Blotography with a tube. Blotography with a tube is one of the directions of non-traditional artistic drawing technique Blotography using a felt-tip pen


Expressive means: spot.

Materials: paper, ink or liquid diluted gouache in a bowl, a plastic spoon, a straw (drink straw).

the child scoops up the paint with a plastic spoon, pours it onto the sheet, making a small spot (droplet). Then this spot is blown from a tube so that its end does not touch either the spot or the paper. If necessary, the procedure is repeated. Missing details are drawn.


Expressive means: point, invoice.

Materials: paper, gouache, hard brush, a piece of thick cardboard or plastic (5 ´ 5 cm).

Image acquisition method: the child picks up paint on the brush and strikes the brush against the cardboard, which he holds above the paper. Then he paints the sheet with watercolor in one or more colors. The paint splatters on the paper.

leaf prints

Expressive means: texture, color.

Materials: paper, gouache, leaves of different trees (preferably fallen), brushes.

Image acquisition method: the child covers a piece of wood with paints of different colors, then applies it with the painted side to the paper to get a print. Each time a new leaf is taken. The petioles of the leaves can be painted with a brush.


Expressive means: texture, color.

Materials: thin paper, colored pencils, objects with a corrugated surface (corrugated cardboard, plastic, coins, etc.), a pencil.

Image acquisition method: the child draws with a simple pencil what he wants. If you need to create many identical elements (for example, leaves), it is advisable to use a cardboard template. Then an object with a corrugated surface is placed under the drawing, the drawing is painted with pencils. In the next lesson, the drawings can be cut out and pasted onto a common sheet.

Colored scraping

Expressive means: line, stroke, color.

Materials: colored cardboard or thick paper, previously painted with watercolors or felt-tip pens, a candle, a wide brush, bowls for gouache, a stick with sharpened ends.

Image acquisition method: the child rubs the leaf with a candle so that it is all covered with a layer of wax. Then the sheet is painted over with gouache mixed with liquid soap. After drying, the drawing is scratched with a stick. Further, it is possible to finish the missing details with gouache.

monotype landscape

Expressive means: spot, tone, vertical symmetry, image of space in the composition.

Materials: paper, brushes, gouache or watercolor, wet sponge, tile.

Image acquisition method: the child folds the sheet in half. A landscape is drawn on one half of the sheet, and its reflection in a lake, river (imprint) is obtained on the other. The landscape is done quickly so that the paint does not have time to dry. Half of the sheet intended for printing is wiped with a damp sponge. The original drawing, after it has been imprinted, is enlivened with colors so that it differs more from the print. For monotype, you can also use a sheet of paper and tiles. A drawing is applied to the latter with paint, then it is covered with a damp sheet of paper. The landscape is blurry.


Long-term planning in the middle group

No. p / p Topic of the lesson Unconventional Techniques Program content Equipment
sunflowers Finger painting Exercise in finger painting Learn to draw the stem and leaves of a sunflower. To consolidate the skills of drawing with gouache. Develop a sense of composition A4 sheet with a circle drawn and petals made in the appliqué lesson, black ink in bowls, green gouache, brushes, sketches and illustrations
Decorate a handkerchief Cork impression, finger painting Learn how to decorate a handkerchief with a simple pattern using typing, finger painting and baiting. Develop a sense of composition and rhythm Triangular colored sheet, gouache in bowls for finger painting and printing, cork, brushes, gouache, sketches and illustrations
autumn tree Eraser stamp print Familiarize yourself with printing techniques. Practice drawing with charcoal and sanguine Sheet of tinted A4 paper, sanguine, charcoal, leaf-shaped seals, gouache in printing bowls, illustrations and sketches
by design Various All in stock
My toys Impression with a cork, seals, drawing with fingers Exercise in drawing round objects (tumbler, ball). Strengthen the ability to decorate objects using typing and finger painting. Develop a sense of composition A3 sheet, gouache, gouache in bowls, brushes, balls and a tumbler, two bear cubs for a game situation, sketches
Draw balloons and decorate them Learn to draw oval objects. To consolidate the ability to arrange drawings over the entire surface of the sheet. Practice decorating drawings by printing A3 sheet of tinted paper, gouache, gouache in bowls, brushes, elongated balloons, leaflets with drawn ovals for tracing, sketches
Mushrooms in a basket Printing, finger painting Exercise in drawing oval-shaped objects, printing with signets. To consolidate the ability to decorate objects with a simple pattern (a strip of dots), using finger painting. Develop a sense of composition. Sheet of tinted A4 paper, brown gouache, gouache in bowls, brushes, dummies of mushrooms, a doll, a squirrel, a bag and a basket for a game situation, sketches
by design Various Improve skills and abilities in free experimentation with the materials necessary for working in various non-traditional techniques. Develop imagination, creativity All in stock
my favorite fish Wax crayons and watercolor Practice drawing oval objects. To introduce the technique of combining wax crayons and watercolors. Learn to tint a sheet with different colors in watercolor. Develop color perception A4 sheet, wax crayons, watercolor, brushes, sketches, illustrations
First snow Finger painting, print To consolidate the ability to draw trees large and small, depict a snowball using typing or finger painting. Develop a sense of composition A4 size sheet, tinted in dark blue, dark gray, white gouache in bowls, snowflake eraser prints, black ink, brush, sketches, illustrations, photos
Decorate a scarf Introduction to stencil printing. Learn to decorate a strip with a simple pattern of alternating colors and dots. Develop a sense of rhythm, composition A scarf cut out of tinted paper, gouache in bowls, flower stencils, foam swabs, a girl (bi-ba-bo toy), a scarf.
by design Various Improve skills and abilities in free experimentation with the materials necessary for working in various non-traditional techniques. Develop imagination, creativity All in stock
Winter forest Screen printing, finger painting Practice screen printing. To consolidate the ability to draw sanguine trees, draw with fingers. Develop a sense of composition A3 size sheet, the upper part of which is tinted in blue or gray, and the lower part is white (snow); white and green gouache in bowls, sanguine, stencils of firs of different sizes, foam swabs, photos and illustrations, sketches
Two cockerels | quarrel | hand drawing Improve the ability to make palm prints and draw them to a certain image (cockerels). Develop imagination, creativity A4 sheet toned, brush, gouache, cockerel toy, sketches
by design Various Improve skills and abilities in free experimentation with the materials necessary for working in various non-traditional techniques. Develop imagination, creativity All in stock
Decorate the Christmas tree with beads Finger painting, cork imprint Exercise in the image of Christmas tree beads using finger painting and cork printing. Learn to alternate beads of different sizes. Develop a sense of rhythm You can use ready-made Christmas trees made of colored paper, pasted on an appliqué lesson or painted with gouache, gouache in bowls, cork, Christmas tree beads, sketches
Christmas decorations Wax crayon and watercolor, cork impression Exercise in drawing Christmas toys with wax crayons. To consolidate the ability to tint the drawing with watercolor. Print with cork Christmas decorations cut out of thick paper (balls, icicles, a month, a star, etc.), wax crayons, watercolor, brushes, gouache in bowls, a cork, a Christmas tree painted on a paper sheet, Christmas decorations
snowman Paper creasing (rolling) To consolidate the skills of drawing with gouache, the ability to combine rolling, crumpling paper and drawing in work. Learn to finish drawing a picture with a snowman (broom, Christmas tree, fence, etc.). Develop a sense of composition A sheet of thick A4 paper (tinted), a whole napkin and a half (white), glue in a saucer, gouache, brush, cotton snowman, sketches
by design Various Improve skills and abilities in free experimentation with the materials necessary for working in various non-traditional techniques. Develop imagination, creativity All in stock
Draw any cup you want and decorate it Printing, stencil printing Learn to draw cups of various shapes (rectangular, semicircular), decorate them with a pattern (the main decoration is stencil printing, additional ones are printing with seals). Develop a sense of composition and rhythm A4 sheet, gouache, brush, eraser prints, stencils, foam swabs, gouache in bowls, illustrations and sketches, cups of various shapes
Ships in the sea "Familiar form - new image"; black marker and watercolor Learn to draw boats using the foot as a template. Strengthen the ability to paint a drawing with watercolors. Cultivate accuracy. develop imagination Pale blue A4 sheet, black marker, watercolor, brush, sketches and illustrations
"Portrait" of winter Wax crayons + watercolor, black marker + watercolor To consolidate the ability to draw a person with wax crayons or a marker, decorate with details (snowflakes), tint the sheet in the colors of winter (blue, blue, purple). Develop color perception A4 sheet, blue wax crayon, black marker, watercolor, brush, sketches, illustrations
by design Various Improve skills and abilities in free experimentation with the materials necessary for working in various non-traditional techniques. Develop creativity. March All in stock
Draw and decorate a flower vase "Familiar form - new image"; imprint with seals To improve the skills of children in these visual techniques. Develop imagination, sense of composition, rhythm A4 sheet toned, gouache in bowls, seals, objects for tracing (trays, round and oval coasters), sketches, illustrations
Postcard for mom Screen printing, finger painting To improve the skills of children in these visual techniques. Develop a sense of composition, rhythm A3 size sheet (with glued vases), folded in half, toned, gouache in bowls, gouache, brush, foam swabs, flower stencils, mimosa and tulips or illustrations, sketches
spring sunshine Hand drawing To consolidate the ability to draw in the technique of printing with a palm, the skills of collective activity. Learn to mix different paints (yellow, red, orange) with a brush right on the palm of your hand Whatman sheet of pale blue color, gouache, brushes, illustrations, sketches
by design Various Improve skills and abilities in free experimentation with the materials necessary for working in various non-traditional techniques. Develop imagination, creativity All in stock
Rockets in space Screen printing Continue to learn how to mix different colors (blue, cyan, purple, black) right on a piece of paper. Strengthen the ability to print on a stencil. Learn to draw rockets, flying saucers A3 size sheet, gouache, brushes, gouache in bowls, star stencils, sketches and illustrations
chickens Paper crumpling or tearing To consolidate the ability to crumple napkins or tear them off and make chickens, draw details with pastel (grass, flowers) and a black marker (eyes, beak, legs). Develop a sense of composition A4 sheet of pale blue color, yellow napkins, whole and half (for the head and body of chickens), PVA glue in saucers, pastel, black marker, chicken hats (for playing), sketches and illustrations
Decorate a sweater Poke with a hard brush, printing with seals Improve skills in these techniques. Develop a sense of rhythm, composition, imagination. Cultivate accuracy Sweaters cut out of tinted paper. Hard brush, gouache, gouache in bowls, seals, sketches, a doll and a bear for a game situation
by design Various All in stock
Dandelions Wax crayons and watercolor, signet printing Strengthen the skills of children in these techniques. Learn to create an expressive image of dandelions. Develop a sense of composition White or pale green A4 sheet, wax crayons, watercolor, brush, gouache in bowls, gouache, seals in the form of triangles of various sizes, illustrations, sketches.
How I grew up in a year (self-portrait) Black and white scratching (finished sheet), black marker, sanguine To consolidate the ability to draw a portrait of a person using expressive means of graphics (line, dot, stroke). Contribute to the transfer of attitude to the depicted. Develop a sense of composition Prepared sheet for black and white scratching or white A3 sheet of your choice, scratching stick, black marker, sanguine, self-portrait reproductions, sketches
by design Various Improve skills and abilities in free experimentation with the materials necessary for working in various non-traditional techniques. Develop imagination, creativity All in stock

Forward planning in the senior group

No. p / p Topic of the lesson Unconventional technique Program content Equipment
summer meadow Wax crayons + watercolor, screen printing Consolidate previously acquired skills and abilities in these techniques. Contribute to the most expressive reflection of the impressions of the summer A3 paper, wax crayons, watercolor, flower stencils, gouache in bowls, foam swabs, brushes
Decorate a flower vase Printing (with seals, stenciled) "a familiar form - a new image" To consolidate the ability to make simple patterns, using the technique of printing and the technique of "old form - new content" to draw the shape of a vase. Develop a sense of composition Round and oval objects (for example, a tray, saucer), seals and stencils, a simple pencil, foam swabs, gouache in bowls
Butterflies I saw in summer Monotype, outlining the palm and fist To introduce children to the technique of monotype. To consolidate the ability to use the “old form - new content” technique (palm with closed fingers - a large wing, a fist - a small one). Introduce children to symmetry (for example, a butterfly). Develop spatial thinking Silhouettes of symmetrical and asymmetrical objects in the illustration of butterflies, sheet of paper, white square, gouache, brush, simple pencil
Still life of vegetables "What did autumn give us?" (from nature) Various To consolidate the ability to draw up a still life, analyze it, its components and their location, exercise in drawing with pastel with the end of the chalk and its entire surface. Develop a sense of composition Vegetables or dummies, dark-colored paper, pastels, sketches and paintings (reproductions) depicting a still life
hedgehogs A poke with a stiff semi-dry brush, an impression with crumpled paper To consolidate the ability to use the techniques of "poking with a hard semi-dry brush", "printing with crumpled paper". Learn to draw the body of a hedgehog (oval) with pokes without first drawing with a pencil. Learn to complement the image with suitable details, including dry leaves Illustrations depicting hedgehogs, hard brush, crumpled paper, gouache set, brush, dry leaves, glue
Rowan branch (from nature) Finger painting Learn to analyze nature, highlight its signs and features. To consolidate the ability to draw with fingers, the technique of priming (for leaves). Develop a sense of composition, color perception A4 size sheet, rowan branch, gouache (including orange and scarlet) in bowls, brushes
I'm in a magical forest Printing with foam rubber on a stencil; poke way Develop imagination and creativity in drawing with non-traditional techniques of expressiveness of the image of the forest; develop a sense of composition. Sheet A 4, gouache, hard brush, stencil.
Animals that I myself invented. Blotography. To acquaint with the non-traditional technique of blotography. Learn how to use this technique. Develop imagination, creativity, in drawing objects.
I walk on a carpet of autumn leaves Leaf printing, printing or stenciling Introduce leaf printing techniques. To consolidate the ability to work with the stencil printing technique. Develop color perception. Learn to mix colors directly on the leaves or with a swab when printing Black A3 sheets, fallen leaves, gouache, brushes, foam swabs, stencils
My favorite tree in autumn Signet print, stencil spray, monotype Learn to reflect the features of the depicted object using various non-traditional visual techniques (wood in September - monotype, in October - stencil spraying, in November - printing with seals). Learn to correlate the number of leaves and color (in September there are many leaves, they are yellow-green, in November there are few leaves, no green ones). Develop a sense of composition, improve the ability to work in these techniques Charcoal, sanguine, prints, stencil, hard brush, blue and gray A4 paper, brushes, gouache, illustrations, sketches of autumn landscapes (by months)
Magic Firebird Technique scratching To teach children to convey in the drawing the characteristic features of a fabulous bird using the "scratch" technique. Strengthen the ability of children to work in a team. Half of the landscape sheet of cardboard prepared in the technique of "scratching", sticks for scratching, watercolor, brushes, drawing scheme of the firebird.
My favorite dress or sweater Printing, finger painting To consolidate the ability to decorate a dress or sweater with a simple pattern, using a large single decoration (flower, etc.) in the center, and a small pattern in a strip along the collar Dresses and sweaters cut out of paper, various seals, gouache in bowls, drawings of clothes, doll clothes
First snow Monotype. Finger painting Learn to draw a tree without leaves using the monotype technique, compare the way it is depicted with the image of a tree with leaves (see lesson number 17). To consolidate the ability to depict snow using finger painting. Develop a sense of composition A4 sheet in dark blue, dark gray, purple colors, black gouache or ink, white gouache in bowls, napkins, sketches and illustrations
I love fluffy, I love prickly A poke with a hard brush, an impression with crumpled paper, foam rubber To improve the skills of children in various visual techniques. Learn to display the appearance of animals in the drawing most expressively. Develop a sense of composition Tinted or white paper, hard brush, gouache (only black for graphics), crumpled paper, foam swabs, plate for printing with paper or foam rubber, sketches, photographs, illustrations
Magical country - underwater kingdom Drawing on a damp background Learn to draw in an unconventional way "on a wet" sheet. Learn to convey the composition in the plot drawing. Cultivate imagination and creativity. Watercolor paints, foam sponge, brushes No. 6, No. 3.
My favorite snowflakes (decorative) Various Learn to decorate plates and trays with a pattern of snowflakes of various shapes and sizes. Practice drawing with the end of the brush. To consolidate the ability to mix white gouache with blue, purple in a bowl. Develop imagination, sense of composition Plates and trays cut out of black paper, white, blue, purple gouache, illustrations, sketches
herringbone elegant Finger painting, watercolor + wax crayons Learn to make planar Christmas toys (watercolor + wax crayon technique) to decorate the Christmas tree (collective work done by cutting). To consolidate the ability to decorate various geometric shapes with patterns, as on Christmas tree decorations. Learn to decorate a Christmas tree with beads using finger painting Various figures cut out of paper, Christmas tree, watercolor, wax crayons, gouache in bowls, Christmas decorations
Wallpaper in my room Printing with seals, foam rubber, polystyrene foam, drawing with fingers Improve skills in artistic techniques of typing and drawing with fingers. Develop color perception, a sense of rhythm. To consolidate the ability to make simple patterns (stripe, cage) A3 paper, prints, foam rubber, styrofoam, paint plates, gouache, brushes, wallpaper samples
Owl Poke with a semi-dry stiff brush Learn to create an expressive image of an owl using the poke and charcoal technique. Develop the ability to use expressive means of graphics. Strengthen the skills of working with these materials A3 paper, charcoal, hard and soft brushes, black gouache, illustrations, sketches, children's drawings from previous years
My portrait Black and white scratching, watercolor + wax crayons To give knowledge about the portrait as a genre of fine art. Strengthen the ability to draw a portrait of a person. Learn to display your mood in the drawing, features of appearance (hairstyle, etc.) Develop a sense of composition Portrait reproductions (self-portraits), mirror, A3 paper, watercolor, wax crayons, A4 half cardboard, black ink with liquid soap, candle, scratch stick
Winter landscape Blotography. Develop imagination and creativity in drawing a winter landscape; continue to learn to regulate the strength of the blown air, to complement the image. Black and colored ink, sheet, plastic spoon, simple pencil, gouache, wax crayons, drawing supplies.
I'm in a magical spruce forest Black-and-white scratching, foam rubber stencil printing Improve skills in non-traditional graphic techniques (black-and-white scratching, printing with foam rubber on a stencil). To teach in the work to reflect the appearance of the fir trees most expressively. Develop a sense of composition A4 and A3 white paper, scratching board, candle, scratching stick, black ink, charcoal, brushes, foam swabs, illustrations, sketches
I am in the underwater world Hand drawing, wax crayons + watercolor To improve the skill in non-traditional fine art technique wax crayons + watercolor, handprints. Learn to turn palm prints into fish and jellyfish, draw various algae, fish of different sizes. Develop imagination, sense of composition A3 size blue or white sheet, wax crayons, watercolors, brushes, napkins, sketches, illustrations
Postcard for mom (mother's favorite flowers) Screen printing, finger painting Learn to decorate with flowers and draw a postcard for mom with your fingers. To consolidate the ability to use familiar techniques to create the same type of images. Learn to arrange images on a sheet in different ways A3 sheet, folded in half, gouache in bowls, green gouache in a jar, brushes, flower stencils, foam swabs, napkins, illustrations, postcards
My mom sanguine Continue to acquaint children with the portrait genre. To consolidate the ability to depict the face (figure) of a person, using various methods of drawing sanguine, graphically expressive means (line, spot, stroke). Develop a sense of composition Sheets of A4, A3 paper, sanguine, reproductions of female portraits
Snowdrops for my mom Watercolor + wax crayon Learn to draw snowdrops with wax crayons, paying special attention to the bowed head of the flowers. Learn to convey spring color with watercolors. Develop color perception A4 paper, watercolor, wax crayons, illustrations, sketches
River bank Drawing on a damp background To consolidate the ability to draw on a damp background, mix paints directly on the sheet, develop creativity, imagination. A drawing device, a large swab for wetting the surface of the sheet.
starry sky Sprayed, foam stenciled Learn how to create an image of the starry sky using color mixing, splashing and stencil printing. Develop color perception. Practice drawing with these techniques A3 paper, brushes, gouache, stencils, foam swab, hard brush and splatter card, sketches, illustrations
What color is spring Monotype Enrich and expand the artistic experience of children in working with watercolors, drawing on wet paper, mixing paints. Two landscape sheets for each child, watercolors, small sponges, two containers of water, thick brushes.
Fruit on a platter (from nature) Wax crayons + watercolor Continue to learn how to make a still life of fruits, determine the shape, size, color and location of various parts, display these features in a drawing. Exercise in accurately painting fruits with wax crayons, creating a consonant tone with watercolors Fruit or models, plate (dish), A4 paper, wax crayons or wax pastel, brushes, watercolor, sketches
Branch with first leaves (from nature) imprint with seals Continue to learn to analyze nature, to determine and convey in the drawing the shape and size of a vase, twigs. To consolidate the ability to draw half-blown and only hatched leaves with the help of printing, to convey their color. Develop a sense of composition A3 sheet, gouache, brushes, seals, green gouache in bowls, twigs with half-opened leaves in a vase, sketches
Cherry blossoms (from nature) Drawing with fingers To consolidate the ability to think over the location of the drawing on the sheet, refer to nature in the process of drawing, correlate the size of the vase and branches. Improve the ability to use drawing with fingers and poke to increase the expressiveness of the picture Cherry blossoms in a vase, a plate for mixing paints, a poke (a stick with cotton wool), napkins, gouache, brushes, blue or dark blue A3 paper, pedagogical sketches
how i love dandelions Wax crayon + watercolor, clipping, poking Improve skills in these techniques. Learn to display the appearance of dandelions most expressively, use unusual materials to create an expressive image A4 white paper, A4 color cardboard, wax crayons, watercolor, brushes, yellow napkins or squares (2x2 cm) from yellow paper (for poking), green paper, synthetic winterizer, foam, etc., glue
Wonderful bouquet Monotype To consolidate children's knowledge of symmetrical and asymmetrical objects, gouache drawing skills. Learn to draw a bouquet using the monotype technique A4, A3 paper, gouache, brushes, illustrations, sketches, children's drawings from previous years
Final exhibition of drawings for the year Continue learning to look at pictures. Encourage emotional manifestations, statements, the choice of liked and disliked drawings Drawings of children for the year (several works of drawings of each child)

Master class in drawing (learning various drawing techniques with preschool children)

Master Class. Non-traditional drawing technique - blotography "Magic blots"

Master class calculated for parents and educators, as well as preschool children - from 3 to 6 years.

Purpose of the master class: Blotography is a great way to have fun and usefully spend time, experiment with paints, and create unusual images. When inflating blots, it is impossible to predict exactly how they will disperse, overflow into each other, and what the final result will be ... Such an activity will be interesting for both adults and children. And not only interesting - but also useful: for example, as an articulatory gymnastics. Also, drawing by blowing through a straw improves the health and strength of the lungs and respiratory system (which is especially useful for coughing).

I would like to note that with the help of this type of drawing, it turns out well to depict various trees (intricate trunks, branches, etc. are obtained). Try it, you will like the result!

Target: To introduce children to such a method of image as blotography, to show its expressive possibilities


Arouse interest in the “revival” of unusual forms (blot), learn to draw the details of objects (blot), to give them completeness and resemblance to real images; to learn to see the unusual in the ordinary;

Develop imaginative thinking, flexibility of thinking, perception, imagination, fantasy, interest in creative activity; to cultivate accuracy in drawing with paints.

Materials for work:

Album sheets;

Gouache or watercolor;

Large brush;

A straw for drinks or you can use a pipette;

Water in a jar;

Wet cloth - wipe your hands if they get dirty;

Cotton buds;


Blotography can be combined with various fine art techniques, such as monotype, appliqué, and others. Some of them are presented in this master class.

This method of drawing with “blots” can be used with children 3-4 years old and older.

We dip the brush into the diluted paint and splatter on a sheet of paper. The thicker the paint, the richer the color, but the more difficult it is to blow out.

We take a tube and blow through it on multi-colored drops of paint, they turn into blots. In this case, a sheet of paper can be rotated - the blots are even more interesting!

Blotography using cotton swabs

Using a large brush, put a blot in the corner of the sheet.

With the help of a tube, we inflate the paint in different directions. It turned out such a tree!

After a little thought, this tree reminded me of a mountain ash growing alone on a slope. With the help of cotton swabs, paint on the berries and leaves.

We also make a frame with a cotton swab. It is about such a mountain ash, perhaps, that Irina Tokmakova wrote the poem "Rowan".

red berry

The rowan gave me.

I thought it was sweet

And she is like a hen.

Is this berry

Just immature.

Is it a sly mountain ash

Want to play a joke?

Blotography using a felt-tip pen

As in previous works, we put a blot and blow out the trunk and branches with the help of a tube. And what kind of tree is this? Of course, pine!

With the help of a green felt-tip pen, draw the needles.


Over the yellow scree of the cliff

The old pine bent

Bare roots fearfully

She leads the wind. (Timofey Belozerov)

Having decorated all the branches with lush needles, we proceed to the design of the clearing around the pine. We apply blots of green color and inflate with a tube. We got flower stalks!

We finish drawing leaves and flowers on the stems - dandelions. Now a lonely pine tree is not at all bored!

Blotography + plasticineography

Using plasticine, we create the seabed: we sculpt bright fish, a starfish, pebbles.

But is there something missing from this picture? Of course, seaweed! With the help of magic blots and a straw, sea grass appears! The blots are located between the pebbles, and if the paint goes a little on the plasticine, it's okay, you can easily wipe it with a cloth and the work will not be spoiled.

Why not the seabed! We finish the bubbles and the drawing is ready!

The fish was chasing the fish

The fish wagged its tail

Poked in the abdomen - Caught up!

- Hey, girlfriend! How are you? (T. Vtorova)

And this way of drawing is suitable for older children (5 - 7 years). We collect the paint on the brush and sprinkle it on a sheet of paper. With the help of a straw, we blow out magic blots. And now the most crucial moment - you need to turn on your imagination!

In every blot

Someone is there

If in a blot

Get in with a brush.

In this blot -

cat with a tail,

Under the tail

River with a bridge

On Bridge -

A weirdo with a weirdo.

Under the bridge -

Pike perch with perch.

The drawing needs to be considered from different angles and only then to finish the individual details so that the image becomes more recognizable.

Blotography + monotopy

The background is prepared in advance using the technique - monotopy. Blots of different colors are applied to the dried layer and blown out with a tube.

Behind the grove, a Star fell into the river.

I ran straight there!

She did not crash - she lay at the bottom!

Or maybe it was me? (T. Goethe)

Here is just a small part of what can be done with the help of "magic blots" - blotography. And with what other fine art techniques you can combine Blotography - your imagination will tell you!

Master class for teachers in drawing using non-traditional drawing techniques - blotography "Magic blots" Completed by: Secret Marina Valerievna, MKDOU kindergarten "Lesovichok"

Target: To introduce such a method of image as blotography, to show its expressive possibilities


  • to arouse interest in the "revival" of unusual forms (blot), to learn to draw the details of objects (blot), to give them completeness and resemblance to real images;
  • to learn to see the unusual in the ordinary;
  • develop imaginative thinking, flexibility of thinking, perception, imagination, fantasy, interest in creative activity;
  • cultivate accuracy in drawing


Materials for work:

Album sheets;

Gouache or watercolor;

Large brush;

A straw for drinks or you can use a pipette;

Water in a jar;

  • damp cloth - wipe your hands if they get dirty;

Cotton buds;


Blotography can be combined with various fine art techniques, such as monotype, appliqué, and others.

This method of drawing with “blots” can be used with children 3-4 years old and older.

We dip the brush into the diluted paint and splatter on a sheet of paper. The thicker the paint, the richer the color, but the more difficult it is to blow out. We take a tube and blow through it on multi-colored drops of paint, they turn into blots. In this case, a sheet of paper can be rotated - the blots are even more interesting!

  • Using a large brush, put a blot in the corner of the sheet

We also make a frame with a cotton swab. It is about such a mountain ash, perhaps, that Irina Tokmakova wrote the poem "Rowan".

red berry

The rowan gave me.

I thought it was sweet

And she is like a hen.

Is this berry

Just immature.

Is it a sly mountain ash

Want to play a joke?

Blotography using a felt-tip pen

As in previous works, we put a blot and blow out the trunk and branches with the help of a tube.

And what kind of tree is this? Of course, pine!

With the help of a green felt-tip pen, draw the needles.


Over the yellow scree of the cliff

The old pine bent

Bare roots fearfully

She leads the wind.

(Timofey Belozerov)

The imagination of kids is limitless, but the possession of drawing technique is most often lame. It is blotography that can help children draw even what they do not know how to draw at all. Kids will be able to give free rein to their imagination and draw whatever their imagination tells them. Children will be able to get acquainted with what ordinary blotography is, and there is also blotography with a tube and blotography with a thread.

Educational activities for children 3-5 years old (Blotography)

Blotography refers to silhouette art, but the history of figurative painting dates back to Ancient Greece. The images on the amphoras reveal scenes of mythology, the Olympic Games and the life of the gods of Olympus. But this type of art became most popular in the 18-19th century. Many artists began to work in this technique and created a huge number of works in the technique of blotography. Such was the history of the emergence of such a drawing technique as blotography.

But even more interesting than the history of inkblotography are classes where such an unconventional drawing technique is used. Blotography will help children experiment with paints and have fun. The blot technique is to use an ordinary drop of paint, colloquially known as blots. In the process of drawing, children will get very unexpected images, to which it will be possible to draw details.

In the process of studying in kindergarten and drawing a picture using the blot technique, children:

  • eye and hand coordination develops
  • develops fantasy, creative vision and imagination,
  • skills in working with paints, brushes,
  • children learn to convey the silhouettes of people, plants and animals,
  • diligence, attentiveness, accuracy develops.


Let us give as an example a master class of a lesson where blotography will be used for

drawing. Such a master class can be easily arranged for children in kindergarten, and the drawings of the kids will decorate the group or exhibition.

Drawing "Butterfly" with the help of watercolor and blotography will be very easy to draw. Just fold the paper in half and apply two large spots of watercolor on one side of the paper near the fold line. Now fold the leaf in half. When you open the leaf, you will get very beautiful butterfly wings with intricate patterns. You can now finish the details, such as the torso, antennae and the drawing is ready. Such a master class is easy to use when conducting classes for young children, since this method of drawing will be very simple.


Of course, you can draw with the help of blotography and using both paints and pencils at the same time. We will tell you the technique of drawing with a tube. And this time the master class will be devoted to how to draw a tree.

Take a large brush and put a large blot of brown watercolor paint in the corner. Now, take a hollow water tube and start blowing the paint in different directions. You will get tree branches. Let the twigs dry, and then you can take a pencil and draw leaves on the twigs with it. So the tree will turn out very realistic.

If you have an idea to draw a specific tree, for example, a rowan, then there is a good way to continue our master class. Take regular ear sticks to class, they will come in handy for drawing rowan berries. Dip the wand in the paint and draw a neat dot on the paper. This will be your mountain ash, we hope you remember that the tree has fruits that grow in tassels.

Master Class. Issue 21 (Blotography)


We will tell you about another equally interesting master class that can diversify activities for children in kindergarten. Teach the kids to blot print the splatter technique. It will be very beautiful and fun.

Classes and a master class using this drawing technique should be carried out using watercolor paint. You need a blank sheet of paper and paint with a brush. Pick up the desired paint on the brush and start spraying the paint by hitting the brush on your finger. Drops will begin to seal on the paper. If desired, you can add a few large drops with a brush. The drawing will be ready when you see fit.


Non-traditional drawing technique - inkblot painting "Magic Trees"

Theme: "Magic Trees"

Program content. To consolidate the knowledge of children with the non-traditional artistic technique of blotography with a tube, followed by additional fantasy of the image. Continue to teach children, make additions to the drawing that enrich its content. Use familiar brush painting techniques to complete the drawing. To instill interest in an unconventional type of drawing, develop coordination and strength of movements, independence, creativity, fantasy, imagination, develop the respiratory system. Cultivate accuracy.
Equipment: toned sheets of paper, gouache, brushes, cocktail tubes, napkins, water.
Preliminary work: observation of trees, bushes during a walk; blowing air through tubes.

1. Organizational moment.
Educator: Hello! The guys came to visit us today, let's
greet them.
Children greet.
2. The main part.
Guys, do you believe in magic?
Children's answers.
Who among you dreams of becoming a wizard?
Children's answers.
- And who are these wizards and what can they do?

Children's answers.
Educator: Today I invite you to turn into wizards. and the cocktail stick will turn into a magic wand. So let's turn...
- They spun, spun ... and turned into wizards!
So you've become wizards.
- When I went to kindergarten today, I saw trees swaying. What
made them swing?
Children's answers.
Educator: Show how the crowns of trees sway when a strong wind blows? What about when the breeze blows? (Children show) Well done!
Today we will draw magic trees using magic
tube sticks.
But first, we will practice with you. Try to draw with
tubes and air blown by you imaginary tree.
(children draw in the air)
- Well done boys! Well you are doing well.
(The teacher uses a spoon to make a blot on a piece of paper.)
A drop fell from a spoon
This blot came running
All around bewitched
And trees and bushes
And we will disenchant.
3. Explanation and showing:
First, dilute brown gouache with water on the palette. Take a spoonful of paint and make a blot in the place where the tree trunk will begin. With the help of a tube, we blow on a blot so that its end does not touch either paper or paint. If necessary, the sheet can be rotated, creating a trunk. This drawing technique is called blotography.
4. Independent activity of children.(Quiet music playing)
In the process of drawing, the educator monitors the technique of blotography, with
Helps children when necessary, gives advice.
5. Analysis of work. Reflection.
caregiver: Let's see what we got? What beautiful trees! And how does your (child's name) crown of the tree sway? Whose work turned out to be the most interesting? What mood are you in right now? Did you enjoy being wizards?
Well done boys! And now it's time for us to go back to kindergarten.
We spun, spun ... and we turned into children!
Children say goodbye to the guests.

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