Kir Bulychev real name surname. art films


Extracurricular lesson in literary reading with a presentation, grade 4

Scenario of extracurricular activities for literary reading for grade 4. Kir Bulychev. A Million Adventure

Matveeva Svetlana Nikolaevna, primary school teacher, secondary school №9, Ulyanovsk.
Description of work: I bring to your attention the scenario of an extracurricular event on literary reading for grade 4 on the topic: “Kir Bulychev. A Million Adventures. This event is included in cycle "From the list of literature for the summer." Materials from the cycle can be used both in class and in extracurricular activities. The information will be useful for elementary school teachers, after-school educators, educators of children's health camps and sanatoriums. This extracurricular activity is aimed at fourth grade students.
Preliminary work: bring books by Kir Bulychev, prepare a story or presentation about your interesting hobby or hobby - collecting.
Target: acquaintance with the work of Kira Bulychev and his work "A Million Adventures".
- to clarify the knowledge of children about the work of Kira Bulychev;
- broaden the horizons of younger students;
- to develop skills of expressive reading;
- to develop cognitive interest and creative abilities of children;
- instill a love of reading in general;
- improve the culture of the younger student.

Event progress

Teacher: To find out which writer will be discussed today, I suggest you solve the following riddles. If you give the correct answers to all the riddles, you will be able to read the inscription on the board.
Note: Guessing riddles, the teacher in order opens the letters in the inscription on the board.
Sample riddles:
1. She speaks silently,
It's understandable and not boring.
You talk to her more often -
You will become four times smarter. (Book).
The teacher opens the letter K.
2. You are given, and people use it. (Name).
The teacher opens the letter I.
3. In a snowy field on the way
My one-legged horse rushes
And for many, many years
Leaves a black mark. (Pen).
The teacher opens the letter R.
4. If you want to become smart,
You need to read a lot of books.
To find all the books of the century,
Come to... (Library).
The teacher opens the letter B.
5. Every student understands,
To draw, you need... (Square).
The teacher opens the letter U.
6. Who am I if directness
My main feature? (Ruler).
The teacher opens the letter L.
7. I don't know what the secret is
There are no words for this letter
Only letters are important
You know this letter. (Letter s).
The teacher opens the letter Y.
8. Walks the whole century, and not a person? (Watch).
The teacher opens the letter C.
9. No ears, no legs.
A ball in thorns is ... (Hedgehog).
The teacher opens the letter Y.
10. So that there is no trouble,
We can't live without... (Water).
The teacher opens the letter B.
The inscription opens on the board: Kir Bulychev.

Teacher: Well done boys! Today we will get acquainted with the work of Kir Bulychev. What do you think is his real name or pseudonym? And why do you think so?

Teacher: We already know what a pseudonym is. I suggest you remember.

Teacher: Right, pseudonym translated from Greek - false name; a fictitious name or conventional sign with which the author signs his work. Name the writers who had pseudonyms.
(Children's answers follow.)
Teacher: Right. All pseudonyms, whatever they are, are divided into certain groups, which are based on the principle of their formation.
Here are some groups:
1. Joking alias, the purpose of which is to produce a comic effect on readers. For example, M. M. Zoshchenko- Nazar Sinebryukhov, Semyon Kurochkin and others.
2. Alias ​​linked with geographic features, most often with the place of birth or residence. It can serve as an addition to the real surname. For example, D. N. Mamin - Siberian(present - D. N. Mamin). In early childhood, his family moved to Siberia, with which he immediately and forever fell in love, hence the pseudonym - Sibiryak.
3. Aliases that are real names of other authors. Veniamin Kaverin. Real name - Zilber Veniamin Alexandrovich. The pseudonym "Kaverin" is taken from a hussar, a friend of the young Pushkin.
4. Alias ​​formed from the name of a close relative. These aliases are: Akhmatova, Garin-Mikhailovsky, Gogol, Mayakovsky, Pleshcheev and Kir Bulychev.
5. You can highlight the aliases formed from the name or surname of the mother author. Kir Bulychev.
Teacher: Thus, pseudonym Kir Bulychev belongs to two groups at once and is of interest. Real name - Mozheiko Igor Vsevolodovich The pseudonym is formed from the name of the writer's wife Kira Alekseevna Soshinskaya and the mother's maiden name, Maria Mikhailovna Bulycheva. Initially, the pseudonym of Igor Vsevolodovich was "Kirill Bulychev". Subsequently, the name "Kirill" on the covers of books began to be abbreviated - "Kir." There was also a combination of Kirill Vsevolodovich Bulychev, although for some reason many people turned to the science fiction writer "Kir Kirillovich".
Teacher: What do you think, do writers need pseudonyms? What is the reason that the writer takes a pseudonym?
(Following the reasoning of the children).
Teacher: Fine. The presentation will help to learn about the reasons of some famous and familiar writers.

Sample text:
Lewis Carroll- Charles Latuidzh Dozhon, the famous author of "Alice in Wonderland", an English writer, was a mathematician, photographer, logician, inventor. The pseudonym was not chosen by chance: the writer translated his name - Charles Latuidzh - into Latin, it turned out "Carolus Ludovicus", which in English sounds like Carroll Lewis. Then he changed the words. It was out of the question for a serious scientist to publish fairy tales under his own name. The real surname of the writer partially "manifested" in a fairy-tale character - a clumsy, but witty and resourceful Dodo bird, in which the storyteller portrayed himself.
Real name Mark Twain Samuel Lenghorne Clemens, American writer. For a pseudonym, he took the words that are pronounced when measuring the depths of the river, “measure - two” (mark - twen). “Measure - two” is the depth sufficient for the passage of ships, and young Clemens often heard these words while working as a machinist on a steamer.

Mark Twain - American writer (1835 - 1910)

Anna Akhmatova- Anna Andreevna Gorenko, a Russian poetess, owes her literary pseudonym to her grandmother, who descended from the Tatar Khan Akhmat. The surname of grandmother Akhmatova became the literary name of the young poetess.
Igor Vsevolodovich Mozheiko or Kir Bulychev, until 1982, he hid his real name, believing that the leadership of the Institute where he worked would consider his occupation frivolous and fire his employee.

Teacher: Would you like to give yourself a pseudonym? If so, which one? And why? Draw an emblem with your pseudonym.
(Followed by work in pairs and the children's answers).
Note: It will be better for children to complete this task, working in pairs. If it is difficult for a child to come up with a pseudonym, then a neighbor can help him, suggest, asking leading questions, etc.
Teacher: Kir Bulychev- this is not the only pseudonym of Igor Vsevolodovich Mozheiko. Turns out he had a lot. Here are some of them:
Igor Mozheiko
Igor Vsevolodovich Vsevolodov
Y. Lesorubnik
Sein G Main
Nikolai Lozhkin
Lev Khristoforovich Mints
Yuri Mitin
Sven Thomas Purkine
B. Tishinsky
S. Fan
and others.
Teacher: We can learn about Igor Vsevolodovich Mozheiko, his family and work by watching the presentation.

Igor Vsevolodovich Mozheiko (1934 - 2003)

(View presentation with teacher's comments).
Sample text:
Teacher: Soviet science fiction writer, orientalist, falerist, screenwriter, laureate of the State Prize. Igor Vsevolodovich Mozheiko Born in 1934 in Moscow in the family of Vsevolod Nikolaevich Mozheiko and Maria Mikhailovna Bulycheva. In the second marriage of the mother there is a sister - Natalia. In 1957 he graduated from the Moscow Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages. He met his future wife Kira in his student years in a common company. They were both in their early twenties at the time. Igor Vsevolodovich and Kira Alekseevna lived together all their lives - over forty years. And then, back in 1957, they got married and left for a year to Burma where a lot of construction was going on at the time.

Teacher: Kir Bulychev worked as a translator and correspondent by specialty - orientalist.
Oriental studies- a set of scientific disciplines that study history, economics, literature, languages, art, religion, philosophy, ethnography, monuments of material and spiritual culture of the countries of the East. Being in Burma for a short time, the family returned to Moscow. In 1959, Kir Bulychev entered the graduate school of the Institute of Oriental Studies. In 1960, daughter Alice is born. After the birth of their daughter, the family again goes to Burma for the second time, leaving their little daughter with their grandmother. The first story, Maung Jo Shall Live, was published in 1961. Since 1963, Kir Bulychev worked at the Institute of Oriental Studies, specializing in the history of Burma. He wrote popular science essays for the magazines Around the World and Asia and Africa Today, because he traveled a lot around the country. Kir Bulychev traveled a lot around the world.

Teacher: He visited China, the Philippines, European countries... The trip to India as an interpreter with the famous director Alexander Zguridi, the first host of the TV show "In the World of Animals", was especially memorable. Kir Bulychev was an orientalist, the author of many monographs, a doctor of historical sciences, and has scientific works on the history of Southeast Asia. He really traveled a lot - traveled almost the whole world. He brought home unusual sculptures, jewelry, Burmese lacquer boxes. Very fine, elegant work of local craftsmen.

Burmese lacquer boxes

Teacher: He worked at the Institute of Oriental Studies until the end of his days. And he began writing science fiction in his free time - at the age of 32. Although he published his works exclusively under a pseudonym, no one called him Kir Bulychev. In the family, friends, colleagues always addressed him by his first name. He began writing fiction in 1965. The first fantasy work, the story "The Debt of Hospitality", was published as a "translation of the story of the Burmese writer Maun Sein Ji". Subsequently, Bulychev used this name several more times, but most of the fantastic works were published under the pseudonym "Kirill Bulychev". The writer managed to keep his real name a secret until 1982, when he was awarded the State Prize for the scripts for the film Through Thorns to the Stars and the cartoon The Secret of the Third Planet. A scientist and a science fiction writer in one person - an unusual combination ... Kir Bulychev was interested in many things. He knew the history and current situation in Burma well, where he twice went on business trips and lived there for a total of more than two years.

Teacher: At the same time, Kir Bulychev felt the need to write science fiction. At all times, man has loved to dream. Terrible or cute fantasies about good and evil spirits, about incomprehensible natural phenomena fill all folk tales. Gradually, a person learned more and more about the world around him, and this world itself ceased to be incomprehensible, mysterious and gloomy. The man realized that he could reveal many mysteries of the world. With the help of science, he even tried to look into the future. He began to dream about what kind of life would come when humanity mastered all the forces of nature. This is how science fiction arose in literature, giving impetus to thought and scope for a person’s imagination. The first such works belong to the remarkable French writer of the last century Jules Verne. Others followed in his footsteps. The books of Soviet science fiction writers are full of faith in man, in his bright future, faith in the victory of justice and happiness.

Jules Verne (1828 - 1905) - French geographer and writer

Teacher: Look at the books of Kira Bulychev in your hands. What do you guys think, what attracts readers to them? Why is there no interest in them?
(Following the reasoning of the children).
Teacher: It is true that they are attracted by exciting events, extraordinary adventures in which human characters, dreams, experiences are revealed. After all, the main character of fantastic literature is our earthly man. The person on whom the future depends. Among the first works of the writer were fantastic stories about a girl Alice - a resident of the XXI century. From these stories, a fairy-tale-fantastic cycle of works under the general name "Girl from the Earth" began, which gained wide popularity and popularity in the 80-90s of the last century. The very first fantastic works were published in 1965 - these were fairy tales about Alice and the story "When the dinosaurs died out." Saving a number in the magazine "Iskatel", in which the cover had already been printed in circulation - a jar with a dinosaur on a chair was drawn on it, Kir Bulychev argued that he would write a story on the cover overnight. I wrote ... and since then I could not stop ...

Teacher: Igor Vsevolodovich and Kira Alekseevna named their daughter in honor of the heroine of Lewis Carroll's fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland". Since the name was memorable, and did not occur so infrequently at that moment. The prototype of Alisa Selezneva - the main character of Bulychev's works - was the daughter of a science fiction writer. And the surname Seleznev was the maiden name of the mother-in-law Kira Bulychev, the wife's mother. Kir Bulychev liked to "borrow" names for his heroes from relatives and friends. The reader's favorite character from the stories about Guslyar, Professor Lev Khristoforovich Mints, is very similar to the famous ethnographer Lev Mironovich Mints, a friend of Kir Bulychev. The hero of Bulychev is the space medic Pavlysh, whose prototype is Slava Pavlysh, the ship's doctor of the dry-cargo ship Segezha.

Teacher: Russian science fiction, literature and science cannot be imagined without Kir Bulychev. He was a witty and optimistic person. I wrote at night, lying on the floor. At this time of the day he worked well - he could concentrate. During the day he was distracted by endless phone calls. Kir Bulychev liked to watch sports programs, especially football. In his youth, he loved to go hiking. Wife - Kira Alekseevna Soshinskaya- science fiction writer, artist, illustrator of many of his books, translator, architect by education. Daughter - Alisa Lutomskaya (Mozheiko) - architect.

Teacher: In addition to literary creativity, Kir Bulychev had a whole "fan of interest". Guys, do you have interesting hobbies or hobbies? Which? Tell us about them?
(The children's stories follow, possibly with presentations.)

Collection of minerals 3 A class

Collection of crystals 3 A class

Teacher: As you can see, many of us collect something: stickers, postcards, magnets, car models, and so on. These items are among the most common collectibles. But there are memorabilia that are much stranger. We learn from the presentation.
(View presentation with teacher's comments).

Barbie doll collection

Collection of irons

Teacher: Kira Bulychev had such an interesting hobby phaleristics. How many of you know what it is?
(Children's answers follow.)
(View presentation with teacher's comments).
Sample text:
Phaleristics- has two meanings: 1. A scientific discipline that studies the history of orders, medals and other insignia. 2. Collecting badges, badges, souvenir, anniversary tokens, etc.
Kira Bulychev had a big service signs collection. He showed a great interest in history. In addition to official badges, he first collected vintage pistols, Then - sabers, military headgear: helmets, cocked hats, etc.

vintage pistol

In collection Kira Bulycheva was, for example, 19th century Venetian gondolier gaff a huge stick with a hook at the end, “encrusted” with exotic coins that were given to the owner. They were all nailed with small brass studs.

Moreover, he did not collect collections all at the same time. When the old passion was replaced by a new one, the collection was sold, the creation of the next one began. His collections were not very large and valuable. Kir Bulychev collected no more paraphernalia, but information about it. Then he wrote books about it. He considered himself a great connoisseur of phaleristics. popular Kir Bulychev's book "Conversations about phaleristics"(1990) on the history of phaleristics and award systems, where it is accessible to talk about the origin, history and traditions of awards and distinctions.

Teacher: Kir Bulychev made a great contribution to the development of Russian science fiction and science. If we talk about the work of Kira Bulychev, it should be noted that the total number of published works published under his real name is in the hundreds. For the most part, these are works on history, oriental studies, and literary criticism, published in special and popular journals. In addition, more than two hundred poems and several miniature stories came out from Bulychev's pen. What has this fantastic writer not come up with in his life!
Popular cycles: about the most unusual girl of the 80s Alisa Selezneva- "The Adventures of Alice", about the fictional city "Great Guslyar", about the fearless and noble "Doctor Pavlysh", about the super agent Andrei Bruce.
Kir Bulychev's works of different genres: adventure, biographical, popular science and scientific literature. Thus, the writer's talent was fully revealed, he wrote detective stories, poems, plays, and diverse novels and stories. His works have been translated into many languages ​​of the world.
Here are some works of Kir Bulychev:"The Cauldron" (1992), "Cinderella in the Market" (1999), "One Hundred Years Ahead", "Alice and Her Friends in the Labyrinths of History" and many others. In addition to creating his own works, Bulychev translated books by foreign authors into Russian.

In addition, Kir Bulychev is one of the first creators of literary series. The books of each cycle were written for many years, and not always the cross-cutting hero was the main one, sometimes he played an episodic role. The writer worked on the longest and multi-volume cycle about Alisa Selezneva all his life.
Teacher: Today we will get acquainted with one work of Kira Bulychev - "Million Adventure". This is a children's science fiction novel from the Alice's Adventures series. The novel was written in 1976. The full version was first published in 1982. The novel has been translated into Czech, Polish, Uzbek, Moldavian, and Mongolian.

Teacher:"A Million Adventures" is the third work about a girl from the future, Alisa Selezneva. First book- "Alice's Journey" - bright, but too childish, the story is told from the perspective of Alice's father. Second- "One Hundred Years Ahead" is heavy in content. Third- "A Million Adventures" - the writer succeeds well. This is where the most successful form of storytelling is. Fourth book- "Reserve of fairy tales".

Teacher: The book "A Million Adventures" has not yet been filmed, unlike the first two. In the late 1980s, Kir Bulychev wrote a screenplay for a TV movie, but, unfortunately, it was never made. In this film, one of the main characters, a desperate romantic and adventure lover Pavel Geraskin, was supposed to sing a song, the words to which Bulychev also wrote.
(The following is work on the book with reading some points).
Sample text:
The work consists of four parts-stories, little connected with each other. In fact, "Million Adventure" consists of three and a half parts. What stories are included in the first part? The first part is a series of stories. Where is the action taking place? The action takes place at the Moscow station of young biologists. Fascinating research and the exploits of the Pithecanthropus Hercules, only whet the appetite. What planet do Alice and her friends end up on? They are flying on a real expedition to the mysterious planet Penelope. Where is their first stop? In the city of tourists Zhangle, where a very strange person named Fuuks will throw Pashka and Alice into a real medieval world. What awaits the heroes in the third part? In the third part, young biologists set up camp in the jungle of the planet Penelope. However, in addition to exciting discoveries, they will have to face the cunning of a galactic criminal. What old friend does Alice meet? In the fourth part, Alice accepts the offer of her old friend, the cosmoarchologist Rrrr, "to visit, taste the skrruls." The restless Pashka cannot forgive her refusal to take him with her.
Note: Since the work is voluminous, you can give some time for independent reading at the choice and desire of the children.

Conclusions on the work: A fantastic story introduces us to scientific discoveries, hypotheses, ideas, the embodiment of which is a matter of the future. The heroes of the story, young biologists, travel to other planets. Alisa Selezneva and her friends get into amazing adventures. Alice is kind and cheerful - she does many extraordinary things and helps people. The captivating plot is beautifully conveyed through the rich yet light language of Kir Bulychev. The book is read in one breath.
Teacher: And now, guys, I will ask you to fulfill task - color pictures - illustrations to this work. And if anyone wishes, he can act as an artist himself and draw something of his own. We will work individually.
(Individual work with children is carried out).

(Next, an exhibition of creative children's works is created on the board).
Note: If time permits, then with commentary and discussion of the work performed, especially those who themselves drew illustrations for the work.
Teacher: Guys, can you imagine, when I was about the same age as you, the whole country read the books of Kir Bulychev, and the films based on his works were the most popular television series for children and teenagers. Learn more about this from the presentation.
(View presentation with teacher's comments).
Sample text:
Based on the works of Kir Bulychev, many feature and animated films were shot, comics were published, and filmstrips were also released.

Frame from the film "Chance", 1984

And all this despite the fact that the relationship between the writer and the cinema was very contradictory. For only ten years, the creative collaboration of screenwriter Kir Bulychev with cinema continued. The first and last film of the writer were created at the Gorky Film Studio. The first experience in cinema - "Through thorns to the stars"(director R. Viktorov, 1980) - turned out to be very successful and promising. The film was well received by the audience, received international prizes and was awarded the State Prize. In our time, given the popularity of the film, a technical restoration has been carried out, after which the film at a qualitatively new technical level once again pleases the audience. Last work Kira Bulycheva in the cinema became a film - "Dungeon of the Witches"(director Y. Moroz, 1990).
Kir Bulychev as an actor starred in two films - "Birthmark" according to your story.

Frame from the film "Birthmark"

And in a cameo role in the film "Hockey players". (Mosfilm, 1964, director R. Goldin).

Shot from the film "Hockey Players"

In addition, he was a screenwriter and host in the documentary "Date with the Comet". More than twenty works by Kira Bulychev were filmed. According to the story "One Hundred Years Ahead"(1977) five-episode filmed Film "Guest from the Future"- one of the most popular children's films of the mid-1980s. It was Alisa Selezneva who became the heroine of the popular film "Guest from the Future".
In 1982, Kir Bulychev became laureate of the State Prize per film "Through hardship to the stars" and cartoon "Secret of the third planet". In addition, he became Laureate of the science fiction award "Aelita-97".
Note: A complete list of feature films, short films, television, animated films, documentaries and films-performances in the application.
Teacher: Guys, tell us what you learned today? What information do you remember the most? What seemed the most interesting? Where can the information you receive be useful? What conclusions can be drawn?
(Children's answers follow.)
Teacher: Kir Bulychev- an amazing person who combined great erudition, versatile talent, artistic imagination, sincerity, goodwill and amazing modesty. Currently, A Million Adventures book is an example of the old, correct and good science fiction.
Kir Bulychev said that: “For children, you need to write the same way as for adults, but even better.” All his life he aspired to this.
Thank you for your business!

Feature films
Throw, or It all started on Saturday
purple ball
Witch Dungeon
Abduction of the sorcerer
Tears dripped
Through hardship to the stars
Short films
In a familiar street
District domino competition
Television films and film plays
Guest from the future
A million adventures Rusty General's Island
May I ask Nina?
Glade of fairy tales
Abduction of the sorcerer
Snow Maiden
Ability to throw the ball
Two tickets to India
Well of wisdom
Money box
The secret of the third planet
Prisoners of "Yamagiri-maru"
Miracles in Guslyar
Apple tree
Rendezvous with the Comet

Summary of the final lesson with a presentation. Literary reading on the topic "What a charm these fairy tales are!",

Kir Bulychev - Russian and Soviet writer, historian, orientalist was born on October 18, 1934 in Moscow.


“I have everything from my mother,” said the famous author of many works. He will call the heroines of his books by her name and patronymic. The father left the family before the start of the war. The stepfather who replaced him died two days before the victory.

Maria Mikhailovna had a hard time with two children. She changed many jobs, while continuing to study and master new specialties.
She worked hard at the factory, worked as a driver, was the commandant of the fortress, in which shells and cartridges were stored.

When Igor was born, he had to change his military uniform for civilian clothes. During the years of war hard times, she again got into service, fulfilling her duty to the Motherland.

As a student at the Institute of Foreign Languages, Bulychev did not sit still. He went somewhere, traveled somewhere, climbed mountains, wanted to see as much as possible. Having received a diploma, he worked in distant Burma (now Myanmar) at a construction site.

In childhood

Then he entered the Institute of Oriental Studies and, working in the magazine "Around the World", on the instructions of the editorial board, traveled to thousands of different places on the globe. So the outlook of the future writer was amazing.

Journalism, science and the third - "frivolous" path to science fiction. I had to hide behind a pseudonym, because at one moment, and Mozheiko was then 33 years old, one of his stories was accepted for publication.

He worked at the institute and did not want them to know about his side hobbies. In addition, part-time work in Soviet times was not approved. Igor Vsevolodovich could not assume then that he would become a writer, but he did not want to aggravate his position at work.

He admitted that he had many sins - he didn’t go to the collective farm, skipped the trade union meeting, acted uncomradely with someone. For the ideologically sustained Soviet era, it was almost an anti-social element. Therefore, he took the name of his wife, his mother's surname and became Kir Bulychev. In different periods of creativity, there were also five other pseudonyms.


It is interesting that the writer did not associate fantasy with a dream and believed in goodness as such, in friendship. He did not associate universal human values ​​with any religion, in which he was well versed. He said that the existence of a higher mind is quite possible, but he was not given to understand this, since such things are so much higher than him.

Igor Vsevolodovich sat down to write a book, not knowing in advance how it would end and what the ending would be. Otherwise, he was just bored. Therefore, he did not become an outstanding scientist, as he himself claimed.

The scientist and prose writer was convinced that the future was unpredictable. He considered charlatans those who guessed and promised soon the onset of the end of the world, a worldwide catastrophe and the apocalypse.

He cited as an example a scientifically calculated forecast made in the second half of the 19th century - in a hundred years the streets of large cities will not be able to be cleared of heaps of manure due to the ever-increasing horse-drawn transport.

Regarding the issues of faith in something or someone, the author of many books is sure that the main thing is to be thinking, critically thinking, thinking people. After all, the population of Russia was taught to believe on orders from above, so there were no problems with the change of another faith and will not be.

They believed Stalin, then it turned out that this was a cult of personality. They believed Khrushchev - in the end they declared him a voluntarist and a rogue. They believed Brezhnev, and after his death it turned out that he was a senile and the cause of stagnation. They believed Gorbachev, but five years later the USSR collapsed, and the last Soviet leader was none other than a traitor and an enemy.

Bulychev emphasized in one of his interviews that the people who are accustomed to believe, and not to think, will always experience various troubles. As a historian and doctor of sciences, he believed that the state in which he lived would certainly fall apart, but he did not think that this would happen so soon. Everyone needs to learn history well.

Multifaceted talent

What is censorship, a popular science fiction writer knows well and difficulties with it have arisen repeatedly. However, according to Igor Vsevolodovich, everything depends on the writer himself. In order not to make a deal with his conscience, then for "life and food" he wrote things that would be printed.

If he wanted to write material that censorship would not let through, Bulychev wrote it, but showed it only to close relatives and friends. When the Soviet times ended, all the articles that were "on the table" are now printed.

He was not built into the system, he kept a distance from his colleagues. In that situation, it turned out to be easier on my own, no one would set me up. The writer has never been mean. I did not consider myself a revolutionary or a fighter. After reading the book "How to become a science fiction writer.

Notes of the Seventies ”the thought creeps in that Bulychev began to write because life ordered it that way. It couldn't have been otherwise. The feeling that not a single character has "merged" with its author. Some kind of sediment on the writer's soul, a certain disappointment is felt.

The legacy of the writer is really not small. This includes different works, divided into thematic groups, which are united by one plot and common characters. Here is a teenage girl, and an agent, and a doctor, a cheerful city, then a sad city, other characters and fantastic lines.

A separate line goes novels and stories not collected in a specific general cycle. Among them are Bulychev's significant works, each of which deserves a separate article. The novel "Refuge" saw the light after the death of a wonderful writer and was a kind of Russian answer to the young English wizard Harry Potter.

Educational publications and documentary works. Among them are "Secrets of the Ancient World", "Historical Secrets of the Russian Empire". Encyclopedias and reference books, anthologies, several plays, stories (“When the dinosaurs died out”, etc.), fairy tales. And also translations of fantastic works by foreign authors - Arthur C. Clarke, Mac Reynolds, and others. And another 600 poems by the author and dozens of short stories.

There were also adaptations of feature films. This is especially true of the five-episode film "Guest from the Future", which brought the author of the story "One Hundred Years Ahead" closer to fame. At the same time, this film was banned in Holland due to sexual discrimination.

Incredible stupidity, even with all the bias of their legislation. And in the film Through Thorns to the Stars, the party authorities did not allow many episodes to be shown, although the viewer finds himself in a completely fictional world with aliens, and the events take place in the 23rd century.

A wonderful cartoon, where the Govorun bird is smart and quick-witted.

Personal life

Bulychev was an optimistic person, he liked to joke. He is from the generation that was "understanding", so in his works his humor is sad. He did not want to go into history, arguing that, as a rule, murderers enter into it: rulers, kings, generals.

And the science fiction writer tried to live in peace and not spoil the lives of other people, although they envied him and tried in various ways to discredit the name of the writer. His success and brightness did not give rest to those who surrounded him in everyday life. He tried to treat it like a minor annoyance.

Bulychev was married to Kira Soshinsky, a writer and professional artist who made illustrations for his books. When a daughter was born, her father was looking for a non-standard name for her. He called Alice, and then the heroine of the books was named that way (reminds her namesake from Carroll's fairy tales). Grandson Timothy is an architect. Together with their mother, they have a common hobby - they like to dive into the water with scuba gear.

Bulychev and Kira Soshinskaya

Having the institute of translators behind him, the literary critic said that his first language was English, and the second Czech. It was believed theoretically that Bulychev knew the Burmese language, but practically he did not know it.

The writer collected headgear and service badges, and before that flintlock pistols and sabers. He considered himself a great connoisseur of phaleristics (awards). I had to buy and exchange semi-legally different antiques at unadvertised flea markets somewhere on the Lenin Hills. Now it is Sparrow Hills. Sometimes the police dispersed all these lovers of stamps, coins and shabby rarities.

When computers appeared, he did not work on them. There is a photo where the writer is sitting in front of a turned off computer. The wife always drove the car, Igor Vsevolodovich - no. There are no detailed technical descriptions in novels and short stories. This is what his daughter testifies. It is even surprising, because in interplanetary flights, nature as such is completely absent, only technology and electronics.

Bulychev was very far from home life. Unless he bought groceries. Being an impractical person, he somehow poured boiling water into a bottle, which caused it to explode.

Always wore a jacket, as there are many pockets. They had to put notebooks, various notes and other pieces of paper. His back ached because of a heavy bag stuffed to the eyeballs with books, which Igor Vsevolodovich carried over his shoulder.

Once Bulychev smuggled two little monkeys from India in the pockets of his overcoat. They lived in his apartment for several years. My daughter fed them, she remembers how biting these lemurs were, although incredibly beautiful.

The science fiction writer had no particular taste for food. Favorite dishes are boiled beef sprinkled with salt and milk. There was a dacha in the Moscow region, but then it burned down. In general, he was no gardener.

What kind of shovel is there, lying on the grass and reading books - this is the main occupation. In fact, I have not been on vacation in my entire life and have not been involved in sports. He watched football matches on TV, he liked it.

The writer died at the age of 68, the cause was oncology, with which he struggled for a long time. He had a certain negative attitude, which Igor Vsevolodovich voiced more than once, saying that his father had lived for 69 years, and that he supposedly would no longer shine either. You can't program yourself for the negative.

About Bulychev in his house is reminiscent of a lot of gifts that he brought from afar. For example, extraordinary beauty coral beads from the Philippines, as well as watercolors painted by him hanging on the walls.

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Nickname - Kir Bulychev.

Real name - Igor Vsevolodovich Mozheiko. Born October 18, 1934 in Moscow, died September 5, 2003. Soviet science fiction writer, orientalist, falerist, screenwriter. Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR (1982).

Nickname formed from the name of the wife of Kira Alekseevna Soshinskaya and the maiden name of the writer's mother, Maria Mikhailovna Bulycheva.

Initially pseudonym Igor Vsevolodovich was "Kirill Bulychev". Subsequently, the name "Kirill" on the covers of books began to be abbreviated - "Kir." There was also a combination of Kirill Vsevolodovich Bulychev. The writer kept his real name secret until 1982, because he believed that the leadership of the Institute of Oriental Studies would not consider science fiction a serious occupation, and was afraid that after disclosure alias will be fired.

In addition to the main alias, Igor Vsevolodovich used several more: Igor Vsevolodovich Vsevolodov, Nikolai Lozhkin, Lev Mints.

And the very first fantastic work - the story "Debt of hospitality", was published as "a translation of the story of the Burmese writer Maun Sein Ji." Bulychev subsequently used this name several more times.

Interestingly, few people could call him by his patronymic, and if someone wanted to talk to the writer on the street, then Kir-Kirych usually turned to him.

Igor Vsevolodovich was born in the family of Vsevolod Nikolaevich Mozheiko and Maria Mikhailovna Bulycheva.

Father, Vsevolod Nikolaevich Mozheiko, a native of the Belarusian-Lithuanian gentry Mozheiko of the Trumpet coat of arms.

Mother was the daughter of an officer, Colonel Mikhail Bulychev, a fencing teacher in the First Cadet Corps, and before the revolution she studied at the Smolny Institute for Noble Maidens.

In the 1930s, Vsevolod Nikolaevich left his family. Stepfather, Yakov Isaakovich Bokinnik, a chemist, died at the front in 1945.

After graduating from school, Igor entered the Maurice Thorez Moscow State Institute of Foreign Languages ​​according to the Komsomol order, graduating in 1957. For two years he worked in Burma as a translator and correspondent for APN, in 1959 he returned to Moscow and entered the postgraduate course at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences. He wrote historical and geographical essays for the magazines "Around the World" and "Asia and Africa Today".

In 1962 he graduated from graduate school, since 1963 he worked at the Institute of Oriental Studies, specializing in the history of Burma. In 1965 he defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic "The Pagan State (XI-XIII centuries)", in 1981 - his doctoral dissertation on the topic "The Buddhist Sangha and the State in Burma". In the scientific community, he is known for his works on the history of Southeast Asia.

Several dozen books have been published, the total number of published works is hundreds. In addition to writing his own works, he was engaged in the translation into Russian of fantastic works by American writers.

More than twenty works have been screened, in particular, based on the story “One Hundred Years Ahead” (1977), a five-episode film “Guest from the Future” was shot - one of the most popular children's films in the USSR in the mid-1980s. In 1982, he won the State Prize of the USSR for the scripts for the feature film Through Hardships to the Stars and the full-length cartoon The Secret of the Third Planet. At the presentation of the State Prize and was disclosed pseudonym, however, the expected dismissal did not take place.

He also acted as an editor in fantasy magazines “Noon. XXI century” and “If”.

Winner of the Aelita Science Fiction Award (1997). Knight of the Order of the Knights of Science Fiction (2002).

His wife is a science fiction writer, artist, illustrator of his books, translator, architect by education, daughter - Alisa Lyutomskaya (Mozheiko) (born 1960) - architect, Alisa Selezneva is named after her, grandson Timofey is a student at Moscow Architectural Institute.

In 1962 he completed postgraduate studies at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Since 1963 he worked at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

In 1965 he defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic "Pagan State (XI-XIII centuries)". In 1981 he defended his doctoral dissertation on the theme "The Buddhist Sangha and the State in Burma".

In the scientific world, he is known for his works on the history of Southeast Asia.

The writer's first science-fiction publications were the hoax story "Debt of Hospitality" (1965; published as a translation, the author is "Maung Sein Gee, a Burmese prose writer") and a selection of short stories "The Girl Whom Nothing Would Happen to" (1965). The tales of adventures on Earth and in space by a 21st-century girl, Alisa Selezneva, with which Bulychev made his debut in science fiction, marked the beginning of a long series that brought the author significant success and popularity among teenage readers. The stories about Alice, first published in various anthologies (and repeatedly reprinted), were collected in the collections "The Girl from the Earth" (1974), "One Hundred Years Ahead" (1978), "A Million Adventures" (1982), "The Girl from the Future" ( 1984), "Fidget" (1985), "Prisoners of the Asteroid" (1988), "Alice's New Adventures" (1990).

Kira Bulychev is characterized by a craving for the creation of cycles of works, united by heroes, a plot basis, a common idea and style. Another cycle of the writer's works is the town of Veliky Guslyar. It has its own geographical prototype - Veliky Ustyug. Bulychev came up with about 70 stories and stories about the Great Guslyar and its inhabitants, which were partially combined into the collection Miracles in Guslyar (1972).

The series about Alice organically adjoins the cycle of novels about the comic Dr. Pavlysh, the prototype of which was Vladislav Pavlysh, the ship's doctor on the dry-cargo ship Segezha. The cycle includes one of Bulychev's best early stories "The Snow Maiden" (1973), the stories "The Great Spirit and the Fugitives" (1972), "The Law for the Dragon" (1975) and the novel "The Last War" (1970) - one of the few in Soviet literature of works describing the consequences of a nuclear war, however, on another planet.

Works of the short form were collected in the collections "People as People" (1975), "Summer Morning" (1979), "Pass" (1983), "Abduction of the Sorcerer" (1989), "Coral Castle" (1990).

Fantastic elements are also contained in a number of historical and adventure books by Bulychev - the story "The Sword of General Bandula" (1968) and the novel "An Earthquake in Ligon the other day" (1980).

In the 1990s, the writer tried to significantly expand the subject matter of his works. Bulychev's collection "Apology" (1990) includes stories of various levels and topics. He wrote detective stories (mini-cycle "Lydia Berestova"), poems, plays.

Beginning in 1989, Bulychev worked on a large novel, The Chronos River, the first parts of which were published in 1993-1994. The novel developed into the "Chronos" cycle, consisting of several novels.

Bulychev also actively published literary critical publications - essays, afterwords, journalistic articles devoted to the history and problems of science fiction literature or the work of individual writers. In a number of critical works, the historical-critical essay "The Stepdaughter of the Epoch" (1989) stands out, which is an outline for a book that tells about the dramatic fate of Soviet science fiction during its formation (1917-1940); also an essay on the life and work of the outstanding American writer Robert Heinlein, a number of afterwords to collections of foreign writers.

He translated fantastic works of English and American writers into Russian.

All the fairy tales and fiction of Igor Mozheiko were written under the pseudonyms Kir (Kirill) Bulychev and some others (Nikolai Lozhkin, Lev Khristoforovich Mints, Yuri Mitin), under his last name he wrote only popular science works and acted as a researcher. In 1982, the pseudonym was revealed due to the fact that the writer received the State Prize for the screenplay for the films "The Secret of the Third Planet" and "Through Hardships to the Stars".

More than 20 Bulychev's works have been screened, in particular, based on the story "One Hundred Years Ahead" (1977), a five-episode film "Guest from the Future" was made - one of the most popular children's films in the USSR in the mid-1980s.

Kir Bulychev was a laureate of the Aelita-97 science fiction award, in 2004 he posthumously became the laureate of the sixth international award in the field of science fiction literature named after Arkady and Boris Strugatsky ("ABS-award") in the nomination "Criticism and journalism" for a series of essays "The Stepdaughter of the Epoch ".

The material was prepared on the basis of information from open sources

  • Kir Bulychev (real name Igor Vsevolodovich Mozheiko) was born on October 18, 1934 in Moscow.
  • 1952 - Bulychev graduated from high school and entered the Moscow State Institute of Foreign Languages. Maurice Thorez.
  • 1957 - receiving a diploma, after which Mozheiko went to Burma, to work as an interpreter and correspondent for APN (News Press Agency of Mass Public Organizations) in construction.
  • 1959 - return to Moscow. Mozheiko enters graduate school at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Then he began to collaborate with the magazines "Around the World" and "Asia and Africa Today", writes popular science articles.
  • 1961 - The first story of the writer "Maung Jo will live" is written and published.
  • 1962 - the end of graduate school, after which Mozheiko goes to the Institute of Oriental Studies and works there, specializing in the history of Burma. He has written many articles in this area, so he is known in the scientific community not only for science fiction novels.
  • 1965 - defense of a Ph.D. thesis on the topic "The Pagan State of the XI - XIII centuries."
  • The same year - the story-hoax "Debt of hospitality" was written. The author was listed as "the Burmese prose writer Maun Sein Ji", and the story itself was filed as a translation. At the same time, a selection of short stories "The Girl with whom nothing will happen" was written. The prototype of the main character Alisa Selezneva was the little daughter of the writer.
  • The pseudonym "Kir Bulychev" was created because the writer was not sure that the leadership of his main place of work (the Institute of Oriental Studies) would adequately treat science fiction. Bulycheva is the maiden name of the writer's mother. The name Cyril was first written in full, then shortened to "Kir.", and later the dot was removed.
  • Tales and stories about Alisa Selezneva were written in general for almost a quarter of a century. The writer's daughter grew up, and she already had her own children, but the demand for books about Alice did not decrease. Many works were filmed, feature films and cartoons were shot on them. However, these books for children and adolescents were not the only ones written by Kir Bulychev, and Alice was not his only heroine.
  • 1972 - Bulychev publishes a collection of short stories "Miracles in Guslyar".
  • 1974 - a new collection of short stories about Alisa Selezneva "The Girl from the Earth" is published.
  • In addition to "series" plots united by heroes (like Alice) or a place of events (like Guslyar), Bulychev also wrote small scattered fantastic stories. They are published in the collections People as People (1975), Summer Morning (1979), Pass (1983), Abduction of the Sorcerer (1989), Coral Castle (1990).
  • 1978 - a series of new stories about Alice was written, which received the general title "One Hundred Years Ahead."
  • 1981 - Bulychev defends his doctoral dissertation on the topic "The Buddhist Sangha and the State in Burma."
  • 1982 - Bulychev was awarded the State Prize of the USSR for the scripts for the film "Through Hardships to the Stars" and the cartoon "The Secret of the Third Planet". Only after that was the pseudonym revealed. Bulychev did not lose his job.
  • The same year - the book "A Million Adventures" is published.
  • 1984 - the book "Girl from the Future" was published.
  • 1985 - the book "Fidget" is published.
  • 1987 - 1990 - several collections from the cycle "Guslyar" ("Great Guslyar", "Deeply respected microbe, or Guslyar in space", "Martian potion. The most complete chronicle of the Great Guslyar") are published in succession.
  • 1988 - a new collection of stories about Alisa Selezneva and her friends "Prisoners of the Asteroid" was written.
  • 1989 - the "Guslar" story "Perpendicular World" is published.
  • 1990 - Alice's New Adventures was written.
  • 1997 - Bulychev becomes the winner of the Aelita science fiction award.
  • September 5, 2003 - Kir Bulychev dies in Moscow. He was buried at the Miussky cemetery.
  • 2004 - for a series of essays "The Stepdaughter of the Epoch", the writer was posthumously awarded the sixth international prize in the field of fantastic literature named after Arkady and Boris Strugatsky in the nomination "Criticism and journalism".

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