When changing the timing belt on a Chevrolet Lacetti. Checking the condition and replacing the timing belt Chevrolet Lacetti


Today we will consider such an important event as replacing the Lacetti timing belt. The belt must be replaced after the specified run. Usually it is designed for 60,000 km. But I made it a rule to change it every 50,000 km - so sleep better :)

Also, if you bought a used Lacetti, then the first step is to replace the timing belt! It is better not to trust the words of the former owner that “all consumables and belts have been changed”. Because if, God forbid, the belt breaks, you will have to part with a tidy sum of money. Therefore, as they say - "be careful - God saves!"

All operations related to the maintenance of the timing belt must be carried out in accordance with the specified sequence. At the end, we will also consider questions on the nuances of replacing the timing belt with the Lacetti.

Which timing belt to choose on the Lacetti

Checking the condition of the Lacetti timing belt

1. We prepare our Lacetti for work.

2. Remove the air filter,
3. We remove the hose for supplying coolant to the throttle assembly from the holders on the front cover of the timing belt.

4. Using a 10 mm socket wrench, unscrew the front bolt securing the front cover of the timing belt

Attention! It is necessary to adjust the belt tension on a warm engine! Or on a cold one, but leave a small shortfall. If the required tension is immediately set on a cold engine, then after the engine warms up, the belt will be overtightened. This may be accompanied by extraneous noise in the timing drive mechanism.

To perform the work, you will need an assistant and a thin-walled 41 mm open-end wrench (no more than 160 mm long).
1. We shoot,
2. The assistant presses the brake pedal, at this time, with a 17 mm socket wrench with an extension, we unscrew the bolt that secures the crankshaft pulley

8. We turn the engine crankshaft two turns and check the alignment of the marks. If the marks do not match, the belt must be rearranged (see below).

9. Once again we check the alignment of the timing marks of the valve timing (see above) and, if the belt is not removed for replacement, we mark its position relative to all pulleys to facilitate reinstallation.

10. We loosen the belt tension as much as possible by turning the coolant pump housing counterclockwise until it stops.

11. We hang the engine with a hoist or jack it up from below. We unscrew the three nuts securing the engine mount bracket and remove it

Remove the timing belt from all toothed pulleys.

12. We check the absence of backlash and jamming during the rotation of the coolant pump, tensioner roller and guide roller. In the presence of these faults, we replace the damaged parts.

13. To replace the guide roller with a 14 mm key, unscrew the bolt of its fastening.

14. We install the parts in the reverse order, just note that the direction of rotation of the timing belt may be indicated on the timing belt. The notch on the crankshaft pulley must align with the notch on the crankshaft sprocket.

After installing the timing belt, adjust its tension (see above).

Replacing the timing belt tensioner Lacetti

The tensioner is automatic, made integral with the roller and is replaced as an assembly. To be replaced if found to be defective.

Using a 10 mm socket wrench, unscrew the four bolts securing the bracket of the right support of the power unit.

Using a 12 mm socket wrench, unscrew the three bolts securing the tensioner and remove it.

We install the parts in the reverse order.

The nuances of replacing the timing belt on the Lacetti

What questions may arise when replacing a timing belt? Usually there are:

  1. Can you change the timing belt yourself? Can I manage? To be honest, this procedure does not apply to simple ones, such as, for example. The first time is always scary, but after doing this procedure once and more fear and questions will not arise in the future. But, at the same time, if you have practically no similar experience and have never done anything with the car except for changing the wheel, then it is better to refuse to replace it yourself. It is better to trust an experienced person and along the way see firsthand what and how.
  2. Should I change the water pump every time the timing belt is changed? Not necessary. If the pump is in good condition, then you can leave it until the next replacement of the timing belt. But, if the condition of the pump raises questions, then it is better to replace it.
  3. Drain coolant? If there is no experience in replacing the timing belt, then it is better to drain to insure yourself. What's more, it's very easy to do. Everything is shown on the page.
  4. Is pump replacement difficult? To replace the pump, it is advisable to remove the rear plastic casing, and for this you will have to remove the camshaft pulleys. This will make it easier to replace the pump. Although with sleight of hand, you can replace it without removing the casing, but it is more difficult.
  5. What other pitfalls could there be? You need to understand that when adjusting the belt, we disturb the pump, disturbing the peace of its seal. Therefore, there is some possibility of coolant leakage after replacing the timing belt.

That's all. Take care of yourself and good luck on the road!

It should be borne in mind that failure of the timing belt (breakage or shearing of teeth) can lead to sticking of valves into pistons due to a mismatch in the angles of rotation of the crankshaft and camshafts and, as a result, to expensive engine repairs.

The surface of the toothed part of the belt must not have folds, cracks, undercutting of the teeth and delamination of the fabric from the rubber. The reverse side of the belt must be free of wear, exposing the cord threads, and no signs of burning.

On the end surfaces of the belt there should be no delaminations and fraying. If there is damage, the belt must be replaced. The belt must also be replaced if traces of oil are found on it (before replacing the belt, the cause of its oiling should be eliminated) or when replacing the failed tensioner and belt support roller, coolant pump.

Timing mechanism drive: 1 - mark on the back cover of the timing drive; 2 - mark on the gear pulley of the crankshaft; 3 - coolant pump pulley; 4 - belt tensioner roller; 5 - intake camshaft pulley; 6 - marks on the camshaft pulleys; 7 - exhaust camshaft pulley; 8 - belt support roller; 9 - belt

For clarity, we show most of the operations for checking the condition and replacing the timing belt on a dismantled engine.

To perform operations in the engine compartment, the air filter must be removed.

Using a screwdriver, loosen the clamp that secures the corrugated air supply hose to the throttle assembly ...

... and remove the hose from the nozzle of the filter cover.

With a “10” head, we unscrew the bolt of the rear fastening of the air filter housing to the bracket of the mudguard cup.

With the “12” head, we unscrew the special bolt of the front fastening of the air filter housing to the side member ...

... and remove the bolt.

We raise the air filter, removing the resonator pipe from the pipe of the filter housing.

... we remove the hose for supplying coolant to the throttle assembly from the two holders of the upper front cover of the timing drive.

With the “10” head, we unscrew the three bolts securing the upper front cover of the timing drive.

Pressing the top...

... and two side (one on each side) lid retainers.

We remove the cover.

We turn on the fifth gear in the gearbox and hang out the right front wheel. Rotating the wheel clockwise, we turn the crankshaft and check the condition of the timing belt.

Under normal belt tension, the movable roller pointer should align with the fixed pointer on the tensioner bracket.

Indexes on the timing belt tensioner

If the movable pointer is offset relative to the fixed pointer:

Counterclockwise - belt tension is insufficient;

Clockwise - the belt will be tightened.

In both cases, adjust the belt tension (see below) or replace the belt with a new one.

To replace the belt, remove the right front wheel and securely fix the car on a factory-made stand.

With the “17” head, we turn the crankshaft clockwise for the bolt securing the auxiliary drive pulley.

We achieve alignment of the alignment marks on the camshaft pulleys.

Loosen the accessory drive pulley bolt. To keep the crankshaft from turning, the assistant must engage fifth gear and depress the brake pedal.

We take out the bolt with the washer and remove the auxiliary drive pulley.

Once again, we check the coincidence of the installation marks on the camshaft pulleys.

With correctly installed phases of the gas distribution mechanism, the mark on the crankshaft pulley should be located opposite the slot on the rear timing cover.

Using the “10” head, unscrew the three bolts securing the lower front timing cover.

We substitute the adjustable stop under the engine crankcase.

With the “14” head, we unscrew the two nuts and the bolt of the support bracket to the cylinder block bracket, as well as the nut of the support bracket to the support stud.

Remove the support bracket.

To remove the belt from the pulleys, you need to reduce its tension. To do this, turn the coolant pump housing in the cylinder block seat counterclockwise while loosening the pump mounting screws.

Weaken the tightening of the three screws securing the coolant pump with a “5” hexagon.

Attention! To avoid leakage of coolant through the pump O-ring, loosen the screws only until the moment when the pump housing can be turned with a tool.

You can turn the pump with an open-end wrench “by 41” for the hexagon made on its body.

In the absence of such a key, we turn the pump housing with sliding pliers by the hexagon.

After loosening the belt tension, remove it from the coolant pump pulleys, camshafts and crankshafts.

Before installing a new belt, check the condition of the coolant pump, tensioner roller and belt support roller.

When swinging and rotating by hand the pump pulley and rollers, there should be no play, jamming, or noise in the bearings. In the presence of these faults, replace the pump with a new one.

To replace the tensioner with the roller assembly, we remove the bracket of the cylinder block, to which the bracket of the right support of the power unit is attached.

With the “10” head, we unscrew the four bolts of the bracket for the right support of the power unit (for clarity, it is shown on the removed engine).

We remove the bracket.

With the “12” head, we unscrew the three bolts securing the tensioner to the cylinder block.

Remove the belt tensioner.

Using the “14” head, unscrew the bolt securing the support roller.

Remove the support roller.

We install the tensioner and the belt support roller in the reverse order. Tighten the tensioner fastening bolts with a torque of 25 Nm, and tighten the support roller bolt with a torque of 50 Nm.

Before installing the belt, make sure that the alignment marks on the camshaft pulleys and the marks on the crankshaft pulley are aligned with the slot on the rear timing cover. In this position, we put the belt on the crankshaft pulley. Pulling both branches of the belt, we start the front branch by the support roller, and the rear branch, putting it on the coolant pump pulley, by the tensioner roller. We put the belt on the camshaft pulleys, eliminating the sagging of the belt branches.

We tighten the belt by turning the coolant pump clockwise until the movable and fixed pointers of the tensioner are aligned (see above). In this position, tighten the pump mounting screws.

With the fifth gear engaged, with the “32” head, turn the crankshaft clockwise by the hub bearing nut two turns clockwise.

We check the belt tension and the coincidence of the alignment marks of the crankshaft and camshafts. If the installation marks do not match, we repeat the operation to set the valve timing. We make sure that there are no leaks from under the coolant pump. Otherwise, replace the sealing ring of the pump housing.

If the valve timing is set correctly and the belt tension is normal, then install the lower front timing cover and the auxiliary drive pulley. We tighten the bolt of the accessory drive pulley at the beginning with a torque of 95 Nm. Next, turn it 30°, and then another 15°.

Further assembly is carried out in the reverse order.

Timely replacement will help to avoid a break in the belt of a Chevrolet Aveo with a R4 16V Ecotec A16 XER gasoline engine. Such a nuisance threatens with serious costly repairs for this car model, which should be taken into account by every owner.

When do you need a replacement timing belt for a Chevrolet Aveo T300?

According to the manufacturer's recommendations, this issue should be dealt with only after 150 thousand km. In fact, the owners of the Chevrolet Aveo new T300 try not to wait for critical values. They conduct preventive inspections to identify possible problems.

An alarm will be:

  • visible defects outer surface (cracks, bulges, etc.);
  • end surface deformations belt (for example, bundle);
  • serrated surface problems(traces of wear);
  • traces of oil.

Even a small amount can quickly destroy rubber. The cause of the appearance is most often a violation of the tightness of the seals. It is worth fixing the problem immediately, otherwise the repair will come out in a tidy sum, and it’s only 70 dollars if you make such a replacement for the Aveo T300 timing belt in the service.

What tools are needed to change the timing belt Aveo new 1.6

If it becomes necessary to replace the timing belt, be patient. You will need the following keys to work:

  1. TORXE14.
  2. TORXE18.
  3. TORXT50.
  4. Socket head (11).
  5. Allen key (6).

Replacing the timing belt must be carried out in accordance with the technical regulations, since its breakage is fraught with consequences. In general, if you do not change the belt on a Chevrolet Lacetti in time, the valve will bend if it breaks. However, if the part is of high quality, then it is quite capable of passing up to 120,000 kilometers.

The content of the article:

Not the most pleasant breakdown in the engine is considered to be a broken timing belt. Depending on how the engine is designed, valves may be bent or some parts of the unit may fail. But there are also situations when a broken belt does not pull anything along, change the belt and hit the road again. Consider the principle of replacing the timing belt on a Chevrolet Lacetti.

Replacement frequency and location of timing drive elements

According to the service book regulations, replacement work should be carried out every 60,000 km or after 4 years (whichever comes first). Also, according to the instructions of the service book, every 30,000 km of run, it is necessary to inspect the timing belt for defects, such as:
  • exfoliation of fabric from rubber, obvious cracks and folds on the surface of the belt;
  • the appearance on the reverse side of the belt of a bend that exposes the cord threads, as well as possible traces of burning;
  • signs of leaking oil;
  • tooth wear marks.
When during the inspection the following defects are found on the belt, then it is necessary to replace it. If the replacement is not made in time, then this can lead to the failure of the belt (whether it be a break or a cut of the teeth), as a result of which the valves will collide with the pistons. As experienced motorists say, "the valve is bent." A broken timing belt will lead to a breakdown of the valves, and in addition to them, pistons, ICE gaskets, etc. will need to be replaced. This type of repair is quite expensive and also takes a lot of time.

Necessary tools and spare parts

Before proceeding with the replacement work, you should prepare the necessary tools and spare parts, namely:
  • new timing kit;
  • pump (during the initial replacement, it changes at will or if traces of a leak are detected, and the service life of the water pump is 120,000 km);
  • a set of socket heads with a ratchet;
  • flat screwdriver and sliding pliers;
  • hexagon.
The timing kit includes the following parts: timing belt, idler pulley assembly and bypass pulley. Also during the replacement work, it is recommended to replace the water pump (pump). As for the choice of spare parts, there are two options: original spare parts and their analogues. As for analogues, they are represented by many manufacturers: Dayco, Gates, Inna, Contitech and others. As they say, "there is where to roam."

The timing belt must be replaced at a viewing hole or overpass. The first step is to put the car on the handbrake, remove the front right wheel and fix the car (place a brick or a special device between the rear wheels on both sides).

Replacing the timing belt on a Chevrolet Lacetti is carried out as follows:

This is how work is done to replace the timing belt on a Chevrolet Lacetti car. Self-replacement will serve as an experience for the motorist and save a tidy sum of money.

Video - replacing the timing belt on a Chevrolet Lacetti:

Chevrolet Lacetti Timing Belt Replacement Guide

We get:
1) INA roller kit (factory, but without GM logo) 530033209
2) Gates timing belt (factory, but without GM marking) 5419XS
3) V-ribbed belt Gates 6RK1873
Previously, I thought about buying an original GM rep kit, where there is a belt and two rollers at once. But on the forum there were reviews that the belts in the original were defective.

Information on original timing belts for Chevrolett Lacetti with F16D3 and F14D3 engines.
Auto Cevrolett Lacetti F14D3 2008 release.
In July-August 2012, the timing consumables (belt and two rollers) were replaced, as well as the cooling system pump, all GM parts. The preliminary diagnosis was a broken timing belt, after parsing it was confirmed.
This is how the original belt looks like, taken from the incoming Lachik with a mileage after replacing 20,000-30,000 km., The owner found it difficult to give an exact answer.

Timing belt GM 96417177 (manufacturer indicated on the Gates belt)

Many will see this for the first time!

Timing belt GM 96417177 (manufacturer indicated on the Gates belt)

If you look closely, you can see the logo "Daewoo" and the inscription "GM Daewoo".

Timing belt GM 96417177 (manufacturer indicated on the Gates belt)

Here you can see the logo of the company "Gates" and the inscriptions "PowerGrip" and "made in Korea".

Timing belt GM 96417177 (manufacturer indicated on the Gates belt)

The construction part number for the auto manufacturer "96417177" is quite distinguishable.
In connection with the general breakage of timing belts on Chevrolett Lacetti cars with F16D3 and F14D3 engines, it would not be superfluous to make a visual inspection of the timing belt and rollers on your cars. For those who changed the timing belt in 2012 and purchased the GM belt 96417177 with the Gates logo, it is better to do this without delay, because the approximate cost of work with spare parts in the event of a break will be 30,000-40,000 rubles.

Belts look original. The manufacturer's website has a description of how to check the belts for originality.
In a nutshell, it looks like this:
1) On the belt, the inscriptions should be cut off, i.e. it is not necessary that the name with the marking go exactly in the center of the belt.

2) Box with holograms and sealed inside.

3) The fresher the belt, the better. In the photo on the right 3E22 (number 3 corresponds to 2013)

Naturally, the rollers should also not play and make extraneous noise.

What pumps the pump, it calmly walks 2-3 belt replacements. You can check for backlash to calm the soul)
I hope the information was helpful!
P.S. After replacing the belts, a strange sound appeared (small rumble). The mechanic said that these are rollers with belts being rubbed. After a while, the noise didn't go away. Come in and see what's there. As a result, the protective cover was not tightened and rubbed against the belt. The casing was rubbed to the hole, respectively. Fixed it and the noise is gone.

When replacing the timing (numbers in the catalogs)

96417177 — timing belt;
96350550 - roller;
96350526 - roller;
96352650 - pump.
It will not be superfluous to have on hand:
94580413 — camshaft seal (2pcs);
96350161 — front crankshaft oil seal.

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