Class hour (grade 8) on the topic: Methodological development. Class hour "The world of my hobbies"


Class hour: "The world of my hobbies"

Target : 1. expand the horizons of children, form a positive motivation for self-development;

2. Encourage participation in various circles, sections. To develop their abilities and talents;

3. Raise an understanding of the value of a person;

4. Be able to listen to each other and interact in a group.

Equipment: multimedia presentation, projector.

Class plan.


    Introduction by the teacher.

    Main part:

messages about the hobbies of great people,

introducing students to certain types of hobbies,

children talking about their hobbies,

hobbies are positive, hobbies are negative,

work in groups.

    Summing up (reflection).

The course of the classroom.

    Organizational moment.

Hello guys, our class hour is called “The world of my hobbies. How do people around you feel about it?" Today we will learn about ways to spend leisure time, about how you can spend your free time in an interesting and useful way. And learn about each other's hobbies. The purpose of our class hour is to get to know each other better through our hobbies. Find yourself, find your hobbies and find out how others relate to this.


In the life of every person there are hobbies. Guys, what are your hobbies?

(People draw, sing, collect stamps, breed fish or listen to music, read or grow cacti, spend hours at computers, smoke or drink beer).

Main part.

Guys, let's think about it and define what a "hobby" is?

“A hobby, a favorite pastime for oneself, at leisure,” the dictionary gives such a definition.(slide )

Teacher : Many believe that this word comes from the English language, but its roots are German. So in the 18th century, peasants called a children's toy horse.

Guys, how does a hobby help us? (Find the meaning of life, brighten up leisure, find something to do in your free time,.)

Teacher : it helps us get closer to the world of science, art, nature, the world of people, helps us find the meaning of life. Passion does not bring money or fame. This is a job for the soul.

Hobbies of great people.

Many great people had hobbies, for example, the famous surgeon Nikolai Vasilyevich Sklifosovsky was fond of gardening, and even brought out new varieties of apple and pear trees. (slide )

And the doctor Sergei Petrovich Botkin was fond of playing the cello and took music lessons until the age of 50. (slide )

Some great people became famous precisely for their hobbies. The wonderful doctor Vladimir Ivanovich Dal loved to collect Russian words, proverbs, fairy tales. And he became famous for his explanatory dictionary, which is now known to everyone as Dahl's dictionary. (slide )

The great Russian composer Alexander Porfiryevich Borodin, the author of the opera Prince Igor, was a chemist by profession. (slide)

And the Russian writer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov was also a doctor by profession.slide)

King Gustav of SwedenVwas fond of embroidery. (slide )

And for some great people, a hobby has become a profession. The great Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was in love with music from the age of 3. (slay e)

The famous female mathematician Sofia Kovalevskaya has been fond of formulas and numbers since childhood.(slide)

Peter 1 was a passionate numismatist. Guys, do you know what this word means? (slide)

What do these people collect?

Words on the slide

Numismatists - coin collectors (pictures)

Philatelists - stamp collectors

Philumenists - collectors of match labels

Philotimers - calendar collectors

Philocartists - postcard collectors

Second-hand booksellers are book collectors.


Group work

Teacher: I suggest you try yourself in the role of poets and join such a hobby as poetry, writing.

Guys, do you know what the word "Burime" means (slide)

"Burime" is a poem written in predetermined rhymes.

Football basketball,. friends, family

An example for a teacher :

(I love football, my friend is basketball,

We are great friends, together we are one family!)

Philately, cooking, gymnastics, science fiction

An example for a teacher

Interesting hobby - philately,

And very useful - cooking.

Well, gymnastics

For me it's just fantastic.

Fishing, gardening, tourism, bookstore

An example for a teacher

Some people like tourism

For some, gardening

My hobby is secondhand

And also fishing.

Teacher: Guys, did you like writing? Well done! You are real poets!

Teacher : one of the latest hobbies of modern children is the computer and computer games. Do you think they are helpful or harmful?

Teacher : 1st group - give arguments in favor of the computer, 2nd group - arguments against, 3rd group - derives the rules for working with a computer.

Must be printed on cards and cut into phrases


Material in preparation for the lessons:

writing music, poetry,

mail, Internet communication,


home library,

Internet shopping.


visual impairment,

Postural curvature

Lack of live communication

Harmful radiation

Lots of aggressive games

Computer addiction

"computer rules"

Time limit

Correct posture

Observance of the distance from the eyes to the monitor

Comfortable armchair

Frequent eye exercises

Breaks in work for 15-20 minutes

Discussion of harmful hobbies .

Teacher : Guys, the world of hobbies is so large and diverse that you can travel in it for a very long time and find a lot of interesting and useful things. Guys, can hobbies be harmful? Give examples.

Sample responses from children

Some are addicted to smoking, alcoholism, drugs.

Teacher: And how do those around you relate to these hobbies? And how do you feel about people who have become victims of such hobbies?

Sample responses from children

The victims of these hobbies cause pity, sympathy, they ruin their lives and poison the lives of others.

Teacher : I hope you never get into a negative hobby.

Teacher : Indeed, every person is fond of something. If this hobby does not interfere with other people and does not harm the person himself, then it is worthy of respect.


Teacher : What hobbies did you find interesting, unexpected?

What new words did you learn today?

What hobbies can distract and interfere with school?

And what can help you do what you love and keep up with your studies?

Teacher: Right. Daily regime. The one who skillfully manages his time will be in time around.

So, today we learned about how important it is to have a favorite thing, to value time.

Thank you to all the students who took an active part in this class.


Teacher: What mood did this class hour leave you with? Your mood will reflect the emoticons lying on the desk.

On the slide: Thank you all for participating.

It is important for each of us to learn to talk about our hobbies. This is especially necessary during the school years, when we make friends for the rest of our lives. Therefore, if in doubt about writing an essay on the topic “My hobby”, it is better to look at the samples and be inspired to write your own story that interests you. Under each heading, you will find two options for essays: for a girl and for a boy.

For a girl (114 words). My hobby is drawing. I am happy to depict what I see. I love to draw with felt-tip pens and paints. I want to become a talented artist. That's why I practice every day.

Most of all I like to draw nature and flowers. I don't always have time to do what I want in class. But at home I always sit down and finish the drawing. I have a beautiful view from the window, and I can constantly look at it. But I still love art lessons. There we are shown paintings by famous artists and are taught to draw correctly.

I want to go to art school so I can draw better and better. Someday I would like to be a famous artist. My paintings could bring joy to people. This is what I strive for.

For a boy (103 words). My hobby is football. I love outdoor games. I especially like to play with friends when it's warm. We would have been chasing the ball until late, there is no more fun activity.

It's nice when the game is interesting. On weekends, our games are watched by relatives and just passers-by and get sick. I feel like a real athlete. It just seems that football is easy. This is wrong. The game requires attention, strength and dexterity. It is not given to the weak and cowardly. I try to play well to be respected on the field. I would like to be successful in sports.

Football, according to parents, tempers character. I agree with them. Sport makes a person better and teaches him to win.

Grade 2

For a girl (132 words). A real hobby is something that is always pleasant to do. For example, I like to sing and dance. I love to move to music and sing along to it. At such moments, I have a lot of fun. It's hard for me to sit still when I hear a melody.

Dances are different. I like the way they dance hip-hop. This is a very fast and difficult dance. It requires dexterity and natural talent. Each movement must be remembered and repeated exactly as shown. When I grow up, I will definitely learn this art. While I'm just starting, but I believe in myself.

I also like Latin American dances, but they are more for adults. It looks very nice in their performance! It must be hard to move the same way. It comes with great difficulty and after many trainings.

I would like to move as beautifully as professional dancers. Movement, they say, expresses the soul.

For a boy (129 words). I love building Lego. They give me new parts for every holiday. I like to create my own inventions. It is very interesting. I try to do something every day.

I collect constructors slowly so as not to make a mess. I'm sorry to mess up the details. Therefore, I first lay them out, then I do everything according to the instructions. Sometimes I ask my dad to help, he has golden hands. I really like to deal with him, I learn a lot of new things. He says that someday I will be able to build computers or cars, maybe even robots.

My holidays are always interesting thanks to my hobby. Dad calls me to the garage and shows me the details of the car. I would like to be able to understand them myself, but so far it is difficult. Although the constructors also seemed complicated at first, but then it became easier.

I am glad that I have such an interesting hobby.

3-4 class

For a girl (135 words). My hobby is needlework. I often make something: snowflakes and garlands for the new year, crafts for everyone as a gift, decorations for dolls. I like to create beautiful things with my own hands.

In my desk, all the drawers are stuffed with different clippings, shreds and beads. I collect all the beautiful things for crafts. When I see something in the store, I think how to make it myself. I love when everything around is decorated and bright, I like to make a holiday every day. Recently I drew and glued postcards to all my relatives. They were very pleased.

My parents often give me nice gifts for my hobby. Recently, my grandmother brought sparkles with which I will decorate a lot of things. Each item inspires me. My family supports me in this. Mom helped me more than once with my fantasies.

I believe that what you love should bring joy to the whole family. And so it turns out.

For boys (137 words). A real man must be strong. That's why I love sports. I would also like to excel at the Olympics or some other competition.

In the yard I often play football, basketball and volleyball. I like moving games like tag, but that's just for fun. Swimming or hockey is much harder and more interesting, but I can't do it every day yet. I would really like to go to the wrestling circle. My parents say that soon I will start professionally.

I have already watched boxing matches with my dad. I also want to be the same hardy and persistent. Sport develops these qualities, and they will come in handy everywhere. I would like to know how to fight properly so that I can stand up for myself.

I have not yet decided what kind of sport I want to do all my life. So far I like a lot. I choose between Greco-Roman wrestling, swimming and football. I hope I become a champion!

5-6 grade

For girls (155 words). I really enjoy cooking. When my mother or grandmother cooks, I always help and learn from them. My hobby is not only to make food, but also to decorate it. I always like to eat not only tasty, but also beautiful. My dishes have an interesting appearance.

In the future, I would like to become a confectioner, because I like making sweets the most. Desserts require a special art: their lover must be able to surprise. Sweet in itself is harmful, so a person will think three times before taking it. But a talented cook will always make him forget about everything in the world. His work will look like no one can resist. I want to become the same gifted confectioner.

While I'm just learning to cook, but I already have signature dishes. For example, I make a very tasty charlotte. The secret is to add crushed nuts and brandy to the dough. Then the cake takes on a completely different taste. I read this recipe online. It is now a family favorite.

For a boy (155 words). My hobby is video games. I don't just play them, I dream of making them. To do this, you need to study how and why this or that game works. I already know a lot about them and willingly share my knowledge with my friends in the game. In my team, my skills are highly valued. I think my whole life will be connected with new technologies.

Many condemn this occupation, but in vain. It is no different from other harmless forms of leisure. It can even become useful: it is easy and fun to study history through games. You can become Caesar or Napoleon, change the course of the history of the whole world, or follow in the footsteps of generals and emperors. You can continue your favorite book, because many games are made on the basis of literary plots.

I especially like historical games, but I also really like fantasy ones. It all depends on the mood and purpose. Something is suitable for entertainment and communication with the guys, something seriously loads the brain. However, all these games deserve attention, because they enrich the inner world of a person in their own way.

7th grade

For girls (158 words). My hobby is reading. I like to immerse myself in literary plots and find fascinating descriptions of the world around them. With the help of books, you can learn, see and feel much more than a person manages to do in one life.

I read every day, most often in the evenings when everything is done. Then the book gives the desired rest for the body, but the brain is actively working, helping to invent images of characters. Literature develops fantasy, because a person represents what he reads about. I like to lie in silence and dream about how what the author wrote happens. So I become his partner.

I also like literary language. It is richer than our speech. With it, you can express your thoughts much more interestingly, become an outstanding interlocutor. I even write down some phrases to remember. In them I find an explanation for many incomprehensible things happening around.

In the future, I want to choose a profession related to literature. I like working with the word, maybe I'll write my own book. In the meantime, I'm just a reader, but thoughtful and attentive.

For a boy (163 words). I am a film buff. My hobby is not only watching movies, but also reading reviews and reviews. I like to learn more and more about the world of cinema, because this area is now developing very rapidly. New items never cease to delight me every year.

Cinema is a whole world in art. The success of a film depends on many details that are not noticeable at first glance. In a good film, every frame is a picture, thought out and finished. Sometimes the whole impression of the viewer depends on the color of the scenery or on the change of plans. And the script in general is a very complicated thing, you can’t please everyone. Therefore, a quality film is an amazing achievement of a huge number of people.

When I watch a movie, I am immersed in other lives. Video gives me a chance to see the world in all its diversity. I see things that I would never have seen without cinema. I learn more and more, although I do not sit at the textbooks.

I would like to turn this hobby into a profession: to become a film critic or even a director. I would also like to make people recognize the world around them from my work.

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Target: Introduce children to a variety of interesting ways to spend their leisure time.


  • Encourage participation in various circles, sections, to develop their abilities and talents.
  • Help to get to know your comrades from an unusual side and, through this recognition, make friends with the guys.
  • To develop in children the ability to be inspired to talk about their hobbies.
  • To cultivate a respectful attitude towards people whose legacy was and is good deeds and deeds associated with passion.

Preparatory work:

  • Preparing messages about students' hobbies, forming groups of students according to interests.
  • Exhibition of student creativity: crafts, collections, photographs, musical numbers, presentations, application 1, etc.

Technical means:

  • Multimedia accompaniment, tape recorder, cassettes, discs, children's presentations.

Extracurricular activity plan:

1. Introductory speech of the teacher.

2. Journey to the country of hobbies. Tell children about their hobbies.

a) The country of young poets.

b) A country of very skillful hands.

c) The land of art.

d) Country of nature lovers.

e) Country of music.

e) Country of sport.

g) Country of collectors.

g) Country of photographs and computers.

3. Creative task. Group work.

4. The game "Guess the hobby."

5. Summing up. Reflection.

Class hour progress

Dear Guys! Dear guests! Hello!

Let me start our class hour “The World of My Hobbies”.

There is a passion in every person's life. People draw, sing, collect stamps, spend hours at the computer, breed fish or grow cacti, read or listen to music. Everyone has their own hobby. The word "hobby" in translation from English means "hobby".

Passion should not bring either money or fame. This is a job for the soul. It helps to brighten up the difficult moments of life, brings a person closer to the world of nature, science, art, to the world of people, helps to find the meaning of life.

The world of hobbies is very diverse. Lots of great people had hobbies. And now a page about great hobbies.

Do you know that the great Russian composer Alexander Porfiryevich Borodin, The author of the opera “Prince Igor” was a chemist by profession.

Famous composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, from the age of three he was fond of music on the harpsichord. At the age of four, Mozart already composes his plays and gives small musical concerts.

famous surgeon Nikolay Vasilievich Sklifosovsky enjoys gardening and even brought out new varieties of apple and pear trees.

Another doctor Sergei Petrovich Botkin, He was fond of playing the cello and took music lessons until the age of 50.

Some great people became famous precisely for their hobbies. For example, a great doctor Vladimir Ivanovich Dal loved to collect Russian words, proverbs, fairy tales. And he became famous for his explanatory dictionary, which is now known to everyone as the Dahl Dictionary.

And for some great people, a hobby has become a profession.

In the house where she lived Sofia Kovalevskaya , a well-known female mathematician, one wall was covered with sheets of lectures by Professor Ostrogradsky on differential and integral calculus. Sheets with formulas attracted the attention of a curious girl. She stood for a long time and tried to make out at least individual phrases. The sight of many formulas was firmly etched into the memory of a small child, although their meaning was not yet clear to an 8-year-old girl. However, a little later, Sophia developed a purposeful interest in mathematics.

famous Russian poet Alexander Blok from an early age, together with his grandfather, he wandered through the fields, forests, swamps, looking for plants for the botanical collection. And Blok's first passion for writing later developed into literary activity. The poet, at the age of 5, tried to compose such poems:

Gray hare, cute hare, I love you
For you, I'm saving up cabbage in the garden.

Every person has a tendency to get carried away. After all, there are so many interesting things in life!

And our event is called “The World of My Hobbies” and we will hold it in the form of a journey, a journey through the countries of various hobbies.

It turns out that you have a wide variety of hobbies. From your stories, we learn about ways to spend leisure time, about how you can spend your free time in an interesting and useful way. Let's listen and listen, especially those guys who have not yet found their passion.

So, let's start our journey into the World of Hobbies!

Some guys can express their feelings, experiences, view of the world through poetry. The first country Country of young poets.

Artem reads the poem “Remember the past years”.


  1. How long have you been doing this hobby?
  2. What gives you this hobby?
  3. To whom do you dedicate your poems?

Thank you! A new country lies ahead A country of very skillful hands. In this country live those who love to sew, knit, make something. Real craftsmen will now tell us and show their work.

Pauline. I am fond of knitting. Mom taught me to knit. I've been knitting since I was 6 and I still love it. When I learned to knit patterns, my mother and I knitted a sweater with a beacon for me. And the first toys I got. In the 2nd grade they were taken to the competition, where I took

1st place and received a certificate. And after graduating from the knitting school, I received the certificate “Magic Ball”. It seems to me that knitting develops artistic taste, and this is necessary for every girl.


  1. What are your plans for the future, do you want to connect your skills with your choice of profession?

Antonina. My hobby is embroidery. I started to embroider at the age of 8, and my grandmother taught me. I like to choose the colors of threads, to choose patterns for embroidery. I started a difficult job, embroidering the icon of the Mother of God. I like to give gifts made with my own hands, something embroidered. And my mother taught me to crochet, I knitted a heart.

The next resident of the country of skillful hands - Vladislav.

I am 12 years old. I have responsibilities around the house, and in addition to the main

housework, I got a hobby - woodcarving. Although I have been doing woodcarving recently, I really like this activity, because. That you can make a beautiful gift for any holiday, a craft for an exhibition. Wood carving is an interesting but dangerous activity, you can cut yourself with sharp cutters. In the classroom, we perform different types of carving, for example: contour carving, geometric carving. I have good patterns: “triangles”, “branch”. The teachers are happy with me.

Another master of his favorite occupation lives in this country - Anastasia.

My hobby is sewing. I sew clothes for dolls and I want to become a fashion designer in the future. I sew suits, skirts and tops, and I also learn how to sew dresses. I like doing sewing.

Designer - artist-constructor, design specialist (eng. Artistic design of objects; designing the aesthetic appearance of products).

Did you know that Charles Edward Worth was the first designer who conquered Paris in 1845 with his talent. His enterprise exists now in the form of House from Worth. The richest fashion designer is Ralph Lauren in the USA. His fortune is estimated at 3 billion dollars. He began his career as a salesman who sold ties.


  1. What designers do you know?
  2. What is the approximate number of items in your collection?

Great hobbies! Did you like it? Well done!

And we will continue our journey to The land of art.

The art is to find the extraordinary in the ordinary and the ordinary in the extraordinary. Art is a creative reflection, a reproduction of reality in artistic images. Skill, craftsmanship, subtle knowledge of the matter. Art is a luxury, it needs clean and calm hands.

An artist is like a mirror, cherished only because it gives viewers the opportunity to admire themselves. And we love creation Christina.

My hobby is drawing. My grandfather was drawing. Drawing helps me calm down, when I'm sad, it becomes more fun. I do floristry, in ancient Roman mythology, flora is the goddess of flowers, spring and youth.


  1. Do you know which painting is the most valuable?

Do you know that in 1962 “Mona Lisa (“La Gioconda”) by Leonardo da Vinci, was sent from The Louvre (Paris) for an exhibition in Washington and New York was valued at $100 million.

How many pictures do you have?

Did you know that the largest number of paintings by the Spanish artist Pablo Picasso is 3595.

And continue this topic - Alexandra.

My hobby is drawing. I can paint all day depending on my mood. I used to draw everything. Lately I've been drawing sketches of clothes. I like to create different clothes, because. In the future, I dream of becoming a fashion designer and launching my own line. When I draw, everything is calm in my soul.

And this is a kind of art, a feature of which is the artistic reflection of the phenomena of life through a dramatic action that occurs in the process of playing actors in front of the audience - theater.

Theater is the driving force that keeps us alive.

Valentina shows an excerpt from the play.


  1. Why do you enjoy this hobby?
  2. What else do you want to achieve?

Next stop is at Country of nature lovers.

Anatoly talks about his passion for fishing: “In the early morning in the summer I leave the house and go through the forest to the sea, breathe fresh air. I come to the sea and look for a convenient place to cast a fishing rod. I toss and look at the surface of the water. Everything is quiet and calm around, the fish splashes, everything is beautiful around. I admire this beauty.”


  1. What is the biggest fish you caught in our sea?
  2. Did you know that the biggest fish is the whale shark, up to 12m; and the smallest is a gnome goby; and the fastest fish is a sailboat, speed up to 110 km/h.
  3. Do you like pets? What animals do you have?

This is how Tolya devotes his free time to communicating with nature. Try it, and of course you will benefit from such communication.

And we have a country of dexterous, strong, courageous on our way - Sports country.

Sport is an integral part of physical culture - sets of exercises aimed at developing and strengthening the human body, its moral education and achieving high results in competitions.


I am fond of physical education. I like to play pioneer ball, basketball. I went to athletics and learned to jump long, run fast, skate. Physical education gives me strength, health, self-confidence. You can see my photos - this is me in training.

The saving force in our world is sports - the flag of optimism still flies over it, here they follow the rules and respect the enemy, regardless of which side wins

Thank you Julia and I invite you to The land of music. The country of all who love to sing, listen to music and play musical instruments.

Tatiana. First, let's listen to a story about an unusual and beautiful hobby - playing the piano.

My passion is making music. I like learning songs. My grandfather was engaged in music, I have been studying since kindergarten, Kretova S.M. was and remains my teacher. Now I am studying in the 5th music class, we go to different competitions. Music helps me relieve stress, I dream to the music and forget about the difficulties. Sometimes I fall asleep, wake up cheerful and cheerful (playing on a synthesizer).

Music is an art that reflects reality in sound artistic images.

Performance of the song.


  1. Why do you like making music.
  2. What instruments do you still play?
  3. Do you compose music yourself?

Country of collectors.

Collector - Collector of collections. Many of us collected things as children. What do you guys think, what can you collect? (Stamps, coins, soft toys, match labels, badges, models of cars, airplanes, candy wrappers, pins, felt boots, books, music CDs, paintings, ties, umbrellas, irons and even school cribs, etc.)<Приложение>.

There are collectors in our class too. Their small collections are presented to your attention. I propose to present collections Pavel, Artem, Tatyana, Leo.


  1. Why did you start collecting these particular items?
  2. What topics are they divided into?
  3. What is the approximate number of items in your collection
  4. What gives this hobby to people? (A person learns about countries, about the history of things, fills his free time, communicates).

Do you know that

  • Patriarch Alexy II collects stamps with portraits of famous people.
  • Peter I collected coins. In his collection were 10,000 coins from different countries.
  • Singer Alexander Marshal collects models of military equipment.
  • Tatyana Bulanova collects toy hippos, etc.

Another very common computer craze. Country of photos and computers. Moreover, one student of our class is trying to do it herself ... But by the way, she herself will tell us now. Christina (presentation of school photos).

Guys, the world of hobbies is so large and diverse that you can travel very much in it and find a lot of interesting and useful things. What do you think there is in this world bad hobbies?(Some are addicted to smoking, alcohol, gamers). And how do you feel about people who have become victims of such hobbies? (Victims of these hobbies cause pity, sympathy, because they ruin their lives.)

Indeed, every person is interested in something. If this hobby does not interfere with other people and does not harm the person himself, then it is worthy of respect.

A game.

There are guys in our class who have not yet found their passion. I ask you to the board.

Assignment: I make you a hobby, and you must recognize it (in a word). For each correct answer, I give you a chip, and you get a hobby.

  1. A team game in which players hit the puck into the opponent's goal with a stick. (Hockey).
  2. Fishing (fishing).
  3. Kind of sport - for example, group hikes aimed at physical hardening of the body (tourism).
  4. A person who collects stamps (philatelist).
  5. The art of stage dance (ballet).
  6. Collecting coins (numesmatics).
  7. A team game in which players kick the ball into the opponent's goal with kicks (football).
  8. What philocartists collect (postcards).
  9. Glass room for keeping lizards and snakes (terrarium).
  10. Searches, tracking down animals, birds with a gun or a camera (hunting).

And now raise the chips, and we will see who, how many hobbies he got himself. Well, here, I hope, new citizens have appeared in the country of hobbies today. And their life will become interesting, bright and beautiful.

Creative task.

Suppose that everyone sitting in the first group collected yogurt cups for a long time, in the second group they collected scribbled felt-tip pens, and in the third group plastic cases from kinders - surprises, guests - audio cassettes. In 5 minutes, you should come up with about 3 uses for these things. Group performance.

This concludes our class hour. I hope that for each of you it was not in vain. In order to find your hobby, you need to look deeper into yourself and not be afraid to take the first step:

  • Buy your first brand.
  • Write the first line.
  • Throw the first loop on the knitting needles.
  • Make the first brush stroke.

In order to find your passion, you need to look deeper into yourself. Try to understand what you would like to do.

Do you guys think that today's conversation was useful for you?

Remember today's work and continue the phrases that reflect your impressions and feelings during your journey into the world of hobbies.

On the tables are options for reflection questions:

  1. I realized that...
  2. I was surprised...
  3. I felt...
  4. Think...
  5. I like it...
  6. I did not like...

Sample answers:

  • We learned more about each other.
  • It will be more interesting for us to communicate.
  • There will be something to talk about.
  • Rejoiced at the success of classmates.
  • I also wanted to do something interesting.
  • To my surprise: it turns out that there are so many interesting and useful things around!

Class hour-conversation "The world of my hobbies" Grade 2-4

Perminova Elena Mikhailovna,

primary school teacher, MOU "Chekanskaya agrarian secondary school"


    Expand the horizons of children, form a positive motivation for self-development;

    Encourage participation in various circles, sections, to develop their abilities and talents;

    Introduce children to the hobbies of famous people and their peers.

    Raise awareness of the value of each person

    Be able to listen to each other

Preparation: In advance, children are informed about the holding of this class hour and receive a task: to present their hobby, collection, arrange an exhibition in the classroom. You can invite children to bring crafts, collections, photos of pets.

Equipment: multimedia presentation, projector, interactive whiteboard.

Decor: an exhibition with students' work, a poster with the inscription "The world of my hobbies", an exhibition of drawings.

class plan

    Organization of a class hour (in the office, study tables are placed around the perimeter of the office where students will sit, at the blackboard a desk on which an exhibition will be presented - a collection of students' works)

    Introduction by the teacher.

    Message about the hobbies of great people.

    Sounding of the exhibition (students' story about their hobbies)

    Collecting (words are written on the board, analysis of their meaning)

    Discussion of bad hobbies.

    Summing up (reflection)

    Final word from the teacher.

The course of the conversation

Good afternoon guys! Slide #1

In nature there is a sun. It loves and warms us all. So let every ray of it look into our class and not only warm you with its warmth, but also add a good mood. And for this you need to sit up straight, smile at your desk mate, smile at the teacher and start the class hour with a smile. You have chosen a topic for conversation "The world of my hobbies"

And let's start the conversation with the words "I love what I do and I do what I love..." Slide #2

    Introduction. There is a passion in every person's life. People draw, sing, collect stamps, spend hours at the computer, breed fish or listen to music, read or grow cacti. Passion can be replaced by another word - a synonym, try to unravel it. Slide #3

Slide #4

By the way, the word "hobby" has a rather curious history. Many believe that it came from the English language, but its roots are German. So in the 18th century, peasants called a children's toy horse. But the word “hobby” owes its modern meaning to the English writer Lawrence Sterne, who at the end of the 18th century published his novel The Life and Opinions of Tristam Shandy. It was there that the word "hobby" was used in the meaning of "hobby".

In the life of every person there is a hobby that helps brighten up the difficult moments of life, brings them closer to the world of science, art, nature, to the world of people, helps to find the meaning of life. Passion does not bring money or fame. This is a job for the soul.

2. Travel to the world of hobbies. Slide number 5.

It is human nature to get carried away, because there are so many interesting things in the world! So we begin our journey into the world of hobbies. Lots of great people had hobbies.

3. A message about the hobbies of great people.

Slide number 6. PeterI was an avid numismatist. He collected a large number of coins (numismatist) on the board.

Slide number 7. Some people are famous for their hobbies. For example, the wonderful doctor Vladimir Ivanovich Dal loved to collect Russian words, proverbs, sayings, fairy tales. And he became famous for his explanatory dictionary, which is now known to everyone as Dahl's dictionary.

Slide number 8. And for some great people, a hobby has become a profession. famous female mathematician Sofia Kovalevskaya I have been fond of formulas and numbers since childhood. In the house where Sofia Kovalevskaya lived, one wall was pasted over with sheets of lectures by Professor Ostrogradsky on differential and integral calculus. Sheets with formulas attracted the attention of a curious girl. She stood for a long time and tried to make out at least individual phrases. The sight of many formulas was firmly etched into the memory of a small child, although their meaning was not yet clear to an 8-year-old girl. However, a little later, Sophia developed a purposeful interest in mathematics.

Slide number 9. A.S. Pushkin.

Slide number 10. Leonid Yakubovich carried away by the sky . After a television show where the stars were invited to fly on airplanes, he cannot deny himself the pleasure of sitting at the controls of an airplane.

Slide 11-12. singer and presenter Valdis Pelsh also got carried away by the sky, but he likes to jump with a parachute. He has an unusual hobby - collecting military helmets. Outstanding exhibits of his collection are the parade helmet of an officer of the army of Napoleon and the German helmet of the 19th century.

Slide 13-14 First page - country of collectors. And what else can you collect - collect.

- What does collecting do for people? ( A person learns about countries, about the history of things, fills his free time, gets acquainted with collectors)

Slide 15-16.phylumenia, philatokartiya, philatoly.

Slide 17-19. Arnold Schwarzenegger collected a whole fleet of Hummer cars, and there is even a real tank in his collection.

Demmy Moor a passionate collector of rare dolls - now she has more than 3 thousand copies in her assets.

Nadezhda Babkina loves her collection of elephant figurines. They say that the singer has them apparently invisible - they are at home, in the country, in the theater, and it all started with those that were bought in Africa.

Guys, among you there are those who collect something? Slide 20 Sasha T.

(Children go to the blackboard, talk about their collections) a gift of a stone from Kungur.

Country of sport

And we are on the way - Country of sport.

Slide 21-22. Collecting figurines of various animals is a fairly popular hobby of female celebrities. Yes, figure skating star Irina Slutskaya collects figurines of elephants, soft toys. Sport is of great importance in a person's life, sport makes it possible to maintain and strengthen health, instills the will to win, determination, and other good qualities. We have guys who go in for sports seriously. They want to be strong, agile, courageous. A healthy mind in a healthy body, says a Russian proverb.

Slide 22. Vladimir Putin He has a black belt in judo. In 2014, at the opening of the Olympic Games in Sochi, they tested the ski slope together with D. Medvedev.

We have guys who go in for sports seriously. They want to be strong, agile, courageous.

Slide 23 - 24. Nastya and Yaroslav talk about their passion.


Slide 25 - 26. A country of nature lovers.

New country ahead Country of nature lovers.

These are the people who love to take care of plants and animals. They have a special hobby, because they deal with living beings. All living things require special attention and care, like small children. (Fish, cultivation of indoor plants, floriculture (OAKS)

Slide 27

I invite you to the land of art. Anyone who loves to sing, dance, draw, listen to music. Please tell us about your hobby (dance club, theater club)

Slide 28-29. A country of very skillful hands.

Another country is waiting for us - A country of very skillful hands. Those who love to sew, knit, and make something live in this country. Show yourself. Dear craftsmen, tell us about your hobby!

(Knitting, drawing, ... aircraft models) Shemyakina Irina

Now both adults and children are very interested in origami technique. Let's try to make a heart. Suddenly someone will like this hobby.

Children under the guidance of a teacher perform crafts.

- Guys, the world of hobbies is so large and diverse that you can travel in it for a very long time and find a lot of interesting and useful things. What do you think, are there bad hobbies in this world? And how do you feel about people who have become victims of such hobbies? (smoking, alcoholism, drugs. Cause pity, sympathy, because they ruin their lives)

- Every person is into something. If this hobby does not interfere with other people and does not harm the person himself, then it is worthy of respect. In order to find your hobby, you need to look deeper into yourself and not be afraid to take the first step: to acquire the first stamp, compose the first line, throw a loop on the knitting needle, make the first stroke with a brush. Try to understand what you would like to do, patiently listen to yourself.


- Now we'll play a game "Guess the hobby" or find a couple

I say a word or a sentence that denotes some kind of hobby. Whoever answers the fastest gets this hobby. For each correct answer, I award a flag. The winner is the one who scored more flags, which means more different interesting hobbies.

      A team game in which players hit the puck into the opponent's goal with a stick. (Hockey)

      Kind of sport - group hikes aimed at physical hardening of the body. (Tourism)

      Searches, tracking down animals, birds with a gun or a camera. (Hunting)

      Fishing rod. (Fishing)

      A team game in which players kick the ball into the opponent's goal with kicks. (Football)

      A person who collects stamps (philatelist)

      Collecting coins (Numismatics)

    philatelists - stamps,

    phylumenists - match labels,

    philocartists - postcards,

    numismatists - coins,

    Philotimers are collectors of calendars,

    book dealers are book collectors.

4. Summing up. (Reflection)

Do you guys think that today's conversation was useful for you? How did you feel when you learned about the hobbies of your comrades?

Finish the sentence:
- To my surprise…..

I found out that it is useful……

It was interesting….

Instructive for me….

Outcome. The class hour is over, let's smile at each other and our guests, give a good mood to ourselves and others Use the knowledge gained today. I hope there are new ideas today. And your life will become interesting, bright and beautiful.

Not a Russian word for a hobby, an activity for which we enjoy spending our free time. Some choose a hobby for the sake of emotionality, others who spend a lot of energy on study, work - in order to sit quietly on an interesting job. For each hobby, it means something different, something that occupies his brain, hands, makes his heart beat faster. There are advantages and disadvantages to hobbies, and we want to talk about them now so that you can choose the right hobby for yourself if you don't already have one. While doing what you love, a person thinks more logically and more brilliantly. It is at these moments that creative ideas come to mind that can later develop into something more. HOBBY IS -

A hobby is an opportunity to discover something new, to discover a talent for some kind of creativity. To do this, you should try different things, experience a lot, and then choose one or more interesting activities. A hobby helps to find new friends both in real life and using the Internet. A hobby can even help you get a job in the future if you mention your hobbies on your resume or interview. Thanks to your favorite pastime before going to bed, you can fall asleep peacefully, with a smile on your lips. A hobby allows you to make life happier and more fruitful.

Sharon Badgley has 6,000 Santa Clauses. Sharon Badgley has 6,000 Santa Clauses. Pam Barker (England) owns the largest collection of owls. Their - Pem got into the Guinness Book of Records. Pam Barker (England) owns the largest collection of owls. Their - Pem got into the Guinness Book of Records.

And this is a Russian toy soldier collector This is a Russian toy soldier collector Lisa Courtney has more Pokemon. She is also in the Guinness Book of Records!

There are many types of hobbies. There are hobbies only for women, for men, for children. And there are extreme, dangerous hobbies. When you choose an interesting business for yourself, remember the safety rules of your life if your hobby is related to sports, hitchhiking, or other extreme sports. In addition to collecting, there are such interesting activities as dancing, arts and crafts. Passion for any activity can be individual, or it can be group. There are many types of hobbies. There are hobbies only for women, for men, for children. And there are extreme, dangerous hobbies. When you choose an interesting business for yourself, remember the safety rules of your life if your hobby is related to sports, hitchhiking, or other extreme sports. In addition to collecting, there are such interesting activities as dancing, arts and crafts. Passion for any activity can be individual, or it can be group.

Guys! Do not be afraid to combine successful and difficult studies and your favorite hobby. Change of activity, study should not interfere with your favorite pastime, but, on the contrary, make life brighter and more interesting. It is much more interesting to communicate and make friends with people who are fond of different hobbies. They say that making beautiful things is a gift from God. Is it not interesting to test yourself, how gifted and diligent you are? But you can not hope that it will turn out right away. Everything comes to the one who is diligent. Only by your work you will master the branches of interesting occupations. The more a person is loaded with interesting things, the more organized he is. I wish you creative success! Guys! Do not be afraid to combine successful and difficult studies and your favorite hobby. Change of activity, study should not interfere with your favorite pastime, but, on the contrary, make life brighter and more interesting. It is much more interesting to communicate and make friends with people who are fond of different hobbies. They say that making beautiful things is a gift from God. Is it not interesting to test yourself, how gifted and diligent you are? But you can not hope that it will turn out right away. Everything comes to the one who is diligent. Only by your work you will master the branches of interesting occupations. The more a person is loaded with interesting things, the more organized he is. I wish you creative success!

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