Kissel from frozen berries, a delicious jelly recipe. Kissel from starch - recipes for jelly from frozen berries or jam


Today we will talk about one of the most useful and delicious drinks. In the summer we prepare it from seasonal berries, and at other times of the year they can be successfully replaced with frozen ones. If the preparation is done correctly, a large amount of vitamins remains in the berries. I will talk about how to cook an incredibly delicious jelly from frozen berries and starch. Check out some of my favorite recipes for this wonderful dessert.

We cook delicious jelly from frozen cherries and starch

Kitchenware: saucepan with a volume of 2 liters; measuring jug; a container to brew herbs (a jug or a cup with a lid).


Choice of Ingredients

  • To sweeten the jelly, dry stevia leaves can be used instead of sugar. It is about 10 times sweeter than sugar. At the same time, it is natural and contains a large number of substances useful for the human body. Non-caloric, does not contain carbohydrates. This natural sweetener is freely sold in pharmacies.
  • Frozen or fresh berries can be replaced with jam from them.
  • Potato starch is more suitable for making jelly. Corn, when in contact with the liquid, makes it cloudy and does not give jelly density. But if you like liquid jelly, then you can use it.

Step-by-step process of making jelly from frozen berries with starch

Video cooking recipe

In this video, the recipe is described above. Take a look to make delicious jelly easier and more efficiently.

Homemade jelly recipe from frozen blackcurrant berries with starch

Cooking time: 20 minutes.
Servings: 8-9.
Calories per 100 grams: 54 kcal.
Kitchenware: 2 liter saucepan; blender; Bowl; 6-8 glasses; tray; flat plate; ladle.


Step by step cooking process

Video cooking recipe

To better understand how to make such a jelly, watch this video, where the cooking process is shown in detail.

  • To make the jelly thick (after cooling it will be almost like jelly), then take 4 tablespoons of starch per 1 liter of liquid. If you like it more liquid, then use 2-3 spoons. In case you prefer a liquid version of jelly, almost the same as compote, use 1 tablespoon of starch per 1 liter of water.
  • It is not worth diluting starch ahead of time, as it will settle to the bottom. Do this just before adding to your drink.
  • To make the jelly a brighter, richer berry color and taste, grind the berries (with sugar) before cooking. And then lower the mass into boiling water.

How to serve this dish

Kissel is usually served for dessert. If it is thick, it is offered in bowls or special molds with cream, a scoop of ice cream or milk. If medium density or liquid - then in cups or glasses.

This kind of drink can be used in the same way as gravy for casseroles or pancakes. A perfect addition to thin jelly is a piece of sweet pie or cookies.

Helpful information

  • Try great. It is known that - oatmeal jelly - is able to cleanse and heal the body of many ailments, gives energy and promotes longevity.
  • Don't miss out either. It is no less tasty and healthy, it is widely used in dietetics as a means for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Very easy to prepare delicious. See how to do it right and quickly. is not only a delicious drink. It strengthens the immune system and has long been the first remedy in the fight against colds.
  • And more can be done. Even a novice cook can handle this recipe. The bread is tender and amazingly delicious. Read with us also about. Even if this is your first culinary experiment in the kitchen, then with our guide you will no doubt cope.

Thank you for your interest in our recipes. I hope that you have turned out amazingly delicious jelly, as intended. Send your impressions, additions and comments. Cook with love.

In the family menu, berry drinks are not the last. Lovers of kissels use them all year round - in winter and summer heat. In winter, the sweet base for this dish cannot always be found on sale, so housewives prepare jelly from starch and frozen berries, each with their own recipe.

Kissel from frozen berries in terms of its nutritional value and useful properties is not much inferior to a drink made from fresh ingredients. Some consumers prefer briquetted types of this product, which are also useful.

Different types - the same benefit

Many mistakenly believe that jelly from fresh berries is healthy, but not from frozen ones. To dispel doubts about nutritional value and useful properties, we note that when frozen, products do not lose their qualities, provided that they are frozen properly. Persimmon, for example, improves its nutritional value and taste only after freezing.

In addition, the calorie content of jelly from fresh or frozen berries varies in its value from 50 to 360 kcal per 100 g of the finished drink. For example, cranberry - has a caloric content of 55.4 kcal, milk - 100 kcal, and briquetted powder fruit and berry concentrate - 358 kcal.

Even concentrates in packs have many benefits. GOST - “Fruit and Berry Kissel”, characteristic for the production of powder concentrates, indicates the permissible content of sucrose, citric acid, etc. in the product. The basis of this product, according to GOST, is only high-quality raw materials, so you should not think that kissels in briquettes are a low-quality version of the product.

The components in different jelly are rich in content:

  • vitamin A, C, E, PP, group B;
  • minerals;
  • carbohydrates;
  • squirrel;
  • fats.

Each species is significantly different in nutritional indicators, but it has undoubted benefits for the body. These drinks are especially useful for people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases, young children, patients who are forced to adhere to a diet, as well as patients who have undergone major operations on the digestive organs.

From blanks

Knowing how to cook jelly from starch and berries, you can not only pamper yourself and your family with a tasty and nutritious dish all year round, but also strengthen the protective properties of the body, have a positive effect on many organs and systems, improving health indicators.

Recommendations on how to cook jelly from starch, from frozen berries include, first of all, the correct preparation of the main berry raw materials. Their quality will directly affect how many useful components remain in the freezing process:

  1. Before laying the berries in the freezer, they need to be sorted out, washed and dried in the open air.
  2. Fold the finished berries into portioned bags or airtight containers.
  3. Can be frozen in bulk, in sugar, in sugar syrup, mashed, and also in the form of juice with pulp.
  4. Store raw materials in a separate chamber compartment.

Defrost methods should also be considered. Before cooking jelly from berries, experts do not recommend completely defrosting them so that they do not lose their beneficial properties.

The cooking method, which results in a healthy jelly from frozen berries and starch, is quite simple. For its preparation you need:

  • berry of one kind, pitted - 1 cup;
  • pitted berry of another type - 1 cup;
  • potato starch - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 4 l;
  • sugar to taste, depending on the sweetness of the berries.


  1. Bring a pot of water to a boil, pour in all the frozen berries. Boil for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Cool the compote and strain the berries. It is better to grind them through a sieve.
  3. Add sugar to the resulting compote.
  4. While the compote is boiling again, dilute the starch in a small amount of cold water.
  5. Reduce the heat and pour the starch mixture in a thin stream, stirring.
  6. Boil should be no more than 2 minutes, otherwise the jelly will not thicken.
  7. If the berries are very sweet, you need to drop less sugar, and replace this difference with citric acid.

Children's views

Kissel from frozen berries for children is prepared from juice without adding water. So the drink will remain a lot of vitamins and minerals. In addition, the children's version of the drink is often prepared with a very small amount of starch by increasing the density of the concentration with the help of berry puree. Children are recommended to cook a dish of medium or liquid consistency.

Berry jelly is introduced into the baby's diet very carefully, starting with small portions. If no negative deviations have occurred in the baby’s condition within 1-2 days, jelly can be introduced into the menu on an ongoing basis in the amount assigned by the children's nutrition specialist.

Fruit and berry jelly for children is prepared from non-acidic varieties so as not to irritate the intestinal mucosa, so the recipe below for "Berry jelly" from frozen strawberries is the best:

  1. First, a syrup is prepared, for this, 6 tbsp are boiled in 2 liters of water. l. Sahara.
  2. Throw 500 g of strawberries into boiling syrup. Boil.
  3. Remove the soft fruits and pass through a blender to make a puree. Then grind it, removing the bones.
  4. Dilute in 0.5 cups of cold water 2 tbsp. l. potato starch.
  5. Put the syrup on the fire and when it boils, carefully introduce the starch mixture in a thin stream, stirring.
  6. After pouring the strawberry puree and bring to a boil, boil for 1 minute, without stopping stirring the jelly.
  7. Serve warm.

Similarly, you can cook strawberry jelly.

Experienced chefs, giving recommendations on how to cook jelly from frozen berries, advise people who have a poor tolerance for potato starch to replace it with corn starch. This is often done when preparing children's drinks. But, at the same time, it should be noted that it will not make the finished dish transparent, but, on the contrary, causes clouding. This type of product is no longer suitable for berry, but milk-oatmeal and other kissels.

Children's milk and berry kissel

This is the best food for health, so it is often advised to cook by nutritionists. The way how to cook jelly from berries and milk will seem unusual to many, but in fact it is prepared quickly and simply. This recipe for jelly from frozen berries with milk-based starch is very original and will appeal to even those kids who have problems with appetite:

  1. Pour 500 ml of milk into a saucepan, bring to a boil.
  2. At the same time, dilute in a glass of water 1 tbsp. l. starch.
  3. When the milk boils, carefully pour the starch mixture into it, stirring. Boil 1 minute.
  4. Frozen berries in the amount of 300 g pour 1 liter of water and boil. Add sugar to taste. In combination with milk, apricot, raspberry, cherry are very suitable. Mixed berries can also be used.
  5. Dilute 2 tbsp. l. starch in a little water.
  6. Slowly add the starch composition to the boiling compote, bring to a boil. Boil 1 minute. Switch off.
  7. Cool two types of jelly.
  8. Serve milk jelly to children, and pour berry jelly on top.

Cooking jelly from frozen berries and milk does not take much time, but the taste and benefits will please both children and parents.

Housewives need to know

There is a way to make jelly from frozen berries without adding starch, although this particular product is a thickener in jelly. This role can be played by another type of product - agar-agar, oatmeal, rice, corn, coconut flakes. Gelatin is not used for jelly, it is only suitable for meat and sauce dishes.

Eggs can also act as a thickener. So 2 tbsp. l. starch correspond to 1 egg. They are added during the cooking process.

Let's give an example of a recipe on how to make jelly from berries without adding potato starch:

  1. You can take any kind of flour - oatmeal, rice, corn, flaxseed.
  2. In a boiling composition of frozen berries, which is prepared from 750 liters of water and 400 g of pitted berries, sugar is added to taste.
  3. Softened berries are ground through a sieve.
  4. A solution of 1 tbsp is added to the compote in a thin stream. l. flour and 1 cup cold water.
  5. While stirring, add the berry puree and bring to a boil.
  6. Slightly boiled until a sticky mass is formed, turn off.

Each housewife has her own method of how to cook jelly from frozen berries. As a rule, they are formed from the personal preferences of the household. For example, young children should not be given very sweet jelly, so the recipe for their preparation differs from that used for jelly for adults.


You don't have to be a professional chef to learn how to make berry jelly. Having the necessary composition of ingredients, a little time and clearly following the cooking instructions, you can cook jelly from frozen berries, which will be no worse than what cooks cook.

We offer recipe "Kissel from fresh berries and fruits":

  1. You will need several types of berries and fruits. They take 130 g of each type. (3 types).
  2. Boil the fruit in 1.8 liters of water by adding 100 g of sugar.
  3. In a separate bowl, combine starch - 4 tbsp. l. and 1 glass of water. Stir.
  4. Berries and fruits do not need to grind. Bring the compote to a boil and gently, stirring constantly, add the starch. Bring to a boil and when the drink acquires a jelly-like thick form, turn off the stove.

Unlike this drink, the recipe for jelly from frozen berries requires grinding them, as frozen berries become soft during the cooking process, lose their appearance, so it is better to process them into puree. Another thing is fresh ingredients. In this case, starch and berry jelly, the recipe of which allows you to leave the berries whole, will have a more appetizing look - whole pieces of fruit and berries in a jelly filling.

There are not so many ways to cook berry jelly. The only difference is the ingredients and cooking time. In addition, in the recipe for how to cook berry jelly, spices and natural flavors - vanilla, cinnamon, zest - can be added if desired.

Medical types

During colds, folk remedies are used, the main ones in which are herbal ingredients. Rosehip is a storehouse of vitamins useful for the body. It is rich in vitamin C - the main antioxidant and immunostimulant. The diuretic properties of this plant help to remove heavy toxins during colds and viral diseases.

Rosehip jelly for young children and patients who cannot eat aggressive, indigestible foods is best suited. To prepare it you will need:

  • sugar - 25 g;
  • starch - 10 g;
  • dry rose hips - 20 g;
  • water - 200 ml.

Yield: 1 glass of drink.


  1. Boil the crushed rose hips in a closed saucepan for 10 minutes.
  2. Leave the decoction for 4 hours. Filter.
  3. Stir 3 tbsp. l. water with starch.
  4. Add sugar to the rest of the broth and gently add the starch, stirring. Boil - turn off the stove.
  5. Drink warm.

Since the drink has a pronounced diuretic effect, it is better not to give it to children at night.

Blueberry kissel

Doctors have long found out that blueberries help strengthen the body's defenses, lower blood sugar levels, have a laxative effect and have a beneficial effect on the condition of patients with colitis, gastritis with low acidity. Healing properties are not lost even if you cook jelly from starch and frozen blueberries.

The drink can be prepared by mixing with another berry to reduce the laxative properties of the finished product, but for people suffering from constipation, a dish without additives will be the best remedy:

  1. Take 200 g of berries, grind through a sieve. Set aside the resulting juice.
  2. From the cake of berries, boil compote, in which 1 part of raw materials, 5 parts of water.
  3. Boil for 10 minutes, add sugar, strain.
  4. Separately, stir 45 g of starch with water and add it to the boiling broth.
  5. Bring to a boil, add blueberry juice. To improve the taste, you can add 2 g of citric acid.
  6. Drink chilled.

Chokeberry is an excellent remedy for hypertensive patients. Its berries help reduce blood pressure. There are common ways to cook jelly from berries and starch at the same time, it is from chokeberry that it is cooked in this way:

  1. Frozen or fresh rowan berries - 350 g pour 2 liters of water. Boil.
  2. Since this berry has a tart taste, sugar should be added to taste, and start with 500 g.
  3. When the broth boils, add 5 tbsp mixed in water. l. potato starch in a thin stream.
  4. Vanilla is added to the thickened jelly.
  5. They drink such a drink during a period of deterioration, when blood pressure indicators are very high.

This recipe allows you to cook jelly - starch, in which you can add less frozen berries, since the astringency of the berry disappears when frozen.

In order for this type of dish to bring only benefits, you need to not only control their consumption, but also adhere to the recipe for how to make jelly from berries and starch. With a large amount of starch, the jelly will become thicker, and its nutritional value and the amount of carbohydrates included in the composition will increase significantly. This should be taken into account for people suffering from obesity, diabetes, flatulence.

Before including it in the diet, you should definitely ask a gastroenterologist if there are any contraindications to its use.

Knowing how to properly cook jelly from berries, you can not only get culinary pleasure, but also significantly help your health.

Kissel is one of the varieties of delicious desserts. The drink turns out to be quite thick and to the taste of very many. Doctors recommend using jelly to people who are only after surgery or a serious illness. Kissel is also very useful for children.

The drink perfectly satisfies hunger. On the shelves of the store you can find many concentrates that can be prepared in a few minutes, but they can not be compared with jelly made from real fruits. You can use frozen berries for cooking. Anyone can handle the preparation of this drink.

Ingredients, which are necessary for the preparation of jelly: frozen berries, granulated sugar, drinking water. There are several subtleties of making jelly, which we will share with you today.

The taste and richness of the drink itself will depend on the amount of fruit. Some berries will seem very bland, so add lemon juice or citric acid.

Starch must be added depending on what you want to get as a result - liquid jelly or thick.

In order to prevent lumps from forming in the jelly, add starch to cold water, and after pouring into the total mass. Add starch in a thin stream along the edge of the pan and mix well.

starch is added 5 minutes before shutdown. Otherwise, the jelly will turn out to be too rare.

In order for the jelly to contain as many vitamins as possible, it is necessary add berry juice at the very last moment. Vitamins will not be exposed to high temperatures, and all useful substances will remain in the drink.

There are several recipes for making jelly from berries, they are all similar to each other.

Frozen berry jelly recipe


  • frozen berries (cherries, strawberries, raspberries, currants, cranberries) - 0.5 kg;
  • drinking water - 3 l;
  • granulated sugar - 150 g;
  • starch - 100 g.

Preparation of jelly from berries:

  1. Remove the berries from the freezer, do not defrost, put in a metal container and add granulated sugar.
  2. Fill with water and put on fire.
  3. Boil.
  4. Pass through a sieve.
  5. Pour starch with water.
  6. While the drink is boiling, add water with starch along the edge of the container and stir well so that lumps do not form.
  7. After boiling, turn off the stove.

This drink can be cooked fairly quickly. This is a rather budget option for making a delicious drink, because the berries can be taken from your own garden.

Kissel from berries “Vitaminka”

To prepare the jelly you will need:

  • berries (any at your discretion) - 0.5 kg;
  • starch - 120 g;
  • granulated sugar - 1 cup;
  • drinking water - 1.5 liters.

Cooking jelly :

  1. Defrost the berries, grate, squeeze the juice.
  2. Berries pour water and put on a slow fire.
  3. Pass the decoction through a sieve, add granulated sugar.
  4. Boil.
  5. Add starch to the squeezed juice. Pour the diluted starch into the jelly in a thin stream, stirring well.
  6. Boil.

Due to the fact that the berry juice is poured at the last moment, all the vitamins and useful microelements are preserved in the jelly.

Cherry and mint jelly with starch

  • frozen berries - 0.5 kg;
  • drinking water - 1.5 l;
  • granulated sugar - 200 g;
  • starch - 80 g.

Preparing cherry jelly:

  1. Cover the berries with sugar. Add drinking water and put on the stove.
  2. Mint leaves are poured with hot water, strain after 20 minutes.
  3. Add starch to the cooled mint broth. Pour the solution into the container along the edge, stirring.
  4. Bring the drink to a boil.

Cherry kissel best served cold. Finely chopped peanuts can be added to taste.

Kissel from strawberries and starch

For cooking we need:

  • strawberries - 400 g;
  • granulated sugar - 150 g;
  • starch - 80 g;
  • purified water - 1.5 liters.

Method for preparing strawberry jelly:

  1. Remove the berries from the freezer; no need to defrost. Cover with sugar, pour water and put on fire.
  2. Catch the berries and boil the drink.
  3. Rub the berries on a fine grater.
  4. Dissolve starch in cold water. Then gradually add to the boiling drink.
  5. Add grated berries, stir.
  6. Turn off the stove after a couple of minutes.

Kissel can be served both warm and cold. Mint leaves can be used as decoration.

In order to make jelly from berries, you do not need the skills of a cook. With this assignment everyone can handle. To prepare a drink, you need to know just a couple of nuances that we shared with you.

Kissel can be decorated with mint leaves, fresh fruit, citrus slices or whipped cream.

Bon appetit!

How often do you cook - cook jelly? I mean not a semi-finished product that is sold in bags and briquettes, mostly consisting of various kinds of chemical additives. I'm talking about homemade jelly made with your own hands from natural products. After all, it is not difficult to cook a delicious fragrant and, most importantly, healthy drink from the same jam, fresh or frozen berries or fruits. This is practically a matter of a few minutes, but how much fun! Today I am preparing homemade jelly from frozen berries. Just the other day, when I was making sea buckthorn syrup, I had a side product in the form of squeezes (there are a lot of vitamins left in them), which I hid in the freezer. In the same place, frozen gooseberries and thorn have been waiting for a long time. In my opinion, it turns out a wonderful berry trio for a delicious jelly. So get connected, let's cook together.

Ingredients: Homemade jelly

Squeeze from sea buckthorn berries - 450 g;

Thorn - 300;

Gooseberries - 200 g;

Potato starch (for jelly of medium density) - 50 g;

Sugar - 160 g;

Lemon juice - a tablespoon (you can replace 2 g of dry citric acid).

Your cooking time for homemade jelly from frozen berries is a maximum of 30 minutes according to the photo steps of the recipe.

I boil one and a half liters of water in a three-liter saucepan and throw all three main natural ingredients at once.

After boiling, I cook the compote for about seven minutes. This time is enough for the berries to give all their juices and flavors to the water. Now, with the help of a sieve and pestle, I filter and grind the resulting liquid mass into a two-liter saucepan.

I put on a strong fire (to boil faster) berry broth, add sugar and lemon juice.

I love it when jelly has a tart, sour taste, which can give either natural lemon juice or the concentrated acid of the same name. As soon as the sweet liquid starts to boil, in 300 ml. water (cool, but not warm or hot) I dilute the starch without leaving lumps. There is no better assistant in this matter than a whisk.

Then in a thin stream, stirring constantly, pour into the pan.

Now I just have to wait until the jelly boils, let it cook for just a minute and that's it, you're done. I pour a delicious drink into glasses and proceed to take a sample, without waiting for it to cool down.

And what an amazing color and amazing aroma my jelly has! And without any flavorings and dyes.

Kissel is a great drink that is loved not only by children, but also by adults. Cooking jelly today is very simple. It used to be when there was no starch, jelly was cooked from oats or peas, and then they were so sour that they called this drink "kissel" from the word sour.

But today, sour jelly is very rarely remembered. Everyone is used to drinking sweet jelly prepared on the basis of starch and fruits. This drink is a great alternative to the usual compotes that can stand in refrigerators for a long time and no one touches them, but as soon as you cook jelly from compote, everything ends in an instant.

But today you can cook jelly from almost any berries, fruits, and even vegetables and cereals. Yes, yes, jelly is also cooked from cereals, for example, you probably have not heard of oatmeal jelly, but it exists and in some areas it is especially popular.

The benefits of jelly are and it is obvious. Firstly, it contains a lot of vitamins, which is especially pleasant with the approach of spring, when there are few vitamins left in the body and beriberi begins. Secondly, it is sweet and thick and very pleasant to slowly sip on cold winter evenings. So dear friends, let's start preparing this wonderful drink.

How to cook jelly from frozen berries and starch

Ingredients for making jelly:

Cooking process.

Pour two liters of water into a saucepan and put on fire. Throw the berries without defrosting into a saucepan.

Bring water with berries to a boil and boil the berries for 5 minutes no more.

Add sugar and stir to dissolve quickly.

Dilute the starch with cold water, and pour into boiling water, stirring constantly, preventing the starch from seizing in lumps.

Bring to a boil over low heat and simmer for another three minutes.

Then put out the fire. Cover the pot with a lid and let the jelly cool down.

Attention do not drink jelly hot. Firstly, you will get burned, and secondly, you will not get any pleasure.

Kissel from frozen cranberries

Thank God it is not a problem to find cranberries in the country. You can buy it in almost any supermarket. And if you want, you can go to the forest and collect there directly from the forest pantry.

Cranberries are well stored frozen and, when defrosted, practically do not lose their beneficial properties. And therefore, from cranberries, you can cook jelly on starch or just compote.

Cooking jelly based on cranberries and starch is so easy, and most importantly, it is very difficult to make children eat cranberries in their pure form, but as part of jelly, it’s simple. The kids then also ask for supplements. So moms and dads, take our recipe into service and saturate children's bodies with useful vitamins, and at the same time keep up with yourself.

Cranberry jelly may seem really sour, so do not spare sugar, or even better add something from sweet berries to it. Raspberries, strawberries, or something like that would work well.

In order to cook cranberry jelly, it is advisable to pass it through a sieve. If the berry is frozen. Then it should be thawed and on a sieve.

If there is no desire to pass through a sieve, then a juicer will help you.

Now we have cranberry jam and juice in which we pour 4-5 glasses of delicious water and put this thing on fire. Bring to a boil and boil for 5 minutes.

Don't forget to add sugar. For 5 glasses of water, about 100 grams of sugar will go. After you have added sugar, be sure to taste the future jelly, maybe your cranberries are so sour that this amount of sugar will not be enough. So adjust the amount of sugar yourself.

Now you need to add starch. For 5 glasses of water you need 3 tablespoons of starch. It just needs to be diluted first. Pour the required amount of starch into a dry glass and dilute it with water. Now pour the resulting water with starch into boiling compote and mix. Bring to a boil, wait another 3-4 minutes and remove the heat completely.

Now the whole recipe in a nutshell:

The berry was thawed and passed through a sieve.

Pour berry jam with water and boil. Water about 2 liters.

3 tablespoons of starch diluted with water and poured into the pan.

We boiled for 3 minutes and got a delicious pudding from frozen cranberries.

How to make oatmeal jelly

Initially, jelly was made this way in ancient Rus' and the sick were soldered with oatmeal jelly. Since it was believed that this jelly has healing properties. But the ancestors considered it so not in vain, because oatmeal is a very useful product. Recent studies have shown that oat-based drinks help heal stomach ulcers, treat gastritis, and generally have a beneficial effect on the digestive system as a whole.

And so, to prepare a healthy jelly, you will need:

2 cups oatmeal or oatmeal.

Flakes can also be used. Flakes can be made into flour by passing them through a coffee grinder or blender.

And so for 8 glasses of water you need 2 glasses of cereal. Pour the cereal with warm water and leave it overnight, as it is better to drink such a drink in the morning.

In the morning, the cereal should be passed through a sieve. The gruel will remain in the sieve, but what we need is in the cup under the sieve.

Your jelly is ready. It is important to know that such jelly cannot be heated or boiled. Because all healing properties will perish.

Oatmeal kissel recipe is long but delicious

Again, take two glasses of oatmeal flour. Yes, exactly the pain. And fill them with warm water. Two glasses will take 1.5 liters of water.

We lower a crust of black bread into the water so that the jelly ferments. If there is no brown bread at hand, then you can pour in half a glass of kefir. And if there is no kefir, you can use white bread. It is important here that the jelly ferment, or, as my grandmother says, play.

After a day or two, the oatmeal jelly will ferment. Now it needs to be filtered through a fine sieve. And boil the resulting product. This is what is left under the sieve. Not like in a sieve.

Sugar, honey, butter can be added to jelly. It is important to know that such jelly will work if taken on an empty stomach. Watch the video and you will understand everything.

How to make oatmeal jelly

How to cook jelly from starch and jam

Kissel from jam is just a godsend for all housewives. After all, it often happens that they opened a jar of jam, ate a little, and the whole jar settled in your refrigerator forever and it’s a pity to throw it away and no one eats. But there is an excellent solution to cook jelly from jam and that's it, the problem is solved. And they ate jam and fed the family. Yes, they fed them, because they eat jelly, but do not drink it.

Nutritionists generally advise using jelly to everyone who is overweight and eats a lot, as jelly is well absorbed and leaves a feeling of satiety for a long time.

So how to cook jelly from jam? And everything is very simple.

For 4 glasses of water you need 3-4 tablespoons of jam. Any jam can be used. 2 tablespoons of starch per liter of water.

We put a pot of water on the fire.

Boil water and add jam to boiling water.

Boil jam with water for 5 minutes.

Dilute starch with water and pour into a saucepan.

If the jam is sour, add about 50 grams of sugar per 1 liter of water.

Boil for another 5 minutes and all the jelly is ready.

Let the jelly cool down and serve.

This is not a tricky action that will free your refrigerator from jars of jam.

If you liked our jelly recipe, share our article with your friends. And that's all, bon appetit everyone.

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