What is it like to be the wife of an Arab man. Where do Arabs live: country, territory, culture and interesting facts


Many Europeans believe that Arabs are all swarthy, black-haired and black-eyed. They also think that Arab girls are full, they have curly hair. all this is not true.
Most of the population of Arab countries are similar to Europeans, only with an oriental twist.

In fact, arabs come in all shapes and colors (Arabs come in all shapes and sizes). Since the Middle East is a place of mixing of three races: European, Asian and African. By the way, American anthropologists single out the middle-eastern (Middle East) as a separate race that combines the features of several.

If you describe the Arab appearance, then it is very diverse: the skin is from milky white (Syria, Lebanon, Algeria) to chocolate (Mauritania, Sudan). However, beige and olive are the most common. Arab eyes are the "calling card" of the people. although there are several other nationalities with the same eye shape. Arabs, as a rule, have large almond-shaped eyes, the outer corner is higher than the inner one. The eyes are not as protruding as those of purebred Jews or Ethiopian Amharas. (however, some residents of Transcaucasia, Indo-Iranians, Africans and both South and East Slavs have a similar eye shape). Eye color in Arabs can be very different. from bright sky blue to black. However, dark brown and mixed greenish eyes are the most common. Arabs also have hair from dark blond (what is called "light brown" in Russia) to black. hair can be curly, wavy and straight. The face of the Arabs, as a rule, is oval, but in some regions it is slightly elongated (the population of Egypt and Sudan), the figure is average. The Arab female figure resembles a guitar (imagine Shakira). In general, they tend to be overweight, but not overweight. Well built. Sometimes there are skinny girls. In general, women are lighter than men.

Now let's go by region:
Khalij (Gulf Countries)

Olive and beige skin, black and black-brown hair, brown eyes. Sometimes there is a rather dark, chocolate skin.

Sham (Levant)

Beige and olive skin. Sometimes there is white. The eyes are brown, hazel, green-brown, gray-green and bright blue. Hair of all shades of brown. From light brown to black-brown. Sometimes there are blondes. In general, the inhabitants of Lebanon and Syria are the lightest in the region, the inhabitants of Iraq are the darkest (with dark hair and eyes).

North Africa

The most diverse region White, beige, olive and chocolate leather. Eyes - black, brown, gray, green, blue, mixed. Hair - from dark blond to black. The darkest are the inhabitants of Sudan (northern Sudan - Africans live in the south, not Arabs), Southern Egypt, Mauritania, Southern Algeria. They have brown skin (ranging from golden brown to chocolate), hazel or black eyes, and black hair. Then come the Libyans - black-haired, dark-eyed, but with beige or light olive skin. The brightest are the inhabitants of Northern Algeria, among whom there are green-eyed blondes. In Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, chestnut and black hair, beige and light olive skin, brown and greenish-mixed eyes are common.

These are the diverse inhabitants of the Arab countries.

And a number of other coastal states. There is also a small Arab population in Israel. The Arab world has almost 130 million people, of which 116 million are Arabs.

Many peoples were Arabized through the adoption of the Arabic language and Arabic culture. For almost all of them, Arabization went through Islam, the main religion of the Arab world.

The Arabs are divided into three main groups: Bedouin pastoralists engaged in breeding sheep, goats or camels, peasant farmers and urban dwellers.

The Arab world also includes a number of non-Arab minorities, such as Berbers and Tuaregs, Kurds in Iraq, Jews, Armenians, and some peoples of the geographic region of Sudan. Copts - Christians of Egypt, also speak Arabic, but consider themselves primordially pre-Arab Egyptians.

Major populations

The majority of the Bedouins live in Arabia and the neighboring desert regions of Jordan, Syria and Iraq, while some Bedouins live in Egypt and the northern Sahara. Their number is from 4 to 5 million. The Bedouins lead a strictly tribal and nomadic lifestyle. The tribe and each of its parts is headed by a sheikh, who is considered senior in wisdom and experience. The Bedouin are mainly engaged in camel breeding and sheep and goat breeding.

There are both Christians and Shia Muslims among the Bedouin, but the majority belong nominally to either Wahhabi Muslims or Sunni Muslims. The Bedouins are not as religious as the Muslims of villages and cities, but at the same time they regularly perform the five daily prayers prescribed by Islam. Because most Bedouins are illiterate, they cannot read the Qur'an themselves and must rely on the oral transmission of religious ideas. Together with many residents of villages and cities, they share a belief in the evil eye and evil spirits as the cause of illness and misfortune, as well as in the healing and protective powers of the tombs of various Muslim saints.

About 70% of Arabs live in villages and are peasants. Most Arab peasants have a deeply developed sense of belonging to their village, the inhabitants of which usually help each other in case of an external threat. They are also united by religious holidays or funerals. But most of the time, the villagers are divided into separate groups.

Arab cities are commercial, industrial, administrative and religious centers. Some of them are in many ways similar to European metropolitan areas with large buildings, wide streets and busy car traffic. The traditional Arab city, and those old districts of modern cities that still exist, are characterized by narrow streets and closely built houses, often with shops and workshops on the ground floors.


Historical evidence from Mesopotamia begins to separate the Arabs from their other Semitic neighbors no earlier than the first millennium BC. At that time, the Arabs of southern Arabia had already established flourishing cities and kingdoms, such as Saba at the southern tip of the Arabian Peninsula. Western Arabia in the era of Christianity was inhabited by townspeople and nomads who spoke Arabic and considered their origins to go back to the biblical patriarchs (usually to Ismail, see also Hagar), and in the city of Mecca they worshiped idols in a temple, first built, presumably, by Abraham .

And a hundred years after the death of Muhammad, the territory of Islam spread already from Spain through North Africa and southwestern Asia to the borders of India. The spread of Islam provided the Arabs with a network of useful contacts for them, and together with dependent peoples - Christians, Jews, Persians, etc. - they built one of the greatest civilizations.

Dating Arabs is a waste of time!

No need to argue and swear, and no need to show anti-nationalism!!!

First, I will not speak arguments without facts, as some do. I will write what I have seen and experienced with my own eyes.

I often rest in the United Arab Emirates, I respect this country! If you really know or have studied this country, namely the cities of Dubai and Sharjah, then you should definitely know that only 20% of the 100 population of the UAE are Arabs, I repeat only 20% are real Arabs, and the rest are in a word international. The people you meet are not ARAB!!

And I also want to note that if a citizen of the UAE is wearing a hijab (they are in a white hijab, and a white and red headscarf is on their heads), this does not mean at all that this man is an ARAB.

You must first study the local, indigenous, real Arabs and their culture. They also have a completely different appearance, they are not black, by the way. Yes, and in Arabic names there is no such name TAMERLANE!

"How do I know all this?" - you probably have such a question. I really communicate with an ARAB, and his name is NOT TAMERLAN, and not Hasan, and not Kemer, and not Khamit ..

I will not write the name of my Arab, with whom I have been talking for three years. This is a wonderful person, handsome, smart, most importantly, and a real Muslim. This is the only Arab who paid attention to me, although I often rest there.

33 comments on “ There are practically no real Arabs left in the UAE!

  1. Olya:

    Aigerim, all the girls who meet Arabs are as enthusiastic about them as you are, but after marriage, everything is not always so smooth. Arabs are taught from childhood to conquer women's hearts and they are good at it. But the fact that the man is in charge, and the woman must obey, remains unchanged. That's all the problems after marriage. First, an oriental fairy tale with a prince, and then cruel everyday life. They are not bad, it's just that their women are better with them than ours, because they are brought up from generation to generation to be submissive, silent, obedient. But this is foreign to us.

  2. Aysel:

    Olya, heh, if only all Arab women were so submissive, silent and obedient 🙂 Of course, there are some, but usually Eastern women know their own worth very well, so if we talk about the middle class and above, then it is not always such downtrodden creatures . Although, of course, it also depends on which country we are talking about. But still, they are not that submissive, just wise :))))
    And yes, Aigerim is right, not everyone living in Arab countries is purebred Arabs. True Arabs (Saudi, Gulf residents, etc., Lebanese, who in my opinion are one of the most beautiful in appearance and all the rest) have a very, very different appearance. But there are really not so many of them and they prefer not to mix.

  3. Olya:

    Arab women are wise and cunning, in order to achieve their goal, they will not hysteria and openly demand, like ours, but will do everything in such a way that the husband himself will not understand what happened. They have it in their blood, they cook in it from the cradle, but for us it's wild. Ours run away from the Arabs, but the Arab women do not run away, but simply go about their “women's” business, turning a blind eye to the dark deeds of their husband. After all, a Russian woman who has five children will not forgive treason, but Muslim women, knowing about her husband's mistresses, continue to live and pretend that they know nothing. That is, the difference between our mentalities is huge and it is very difficult to accept and reconcile. After all, you need to accept it, because nothing can be changed. There are Muslims closer to us, but not Arabs. It's a completely different world.

  4. Aysel:

    Well, let's just say that normal Arabs do not run after mistresses, therefore their wives do not have to turn a blind eye to any dark deeds. I do not argue, there are those who are always not enough, I mean men. But not everything is so depraved, because the "gypsy mail" also works well. I'm talking about something a little different, when, indeed, an Arab woman manages to put things in such a way that a man won't understand that he has already done something differently, and not as he intended))

  5. Olya:

    I didn't mean that the Arabs are depraved. I just showed the difference between our mentalities. In the same situation, our women and theirs behave differently. Although there are quite a few stories from our girls dating married Arabs, even on this site. And these are only those who know about the presence of a wife. Although personally I had nothing in common with the Arabs and I cannot judge. I have another Muslim.

  6. lol:

    the girl ends up from the Arabs, is it really not clear. With such zeal protects. A real Arab, not a real one ... It seems that before the act, they take blood for DNA. All Muslims are polygamous. But if a Muslim from the UAE marries a Turkish woman, will their son no longer be a real Arab? In my opinion, this is a woman who wants to be in demand among Arab men. But even though a real Arab or a fake one, he doesn’t offer marriage. The Muslim world is one, they do not divide themselves into real and fake. There is only one way out for the author of the letter - to accept Islam and then some kind of hope will light up to merge with a real Arab. Although they mostly marry virgins)

  7. madeleine:

    Yes, all this is nonsense, in the UAE, there are a lot of Arabs, and they are all different, it all depends on the country. By the way, there are many Arabs in the UAE, not local, they can be from anywhere, from Palestine, Jordan, etc. Even the local population of one country can look very different from each other, some are swarthy and small in stature, and some look like a European. But this is always and everywhere the case, a guy who grew up in a city is very different from a villager. I don’t know what the reason is: maybe food, maybe living conditions are more severe. But there is a difference!

  8. Marianne:

    Yes, indeed lol right !! An Arab will meet with you regardless, whether he is a purebred local from the Emirates or not, but why doesn’t he call you to marry?? And he won’t call you to marry, I’m 100% sure! Do you know why? they look at our girls as beautiful barbies that you can buy for a while, play until you get bored and the love of an Arab ends. He marries exclusively his Muslim woman and an Arab virgin. and they don’t get married. You yourself know this very well! So, no matter how much you love the Arabs, nothing shines for you there! And more than one will tell you this, especially with the Gulf Arabs !! Even change your faith if you want and become a Muslim, his family will never accept you anyway. Believe me, dear, I know this firsthand! ... Well, you can dream of course.))

  9. Marianne:

    My cousin also met an Arab, love, carrots, etc. She dreamed that she would marry her, did not listen to anyone. She argued with her parents, proved to everyone that they would get married. True, he is not from the Emirates, but a Jordanian. in Dubai, handsome, well-groomed, nothing to complain about, about her appearance. So she swam to him, like the heroine of this story. For two years he drove her by the nose, and she kept riding to the Emirates, hoping ... And when she could not stand it and she herself decided to raise the issue of marriage, he only goggled his eyes. After, he simply stopped communicating with her. He did not communicate on the Internet, did not answer her calls. they all don’t mind being beautiful girls, they dream about it!! They hang themselves on any Slav woman, of European appearance. After she found this site, read similar stories, she understood everything. That they treat it like that not only with her! I think I’ll try with other Muslims, but not with Arabs for sure. They are too strict, correct and even boring when it comes to finding a bride. Turks are a little simpler, more Europeanized, and even in a veil, a modern Turk will never force you to hide from people. And the Arabs are still strict with this. I don’t know how our girls generally communicate with the Arabs, but I wouldn’t risk it!

  10. Olya:

    Marianne, a vacation girl will never be a wife. Nothing surprising. With such here they walk, and for marriage they will choose a decent girl. How did he deal with her?! He invited her to rest, she was glad to try, she came, of course she couldn’t do without intimacy, and only after 2 YEARS she thought of raising the issue of marriage. It's so obvious that I'm too lazy to explain. You yourself think about the situation and understand everything. They don't mind walking with our girls, but the girls don't really break down either..

  11. lol:

    Marianna, if your sister had started talking about marriage on the second day of your acquaintance, he still wouldn't have taken her. Not immediately, not after 2 years. A Muslim must always coordinate the decision to marry with his parents, and they, as a rule, are always categorically against marriages with infidels, and even with non-virgins. Maybe the option will work if the guy is an orphan, I don’t know.

  12. Marianne:

    Yes, I agree with you lol!! There’s no way they would have gotten married, even if he really wanted it. There are a lot of reasons, as you said. She is not a Muslim, this is the main reason, not an Arab and also not a virgin! they are very critical of this. Now my sister does not regret anything, she found our boyfriend and is happy with him! There are no barriers in their relationship, and this is the most important thing. feeding breakfasts on his part!! Thank God that it's all over, otherwise it would go on ad infinitum. They wait for years, but nothing changes. They are a very difficult people, they don’t let foreigners into their family, especially not Muslim women! I think it’s worth thinking about who meets Arabs and other Muslim guys.

  13. Olya:

    There are enough mixed marriages among the Arabs, you just need to know your worth and be able to behave in such a way that he wants to get married. And if the relationship comes down only to relaxing in resorts at his expense and the question does not arise from the very beginning about a joint future, then the girl simply does not have the right to claim anything more, especially after two years. It turns out that at first she demonstrates its availability, and then also wants to get married. Not one self-respecting man, especially a Muslim, does not marry. I don't see any meanness on the part of the guy. When meeting with a foreigner, it would not be bad to take an interest in his culture, mentality, and traditions.

  14. Marianne:

    It seems to you, Olya, that everything is simple with Arabs! But in fact, it’s not so far from it. I know the opposite cases, many decent girls met Arabs and didn’t let them in, believed them. And what? married them. So it’s easy for you to reason and teach others! They will never go against their parents, and parents decide almost everything for their sons, even whom they marry! It doesn’t matter if you give him in a month or in half a year Believe me, they marry prostitutes as well. How then does this happen? Take the same Emirates, how many Uzbeks, Tatars and others fly there to earn money with their bodies. in the fact that they are Muslims!! Even if they are former prostitutes! So Muslim women are forgiven everything, and Slavs have excessive demands! A catastrophe even if the Slav is not a virgin. How can you explain this?? Is this normal in your opinion?!

  15. lol:

    Olya, do you know how to behave in such a way that an Arab man wants to get married? And if so, why is she still not married to an Arab? At least know how, at least get out, you are unfaithful to them, which means dirty (I’m already talking straight). The more you turn inside out in front of him, the more he will make fun. Why should he marry then? After all, they marry inaccessible ones, often without even seeing their faces before the wedding, not to mention the fact that the future wife “beat with a hoof in front of him” as you suggest. A priori, with this approach, you are removed from the candidacy for his wife. And time from the moment of acquaintance here does not play a role. Be born into a Muslim family, wear a veil, follow the traditions - and you do not have to do absolutely anything to marry an Arab. Your parents will do everything for you both. And about those who nevertheless married an Arab and converted to Islam, a special song, but we no longer hear those couplets, whether they are sad or funny. Their relationship in the family is not taken out to people for discussion.

  16. Marianne:
  17. Olya:

    lol, my fate did not intersect with the Arabs. I am married to a Muslim of a different nationality. I know how to behave, because my husband called me in marriage three weeks after we met. Normal people never take out relationships in the family on people, not only Arabs. Since you say they live in backward countries or villages. There are also modern people. Better not to generalize. The presence of mixed marriages refutes the opinion that they marry only their own, and whether they are happy or not does not concern anyone. The well-being of marriage depends on specific people, and not on religion or nationality.

  18. lol:

    Yes, and I completely agree with Marianne. Those who still managed to get married there are not always as sweet as it seems. Although she accepted Islam, although she renounced her people and faith, she does not give a guarantee for happiness. How many cases when a husband changes under the influence of parents after marriage. And now he can't stop listening to them. By the way, if a Slavic wife wants to leave, they don't keep her. But only the children remain forever with their father, and she often does not have the right to see them, let alone take part in their upbringing. I can advise the girl Olya, who loves oriental happy endings, to watch the series on the current topic “Pomegranate Flower”. There is just about what she is talking about, but a happy ending, like in a movie, is not always possible.

  19. Olya:

    I'm not a fan of serials, and there was no talk of happy endings. I talked about the fact that a girl should behave with dignity. If a guy uses her, it's only because she allows him to. No one pulls anyone by force to resorts or to bed, and if the girl did not refuse anything, then there is nothing to complain about later.

  20. Young woman:

    why they don’t get married, they don’t want to .. parents are, of course, a long song, but if a man really longs for marriage with his beloved, even this will not be an obstacle .. just marry and put before the fact .. please love and favor .. about using and love .. and you know, they can really love and care and sincerely wish all the best, help, but at the same time not think of getting married and parting at one fine moment .. in addition to love, there must be other good reasons or personal qualities or something else then .. is it worth it .. if you make a choice. love in life can be more than one, which can not be said about the family, relationships with her, her own reputation, and so on.

  21. Young woman:

    about the article. I didn’t quite understand what the author wanted to say. in the UAE, there are only about 25% of local residents, including women, children, old people, and not just young men .. as for the distant 70-80s .. no one just handed out passports to idus and so on just like that .. citizens from neighboring countries of the Gulf, yes, but they are also Arabs .. the only exception is local Iranian origin ..

  22. Young woman:

    85% of the population are immigrants who moved to the country back in 1980 from South Asia. These are Indians, Filipinos, visitors from Bangladesh and Pakistan. They also dress up almost like Arabs!
    75% of the population who came to the AOE to work, temporarily, no one gave them passports and will not give them, sooner or later they will earn money and go home. They can be anyone by nationality: Americans, British citizens, Filipinos, Arabs from other states c, Indians, Pakistanis, Russians, Ukrainians, etc..

  23. lol:

    I want to answer with the nickname Girl: the author of this letter wants to convey to all the girls that before turning shura-mura, you need to make him pass a DNA test. And if it turns out that he does not have Arab blood (although I don’t know what medical test can determine this with such a worldwide integration of peoples), then with him, by no means. Since you can get stuck in a poor Pakistani or Indian instead of a rich Arab. Even the names are given, by which, obviously, it is possible to determine in advance the thickness of the wallet or the size of the bank account of the owner of the name.

  24. lol: Russian:

    “Elder Arabs do not work at all, they only manage, and the children of Arabs, if they work, then only in such prestigious places as Dubai Mall and Burj Khalifa”

    A lot of Emiratis work in "non-prestigious places" for a modest salary. It is wrong to think that all Emiratis are rich. They also have to earn their daily bread to support themselves and their families. Among them there are teachers, orderlies, imams of mosques, they work at the post office, in banks as ordinary clerks, there are Emiratis working as secretaries and cashiers in supermarkets.

  25. Elena Ivanovna:

    Marianna, no one anywhere in the Arab countries marries and gives in marriage by force, and Arab girls are very beautiful and feminine in everything, and why you and other women, talking about Arabs, Turks, Azerbaijanis, always add Muslims, I don’t understand And that's why why don’t you tie the religion of girls to girls, don’t say that a Christian girl sleeps with a man before marriage, and this is a big sin in Christianity, why did you decide that Muslims in relations with such girls should not forget about their Islam, and you do not care about their religion. So I think both are sinners in front of their religion, and both should be condemned

  26. Lina:

    I have been living in the UAE for 5 years, I left to work under a contract in my specialty, I am a lawyer. After 1.5 years, she got married, she knew her husband for 3 months before the wedding, there were no close relationships before that. He is an Arab, but not a citizen of the UAE. A girl, communicating with an Arab and apparently a Muslim, does not know that a khodja is a scarf that only women wear? and a white men's dress - kandura or galabiya? Doesn’t he know that the Arabs seeing off the Burj Khalifa, like, by the way, almost the entire police force of the UAE, are citizens of impoverished Yemen who are specially sent into the country according to quotas? Real Emiratis are not bad people, but because for years, almost all of India, Pakistan, the Philippines worked on them, and with the growth of non-mining production, the whole east world began to reach out to the UAE, became lazy. I would call them the apogee of Arab laziness. Many do not work, act as so-called. sponsors - according to the law of the country, 100% foreign ownership of the business, except for sz, the names of citizens are indicated in the founding documents, very rarely they have to sign anything, for this they are paid an average amount. Some work in the state. Sector, lawyers, especially without straining, well, a very small number work in the direct sense of the word. In general, I can write a lot, I work with them (in the oil industry) and communicate with my husband's partners, but the letter pissed me off a little. Excuse me, but even going up to the observation deck of Burj Khalifa by elevator is not an indicator of the deep knowledge of people and the country

  27. mohammed:

    I am an Arab citizen of the Sultanate of Oman, I read everything upstairs, but I want to say that I myself marry a Russian, but our parents are not forced to marry, but we choose, worthy Arabs live in the emirates, 10% of them are only citizens of the emirates and 30% are Arabs of other countries and the rest are foreigners, worthy Arabs live 100% in Oman Yemen and Saudi Arabia, if a Russian is good and observes culture and tradition, then I can marry and any Arab can marry her even if she is a Christian, but if you accept Islam, it will be better and she is accepted as a daughter in the family, no for the Arabs, the main difference is where she comes from, even a Russian or a Tatar or a Kazakh, the most important thing is that she well observes the law and Arab culture,

  28. Ira:

    It's funny to read. Have you seen the Filipinos? 🙂 Go Indians and Bangladeshis. They even have a different accent. They cannot be confused with locals 🙂 and the locals are still the same. Spoiled by Moroccan prostitutes. Everyone wants one. Polite for the time being, but greedy to the point of horror. No one here gives anything for beautiful eyes. Do not idealize 🙂

  29. Natalia:

    Tell me, please, and after a divorce (God forbid anyone) in the UAE, a woman remains with nothing, with nothing, under a blue sunny sky, do I understand their laws correctly? 🙄

Lies are very common among Arabs, and the truth is not worth much to them ... An Arab does not feel remorse if, thanks to a lie, he achieves his goal ... He listens more to feeling than to facts, is more interested in impressing than telling anything true. Moreover, the Arabic language gives its speaker the possibility of exaggeration.
sociologist Saniya Hamadi. "Character and Temperament of the Arabs"

The Arab is forced to exaggerate in almost all forms of communication in order to be properly understood. If an Arab says only what he thinks, without the exaggeration expected of him, the listeners will doubt his innocence and even suspect him of completely opposite intentions.
Egyptian scholar Ali Shubi

Arab culture is completely different than ours. In our culture, the spoken word obliges, but in Arabic it decorates. The word in this case is intended not for communication, but for ornament. Enter the mosque and you will see decorations woven from letters - this is the letter and verbal function in the Muslim understanding.
Shimon Peres

No Arab has yet admitted that he made a mistake, that he was to blame for the failure of the battle, that he did not calculate his strength. The Arabs, with whom I communicated and fought in their ranks for 7 years, always someone else is to blame for their troubles.
Lawrence of Arabia

In order to accept Islam, one needs atrophy of the psyche, a willingness to live like an ant or a bee that does not have its own will and its own personal appearance.
Lawrence of Arabia. "Records of Memory"

The Israelis do not understand why the Arabs are constantly demanding this or that gesture and concessions in their favor, and their demands are constantly growing. Because in their cultural baggage, the concept of "I owe you" simply does not exist. As soon as you conceded something to me, this is only proof that you are a weakling, you have no choice, that power, and therefore right, is on my side, and therefore I rely on more and more.
They will not hate you more if you show them your strength - on the contrary, they will begin to respect you.

For the psychology of the Arabs, the absence of retribution is synonymous with the absence of courage and determination. They themselves can refuse revenge only because of fear, and they will not accept any other explanation.
psychologist Vadim Rotenberg. "ONLY ONE QUESTION"

The Christian cross has four ends: the top symbolizes good, the bottom - evil, the right - strength, the left - weakness.
The Muslim crescent has only two ends: strength and weakness.
Good is where there is strength, and evil is associated with weakness.

Because Islam is based on materiality, it has developed an anti-productive culture. Why plant a tree whose fruits I will not enjoy?
When there is no good and evil, the only criterion for development is direct benefit.

An Arab does not steal or rob - he just makes a living. The Arab states will never have a developed economy, wherever they go, the desert will come.

Arabs plunder not only matter, but also spirituality.
The mosque on the Temple Mount has no value for Islam, the Temple Mount itself has been abandoned for centuries, which can be clearly seen from the old photographs. It only became sacred to Muslims when they stole it from the Jews.
The tomb of Yosef was of interest to the Arabs like last year's snow, when it was under their rule, but as soon as it was taken from the Jews, a mosque was immediately built there and the place was declared sacred.
They do not have their own holiness, so even they have to steal it.
Moshe Feiglin. "World War"
* * *
Arabs are characterized by industriousness, in which there is no discipline and scrupulousness, lack of initiative and enterprise, carelessness and carelessness in relation to the future, increased reactivity, impulsiveness, intemperance in the manifestation of their feelings and emotions;
- a tendency to exaggeration in assessments of the surrounding reality, not so much a logical understanding of the information received, but a special attention to the form of presentation and the eloquence of the speaker;
- the spread of superstitions and prejudices;
- arrogance and rudeness in the relationship of the highest to the lowest,
- ostentatious subservience in the speech and manners of behavior of the lower in relation to the higher.
Vladimir Krysko. "Secrets of Psychological Warfare"

So, imagine the main street of a small Arab city on a hot summer day. On the spacious loggia of one of the most beautiful houses in the city, a wealthy merchant lay down to rest after a hearty dinner, sweetly yawning in anticipation of the usual afternoon “keyf”. But suddenly the ears of the rich man hear the sharp cries of the boys who started a ball game right under his windows. An angry merchant rises from the couch and tries to shout and threaten to drive the troublemakers away from his home. But the boys are not going to run away, openly mocking the owner and his threats. And then the merchant embarks on a trick. Having mastered himself and grinning into his mustache, he informs the noisy boys in a casual tone of fresh "news":
“By the way, while you’re chasing the ball around here, free dates are being handed out in the marketplace ...” As you might expect, the boys are blown away from the street where the rich man lives, and he, terribly pleased with himself and his deceit, tries to take a nap. But a minute later the cunning Arab jumps up, as if scalded, from his bed and, clutching his head, shouts: “Well, what an ass I am! While I'm lying here, the damned boys will grab all the free dates!
This parable, like a drop of water, reflects one of the main features of the Arab national psychology - the ability to create vivid myths out of nothing and then devoutly believe in them, hating anyone who dares to doubt their reality. Conversely, any "genuine" phrase uttered by an Arab in conversation, or an oath, confirmed by his own signature and seal in any written document, means absolutely nothing.

Islamic terror arose not as a reaction to the Arab-Israeli conflict or the politics of the West, it was the result of the rejection by a significant part of the Arabs of the laws of the modern world as a whole. The Arab peoples feel humiliated by their inability to respond to the challenges of the time, the Arab mentality cannot adapt to the pace and rhythm of the life of the modern world - and the return to the norms of medieval Islam is the only way for them to resist the inevitable loss in the competition of civilizations.

Princeton University professor Michael Doran

“In the simplest way, quite in the spirit of the time and in accordance with the prevailing methods of proof from tradition (“naklyan”), it was possible to justify the admissibility of deception by referring to the Holy Scripture - the Koran, writes A. Ignatenko. - The book provides a wealth of material for this. So, there is a whole series of "verses" (Qur'anic verses) in which Allah performs "makr" (deceit, cunning, deceit). “And they were cunning, and Allah was cunning, and Allah is the best of cunning” (3:47) ... Allah also resorts to “kayd” (intrigues, deceit): “... after all, My cunning is strong” (7:182); “…because my wiles are strong” (68:45). "They were plotting a trick, and I am plotting a trick" (86:15-16). God,
the above quotes are quite enough, considering that even one word written in the Qur'an on behalf of Allah was and is a mandatory guide to action for a Muslim. We also note that the abundance of Arabic concepts denoting deceit and deceit (makr, kayd, huda, as well as “kizb”, “ibram amran” and many others) cannot be considered a mere accident. So, for example, in the language of the Eskimos of Greenland there are about seventy words denoting snow and ice in a different state, and in the dialect of the Pamir Tajiks the phrase “walking” sounds completely different when it comes to moving up or down, moving across the plain , on a glacier, on a mountain slope, etc. In short, whoever has something hurts talks about it ... And he speaks very brightly and with pleasure.

The Arabs retained the patriarchal customs of their ancestors; they are the very contradiction; they are both cruel and servile, superstitious and enthusiastic, ardent, greedy for faith and fiction; they have retained the youth of the soul and, being obsessed with some idea, are capable of great deeds.

A free, proud, generous Arab can be impudent and quick-tempered; he embodies all the vices and virtues of his nation: the need to constantly attend to his needs makes him active, the many sufferings that he is forced to endure makes him calm. The Arab loves independence - this is his only joy, he hates all power and is ready to fight against it with exceptional cruelty. An Arab is often driven by a sense of revenge. Honor for an Arab is above all. The sword, eloquence and hospitality are what constitute the glory of a nation. The sword for the Arab is the only means to defend his rights; the underdevelopment of writing gives special weight to eloquence, thanks to which disputes can sometimes be resolved peacefully, without the use of weapons; hospitality for an Arab is part of the universal code. Here are Desverger's words:

"Perhaps the most striking feature of the Arab's character is the close interweaving of a penchant for robbery with hospitality, a craving for theft and generosity, cruelty and chivalrous generosity, i.e. a combination of polar opposite qualities. The story of the same Arab causes the listener to repeatedly change feelings of contempt and admiration.It is difficult to understand the character of the Arab, if not seen from the point of view of the conditions of existence of the nation as a whole, isolated from the rest of the world and forced to live on such an ungrateful land.The poverty of the Arab lands justifies the propensity of the Arabs to plunder: deprived of rich pastures and fertile lands the Arabs correct an injustice of fate by force, plundering caravans of goods, they make no distinction between open war and ambush, armed robbery, the robbery of a traveler, is to them as laudable as the capture of a besieged city, as the seizure of foreign territory.

Arabs seldom allow words to betray secret feelings; they are firm in their intentions and terrible in revenge. These are merciless enemies, these are false friends of strangers
These people do not obey momentary impulses, they follow a predetermined system. Having a rather limited mind, but strong will and perseverance, they are capable of such a high social organization that provides them with triumph over enemies and tyrannical power over others.

Arabs are very sensitive to insults, hints, ridicule.
Sometimes they perceive completely innocent actions and words as an insult.
Russian journalist Dmitry Zgersky:
- Where a European perceives criticism in his own address or in
address his country thoughtfully and agree with it, the Arab will be indignant,
get offended, retaliate. In the company of Arabs, as a rule,
will gladly laugh at the Russian Ivanushka the Fool, but any mockery
in the same vein over an Arab fool will be taken as a personal insult

Dostoevsky says that one can learn from the inhabitants of the prison what the people are like. If we judge the Arab people by the prisoners, using Dostoevsky's method, then the picture is ugly: they are all without exception scammers, bigots, all living things are the object of their sexual passions. No less than a woman, they are excited by a man, a teenager, a boy, and even an animal.

An Arab cannot be trusted. It seems that he is your friend, but suddenly the beast wakes up in him, and he may well put a knife in your back. Any attempt to escape is doomed to failure, among those preparing to escape there will definitely be an informer.

Much has been written in Russian literature about the feeling of remorse. An Arab does not grieve too much about the past. What was, was. Repentance won't help. Why repent?
During an afternoon walk, one prisoner hit another on the head with a stone. I saw this picture. In the depths of the yard, two prisoners are sitting and talking peacefully. Suddenly, one of them grabs a stone - the only one in the entire prison yard - and begins to hit his interlocutor on the head with it. Until the very moment when he grabbed the stone, it was impossible to imagine how tragically their conversation would end. There was no transition from idyllic conversation to stone blows to the head. The absence of any transition from idyll to attempted murder is very characteristic of the atmosphere of the East.

First of all, the reaction of the Arab and Jewish prisoners who found themselves around the yard at that time is curious. The Arabs pushed each other aside to testify to an officer who immediately appeared there. The Jewish prisoners, seeing the fight, began to move away from the battlefield, pretending that they had not seen or heard anything.

An Arab of noble origin was brought to trial, who in a field not far from Herzliya raped a beautiful Arab woman and left her there. He was assisted by three of his servants. The accused will receive 15 years in prison. What happened in the field near Herzliya?

In one of the noble Arab families, a beautiful daughter, the pride of the family, grew up. Her father demanded a huge bride price for her, and made it a condition that the groom come from a noble family. A competition began among young people in the district: which of them will get the beauty? Who has more money? Who is of more noble origin? But the father of the beauty is in no hurry. Years go by, and passions among the suitors are heating up more and more. Beauty, meanwhile, "overripe": she is already 22 years old! And her father still hasn't decided who to marry her to. And while he hesitates and ponders, a certain young man takes a decisive step.

A few years ago he was in love with her and wanted to marry her. But now love has been replaced by hate. Hatred for the father of this beauty and for her entire family. So he kidnaps her, rapes her and throws her into a field where jackals howl. And all this means this: "yes, you are really beautiful and your father is proud of you, but I give you a kick in the ass just like I give a kick in the ass to some four-legged one." Such is the way of thinking of the Eastern man of "noble" blood. A young aristocrat walks into prison with his head held high. Years of imprisonment will brighten up the thought that now the father of this girl will have to marry her off without a bride price, because not one of the noble young people wants to marry her.

Arab prisoners are embarrassed by each other if they are not dressed. Obviously, the naked male body excites the sexual instinct in them no less than the naked female body in us. Many Arabs can only urinate when no one is watching. Otherwise, they get nothing. They are not able to urinate if they know that someone is looking at them or even listening. Many Arabs "in the wild" are distinguished by the same sensitivity. But here, in prison, because of the eternal thirst for a normal sexual life, this abnormal sensitivity develops in them beyond all measure. An Arab prisoner will not urinate before going to bed until the other inhabitants of the cell are asleep. He will wait at least half the night to make sure the inmates are asleep.

The Arab is "panerotic". Not only a woman, any living being excites the sexual instinct in him: a man, a child, an animal. A man excites an Arab no less than a woman. And even more - a young man. Do not leave him indifferent and pets

I have always been amazed at how easily and naturally the Arabs lie.

It's not that it surprises me that people lie, it's interesting that this is part of the national character of the people.

This is the skill, predisposition and ability to speak words that not only do not reflect reality, but are often its complete opposite.
Arabs sincerely do not notice the contradictions between the fantasy that they produce in their minds (often without realizing it) and the "facts of reality."
Therefore, in a sense, it is not correct to use the expression “he lies” in relation to an Arab. And in the same way, the words “he tells the truth” are not applicable to him. In any situation, it will be about his fantasy world and, therefore, about what it is beneficial for him to say at the moment.
I wrote this answer, not because I found among the Arabs the features of character noted here, but only because these features are constantly, hourly and everywhere manifested in their behavior. In all habitats.

The nature of an Arab reveals irascibility, lack of culture, complete primitiveness of the social organism, extreme greed for money, dishonesty in trade transactions and treachery.
Indeed, a barely defenseless guest leaves the shelter of his host, as all friendly relations end, unless they are based on kinship and a longer acquaintance. The same Arab who left his entire tent at the disposal of a guest would not consider it a crime to rob him in the desert in the most treacherous way, if only the guest’s luggage seemed to him worthy of attention, and his readiness to defend himself was doubtful.
These contradictions in the nature of the Arab are the result of evolutionary opposite processes: physical, associated with the deterioration of the climate, and hence with increasing poverty, and ethnic, developed in the course of the struggle for life amid extremely unfavorable conditions.

A people is a group of people united by some specific characteristics, there are more than 300 of them on Earth. There are numerous, for example, Chinese, and there are also small ones, for example, Ginukh, whose representation does not even reach 450 people.

The Arab people are the second largest group of people in the world, with about 400 million people. They inhabit the states of the Middle East and North Africa, but also recently they have been actively emigrating to Europe due to wars and political conflicts. So what kind of people are they, what is their history, and are there countries where Arabs live?

Where did the Arab people come from?

The forerunners of the Arabs are the wild tribes of Africa and the Middle East. In general, the first mention of them was found in various Babylonian writings. More specific instructions are written in the Bible. It is in it that it is said that in the 14th century BC. e. in Transjordan, and then in Palestine, the first shepherd tribes from the Arabian oases appear. Of course, this is a rather controversial version, but in any case, scientists agree that it was in Arabia that this people originated, and from there the history of the Arabs began.

The vast majority of Arabs profess Islam (90%), and the rest are Christians. In the 7th century, a previously unknown merchant Mohammed began to preach a new religion. After several years, the prophet created a community, and later a state - the Caliphate. This country began to rapidly expand its borders, and literally a hundred years later it stretched from Spain through North Africa and southwestern Asia to the borders of India. Due to the fact that the Caliphate had a vast territory, the state language was actively spreading on the lands subject to it, due to which the local population was transferred to the culture and customs of the Arabs.

The spread of Islam allowed the caliphates to establish close contact with Christians, Jews, etc., which contributed to the formation of one of the greatest civilizations in the world. During its existence, many great works of art were created, there was a rapid rise in science, including astronomy, medicine, geography and mathematics. But in the 10th century, the fall of the Caliphate (the state of the Arabs) began due to wars with the Mongols and Turks.

By the 16th century, Turkish subjects conquered the entire Arab world, and this continued until the 19th century, when the British and French already dominated North Africa. Only after the Second World War, all the people, except for the Palestinians, gained independence. They received freedom only by the end of the 20th century.

We will consider later where the Arabs live today, but for now it is worth dwelling on the linguistic and cultural characteristics of this people.

Language and culture

The Arabic language, the official language of all countries in which this group of people lives, belongs to the Afroasian family. About 250 million people speak it, and another 50 million people use it as a second language. The writing is based on the Arabic alphabet, which has changed slightly over its long history. The language is constantly changing. Arabic is now written from right to left and has no capital letters.

Along with the development of the people, culture also developed. It acquired its dawn during the period of the Caliphate. It is noteworthy that the Arabs based their culture on the basis of Roman, Egyptian, Chinese and others, and in general, this people made a big step in the development of human civilization. Studying the language and heritage will help to understand who the Arabs are, what are their values.

Science and literature

Arabic science developed on the basis of ancient Greek, for the most part on military affairs, since vast territories could not be captured and defended only with the help of human resources. At the same time, various schools open. Scientific centers are also emerging due to the development of natural sciences. Great strides have been made in the historical and geographical areas of research. Mathematics, medicine and astronomy received a great leap in development in the Caliphate.

The main literary work of the Arab world is the Koran. It is written in the form of prose and serves as the basis of the religion of Islam. However, even before the appearance of this religious book, great written masterpieces were created. Mostly Arabs composed poetry. The themes varied, such as self-praise, love, and depictions of nature. In the Caliphate, such world works were written that are popular to this day, these are: "A Thousand and One Nights", "Maqamat", "Messages of Forgiveness" and "The Book of the Miser".

Arabic architecture

Many art objects were created by the Arabs. At the initial stage, the influence of Roman and Byzantine traditions affected, but over time, their architecture acquires its own unique look. By the 10th century, a peculiar type of columned mosque was created with a rectangular courtyard in the center, surrounded by numerous halls, galleries with graceful arcades. This type includes the Amir Mosque in Cairo, where Arabs have lived for many hundreds of years.

From the 12th century, various letter and floral patterns began to gain popularity, with which buildings were decorated both outside and inside. Domes appear from the 13th century. In the 15th century, the decoration of buildings was based on the Moorish style, an example of this trend is the Alhambra castle in Granada. After the conquest of the Arab Caliphate by the Turks, the architecture acquires Byzantine features, which affected the Mohammed Mosque in Cairo.

The Status of Women and Religion in the Arab World

It is impossible to answer the question: who are the Arabs, if you do not study the position of women in their world. Until the middle of the 20th century, girls were at the lowest level in society. They did not have the right to vote, one might say, they were not considered people, but interestingly, the attitude towards mothers was always respectful. Now, especially in large cities, the attitude towards women has changed. Now they can attend schools, higher educational institutions and even hold high political and government positions. Polygamy, which is allowed in Islam, is slowly disappearing. You rarely see a man with more than two wives these days.

With regards to religion, then, of course, mostly Arabs profess Islam, about 90 percent. Also a small part are adherents of Christianity, mostly Protestants and a small part of the Orthodox. In ancient times, this people, like most ancient tribes, worshiped the stars, the sun and the sky. They honored and paid tribute to the most famous and influential ancestors. Only in the 7th century, when Muhammad began to preach, did the Arabs actively begin to convert to Islam, and now they are commonly considered Muslims.

Arab countries

There are a fairly large number of states in the world where the Arab people live. Countries in which the vast majority of the population is precisely this nationality can be considered their original ones. For them, the place of residence is mostly in Asian countries. The largest representation of Arabs in the following countries: Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Libya, Sudan and Tunisia. Of course, Arabs still live in Africa and European countries.

Arab emigration

Throughout history, this nationality has moved around the world, for the most part it is associated with the great civilization of the Caliphate. Now there is a much more active emigration of Arabs from Africa and the Middle East to Europe and America due to the unstable and threatening situation that has developed as a result of military and political conflicts. Currently, Arab immigrants are distributed in such territories: France, the USA, Germany, Italy, Austria, etc. About 10 thousand immigrants currently live in Russia, this is one of the smallest representations.

United Arab Emirates

The UAE is a well-known, influential and successful Arab state. This is a country in the Middle East, which is divided, in turn, into 7 emirates. The UAE is one of the most modern, advanced and wealthy countries in the world and is considered a leading oil exporter. It is thanks to this natural reserve that the Emirates are developing so quickly. Only in the 1970s, the country gained independence, and in such a short time it reached great heights. The most famous cities in the UAE are Abu Dhabi, the capital of the country, and Dubai.

Dubai Tourism

Now the United Arab Emirates attracts tourists from all over the world, but, of course, the center of attraction is Dubai.

This city has everything: any vacationer will be able to satisfy their desires, even lovers of skiing will find a place here. The best beaches, shops and entertainment centers. The most famous object not only in Dubai, but throughout the UAE, is the Burj Khalifa. It is the tallest building in the world, reaching 830 meters in height. Inside this massive structure are retail space, offices, apartments, hotels and much more.

The largest water park in the world is also in Dubai. Thousands of different specimens of animals and fish live here. Entering the aquarium, you plunge into the world of a fairy tale, you feel like an inhabitant of the marine world.

In this city, everything is always the largest and largest. The largest and most beautiful artificial archipelago "Mir" is located here. The outlines of the island copy the contours of our planet. The view from the top is magnificent, so it's worth taking a helicopter tour.

Thus, the Arab world is a fascinating history, culture and modern way of life. Everyone should get acquainted with the peculiarities of this people, go to the states where the Arabs live, for recreation and entertainment, because this is an amazing and unique phenomenon on planet Earth.

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