What program is best for making a presentation. How to create a presentation on a computer

  • Platforms: Windows, macOS, web, Android and iOS.
  • Price: from 3,400 rubles per year as part of the Office 365 software package, the web version is available for free.

This program is so popular that its name has become a household name. When it comes to presentation software, PowerPoint is the first thing that comes to mind for most users.

It is worth noting that this popularity is well deserved. PowerPoint offers all the features you need to create stylish, interactive presentations. A large number of editing tools, backgrounds, templates and fonts, the ability to work in a team over the Web, insert video, audio, tables and graphics - all this and much more is in PowerPoint.

In truth, there are so many features and settings that this abundance can confuse a novice user. But for authors who create complex, professional presentations, PowerPoint is perfect.

  • Platforms: macOS, web and iOS.
  • Price: for free.

Apple Keynote is another software heavyweight that can easily compete with Microsoft PowerPoint on an equal footing. Keynote comes with a rich set of beautiful effects, themes, fonts, and versatile text editing tools to make your ideas look professional. The project allows you to work collaboratively over the Internet and is compatible with PowerPoint formats.

The main differences between the two products include the cost and number of supported platforms. So, Apple Keynote does not have versions for Windows (although it is available through the site) and Android, but it is offered free of charge to all owners of iOS devices and Macs.

  • Platforms: web, chrome, android and ios.
  • Price: for free.

Google Slides has attracted a huge number of users working in teams. This is because the developers have placed special emphasis on collaborative editing of presentations, having worked best on the online part of the project. You can edit slides together with colleagues in real time. Changes made by each user are recorded in a special log.

However, you can edit and save presentations offline. Just install the browser extension. Here you'll find most of the basic slide features found in PowerPoint. In addition, the Google service works great with PowerPoint formats, is very easy to learn, and is available for free.

  • Platforms: Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS.
  • Price: for free.

Impress is a simplified alternative to PowerPoint and other professional presentation software. This program lacks a beautiful interface, some design features and online functions for working in teams. In addition, the Impress apps for mobile devices have been heavily stripped down.

On the other hand, unlike many competitors, the program is absolutely free, available on all platforms and is compatible even with older OS versions like Windows XP.

5. Prezi

  • Platforms: Windows, macOS, Android and iOS.
  • Price: Free or from $15/month for offline version.

Among other programs from the list, Prezi stands apart. The creators of this project abandoned the usual slide format. Your presentation looks like one big map on which you can place text, videos, pictures and other information. During the show, the image does not move from slide to slide, but from one section of the map to another. At the same time, the desired areas are enlarged with the help of beautiful effects.

Prezi can be used for business presentations as well, but it's best suited for creative presentations. Even without the skills of a designer, you can create a dynamic non-linear presentation that can present absolutely any topic in a fascinating way. There are plenty of design features in Prezi. There is also an opportunity to work with colleagues online.

06/02/2017 14:19

In the line of special tools for creating presentations, PowerPoint stands out. The Microsoft program, which is part of the office suite, helps both experienced and inexperienced users create, view and deliver beautiful presentations. The extensive functionality of the software allows you to visualize your material with high quality and variety, present it to the audience in the form of a bright, spectacular and memorable show.

By mastering Microsoft's presentation and slideshow software, you'll learn the art of visualization. Any idea presented in such an accompaniment will be better absorbed by the listeners. With the help of a presentation, you can teach schoolchildren and students, demonstrate engineering and design projects, films, music videos and photographs, make presentations to an audience, and even arrange a theatrical performance. PowerPoint allows you to create a presentation of any complexity: from the usual (with pictures, tables, etc.) to the complex, replete with animation special effects. It all depends on the audience, the goal, your imagination and how successful you are in mastering the functionality of the program.

How to make a presentation in PowerPoint or ten steps towards the goal

Step 1. Come up with a concept.

First, the text part of the speech is worked out, and then it is already accompanied by visualization elements. The presentation cannot replace the report, it comes in addition: it helps to convey information to the listener, presents it visually. That is why you must first decide on the concept of the report, and only after that think over the plot, script, structure of the presentation show.

To develop the right concept, give answers to such questions.:

  1. What goal do you want to achieve with this presentation?
  2. Who will listen to the speech (audience characteristics)?
  3. What visual elements are planned to be used in the presentation?
  4. What is the duration of the performance?

Step 2. Project start.

Launch PowerPoint and use the corresponding function to create a new slide show (like the page of a Word document). Click on the option in the navigation bar and decide on the layout. It can become both a layout for an individual slide, and for the presentation as a whole.

Helpful Tips:
  • A large amount of information is difficult to perceive, it distracts a person, does not allow him to concentrate. Ideally, one slide will contain one block with text, videos, photos, tables and other elements.

Step 3. Templates to help.

For those who create a presentation for the first time, it is possible to use pre-installed templates, which greatly simplifies the matter. And only when PowerPoint is mastered inside and out, you can create custom samples that will meet your specific requirements and tasks.

Since we are creating our first presentation so far, we select a template that is already preinstalled in the program. To open the menu, press the Office Button and select New. The Templates group and the Empty & Recent command will appear in a new window. By double-clicking on the "New Presentation" button, we create a project.

You can also use the Installed Templates command. By clicking on it, you can choose the type of template from a classic or modern photo album, advertising booklet, quiz, widescreen presentation. The choice of this or that template is determined by the form of the presentation.

Step 4. Customize the appearance.

This step is important and necessary. Open the Design tab and from there go to Themes. Decide on the topic of the document and select the one you want. The appearance of the slides can also be changed. Open the "Slides" tab, decide on a theme and apply it to one or more slides by clicking on the appropriate command.

Themes preinstalled in the program are suitable for all presentations. And to make the selected theme unique, there are separate buttons with which you can select the background, color, animation effects.

Experienced PowerPoint users don't use built-in themes, they create their own. To do this, you need to apply your own photos and images.

  • The text must stand out against the background, otherwise it will be difficult to read.
  • The more color solutions, especially colorful shades, the more difficult the text is perceived. The main thing here, as in clothes, is not to overdo it with colors and make them compatible.
  • Three or four combined shades ideally concentrate the attention of the audience, increase the perception of information.

Step 5. The correct font.

When working with a presentation, just like in Word documents, you can change fonts by choosing the type, color, size. In a word, if you are familiar with Microsoft Office programs, then you will learn how to work in PowerPoint.

To select a graphic design of letters and symbols, open the "Home" tab and decide on the font, its color and size. Then fill in the "Title" and "Text" fields of the created slide.
  • The text on the slide should be divided into two parts. There are main words and auxiliary ones that complement the main idea of ​​the message. And accordingly, an important part of the text should be highlighted. This can be done with an unusual font, size, color and, of course, special effects. You can also make it so that the main information comes first, and then the additional information. In a word, in order to convey the main idea of ​​the slide, it is necessary to place the accents correctly.
  • Solid text (same color, font size) is not allowed. Divide the information into semantic blocks and apply a different font size for each. Headings, subheadings, comments to images, main text should be visually highlighted.
  • It is important to arrange the text so that it stands out, visually attracts attention. Underline key words, write in italics or bold, pay special attention to headings - they should catch the eye.
  • Do not write more than six lines in a slide, otherwise there can be no talk about the effectiveness of information perception.
  • For the entire presentation, preferably choose one font.
  • Don't use hard-to-read fonts. The interlocutor must read the line instantly, and not decipher exotic "squiggles".
  • A large amount of textual information on one slide is difficult to understand. Better 10 capacious words than a "sheet" of text.

Step 6. More visibility!

If the plot of the presentation allows and is necessary for a better visual perception, apply a variety of elements. It can be an image, a diagram, a clip, a collage, a diagram, a table - anything that serves as a visual proof of your information. To place any element on the slideshow, use the "Insert" tab or known commands.

Helpful Tips:
  • It's best if you don't use text-wrapped images. Text is digested more efficiently if it accompanies a graphic element located on a separate page (in this case, a slide).
  • All graphic material used in the presentation must be of high quality. Do not include small images. A stretched photo will ruin the entire presentation.

Step 7. Soundtrack.

Music, sound track - an attribute of a win-win presentation. Click on "Insert", open "Media Clips" and select "Sound". A window with lists of commands will open, select "Sound from file". Another window will open in which you need to specify the folder with your music and select the file type. Decide on how to play the audio track (on click or in automatic mode). If you choose the former, the Audio Work tab will appear. Go to "Sound Options" and set up playback commands.

Helpful Tips:
  • Do not put on loud music and sound: the audience must hear your performance
  • As you understand, hard rock cannot accompany your performance. Choose calm music.

Step 8. Effects.

Their use decorates the presentation, makes it diverse, adds emotionality and semantic load. Animation effects can be applied to any graphic element or object, if they are, of course, appropriate. Animation is configured on the corresponding tab. In order to add an effect for a graphic, object, text, click on it and adjust the animation by clicking on the corresponding item. Added effects can be changed.

Helpful Tips:
  • The abundance of special effects does not diversify the presentation, but, on the contrary, will harm it. The audience is distracted by the attention-grabbing animation, skipping the textual content.
  • Animation inserts should be used minimally and carry a semantic load.
  • Effects are appropriate for highlighting facts, figures, keywords, in conclusion.

Step 9. Slide transition effects.

When one slide in a presentation is replaced by another using animation effects, it attracts attention. PowerPoint has many preset transition types - blinds, checkers, rectangles, vertical and horizontal unions.

To apply the same type of transition to each slide in your presentation, click the Animation tab. Click first on your thumbnail and then on "Go to next slide". Here you can select the desired effect.

The slide transition effects you choose can be customized. If you want to change the speed, click on "Go to the next slide" and select the appropriate button. By clicking on it, set the values ​​you need. You can also change the order of slide transition effects. To do this, you need to go to the appropriate group and make settings: slides can change on click or automatically.

An audio track is added to the slide transition effects. Open the Animation tab and then the Transition to the next slide. Select the Transition Sound button. If the sound is in the list, click on it. If you need to add a sound not from the list, click on the "Other sound" command. Find the file on your computer and add it using the OK button.

  • Frequent sound when changing slides is unacceptable.
  • Do not use automatic slide change.
  • Be sure to indicate in the test where the slides change.
  • The person who deals with organizational issues should also have a text with these tips.

Step 10. The presentation is ready!

Each slide is ready and now you can look at the entire presentation. Click "Slide Show" and start watching. If you don't like something in your work, you can always correct it. To return to the slides, press the "Escape" key. Be sure to save the modified and viewed slide.
  • When a presentation is visually appealing through colorful objects, graphic elements, and vibrant animations, that's good. But the skill of the orator in this matter is still the main thing.


By learning how to work in PowerPoint step by step, you will be able to create vivid, memorable presentations and skillfully present them to different audiences. The Microsoft Office program with each new slide show will surprise you with its functionality. And you will have the feeling that this tool cannot be mastered to the end. But each new presentation will be better and better, which means that you have learned all its lessons for five.

To download a program for creating, viewing, showing slide shows and presentations on your computer, use the official source - site.

Microsoft's Power Point presentation program has become a powerful tool for designing the visual component of any report. No serious performance is complete without a video presentation or slideshow. The ability to create them will become a reliable assistant to any speaker.

How to create a powerpoint presentation

You will need a computer or laptop to work. The second option is preferable because it can be brought to the venue and connected immediately to the projector. Before you make a presentation in powerpoint, you need to find all the information that will be used, draw up a report plan. Remember that the program saves the result in pdf e-book format, it can only be played through powerpoint or PDF Reader.

Before starting production, it is important to clearly understand that the presentation is a reinforcement and accompaniment of your words, but not a replacement. You should think through all the components well, find the necessary materials. The concept of the performance will form the basis of the design, structure, font selection, and more. Here is what should be the base before making a beautiful presentation in powerpoint:

  • theme for the presentation;
  • text;
  • drawings, photos and graphics (where relevant);
  • music and other sounds (if musical accompaniment is also considered).

To get started, turn on the powerpoint presentation editor. And here you will face several important tasks:

  • use a ready-made template;
  • create each slide separately manually;
  • use a standard design or make your own.

Presentation title page design

Making a title page is both easy and difficult at the same time. As a rule, it contains the title of the report, the company, the name and surname of the speaker - nothing complicated. However, the first slide creates the first impression, which, as you know, cannot be made a second time. In many modern versions, when creating the main page, only the topic of the report is used. For this you need:

  1. Select "Create Slide" from the top menu.
  2. Right-click on it and select "Layout" from the drop-down menu.
  3. In the next drop-down submenu "Header Only".
  4. Move the frame that appears to the center or to the top of the sheet with the mouse.
  5. Enter the required text.

Background for power point

In the program, you can make a picture a background or use one of the ready-made color schemes (schemes). Settings allow you to apply drawings to the entire document or to individual selected pages. To assign a design to the entire file:

  1. Select the "Design" menu.
  2. Go to the "Themes" tab.
  3. Activate your favorite.

In some cases, it is necessary to highlight one specific or group of slides so that the style does not match the rest of the presentation. To do this, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Go to the "Slides" tab.
  2. Select with the mouse the pages to which you want to apply a different design.
  3. In the "Themes" tab, right-click on the desired option.
  4. Select Apply to Selected Slides.

How to make a slide

The basis of any report with visual accompaniment are presentation slides. To create, you need to find the “create slide” icon on the top panel and click. If you do not find such a button, then you can go through the "Home" menu section and find it there. Next, you will have the opportunity to design a section: insert text, pictures, create a background, etc. If necessary, slides can be deleted or numbered. To do this, select the desired one in the left column and press the “delete” button on the keyboard. You can swap frames by dragging them in the left menu with the mouse.

text in powerpoint

After the report is created, it must be issued. As a rule, all pages should have text - short phrases or whole sentences. You can insert text directly from other documents or add it yourself, for example:

  1. Select the area you want and click on it.
  2. Type the required text.
  3. Using the powerpoint top menu, which is very similar to Word, adjust the font, size, color.
  4. You can move the text with the mouse.

Working with pictures

When you need to make a beautiful, visual and cool presentation, use pictures, photographs and graphics. The latter are now particularly popular, because they are easy to perceive and see specific data that carries a semantic load. To style your presentation in this style, you need to use the image insertion features in your document. To add a photo, do the following:

  1. In the top menu of powerpoint, select the "Insert" section.
  2. In the submenu there will be a button called "Picture".
  3. An additional window will appear, through which find the location where the file is stored and select the picture by clicking the "Insert" button.
  4. You can move the drawing with the mouse.
  5. The frame surrounding the file helps to resize, just drag the corner.

How to make a presentation with music

You can make a presentation with a musical component, but you should be very careful in this matter. The slide show should play a secondary role and not distract the audience from the speaker. It is appropriate to use musical accompaniment only if it complements the performance, does not distract from the main idea and awareness of what the person is saying. On the other hand, this is another interactive tool that creates an atmosphere, so you can use it. How to add music to a presentation in Power Point:

  1. Find sample music online.
  2. At the top of the powerpoint menu, go to the "Insert" tab.
  3. In the submenu, find the Media Clips button.
  4. In the drop-down submenu, select the sound.
  5. In the window that appears, find the desired file and click "Insert".
  6. Next, you can make the audio in powerpoint play automatically when you go to the slide or by clicking on it.

Slideshow presentation

In some cases, the presentation consists of only a visual component, with short comments by the speaker. As a rule, this is a report on the work done or simply a presentation of the appearance of the product. The person in the hall will look at the image, which is what the emphasis is on. For such cases, the slideshow function is well suited. The frames themselves will change with a certain delay in time. To do this you need:

  1. Create a new presentation.
  2. Go to the "Insert" tab, select the "Photo Album" section.
  3. In the window that appears, click on the "File or disk" button.
  4. In the explorer window, select all the necessary images.
  5. Optimally, in the lower part of the window, select the “Fit to Slide” item from the “Picture Size” drop-down menu.
  6. Click Create.

After that, all the pictures will appear, each separately, and one will be the title page. The word "Photo Album" and your name will also be written there. If desired, this text can be deleted or replaced with any other. You can then modify these slides as you like according to your needs, add and remove them, add music. Then just save the presentation.

Video: Animate in a PowerPoint Presentation

  • Platforms: Windows, macOS, web, Android and iOS.
  • Price: from 3,400 rubles per year as part of the Office 365 software package, the web version is available for free.

This program is so popular that its name has become a household name. When it comes to presentation software, PowerPoint is the first thing that comes to mind for most users.

It is worth noting that this popularity is well deserved. PowerPoint offers all the features you need to create stylish, interactive presentations. A large number of editing tools, backgrounds, templates and fonts, the ability to work in a team over the Web, insert video, audio, tables and graphics - all this and much more is in PowerPoint.

In truth, there are so many features and settings that this abundance can confuse a novice user. But for authors who create complex, professional presentations, PowerPoint is perfect.

  • Platforms: macOS, web and iOS.
  • Price: for free.

Apple Keynote is another software heavyweight that can easily compete with Microsoft PowerPoint on an equal footing. Keynote comes with a rich set of beautiful effects, themes, fonts, and versatile text editing tools to make your ideas look professional. The project allows you to work collaboratively over the Internet and is compatible with PowerPoint formats.

The main differences between the two products include the cost and number of supported platforms. So, Apple Keynote does not have versions for Windows (although it is available through the site) and Android, but it is offered free of charge to all owners of iOS devices and Macs.

  • Platforms: web, chrome, android and ios.
  • Price: for free.

Google Slides has attracted a huge number of users working in teams. This is because the developers have placed special emphasis on collaborative editing of presentations, having worked best on the online part of the project. You can edit slides together with colleagues in real time. Changes made by each user are recorded in a special log.

However, you can edit and save presentations offline. Just install the browser extension. Here you'll find most of the basic slide features found in PowerPoint. In addition, the Google service works great with PowerPoint formats, is very easy to learn, and is available for free.

  • Platforms: Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS.
  • Price: for free.

Impress is a simplified alternative to PowerPoint and other professional presentation software. This program lacks a beautiful interface, some design features and online functions for working in teams. In addition, the Impress apps for mobile devices have been heavily stripped down.

On the other hand, unlike many competitors, the program is absolutely free, available on all platforms and is compatible even with older OS versions like Windows XP.

5. Prezi

  • Platforms: Windows, macOS, Android and iOS.
  • Price: Free or from $15/month for offline version.

Among other programs from the list, Prezi stands apart. The creators of this project abandoned the usual slide format. Your presentation looks like one big map on which you can place text, videos, pictures and other information. During the show, the image does not move from slide to slide, but from one section of the map to another. At the same time, the desired areas are enlarged with the help of beautiful effects.

Prezi can be used for business presentations as well, but it's best suited for creative presentations. Even without the skills of a designer, you can create a dynamic non-linear presentation that can present absolutely any topic in a fascinating way. There are plenty of design features in Prezi. There is also an opportunity to work with colleagues online.

A computer presentation is a stream of slides with music, special effects, and animation. Often they accompany the speaker's story and display the desired image on the screen. Presentations are used to present and promote products and technologies, as well as for a deeper understanding of the material being presented.

Consider the basic methods for creating presentations in Windows, implemented using different programs.

Method 1: PowerPoint

Method 2: MS Word

Method 3: OpenOffice Impress

is an absolutely free analogue of Microsoft Office in Russian with a convenient and intuitive interface. This office suite receives constant updates that expand its functionality. The Impress component was specifically designed for creating presentations. The product is available on Windows, Linux and Mac OS.

  1. In the main menu of the program, click on "Presentation".
  2. Select type "Blank Presentation" and press "Further".
  3. In the window that opens, you can customize the style of the slide and how the presentation is displayed.
  4. After finalizing the transition and delay animations in the Presenter, click "Ready".
  5. At the end of all the settings, you will see the working interface of the program, which is in no way inferior to PowerPoint in terms of its set of features.
  6. You can save the result in the tab "File" by clicking on "Save as…" or using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+S.
  7. In the window that opens, you can select the file type (there is a PPT format), which allows you to open a presentation in PowerPoint.


We looked at the main ways and techniques for creating computer presentations in Windows. For lack of access to PowerPoint or any other designers, you can even use Word. Free analogues of the well-known Microsoft Office software package also perform well.

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