Who can become passing history and social studies. List of the best universities and faculties where Russian and social studies are accepted upon admission


Whom to go to study for: 5 useful tips + 5 sources of help + 30 specialties after grade 9 + 37 professions available to eleventh graders.

While you are small, you can afford to choose professions at least every year.

But the older you get, the more seriously you need to take the choice of your future profession.

All high school students are concerned about the question who to study after finishing 9th or 11th grade?

I really want the future specialty to be interesting, while bringing pleasure and good money at the same time.

Can you combine both?

Of course - you can, if you treat the choice of profession wisely.

Why is it so difficult to decide who to go to study?

Remember how many times you changed your dream of a future profession in childhood and adolescence.

I probably 10 times.

Whatever I planned to be: a teacher, a doctor, a banker, a director, an archaeologist, a journalist, an entrepreneur, etc.

But the real agony of choice had to be experienced in high school, when it was necessary to move from dreams to concrete decisions and decide on a future profession.

If you are also trying to decide who to go to study, useful tips for you will not be superfluous:

    Do you dream of a career as a banker, but only the kindness of your math allows you to get an annual grade of 4 points, instead of a well-deserved one?

    Well, then it is unlikely that you will be able to get an economic or financial education.

    Think about what you would like to do.

    Cold calculation when choosing a future profession is, of course, a good thing, but it cannot be limited only to it.

    Going day in and day out to a job you hate is very hard.

    However, work should be fun.

    Look at the amount of your future salary.

    While you are on the maintenance of your parents, you can afford the uncompromising “I will go to study as a philosopher, because money is not the main thing”, but your beliefs will change when you start living separately.

    The profession should feed you.

    If it does not feed, then you made a mistake with the choice.

    Consider the prospects of the profession in the future.

    When thinking about who to go to study, do not forget that your career path is just beginning, which means it is stupid to choose a profession that will soon go into oblivion.

    Specialties that will disappear in 10 years, experts include: librarian, archivist, travel agent, driller, notary, stuntman, stenographer, logistician and some others.

    Do not forget about the demand for specialty.

    Let's say archeology beckons you.

    You dream about how you will go to excavations, look for treasures, discover civilizations.

    But think about how much this industry is in demand and will it be easy for you if you decide to go to study as an archaeologist?

    I don't think so.

It is also important to realistically assess your chances of entering the chosen university, college, technical school or some other educational institution.

If there is too much competition in it, your average score is so-so, and you practically failed the ZNO or the Unified State Examination, and your parents cannot afford paid education, you may have to say goodbye to the dream and go to study with someone else.

Who will help you decide who to go to study?

Deciding who you can go to study with is very difficult, because both the right and the wrong choice will affect your future life. Of course, it is very difficult to do without help in such a serious matter.

Here is someone who can help you decide who you can go to study with:


    Letting them make decisions for you is wrong, but you can’t completely reject their advice either.

    They are older and clearly more versed in the realities of this life.

    You can still judge it, only focusing on someone else's experience.

    And if so, why not take advantage of the experience of parents who will definitely advise only what will benefit you?

    There are a great variety of tests, the results of which will help you in choosing a profession.

    They can be found on these:

    • http://www.psynavigator.ru/tests.php?code=519,
    • http://atlas.nmc-it.mari-el.ru:8999/index.php?module=prof_test,
    • http://agdf.ru/na_kogo_poyti_uchitsya_test.html#_teststudio and many other sites.
  1. Personnel officers.

    If your parents have acquaintances who work in a recruitment agency or in the state Labor Exchange, ask them to give you information:

    • what specialties are in demand;
    • which ones pay best;
    • people with what education and work experience find it most difficult to find a vacancy, etc.
  2. And I also think that girls should go to study at a university or institute, so that in the future they don’t work hard for 15 hours a day and don’t risk their health.

    1. Hairdresser
    2. Visagiste
    3. Teacher
    4. museum worker
    5. Designer
    6. Art critic
    7. Librarian
    8. Beautician
    9. Florist
    10. Confectioner

    3. Whom can you go to study after the 11th grade with both?

    Of course, most of the specialties that can be obtained after grade 11 are available to both boys and girls.

    Thinking about who to go to study, consider these universal options.

    1. Lawyer
    2. Banker
    3. Translator
    4. Journalist
    5. Marketer
    6. Actor / actress
    7. Musician
    8. advertiser
    9. Chemist
    10. food industry technologist
    11. Manager
    12. Pharmacist
    13. Agronomist

    Of course, this is not the whole list of professions that 11th grade graduates can get.

    Many other specialties are available to you.

    A smart, stubborn, hardworking, grasping, responsible, endowed with many talents person can realize himself in any field.

    considering your talents:

    Decide who to study, focusing on your personal preferences, the prospects and profitability of the profession, and you definitely won’t go wrong with the choice.

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Applicants who received high USE scores in the Russian language and social studies usually choose a humanitarian specialization when entering a university. In which university will the humanities student get the best training and what departments are waiting for him?

There are many specialties for applicants in the humanities. You can connect your life with the economy or trade, do social sciences or become a psychologist. In any case, the basic education received at the university will play a significant role in the subsequent employment. Here are the best metropolitan and regional higher educational institutions with specialized areas in the Russian language and social science.

Universities and faculties where you can enter with Russian and social studies

Having received a diploma from any of these universities, you will provide yourself with a great start in your professional life. And if you have also chosen a promising specialty, then HR departments will be happy to offer you both a position and an increased salary.

Demanded specialties

There are quite a lot of humanitarian areas, for which the Russian language and social studies are considered to be major subjects. Most vacancies, at the moment and with an eye to the future, can be found if one of the following specialties is registered in your diploma.


The task of such specialists is the analysis of social relationships, the study of the interaction of members of society. Depending on the chosen direction, you can get a job in structures that provide support to vulnerable sections of society; to state bodies; companies or educational institutions. Those who graduate from applied sociology become marketers, political technologists, and analysts.

The demand for specialists depends on the region. In large cities, you can quickly get a job by profession. Jobs are sought in government agencies, think tanks, recruitment agencies, and the media. Earnings vary from 35 to 50 thousand rubles.


This profession is in demand in many areas of life - business, civil service, medicine. In production, a psychologist most often works in the personnel management area - analyzes and builds relationship modules, draws up programs for motivating events, and participates in personnel assessment. Such specialists are in demand in the field of education and social services.

There are many vacancies for graduates, but at the initial stage the payment will be low - from 20 thousand rubles. With an increase in experience, the salary rises to 50 thousand in state institutions or business, in private practice there is no upper limit.


Specialty of a wide profile, vacancies appear constantly. Depending on the conditions at the enterprise, the merchandiser can deal with pricing, ordering, acceptance and accounting of products. Some specializations allow you to participate in expert events.

Jobs can be found in shops, large shopping centers, warehouses, customs authorities. There is always a need for workers, the initial income of a graduate is low - from 25 thousand rubles. As you gain experience, the salary will increase.

Economic Security Specialist

This specialty provides great career opportunities for those who prefer the economic direction. The salary level of experienced security guards is much higher than average. The scope of their activities is different - examination of business plans, evaluation of internal regulatory documentation, verification of concluded contracts for possible financial risks.

Career development will not be fast, but there is a chance to grow into an exceptional specialist with a high and stable income.

Advertising and Public Relations Specialist

The profession of an advertiser is very suitable for those who have a developed creative streak. The main task of such a specialist is setting up communications. Business constantly requires the promotion of goods and services, the creation of the image of the product and brand, the corporate identity of the enterprise. The tasks will definitely include organizing conferences and public events, establishing contacts with contractors, the media, and the public.

Advertising specialist vacancies are most often offered by private studios and agencies. In large enterprises, there are special departments or departments. Earnings directly depend on talent. Age and experience in this profession are not so important.

When choosing a humanitarian university, you need to carefully consider the quality of teaching. Information about this can be obtained on student forums, on the official website of the educational institution. The list of special courses that it can offer will say a lot about the level of the department.

If you want to become a journalist - learn Russian

If the profession and university are chosen, it remains to submit documents. What should a future applicant take into account in order to see his name in the list of enrolled students?

  • Find out in advance the conditions at several universities - the passing score for the Unified State Examination, benefits for winners of competitions, the possibility of studying on a paid basis.
  • Take part in university competitions, this will be a bonus for the applicant.
  • Carefully study the list of documents on the website of the admission committee - each university may have its own additional requirements.

It is better to submit documents at least two weeks before the start of the entrance examinations - if the papers are drawn up incorrectly, you will have time to correct everything.

Lovers of humanitarian subjects do not need to worry about their future. Most of the specialties presented in the article are in demand in the labor market and allow you to make a good career.

Social studies is considered one of the most popular subjects that graduates take on the exam. In view of the high rating of the discipline, Rosobrnadzor even decided to allocate a separate day for the delivery of this subject. Such excitement around social science is caused by the fact that, firstly, it is a relatively simple humanitarian discipline; secondly, with the results of it, you can enter a number of specialties. If you are on the list of those graduates who have chosen this subject as a profile, then you should look at the list of universities and faculties where you can apply.

Areas of training

Hotel business

This direction educates such specialists as an administrator, tour operator, customer service manager and head waiter. This department, where you can enter with a good knowledge of mathematics, Russian, history and social studies, graduates experts who are able to plan the production activities of hotels, predict the results of their work, evaluate sales markets and draw up a marketing policy for hotels.

Many graduates who speak English at a high level find positions abroad, which indicates the high prospects of such a specialization.

Law Enforcement Branch

Professions of this profile are associated with administrative activities and ensuring the safety of citizens. Candidates are given a choice of many specialties, among which the most popular are:

  • advocate,
  • prosecutor,
  • investigator,
  • notary,
  • police officer,
  • lawyer

Most of the graduates after graduation enter the service in state law enforcement agencies: legal protection organizations, customs services, the traffic police, the prosecutor's office, etc. Some find highly paid positions in private security agencies and detective bureaus. For admission, along with profile social studies, you will need to present the results of the Unified State Examination in History.


If you love working with documentation and have a knack for writing and editing texts, then this area suits your needs perfectly. By enrolling in this direction, you can learn to be an art editor, journalist, layout designer, proofreader and traffic manager. For admission to the publishing department, you will need high scores in social studies and English. Often, specialists in this field work with foreign texts, which determines the need for knowledge of the English language. In the future, graduates of the faculty carry out their activities in various book publishing houses, newspapers, magazines, printing houses and libraries.

Faculty of Psychology and Education

With social science, you can also be a teacher. To master these professions, you also need to present the results of the Unified State Examination in Biology. The specialty is primarily associated with the implementation of psychological examinations, the development of health programs and the creation of favorable conditions for the education of children. Here graduates can study for such experts:

  • a kindergarten teacher,
  • school psychologist,
  • social teacher,
  • psychocorrection specialist.

Often, representatives of the psychological and pedagogical department work with children with visual, hearing, speech and intellectual disabilities and develop rehabilitation programs for them.

media communications

It brings up diverse specialists who carry out their activities in the field of radio and telecommunications, in print media, advertising and PR agencies. In order to enroll in this direction, applicants must present a certificate with the results of the Unified State Examination in social studies, Russian language and literature. Upon graduation, graduates have the opportunity to obtain qualifications such as a marketer, sound engineer, editor, producer, PR manager and correspondent.

The USE is the final state certification in general subjects of complete secondary education (senior school). Today it is a standardized procedure with prepared multi-level tasks and forms for their implementation. It is carried out in writing in the state (Russian) language. The USE schedule is the same for the entire country, as well as beyond its borders.

Graduates of schools of various directions of the current year and persons who graduated from school earlier (including residents of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea) are allowed to pass these exams in order to enter universities later.

The USE can be held in 14 subjects, among which the Russian language and mathematics are mandatory for obtaining a certificate, the rest are taken at the choice of students, taking into account the direction of the future profession (for example, social studies).

In all subjects (except mathematics at the basic level), a hundred-point assessment system and a minimum threshold are provided that guarantee the development of the school level of knowledge in it. The validity of the results of the exam is 4 years, not counting the year of delivery. Based on the results of the Unified State Examination, you can enter other educational institutions, and where the future student decides.

For admission to higher educational institutions, at least 3 USE results in different areas are required. Although many students play it safe and take 5-6 subjects in order to have a wider choice later.

So, if you still passed 3 subjects, among them are exams in Russian language and mathematics, as well as social studies, it’s time to choose a specialty to your liking.

Where can you go with these exam results?

More options, of course, if among the math exams you chose profile instead of basic. In this case, natural science opens up opportunities, since this subject is popular for admission in the list of specialties. Consider the options where you can enter with such a combination (qualification level - bachelor):

  1. Business Informatics - Faculty of Information Systems and Computer Technologies, profile "Information Systems in Business". You can become a business analyst, IT systems consultant, ERP system consultant, SAP consultant. Having prepared a standard package of documents, it is really possible to become a student of this faculty. USE results are required: mathematics (prof.), Russian language, social studies.
  2. Pedagogical education profile training of preschool or primary education. Professions that can be mastered in these areas:
  • preschool teacher;
  • director of a general education institution;
  • teacher of pedagogy;
  • teacher;
  • teacher;
  • rector;
  • teacher;
  • tutor.

Naturally, not all specializations are available immediately after graduation from the university, some may appear only in the process of career growth. The required exams are the same as for business informatics.

  1. Management. You can become a logistics and supply chain manager; finance; on management of the organization (a separate direction - management in health care), on marketing; majoring in Sports Management. We need the Unified State Examination: mathematics (prof.), Russian language, social science.
  2. Service - specialized education in the following areas: service in the beauty and fashion industry, real estate and trade, as well as other areas. You can become an image maker, referent, advertiser, designer, manager. The same exams are required as for management.
  3. Economics - training in accounting and finance, statistics and economics, tax transactions. In this direction you will:
  • banking specialist;
  • expert of insurance companies;
  • an economist;
  • an auditor;
  • financial director;
  • tax consultant;
  • tax inspector;
  • marketer;
  • merchandiser;
  • HR manager, narrower specializations.

USE required: mathematics (prof.), Russian language, social studies.

  1. State and municipal administration. Relevant professions are as an HR manager, civil servant, specialist in state and municipal government. You need to pass 3 USE (including social studies), as in previous areas.

Today, many modern specialties require history as a core subject in the USE. If you are well versed in historical events and dates, you can pass this discipline and try to enter a university in areas related to this area. We recommend that you carefully study the list of professions in demand and decide in advance where exactly to apply. After all, all your future activities depend on the right and timely decision.

List of directions and faculties

History department

If you are really passionate about history and plan to connect your life with it in the future, we suggest you enter the Faculty of History, where many school graduates aspire today. Here you can master such areas as document science and archives, anthropology and ethnology, and, of course, study history itself. After graduating from the university, specialists get jobs in both government and commercial organizations, and they also have the opportunity to engage in scientific activities at research institutes. In order to enter the history department, you will need a high score in social studies.

Faculty of Law

One of the most common destinations today, where thousands of applicants apply. It's not easy to get here: the specialty requires high results not only in history, but also in society. The profession of a lawyer is very diverse and can be associated with the resolution of civil and family disputes, the analysis of administrative offenses and criminal investigations. Now any company needs its own lawyer, and citizens themselves often use such services. Therefore, we can safely say that the specialty is one of the most demanded in the labor market.

regional studies

Having passed basic mathematics, Russian and history, you will be able to enter the department of regional studies. Here you will learn how to assess the resources of the region, analyze the political situation in countries, write documents in different languages ​​and summarize the necessary information.

Regional studies are divided into two areas: Russian and international, but in both cases you will study one (sometimes two) foreign languages, which in the future will allow you to work as an interpreter. At the same time, you do not have to take English for the exam, since this specialty additionally requires results in social studies.

At the Department of Regional Studies, you can learn the following professions:

  • art critic,
  • culturologist,
  • regional expert,
  • editor,
  • press secretary,
  • international.

Archaeological direction

With the results in history and social studies, you can also enter the archaeological department. This direction requires good physical shape, endurance and ability to work in extreme conditions. A professional archaeologist not only excavates, but also skillfully qualifies the artifacts found. In addition, he must have good skills in drawing, drawing and photography.. Specialists of this profile work in archaeological expeditions, where they go several times a year. Archaeologists also find positions in museums and historical research institutes.

Tourism and service

Today, with history, you can enter the department of service and tourism, where you can also USE results in Russian language and social studies will be required.Here you will learn the basics of tourism, study management and economics, which will allow you to work in any travel company or hotel in management positions.

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