity, ready to sacrifice everything they have to save other lives.

    Answer Delete
  18. From Arina Korzhikova.
    I believe that Danko made a very brave and courageous act, because only he was not afraid to go through a dense forest and sacrifice himself to save other people. Danko did not expect gratitude from people and with his kind heart lit the way for them.
    The "cautious man" was afraid for his life and did not risk it, which is why many people died in that swamp.
    Of course, in our time there are people like Danko, only there are very few of them compared to "cautious people." Indeed, in our time, almost every person is afraid to say something superfluous, inappropriate, and take the first step towards something good and bright.

    Answer Delete
  19. I believe that Danko committed an act that only a real person is capable of. Only a real, courageous person is able to sacrifice himself for the sake of other people. Danko did this act, first of all, not for himself and not for his glory, but for the sake of his honor and for the sake of people.
    The "cautious person" at that moment did not think about people, he thought about himself. If he had thought at that moment not about himself, then many people would have survived.

    With all my heart, I want that in our time there would be a large number of people capable of such an act as Danko. To my great regret, I am sure that every third person in our time is a cautious person.

    Answer Delete
  20. From Yana Matrosova.

    For me, Danko's act is a real feat. I think that Danko is a brave and courageous young man, because not everyone will be able to lead a huge number of people, taking responsibility for their lives, to sacrifice himself for the sake of people whom he didn’t really know, and without demanding anything in return. Far few are capable of such an act, sometimes it seems that there are simply no such people left in the modern world. Such a person as Danko is rare in our time. The hero has a passionate love for others, which helped him bring people to the goal, no matter what, he completed the work he had begun to the end, did not leave these people alone, helpless in this terrible forest, he loved people and nothing could interrupt this faith in people and in love in their hearts. It was his immense love for people that gave Danko fresh strength and energy.
    And "Cautious Man" is the exact opposite of Danko. This man, first of all, was afraid for his life, he did not care about the others, he acted only in his own interests, trying to survive in this cruel world, albeit not by honest means.
    I think that in our world it would not hurt to have more such brave and valiant people like Danko so that they can set an example for the future generation. Answer Delete

    (The work of Vasya Lvov)
    Danko's act is very noble, because he understood what they could expect. After long wanderings through the forest, people stopped believing in Danko with every step. Because they could only blame him, and they themselves were afraid to go without a person who was sure that they would get out. But when he noticed that the spirit of the people had weakened and they were ready to pounce on him, Danko looked at them sadly, which made his eyes shine even brighter, and people began to think that Danko was angry with them for treason, and thought that he will resist them to the last. But something else happened, Danko tore his chest with his own hands and tore out his heart, showing his courage and desire to save them. Danko led them through a dark, terrible forest. And soon they got out of it. When they entered the clearing, Danko was glad that he was able to fulfill his duty, his desire to save those people. But as it turned out, in fact, people were not worthy of the help of Danko, who saved their lives from death. One cautious person noticed the proud heart of Danko and this person stepped on him in fear, he no longer wanted difficult paths and in doing so, the cautious person deprived his people of the opportunity to improve in the spiritual aspect. People were cruel to Danko, they did not try to help him, they tried to save only themselves and such people are unlikely to be able to help anyone. But people like Danko deserve much more than to die for those who do not deserve it! Such people will always be needed by our cowardly and irresponsible society.

    Answer Delete
  21. Vlad Klepikov. Composition on the topic "The Legend of Danko".

    Danko lives in a tribe whose members are cheerful, strong and brave people. They live in a good place, where the nature is beautiful, not knowing the troubles and sorrows. Once foreign tribes came and drove this tribe into the depths of the forest. Hard times are coming for the Danko tribe. People are dying one after another, wives and children are crying, fathers have thought and fell into anguish. They were in an impossible situation. And then one day Danko appeared - strong, brave, both in body and soul. And he sought to save them. And he believed that there were wonderful places ahead where their tribe could settle. He told them that it was useless to waste energy on thought and longing. No wonder they say that water will not flow under a lying stone. He told them: "Everything in the world has an end. Let's go. Well. Gey.
    And people believed in the young hero and followed him. The path was very difficult. And people, having gone through a lot of wilds, having lost many tribesmen and not seeing the result, began to lose faith and hope for a good future. And then they decided to kill their leader because he could not lead them out of the forest, because he was young and inexperienced and in vain took up this matter. But Danko, despite the fact that people are ungrateful, still decides to save them. And finally, he brought people out of the forest and brought them to a free land, His tribe continued to live, and Danko himself died. People passed him and ran forward towards the sun and light, forgetting about Danko. Danko is definitely a hero. I really liked the legend of Danko, but I still think it is unfair. First of all, I was surprised by the ingratitude of the people who wanted to kill Danko first, and later, when Danko died, who passed by him. Answer Delete

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