Mayan calendar by date of birth. Twenty sun seals


As in other types of astrology, Maya horoscopes have specific signs and symbols to represent each sign. The Mayan calendar is different from what we are used to, the months in it are shorter and consist of twenty days. Below is a Mayan calendar by date of birth with a description of the signs and images of their symbols.

Please note that the Tzolkin ritual calendar is not used, but the traditional Mayan solar calendar Haab, which has nineteen months.

Meaning: black tornado, black sky, moon, one flower, west.

The ancient Mayans considered those born in the month of Chen to be people of the night. They are given power and vitality by the hours from sunset to the first rays of dawn. Using the calm energy of the dark time, they will fully develop their individuality. They have a natural inclination to perceive lunar energy. It is favorable to wear a moonstone, it increases the connection with the moon. Totem - Frog. Favorable direction is west. Facing the west while meditating is very beneficial for them.

Meaning: green storm, Venus, two flowers, south.

Those born under the sign of Yash have good compatibility with people of the Yashkin sign. The planet Venus patronizes them, giving nature tender and loving. They must develop their peacemaking abilities in order to bring harmony into the world. In our times, the gift of a peacemaker is a great gift, and they are able to do a lot of good. A good direction is south.

Meaning: white storm, frog, three flowers, north.

Those born in the month of Sak are people of the day. The hours of the day, and especially the morning, are especially favorable times for them. Representatives of the Sak sign need to find time for reflection in the early hours of the day, that's when great wisdom can come to them. The main direction is north. The magical animal is the Frog, known for its ability to adapt and change. The frog is able to make a quick and easy transition from one state to another. The Mayan horoscope advises these people to accept change, because in change lies their power.

Meaning: red storm, trees, deer, east.

Keh people have an affinity for nature and a natural balance. They will help restore natural order to our planet by setting their own example. They are protected by the element of Fire, and the magic color is red. Embrace this powerful force and your fiery nature will be known. Meditating in the forest is good for developing natural talents.

Favorable direction is east. The totem is a gentle and noble Deer.

Meaning: secret, hidden, number 3

People born in the calendar month of Mac are under the cover of one of the main secrets of Mayan astrology. In the Mayan calendar, the meaning of this sign is less clear than any other, and this makes them a mystery. It is best if they keep their secrets from others. The words describing the Mac symbolism, again, refer to what is "under cover" or hidden. According to the horoscope of the ancient Mayans, they need to find time for reflection and meditation. If they allow themselves to spend time away from others, they will be able to penetrate the mysteries of existence. The magic number is 3. It is considered the number of divinity, balance and completion.

Meaning: earth, dog, yellow color, yellow Sun.

People of the Kankin sign are patronized by the Earth and the Sun. They have a connection both with the earth under their feet and with solar energy. By spending time under the rays of the Sun and meditating, they can gain wisdom. If possible, meditate in a cave, or at least visit a cave and feel the peace and tranquility of being in the womb of mother earth. Totem - Dog, especially yellow or light brown. Dogs are well known for their loyalty, but a lesser known quality of this animal is their incredible inner strength.

Meaning: owl, rain god, fire.

Those born in the days of the month of Muan are under the auspices of the elements of Fire and Water. For them, the time of a thunderstorm is auspicious, when fire and water are present in the form of rain and lightning. The storm is their magical time. Totem - Owl. This bird is distinguished by the ability of clear vision, it penetrates the essence of things with its eyes.

Meaning: sowing time, puma, steam, arrow, drum.

The totem animal of the representatives of the Pash sign is the Jaguar. Jaguars in Maya culture were given special importance, as they personify leadership. These people have enough inner strength and charisma to become leaders. They also have a straight, like an arrow, character and unshakable self-confidence. Using the drum, they will be able to gain stability and balance. The symbol is water vapor, which is a combination of Earth, Water and Fire, because the vapor rises from the earth under the influence of heat. They need to combine all three elements in their lives.

Meaning: turtle, moon goddess, number 1.

Those born in the month of Kayyab have a natural inclination towards the Moon and spiritual pursuits. Most likely, they will find deep meaning in everyday realities. The totem animal is the Turtle. Among the Mayans, she was considered the bearer of ancient wisdom. It is good to use the image of a turtle when meditating.

Meaning: grain, crocodile, two rulers, darkness, god of rain.

In the Mayan calendar, the Kumhu period has a dual nature. These people are able to see opposite perspectives, and both of them offer their advantages. The totem is the Crocodile, which has the gift to survive in adverse conditions. As you know, crocodiles survived, while most reptiles died out at the end of the Mesozoic period. They are not embarrassed by change, they only benefit from change. They have been granted longevity and stability, and this great gift from heaven should be treasured.

Meaning: unlucky days, earth god, ghost, missed days

The days of Wayeb are the shortest month at 5 days, while all other signs of the Mayan calendar are 20 days. The ancient Maya believed that during the Vayeb period, the natural balance is disturbed, and other forces come to Earth. This is reminiscent of the Celtic holiday of Samhain, when, according to legend, ghosts come to our world. Although birth during this period is not interpreted in a negative sense. This means that you have close connections with other worlds and other realms. With the ability to extrasensory perception, you can see other worlds.

Meaning: jaguar, leader, leader, soft ground.

Representatives of the Pop sign are born leaders. Among the ancient Maya, the jaguar symbol represented power. They can show direction to those around them by remaining sensitive to everyone's needs. Their gift is to be at the forefront, to lead people. They have an affinity with the element of Earth, and meditation on the earth enhances abilities.


Meaning: black sky, black jaguar, black storm, night, frog.

Those born in the month of Wo have similarities and compatibility with those born under the sign of Chen. Like people of the Chen sign, their time is the hours from dusk to the first rays of the sun. Like the representatives of the Chen sign, the totem animal is the Frog. They are able to easily move from one level of consciousness to another. Mystical personalities are born under this sign, seeking hidden wisdom and wanting to discover secrets.

Meaning: red crossroads, red sky, red storm, deer.

The month of Sip has a connection with the elements of Fire and Air. The magical animal is the Deer, symbolizing grace and connection with the forest. In the view of the ancient Maya Indians, the Deer was a noble leader of the forest dwellers. Those born this month carry its energy, grace and nobility. The magical color is red.

Meaning: bat, fish, beginning of winter.

Representatives of the Sots sign have two totem animals - the Bat and the Fish. This month of the Mayan calendar is ruled by the elements Air and Water. One of the symbols, the Bat, is associated with Mother Earth. Bats are very sensitive creatures, they have intuition, sensitivity, the ability to see through illusions. The fish represents the depths of the subconscious. Combining together, Pisces and Bat endow these people with a deep intuition that is inaccessible to most. It is important for them to spend their days of rest on the ground.

Meaning: Heaven and Earth.

The Mayan sign Sek is associated with two elements - Earth and Sky (wind, air). Those born in this month are passionate about the sky, they are interested in everything that is above. Air is the element of psychic energy, and Earth signifies practicality. Thanks to this combination, they have the gift of correctly understanding any situation and identifying the most effective solution. This is a great gift by which they are able to help the world through practical perception.

Meaning: dog, days of birds, god of dogs.

Those born in the days of the month of Shul are closely associated with their totem animal, the Dog. She was an important animal for the ancient Maya Indians, who believed that the Dog is a guide to the next life after the end of earthly existence. People of this sign are endowed with the traditional features of the Dog symbol: loyalty, strength, determination. They also have strong connections in the world of the next life, helping others overcome the fear of death and transition to another world.

Meaning: new Sun, sun god, red clouds, green color.

Those born in the month of Yashkin have connections with the Mayan sun god Yash Kin, who gives protection from darkness, drought and disease. These people are natural healers. They have the ability to heal others through healing words or as a healing practitioner. This sign has one drawback - susceptibility to doubt, because Yash Kin was known to bring doubt and indecision. It is important to learn to trust your decisions.

Meaning: water, clouds, jaguar, harvest.

Mole is associated with the element of Water. It is believed that those born in this month of the Mayan calendar are endowed with the gift of making rain. To develop their talent, they need to pay special attention to how the weather affects their well-being. The time of their power comes with the rain. The totem is the Jaguar. The Mayan jaguar personified the secrets of the shamans and the powers of the leaders. They have the ability for both of these roles, they are able to become spiritual leaders and lead others.

They are represented by 20 Sacred Signs - symbols that determine the cycles of frequency ranges along which the pulsations of the Galactic Tones of Creation pass. The symbols represent a resonant structure, a vibratory form that allows the primal harmonic pulsations to become manifest in our solar system. These ideographic symbols are called Twenty Solar Seals. Twenty Solar Seals describe the stages of development of our consciousness: from birth - the first seal (Dragon) to enlightenment - the twentieth seal (Sun). Each of the seals has the main key characteristics and a certain color, in accordance with the color code constant: red, white, blue, yellow. These colors, associated with the four cardinal directions (East, North, West, South), expand the possibility of perceiving the meanings of each seal.

Birth. Being. Nutrition. Memory.

Open yourself to the energies of Birth and Hope, the highest faith in the omnipotence of being, and let them express themselves in your life. Focus on both self-sufficiency and grateful acceptance of the necessary nourishment from the Universe. Only in this way will life help you fulfill your deepest needs. Let the energy of birth
initiate and implement all your undertakings!

The East initiates. Throat chakra. Index finger of the right hand.
Motto: I feed the birth of my being with primordial trust.

Spirit. Breath. Communications and connections.

Receive and express the energies of Spirit and Connectedness. Focus on the presence of the Spirit in all your activities. Be in tune with your natural inspiration! May the Spirit help you to express the innermost Truth of your being! The movement of the Spirit is the omnipotent Breath of being itself, uniting all that exists.

North - cleans. Heart chakra. Middle finger of the right hand.
Motto: Breathing inspiration, I build a spiral of creation.

Abundance. Intuition. Dream.

Accept and express the energies of Dreaming and Abundance. Enter the sanctuary of your heart, its innermost darkness - the arena of your inner mysteries. Become one with your unbreakable peace and intuition. Tune in to the natural abundance that surrounds you and dream!

The West is transforming. Solar plexus chakra. Ring finger of the right hand.
Motto: Intuition opens the doors of dreams to the sanctuary of abundance for me.

Bloom. Awareness. Purposefulness.

Receive and express the powers of Awareness and Bloom. Focus on the omnipotence of your intentions. Target your desires, and then they will come true. Plant the seeds of essential phenomena with the utmost precision. Feed and nurture them as you watch them grow. Feel like a living flower!

South is expanding. Root chakra (coccyx). Little finger of the right hand.
Motto: My awareness enables the seeds of creation to flourish.

Life force. Instinct. Survival. Sexuality.

Receive and express the powers of Vitality and Instinct. Listen to the primordial wisdom of your physical temple and honor its perfection. Tune in to your passion, vitality, sensuality and sexuality. Feel your kundalini awakening and blooming!

The East initiates. Crown chakra (crown). Big toe of the right foot.
Motto: The basis of my life force is the instinct of my passion.

Death. Favorable opportunity. Alignment.

Receive and express the power of Death and Self-giving. Focus on allowing the inevitable death and separation to happen. Thus, you will open the gates to renewal and new favorable opportunities. Let go and forgive! Take control of the impulses of your lower nature in order to feel the Grace of the Divine Plan! The power of balance and open-mindedness will help you build bridges between the worlds.

North - cleans. Throat chakra. Second toe of the right foot.
Motto: I am subdued by my opportunity.

Accomplishment. Healing. Knowledge.

Receive and express the powers of Accomplishment and Healing. Fill your life with Accomplishment, in the deepest sense of the word. Heal all levels of human existence! Master the art of bringing into your life what you desire. Bring to perfection and completion those areas of your life that will help you reach the next, unknown level of being.

The West is transforming. Heart chakra. Middle toe of the right foot.
Motto: I am here to heal the Planet.

Grace. Art. Creation of Beauty.

Receive and express the powers of Beauty and Grace. Focus on entering the flow of supreme refinement, natural lightness, fluidity and peace. Participate in the creation and dissemination of harmony in the world! Free yourself from all self-condemnation and understand that your life is a work of art!

South is expanding. Solar plexus chakra. Ring finger of the right foot.
Motto: I am awakened to beauty, I breathe grace and radiate art.

Primal Water. Flow. Cleansing.

Receive and express the power of the Universal Stream of Purification. Focus on clearing the instrument of your perception, the unity of body and mind. This is possible due to its constant relationship with the Higher Self. Nourish your body, the basis of your world, with the vibrations of your own wholeness. Reconnecting with yourself leads to full wakefulness in every moment of your life. By awakening fluidity and flexibility in yourself, you will allow events to flow in the fullest sense!

The East initiates. Root chakra. Little toe of the right foot.
Motto: I am a stream of purification that has flowed into the multidimensionality of my being.

Heart. Devotion. Ayubov.

Receive and express the powers of Love and Devotion. Focus on overcoming your emotional limiting complexes by activating your spiritual power and connection. Tune in to the One Heart of the Universe! Seek new levels of reconnection with your companions on the path of life! Be devoted to the innermost truth of your being, your path and destiny.

North - cleans. Crown chakra. Left thumb.
Motto: One heart, love and devotion are the companions of my destiny.

Magic. Illusion. A game.

Receive and express the power of Magic and the Game. Focus on how your life is a celebration of your divine inner child whose nature is innocence, play and spontaneity. Laugh at yourself, dissolving all pomposity and seriousness! Enjoy your weightlessness and multicolored illusions! Humor and laughter will help you become invulnerable.

The West is transforming. Throat chakra. Index finger of the left hand.
Motto: My game is the magic of my pristine innocence.

Free will. Wisdom. Influence.

Receive and express the power of Free Will and Influence. Tune your free will to integrity and self-respect. Awaken the faculties dormant in your human form, becoming in tune with the highest, radiant wisdom. Feel and express your openness to all mankind! Honor the wisdom of the companions walking
with you along the path of life.

South is expanding. Heart chakra. Middle finger of the left hand.
Motto: I reap the harvest of the wisdom of my free will.

Space. Awakening. Study. Prophecy.

Receive and express the power of Prophecy and Awakening. Actively participate in the revival of the Earth according to the Prophecy. Help her return to her original state of the Garden of Eden! Bring the sacred message of the reunification of Heaven and Earth to the world! Boldly entering the unknown, remember that your strength lies in non-attachment to reference points. Dissolve established opinions about yourself! Explore the outer and inner space!

The East initiates. Solar Plexus Chakra. Ring finger of the left hand.
Motto: In full wakefulness, I explore the unknown.

Timelessness. Susceptibility. Magic.

Receive and express the power of Timelessness and Enchantment. Discover in yourself the receptivity of the radial nature of time - the eternal "Now"! Your heart is the gate of Divine Enchantment. Become a sage, transparent to the entire spectrum of energies, and the magic of life will be freely created through you.

North - cleans. Root chakra (coccyx). Little finger of the left hand.
Motto: The spell of timelessness exudes from my receptive heart.

Vision. Intelligence. Creation.

Receive and express the powers of Vision and Reason. Concentration on the contemplation of the Great Plan will help you soar like an eagle! May your vision be clear and sharp! By creating with the power of the mind, you will find inspiration in devotion to your vision. Strengthen your interaction with the Planetary Mind!

The West is transforming. Crown chakra. Big toe of the left foot.
Motto: I am committed to my vision of the Planetary Mind.

Intelligence. Fearlessness. The ability to question.

Receive and express the powers of Fearlessness and Intelligence. Listen to your inner voice as you walk along the path of Cosmic Milestones — from Contestation to Certainty. Feel free to face your fears! Do not blindly believe in anything and investigate the phenomena of life with the help of the Divine Intellect. Become a true Warrior of Grace!

South is expanding. Throat chakra. Second toe of the left foot.
Motto: I am the warrior of light with the shield of intellect and the sword of compassion.

Navigation. Synchronicity. Evolution.

Receive and express the power of Navigation and Development. The course of your space-time reality is spiritualized by synchronicity with your higher path. Boldly open the gates of Evolution. Treat our planet with love; honor and sing of its original holiness.

The East initiates. Heart chakra. Middle toe of the left foot.
Motto: I am charting the course of my Planet in synchrony with galactic evolution.

Infinity. Orderliness. Reflection. Meditation.

Receive and express the powers of Reflection and Infinity. Become a mirror reflecting the light of the Divine World Order. Learn to see your reflections in the mirrors of people and events, distinguishing the true from the illusory. Face to face with your shadow sides, let go of everything that reflects you distortedly. Open yourself to the experience of infinity!

North - cleans. Solar Plexus Chakra. Ring finger of the left foot.
Motto: I contemplate endless reflections of the Divine.

Self-generation. Energization. Acceleration of all processes.

Receive and express the power of Self-Generating Energy. By releasing it, you awaken your inner Thunderer! Accelerate the processes of transformation and initiate the cleansing of your life! Self-generating your own liberation is entirely within your power.

The West is transforming. Root chakra. Little toe of the left foot.
Motto: I carry within myself the self-creation of the freedom of my energy and the energy of my freedom.

Universal Fire. Life. Enlightenment. Ascension.

Receive and express the powers of Ascension and Enlightenment. Your goal is to ascend by the power of the Universal Fire of Enlightenment! The radiance of your inner sun illuminates and energizes every moment of your life. Awareness of your wholeness and freedom is revealed to you. Enjoy the experience of holistically perceiving the matrix of life through the lens of unconditional love.

South is expanding. Crown chakra. Right thumb.
Motto: I am the universal fire - fuel for the ascension of my Planet.

The mathematical system of the ancient Maya remains unsurpassed today. Scientists have determined that this civilization arose around the 8th century BC. The legacy left behind them is still incomprehensible. How they managed to calculate the end of their own civilization and create a New Time Calendar (Tzolkin) for the following civilizations - let's try to figure it out together.

The key word in the mathematical system of the ancient Maya is harmony. Everything is based on the interaction of human physiology and the physiology of the universe. They used vigesimal number system(as opposed to modern decimal) - counted not only the fingers, but also the toes.

It was the Maya who first began to use the concept of " zero" And " infinity". It is symbolic that the graphic representation for both concepts was the same and was depicted as an empty oyster shell.

But their most unique invention is Tzolkin Calendar(tsol - account, kin - date). Using this calendar, you can determine the state of the galactic seal on every day. Unlike modern astrological horoscopes, among the Mayans, the galactic name changed every day and was filled with meaning. Only did not change alactic birth name. For example, for a modern person born on 10/06/1975, the ancient Maya determined the name - White Electrical World Connector. A year later, he is already named as Blue Self-Existing Monkey. Each component of the name has a specific meaning and changes daily. Knowing their meanings you can plan how to live the day and what will happen tomorrow.

The Mayan calendar is made up of 52 galactic activation portals(in our year too 52 weeks). In the week they also 7 days. And here is the quantity cycles of galactic tones - 13(in our year 12 months). Their system is more precise and harmonious. In fact, there are 13 moons in a year, and in each moon exactly 28 days. The moons determine the tides of the world's oceans and fix the location of the planets of the solar system. Mankind can agree on any order of the calendar account, but the Universe has its own laws. No wonder it is used in medicine Mayan time cycles(they - doctors - most likely, they themselves do not suspect this).

For example, stages of development of the human embryo are considered moons, therefore, in obstetrics, it is customary to consider not 9 months of gestation, but 40 weeks (exactly 10 Mayan cycles of galactic tones by the number of fingers on the hands). And the next 10 cycles of the child are carried in their arms in the literal sense of the word, until he gets on his feet on his own (in pediatrics, it is considered the norm when a child begins to walk 9 months after birth, more precisely, after 10 Mayan cycles corresponding to the number of toes). And the natural female nature lives on 28 day cycle, like the moon and the whole universe. It is surprising that everyone knows about this, but they prefer to live in an unnatural rhythm: the number of days in our month ranges from 28 to 31. By the way, the Mayan extra leap day is defined as “zero”. In the Tzolkin it is " A day out of time».

1. Why use the Tzolkin (New Time Calendar)?

3. How to use the 13 Moon Calendar?

4. 20 Solar Seals and 13 Galactic Tones

5. The Tzolkin and the 260 Galactic Signatures

6. Elegance and simplicity of the New Time Calendar

Why use the New Time Calendar?

The calendar is a programming device. The current world standard - the 12-month Gregorian calendar - is uneven (months of 30, 31 and 28, sometimes 29 days) and irrational (for example, September is the ninth month, and the word "September" itself means "seventh").

Would you use this ruler if you wanted to build a house?

Add to this a mechanistic 60-minute clock and you have a programming device that is not driven by mechanized disharmony, an artificial time frequency. 12:60 (12 months, 60 seconds). This artificial time root cause our disunity with nature, and all the chaos resulting from this disunity.

In order to dispel the glamor of the disharmony of time, we need to re-enter cosmic time - the universal synchronization factor, the temporal frequency 13:20 . The New Time Calendar - the 13 Moon Calendar - is a perfect harmony and solution that uproots artificial time and introduces us into a vast new cosmic reality - the Synchronic Order.

The New Time Calendar, or the 13 Moon 28 Day Calendar, is a perfect measure of the Earth's orbit around the Sun (365 day year). Each Moon of the New Time Calendar consists of exactly 28 days. A similar kind of 28-day calendar has been actively supported World Chamber of Commerce in 1931. The change of the calendar was then supported by such people as Eastman Kodak And Mahatma Gandhi. The 13 Moon 28 day calendar also makes calculations much easier. This means that any given day of the month, or moon, will have the same day of the week each year.

Calendar of 13 Moons of 28 days - a uniform standard of measure

13 moons x 28 days = 364 days

+ 1 day, July 25, Day Out of Time
(which is neither a day of the week nor a day of the year)

Only 365 days a year.

28 days - the period of revolution of the Sun at the latitude of sunspot formation. The sun bestows all life and light, and this type of solar activity coordinates the processes occurring in the entire solar system and on Earth as well. 28 days is also the esoteric cycle of the Moon, the ancient synodic cycle of the Moon's revolution around the Earth.

13 moons, or months of 28 days, equals 364 days. The 365th day of the year is the Day Out of Time. This day does not belong to any of the weeks, to any of the moons. This is a day of galactic freedom, universal forgiveness, as well as the holidays "Peace through Culture" and "Time is an art"

2. What is Synchronous Order?

The Synchronic Order is the perfect interconnection structure of everything in the Universe. This is the intelligence that is the basis of the Cosmos, which synchronizes people, events and places and fills this synchronization with meaning.

Have you ever thought about a person, and in a moment he called you on the phone? Or did you have a certain thought or question, and when you opened the book on an arbitrary page, you immediately found the answer to this question?

Such synchronization (the so-called "coincidence") in our civilization is perceived as a huge surprise and surprise, but only because we are too immersed in the mechanistic of time. at frequency 12:60.

In fact, synchronicity is the universal norm! Everything in the universe is perfectly synchronized at every moment by means of temporal O th frequency 13:20.

Daily use of the New Time Calendar, the 13 Moon Calendar, increases the experience of synchronicity by deepening your intuitive awareness of the interconnectedness of all events.

3. How to use the 13 Moon Calendar

Each Moon of the New Time Calendar has a single general structure, as shown in the figure below.

Simple reading of the Calendar in five steps:

1. Find Gregorian calendar date. In the New Time Calendar, these dates are listed at the bottom of each day's position, so you won't get lost in time!

2. Define a name Moon. In the given example: magnetic moon.

3. Find Radial Plasma(day of the week).

4. Determine day Moon

5. Determine Galactic Signature days - a combination of one of 20 Solar Seals and one of 13 tones.

Thanks to this, you can create reading the Code of the Day and really start living the Synchronic Order! Number kina shows what day it is Harmonic Tzolkin Modulus- A 260 day calendar that contains 260 Galactic Signatures.

4. 20 Solar Seals and 13 Galactic Tones of Creation

As you have seen above, each day of the 13 Moon Calendar has its own Galactic Signature. Each Galactic Signature has a unique energy. There are 260 Galactic Signatures that are formed when one of the 13 Galactic Tones and one of 20 Solar Seals. 13x20=260.

The 13 Galactic Tones and 20 Solar Seals describe the process of cosmic creation:

13 Galactic Tones of Creation

Tone Name Creative power, function Action

1 tone. Magnetic Targets Attraction

2 tone. Lunar Polarize Call Stabilization

3 tone. Electric Activates service Binds

4 tone. Self-existing Defines the form Co-measurement

5 tone. Overtone Empowers Radiance Control

6 tone. Rhythmic Organizes equality Balancing

7 tone. Resonant Channels attunement Inspiration

8 tone. Galactic Harmonizes Integrity Modeling

9 tone. Solar Pulsating Intention Implementation

10 tone. Planetary Perfection of manifestation Creation

11 tone. Spectral Dissolve Release Release

12 tone. Crystalline Dedicates to cooperation Universalization

13 tone. Cosmic Stands firm Transcendence

* * * * * * * * *

20 Solar Seals

Print name Force Property Action

1. Red Dragon Birth Genesis Nutrition

2. White Wind Spirit Breathing Communications and Connections

3. Blue Night Abundance Intuition Dreams and Dreams

4. Yellow Seed Purposefulness. Bloom. mindfulness

5. Red Serpent Life Force Survival Instinct

6. White Connector Death Opportunity Alignment

7. Blue Hand Accomplishment Healing Knowledge

8. Yellow Star Fine Art Creating Beauty

9. Red Moon Primal Water Stream Cleansing

10. White Dog Heart Devotion Love

11. Blue Monkey Magic Illusion Game

12. Yellow Man Free Will Wisdom Influence

13. Red Sky Space Awakening Exploration

14. White Wizard Timelessness Perception Sorcery

15. Blue Eagle B And deniya Mind Creation

Mayan calendar - a system of calendars created by the Mayan civilization in pre-Columbian Central America. This calendar was also used by other Central American peoples - the Aztecs, Toltecs, etc. A typical Mayan calendar date looks something like this:, 3 Kimi 4 Sots, where is the date of the long count.

The Maya used two calendars. In the first year, it always consisted of 260 days and was called "tzolkin", and in the second, the "odd year" consisted of 365 days. From the presence of two cycles, the circumstance followed that each day had two names, for example, 3 akbal, 4 kumu. Since both cycles were of different lengths, no specific double combination of day names was repeated for 52 "odd" years and 73 "Tzolk'in" years. Such a period of time was commonly referred to as the "Aztec Age" or the "Calendar Circle". This calendar system was quite adequate for its purposes, it also had limitations. The Maya, to cope with these difficulties, developed another system of counting time called the Long Count. With slight variations, they counted time in "kins", "uinals", "tuns", etc... Its principle looked like this: 20 kin-days = 1 uinal (20-day month), 18 uinals = 1 tun (360 day year), 20 tun = 1 katun (7200 days), 20 katun = 1 baktun (144000 days). With the help of the Long Account, the Maya also kept a special account of the day. On stelae and other monuments, Mayan dates were written in two columns of hieroglyphs, read from left to right and from top to bottom. The entire series began with an introductory hieroglyph and often ended with a date related to the lunar cycle and mention of which of the Nine Lords of the Night was ruling at that time. And between them there were dates expressed in baktuns, katuns, tuns, etc., plus the corresponding dates according to "tzolkin" (260 days) and "haab" (365 days).
The Tzolk'in is a very ancient calendar and dates back to time immemorial. Some Maya tribes in remote areas of the country still use it for ritual and magical purposes. And he played an even more important role earlier. The tables of the Dresden Codex were supposed to give the priests not only information about future eclipses, but also how to relate them to the 260-day Tzolk'in calendar. They compiled their tables on the basis of 11958 days, which almost exactly corresponds to the year 46 "Tzolk'in" (11960 days). This fully corresponds to 405 lunar months (also 11960 days). The authors of the tables also made additions that corrected their basic data, which ensured their accuracy up to one day for 4500 years. "Tzolk'in" is based on a combination of 20 names of months with numbers from 1 to 13. But the account is not kept sequentially, as in our Gregorian calendar with months of 30 and 31 days. A cycle of 260 days has no practical meaning in earthly conditions, just as the calendar itself with 13 days and 20 months, which are also indicated by names and symbols that have nothing to do with the reality around us, has no practical meaning. Everything "falls into place" in only one case: the calendar was given to the Maya from the outside by some "gods" who were familiar with the wheel, and for whom the cycle of 260 days had some practical significance. "Gods" who were so educated that they were able not only to calculate the earth's year very accurately, but also to adapt its "inconvenient" duration to the integer counting system without loss of accuracy.

Three Mayan calendars
The Maya used a whole system of three calendars. The cycle of the Tzolkin calendar has only 260 days, or 20 months of 13 days. The position of a person's date of birth in Tzolkin says a lot about his personal qualities and purpose in this world. Along with the Tzolkin, the solar calendar was used Haab with a period of 365 days. It had a household purpose. The Maya calculated an almost exact length of the solar year - 365.242 days. Scientists believe that the Maya would need 10,000 years of observation to figure out this number. But the Maya civilization existed for no more than 3,500 years. In addition to these two calendars, there is a calendar long count for large time intervals. Its cycle is 5125.3 years. The current cycle began on August 13, 3114 BC. and ends in 2012 AD. In Maya legends, this cycle is called the Fifth Sun. Each cycle, according to Mayan mythology, ended with the almost complete destruction of civilization, which grew over 5,000 years. The first sun ended with earthquakes, the second with hurricanes, the third with volcanic fallout, and the fourth with a flood.

Life after the Maya

Will our civilization end in 2012? On the one hand, the Maya predict the destruction of this civilization as a result of a certain movement of the Earth. But it is not just the development of the next, sixth civilization. According to the Mayan theory, after the end of the cycle of the Fifth Sun, some evolutionary leap should occur. It will be characterized by the development of the spiritual principle in the human community. At a new level of evolution, a person will feel himself a part of Nature, and all its levels will unite into a single whole according to the principle of universal telepathy. Perhaps the prediction should be understood in abstraction from a purely materialistic assessment. The destruction of civilization is optional. It will simply become unimportant in the eyes of people, disappear from the center of their concerns, due to the emergence of other values. The Maya speak of five ages. There are five stages in the development of any complex system. The first of them is the root one, which contains the development program, its laws, as well as the very impulse to the birth of the entire system. It is followed by stages of gradual complication and increase in the independence of elements. What changes should be expected? What properties should humanity lose, and which should it acquire? Guessing is useless if you do not try to distract yourself from the usual plane of our thinking. Agree, it is quite primitive to consider that the history of the planet consists of the development of one civilization, its destruction and the development of a new one. Remaining in the plane of our material life, it is impossible to imagine what will happen after it and whether this "after" exists at all. The destruction of a material civilization from the point of view of the layman is no more significant than personal physical death. Much more attractive is the allegorical reading of the Mayan predictions, according to which humanity must rise to the spiritual perception of reality. The world will become "through", where spiritual forces will be felt behind each object, which are the reason for its existence. Due to the eternity of spiritual nature, simultaneously with the ability to feel it, a person will receive the possibility of eternal existence.

Mysteries of the Mayan calendar

One of the most mysterious and little-studied civilizations today is the Mayan civilization. After themselves, the Maya left many secrets and mysteries and topics for reflection. And indeed, how the Maya Indians, being barbarians and savages, sacrificing people, could reach such heights in the study of astrology, architecture and mathematics that even in our time, they seem incomprehensible. Having neither telescopes nor modern computing equipment, the Maya Indians studied the movements of celestial bodies, compiled star maps, and predicted the dimming of the sun and moon. But, perhaps the most mysterious and mysterious of all that the Mayan Indians left behind is known to almost the whole world, Mayan calendar. The Mayan calendar is based on 20 numbers and 12 symbols. The counting system is fundamentally different from the modern one. It was based according to the cycle of motion of celestial bodies. Mayan calendar predictions are more global in nature. It predicts possible vectors of development of human civilization as a whole. Also a very important aspect is that it does not have any specifics, and the texts of the predictions are more abstract in nature, a kind of mystery that still needs to be solved. Representatives of this ancient civilization predicted many events. These are world wars, and the outbreak of world terrorism, and the Cold War. All the events that were predicted by the Maya Indians were of planetary significance, one way or another, affecting the history of mankind as a whole.
The level of Mayan worldview and way of thinking is alien to us. They perceived the world and the nature of things differently than we do, therefore the meaning of their words and records can be interpreted by us not at all with the same meaning as the Maya had. What meant one thing to them may seem completely different to us. Therefore, it is not surprising that among scientists studying the Mayan civilization and their calendar, so m many disagreements. Today, everyone associates the Mayan calendar with the date December 21, 2012. More and more often words are heard, the end of the world, the change of eras, the global cataclysm. As well as among scientists, and among ordinary people, discussions on this date, which has already managed to become mystical, are sharpened. But most of the recording was simply destroyed by the Spaniards, and from the words that remained it is difficult to determine what it is about. Yes, and the Mayan ancestors themselves say that the date of December 21, 2012, promoted by various people who are far from understanding the Mayan culture, people who simply speculate on this, releasing books and making films, focus on the fact that the calendar of their ancestors is predictable events much later 2012. And this is already confirmed. Not so long ago, the signs were deciphered on a stone tablet, which was attached to the Tortuguero monument, which was found on the territory of the Maya. Researchers are convinced that one entry can be deciphered up to the year 4,772. If we discard all the stereotypes and conjectures that have developed around the Mayan calendar, we will get one of the greatest mysteries in human history, which we will need to study for many more years. After all, the Mayan calendar is not only predictions of the future of mankind. The Mayan calendar also contains warnings and a message to humanity. It is predictable only possible vectors of development of a nation of people, and according to which vector humanity will develop, deplete the planet's resources, invent nuclear weapons, wage wars, or grow morally and spiritually, strive for peace, it already depends on us.

Mayan calendar end
The Maya have developed several calendars during their existence, one of them contains information about 2012 and the end of the world. This calendar takes into account the periods and rhythms of the universe and will clarify something about 2012 for us. For the Maya, time was very important. In their opinion, all events went in a cycle, in a circle. In the ritual period "Tzolkin" the cycle consisted of 260 days, each day had a number from one to thirteen, and the names were repeated with a period of twenty days. This means that two periods were mixed in one calendar - 13 and 20. Each name had its own hieroglyph - the solar seal. For the Maya, time was like the flow of a river. It seems to be the same thing, but each time it is different, and it never repeats. No wonder there is a saying - you can't step into the same water twice. For them, time was a cycle, just like the flow of a river. The short cycle for them was 5 thousand years, the long one was 26 thousand years. The latter coincides with the alignment cycle of the galaxy, and they are trying to somehow connect this with the end of the world in 2012. Summing up, we get that the Mayan calendar is endless, because it is enclosed in a cycle that has no end.

culture Olmec, on which the Aztec and Mayan civilizations are based, literally appeared out of nowhere in 1200 BC. The main iconic things of this culture were:

  • huge temples,
  • religious complexes,
  • snake,
  • jaguar,
  • ritual ball game
  • and jade.

The heyday of culture came in bursts around 300 B.C. and then on 300 AD. (It is interesting that during the zero years of our era, the ancient cities were abandoned for about one century, and then everything returned to its place, and the cities began to live again). The decline began after 900 AD, "Long Count Calendar" disappeared from circulation, and hieroglyphic writing also ceased to be practiced. By the time Columbus met the Mayan merchants in 1502, only a shadow of power remained of the great civilization.

The last independent Mayan kingdom lasted until 1697, but spiritual religious traditions still exist today.

In 1841, thanks to a traveler John Lloyd Stevens the attention of the world community was drawn to the Mayan peoples. Then it became clear about their level of education and culture. Deciphering the hieroglyphs, scientists discovered so many dates that they treated the Maya as an empire of philosophers and priests, abstract thinkers who were more interested in the problems of time and mathematics than wars and dynasties. In particular, the Mayanist J. Eric S. Thompson no doubt that the true rulers of the Maya were priests-mathematicians.

Character analysis according to the Mayan calendar

To talk about a person, the Mayan Shaman learned:

  • Birthday sign,
  • his Strength,
  • the sign and strength of the two-week period,
  • the movement of the planets (Mayan astrology had a zodiac consisting of 13 signs).

A calendar is used for shamanistic purposes. Tzolkin. The calendar consists of 20 signs (Kins), five directions (4 signs each), and 13 levels of power for each sign. Eventually - 260 combinations. Each of these combinations is unique and interesting in that it gives a fairly distinct impression of psychological qualities. If you find two people of the same sign and the same strength, you will clearly notice the similarity of the energies they use. Sometimes it is very clear and interesting to observe.

Calendar structured in five directions:

  1. East: Beginning, Origin. Red color. Energy is oriented to the Future.
  2. South: Prosperity, Growth, Abundance, Activity. Yellow. Male energy of the right hand. Actively influences the world.
  3. West: Harvest, Transformation, Achievement and Pride. Blue, Black color. Energy is directed to the past and its transformation. Harvest and knowledge for further journey to the energies of the wise north.
  4. North: Cold, Detachment, Wisdom. White. The female energy of the left hand. Communion with the divine universal world order. High harmony and not involvement in the fears and passions of the mortal world. The art of being "above everything", independence, icy purity, coldness and purity.
  5. Center: Presence in the center of a dynamically changing life. Green color. The energy of self-awareness as a focus among the whirlwinds of the 4 elements.

Types of Mayan calendars

  1. long score- in fact, chronological, an analogue of the calendar account we are used to, when the year, month, day are sequentially recorded, but in the Long Count, instead of the usual year, month, day, we used: Baktun (13 cycles), Katun (20 cycles), Tun (20 cycles) , Uinal (18 cycles), Kin (20 cycles), as a result, received the record shown in Figure 1.
  2. Tzolkin Calendar- ritual, divine calendar of 260 days. Years were not counted. Tzolkin is formed by superimposing two weeks, lasting 13 and 20 days:
  • a week of 20 days consists of 20 kins: Ahau, Imish, Ik, Akbal, Kan, Chikchan, Kimi, Manik, Lamat, Muluk, Ok, Chuen, Eb, Ben, Khish, Men, Kib, Kaban, Etsnab, Kavak.
  • a week of 13 days, in which the days are simply numbered from 1 to 13.

The sequence of days in the Tzolkin is unusual and is such that the days of 13 and 20 day cycles change simultaneously, it looks like this: 1 Ahau, 2 Imish, 3 Ik ... 13 Ben, 1 Khish, 2 Men.

The Tzolkin calendar was used primarily for ministries, healing, and divination. Each of the 260 days of the Tzolkin has a whole legend behind it.

There are a lot of legends in Mayan folklore connected directly with the characters of the Tzolkin calendar (such as the story of two powerful lords of the underworld: two skeleton twins, cigar lovers: "Kimi 1" and "Kimi 7", etc.) It is these 260 combinations that clearly predict those qualities that will manifest themselves in those born on a particular day of the Tzolkin.

Up to the present time, in MesoAmerica, this calendar is considered sacred, and only shamans have the right to work with it. And ordinary people are not even recommended to pronounce the names of kins in vain, since they are able to call on spirits and gods.

  1. Haab- civil calendar, lasting 365 days. 18 months of 20 days each, plus 5 extra days called Wayeb. Years were not counted in Haab.

The names of 18 months are shown in Figure 2.

The sequence of days in Haab looked the same as in the usual calendars of our time: 0 Chen, 1 Chen, 2 Chen ... Haab was used for everyday, economic and civil purposes.

The three above mentioned calendars belonged to sunny, but Maya also had Moon calendar, Venus calendar. The positions and periods of the planets were recorded: Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn.

  1. Dreamspell Calendar, developed Jose Argüelles. Due to the popularity of the Dreamspell, it is important to mention José Arguelles, who created a different version of the structuring of the Mayan calendar, described by him in the book "Maya Factor: Off-Tech Path". This creative reflection is very interesting and different from classical interpretations. The program created by Argüelles dreamspell(Drimspell), has its own way of calculating days and kins (this method is different from the classic "Long Count" and Tzolkin).

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