What zodiac sign is most prone to depression? Zodiac sign with congenital victim syndrome. Zodiac sign prone to constant self-flagellation


Helpful Hints

We often thought about what can make us happy, how to find joy and happiness. But when we are sad or uncomfortable, we want to understand what are we doing wrong what makes us feel unhappy? Not everyone can figure it out quickly, but the fact that we will avoid this feeling in every possible way is a fact.

Some signs of the Zodiac, as practice shows, are more prone to depression and bad mood, are more dissatisfied with life and more often sad, so they can be called the most unfortunate signs of the zodiac.

Read also:What does each zodiac sign need to be happy? Find your happiness in beautiful quotes

We will not focus on some really important things, such as the loss of loved ones, disappointments in love or poor health. Such things will make anyone unhappy. But we can analyze what else can bring unpleasant emotions, depression and feeling dissatisfaction with life different zodiac signs based on their personal characteristics.

3 most unfortunate zodiac signs

If you think about who is most often unhappy, likes to feel sorry for himself and often cannot find himself in life, then three signs are chosen as leaders: this Pisces, Cancer and Virgo. Statistics have confirmed that people born under these signs most often claim that they are not satisfied with their life or some part of it, unhappy in love, in family, in work, etc.


The most depressed and dissatisfied sign is Pisces, according to studies that were based on statistical data. It's not even that Pisces have much more reasons to be unhappy, but that these people most often feel like that even without particularly serious reasons!

Pisces are very impressionable people, they can feel unhappy even when see the misery of others. Sometimes it seems that they do not even particularly want to get out of their depressions, and they like it. Sometimes Pisces begin to complain to others about their troubles so often in order to squeeze out sympathy for themselves that other people consider them the most unfortunate, although in reality everything is much easier.

They are often unsure of themselves and their abilities, constantly scold themselves for mistakes and often cannot get rid of thoughts about a not very pleasant past. However, even if the past leaves pleasant impressions, Pisces can regret that it is gone and live with the feeling that this won't happen again.

Self-flagellation and the pulling quagmire of the past makes Pisces the most miserable of the entire Zodiac. But if they manage these negative emotions properly and don't live in the past, it will allow them to be much happier.


Cancers are somewhat similar to Pisces in terms of feeling unhappy, but they are not particularly ready share your experiences like Pisces. Often this is what contributes to the aggravation of depressive conditions. Crayfish close themselves in their shell and do not want to get out of there, do not share with anyone and do not want to receive help from anyone.

In addition, Cancers can make unhappy own family, if it does not correspond to their ideas of happiness, or if its members greatly upset the representatives of the Cancer sign in some way with their behavior, attitude or their health. Relatives in the life of Cancers play the most important role, so they can make them both very happy and very unhappy.


Virgos are rather squeezed and reserved natures who prefer to keep everything in themselves. Emotionally, it can be quite hard, because unexploited emotions violate peace and happiness, a sense of comfort. In addition, any Virgo will be pissed off by any disorder and unfavorable state of health.

If Virgo feels unhappy, then she has no interest in What she does, she has health problems that she is not able to solve, or she is forced to change her principles and attitudes for some reason.

Virgos are quite often dissatisfied with something, they are prone to criticism for any reason, which means that they constantly accumulate negative emotions that they are afraid to throw out. The constant pursuit of perfectionism and the inability to see the perfect order around them makes them feel unhappy.

In addition, Virgos are very afraid come undone other people, even those closest to you. This can push people away, and relationships lose warmth. Constant suspiciousness and the expectation that others will infringe on their interests in some way make Devs related to Scorpios.

The most unfortunate zodiac signs


Capricorns will feel unhappy when around them there will be no stability. Any Capricorn loves when there is confidence that nothing will change and everything in reality goes according to a clear plan drawn up by him.

In general, Capricorns are usually rather callous people and are not particularly used to sharing emotions. Like Virgos, Capricorns can get banal poisoning with their own negative emotions which they conserve within themselves. Worries about the material sphere, the fear of leaving the comfort zone, the inability to show your true feelings to loved ones - all this leads to a feeling of unhappiness.


Libra can be quite unhappy when they cannot fulfill themselves in partnership. For Libra to be in love very important, so when there is no love, no one to share life with and no one to rely on in difficult times, Libra will be depressed. Sometimes too strong attachment of Libra to a partner who does not appreciate them, and sometimes treats them very superficially, can make them deeply unhappy.

Libras are the most prone someone else's opinion than other signs. It is important for them what others think of them, and they strive to make this opinion positive. If they are spoken badly about them, they will feel very unhappy. The indifference of other people is perceived painfully, because Libra wants to be interesting to other people.

Libra reacts painfully to any imbalance so if there is no balance in their life, they will not be happy.


Scorpios, like other water signs of the Zodiac, are rather suspicious and incredulous. They constantly think that they are someone he wants to hurt, make miserable or deceive. Living with such feelings is a real problem that can hardly make a person happy.

Scorpios are made unhappy by distrust, and it is also impossible to control situations. All Scorpios can be named quite strong personalities who often use their power in a negative way: they hide something, take revenge, manipulate. However, such emotions and actions will not bring anything good.

Scorpions feed strong emotions, and when they are not there, it makes them unhappy, or makes those who are close to Scorpio unhappy.


Taurus should always have a stable financial position, a "stash" for a rainy day, a stable permanent job or such a partner with whom you can be confident in the future. Therefore, any financial instability can make him unhappy.

Taurus reacts very sharply to this and usually does everything to stand firmly on their feet. However, any economic problems, financial collapse, loss of a stable profitable place - real trouble for Taurus.

Money is the main thing that can make Taurus unhappy, or rather, their amount is not enough for a person to feel calm, confident and stable. In addition, the pursuit of money can force him to work at an unloved job, or live with an unloved person, and this is a sure way to dissatisfaction with life, even if he prospers financially. Unfortunately, it is Taurus who more often fall into such traps.

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Can make Leo unhappy disrespect or inattention from those around you. If Leo feels that no one needs and is not an authority for others, this drives him into a serious depression. Lions are not used to being on the sidelines, they love to shine, they love to see admiration in the eyes of others, so they do everything for this and are rarely unhappy.

Since Leos are very creative people, they strive to ensure that their creativity is needed by others. This is a manifestation Lviv egoism: on the one hand, to do something for others, but at the same time satisfy your ambitions, be the best in something, win admiration and love. By the way, that is why there are so many Leos among actors and show business people. If there is no recognition and admiration, the Lions will be deeply unhappy.


Aries usually do not consider themselves unhappy, because they simply no time to think about it: you need to be in time for everything and everywhere, come up with and start something new, lead others and make important decisions. Aries suffers if he is forced into any activity, he is unhappy if he does not have the opportunity to express himself, do what he likes, and also if no one listens to him and does not follow his instructions.

Despite their natural love of life, many Aries are prone to depression and melancholy. This usually happens when Aries directs his seemingly inexhaustible energy in the wrong direction at all.

For example, Aries suffers when he loses interest in life or the business he is engaged in, and can't find a new use their talents. If Aries does not have any special interests, or he does not like his work, this will put a lot of pressure on him, he will feel very unhappy.


Sagittarians feel especially unhappy when they don't have the support of other people. They are much more social personalities than many other signs, so they always need to have those around who would respect them, listen, learn from them.

To make Sagittarius unhappy, you just have to cut off his ability to be mobile. If you keep Sagittarius at home and do not give him the opportunity to expand his horizons, this is a sure step towards relationship problem. Sagittarius languishes without new knowledge and new experiences and becomes very unhappy, even if everything is fine in his personal life, relationships and health.

Why are people unhappy


Aquarians can very rarely be called unhappy, as they are not used to being especially moping. Even if something goes wrong, Aquarius will not bother much and get hung up on the problem. Aquarians are quite social, they love society, love communicate and share opinions, they usually have friends and like-minded people. But even this is not necessary. Aquarius will find where to apply their unusual talents and thoughts.

The only thing that Aquarius can make unhappy is coercion and the impossibility act freely and independently. Aquarians are the most freedom-loving people of the entire Zodiac, they do not like to be framed and limited in some way.


Perhaps the most contented sign in life can be called Gemini. They are rarely unhappy and depressed, and then, if Gemini is not a pronounced sign in their horoscopes.

But still, Gemini can be sad and sad when they have nothing to say to others. Life must revolve around them, they must learn something new, they must be aware of all the news, they must chat and make new friends. Any period of life when they do not receive this, they will consider the most miserable in life.

Depression can strike unexpectedly. Even if you are sitting surrounded by friends at a party, this does not mean that hopeless longing will not suddenly cover you. And this is where everyone behaves differently. How do different zodiac signs behave in depression, and what do they do with it?


If you have a depressed Aries in your environment, the smartest thing you can do is to hide somewhere and not come out until he cools down. Because the yearning Aries becomes twice as aggressive (although, it would seem, much more aggressive). Then he will be distracted and cool down, but for now, run.


Taurus get depressed, in principle, very rarely, and stay there for a very short time. His practical judicious mind and love for pleasure and easy living makes him find a solution to any problem as soon as possible.


Geminis can quickly get depressed as their expectations often don't match up with their abilities at all. But they also quickly get out of it, thanks to their ability to switch very quickly. He got upset, went to bed and embarked on new adventures.


As soon as Cancer gets depressed, which happens quite often with this complex and overly confused sign, he crawls into his shell, and sits there until he returns to normal. And if you suddenly decide to pull him out, it’s better not to - his claws are not the most harmless.

a lion

What depression when there are so many exciting things around? Actually, this is how the Lions fight it. As soon as he feels lonely, he goes to a party, finds himself in the spotlight and breaks a standing ovation. What kind of sadness is there?


Virgo thinks too much, so depression often accompanies her throughout her life. In these difficult moments, she sits down at the table and begins to draw up a detailed plan to get out of depression. Oddly enough, it even helps.


To be happy, Libra needs harmony and balance. So, if there are bad sides, then you just need to find the good ones. That is what they are doing, therefore, having fallen into anguish, they are looking for a person to whom they are trying to speak out.


If something does not go as Scorpio intended, and the whole world is in no hurry to obey him (unheard of impudence), a very sensitive sign, in fact, begins to hate everyone and falls into a severe depression, from which it is sometimes unable to get out without outside help. At such moments, he really needs the support of loved ones.


When Sagittarius is morally ill, he does the same as in those moments when he is happy. Namely, he goes on some kind of trip, gets involved in adventures and crazy adventures. That is why depression in him, by the way, is very rare.


Capricorn has no time to be sad, because he is focused on work. True, sometimes, when he has already achieved everything, incredible longing and a real crisis come over him. And then she completely shocks her loved ones, doing crazy things that no one ever expected from him.


When a crisis of new ideas occurs in the life of Aquarius, he immediately falls into depression, from which everyone around is ready to hang himself. The best thing that his environment can come up with is to throw new ideas for creativity to this restless air sign.


Melancholic Pisces are in a kind of depression almost constantly. Eternal self-digging leads to the fact that, like Virgo, they begin to analyze too much. To get them out of this state, you need to listen to them, and be sure to let them know that you understand how they feel (you understand?).

Hello, friends! Let's think a little about why all zodiac signs can be nervous, depressed to a greater or lesser extent? It is customary to think that the fire signs of the zodiac are constantly nervous, yelling, cursing. And, here, Cancer, such a hermit, sits under a pebble, Taurus, like a calf, can only mumble, and then eat hay, and everything immediately becomes good for him.

This is not entirely true. Everyone is nervous and everyone can be depressed from time to time. If you are an adult, you should already understand this. Why is this happening? Everything is simple! This is how I see this problem, from the point of view of Vedic astrology - let's break the zodiac signs into 4 groups. Astrology divides everyone into elements - Air, Fire, Water, Earth.

Why can air signs be depressed? Air is wind. Every day the wind changes its direction. It blows now to the North, then to the South, and tomorrow already to the East, or to the West. If the air sign is talking at the table, then it looks something like this: “Oh, yes, we were in Brazil. Potatoes, of course, fried, but it's unhealthy ... ". And then you say: “Could you please shut up? You are all talking about nothing, it is impossible to listen to you. Are you in control? In general, are you a stable person? Well, what are you talking about Air? This, of course, was such a crude example. Imagine that the air person will not be able to manifest himself. He will not be able to write poetry, prose, tell something, make films, grimace on stage. What does it mean for the Air to be forbidden to be free and express its opinion? Not in the sense of a conscientious opinion, civic position, but in principle his attitude to everything, such a “stream of consciousness”. Flow-air-wind. For them, freedom of communication, conversation, communication, travel is very important. They then feel alive. Imagine, and now you forbid them to express themselves, limit the freedom of speech, a person cannot express himself. All possibilities are closed, and the person, of course, falls into depression. It could be a child or an adult, it doesn't matter. Accordingly, if you tell the Air: “Stop talking, it’s impossible to hear!”, Then it falls into a stupor, feels bad, and can show aggression, which, for example, is not characteristic of Libra. Can swear, fight ...

Power is the weak point of a fiery person. Try to take away power, or limit it for Fire. Take the risk of influencing his independence in the sense of controlling others. We are no longer talking about conversations, as was the case with Air, but about the ability to lead someone, to lead. Take away from him the opportunity to tell how to behave, the right to have his own business ... In the case of the zodiac sign Leo, try to prevent him from building his kingdom, try to limit him. For example, a male horseman says to a fiery woman: “Listen, what are you doing? Sit at home! Where did you go? And immediately he sees her reaction: fiery eyes, teeth that are more like fangs, red nails. All this is on the move. Then you can already talk to her and ask, they say, why didn’t you listen to lectures? How should a wife behave? What are you talking about, in general? You closed the opportunity for a person to show his individualism, to have his own company, to manage, to lead. She wants to lead a man. And he is a horseman, he needs to show himself. True, then he quickly hid as soon as he saw those red eyes of hers. Naturally, for a fire sign, depression, conflict, and a bad mood arise if they have limited access to power.

Earth signs: take the carpet from under your feet. “Oh, that’s my carpet! I got it from my great-grandmother! I walk on it, trample on it, warm my feet when it’s cold.” Let's demolish this old house! How? This is my family heirloom, my great-grandfather left it to me. Unemployment, - the earth sign came home, turned on the TV, and there: “Unemployment was a record percentage. In Spain, 25% are unemployed.” The man has a heart attack! All the children were left without a father. Think you're talking about unemployment in general. Because work for earth signs is very important. And then he came home from work, sat down at the TV, and heard this. All! He thinks - it's good that I live in the Far East, and not in Spain, but still. Spain is not so far, it can reach us. Panic: Unemployment is looming. Everything, the person is nervous. He went out to smoke Ayurvedic herbs on the stairs, and there someone stepped on his foot and a conflict immediately arose. What's happened? He seems to be such a calm person with short but strong fingers? He bends nails with them and helps the sparrows fly into the porch ...

Watermarks - everything is clear here. Emotions. "A! ABOUT! Wai-wai! “Enough already, all these lamentations of yours ... Come on, pull yourself together. Get ready. You're going to the army!" And in response, tears and despair. How come? A man was at the exhibition: “You know, we saw such beautiful paintings, the artist showed such a soul, such expression…” “How much does it cost? How much is the picture? It was the reaction of an earth sign. He understands that if it's a good thing, you have to take it, and then you can profitably make money on it. "How can you? I opened my soul to you! She played with colors and colors, from white to gray. And you about your material ... ". And immediately depression, depression, anger. "It is for you. You'll get dumplings for dinner!"

Let's sum up. We are all nervous, we all fall into depression, we just need to understand where it all comes from and, accordingly, interact with ourselves, accept ourselves. It is important to understand your relatives and friends, those whom you consult on the natal chart, for whom you make a horoscope online. And in general, when you understand these things, it is easier to understand life. No wonder they say: nation, mentality. But, more on that next time.

That's all for today. Subscribe to free astrological forecasts on my website vedastrology.ru and plan every day of God. Learn Vedic Astrology! Goodbye!

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Your zodiac sign is a powerful indicator in your life. For example, 6 out of 12 signs are much more prone to depression due to their unique personality traits. Check if your sign is on this list. And if so, can you really get discouraged from time to time?

1. Taurus

Taurus is sometimes obsessed with achieving all of their goals. His devotion to work sometimes looks strange and often leads people of this sign to a dead end, forcing them to run in a vicious circle and beat their heads against walls. Taurus ambitions sometimes become unrealistic. It would be nice for him to literally stop and breathe in the scent of flowers in the meadow, or take up gardening and cooking. Taurus should try to remember that the pursuit of achievement should not interfere with his own emotional stability.

2. Gemini

Geminis tend to feel things too keenly, they experience emotions more vividly than other signs, therefore, as a rule, they are more vulnerable to possible depression. Geminis are known for their dual personality and are a mixture of good and bad aspirations. Because of such internal contradictions, Geminis often feel overwhelmed, especially when their life stagnates and nothing happens in it. This sign should do a "reset" of their mental health, staying active and making spontaneous decisions to diversify their life routine.

3. Cancer

For Cancer, depression is almost a natural state. All representatives of this sign tend to be moody, pessimistic, unstable, darkly emotional and overly impressionable. Everything that even slightly evokes sadness can turn Cancer into a powerful depression. To fight it, he must try to support loved ones and try to relax with the help of water procedures or creative self-expression.

4. Scorpio

Scorpio is the sign that also easily falls under the influence of the blues. He is very emotional and sensitive, so he has a tendency to become depressed with any even the most insignificant loss or loss. Scorpios can't handle a breakup, for example. It does not matter why the partner leaves the life of Scorpio, and who initiated the breakup, this sign will still be suppressed. In Scorpio, only time heals all wounds, so he needs a new hobby or at least some interest in something.

5. Capricorn

Hardworking and stubborn Capricorn often finds himself depressed. He always makes an elephant out of a fly and perceives all problems as his own. All Capricorns are ambitious and strive to achieve all their goals. Such zeal can lead this sign to bite off more than it can chew and then feel guilty about not being able to get more. To get rid of this condition, Capricorn needs to simplify his life and take a break.

6. Pisces

Depression is the main weakness of Pisces. They suffer from sadness and fear all the time and for no reason or reason. Compassionate and gentle, Pisces do not like to be criticized and cannot stand negative emotions and ill will. They can get out of their sad state with the help of sleep or music. And as a medicine, they are “prescribed” swimming or just relaxing by the pond.

Every person is more or less prone to sadness and sadness.

Some get depressed extremely rarely, while for others, mlancholia is a state of mind. As you know, all people are different.

However, depression in people manifests itself depending on the sign of the zodiac.

The propensity to depressive state manifests itself in people depending on their zodiac sign:

Aries it's rare to be truly sad. If at some point too many problems pile up on them and there is nowhere to wait for help, then representatives of this sign can close themselves off from everyone.

They will be taciturn and sullen. To the delight of relatives and friends, this condition passes quickly for them.

Aries find a way out of a difficult situation and become still cheerful and sociable.

Taurus fall into a melancholy state most often due to the fact that they are disappointed in themselves and their strengths. The main reasons for this state are problems on the love front. Cheerful and smiling earlier Taurus becomes gloomy and unsociable. They may become addicted to alcohol, thus trying to drown out the inner pain.

Sometimes, on the contrary, representatives of this sign try to prove to everyone around them that everything is fine with them, but it looks strange and feigned.

Gemini it is not characteristic to be sad, because they are optimists by nature. But if in a short period of time a heap of problems piles up on them: they don’t get along at work and with their loved ones, problems with households, lack of money, then these resilient people become depressed.

It passes them with the maximum scope. But no matter how big the problems are, the Gemini quickly stop being sad and throw all their strength into their speedy solution.

crayfish perhaps the most depressing sign of the zodiac. They endure family troubles very hard and are always ready to help a loved one who is in trouble.

But when they feel bad, they close themselves off from the whole world and endure all the suffering alone.

lions tend to get upset and hate the whole world if something does not go the way they would like it to.

Leaders by nature, they do not tolerate the disrespect of other people. It is important for them to be the best in everything, and when this does not happen, despair attacks them.

Lions rarely share their problems with others, trying to find a solution to them on their own. Depressions in this sign are protracted and sometimes, even when everything seems to be fine, relapses can occur.

Virgin may become depressed because of unresolved cases.

Problems at work, commitments they can't fulfill, confusion and limbo - it all just drives them crazy.

Representatives of this zodiac sign love regularity and peace. In their life, everything should go according to a clear plan. If something unsettles them, their world collapses, and their mood is at zero.

Scales- mood people. Negative energy is their main enemy. A negative attitude not only spoils their mood, but can also cause illness and depression. For Libra, a positive attitude, faith in yourself and your strengths is important.

scorpions impressionable by nature. But with any depression, they cope on their own, in a way unknown to others. They quickly find the right solution and move away from any shocks.

archers stable and practically not subject to depression. They have the ability to quickly find a way out of any situation. They are less prone to depression than other signs of the zodiac. They don't have time to indulge in sadness and suffering.

Capricorn very secretive by nature. They do not like to share their problems with other people.

Sadness and worries can accumulate in their soul for many years, depression can become a common condition.

Aquarius can fall into melancholy if they do not know how to act in a difficult situation.

It is very important for them to follow the right path, but not always they can make the right decision. They are very worried if their choice turned out to be erroneous, and they failed.

Fish melancholy by nature. They often find problems where there really aren't any, making their lives more difficult.

Representatives of this zodiac sign take everything too close to their hearts, getting upset over trifles. A little optimism and patience and any depression will pass by.

Whatever your zodiac sign, when you find yourself in depression, it is worth remembering that in almost any situation you can find a way out, and there are many people in the world who are much less fortunate than you.

Appreciate what you have, and do not forget that time is fleeting, so you should not waste it indulging in sadness and sadness.

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