Klava Koka: “I am an unformatted music competition. "I got scared and left.


The singer, popular blogger, director of her videos and simply talented and charming Klava Koka told BeautyHack about ups and downs, love for natural beauty and how important it is to experiment with appearance in order to discover yourself from new sides.

About creativity

I will say right away - I wanted to become a singer since childhood - at the age of four I went up to my mother and said: “I want to sing!” She gave me to the choir, and since then I have been in music for 17 years. You could say retired. But I remember the very first performance, as now - I performed with the children's choir at the State Philharmonic. Then I was about five or six years old, I was dressed up in a bright red dress, in fact, like everyone else in the choir. And so my journey began.

The first solo performance was also in the choir when I was 10 years old - then I was already in the middle group. It was scary, of course - before every performance at that time I was very nervous. But you go on stage, and the fear disappears, because you see your people, they clap for you and are glad to see you. That's why it seems to me that artists who are not at all worried are already a little stale, because these are important emotions. I'm a living artist as long as I'm excited.

Now there are already many concerts, various performances behind him - naturally, you get used to everything. I already know what works on stage and what doesn't. And when you go out for the first time, you have no idea how to work with the audience, how to put your feet up.

Remember how scary it was to go to the blackboard as a child? So this is very similar - only you are on stage in front of thousands of people, and they all look only at you.

Now I not only sing, but also run my blog and various projects as a presenter. I also really like all this, but most of the time is still spent on music - working in the studio and touring. I also act as a director of my videos - I recently filmed a new video for the song "Take Me" in Hong Kong. That's how I like to discover something new in myself.

I consider myself a very happy person - I do what I love and work where I want. Although there is absolutely no free time, sometimes I don’t even have time to go for a manicure. I generally keep quiet about friends and parties - it's hard, but in any work you have to sacrifice something.

Sometimes I think - could I stay in my native Yekaterinburg or not? Of course, it is difficult to build a career as a musician there; all important events take place in Moscow. This is the center of the music industry, show business. Performances, filming, shows, the same work on television - all this is only in Moscow. But at the same time, I really like Yekaterinburg - when I come there with a concert, I feel completely harmonious. Since birth, I lived in the city center opposite the Circus and, of course, spent all my childhood there. Often, when I arrive there, I start to cry - it seems like everything is your own, but at the same time everything has changed so much and now it seems so small. When you're small, everything seems big. Time flies so fast!

In general, I concluded for myself that if you quickly become famous and rise to a high level, you just as quickly fall from it. In my case, everything was measured - there were ups and downs, I really went all these years to being on stage. There were many failures, projects where they said that I would never succeed. There were a lot of insults, because I'm an ordinary girl with a dream, just a man. I always thought that you can get into show business either with money or through a bed, but it turned out that this is not so.

I just did what I love, worked very hard - not because I wanted to become a star, but simply could not live without it.

She moved forward despite setbacks. But now I'm ready for anything - everything goes on as usual, and I'm sure that soon I will be number one. Personal qualities do not play such a big role here, but mission - I could not imagine myself anywhere except in music. The most important thing is what you have inside and how much you love your job. Perhaps this is the secret of success.

About a healthy lifestyle

I can not boast of any serious sports movements. At school, I was always among those who resorted last - I never got along with sports, despite the fact that I devoted ten years to dancing. I tried for a long time, sat on these splits - but the results were not impressive. But now I’m wasting away without sports, because the loads are very large.

If you do not play sports and do not prepare yourself for these loads, then you will die. Working from morning to night, shooting in extreme conditions, performing on stage - sometimes you feel like a real athlete. Therefore, I have to find time for sports - if there is time, I always go to the gym and feel relieved after a workout. Immediately energized!

I like to work out on simulators, lift weights, but I don’t like working with my own weight. I don’t know why, probably, I get less tired from such exercises, which means they are not so effective.

I like to feel how my muscles hurt - it means I did a good job.

But training with your own weight, dancing is also good for health, but then you need to go to the gym more often. I also love fitness clubs for the fact that it is there that I manage to enjoy music. I download new albums, go deeper into the music industry, understand what is trending and what is not. It is very important to follow what is happening in the West, because if you listen only to Russian music, you will not understand where to develop. It's hard for them - there is nowhere to peep. (laughs). And it is really important for us to listen to these trends.

Someone likes to swing under AC / DC - and I understand them, I also like to feel cool in the hall. But still, I pay more attention to new music, because in everyday life it is very difficult to devote time to this, to abstract. It would seem that he put on his headphones and listened, but no - you are sitting in a taxi, answering messages, working, coming home, and you have no strength for anything. I remember Sam Smith's last album - for me it's such a discovery and a buzz! I would very much like to create something similar, but I understand that such music is not very suitable for our country. I love Ed Sheeran - I myself play seven musical instruments, but most of all I love the guitar and acoustic drums. Listening to Madonna's album, even though it's not exactly fresh. By the way, such music is perfect for the hall - it has energetic songs, after listening to which you feel at your best. I recently listened to the latest album by Selena Gomez - I like it too. In general, I listen to different music - I can turn on Cardi B, and Frank Sinatra.

Like all girls, I also have complexes, but I would not want to change anything in myself - I just know how to turn these shortcomings into virtues. For example, what makeup and hairstyle to do or how to pose for photos. With the second, by the way, everything is simple - you need to build on your figure. If you have, for example, large hips - put them back in the photographs, if your legs are uneven - bring your knees together. At the age of 14, I really didn’t like my smile, and then, when I became famous, they began to write to me: “What a cool smile you have!” This I mean that the complexes live only in our head. I have a friend who always says that she is fat, but she is thin as a wand! There are those who complain about curly hair, and they suit them.

People's opinions are sometimes very different from what lives in our heads.

Now there is a certain standard of beauty that is being imposed on everyone - there are millions of photos of girls of the same type on Instagram, and young people strive for this, unfortunately. For me, this is unacceptable, because naturalness and individuality are always more beautiful. And if we all make the same small noses and big lips, we grow eyelashes and nails in the same way, we will simply be faceless.

If I have breakfast at home, I cook cheesecakes and always drink green tea with lemon and honey. I like soft-boiled eggs with arugula and salmon, sometimes I make myself a pita roll. For dinner, I will eat yogurt or a banana, although in the evenings it is rarely possible to eat at home. I don’t even have favorite cafes - for me it’s just a meal, so I choose the nearest convenient restaurant and have a snack.

It was not difficult for me to give up meat - there are many vegetarians in my family. It has a lot of cholesterol, and besides, it is inhumane: once I saw a truck with dead animals on vacation, and it became so bad. I love fresh fruits, arugula, freshly squeezed juices, avocados - in general, everything that is in fashion now. (laughs)

Not only internal health, but also external health depends on nutrition: ate chips - and immediately skin problems. This is unacceptable in my profession.

From junk food, I only like pasta with cream sauce and fried potatoes, but not french fries - I am indifferent to fast food. Chips, soda, sweets - all this remained somewhere in my childhood, although I still love Raffaello dearly. I never sat on diets: it happened that I had dinner with kefir, yogurts, but to exhaust myself directly - no. It is very important to be in harmony with your body, it was not enough to stress because of food.

About beauty

I take care of my hair most carefully now, platinum blond - that's what it is. Therefore, I have a lot of hair products: balms, masks, texture sprays. Without them, the hair simply breaks, which is why blondes so often cut their hair short after dyeing. I was a conservative for a long time and never dyed my hair, but after trying it, I immediately felt like a different person. They began to perceive me differently, in general, success began to come exactly when I dyed my hair blonde. I was then inspired by Margot Robbie, who cut her hair after the premiere of Suicide Squad - looked at her photo shoot and realized how great it was. I've been blonde for a year now and the whole world has changed. Since then, I'm not afraid to change - I had pink, and blue, and gray hair.

I do not rule out that I can shave baldly. I dream of acting in films, and if necessary, I will shave for the role. But the white hair color at the moment emphasizes my inner state and just suits me. I have bright eyes, eyebrows, eyelashes - colleagues call me "firefly".

I have rather dry skin, so I always use Japanese and Korean cosmetics for moisturizing - I can’t live a day without face and body creams. Since I often fly, during flights the skin of the face dries very much - you get off the plane and you feel that you have aged five years. Therefore, it is very important to moisturize the face and apply sheet masks. I don't know why, but I always trust funds from Korea and Japan. I see hieroglyphs and understand: "This suits me." All those snail gels, aloe are perfect for my skin. I also love nail oils because I play the guitar a lot. There are such boxes - you stick your finger in there, and it is moistened with special oil.

But I always wash my face with ordinary soap. It may seem strange to some, but it suits me - the main thing is to apply a good cream afterwards.

And as for cosmetics, then here - a complete "split". I love bright colors, I can make yellow, red or purple arrows, make up with blue lipstick and so on. And here is the paradox - before, I always did the same makeup, and if something suddenly changed in it, I felt uncomfortable. And then I realized how cool it is to experiment and see yourself from new sides.

But the first thing I do in makeup is eyebrows - without them there is no face. I haven’t plucked them since the 9th grade, but I just lay them down and finish them in the right places. I love the effect of ruffled eyebrows, and to repeat it, I take Brow Drama mascara from Maybelline. As for the shadows, it is important to choose a color and make sure that the shade fits under the hair roots and eyelashes. I always have five lipsticks with me - leaving the house, I never paint my lips, and then I just choose according to my mood. I love the soft lilac shade of Maybelline's Super Stay lipstick, I always take red lipstick - Chanel or Rimmel. There are a lot of lip glosses - by the way, Auchan has very cool ones in the children's department.

But in fact, in order to be beautiful, it is important to monitor the condition of your skin, be natural and not resort to plastic surgery and permanent makeup - this is not fashionable and not beautiful. Well, get enough sleep - and if it doesn’t work out, the correct corrector from circles under the eyes will help you.

Photo: Evgeniy Sorbo Interview and text: Anastasia Speranskaya We thank the Novikov restaurant for help in organizing and conducting the interview Make-up and styling of Klava Koki - Anna Cherchen

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Klava Koka @klavacoca 1.5 million followers
Performer of the Black Star label, blogger, presenter. Despite his young age and popularity, Klava is an open, cheerful and sympathetic person. With her self-confidence and determination, she will move mountains, and we have no doubt about it.

Since childhood, you have been surrounded by music in your family. Tell me, was your future determined back then? Did you know from a young age that you would be performing on stage?

Yes, since the age of four. I approached my mother and said that I want to become a singer, I want to perform on stage, and I only saw myself there. For a while I had doubts about who I could be ... There was only one alternative - a flower seller, simply because as a child I really liked their smell, and I thought that if it somehow worked out, that I will not be connected with music, I will work in a flower shop.

Popularity was not given to you simply, behind your back participation in four large-scale shows. Tell me, was it such that your hands dropped, you wanted to spit and work in your specialty?

While I was studying, I went to competitions. In general, in my life there were definitely more than twenty of them, but four of them were broadcast on any of the TV channels. Of course, it is not always pleasant when you are refused, especially for the whole country. At first, it is very difficult to accept, and you think that maybe this is really not for you. But then you realize that it’s not the point to do what you don’t like, and you start to fight further.

What project do you remember the most?

Of course, this is Young Blood, a project that has radically changed my life and continues to work to this day.

- Were there any unpleasant situations?

Not really. Personally, I have never put a spoke in anyone's wheels, and neither have I. I just saw the guys who were allowed to go to the next round and I knew that someone had put in a good word for them or thrown a “penny”. That was not very pleasant, because they were ahead of me in such a dishonest way.

- How did you get offered to sign a contract with Black Star?

It was a competition, after the ones where I was rejected ... I was going to leave to work in Egypt as a backing vocalist. But then I saw that Timati announced a competition. In total, more than 300,000 applications were submitted for it. I then worked at Rendez-Vous in the European and studied at the same time. Sent an application. I passed the first selection, and only sixty people got into the second, then there was the third round, only six people went there, including me. I cried a lot and did not believe what was happening. After that, a reality show began, in which it was necessary to work, sing on the street, sell clothes. But it was not difficult for me, I knew how to do all this, because I worked in a lot of places. And at the final concert they told me that you would work with us.

- How can you get there?

You can get to us through the "Songs on TNT" contest, which is now actively taking place, or through young blood.

- Do you feel comfortable among hip-hop artists? You sing in a completely different genre...

Black Star is no longer a label for bearded men with tattoos. Now they are moving away from this and trying to conquer other genres and styles. I always liked being a black sheep and being different from others, especially since we never had any hazing, they always treated me well and to this day they call me a firefly.

- The label doesn't put you in a box, do you only sing what you want?

Yes, on the label I feel free. Of course, we have a team that helps me make important decisions, advise what needs to be changed. They are professionals and I trust them, but I write all my songs myself with my musical team. I just bring my initiative to the label and, most often, they give me approval, or explain why this is not worth doing, and I, of course, listen.

- Black Star - family or work?

This is both family and work, of course.

- Which of the guys is closer to you? Who do you communicate with more?

In fact, we are friends with everyone, we communicate kindly. Most of all, I'm probably on the connection with Nathan, Egor and Scrooge.

- How are the relationships within the label?

Our relations are very family and kind. Everyone supports each other, sincerely and kindly treats a colleague as a person, an artist, a musician, we try to help each other and promote each other.

Lately you have a lot of newcomers and I think that after the new songs the guys will appear more. How do you accept new performers in your team?

Well received, because everyone was once a beginner, and once he was also positively received. Therefore, when someone comes, we try to support this person as much as possible, whether it's a release or just some kind of event where you need to come and support. They generally don’t take bad people from us, if you are a bad person, you will never be signed to Black Star.

- Timati - friend, mentor or boss?

Mentor. A friend - no, because there is subordination. I talk to him on you, he sometimes talks to me too (laughs). He always helps with his instructions, there is no such thing that he sits and babysits someone in the studio. I constantly send him my works, he comments on them, and since Timur Eldarovich understands this, he feels the trends and with a couple of edits he can change the whole song - that's cool.

Do you always sing live at concerts? Was it that the equipment failed?

Always live. The equipment fails very often, and once we arrived in a city that, according to our rider, did not prepare anything. We collected equipment from all over the city. It's good that I understand at least something about this. Actually, it was necessary to cancel everything, but we could not, because there were people outside the door. We delayed the concert for two hours, but it took place.

- What are the upcoming tracks? Should we expect unexpected duets?

I dream of releasing an album next year. First on the label and second in his career. And of course, expect unexpected duets! Next year I will surprise: there will be duets. Until now, I have not had joint songs. Therefore, next year I will win back and promise to surprise.

- We heard that you were in New York and recorded a track there, tell us about it.

In fact, New York has always been my big dream. I've been there three times this year and all three times for work. The second time I was there, the producers of the studio where Bience, Ariana Grande, Nicki Minaj recorded, contacted me and offered me to record a joint work with the performers of their label. I thought it was some kind of joke, but when I arrived, and there was an incredibly beautiful studio, very cool people, everything was like in American films, it so happened that I went into the booth to sign up and signed up the first time. I've never seen people get so high on me in my life. Never. Not in Russia, not in other countries. These people did not understand how I did it, they were filming, swinging and I was so charged! We recorded everything in fifteen minutes. Since we had time left, I was shown songs that would be performed by world-famous artists and offered some for me. It was very cool. In general, my dream is to release songs that will be listened to all over the world, and now the first step has already been overcome.

- When will this song come out?

The guys from the studio flew to Russia to the Black Star office to discuss the release. They approached the issue very seriously, they decided everything not by mail or by phone ... They have serious intentions. I don’t know yet when it will be released, we wanted it this year, but I think we will postpone it to the next one.

If you were told ten years ago that you would record songs in New York, shoot videos with Timati and vlogs with popular people, and, in addition, gather crowds at concerts, how would you react?

If they told me that in ten years you will be a top artist, you will have concerts and your fans will go to them, I would say yes. From the very childhood I knew who I would be, I saw myself that way, and I know that I am now at the very beginning of the journey.

Speaking of vlogs... not so long ago you made a statement that you would not shoot them anymore, it's been quite a while, but tell me, do you regret it yet?

It so happened that I was a little tired and realized that my image on the Internet is different from the real me. I have matured in my life, because there have been many events and serious experiences, and I am no longer that Klava-eternal positive girl, and I decided to reconsider my attitude to vlogging and be different, the way I am in life. But it’s not easy to rebuild, and vlogging takes a lot of time.

- Maybe you, after all, take a break, draw inspiration and burst into battle again?

I will return to him. Only after I closed it, I realized how dear this vlog was to my people and how much it changed their lives. For many, and especially for children, I was an adult who showed them which way to move. Now I am thinking about how to return to all this, how to do it differently, but so far there is not enough time for this, and I am not mentally ready to do this, but I will definitely return to it.

- What you released, did you coordinate with the label?

No, she didn't agree. It’s just that everyone knew that I had a vlog coming out on Thursday, and on CocaPella on Monday, I threw everything off to the guys, sometimes there were edits, but very few. I have always been the mistress of the situation.

- Who is your audience?

The audience is very diverse due to the fact that I develop in many directions: as a musician, on YouTube, I develop on the TV screen, but let's say, my target audience and the most active one is 60-70% of girls aged fourteen to twenty and older boys, about my age.

Do you have enough time for your personal life or is it all about work?

At the moment I am at work.

- Were there guys who pretended to be good, but in fact they just wanted something from you?

This exists not only among guys, but also among girls. Still, it is difficult to immediately understand the intentions of a person, whether he really treats you kindly and sincerely, or whether he perceives you as an artist, as a singer, a person with subscribers who can somehow promote you, which you can brag to your friends. So this is really a problem. It is important to find a person who will love and respect you not for who you are, but for who you are.

- You are only 22, and you have already achieved a lot. Do you consider yourself successful?

I would say that I am not only 22, but already 22 (laughs). I think that I have achieved enough, but I have very big ambitions, and I can call myself successful, but I am sure that I am at the very beginning of my journey.

If you are popular, then you have both fans and haters. Tell me, are your haters limited to negative comments on Instagram?

I can't say that I have an army of anti-fans. There are, of course, people who do not recognize me as a creative unit, but this is absolutely normal, and it does not upset me. I am happy that there are people who, at times, can give adequate criticism, well, or inadequate, and after that I begin to relate to life easier. I have never experienced any bullying, no one attacked me with serious intentions, so yes, my haters are limited to comments only.

- On the eve of the New Year, tell us about your plans, is there something interesting?

My plans to work - tirelessly. Actually, on New Year's Eve too, and I work three days before it, and the next three too. Therefore, I am interested in every day, I do what I love.

Turtleneck, Pennyblack; sundress, Max & Co.; shoes, Santoni

Photo by Alexei Konstantinov

EG: Tell us about the rituals that help you fight apathy on gloomy autumn days.

Klava: The most important ritual is delicious food. I love to eat, but now I have to limit myself a little in this. If earlier I could afford to eat more often, now I have breakfast, maybe I’ll have something to eat for lunch - that’s all. It helps to keep fit. But the less I eat, the more I don't like everything around me. Therefore, if you see that I am sad, just feed me - and I will be cheerful.

It also helps to compliment people, to say something nice. You cheer them up, and they bring this atmosphere of goodness back to you. It turns out that such an exchange of energy, and everything becomes much better.

EG: How important is appearance for a person, in your opinion? I then remembered Zemfira's statement about Grechka and Monetochka ...

Klava: I will say this, depending on who this person is. It's not the appearance that matters to me, but how well he takes care of himself. How neat is he. How much he follows fashion, how much he wants to be interesting. Still, if you look at me, I always wear bright and light-colored clothes. Actually, this is what can describe my inner world. A lot can be said about a person by appearance: how he is dressed, how he smiles, how he talks, what hairstyles he has and what habits he has.

Appearance is very important. But if we talk about appearance, then it doesn’t matter at all. There are so many people! And so many types! And if people correctly emphasize their individuality, then they will be very bright, interesting, and, of course, will attract attention. And especially creative people.

From myself I can say that I love bright, I love stylish, and I love it when a person is not like others. I'm against the mainstream, against the fact that now everyone goes to Gucci, I don't like it, and I don't do it.

Photo by Alexei Konstantinov

EG: What qualities do you think help you achieve success?

Klava: First of all, diligence. Strength of character, if you can call it a quality. And also love for people and love for their work. Probably these three qualities. But if the second is not counted, then talent. Talent is 100% needed.

EG: How not to be afraid to try something new and change the field of activity?

Klava: It is purely a matter of desire. You either want it or you don't. Here I am never afraid, and I really like it. As soon as I change the field of activity, I move away from the routine. In this way, I ensure that my work never turns into a “groundhog day” and never bothers me. No need to be afraid, you need to know that when we discover something new, we always make ourselves better.

EG: Give advice to girls who, like you once, participate in various contests. What can help you get selected?

Klava: There have been a lot of competitions in my life, and, unfortunately, only a small part of them helped me move up the career ladder. At 90% of castings I was told no. But I had a goal, so I did not quit and tried very hard. The Young Blood contest, the last of them all, brought me to Black Star.

It is important not to give up and listen to the opinion of the jury at the competitions. Their comments are often biased, but there are useful moments when they help you find your strengths and weaknesses. Of course, most often this will be said in a rude way, because this is the format of the competition.

Of course, you need to work on yourself, you need to come again and again. One of the parishes may be your cherished chance. Or maybe you will meet a person who will help you get somewhere. Or you will realize that you do not want to make music at all. In any case, you need to try yourself, competitions are a great opportunity to express yourself, to understand who you are.

Jacket, Sandro; skirt, Maje; T-shirt, Max Mara Weekend; boots, Marc Cain

Photo by Alexei Konstantinov

EG: When do you think the moment of growing up comes? Do you consider yourself an adult?

Klava: Yes, of course, I feel like an adult - the last year. This begins to be felt when there is a burden of responsibility, when you are financially independent. Although I am an adult, I do not "grow up", I like to fool around and be a child. I have a strong character, and, probably, by age I could be older than I really am. But I really like my age, and I hope that this youth, this spark in my eyes will not disappear.

EG: What was your craziest or most courageous thing you did for your career?

Klava: I can't remember anything... But every day I sacrifice something for my career. I sacrifice that I can't meet my friends, my loved ones, I can't spend time with my family. I sacrifice that I can't rest, I can't just walk around the city. But all this is compensated by the feedback from the work. Every field has its pros and cons. Now I have a career in the first place, and I am ready to sacrifice almost everything to achieve what I want.

EG: In your opinion, how much higher education is necessary? Tell me about your experience.

Klava: Higher education, I think, is necessary. Let me give you an example: I graduated from the Faculty of Public Administration and Management at the RANEPA University. Even despite the fact that the direction has nothing to do with my profession, studying incredibly broadens my horizons, makes you a versatile and interesting person. You won't find a real job right after high school. And besides, now you can choose your education, you can choose who you want to become. The main thing is not to rush and understand what exactly you want to do. Learn is good.

Photo: Asya Zabavskaya. Style: Marie Course. Makeup and hair: bb Moscow. Producer: Oksana Shabanova Back in the spring Claudia Koku(20) no one knew who she was and where she came from? And then there was a song "May" and everyone began to sing: “And outside the window is May, my life is a paradise…” And now, the clip of the same name has almost one and a half million views, but about Claudia they say - this is the same girl with a guitar and a nice hat. She is also from Black Star Inc.. And more like a modern hippie, ready right now to break into "Coachella". How did she get into Black Star why doesn't he rap? We find out!

Casting took place about a year ago "Young Blood", where new artists of the label were chosen Black Star. I decided to try my hand at absolutely nothing, because, as it seemed to me, I didn’t fit into the format at all Black Star. Few people believed in me, but first I passed the first stage, then the second, and now - I have a lucky ticket! There were about five thousand applications, three thousand were approved, and these people came to Moscow not only from all Russia but also from neighboring countries. Including me.

Motivi dress, Top Shop jacket, Jimmy Choo shoes, Topshop hat

In one day, of course, they could not listen to everyone, the casting lasted almost a week. Moreover, each participant had one minute to somehow prove himself. Many went on stage and were immediately told no. And when I came out, in the first stage they let me perform two songs, and in the second - three. I then sang my songs. The label was just looking for an artist who can write music and lyrics himself. And I still felt insecure. Imagine, I go in a dress, in a hat to the club where the casting took place, and there are hundreds of clones L'One, Mota, Timati- all with beards, tattoos. There was a feeling that I was in some dangerous area of ​​​​New York, and everyone is so cool, they rap: “Check out my demos. Now I’ll cut the track for myself, and tear everyone here ”. But I still decided to do it the way I used to. I tried to be myself until the end, probably, it helped me. And the label liked my style.

I lived in Yekaterinburg up to 17 years old. Here in Moscow, entered the institute and generally got used to it. Of course I miss Yekaterinburg because I have friends and relatives there. But when I arrive, I have only a few days, I don’t have time to meet everyone, so sometimes I hide so that no one is offended. I have been making music since the age of four. As a child, she sang in the choir, then she played in various musical groups, where she just did not work, in order to provide for herself and earn money for recording songs.
Hat, cape, top, jeans, Topshop shoes

I have an older brother and a younger sister - we are all weather. My parents have always supported me in all endeavors. Our whole family is creative: grandmother, grandfather, aunt, uncle - all actors. Mom, however, went the other way, but she sang and played the piano. And dad, for example, collected the rarest music records. The coolest music was always playing at home. My first song came out at the age of 14, but I didn’t pull my parents, I earned money for recording myself: I distributed leaflets, sold SIM cards at the station, worked in acting extras. And when the parents began to understand that everything was much more serious than it seemed, they began to help and support.

There is some crazy going on around me right now. I encountered this already at the first big performance. It was April "Party zone" Muz-TV. I had no tracks on the label yet, but the audience already knew me! When we walked to the stage, all the people shouted my name, begged for a photo, hugged me and asked: “Can I take your hand?” Then I was in shock and could hardly hold back tears. I always dreamed of something like this, but I didn't believe it could happen to me. I am very surprised that so few bad things are written about me on social networks. I thought that everyone would be indignant: “What kind of girl? What is pink star? What kind of kindergarten is this anyway? Because the audience is not prepared. But many write that "it's cool", "something new for the label" and that "she will definitely find her audience."
Shirt, skirt, Topshop shoes, Motivi jacket, Stradivarius glasses

Most of all, we were friends and will be friends with the "young" artists from Black Star - Dana Sokolova and Scrooge, because together we passed the casting for "Young Blood" and, one might say, went through "fire, water and copper pipes". WITH Dana we generally live together scrooge we communicate, we always support each other. If we talk about "veterans", everyone accepted us as younger sisters and brothers. You can call and ask for advice, they will help even if they are busy. July 23rd was my birthday, I turned 20 years. On the same day my new track came out "Quiet". For several years now I have been releasing a new song on my birthday. And in the fall, an album and a new video for a dance song are expected to be released. All my life I dreamed of meeting Timati. When I was in the sixth grade, his song came out "When We're in the Club" and she was on my call. Therefore, I set myself the goal of “getting to know Timati” back then.

There were disappointments in the profession. If we talk about the past, then at the age of 14, when I decided to release a song, I ran into scammers. I paid for the arrangement, and they sent me backing tracks of already known songs. I participated in various popular television competitions: "Factor A", "Main Stage", "I am an artist" and so on, and often the jury members told me: “Sing only for friends. You won't succeed". They assured me that I was not suitable for show business. I have often been insulted and thought it necessary to say how insignificant everything I do is. But I understood that if I didn’t make music, I wouldn’t be happy. And hit one point.

You need to listen to yourself and your heart. If you constantly adapt to someone, look at someone, you will simply lose your individuality. The world of music does not need a second Yegor Creed, it does not need a second Kristina Si. You need to carry your music, your philosophy to the end. For example, I believe that there is no need to do plastic surgery, to change yourself. I see that many girls become the same: the same eyebrows, nose, eyelash extensions, hair. This is wrong! I have a lot of flaws, but I like them. Although I used to have complexes - here is a nose with a hump, but then I realized that this is a "highlight". Almost every day I have rehearsals: with a choreographer, guitarist, DJ. Every day there are photo shoots or interviews, meetings at work, broadcasts on the radio. They help me make a schedule. Sometimes we sit in the studio for a whole week and work there from morning to night. I don't have many days off, but when I do, I still live for music. I can lie in bed all day with a guitar and compose some melody.
Everything I do, I try to do well. If they tell me: “Klava, you need to write a song in two days,” then I’ll hurt myself into a cake, but I’ll do it. Previously, before the label, it was a barrier for me that I couldn’t shoot clips and edit them myself, then I learned to do that too. It was expensive for me to record in the studio, I bought a microphone and did it myself at home. A person must be multifaceted, must constantly develop. It's probably about me. I always make a wish on 23:23 when I look at the stars. I write on a piece of paper what I want to achieve in a year, and either I bury this paper in a bottle in the ground, or I put it somewhere in my closet so that in a year I can see what has come true. And it's about 80% done. It's very cool that dreams come true, that everything is real and nothing is impossible!

Photo: Timofey Kalmakov

Klava Koka is a 22-year-old performer of the Black Star team. A girl from a poor Yekaterinburg family has participated in various music competitions since childhood, sang in the style of pop-country, played the piano, and in 2015 won another competition called "Young Blood". It was held by the Black Star Inc label, which was created by rap artist Timati. So the girl ended up in the popular Black Star team.

Photo: Timofey Kalmakov

Now she has a studio album, a large number of singles and clips. On October 18, the singer went on a tour of the country. And the first concert was supposed to take place in Perm, but Klava, together with the organizers, canceled it due to mourning in the Crimea. However, the star still flew to Perm to meet her fans. The autograph session took place at the Black Star Burger restaurant. A large number of Permians came to see Klava, give her a gift and take a picture. Mostly high school age. After an hour of the meeting, the queue for an autograph still did not end, but we still found time to chat with the singer.

Photo: Timofey Kalmakov

It so happened that the tour could not start from the first day due to events beyond your control. But I wonder why Perm was the first city on the tour?

At the beginning of the tour I wanted to go to my place in the Urals, I am from Yekaterinburg. But in terms of logistics, it turned out that it was more convenient to start from Perm, and then to Yekaterinburg. Well, in Perm, by the way, I also have many relatives.

I wanted to ask what kind of reaction you expect from Permians at the concert, but when you meet with fans, everything is clear: you were presented with your portrait, there is a huge queue for autographs...

Oh yes, I have the best viewers, listeners. Therefore, the atmosphere at concerts is always incredibly friendly, and for me this is probably the biggest buzz in my life when I perform in front of my people. They are kind, sympathetic, support me in everything.

Photo: Timofey Kalmakov

Well, that's why they're fans. But what do your friends and former classmates from Yekaterinburg say? Maybe they think they're conceited?

Oh no. I didn't recognize. When I come to Yekaterinburg, I always come to them, we communicate on an equal footing, but rarely. In principle, I have very few friends with whom I can communicate - due to my work. And I even come to Yekaterinburg, mostly for work. We filmed “Eagle and Tails” there and were with concerts.

- How, by the way, did you get into Eagle and Tails?

Fair competition. I submitted my application, they called me and said: “What, do you seriously want to go?” And I really wanted to, it was my favorite program.

- And How? It’s all beautiful on the TV screen, but it’s probably hard at work.

Well, physically - yes, it’s very hard, flights, shooting, lack of sleep, but emotionally you get a huge boost of energy, so everything is transferred calmly.

- Tell us why you decided to go to Black Star. You're not originally a rapper.

I knew I didn't want to rap. I knew that I was basically a singer. I participated in almost all music competitions that I could, but Black Star was for me something so unattainable, a big dream. And in the end everything worked out.

About dreams. Rap artist Basta, aka Noggano, aka Nintendo, recently expressed the opinion in an interview that rap in Russia now is like new rock. Well, that is, we are talking about the fact that being a rock-star meant being on the crest of a wave, the top of show business. This is a dream for many performers. You agree? Do you feel like you're in the mainstream?

Well, I'm not exactly a rapper, you see ... But I think so: hip-hop, like pop, like the borderline between them, is the most popular music now. Rappers really are the most hype guys. Therefore, I am happy for them, and even by my songs you can say that I am moving towards this sound to some extent. Let's say, in my last song "Spin", I decided to experiment in this regard, and, as it turned out, a lot of people liked it. So who knows... Maybe I'll rap again sometime.

Photo: Timofey Kalmakov

And there is no fear that the wave of popularity will come down? The label will become quieter, instead another fashion trend will come to replace it.

I'm not afraid. I think if you do your job well, then everything will be great anyway. Whatever label you're on.

- Do you have hazing in Black Star? Or censorship? How do you communicate with each other?

Everyone is very warm to each other, so there is no hazing, of course. I love my team and I hope that we will work with them for a very long time and fruitfully.

But everything happens in life. I know, besides music, you have another profession.

Yes. Initially, after school at VGIK, I wanted to enter the production department, I was one point short of the budget. I am from a poor family - we would not have pulled paid education, so I went to where I passed the exam. I had a very high USE score, and I entered and eventually graduated from the Academy of National Economy and Public Administration in Moscow. Specialty - management of public service personnel. So I'm a very serious woman actually. ( smiling.)

Photo: Timofey Kalmakov

- Do you plan to move in that direction?

No, I want to get a second higher education - directing. I don't have time for this yet, but I really want to.

- Who do you like to listen to from Russian performers?

I like Iowa, Pizza, Monatik. Dima Bilan also - some of his latest songs.

How about Monetochka? She is also from Yekaterinburg.

Well, Monetochka is an interesting, original, cool artist, so it's not a surprise for me that such artists are now becoming popular.

- Do you like someone from the old school? Alla Pugacheva, for example?

I loved her very much as a child and have immense respect for her.

- Speaking of age. How do you feel about pension reform?

Oh, I'm still far from it, but, on the one hand, I'm against it. Still, I would like to see a person in old age receive money for living and working in his country for many years. On the other hand, everything has its reasons. Maybe that would be better.

- Let me start the phrases as if for you, and you finish them?


- Once Timati told me ...

Klava, you are a firefly! Because I am a fair, “white-haired” person. ( laughs.)

I hate it when people...

They want to please me.

I would quit music if...

If only she had been born a different person.

- As president, my first order will be about....

Oooh... That's a tough question, I didn't think about it. Good food for thought.

The scariest part of my schedule is...

Lack of sleep. Today, for example, did not sleep at all.

- The coolest city in Russia, except for Moscow, is ...


Your fans have been waiting for you. Tell me one last secret. When will the new song or video be released?

My song, recorded together with one very famous artist, will be released soon! You will all be surprised, this is something unreal. It will be called "Girl-Pie".

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