What is the smallest musical instrument. oldest found musical instrument


If a child from childhood shows musical abilities and dreams of a career as a professional musician, then there is no need to grab his head and predict his life in complete poverty. The modern industry of holidays allows not only "star" musicians to earn good money. But a lot depends on the musical specialization and the “money” of the instrument.

Who are the richest musicians in the world?

The most profitable branch of the music industry is the author's pop-rock music. Accordingly, the richest musicians in the world are eminent singers and authors of popular songs, or members of pop-rock groups who are engaged in authorial creativity, and not re-singing and altering other people's compositions in their own way.

They earn tens, hundreds of millions of dollars a year and lead the life of an average oligarch who buys yachts and islands (for example, the fortune of Sting and Mick Jagger is estimated at about $300 million, Madonna - $650 million, Paul McCartney - $800 million). $, Bono - $1 billion, etc.).

The ability to compose beautiful, catchy, hit songs and perform them with a well-recognized voice is the main source of wealth and millions of royalties of musical world celebrities. And the best, "money" and "rich" musical instrument, coupled with the original author's work, is, of course, the human voice.

Unfortunately, classical and jazz musicians earn hundreds, thousands of times less than pop stars (although the fortune of the famous Russian violist Yuri Bashmet is estimated at $ 3 million, but this is more an exception than a rule). Almost all the money in this industry is concentrated in pop music.

Therefore, if your child loves to sing since childhood, and as a teenager begins to write songs in pop-rock style, and he has a real talent, then this is the surest way to climb the musical Olympus, including financially.

Unfortunately, or fortunately, only a few of those who write songs in their youth achieve this. But nothing prevents your teenager from trying himself in this direction, if he has a great desire to engage in author's music.

Just keep in mind that in Russia, unlike in Europe and the USA, where sometimes it is enough to write one hit song in order to then lead a comfortable life due to numerous royalties, it is almost impossible to make money on music content.

The main bread of musicians in Russia is concerts. The gifted also make money by composing music for commercials and movies.

No need to force a child to learn music and enter music universities

If you carefully study the biographies of famous pop-rock musicians, it turns out that most of them never studied music in any educational institutions and did not know the notes (for example, the greatest melodists and composers of the 20th century, Paul McCartney and John Lennon were not familiar with musical notation). But this did not prevent them from achieving great success in the musical field. They just followed their talent and learned music through practice, not theory.

Therefore, it is not necessary to require a child who is fond of music and composes songs to enter some musical universities and study musical notation. The number of self-taught people who have achieved great success in the field of pop-rock music far exceeds the number of those who studied the world's greatest art in special institutions.

Which musicians are most appreciated in Russia

Unfortunately, in the Russian music industry, it is not original talents that are most valued, but money and "hype". Therefore, the biggest Russian fees are earned by those musicians who most often flash on the television screen (Grigory Leps, Stas Mikhailov, Philip Kirkorov, Nikolai Baskov, Dima Bilan and others) and those in whom the producers “swell” the most money.

But nothing prevents your child from singing in English in the future so that his talents can be noticed at the international level, since this is not able to be done at home, where completely different things are valued. In any case, if a child has a talent for songwriting, this should be encouraged in every possible way, regardless of the presence or absence of external success and recognition of his work.

How the majority of graduates of music schools and conservatories make money with music in Russia

But even if your child does not manage to enter the big stage, this does not mean that he will not be able to earn money with music. The modern event industry (the sphere of organizing and holding various festive, business and promotional events) provides an excellent opportunity to receive decent money for numerous graduates of music schools, conservatories and simply talented self-taught musicians.

To do this, you need to perform popular songs and melodies at weddings, corporate parties, anniversaries, presentations, restaurants, cafes, shopping centers, etc. You just need to choose the right “monetary” musical instrument, which is in demand in the event industry, both in a solo version and as part of a musical group.

The most "money" musical instrument is the voice

The most popular musical instrument at festive events is, of course, the human voice. Owners of luxurious timbres, who can sing well, can make decent money at weddings and corporate parties, while spending a minimum of time on work.

The only problem is that there are too many wedding singers and singers, and it is not so easy to stand out among them in order to receive many bookings for performances. To do this, you need to find your niche, your repertoire and your customer. Then it will be possible to receive decent money for the performance of popular songs.

There is much less competition among wedding-corporate instrumentalists.
What musical instrument should a child choose to make decent money in the event industry?

Tenor saxophone - modern musical wedding king

If the button accordion was once the main musical king at weddings, today the sound reference points have shifted somewhat (although the button accordion and its closest relative the accordion are still in great demand at weddings in the rural outback and in small towns).

One of the most popular wedding instruments now is the saxophone, and in particular, the most harmonious and romantic tenor saxophone. Slightly less in demand in the event industry is the sharper-sounding alto saxophone.

Sometimes orders are received for the performance of compositions on the soprano saxophone at weddings. Other representatives of the saxophone family (bass saxophone, contrabass saxophone and baritone saxophone) do not appear at such events, although there are exceptions.

In any case, if your child decently masters the tenor saxophone and learns to play popular melodies on it with a beautiful, luxurious, rich sound (which is actually not so difficult, since this is not improvisation and not composing music), then he will have every chance successfully enter the event business. He will make good money at weddings and corporate parties, spending a minimum of working time on it.

For example, my friends saxophonists who play at weddings, corporate parties and presentations earn 50-60 thousand rubles, working only 8-10 hours a month! (one hour of their performance costs from 6 thousand rubles). For such a salary, many sales managers and representatives of office "plankton" have to sit out for a whole month, working within the standard 40-hour work week.

Can you imagine how much free time there is? It is enough to play an hour at a wedding or corporate party twice a week to lead a completely comfortable lifestyle. At the same time, you can still make decent money by giving private saxophone lessons.

Other musicians who play wind instruments (flutists, clarinetists, trombonists, oboists, etc.) are much less fortunate. They are extremely rarely invited to weddings and corporate parties, only if they are part of a musical group.

Violin - musical wedding queen

Among stringed instruments, the most popular in the event industry is, of course, the violin. This is the real musical queen of the wedding-corporate sphere. If the "Saxons" are mainly played by men, then among the wedding violinists there are many representatives of both sexes.

Other classical string instruments (cello, viola) are most often invited to such events as part of string trios and quartets.

One of the most popular instruments in the world, the synthesizer, oddly enough, is not very popular in the solo version at events. As a rule, pianists and keyboardists are invited to play for the background in cafes and restaurants, but not at weddings and corporate parties.

Much more popular are "singing keyboardists" who know many popular songs and can fill the breaks at the holidays with instrumental music.

The main instrument of pop-rock musicians is the guitar (both acoustic and electric), most often invited to festive events as part of duets and musical groups, or as an accompaniment for a singer.

If your teenager plays in a rock band, then he may well make decent money with it at weddings and corporate parties, performing cover versions of popular songs. However, since the performance of musical groups costs 4-5 times more than the performance of a solo musician, they invite them to weddings and corporate parties much less often than solo instrumentalists and vocalists.

Those who play exotic instruments, unfortunately, have to look for other sources of income (for example, they can periodically earn extra money as studio musicians). Musical connoisseurs and lovers of the exotic among the newlyweds, unfortunately, are very rare.

Instrumentalists can make money anywhere in the world

Best of all, of course, if your child becomes a multi-instrumentalist, he will confidently master several instruments (he will earn money on some, and play on others for the soul), and know a huge number of popular tunes. Then he will definitely be able to feed himself with music. Moreover, not only in Russia, but also in any corner of the planet, since instrumental music is a universal language that is understandable to all inhabitants of the Earth without any words.

Let music be your favorite hobby rather than a boring “obligation”

But even if he can't break into the big stage, and doesn't want to play "money" instruments, but writes complex, experimental music that can't be sold, there's no need to worry about it. Let the greatest art in the world become a favorite hobby and passion for him, than a tedious "obligation" to perform other people's songs in order to cut down more "dough". Only now he will have to earn a living in some other area.

Article provided by:

Alexey Kormushkin,
especially for DEINFORM

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Good afternoon My son loves to sleep naked because everything constantly interferes with him, presses, presses, etc. During the day, he pulls his shirt, then pulls his shorts down, then his neck, he is very active and constantly corrects something from his clothes. Since during the day in the garden you can’t undress and put him down at night, at least in shorts, so that he gets used to it, but most often at night he takes everything off. And not so long ago, in general, he began to lower his underpants on the priest, i.e. not completely take off, I wake him up - and the panties on the pope are lowered. What does this mean? Why is the child doing this? What should I do - should I pay attention to it?

People not only invented and improved musical instruments, they also tried to increase and decrease their size. And if the smallest musical instrument can also make any sounds, then there will be a lot of people who want to get to know it.

The smallest piano

In 2006, Sega Toys released a miniature piano weighing 2.5 kilograms. This is the smallest keyboard instrument on which you can play a piece of music. The width of each of its keys is 4 mm, and there are 88 of them in total.

The smallest guitar

At Cornell University in New York, in the department of nanotechnology, a guitar was created from silicon with a size of 10 microns (this is the length of a blood cell). It contains 6 strings, each 50 nanometers thick and can even be played, albeit with a laser beam.

The smallest harmonica

Since the beginning of the 19th century, the Hohner company has been mass-producing harmonicas in the form of a keychain. It is called "Little Lady", contains only 4 holes and has a range of 1 octave. Its length is 5 cm, and its width is 15 mm.

The smallest violin

Here, masters from all over the world staged a whole competition and the record is constantly changing downwards. The Chinese master Chen, working for 7 years, created a 2 cm violin, and before that there was an instrument 3.5 cm long. It is made of maple, is fully functional, all parts are made using real technology - it's just hard to understand how it can be played. But those who are fond of active sports can learn the rules in airsoft - clearly, briefly, quickly and go to play their favorite game.

American miniaturist David Edwards broke his record by creating a 1.5 cm violin. It is a copy of Stradivari's creations and costs only 1000 pounds.

Ukrainian master Mikhail Maslyuk from Zhmerinka sculpted a violin 11.5 mm high back in the 80s. Only on a penny coin there will be 5 of them.

Nikolai Sryadisty, a resident of Kyiv, constantly competed with Maslyuk and created a violin that fits in the eye of a needle and has a size of 3.5 mm. It completely copies the famous Stradivarius violin and consists of 50 parts.

The smallest balalaika

The same story happened with the balalaika. First, Maslyuk made a musical instrument the size of a poppy seed. Ryadisty placed the balalaika in a case, and his in a poppy shell. Zhmerinsky's "left-hander" performed a musician sitting on a chair, playing the balalaika and looking into the music stand - and all this in a poppy shell.


At the Dutch University of Trent in the city of Enschede, a group of students invented a device based on microchip technology. The instrument consists of strings, each up to 1 mm long and a few micrometers thick (which is ten times thinner than a human hair). Small combs and weights are fixed on these strings. By controlling them from a computer, with the help of electrostatic force, sound vibrations can be obtained.

The vibrations themselves are only a few micrometers long, but the computer amplifies the sound so that the human ear can hear it. Each chip contains a specific key, and several hundred are capable of reproducing an entire musical orchestra.

Students have already performed a special composition "Improvisation for Micronium" on it. When creating the smallest musical instrument in the world, they tried to achieve complete sterility, and then the device was placed in a vacuum so that no dust particles would affect the sound quality.

In addition to the world record "the smallest musical instrument", this device can be considered the beginning of the era of nanotechnology in music - any sound generated by the instrument is not without noise and linear distortion in the recording, and born in a vacuum will be reproduced much cleaner.

We present to your attention a list of the ten most difficult musical instruments to learn. Please note that the musical instruments listed are do not contain order. If you know other more difficult musical instruments to master, be sure to share them in the comments.

The oboe is a woodwind musical instrument with a melodious, but somewhat nasal, sharp timbre. It first appeared in the middle of the 17th century when it was called hautbois. Today, the oboe is widely used in chamber music concerts, orchestras, in some genres of folk music, as a solo instrument, and can also be heard in jazz, rock and pop music.

One of the most complex musical instruments in the world is the "horn" - a musical instrument from the wind group, derived from a hunting signal horn. It is used mainly in symphony and brass bands, as well as a solo instrument.

The violin is a bowed, usually four-stringed musical instrument, descended from an ancient Indian stringed instrument called the Ravanahatha, brought to Italy by Arab traders between the 10th and 16th centuries. The name of the violin comes from the Italian word Violino, which literally means "small viola". It acquired its modern look in Italy in the 16th century, and in the 18th century it was slightly modified. Instruments made between the 16th and 18th centuries are highly prized by collectors, especially the Stradivari and Guarneri violins. It is a solo musical instrument.

An organ is a keyboard musical instrument that produces sound by releasing compressed air through a system of pipes. It is one of the oldest musical instruments, whose history is traced in ancient Greece as far back as the third century BC. Organs are common in Catholic churches and some synagogues, and are often used to accompany religious services. In the early 20th century, these instruments were often installed in movie theaters to accompany films musically during the silent film era. The world's largest operating organ is the Wanamaker Organ, which is located in Macy's Lord & Taylor shopping center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA and consists of 28,482 pipes.

The bagpipe is an ancient folk wind instrument that has been part of the culture of Scotland and Ireland for centuries. It was especially popular in the Middle Ages, where it was used in military bands. It is believed that the bagpipe from Asia to Europe came in the 9th century due to the fact that it was common in the Eastern Roman Empire. The sound of this instrument is very sharp and strong.

Another most complex musical instrument is the "Harp" - a stringed musical instrument known from antiquity in Asia, Africa and Europe, starting from 3500 BC. e. For many centuries it has been the political symbol of Ireland.

The piano is a stringed musical instrument that is widely used in classical music. Its inventor is the Italian harpsichord maker Bartolomeo Cristofori di Francesco, who designed the first piano in Florence in 1711. Although the instrument is quite bulky and often expensive, its versatility and ubiquity have made the piano one of the most famous musical instruments in the world.

The accordion is a keyboard-pneumatic musical instrument, which was designed in 1829 by the Viennese organ master K. Demian. It is a modern version of the hand harmonica. The accordion is not used in classical or symphony orchestras due to its specific sound, but is traditionally associated with folk music. More generally, the instrument is used as a solo. Widely spread throughout the world. The accordion is the official instrument of the city of San Francisco, California, USA.

The classical guitar is a stringed musical instrument with six strings and a wide variety of tones. It is used as a solo, ensemble and accompanying instrument. It has existed in its modern form since the second half of the 17th century.

Drum set - a set of drums, cymbals and other percussion instruments. Today it is perceived as a single musical instrument, although in fact it is a number of different instruments, each of which has its own history and existed long before the advent of the drum set. This instrument originated after the advent of jazz, around the 1890s, when New Orleans drummers began to adapt their drums so that one player could play several instruments at once. The number of instruments in the kit is different for each performer and depends on his playing style.

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For many, the love for music comes already at a conscious age, when there is simply no time to visit music schools. Below is a list of musical instruments that are easy to learn to play.


Even teachers of classical music schools confirm that the guitar is the easiest instrument to learn among the strings. The thing is that for the development of an ear for music with its help, systematic hard training is enough, for which you need no more than an hour a day.

You just need to learn a couple of chords - and you can already play a simple melody. With each new chord you learn and the way you play it, you have many times more variety of possible melodies.


It is very easy to play the drums at all - everything is run by a sense of rhythm. To get started, take small classic drums in the amount of 2-3 pieces. Gradually increase their number and add new instruments, like cymbals. Over time, you will assemble a complete set of bass, snare, floor drums.

By the way, good drummers are in high demand among many bands, so your talent may come in handy in the future.

One of the few downsides to these tools is that a large installation requires a lot of space, which is often lacking at home. In addition, the drums are very noisy, and you can only rehearse on them until 8 pm.


Among those who blow and trumpet, there are also instruments that are not difficult to learn to play.

These include zafun - a hybrid model, a mixture of clarinet body and saxophone whistle. Despite the fact that it resembles an ordinary pipe, the zafun makes interesting sounds similar to a clarinet or an oboe. The range of this brass is not very wide, but it is quite interesting to play it.

There is another option: the saxonet is an instrument similar to the zafun, mainly with a wooden body. It is often used in elementary grades of music schools to teach children how to extract sound from reeds.


Of course, an instrument like the piano requires perseverance from a person who wants to learn how to play it. But there are simplified variations - for example, a synthesizer. Some of them initially have a tutorial program.

An electronic keyboard with a reduced number of keys but expanded sound functionality will allow you to create original compositions with different sounds. You can even achieve the effect of playing multiple instruments at the same time.

If you want to perform with a synthesizer on the street or in concert halls, it is better to purchase additional speakers - they will significantly increase the volume and power of the sound delivery. Especially beginner musicians like small models that can be carried from place to place, simply by putting them in a briefcase.


Surely you have seen lonely cowboys with this tool in their hands in many films about the Wild West. In fact, learning to play it is not difficult.

The peculiarity lies in the fact that while playing the harmonica, the musician perceives the sound differently than his listeners, due to touching his lips and hands. To understand your sound, record it on a voice recorder.

Start your lessons by playing chords and individual sounds, gradually moving on to their bundles and playing simple melodies. Watch and listen to the performances of professional harmonists - harpers. Copying their style at first will be good for you.

This video, using the harmonica as an example, shows the process of choosing a musical instrument for beginners:

Do you know where the largest musical instrument in Russia is located? This huge organ is installed in the Svetlanov Hall of the Moscow International House of Music. The organ weighs 30 tons, the total height is about 15 meters, like a five-story building, the total number of pipes in the organ is six thousand. The largest pipes reach a length of 10 meters. Let's get to know this amazing tool closer and even look inside.

2. The project of the organ of the Moscow International House of Music was developed specifically for the Svetlanov Hall long before the opening of the concert venue.
“The hall and the organ must be created together, at the same time, as if for each other,” explains Pavel Nikolayevich Kravchun, associate professor of the Department of Acoustics at Moscow State University and chief caretaker of the organs of the Moscow International House of Music, who participated in the creation of the instrument.

3. The organ was built in Germany by the world famous consortium of German firms Glatter Gotz (Ovingen) and Klais (Bonn). It was manufactured and initially assembled in Bonn in the spring of 2004, transported to Moscow in the summer. It took six months to install and set up the instrument. The solemn opening ceremony of the organ took place on December 21, 2004. In the spring of the following year, the first organ festival was held in the Svetlanov Hall with the participation of outstanding musicians from around the world.

4. The organ control panel of the House of Music has four manual keyboards (manuals) located one above the other, each keyboard has 61 keys. Another 32 pedal keys are on the foot (pedal) keyboard. In addition, there are many auxiliary buttons and handles on the remote control.

5. Using the knobs, you can turn on or off the corresponding register, that is, a group of pipes of the same timbre. In total, there are 84 such registers and two more sound-visual ones. Each register constitutes, as it were, a separate musical instrument, for example, a flute, an oboe, or even Christmas bells. It turns out that the handles turn on the necessary registers, and the keys open the air to the pipes of specific tones. If drawbars are off, the organ will not sound when a key is pressed.

6. A certain group of pipes is assigned to each keyboard. The connection of the keys with the valves that open the access of air to most of the pipes is mechanical. Therefore, the farther the pipes are from the performer, the harder the keys responsible for them are pressed. For example, the first keyboard is associated with pipes located a meter away from the organist, its keys are pressed easily and without hindrance. And the fourth keyboard is responsible for the outermost pipes located in the upper part of the organ - there the keys are pressed through with some difficulty (of course: from it to the pipes 13 meters up and a few more meters to the left and right).
The shamad registers and the lowest-sounding pedal registers are electrically connected, since air pressure creates a large force on the valves.

7. Three huge fans are responsible for supplying air to the pipes. Previously, before the advent of electric motors, air was forced into the organs by specially trained people who stomped on huge pumps - furs.

8. They play the organ with their hands and feet at the same time. The possibilities and sound of the instrument are amazing. The range of this organ is from infrasound (8 hertz) to ultrasound. In terms of sound volume, the organ is comparable to a whole symphony orchestra.

9. This is how a recording of a work for organ looks like. Given that all organs are different, a lot of performance depends on the specific organ and organist.

10. The feet have their own pedal board.

11. You can also control the sound volume with your feet.

12. Pavel Nikolaevich is a wonderful storyteller and a very enthusiastic person. Organs are his whole life. He became interested in this instrument while still a schoolboy, because of the organ he entered the Department of Acoustics of the Physics Department of Moscow State University, now he is a leading specialist in organs in Russia. We were very lucky with the tour.

13. A few words about the hall. It is finished with larch for better sound.

14. For better acoustics, many panels are fixed at angles.

15. But that's not all. In order to have good acoustics throughout the hall, a special Constellation system is used. The principle of operation of Constellation can be described as follows. Microphones pick up sound in certain parts of the hall, then the processor processes this sound according to a certain algorithm and sends it to the speakers located in the hall. In this way, the room acoustics can be simulated and controlled.

16. Depending on the settings, you can achieve sound like in a cathedral or in a huge hall, the dimensions of which are several times larger than the real dimensions of the hall.

17. Now let's go see how the organ looks from the other side. We take the elevator up a few floors.

18. This is what an organ looks like from the inside. A huge number of pipes and intricacies of mechanisms.

19. Mechanical rods go from the keys to the pipes. When you press the key, the shutters open and the pipes sound.

20. Rods are made of wood. Attempts to replace the tree with metal cables were unsuccessful, the metal is too sensitive to temperature changes.

21. The pipes in the organ are made of different materials, there are metal pipes made of an alloy of tin and lead and wooden ones - made of pear, pine and oak. The timbre and pitch of the sound depend on the design of the pipe, material and size.

22. The wall thickness of metal pipes is only 0.5 mm, the alloy is very soft, if you carelessly touch the pipe, you can leave a dent.

23. The organ is a rather “weather-sensitive” device, temperature and humidity changes can affect the sound quality. Therefore, the microclimate is monitored very carefully.

24. The design of the pipes provides for the possibility of customization. It is different for different pipes, some are equipped with special tongues, the smallest pipes need to be flared or rolled.

25. Organ tuning lasts several hours and is performed before each concert. It takes tremendous patience to tune the organ.

26. This is what the "mouth" of the pipe looks like. Through it the pipe "sings".

27. The smallest pipes are several centimeters in size. It is even surprising that these little ones can sound for the whole hall.

28. Remember the pipes sticking out on the facade? This is how they look from the balcony inside the organ.

29. In general, the instrument is fantastic, you should definitely listen to it.

30. Many thanks to the Moscow International House of Music for the most interesting tour.

And a very short video:

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