Kimy ege in literature. Online test exam in literature


June 7 The Unified State Examination in Literature will take place. 17 assignments, including one essay, almost four hours to complete - such details can make you faint, especially if Pushkin and Bulgakov have not been read, and Tyutchev and Mayakovsky have not been memorized. But it’s good for those who know geography: it turns out that the Unified State Examination in Sakhalin will begin as much as eight hours earlier than in Moscow. Why not take advantage of this? - especially the desperate think.

USE answers 2017 in literature on the Internet

By typing in the search engine " Answers KIM USE 2017 June 7” or something like that, admire groups, social network accounts, forums on sites where they offer to get answers to the exam a few hours before the exam. Note that in some places they promise to send answers even 12 hours before! That is, the exam has not yet passed anywhere, but the answers are already being offered. How is this possible?

This, of course, is impossible. No one knows the contents of KIMs until they are opened at the exam venue. Even observers and teachers do not know. So, we conclude: fraudsters simply take advantage of the vulnerable position of graduates and at the decisive hour simply send them a compilation of assignments from an open bank. The unfortunate examinee vomits and tosses all day long, goes to the exam with nothing, and it’s good if by some miracle he gets the minimum score. Coming home, he discovers that the ill-fated page on the VKontakte or Odnoklassniki website no longer exists, or simply no one answers messages there.

So, now we know that you should not believe those who promise to send you answers to the USE 2017 in literature this minute, during the day or at any time before the start of the exam in the easternmost city of our country. But, alas, we have bad news for those who expect answers in eight hours or less: USE KIMS in different regions are equivalent to each other in complexity and structure, but different in content. The benefits of KIM, let's say from Kamchatka, are the same as from the demo version of KIM on the website of the Federal Institute for Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI).

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In view of the above, we advise you not to mess with ready-made answers. Show your fighting qualities and prove to yourself that no matter how bad your knowledge of Russian literature is, you are always able to mobilize and win in an honest way. Of course, there is no question of any high score, you just need to try to give everything that you are capable of in this situation.

Study in detail the codifier from the package of documents for demonstration KIMs on the FIPI website - there you will find all the topics that you studied at school and that can only be included in the exam. Even studying only the codifier, you will already understand a lot, remember. Read more about how you can prepare for the exam in literature in a short time.

The structure and content of the USE 2017 in literature

As already mentioned, you have to cope with 17 tasks. Writing is the last one. On average, it should take you about two hours to write it. You choose the topic of the essay from three options.

The remaining 16 tasks are divided into two parts: 1) analysis of an epic, lyrical or dramatic work; 2) analysis of a lyrical work. Most of them are closed questions with a short answer and putting down the number corresponding to the correct answer in the form. But two tasks in each of the parts will require you to give a detailed answer to 5-10 sentences.

Be alert to the temptations to get ready-made answers, original KIMs or cheat sheets. Believe in yourself and good luck on your exam!

The Unified State Examination in Literature is not included in the list of mandatory examinations for school graduates, but is required for admission to many universities for popular specialties: journalism, philology, television, acting and others. “I will solve the exam in literature” online - the ability to effectively prepare for the exam by completing tests on various topics.

This exam, according to surveys of graduates, is considered one of the most difficult. There are several reasons: it is necessary to operate with a huge amount of information, you need to write an essay, a lot of time is given (about 4 hours), and it is not enough to successfully cope with all the tasks.

How to solve these problems?

  • Master the theory so that you can confidently use it during the examination;
  • Learn how to manage your exam time effectively.
  • To master the skills of writing high-quality essays on a given topic, to succinctly formulate an idea.
Stages of preparation:
  1. The main thing is to set a clear and precise goal. The goal is the result to which you are going. To present the desired result, you need to make a list of preferred universities where you plan to enter - each has its own passing score, which in the most prestigious educational institutions reaches 80.
  2. Take the necessary textbooks for reviewing literary theory. In order for the preparation to be systematic and thorough, it is recommended to start by familiarizing yourself with - it specifically indicates all the points that you should pay attention to.
  3. Use all resources for preparation, do not neglect school education.
  4. In the matter of writing an essay, training and the help of a teacher or tutor who will check the essay, give their recommendations, and help analyze mistakes are necessary.
Please note: it is impossible to prepare well and thoroughly for the exam in half a year, since the program implies a significant amount of theoretical information.

The structure of the test includes tasks that can be divided into two types: testing and writing.

  • The questions of the first part require knowledge of the theory and literature of different centuries - from antiquity to the present. Awareness in events, characters, characters, issues, styles of works is assumed. Testing involves choosing the correct option from those offered. More complex questions relate to the establishment of correspondences, the analysis of the poem, the examinee is given a fragment of a literary work and tasks for it that must be completed. The biggest problem is working with poems, determining the means of artistic expression.
  • The second part involves the formulation of one's own opinion in the form of an essay on a given topic. From the proposed options for topics, you can choose the appropriate one - there are three of them, according to the periods of development of literature: Old Russian, classical, and the latest literature. The criteria for evaluating an essay are: the completeness of the disclosure of the topic, the logic of constructing the text, the possession of terminology, factual accuracy, the ability to argue.

Pass the exam in literature online tests with scores, demo version of the exam in literature with answers, tasks in the exam in literature

The USE in Literature is one of the most controversial subjects in the USE format. Many experts are in favor of the rejection of the test format for testing knowledge of the literature. Due to the specifics of the subject, the weight of the USE is shifted more to the last part of the USE, which is an essay. But still, the first parts of the exam are test questions and you need to prepare for them. It is the USE in literature that causes the greatest dissonance among schoolchildren. When reading the book, there is a general impression and some passages of the text and quotes. But the opinion of the authors about the importance of this or that fragment may not correspond to the inner world of the student. Thus, the authors of the exam create questions that check in memory a certain fragment that might not have responded to the student. Books evoke different emotions in readers over the years. What is important for a professor might not have any effect on a schoolboy. For these reasons, it is quite difficult for students to prepare for the exam in literature. Re-reading the book is unlikely to be able to understand the opinion of the author of the questions.

How to prepare for the exam in literature?

In connection with such a difficult situation, trial exams are considered the best way to prepare for the exam in literature. On them, students get the opportunity to get acquainted with the questions. When students know what topics the writers of the questions are focusing on by different authors, it is much easier for them to prepare for the exam. It is best to check questions before reading a particular author. Thus, it will be better to focus on the desired topic when reading a literary work. This opportunity is provided by trial online tests of the Unified State Examination in Literature.

Online USE tests in literature on the educational portal

The educational portal contains trial versions of the exam, which are available for everyone to pass. To pass the test, you do not need to register or send SMS. Tests are available at any time, which makes them very convenient for preparation. Before refreshing any book in memory, the student can look at typical USE questions in literature on this literary work, and find the answer in the text. This format of preparation is recognized as the most effective way to get maximum scores in the first parts of the exam in literature.

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