Clown Polunin biography. Vyacheslav Polunin - biography, photos

0 June 12, 2011, 10:00 am

Today is the Day of Russia, so we congratulate all compatriots on the holiday!

And today, Vyacheslav Polunin, one of the most famous Russian artists in the world, the creator of the legendary "Snow Show", turns 61 years old.

Vyacheslav Ivanovich was born in the city of Novosil, Oryol region. His mother was a trade worker and dreamed of a career as an engineer for her son. But from childhood, Polunin was artistic and restless, adored Chaplin, constantly made his classmates laugh, and teachers tirelessly punished him and kicked him out of class for his "improvisations". So after school, he went to Leningrad with the intention of enrolling in a theater institute. But it didn’t work out - I had to study to be an engineer. However, Polunin could not stand such a study for a long time and again went to Leningrad, where he entered the local institute of culture and arts. At that time, he just began to study pantomime, in particular, in the group "Actors".

The then "Litsedei", headed by Vyacheslav Ivanovich, were engaged in comic eccentric pantomime. They have long and hard self-improvement in this field. The turning point in the biography of Vyacheslav Ivanovich was 1981 - this is the year of the birth of a new character, a funny, naive, touching clown in a yellow jumpsuit. His name was Asisyai.

In 1982, Polunin invited about 800 artists from all over the Soviet Union to Leningrad and staged a Mime Parade. In 1985, he brought artists from the West, including the legendary Django Edwards and Franz Josef Bogner, to the festival of youth and students in Moscow, to the clownery workshop. In 1987, he organized the Street Theater Festival in Leningrad ...

In 1988, Vyacheslav Ivanovich, along with other actors, organized the "funeral" of his own team. In that year, "The Actors" turned 20 years old, and Stanislavsky also said that the life of the theater is exactly 20 years.

After the "funeral" Polunin was infected with the idea to revive the carnival culture, he organized the "Caravan of the World" festival, in which a huge "city on wheels" traveled throughout Europe.

Polunin remained in Europe. He still spends most of his time on the road, but lives not far from Paris (before that, his nominal home was in London).

However, the great clown does not forget his homeland either - in 2000 he showed his "Snow Show" in Moscow, a sad performance about returning with a touching and magnificent hero performed by Polunin.

In 2011, the "Snow Show" turned 18 years old, but, despite its mature age, Polunin's snow continues to "warm the hearts" (as one of the spectators put it) of thousands of people around the world.

And even if today is already summer, it is always a joy to admire the warm snow of Polunin.

By the way, one of his sons, Ivan, sometimes appears on stage with Polunin. Another son is studying at a music school in St. Petersburg. In total, Vyacheslav Ivanovich and his wife Elena Ushakova have three children.


Photo Slava Polunin website

Born June 12, 1950. Father - Polunin Ivan Pavlovich. Mother - Polunina Maria Nikolaevna, trade worker. Wife - Ushakova Elena Dmitrievna, actress, works with her husband. Children: Ushakov Dmitry; Polunin Pavel, studying at a music school in St. Petersburg; Polunin Ivan, plays on stage with his parents.

He is spoken of as a genius, his performances are called classics, and there are passionate admirers all over the world. All this now that he was fifty.

And it all started in childhood, in the small town of Novosil, in the Oryol region. In the classroom, he thought about his own and rarely listened to teachers. He has retained this to this day: he always thinks about his own, although he still learned to listen over the years. Especially the auditorium. He hears the breath of everyone in it, because his performance changes depending on this breath.

Intermittent excited breathing of the hall can provoke his most unexpected unplanned trick. And then he can go straight to the viewer. Or suddenly an incredible huge pause hangs over the hall. Treatises can be written about Polunin's pauses, for they contain all his wisdom. In a pause, he - a mime - knows how to say everything that cannot be said either with words or actions.

He was often expelled from school lessons for being inattentive and constantly making the whole class laugh with his hilarious antics. In the 2nd or 3rd grade, he first saw the film "The Kid" with Chaplin. But my mother did not let me watch it to the end: the film was on television late at night, and she turned off the TV. He cried until morning. And a few months later I was already walking in huge shoes, with a cane, Chaplin's gait around the school. And then he began to compose all sorts of things and show them. First in the yard to friends, then at regional competitions. Despite the fact that he spent part of the lessons in the schoolyard, he graduated from school and went to Leningrad with the secret hope of entering a theater institute.

Maria Nikolaevna was not happy with this choice, she wanted her son to become an engineer. It was not possible to enter the theater institute, in his own words, because of "some sounds that he did not pronounce." I had to study engineering.

But the engineering career did not take place. Vyacheslav left the institute and entered the Leningrad Institute of Culture, where he later began to teach. His Leningrad period was marked by the creation in 1968 of the first group with the beautiful name "Litsedei" and independent studies of the then new art of pantomime.

Passion for pantomime arose not just as a tribute to fashion. Her smooth movements replaced the often too definite, and therefore almost meaningless at that time, word. When everything and everyone was subject to censorship, when every word had to be flooded, pantomime remained free. All this, including the failure in the entrance exams to the theater institute, provoked Vyacheslav Polunin's interest in the silent art of mimes.

The then "Litsedei", headed by Polunin, successfully worked in the field of eccentric comic pantomime. They were invited to large joint concerts and even on television. Vyacheslav spent all his free time in libraries, where he was seriously engaged in self-education. He still spends every free moment with a book. Going to the bookstore is a whole ritual.

Among these books there are a huge number of art albums, because painting, sculpture, architecture, design, graphics, caricature are the most important food for his imagination. And this fantasy gives birth to its own pictures on the stage, which have nothing to do with imitation and repetition.

The turning point for Vyacheslav was the New Year - 1981. He called the editorial office of the "New Year's Light" and said that he had a completely new number. True, there was no number by that moment, but there was a premonition, a premonition. There was a hunch that a new character was needed, unlike anyone else. Thus Asisyai was born - a small, naive and quivering little man in a yellow overall with a red scarf and red shaggy slippers. He was born exactly when Polunin's miniatures received recognition, and their author himself received various prizes, including second place at the All-Union Variety Artists Competition. I was born because there was an irresistible need to break through to something new, unknown, unusual.

From that moment on, moving towards the unknown, sometimes seemingly unreal, became the norm for him, the answer to many, sometimes very difficult situations in life and work.

In 1982, Polunin gathered about 800 mime artists from all over the country in Leningrad for the Mime Parade, which has now become a legend. In 1985, at the festival of youth and students, within which a pantomime and clowning workshop was organized, he brought clowns to Moscow from the then still inaccessible West, among whom were the titled "king of fools" Django Edwards from Holland and the most shockingly serious and caustic - Franz Josef Bogner from Germany.

Vyacheslav Polunin became the organizer of the All-Union Street Theater Festival in Leningrad (1987). More than 200 participants, including children and critics, were abandoned on a desert island in the Gulf of Finland. From this island, boat trips were organized to different parts of Leningrad and the region, during which the actors of plastic and clown theaters mastered the difficult art of street comedians.

In 1988, the "Actors", who created five performances during their existence - "Dreamers", "Churdaks", "From the Life of Insects", "Asisyai Revue" and "Catastrophe", - celebrated the 20th anniversary of their theater with their own funeral, believing Stanislavsky, who said that the theater is dying after 20 years of its existence. On the occasion of the funeral, the first All-Union "Congress of Fools" was convened, during which it was discussed in detail whether the great stage reformer was right. The funeral took place in all forms: first, speeches at the coffin, or rather, coffins; then a mourning procession through the streets and, finally, a solemn rafting of burning coffins along the Neva.

In 1989, a miracle happened, whose name is "Caravan of Peace", a European festival of street theaters. It was a unique theatrical city on wheels that plied the roads of Europe for half a year. Polunin's efforts made possible the implementation of this project, which has not been equaled either before or after ...

Then the "Academy of Fools" was created, which launched a grandiose project to revive the carnival culture in Russia, the traditions of which, it turns out, were preserved in Polunin's homeland. Vyacheslav spent the first stage of the project at his own expense. There was no money for the second stage, and then he left Russia on tour around the world. These tours have been going on for more than seven years.

Today Polunin lives in London, where he rents a large house. But his main home is in a car in which not only his family and his friends-colleagues travel the world with him, but also a library and a video library, which a serious collector can envy. His books and films live in the same wagon trailer, scenery and props are based, and a workshop is equipped. Always with you a small TV with a VCR, a complete office equipment that can be deployed anywhere.

The Western press called Russian clown Vyacheslav Polunin "the best clown of the world", "the best clown of the era", he received the most prestigious theater awards in different countries, including the Edinburgh Golden Angel, the Spanish Golden Nose, and the Laurence Olivier Award. At home, in Russia, in 2000 he was awarded the Triumph Prize.

V. Polunin has a lot of new ideas and plans in his head. This is the work together with I. Shemyakin on the play "Diabolo", and the hope to organize the International Theater Olympiad in 2002 in Moscow with the support of the capital's mayor's office. “We’ll invite folk, street, square theatres, mimes, circus performers, jugglers,” Polunin dreams, “and we’ll learn something like that. I love to have a crazy, reckless life, endless improvisations ... "

Polunin works very hard and does not know how to rest. But he knows how to live in pleasure - both on stage and outside it. He can be tough, prudent, invulnerable, but only because, in essence, he, like any real artist, is both vulnerable, and not very adapted, and reverent. He is the person who creates the holiday.

Vyacheslav Polunin arrived in Minsk. The same Asisyai. The man who is called the most famous clown in the world. For four days, his famous "snow show" will go on in the Central House of Officers, which has traveled almost the entire planet in 20 years. Belarusians will see it for the first time.

The audience goes to these performances 20 times. When I come to Moscow with this performance, I see the same spectators who are sitting in the same places, - Polunin smiles.

By the way, his wife, children and even grandchildren take the stage with him!

I now have two granddaughters - one is six and the other is six months old. They are already playing! As soon as they start to crawl, they immediately go to the stage. The same was with my children. In general, all relatives are on stage. And if they are embarrassed to go on stage, then they do something behind the scenes.

- That is, the choice of a profession in your family is not even discussed? - asked Komsomolskaya Pravda.

We always support if someone does something elsewhere. For example, with my son Vanya, we agreed as follows: he has the right to work with me for no more than six months. The rest of the six months he has to go about his business. Therefore, he is also a designer of clothes, interiors, walks the catwalk. I always support if someone is fond of something, and even provoke it. This is quite free in our family. But since we do what we love from morning to night, and we don’t call it work, children are always present in this.

When it comes to grandchildren, Polunin breaks into a smile. It's hard to imagine him not smiling though.

Grandchildren are such a treat! There is nothing more beautiful in the world. One girl's name is Mia, and the other is Yukki. It means "snow" in Japanese. It is a pity that I could not bring them here, because they are now in Greece. In parallel with Minsk, my youngest son plays a "snow show" in Athens.

It seems that for 20 years, Polunin never got tired of his famous production for a minute.

I always run to this performance, like on a date with my beloved. The feeling that you again find yourself in your favorite space with your favorite friends and will do what will be born today will come out of the subconscious. The team has been amazing. People gathered for decades, gradually from thousands. And they come not to work, but to see each other and spend this time festively. The more they enjoy, the more the audience enjoys. This is such a law. I choose exactly those people who are happy. Those who are already happy themselves can pass it on to others.

Polunin is guided by the same principle when choosing friends.

I started collecting happy friends. I know that there is such a happy person. I write letters, I come to visit, I get to know him, I start some business. If I feel that we are becoming close, we are already one company. I gathered several dozen happy people around me. I don't read newspapers, I don't watch television. We communicate all the time together, we feel good. And from them I learn something new. I, for one, cannot achieve the same perfection of carelessness as some of my friends. But I dream about it all the time. Push all worries aside and be in this state.

As the famous clown says, every element of the "snow show" is carefully thought out and painstakingly found. Snow, for example, is brought specifically from Los Angeles. It was developed in the laboratory. The specialists had a difficult task: it must fall at a certain speed and create excitement when it falls.

"snow show" has traveled almost the entire planet.

From Belarus, Polunin is going to take away the products of folk craftsmen.

I really love folklore crafts. There is so much creativity and light! So if I have time, I will go to Dudutki.

What else did Polunin say about…

...about the joys of life

I laugh all the time. You have no idea, in this company it is impossible not to laugh. Stomach hurts, head on the floor! Such laughter is non-stop! And this is not from the fact that jokes, but from the fact that the joy of life. And this is a completely different joke.

... masters of the Soviet circus

I have just arrived from Nuremberg and met Oleg Popov there. I want to try to invite him to Russia and make a performance-nostalgia. Collect all the masters who once made glory to the Soviet circus.

… about Grebenshchikov

A week ago, I accepted Borya into the Academy of Fools. To prove that he had something to do with this, he chose from his work all the absurd songs about fools, about stupid life. Sang all evening. And he proved to our commission that he is a real fool.

... about how to get into the "Academy of Fools"

You have to prove that you are an idiot. For example, one great guy recently argued this with his dissertation, The Unpaired Sock Theory in Cultural History. The main theme is the loneliness of an unpaired sock. She touched everyone so much that everyone immediately said: “Yes, this is our man.”

… about happiness

The person doesn't owe anything. He must be happy. Why do I owe something? If I am happy, the person next to me is happy, then it doesn’t matter if we have a house or not. And not everyone managed to raise a son. So there is something else ... Sat in the sun, talked with a friend - a good thing.

…about family

The main thing is that the family should be happy. If everything is fine in the family, this is a huge force. Therefore, we are always together, all these years we have not departed from each other at all. We always do everything together.

… about happy places

I haven't exercised in twenty years! She doesn't interest me. I train only this place: how to make it so that you don’t feel sad, so that you can go somewhere together with someone. For example, the "Academy of Fools" every year goes to hell to see a happy place. We went to the Nevada desert three times. In Miami, Naples. Happy cities travel the world. We try to travel to such places in order to get ourselves a little bit, and then scatter it in the hall.

… about the principle

All my life I've been a gypsy for life. When they offered me something, I asked: “What will you charge me for this later?” That's why I always did everything myself. I didn't have any sponsors.

See photos from the "snow show" in Minsk!

Vyacheslav Polunin was born on 06/12/1950. His mother, Maria Nikolaevna, was a trader, and his father, Ivan Pavlovich, was an employee. His wife, Elena Dmitrievna Ushakova, he also involved in performances as an actress. The couple has 3 sons: Dmitry, Pavel and Ivan. Pavel graduated from the Leningrad School of Music, Ivan is busy in performances with his mom and dad.

He is an international genius, his productions are recognized as classic full-fledged performances. Fans of creativity are scattered all over the globe, and the show is met with a bang everywhere. The story of Slava Polunin began in the Orel region, in the provincial town of Novosil. Young Slava was constantly thinking about something of his own, teachers rarely managed to win his attention. By the way, to this day he can often withdraw into himself, however, over time, he nevertheless learned to listen to others. Especially listen and feel your viewers, catch every breath and change the action depending on the mood of the viewer.

Spectator excitement often provokes him to unplanned, unexpected actions. Most often, Vyacheslav goes directly to the viewer, to the hall. And the huge grooves hanging over the stage ... they say Polunin's wisdom is in his pauses. This is how a mime can convey to the viewer what cannot be expressed either by action or speech.

Mother was not delighted with the idea of ​​choosing a creative profession. She dreamed that Vyacheslav worked in the engineering field. Polunin was not taken to the theater due to defects in diction. He had no choice but to obey Maria Nikolaevna and go to the Faculty of Engineering.

But it was not possible to please the mother - Polunin felt in time that he was wasting his years. He drops out of school and enters the Leningrad Institute of Culture. There, after graduation, he taught. It was in those years, in 1968, mastering the art of pantomime that had just appeared at that time, that Polunin created the first troupe of the Lyceums.

Interest in pantomime was by no means an interest in the newfangled movement. Pantomime can often say much more than a certain word. At that time, censorship was too strict, and pantomime could express whatever your heart desires. All of the above, and, of course, problems with diction, which prevented him from getting into the theater, provoked the future clown to become seriously interested in the art of silent mimes.

In those years, Polunin and "Litsedei" were successful in the genre of eccentric comic pantomime. They regularly took part in big concerts, several times the theater was called for filming on television. Polunin devoted his free time to the study of thematic literature, disappearing for hours in libraries. In theory, he was savvy inside and out.

New, 1981 was a turning point in Polunin's career. He turns to the editor of the "New Year's Light" with a proposal to show a new number. In truth, he exaggerated a little, no number was prepared, but there was already a desire to win a large audience. Polunin understood that the audience needed a new character: this is how Asisyai was born, the quintessence of naivety and trepidation, a little man in a lemon jumpsuit, with a red scarf and ridiculous boots. Many of Polunin's miniatures were recognized at that time, and the author received various well-deserved awards.

And then Polunin realizes that nothing is impossible, and moves towards something new, at first glance unreal. It is this vector that becomes the norm for him for many years. Today, Polunin rents a large cottage near London, but considers his real home to be a car in which he tours with families around the world. In the trailer he has a library and a video library of a serious collection level, where he also carries scenery, props, and uses it as a workshop. A mobile office in a few minutes can turn around to work even on the ocean, even in the forest.

The Western press has long called Polunin the best clown in the world. Various world awards have repeatedly awarded him their awards: for example, the "Golden Nose" from Spain, the "Golden Angel" from Edinburgh, as well as the popular Laurence Olivier Award. In Russia in 2000, Polunin was awarded the "Triumph", and was also awarded the title of People's Artist of Russia.

Vyacheslav admits that he loves work and does not know how to relax at all. But for all the time of his creative activity, he learned to live with pleasure - both on stage and beyond. Of course, he is not always so touching and kind, if necessary, he can be invulnerable, prudent and tough. But only because, being a true artist, he is actually vulnerable, not adapted to calculations and childishly reverent. He is a clown who without anything can create a real holiday.

Vecheslav Polunin Career: Clown
Birth: Russia, 12.6.1950
The Western press called Russian clown Vyacheslav Polunin "the best clown of the world", "the best clown of the era", he received the most prestigious theater awards in different countries, including the Edinburgh Golden Angel, the Spanish Golden Nose, and the Laurence Olivier Award. At home, in Russia, in 2000 he was awarded the Triumph Prize.

Born June 12, 1950. Father - Polunin Ivan Pavlovich. Mother - Polunina Maria Nikolaevna, trade employee. Wife - Ushakova Elena Dmitrievna, actress, works together with her husband. Children: Ushakov Dmitry; Polunin Pavel, studying at a music school in St. Petersburg; Polunin Ivan, plays on stage together with his parents.

He is spoken of as a genius, his performances are called classics, and there are passionate admirers all over the world. All this now, when he turned fifty.

And it all started in childhood, in the small town of Novosil, in the Oryol region. In the classroom, he thought about his own and rarely listened to teachers. He retained this to this day: he always thinks about his own, although he nevertheless learned to listen over the years. Especially the auditorium. He hears the breath of everyone in it, because his performance changes depending on this breath.

Intermittent excited breathing of the hall can provoke his most unexpected unplanned trick. And then he can go straight to the viewer. Or, like a bolt from the blue, an incredible huge break will hang over the hall. It is permissible to strike out treatises about Polunin's pauses, because they contain all his wisdom. In a pause, he - a mime - can say everything that is not allowed to be said either by words or actions.

From school lessons, he was often expelled for being inattentive and constantly making the whole class laugh with his hilarious antics. In the 2nd or 3rd grade, he first saw the movie "Baby" with Chaplin. But my mother did not let me watch it to the end: the movie was on television late in the evening, and she turned off the TV. He cried until morning. And after a few months I was already walking in huge shoes, with a cane, Chaplin's gait around the school. And then he began to fantasize all sorts of things and show them. First in the yard of friends, then at regional competitions. Despite the fact that he spent some of his lessons in the school yard, he graduated from school and went to Leningrad with the secret hope of entering the stage institute.

Maria Nikolaevna was not happy with this choice, she wanted her son to become an engineer. It was not possible to enter the stage institute, in his own words, because of "some sounds that he did not pronounce." I had to study engineering.

But the engineering career did not take place. Vyacheslav left the institute and entered the Leningrad Institute of Culture, where he later began to teach. His Leningrad period of time was marked by the creation in 1968 of the first group with the beautiful name "Litsedei" and independent studies of the then new art of pantomime.

Passion for pantomime did not arise easily as a tribute to fashion. Her smooth movements came to replace the often very definite, but due to the fact that almost meaningless in those days, the word. When everything and everyone was subject to censorship, when every word had to be flooded, pantomime remained free. All this, covering the failure in the entrance exams to the stage institute, provoked Vyacheslav Polunin's interest in the silent art of mimes.

The then "Litsedei", headed by Polunin, successfully worked in the field of eccentric comic pantomime. They were invited to big combined concerts and moreover on TV. Vyacheslav spent all his free time in libraries, where he was seriously engaged in self-education. At the current moment, he spends every free minute with a book. Going to the book market is a single ritual.

Among these books there are a huge number of art albums, because painting, sculpture, architecture, design, graphics, caricature are the most important food for his imagination. And this invention gives birth to its own pictures on the stage, which have nothing to do with imitation and repetition.

The turning point for Vyacheslav was the New Year - 1981. He called the editorial office of the "New Year's Light" and said that he had an impeccably newly minted number. By this moment, the truth, there was no number yet, but there was a premonition, a premonition. There was a hunch that a newly minted character was needed, not similar to anyone else. Thus Asisyai was born - a mini, naive and quivering man in a yellow overall with a red scarf and red shaggy slippers. He was born just when Polunin's miniatures received recognition, and their author himself won numerous prizes, covering the second position at the All-Union Variety Artists Competition. I was born because there was an irresistible need to break through to something new, unknown, unusual.

From that moment on, moving towards the unknown, sometimes seemingly unreal, became the norm for him, the answer to many, sometimes terribly difficult situations in life and work.

In 1982, Polunin brought together about 800 mime artists from all over the country in Leningrad for the Mime Parade, which has become a legend today. In 1985, at the festival of youth and students, within the framework of which a pantomime and clowning workshop was organized, he brought clowns to Moscow from the then still inaccessible West, among which were the titled "King of Fools" Django Edwards from Holland and that neither is shockingly solid and caustic - Franz Josef Bogner from Germany.

V. Polunin became the organizer of the All-Union Street Theater Festival in Leningrad (1987). More than 200 participants, including children and critics, were abandoned on a desert island in the Gulf of Finland. From this island, boat trips were organized to different parts of Leningrad and the region, during which the actors of plastic and clown theaters mastered the difficult art of street comedians.

In 1988, the "Actors", who created five performances during their existence - "Dreamers", "Churdaks", "From the Life of Insects", "Asisyai Revue" and "Catastrophe", - celebrated the 20th anniversary of their theater with their own funeral, believing Stanislavsky, the one who said that the theater is dying after 20 years of its existence. On the occasion of the funeral, the initial All-Union "Congress of Fools" was convened, during which it was discussed in detail whether the no small stage reformer was right. The funeral took place in all forms: at first, speeches at the coffin, or rather, coffins; then a funeral procession through the streets and, in the end, a festive rafting of burning coffins along the Neva.

In 1989, a curiosity happened, whose name is "Peace Caravan" - a European festival of street theaters. It was a unique stage town on wheels, one that plied the roads of Europe for half a year. Polunin's efforts made possible the implementation of this project, which has not been equaled either before or after that ...

Then the "Academy of Fools" was created, which began a grandiose plan to revive the carnival culture in Russia, the traditions of which, it turns out, were preserved in Polunin's homeland. Vyacheslav spent the first period of the project at his own expense. There was no money for the second period, and then he left Russia on tour around the world. These tours have been going on for more than seven years.

Today Polunin lives in London, where he rents a huge dwelling. But his core abode is in a car in which not only his family and his friends-colleagues, but also a library and a video library, which a thorough collector can envy, travel around the world with him. His books and films live in the same wagon trailer, scenery and props are based, and a workshop is equipped. Always with you a small TV with VCR, full office equipment, one that can be deployed anywhere.

The Western press called the Russian clown Vyacheslav Polunin "the best clown in the world", "the best clown of the era", he received the most prestigious theater awards in different countries, including the Edinburgh "Golden Angel", and the Spanish "Golden Nose", and the Laurence Olivier Award. At home, in Russia, in 2000 he was awarded the Triumph Prize.

V. Polunin has a lot of new ideas and plans in his head. This is the service together with I. Shemyakin on the play "Diabolo", and the hope to create with the support of the capital's mayor's office in 2002 in Moscow the International Theater Olympiad. “We will invite folk, street, square theaters, mimes, circus performers, jugglers,” Polunin dreams, “and we’ll learn something like that. I love to have a crazy, reckless existence, endless improvisations ... "

Recently, Vyacheslav Polunin has been frequenting from London to Moscow. The fact is that Vyacheslav Ivanovich's long-standing dream of creating his own cultural center in Russia under the auspices of the "Academy of Fools" is close to being realized. The Moscow leadership decided to allocate funds for this. Apparently, the time is not far off when young talents will be able to learn the tricks of clowning according to Polunin's special system. Of course, Asisyai, adored by everyone, and other famous clowns will constantly perform here.

Polunin works extremely hard and cannot take a breath. But it can exist in pleasure - both on stage and beyond. He can be tough, prudent, invulnerable, but only because, in essence, he, like any natural artist, is both vulnerable, and not very adapted, and reverent. He is a gentleman who creates a celebration.

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