Grabar's picture clear autumn evening description. A lesson in the development of speech based on the painting by I. Grabar "A Clear Autumn Evening" outline of a lesson in the Russian language on the topic


The painting depicts an evening landscape, although it seems that it is daytime outside. The trees are yellow, probably, autumn has already begun. If you look closely, you can see a small river that flows very far from the viewer. She attracts a lot of attention, makes you look in her direction and try to see what is hidden behind the bushes near the water.

The trees are gilded, in some places greenery is still visible. Probably, autumn began not so long ago, and nature has not yet had time to completely cover itself with a bright scarlet veil. Lots of vegetation that attracts attention. It seems that if you just reach out your hand and you can touch any tree. It's very beautiful and exciting.

For some reason, the river in the distance attracts me the most. She is so charming, I want to see her closer, touch the small waves. I like this picture, she managed to convey the mood of the just beginning autumn. It seems as if all this is happening in reality, if you want it, the evening from the picture will turn out to be real.

Description of the painting by Grabar “Clear autumn evening”

Igor Emmanuilovich Grabar is known in the history of Russian art as a wonderful painter, museum figure, an outstanding teacher and architect.
Each of his works radiates positive energy and creative activity.

In his paintings one can always see an optimistic perception of life.
All his landscapes are bright, light, uplift the spirit and mood of the viewer.
It is this mood that imbued the painting “Clear Autumn Evening”.
Nothing gloomy and rainy, despite autumn.
Bright blue and clear sky, green grass fields, yellow-greenish leaves of trees and a blue river.
The impression is that nature still does not want to leave summer, and autumn is in no hurry to come.
Sharp play of colors and contrast make the picture more realistic and lively.
The landscape is very quiet and calm.
Probably, the author wanted to pay attention to nature, the poet did not depict animals and birds.

In the foreground, several young trees sway alone in the light autumn breeze.
Autumn covered the still unfallen leaves with yellowness.
There are many shadows from the trees on the green grass, this tells us that the sun is already starting to set, but everything is still shining brightly.
From behind the trees you can see the blue-blue river.
It seems to divide the field into two parts.
The clear blue sky occupies the upper part of the canvas and somewhere in the distance, it seems that it touches the ground.
From this touch, the field is painted in a light red, slightly noticeable color.

Like all his works, the painting "Clear Autumn Evening" is full of positive and positive energy.
It is light, bright and colorful.
She wants to admire and admire.
There is no place for hanging weeping clouds, gloomy rain and gloomy evening.
There is no place for sadness.
The author wants to show us that autumn is just one stage in nature, that without a golden color there will be no place for a green-spring awakening.
In nature, everything is fleeting and you need to have time to admire all its beauties.

Composition based on the painting: I. E. Grabar "Clear autumn evening".
I. E. Grabar entered the history of Russian art as a remarkable painter, connoisseur of art, architect, prominent museum figure, and teacher.
In whatever field he worked, he retained his creative activity and energy.
The optimistic perception of life determined the general mood of his works, and affected the very choice of themes and motifs: "Radiant Morning", "Explained", etc. The artist does not seem to notice rainy autumn days, gloomy evenings. For him, in his native nature, everything is clear, bright, everything uplifts the spirit of man.
The painting "Clear Autumn Evening" is imbued with such a mood. The azure sky, the bright yellow hazel leaves, the emerald green grass and the blue-blue river among the wide expanses of fields - all this is surprisingly strong, cheerful, cheerful. Nature has not yet finally said goodbye to summer, it is far from wilting. The beginning of autumn strikes with the contrast of colors, the transparency of the air, the silence and peace poured all around.
Juicy strokes are laid with a free, wide brush. The artist showed all the charm of the Central Russian space in the first days of autumn, its calm beauty

Description of the painting by Grabar "Clear autumn evening"
In autumn, on sunny evenings, the air is unusually clean, fresh and transparent. The riot of greenery is already passing, and beige-yellow tones are clearly showing through. The distance is seen as if in a greenish-blue fog, the thinnest, invisible, but tangible. There are no clouds, and from this the transparency of the sky only intensifies. Sunset is still far away, the sky brightens high above the horizon. Grabar gives the sky in the center of his composition whitish blue. The higher above the horizon, the darker the sky. The artist achieves this in the following way: above the horizon, he gives an almost continuous whitish background, diversifying it only on the left, above a ridge of blue hills, a bluish reticulated web. To the right, shining through the already thinned foliage of aspens, the sky is also getting darker. Slightly higher the amount of blue blotches increases. Light dotted straight lines create a visual effect of cirrus clouds. Even higher, there are more blue lines, and they acquire a clear horizontal arrangement from Grabar. Closer to the zenith, the artist makes the cloud clusters dark blue, and their edges light blue. The horizontality of the lines is expressed even more clearly. Approximately the same method was used by Aivazovsky, depicting the boundaries and crests of the waves. Most of all in the composition of the work, the author's view is drawn to the perspective. The horizon is highlighted by a blue range of hills. To the left of a group of tall aspens, a high limestone or sandy hill is clearly visible in perspective. During the summer, its top has already managed to grow green. On a sunny summer day, neither the author nor the audience could see this hill. Only the deep transparency of the autumn day allowed Grabar to convey its outlines. Meadows and glades in front of the hills still keep the summer greenery, but there is no longer any freshness in it. Grabar points to this with sharp transitions of tonality: from light ones - through an even lighter line - immediately to dark ones. The field of rye across the river on the right is rendered in milky green hues. Below the rye field is a dark green grassy meadow. None of the Russian artists escaped the temptation to depict the waters and banks of a flat Russian river in the middle lane. All of them were attracted by the opportunity to convey the play of the blue color of the water in comparison with the blueness of the sky and the autumn ocher of the shores. The water in the river near Grabar does not create the impression of either majesty or peace. Winding coasts, sharp transitions of light and dark blue with white patches create the impression of undulations and a fast current.

Igor Emmanuilovich Grabar is known in the history of Russian art as a wonderful painter, museum figure, an outstanding teacher and architect. Each of his works radiates positive energy and creative activity.

In his paintings one can always see an optimistic perception of life. All his landscapes are bright, light, uplift the spirit and mood of the viewer. It is this mood that imbued the painting “Clear Autumn Evening”. Nothing gloomy and rainy, despite autumn. Bright blue and clear sky, green grass fields, yellow-greenish leaves of trees and a blue river. The impression is that nature still does not want to leave summer, and autumn is in no hurry to come. Sharp play of colors and contrast make the picture more realistic and lively. The landscape is very quiet and calm. Probably, the author wanted to pay attention to nature, the poet did not depict animals and birds.

In the foreground, several young trees sway alone in the light autumn breeze. Autumn covered the still unfallen leaves with yellowness. There are many shadows from the trees on the green grass, this tells us that the sun is already starting to set, but everything is still shining brightly. From behind the trees you can see the blue-blue river. It seems to divide the field into two parts. The clear blue sky occupies the upper part of the canvas and somewhere in the distance, it seems that it touches the ground. From this touch, the field is painted in a light red, slightly noticeable color.

Like all his works, the painting "Clear Autumn Evening" is full of positive and positive energy. It is light, bright and colorful. She wants to admire and admire. There is no place for hanging weeping clouds, gloomy rain and gloomy evening. There is no place for sadness. The author wants to show us that autumn is just one stage in nature, that without a golden color there will be no place for a green-spring awakening. In nature, everything is fleeting and you need to have time to admire all its beauties.

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