Paper key. Accessories for a children's party: a silver key and a lock


Golden Key is not just a delicious dessert, but a pleasant reminder of youth. After all, this cake was made by our grandmothers. In its recipe variations, it is very diverse, however, its taste remains excellent with any ingredient set.
Naturally, like all dishes, the "Golden Key" is easy to spoil: he took too much butter - the cake became viscous and fluid; I went too far with the number of toffees - I got not a soft key, but iron fittings ...
Today we will prepare the “Golden Key” according to the recipe that my mother used to use: nothing superfluous, without unnecessary troubles for inventing your own bicycle. The cake has always turned out moderately sweet, soft and crispy.

Required ingredients: 200 grams of corn sticks, 500 grams of Kis-kis or Golden Key toffee, 200 grams of butter.

I also advise you to purchase disposable medical gloves in advance in order to put on warm gloves (so that your hands do not burn when forming cakes), and medical ones on them. If there are no gloves, then you can use a regular bag instead.

We clean the toffees from the candy wrappers. We carefully monitor that there are no paper particles left on the sweets.

First, in the pan in which we will cook our Golden Key, we send the butter, which must be melted. But be careful not to let the oil boil.

Following the butter, we send toffee. We add them gradually, not in a bunch.

Melt the mixture of toffee and butter so that it becomes homogeneous. Don't let it boil and dry out.

Pour the corn sticks into the pan, and mix the resulting mixture thoroughly.

When the mass has cooled down a little, we form a cake out of it. There are several options: individual small cakes or a large “loaf”, which will then need to be cut into portions.

We send the formed cakes to the refrigerator for a couple of hours so that they are soaked.

In this lesson I will tell you how you can create a golden key with your golden hands. How not to be afraid to create large objects and not to fetter yourself with the remaining space on the shelves... About how not to be afraid of experiments and use anything in your work!

I'll go over some of the works already created, describing the process of their creation. And also, you will see how you can transform the old "big" keys.

Option 1- creating a key from and to, any size.

The first step is to sketch your idea. Reflect the shape and thickness on the sheet. It is advisable to make the image at a scale of 1:100 or 1:50, so it will be easier to recreate the object. Analyze your drawing in detail, indicate the overall dimensions, the dimensions of the parts, the diameter of the rod (tube) and be sure to consider the thickness of the key (I created my keys from 25 to 45 cm long).

If you find an old key and want to transform it ( Option 2), then you need to start from the finished form. Put it on a sheet of paper and circle it, so you can make many different options and find the right one.

In both options, you will need to manufacture individual elements according to your sketches. Here you need to apply all your skills. It can be paper, foam board, polystyrene foam, construction foam, household waste, stationery, fabric base with padding polyester, etc. I, as usual, use foam board *.
(*What is it you can read in this thread).

We fix the finished elements in the 2nd version on our base with hot glue. Difficulties may arise due to the fact that the glue will quickly cool on the metal.

If you make the key the 1st option, then the next step is to create a stem (tube). It can be a piece of plastic tube, a felt-tip pen, a branch ... I rolled tubes from a regular A4 sheet for printing, using the entire format. This gives strength and you can adjust the desired diameter. For reliability, you can stuff something inside.

This very tube will be the basis for our entire key. On it we will attach the "head" and "beard" (upper and lower parts).

A beard can be created in many ways:
- First paper/cardboard example. Remember how to glue a paper cube? Great, it's not much more difficult.
- The second example is from foam board.
Your ideas can be much more. Remember that in the end you will cover your part with paint and you can make a relief there, so when creating a beard, the main thing to think about is the shape.

The upper part of the key is perhaps the most difficult to create.
- First example from shoelaces (process). Not a very good choice. It is very difficult to fix the laces, but as grooves on the stock, this is what you need!
- The second example is made of paper with hot glue decor. It's also not just...
- The third option is made of foam board.

Hot glue can be used not only for fastening, but also for decoration. They can create volumes, hide flaws and draw patterns.

You can decorate your key however you like. These can be rings along the diameter, grooves, patterns, rhinestones and even inscriptions.

There are three main types of metallic paints. Gold, silver and copper. You will need two colors - base color + black.

First, cover the object with the main color. Then we mix the main paint with black and paint the recesses with this color. This is called the "aging effect".
The principle is simple "what is deeper - darker, what is more convex - lighter." After that, once again we pass with a pure main color in convex places.

Here is an example of what we need to do. In the first photo, the key is covered only with gold paint, the relief is not readable. In the second photo, the key after "aging".

This is the key that we decorated (Option 2). Ready-made base, foam board elements, hot glue decor, paints: copper + black, 17 cm long.
Can serve as a decoration of the interior, and a gift to your loved ones.

This is one of the keys that I made inside and out (Option 1) (Paper, foam board, hot glue and paint).

Such simple materials, such not simple results.

Now I will tell you how you can create a golden key with your golden hands :)
How not to be afraid to create large objects and not to constrain yourself with the remaining shelf space...
About how not to be afraid of experiments and use anything in your work!

I'll go over some of the works already created, describing the process of their creation.
And also, you will see how you can transform the old "big" keys.

Option 1 - creating a key from and to, of any size.

The first step is to sketch your idea. Reflect the shape and thickness on the sheet.
It is advisable to make the image at a scale of 1:100 or 1:50, so it will be easier to recreate the object.
Analyze your drawing in detail, indicate the overall dimensions, the dimensions of the parts,
rod diameter (tube) and be sure to consider the thickness of the key.
(I created my keys from 25 to 45 cm long)

If you found an old key and want to transform it (Option 2),

then you need to start from the finished form.
Put it on a piece of paper and circle it, so you can do a lot
different options and find the right one.

In both options, you will need to manufacture individual elements according to your sketches.

Here you need to apply all your skills :)
It can be paper, foam board, polystyrene, building foam, household waste,
stationery, fabric base with padding polyester, etc.
I use foam board as usual*
(* what it is and what it is eaten with, you can read in the previous topic).

We fix the finished elements in the 2nd version on our base with hot glue. Difficulties may arise due to the fact that the glue will quickly cool on the metal.

If you make the key the 1st option, then the next step is to create a stem (tube).

It can be a piece of plastic tube, a felt-tip pen, a branch...
I rolled tubes from a regular A4 sheet for printing, using the entire format.
This gives strength and you can adjust the desired diameter.
For reliability, you can stuff something inside.

This very tube will be the basis for our entire key.

On it we will attach the "head" and "beard" (upper and lower parts).

A beard can be created in many ways:

First paper/cardboard example. Remember how to glue a paper cube? Great, it's not much more difficult :)
- The second example is from foam board.
Your ideas can be much more :)
Remember that in the end you will cover your part with paint and you can make a relief there,
therefore, when creating a beard, the main thing is to think about the shape.

The upper part of the key is perhaps the most difficult to create.

The first example is from shoelaces (process). Not a very good choice :)
It is very difficult to fix the laces, but as grooves on the stock, this is what you need!
- The second example is made of paper with hot glue decor. It's also not just...
- The third option is made of foam board.
None of the results satisfied the perfectionist in me :)
I believe that you can find a more suitable option than these, I'm waiting for suggestions :)

Hot glue can be used not only for fastening, but also for decoration.

They can create volumes, hide flaws and draw patterns.

You can decorate your key however you like. These can be rings along the diameter, grooves, patterns, rhinestones and even inscriptions!

There are three main types of metallic paints. Gold, silver and copper. You will need two colors - base color + black.

First, cover the object with the main color.

Then we mix the main paint with black and paint the recesses with this color.
This is called the "aging effect".
The principle is simple "what is deeper - darker, what is more convex - lighter."
After that, once again we pass with a pure main color in convex places.

Drawing lesson on how to draw a golden key from the fairy tale "Pinocchio" with a pencil step by step. We examined how to draw Pinocchio with a golden key.

So here is our sample. It is drawn very simply.

We draw an elongated rectangle in height, draw a few unfinished ovals on top to form, then draw a top on top of them that looks like a peg from a fence. On top of the base we draw a shape similar to the suit of the cross (club) in cards, these are three semicircles. Inside this form, we draw the same one only at a certain equal distance from the edges of the main one. Draw a square below.

Draw the most important part of the key - the shape of the master key, without which you cannot open the lock. In this case, it looks like this, you can come up with your own shape or just make it easier to draw. To make everything smooth, you can draw auxiliary lines. To add volume, we will do hatching. At the edges, the tone will be darker, and slightly lighter in the middle. So the drawing of the golden key is ready.

The content of the article:

The writer Alexei Tolstoy wrote about the adventures of a bold, mischievous boy. This fairy tale was read by people who have already become adults, when they were still children. To make it fall in love with the current boys and girls, tell them briefly what this story is about. Sew costumes for them, play a performance based on this work with them.

Summary of "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio"

Toddlers find it difficult to process long stories, so tell them the story in your own words.

It all started in the Mediterranean. The organ grinder Carlo lived here. One day, his friend Giuseppe came to him, brought him a log. The friend said that Carlo was still alone and alone, there was no one to help the old man, and from a log he could make himself a son.

The organ grinder set to work, and soon the log took on the outlines of a boy. But when Carlo wanted to shorten his long nose, the blank screamed, and the facial feature had to be left like that.

When the organ-grinder went to buy clothes for the wooden child, he at that time met a cricket, but managed to quarrel with him. The wise inhabitant of the closet told Pinocchio that behind the painted hearth there is a secret door, it can be opened with a golden key.

But on the way there, the mischievous man turned into a puppet theater to watch a performance. In the process of action, he stands up for the unjustly offended character and disrupts the performance.

The owner of the puppet theater Karabas Barabas wanted to punish Pinocchio, burn him like a log. However, the boy admits that it is impossible to burn him, because once he saw a hearth, but only pierced a hole in it with his nose.

Karabas Barabas perked up, it became clear that he knew the secret of the golden key. Having let Pinocchio go home, the owner of the puppet theater even gave him money so that he and his father would not starve to death. Karabas Barabas told them not to leave the closet.

When everyone left, the owner of the puppet theater called his friend Duremar, told him about where the secret door was, and the key was hidden by the turtle Tortilla.

But this does not end with a summary of the Golden Key, or the adventures of Pinocchio. As a result, the wise Tortilla gave the key to the good Pinocchio. At the end of the tale, he and his friends from the puppet theater open the secret door.

But on the way to success, the little mischievous had to show his ingenuity and courage. Only in this way could he escape from the clutches of the cunning fox Alice and the cat Basilio. Pinocchio helped Malvina, Artemon and Pierrot to escape from Karabas Barabas and Duremar.

The fairy tale "Golden Key" ends positively. A new puppet theater was waiting for the friends behind the door, in which they will now perform.

After you have introduced the children to a summary of the fairy tale "The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio", you can play scenes with the participation of these characters. Now the guys will know who has what character, which of the representatives of the fabulous puppet theater looks like.

Sew costumes in which the kids can have fun at a matinee or at a home party.

How to sew a Pinocchio costume with your own hands?

Of course, one of the main details of his outfit is a cap. To sew such a hat, you will need:
  • red and white fabric (you can take a striped canvas);
  • scissors;
  • threads;
  • pompom brush.
You need to make a cut. The base of the cap is a cone. Measure the volume of the child's head, so many centimeters will be the widest part of this figure.

Here Pinocchio's cap is made for a child whose head volume is 50 cm. As you can see, this cone will need to be attached to the fabric, cut out with allowances for the seams, connect the opposite edges of the triangle to make a cap.

Well, if you have a white fabric with a red stripe. If this is not available, then you need to sew red ribbons on a white canvas or white ribbons on a red one.

Tuck the cap in at the bottom, leaving enough room to slide the elastic through. Then the cap will not get off the head of the child. Make a fabric tassel or a white or red yarn pompom and sew onto the end of the hat.

The spacious jacket of our hero looks like a wide T-shirt. To make the Pinocchio costume further, reshoot the presented pattern. You can increase or decrease as needed.

You can do it easier by taking a child's T-shirt, which is still too big for him, and make a pattern based on this thing.

If the size of the cutout of the collar of the jacket is sufficient for the child to put it on over the head without hindrance, then do not fasten it. In this case, you will need to cut out one piece of the front and back. If the neckline of the T-shirt makes dressing difficult, then it is necessary to cut out two parts of the back, in order to then make a fastener or tie between them.

Stitch the details, sew the sleeves into the armholes. Process the neck and bottom of the product. A pattern will also help to sew shorts.

You need to reshoot this pattern and cut out 2 parts. Now stitch the crotch seams, then the side seams. Hem the bottom of the product, hem it up to insert the elastic here.

From white fabric, open the collar, sew it on the top of the jacket. Here's how to make a Pinocchio costume with your own hands. White socks, shoes or Czechs will complement the image.

It remains to make a golden key.

This will require:
  • cardboard;
  • glue;
  • gold foil or gold paint with a brush;
  • scotch;
  • scissors.
Draw the provided key template on a piece of cardboard, cut it out. Make a few more of these blanks, glue them together. If the key will consist of 3-4 cardboard elements, it will acquire the necessary rigidity.

When the glue dries, you will need to paint the key with gold paint or wrap it with gold foil, securing it with tape.

The hero's clothes are ready, you need to make Malvina's costume. Any girl would want to play her role. Prepare everything you need and get started.

Malvina's costume from the fairy tale "The Golden Key"

If this pattern is suitable for your daughter, niece or granddaughter, use it. You can increase or decrease the provided template by one size, add or subtract a little in the center or on the sides. Here are the details of this Malvina dress:
  • in front of the top of the dress - one detail;
  • back - 2 parts;
  • sleeves - 2 pieces;
  • collar - 4 parts;
  • flounces for a skirt.
Manufacturing master class:
  1. First you need to make undercuts, overdue them according to the indicated marks in front and behind. Sew together 2 pieces of the back, leaving a small space at the top unsewn, so that you can then sew a zipper here or sew on a button with an eyelet.
  2. Sew the details of the front and back of the bodice on the sides. Sew on sewn sleeves.
  3. In place of the sleeves indicated on the pattern by a dotted line, it is necessary to first sew in a soft elastic band, slightly stretching it. Then the cuffs will be lush.
  4. Stitch the details of the collar, sew them on the neck.
  5. Gather your skirt. To do this, cut out several rectangles of different sizes. From above they are collected on a thread. Now lay these shuttlecocks one on top of the other so that the largest one is at the bottom and the small one is at the top.

You can do it differently - first sew a flared skirt, and sew frills of the same width on it.

And here is how to sew a Malvina costume according to a different pattern.

Another detail of this heroine's clothing is pantaloons. The pattern below will help you create them.

As you can see, you need to sweep up your pants, make drawstrings, into which elastic bands are then threaded and fixed. If you managed to buy a blue wig, when will Malvina's costume be completed with this item. If this did not work out, then it is enough to tie a big bow or a silk scarf of this color on the girl’s head, and the image will be complete.

It remains to put beautiful shoes and tights on the girl, and Malvina's costume is ready.

How to sew a Pierrot costume?

This is another character from the story.
  1. You can make a costume for Pierrot very quickly. To do this, you need a large white shirt. The cuts on the sleeves need to be continued, sew on the lush cuffs at the bottom. The bottom of the pants must be decorated in the same way.
  2. Attach the cardboard circles to the fabric, cut out the same circles from it, but with a margin to tuck the edges under the cardboard, then sew these buttons onto Pierrot's robe.
  3. Make a cap for him from whatman paper, turning it into a cone. It remains to apply black and white makeup to the face to complete the image.
  4. See how to make flounces to trim this character's costume. To do this, cut a strip of fabric 100–150 cm long and 10–15 cm wide. If it is a lace or knitted fabric, in which the edges do not “roll in”, then there is no need to hem them. If the fabric is different, in this case it is necessary to hem them.
  5. Now draw two parallel lines with a long ruler. Sew with a thread with a needle, first along one and then along the other markup. Tighten the thread, tie into knots.

The next Pierrot costume for the fairy tale "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio" is also easy to make. A spacious shirt with long sleeves is sewn from a white silky fabric. You need to attach a collar to it.

To do this, cut out two large circles of different sizes from a transparent canvas. Attach a small one to a large one, collect on a thread. From above, process this element with a knitted trim. Sew Pierrot's collar onto the neck of his shirt.

Here is the shirt pattern.

Pants are spacious too. You can take the boy's trousers as a basis by increasing the pattern. Make one leg white and the other black. An elastic band is inserted into the belt, black circles are sewn on the light part of the trousers and on the shirt.

Sew pom-poms as a trim. The following photo tip will help you make them.

As you can see, filler is placed in the center of the fabric circle. Then the canvas along the edge is collected on a thread, tightened, and fixed.

Here's how to make a Pierrot costume.

Crafts based on the fairy tale Golden Key

Get creative with your kids. If you are knitting a sweater or sweater for your child, trim the keys on the edges of the product or on the cuffs of the sleeves.

Focusing on the presented scheme, knit with threads of the same color along the cells that are drawn in black here. To make the keys clearly visible, make them from a darker yarn, and the background will be light.

The same pattern will come in handy if you embroider. Then complete the keys with gold threads, and make the background white.

Crafts based on the fairy tale "Golden Key" using paper are very interesting.

As you can see, first you need to fold the cut out rectangles of paper with a tube, fix this figure in this position with glue.

After that, the facial features of the characters are drawn with a marker. For Pinocchio, you need to make a nose and a key from yellow paper. Hair is also cut out of it, and the cap is made of white and red stripes.

Malvina's dress and hair are made of blue colored paper, and the bow is made of pink. Pierrot's costume here is light and complemented with colored paper elements. Appropriate sad makeup will complement the image of a lover.

Here are some other masterpieces that paper-plastic can make. The images of the dolls are very realistic.

The facing technique will also allow you to make a wonderful craft based on the fairy tale "The Adventures of Pinocchio".

  1. To do this, you need to stick small paper trimmings on the cardboard base, making the leaves of the water lily from green elements, and the flowers of this plant from white and yellow.
  2. For Pinocchio, you will need paper squares of yellow, red, blue, white.
  3. This craft looks great on blue cardboard. If your base is white, then you first need to paint it with blue paint or glue paper of that color.
And here's the tabletop. It can be done by taking:
  • a box of sweets, such as "Raffaella";
  • cardboard;
  • paint;
  • scissors;
  • stationery knife.
Cut out a key from cardboard, paint it with gold paint. Glue this blank to the bottom of the box. Cut a hole for the lock on the top, decorate it. Use a utility knife to cut out butterflies from cardboard, glue them.

Don't forget to make Tortilla Tortoise. By the way, if you were asked to make a costume for this character for kindergarten, make a shell from a disposable baking dish. Attach a ribbon and Velcro to it so you can wear it like a backpack.

You can make a shell by taking:
  • cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • remnants of tissue
  • green canvas;
  • wide green ribbon.
Cut out an oval from cardboard. The same, but larger, needs to be cut out of a green canvas. Put it on a cardboard base, place the rest of the fabric between these two layers.

In advance, you need to sew dark green ribbons on a green canvas to get the desired pattern on the shell.

Sew on 2 wide ribbons so that you can put on the shell like a backpack.

You can make a Tortilla turtle out of sand, like other characters in this fairy tale, and play a play right on the beach.

After such fruitful work, it's time to treat yourself to something tasty. Many years ago, when there was no abundance of products in stores, the Golden Key dessert made from toffees was popular. It will fit perfectly into our topic today, and you can literally cook it “out of nothing”.

Dessert "Golden Key"

Make this snack with your children, because even the kids will find this dish easy to prepare. For this treat you will need:
  • 500 g toffee "Golden Key";
  • 180 g sweet corn sticks;
  • some peanuts;
  • 200 g butter.
Melt the butter along with the toffees. Remove mixture from heat, add corn sticks and toasted, crushed peanuts (can be done without).

Line the form with baking paper or cling film, put the mixture here. Remove the dessert for 3-4 hours in the refrigerator. When it hardens well, it will be possible to cut with a knife and feast on sweet pieces.

That's how much you learned today on the topic of the fairy tale "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio." You can arrange a birthday using this work, dress up guests in themed costumes and cook delicious dishes.

So that children and you like to make crafts, in order to better know the plot of the work, watch an interesting cartoon about Pinocchio.

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