Pantry of the sun analysis of the work. "The truth of life in fairy tales were M


Sections: Literature


  • (O) Through the analysis and generalization of episodes of the text, give a holistic view of it. To bring students closer to understanding the idea of ​​the story: the relationship between people, man and nature.
  • (C) Formation of a sense of the Motherland and education of love for nature as part of it.
  • (P) Reinforce students' beliefs in respect for nature. Develop critical thinking through reading and writing (cinquain).


  • student drawings,
  • application about nature (signs, symbols),
  • cards with students' answers from the previous lesson,
  • Dictionary.

Let's continue the disclosure of topics on the work of M.M. Prishvin "Pantry of the Sun". The purpose of the lesson is to answer problematic questions. We will discuss the topic in the following order: this is a conditional plan that students will come to by the end of the lesson): Antipych - one of the heroes of the tale - were M. M. Prishvin's "Pantry of the Sun".

The role of Antipych in the work: Antipych continues to live.

  • "Keeper of the Secret"
  • Antipych through the eyes of Grass.
  • Wisdom and soul of the people.

I. Explanation of the material.

1) Statement of problem questions: - What is the truth? - What is she like? - Where does he live? - How to find it? - Why does everyone have to search for the truth?

2) Checking homework (the story of Antipych). - Antipych - one of the heroes of the tale - were M. M. Prishvin's "Pantry of the Sun". - Tell us about Antipych: Who is he? How old is he? Where does he live? What are you doing? Who does he communicate with? (The old hunter Antipych lived in a gatehouse in a dilapidated house, which was much older than his owner, supported on props. Hunters used to come to Antipych. He could always give advice. He experienced a lot in life, but remained a disinterested person. This grandfather is 80-100 years old. He didn't have a farm, only the dog Grass.At first he called her Zatravka, because he took her to "poison" (drive) hares, and then the pronunciation of the nickname changed and began to be heard even more beautifully - Grass.

Conclusion: this hero is really interesting and original. A hero who, according to the author, died, but who appears and acts throughout the entire work.

Is Antipych still alive or dead? (Died). Although Prishvin wrote that Antipych died, he talks about him as if he were alive. "It seems that Antipych has lived and will live forever." It seemed, "he will never die, you even forget that he died. They constantly came to him for advice (at first they actually came, then they tried to imagine what he would say, what he advised)".

- What is the name of Antipycha?

Antip is an old Russian name, or maybe this patronymic is Antipych?

Who do we call by last name?

Those whom we respect, those who are older; and when such a form of address sounds, it also sets you up for friendly affection.

3) Conversation on the disclosure of the topic of the lesson.

- Why exactly do they go to Antipych for advice?

Antipych knows a lot, has experienced a lot. He speaks in proverbs and sayings, and also in riddles.

- What proverbs did we meet in the work? What about riddles?

"Do not know the ford, do not climb into the water", "Who dared, he ate two." How old is Antipych: 80 - a little, 100 - a lot?

Outwardly, this is a discreet, unheroic person, but with the soul of a worker. He has a lot of experience and he shares it. That is why it is only after many years that the interlocutors understand Antipych's "riddles", since what is not tested is not understood.

Antipych - "keeper of the truth", secrets.

- What is this truth?

In the last lesson, you partially answered this question. (Read from cards!)

Antipych promised to tell the truth, but also ordered him to seek the truth himself. Let's try to think critically about the subject.

- Together we will write a cinquain about the truth.

Recall the cinquain about Prishvin, we highlighted the main thing: Prishvin pulls a dream out of a person. (Read card!)

Now we will "pull out" the truth from the work "Pantry of the Sun".

Work on the board and in notebooks. Card - cinquain. (Truth - Bitter, pure - Pricks, walks, cuts - Peaceful coexistence and struggle - Truth)

Conclusion: a person comprehends the truth all his life in a severe struggle for love for people, for the world around him, for nature.

Everyone comes to the truth only through their own experience, specific deeds and actions.

Conclusion: the actions of people determine: on the one hand - love for them, on the other - selfishness towards them. The truth of Antipych consists of a struggle for love, so as not to become embittered in severe trials, not to turn into a wild beast, to survive. In any trials, remain a person who disinterestedly gives others love, kindness, warmth, light. This is Antipych for people.

- Did Grass recognize him? (All people for her were divided into Antipych and his enemy.)

One is Antipych with different faces, and the other person is Antipych's enemy "with different faces" - this is no longer one wise, kind person, but these are all people, if they are kind, smart, strong-willed.

- So what kind of person is Antipych?(Kind, wise, whose memory has remained and helps to live, helps the living.) - And who is Antipych with different faces?(People.)

Conclusion: these are all people who are kind and wise, or rather, these are the people, their wisdom, their soul. It turns out that we are not talking about one Antipych, but about all the heroes of the work.

- List all the heroes of the work, distributing them into groups: people - nature.(Mitrasha, Nastya, Grass, mother, father, Antipych, scouts of swamp wealth (geologists) - spruce, pine, wolf - Landowner, black grouse - Kosach, elk, snake, sun, cranberry, grass, stump.)

- What one word can describe all these enumerations?(Nature! - Name the words of the same root for this word!(spring, motherland, relatives, parents, people, relative)

There is one of the listed objects of nature, which is very similar to the hero - the man Antipych.

- Define it. What is this?

This is the Sun!

Why , speaking of Antipych, are we talking about the sun or vice versa? What are the characters like?(Disinterestedly give warmth, kindness, light.)

Don't you find the truth of Antipych at the sun or the truth of the sun at Antipych? Look at the sun! (Application of the sun with separate rays on the board.) It shines on everyone the same: on the pantry (natural wealth), and on plants, and on good people, on pine and spruce, on evil people, on animals, on each of us together and separately - equally shines. We are all different, and everyone is fighting for a place under the sun, that is, we co-exist together.

- What is it for everyone - the sun?

": the hot sun was the mother of every blade of grass, every flower, every marsh bush and berry. The sun gave its warmth to all of them." The truth of the sun is the same truth of Antipych. Is the same essence: love, goodness, warmth, light transform life, and hatred, evil, cold darken and oppress it. As the sun disinterestedly gives warmth to all living things, so Antipych gave good to the forest, people, Grass. Antipych lived in harmony with nature, understood her, knew how to communicate with her, took care of her, cherished her, found the truth in her, urged everyone to look for her. (- "Ask them: at the oak, at the birch:" Yesenin says. - "We, in Russia, the forest is responsible for everything:" - Leonov exclaims in the "Russian Forest" - "After all, my friends, I am writing about nature, but I myself only think about people: "- Prishvin speaks.)

- And what can a person take from the forest?(All). - What about our heroes?(Berries, mushrooms, peat - wealth)

The action takes place in the Pereslavl Territory in 1945, in the first post-war years, women with children who were left without husbands suffered especially. (The student reads an episode about the benefits and importance of the forest in human life. ": they went to the pine forest to collect needles to heat the hut, and in winter, in the burning frost, they carried firewood from the alder thickets on a sleigh. In the summer, the children went to the forest to pick mushrooms, thorns, forest pears and apples. This rare post-war delicacy satisfied hunger and provided vitamins, and therefore health until the new summer. The forest provided building material from which huts were cut on the ashes. The forest in the difficult post-war years provided warmth, food, life.)

Nature is a public wealth. - What is wealth? What do we mean by "wealth"?(Jewelry, gold, money:) - Do you have wealth?(No.) - And what wealth did the children get from their parents?(Students list animals from the work.) - And what else, besides jewelry, do people consider wealth?(Relationships between people (love, friendship, mutual understanding), dream.) - So do you or don't you have wealth?(Everyone will answer this question mentally for himself.) - When do people get closer to each other?(When they give love, kindness, warmth or show hatred, evil, cold?)

In nature, there is a constant struggle between good and evil, as in the life of people, as in every person.

Grass "needed, like any wild animal, to live for itself." - What does it mean to live for yourself?(It means to be selfish, not to feel sorry for anyone, not to recognize your neighbor, not to sacrifice anything for anyone, to love only yourself.) - For whom does Grass live? For whom do you yearn?(For a kind passer-by, who is a wise, sympathetic person. The dog howled from longing for a person. Caress and love can cure this.) - Or: what "habits of ordinary animals" did the moose see in Nastya and "does not consider her a person"?(The habits of a snake. Nastya "turns" into a beast when she is overcome by greed and when she forgets about her brother.) - Where does a person with his power come from greed even for a sour cranberry? - Why is "the wolf by its very malice doomed to death"? Does this observation apply to humans?(Yes!)

Waging a struggle for "truth", that is, waging a struggle for love, a person is waging it for himself. (“But you, passer-by, do not believe the pity of the wolf, doomed to death by its very malice, save pity not for the one who howls about himself, but for the one who, : howls, not knowing whom now: to serve. )

Good and evil, love and hate, peace and destruction, struggle and indifference - everything that exists on earth is looking for a place under the sun. - What role does the sun play in the life of nature and man? Let's think about it.

The sun is an inexhaustible source of heat, under the beneficial influence of which life develops, the world becomes kinder, comes to life, is filled with colors and light. - Let's look at the "picture" of the suffering of pine and spruce, how do they fight for light?("Rising higher and higher, .. they dug their dry branches into living trunks and in places pierced each other through", ": the trees groaned and howled so much:", ": fought among themselves with roots for food, with branches - for air and light. " ) - How does nature change when "the first rays of the sun: illuminated the sonorous borin"?(": mighty trunks have become like lit candles of the great temple of nature", ": birdsong is dedicated to the rising of the great sun:" , "Kosach began to bloom, the scallop caught fire, the rainbow tail spread like a lyre.") - "Show me" how nature carefully stores and uses the solar heat given off during the day?(": a large black stump that kept the warmth of the sun:", "everyone falls to the heat.")

To feel the unity of nature and man, the indivisibility of the entire living world, the inextricable, close connection of everything that exists on earth, you need to seriously think. - Can spruce and pine be likened to living beings? - Why do we sympathize with crippled trees?(At Prishvin, trees have a soul. In a peaceful existence, the eternal severe struggle for life does not stop.) - In what other episodes of the work do we observe the struggle for life?(": the power of the great Antipych:", ": and the little man stopped a big heart in himself. He froze in the exact calculation of the movement, like a fighter: in the blow that determines the outcome of the struggle: live or die", ": two hunters, a man and the worst his enemy (wolf), met: ".)

In trials, in the age-old severe struggle for love, for life, a person goes to the truth.

Man and nature are indivisible, and both have a living soul. - What is the contents of this "pantry"? - Can this "pantry" be considered bottomless?(No.) - How many years will peat last?(100) What about forests? Yagodnikov? Animals, birds, if not protected and replenished?

For a wise person, a diligent owner who takes from nature in moderation, reasonably, giving her his strength, taking care of her, nature is a friend, an ally. If a person only takes, he will destroy nature first, and then himself. - For whom is the "pantry of the sun" open?

One who knows and loves nature, who truly knows how to work, who reasonably and wisely not only takes, but knows how to give and replenish, who is disinterested in his actions, can take advantage of the wealth, treasures of nature.

Was the "pantry" opened for Antipych? (Yes. He wisely disposed of wealth. He took it in moderation. Protected, preserved the forest. Passed on the truth by inheritance.) - What does it mean to master the truth of Antipych?(It means to love nature, to merge with it, to protect it disinterestedly, which means to love the Motherland . ) - Where in the work do we read lines about complete harmony, the fusion of man with nature?(“Sometimes you lean in the forest to a quiet backwater of a stream and there, as in a mirror, you will see - the whole man, big, beautiful: And so he is beautiful there, in the mirror, with all nature, with clouds, forests, and the sun down there also sits down :")

4) Comment on the marks for the lesson.

II. Homework.

Let's go back to the beginning of the lesson.

What did we talk about today?

What is this sequence like? (On the points of the plan.)

Put down the points of the plan.

What is the purpose of homework? (Write a home essay according to the plan.)

Work by genre is a true story and tells about children left orphans during the war years, overcoming life's difficulties.

Main characters of the story are brother and sister Nastya and Mitrasha, who are forced to survive on their own, because they lose their parents early.

The writer gives a detailed description of the main characters, presenting the girl Nastya, the eldest in the family, in the image of a responsible and hardworking baby, distinguished by a freckled face, light curls, fragility and a sharp mind. The girl always helps her little brother and even yields to him in his whims. The author calls Nastya a golden hen with high legs, because the girl gets up before dawn, drives the cows out to pasture and takes care of the house all day.

Mitrasha is presented as a little man in a bag, because he has some craft skills from his father and is engaged in men's work in the house, sometimes selling his products or exchanging them for food.

The writer emphasizes the division of household duties between children, demonstrating the cohesion and friendship of relatives.

Story line The story develops through an event that happened to the children at the time of their trip to the forest for cranberries. Nastya is fond of picking berries and does not notice the absence of her brother, who falls into a swamp and cannot get out of the quagmire on his own. Help is provided by the dog Travka, who brings her sister to her brother. Until this moment, Mitrasha does not like the dog very much, but after being rescued, he becomes a full-fledged owner for her.

However, the children's adventures do not end there, because they still have a meeting with a hungry wolf ahead of them. In this situation, Mitrasha manifests himself as a real man, without losing his head, shooting at the beast.

Distinctive feature The story is the author's description of the surrounding nature, which is presented in the work as an independent character tuned to the life of children.

At the moment of separation of Nastya and Mitrasha, a gray cloud appears in the sky, blocking the sun's rays, accompanied by a sharp wind, howling and groaning. Thus, nature warns the heroes about the upcoming test.

The meaning of the work lies in the manifestation of true human feelings even by small children, in whose soul there is a lot of warmth, love, self-esteem, understanding of nature and family relationships.

Option 2

The story of Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin "The Pantry of the Sun" tells about orphans, how they coped with difficulties, how they learned to live without parents.

The author describes the main characters very carefully. The girl, Nastya, the eldest in the family, seems to the reader to be responsible and very hardworking. She has freckles on her face, blonde hair, is fragile and very smart. She always yielded to her brother, tried to do the best and helped him in everything. The author calls her a golden hen with high legs. In my opinion, Mikhail Mikhailovich gave such a nickname to Nastya for a reason. Throughout the story, he writes about her with respect. Nastya got up before sunrise, drove a herd of cows to pasture and, not going to bed, did all the household chores until nightfall.

Mitrasha, the brother of the main character, is described by the author as "a little man in a bag." He learned a certain craft from his father and was engaged in men's household chores. Mitrasha sold or exchanged the result of his craft. So the orphans lived, arranging their life.

The author of the story very accurately divides household chores among the children. Left alone, without parents, Nastya and Mitrasha do household chores together. "Golden hen with high legs and a man in a bag" are engaged in women's and men's household chores, respectively. Such a division of labor between children gives them, in my opinion, the cohesion and friendship that should be between relatives.

One day, the children decide to go for cranberries. In the forest, they diverge on different paths. Mitrasha falls into a swamp and cannot get out for a long time, and Nastya, carried away by picking cranberries, forgets about her brother. The forester's dog named Travka helps children find each other.

Mikhail Prishvin called his story "The Pantry of the Sun" because there is a lot of peat in the forest swamps. During World War II, this fuel was very valuable, and remains valuable to this day.

In my opinion, the author of the story very accurately conveyed the whole atmosphere that should be between children who were left without parents. Prishvin showed brotherly and sisterly love. Nastya and Mitrasha have always been together, lived in peace. After all, they were left alone in the whole world, and they have no one dearer than each other. The author clearly shows in his work what can happen if brother and sister do not get along with each other.

After reading the story "Pantry of the Sun", each reader will ask himself: how do I feel about my sister or my brother? After all, a person has no one dearer than a sister or brother. They should always be together and help each other. And to better understand how to treat a loved one, you should read this story.

Analysis Pantry of the sun - where is the truth and where is the fairy tale

The work was written in 1945, so its plot and the characters of the story correspond to that difficult time for the country.

The plot is simple. A boy and a girl live in a Russian village. They live alone, because they are orphans - their father died in the war, and their mother died of an illness. The girl is 12 years old, the boy is 10 years old. They have a house, they have pets: a cow, sheep, chickens.

Starting to read the story, you immediately understand that it is fiction. It cannot be that the guys in the village did not have relatives. It cannot be that the children of the deceased Red Army soldier were not placed in an orphanage. And how, at that age, did they manage the household, which even an adult could not do?

Further events develop like this. The usual village business: the children went to the forest to pick berries (cranberries). The girl, of course, with a basket, and the boy, according to the current terminology - "cool", takes a gun and a compass with him. Well, the compass is understandable - a toy, but the gun is taller than a ten-year-old boy. How will he carry it? But the author comes up with an excuse: a lonely and hungry wolf lives in the forest. Here, for protection from the wolf, a gun was taken with him.

I should note that the fairy tale is also in the title of the story: "The pantry of the sun." This, according to the author's idea, is the name of the swamp. But the Russians never heated stoves with peat. We had enough firewood. And such a name would never have been given to the swamp. They were far from the scientific idea that peat, coal and oil are a concentrate of solar energy.

Let's go, then, the boy and the girl into the forest and, of course, quarreled (as in a fairy tale - do not drink water - you will become a kid). The brother did not listen to his sister: he did not follow the path, but the compass. He reached the swamp and fell into the swamp there. Thank God he had a gun with him! He grabbed a gun and did not drown.

And then a stray dog ​​(man's friend) came to the rescue and pulled him out of the swamp. And then he shot the bad wolf. Then, the sister, having collected cranberries, found him, and they returned home. And in the village everyone was already alarmed: where did the children go? This is such a semi-fairy story.

The story is beautifully written, but what does it teach us? Maybe live together, love dogs and kill wolves. Or - do not go, the children are alone in the forest: wolves live there.

Boyan is a Russian singer who composes his own songs. Scientists guess that Boyan lived in the 2nd half of the eleventh century. This can be understood from his songs, which are firmly connected with the history of the eleventh century.

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    What is truth and where to find it

    There is no such author who would describe Russian nature so masterfully as Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin. Through his descriptions, he was able to convey to readers a lot of useful and vital information. In the fairy tale "Pantry of the Sun" we get acquainted with little characters who, having gone through dangerous trials, learn to value each other and listen to the advice of their elders. Nastya and Mitrasha were orphaned at an early age and learned to manage their own household, take care of themselves, live and survive.

    At first, the neighbors helped them a lot, but these smart children quickly became independent. Once, going for cranberries in the direction of the Blind Elani, they almost got into trouble, and after all, their father had warned them for a long time about the dangers that lurked in this area. He said that many people drowned in the Fornication Swamp, having stepped onto a false path, but they did not obey, and almost lost Mitrasha. Nastya was twelve by that time, and he was ten.

    In his heart he felt like a brave man. Neighbors called him “a little man in a bag”, and Nastya was like a “golden chicken with high legs”. Describing this day in the life of children, the author raises vital issues. He shows how in people, just like in nature, two principles fight - good and evil. And the level of humanity is only measured by how we go through this path of struggle. In the situation with Nastya and Mitrasha, the children found themselves on different roads, and behaved in accordance with their level of selfishness.

    Mitrasha did not want to obey her older sister, and Nastya was so carried away by picking berries that she forgot about her brother for a while. Later, she reproached herself greatly for her greed, and gave all the collected cranberries to the evacuated children, who were worse off than them. Mitrasha became more circumspect and made a new friend. The late forester's dog never left his side now. In this little man, whom she saved from imminent death, she saw warmth and care, as if in a former owner. Antipych was a wise and kind man. He, like no one else, knew what the truth of life was, because he lived more than eighty years on this earth.

    When asked to tell the recipe for a long and happy life, he always said that everyone was destined to go through certain trials that fell to his lot. And if after these tests it is possible not to become embittered, to maintain love for others, to remain an open and sincere person, then the test was successful. If you still manage to draw the right conclusions, then the tests were not in vain. So is the case with Nastya and Mitrasha. These small and inexperienced children faced a serious circumstance and were able to pass through it with dignity, which means they won.

    Secondary School No. 21 with in-depth study of the German language

    Syktyvkar, Komi Republic

    Good and evil in the fairy tale were M. Prishvin's "Pantry of the Sun" (group work).

    Objectives: 1. Find out what forces of good and evil are represented in the work.

    2. Find out which of the heroes can go down the road of good and evil and why.

    3. Answer the question: “What did the fairy tale teach and what is the truth of life?”

    Epigraph (close)

    The truth is in the age-old severe struggle for love.

    M. Prishvin.

    On the board is a portrait of the writer, drawings of children.

    1. Pay attention to the subtitle given by Mikhail Prishvin to his work.

    · Orphaned children;

    Rescue of a boy by a dog in 1927.

    3. Prove that this is a fairy tale.

    · Depicted fabulous Russian landscape;

    · Living nature (talk of birds, real and mysterious voices of the forest, a dog acts like a man);

    · There are good and evil forces of nature;

    5. What are the goals of the lesson?

    6. Today we work in groups:

    Nastya - Mitrasha

    Fornication swamp

    Spruce and pine

    Grass - Wolf

    Having received questions (now they are all on the tables) 2-3 weeks before the lesson, you guys were divided into groups (3-4 people; they chose the responsible ones in the groups, they will also control, help, and evaluate); collected individual homework assignments into one statement, which they distributed among themselves.

    All students worked with the work, some with dictionaries, some drew. And the one you trust will defend the work, he will also give you an assessment for the collected material. The most eloquent, able to think logically and draw the right conclusions will be deservedly appreciated by classmates.

    After listening to the message about the heroes of the work, you can ask questions, make additions. Be polite, learn to listen, respect the opinion of your comrades, observe discipline.

    1 group (Nastya and Mitrasha)

    1. Tell about children (Who are they, where and how do they live?) How do you imagine them? (Let's evaluate the drawings).

    3. What do children look like? (Prove with examples from the text.)

    NASTYA (looks like her mother) MITRASH (looks like her father)

    4. Give them a description (What are they?)

    Nastya and Mitrasha are economic, smart and friendly. Children hold vital values. We see that M. Prishvin pays special attention to Mitrasha. And why? Yes, because he is serious beyond his years, responsible, despite the fact that he is 2 years younger than his sister. Sometimes Mitrasha, like a father, instructs Nastya, shows the enthusiasm of the owner.

    brawn- (colloquial) Be brave, fervently get excited.

    Obstinate- stubborn, loving to act contrary to someone, rebellious.

    5. How are the children going to the swamp?

    Nastya Mitrasha

    6. Why did they almost die? After all, they do everything like parents?

    The children argued among themselves which path to follow.

    Nastya MITRASHA

    7. What characters of the fairy tale can be attributed to Nastya and Mitrasha, when they separated, became lonely?

    Twice Ignored the Crow's Cry

    A lying stone is also a warning

    The gray landowner howled (would not like to see a person on his territory).

    · The grass howled.

    9. What law of nature Nastya violated. (Do not take too much from nature!)

    11. Nature punishes Mitrash: it leads him astray.

    What is Mitrasha's mistake, what life experience did he violate? (Walked along a weak, barely noticeable path.)

    12. Why does Mitrasha pretend during the rescue? Give him a description.

    Mitrasha is faced with a matter of life and death, so the boy pretends to be kind, cunning in order to call the dog. Mitrasha predicts the chain of events, since he is a reasonable person. Does Mitrasha follow the path of goodness?

    Conclusion: Children have the right to choose, because they are people: to go together in harmony and harmony, or separately - along the path of evil.

    2 group (Fornication swamp)

    1. From what words did the name of the swamp come from?

    Fornicate- get lost, wander.

    Wander- to wander in search of a road.

    2. How do you understand the name of the Fornication Swamp? What is the author's meaning in this title?

    Yelan is a swampy place in a swamp, it's like a hole in the ice.

    On the one side

    On the other side

    Group 3 (Spruce and pine)

    2. For what purpose does the writer place them under the Lying Stone? What does the Lying Stone symbolize? (No forward movement.)

    personification- the image of inanimate objects in the form of living beings capable of acting, thinking, feeling.

    6. Two forces are fighting in a dispute. What forces do trees represent?

    4 group (Grass - Wolf)


    Seed - 1. (obsolete) Ignition, a means for igniting a charge. 2. (transl.) That which lays the foundation for something, arouses interest.

    2. What sense does a dog have? What is it expressed in?

    Loves, worries

    Thinking about Antipych

    Rescues Mitrasha

    3. How does Grass represent people, what is her attitude towards such people?

    6. Why did Grass save Mitrasha? Weed has the fabulous power of love. And, although she is lonely, remembering the kind Antipych, she saves Mitrasha, feeling a kind person in him. We discuss drawings.

    The landowner is a landowner.

    Gray - 1. Colors of ash, smoke. 2. trans. Mediocre, nothing great. 3. Uncultured, uneducated (colloquial).

    2. For whom does the Wolf live?

    4. What is his fate? Why?

    Lesson conclusion.

    So, we found out that in this tale, evil can be attributed to a quarrel, a struggle for existence at the expense of someone else, malicious loneliness. And good is love.

    In nature, everything is in balance: there are both good and evil forces. And which way a person chooses depends on him. At the beginning of the tale, the children are friendly, everyone loves them, but then they quarrel and get into trouble. Travka saves them with her fabulous power of love. Now we can say in the words of M. Prishvin and Antipych: "The truth of life is in the age-old struggle for love." The writer teaches us to be imbued with love for all living things.

    A fairy tale for M. Prishvin was not an invention: he saw in human life and in nature such fabulously beautiful things that people often do not notice or do not believe and contemptuously say: “A fairy tale!” The writer, with all the strength of his soul, sought to find a good fairy tale in our real, difficult life and show it to us.

    Final scheme

    What does a fairy tale teach us?

    Do not treat nature lightly.

    Understand and love nature.

    · Conquer stubbornness in yourself.

    · Love and respect each other.

    Lesson results. Grades given by the expert group, teacher's commentary.

    D.Z. Write an essay “What did I discover for myself in the fairy tale“ Pantry of the Sun ”?

    Individual tasks for groups; received 2-3 weeks before the defense (the technology of what students do is prescribed).

    1 group (Nastya and Mitrasha)

    1. Tell about children (Who are they, where and how do they live?) How do you imagine them? (Draw).

    2. Why do the villagers love and pity them?

    3. What do children look like? (Prove with examples)

    6. Why did they almost die?

    7. What characters of the fairy tale can be attributed to Nastya and Mitrasha when they separated?

    8. How does nature warn them of danger?

    9. What law of nature Nastya violated. (Do not take too much from nature.)

    10. When does she remember her brother?

    11. What is Mitrasha's mistake? What life experience did he violate?

    Why does Mitrasha pretend during the rescue? Give him a description.

    12. Task for all students: find the words of the author that express the main idea of ​​the tale.

    2 group (Fornication swamp)

    1. From what words did the name of the swamp come from?

    Fornicate -

    Wander -

    2. How do you understand the name of the Fornication swamp? What is the author's meaning in this title?

    3. Why do people go there if you can get lost there?

    4. What danger awaits people in the swamp?

    Blind spruce -

    5. What is the significance of the Fornication swamp in the work? And what does the author himself call it?

    On the one side

    On the other side

    6. Draw a plan of the Fornication Swamp.

    7. What forces does the Fornication swamp represent? Good evil?

    8. Task for all students: find the words of the author that express the main idea of ​​the tale.

    Group 3 (Spruce and pine)

    1. Why did the trees end up together?

    2. For what purpose does the writer place them under a lying stone? What does the lying stone symbolize?

    4. What technique does M. Prishvin use when depicting trees?

    personification -

    6. What forces do trees represent? Good evil? 7. Task for all students: find the words of the author that express the main idea of ​​the tale.

    4 group (Grass)

    1. Who is Grass? What is her other nickname?

    seed -

    2. What feeling did the dog have? What was it expressed in?

    3. How Travka represented people, what is her attitude towards such people?

    4. How did she feel after the death of her master?

    5. What heroes of the fairy tale did the dog begin to resemble?

    6. Why did Grass save Mitrasha?

    7. What forces of good or evil does Grass belong to?

    Landowner -

    2. For whom does the Wolf live?

    3. Why is the Wolf wild and lonely?

    4. What is his fate? Why?

    5. What power does the Wolf represent?

    6. Task for all students: find the words of the author that express the main idea of ​​the tale.

    What is truth and where to find it

    There is no such author who would describe Russian nature so masterfully as Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin. Through his descriptions, he was able to convey to readers a lot of useful and vital information. In the fairy tale "Pantry of the Sun" we get acquainted with little characters who, having gone through dangerous trials, learn to value each other and listen to the advice of their elders. Nastya and Mitrasha were orphaned at an early age and learned to manage their own household, take care of themselves, live and survive.

    At first, the neighbors are very

    helped, but these bright children quickly became independent. Once, going for cranberries in the direction of the Blind Elani, they almost got into trouble, and after all, their father had warned them for a long time about the dangers that lurked in this area. He said that many people drowned in the Fornication Swamp, having stepped onto a false path, but they did not obey, and almost lost Mitrasha. Nastya was twelve by that time, and he was ten.

    In his heart he felt like a brave man. Neighbors called him “a little man in a bag”, and Nastya was like a “golden hen with high legs”. Describing this day in the life of children, the author

    touches on vital issues. He shows how in people, just like in nature, two principles fight - good and evil. And the level of humanity is only measured by how we go through this path of struggle. In the situation with Nastya and Mitrasha, the children found themselves on different roads, and behaved in accordance with their level of selfishness.

    Mitrasha did not want to obey her older sister, and Nastya was so carried away by picking berries that she forgot about her brother for a while. Later, she reproached herself greatly for her greed, and gave all the collected cranberries to the evacuated children, who were worse off than them. Mitrasha became more circumspect and made a new friend. The late forester's dog never left his side now. In this little man, whom she saved from imminent death, she saw warmth and care, as if in a former owner. Antipych was a wise and kind man. He, like no one else, knew what the truth of life was, because he lived more than eighty years on this earth.

    When asked to tell the recipe for a long and happy life, he always said that everyone was destined to go through certain trials that fell to his lot. And if after these tests it is possible not to become embittered, to maintain love for others, to remain an open and sincere person, then the test was successful. If you still manage to draw the right conclusions, then the tests were not in vain. So is the case with Nastya and Mitrasha. These small and inexperienced children faced a serious circumstance and were able to pass through it with dignity, which means they won.

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