When should you visit the cemetery? The Bible about visiting the graves of relatives and friends


A visit to the cemetery is associated with various superstitions that impose certain restrictions on the believer. For example, it is better to plan a trip no later than twelve in the afternoon, and it is strictly forbidden to take anything away from the grave.

Signs can also tell you which day it is better to go to the cemetery, and when you should refuse it, whether you can take children with you, and much more.

Notes about the cemetery

Signs in the cemetery are a kind of clues that will help prevent troubles and hardships. Compliance with the traditions associated with behavior in burial places protects from the negative energy that hovers here.

  • When people visit the cemetery, they always take clean water with them. It is customary for her to wash her face and hands when leaving - this is done in order to wash off the grave earth.
  • The water that is taken on the territory of the churchyard is forbidden to drink. It is used exclusively for cleaning burial sites.
  • Always keep an eye on your belongings and try not to forget anything on the grave: any of your items can be used to induce damage.
  • Another curious superstition is associated with the cemetery, which says: if you notice a crack on the cross or upon arrival you see that it has fallen, then soon you may receive news of the death of one of your relatives or friends.
  • If a monument falls on the grave, this means that the soul of the deceased has not rested. Superstitious people say that something still does not let her go, some unfinished business remains. It is possible that the spirit is trying to report something, to warn of future troubles.

In order for the soul of the deceased to still be able to rest in peace, it is advisable to turn to a medium and try to find out the reason for what is happening.

It will also be useful to visit the church: put a candle for the repose, pray in front of the holy icon, perhaps you did not have time to ask for forgiveness from the person who left this world forever, or, on the contrary, it was you who held a grudge against him. It's time to forgive and forgive.

  • Falling into a cemetery is one of the worst signs. People say that an evil fate hangs over this person and death is prepared for him.
  • You came to the cemetery and suddenly it started to rain - a sign promises an unexpected turn of events. Changes will affect the personal sphere.
  • If a bird perched on the grave of the deceased, to which you came, on a monument or a cross, the soul wants to tell you something.
  • There is a superstition that tells whether it is possible to often go to the grave of relatives and stay in the cemetery for a long time. It is not recommended to do this, since the spirit of death hovers in this place, which takes away energy from the living.
  • Another sign explains why you can’t turn around when you are in a cemetery - with this action you risk calling the soul of the deceased, who will settle in your house and bring a lot of trouble.
  • A similar interpretation has a sign that says why you can’t take any things from the cemetery with you - you won’t bring anything good to your house, only negative grave energy. And it will poison the atmosphere until you get rid of this item.

Is it possible to go to the cemetery - signs by time of day

To believe or not in signs in the cemetery is a personal matter for everyone. However, both superstitious people and psychics believe that it is better to visit the graves of the dead before noon. So, is it really possible to go to the cemetery in the afternoon.

In the morning

In Orthodoxy, there is a rule according to which believing Christians visit the cemetery in the morning. They say that it is at this time of day that the Lord lets souls go to see their relatives. Later this road becomes closed. In addition, if you arrive early, you will have time to commemorate the dead, read a prayer, and put the grave in order.

The opinion of mediums on this matter is as follows: they argue that the most favorable time for visiting the graveyard is the interval between six o'clock in the morning and twelve in the afternoon, since during this period the energy exchange slows down as much as possible.


During the daytime, you can also plan to visit the graves. And if they have already been removed before, then you will have time to commemorate the dead before dark. In addition, it is far from always possible to go to the cemetery before 12 o'clock, and therefore it is quite possible to do this after work.

However, mediums say that it is impossible to go to the cemetery after dinner, and they answer the question “why” as follows: after twelve o'clock a powerful exchange of energy begins to occur, which can negatively affect a person's condition.

Impressive people are especially susceptible to this influence. After visiting the graveyard, they may feel a severe headache, general weakness, deterioration in mood and heaviness in the soul. Often this condition is accompanied by increased irritability and continues until the next day.

If you are highly sensitive, but do not have the opportunity to go to the cemetery during the recommended hours, then it is advisable to take a sedative before leaving.

In the evening

There will be a similar explanation as to whether it is possible to go to the cemetery in the evening. In addition, superstitious people say that at dusk the souls of the dead rise from their graves and can frighten visitors.

There is another version: our ancestors believed that walking through the graveyard in the evening, a person can disturb the souls of the dead. They, in turn, will carry away anyone who has broken the silence with them to another world.

At night

As for the question of whether it is possible to go to the cemetery and visit the graves of the dead at night, here psychics adhere to the same version: a powerful energy exchange that will last until six in the morning can harm your health.

If you ask the ministers of the church why you can’t go to the cemetery at night, you can get a completely reasonable interpretation. At this time of day, it is not the dead and their souls that should be feared, but the living, for the reason that they are capable of causing a lot of trouble.

And do not forget about stray animals, which, being hungry, and therefore often angry, can attack anyone who enters their territory.

Thus, it becomes clear at what time it is better to go to the cemetery. Choose the morning hours: you will have time for everything and after visiting the graves you will feel great. And do not forget that it is not recommended to go to the cemetery often, because according to signs, such behavior of yours will not give peace to the soul of a departed person.

When you can go to the cemetery - interpretation by day of the week

To begin with, it is worth noting when you can commemorate the dead and go to the cemetery. The Church highlights such days:

  1. Funeral - on this day, the deceased is escorted by relatives and friends.
  2. The third day after death - as a rule, it goes the next day after the funeral.
  3. Ninths - this date falls on the ninth day after death.
  4. Sorochiny - the fortieth day after death.

In Orthodoxy, there are days when you can’t go to the cemetery. These include the dates of such Christian holidays as Easter, Christmas, the Annunciation and Trinity. These days it is worth visiting the church, and it is better to remember the departed relatives in the family circle at the table.

Consider certain days of the week, which, according to popular belief, are in one way or another connected with visiting the churchyard.

Monday and Tuesday

The church recommends going to the cemetery on the Monday and Tuesday immediately following Easter Sunday. On these days, relatives share the joy of the bright holiday with those who have gone to another world, and memorial services are held in churches and temples.


There is a sign according to which it is forbidden to visit the graves of the dead in the middle of the week. In this connection, the question arises why on Wednesday you can’t go to the cemetery. Our ancestors believed that on this day the souls of the dead could take uninvited guests with them, and therefore it is better not to visit the burial places.

But the church has an opposite opinion on this matter: you can go to the cemetery on Wednesday, especially you should not limit yourself if a funeral falls on this day, the third day after death, ninety or sorochiny.


On Saturdays, divine services are held in churches, after which the dead are usually commemorated, and therefore it is not forbidden to go to the cemetery. In the church calendar, some Saturdays have special dates, and it is advisable to plan a visit to the churchyard on these days.

  • Meatless Saturday, which is celebrated a week before Lent.
  • Second, third, fourth Saturday of Lent.
  • Trinity Saturday - it precedes the feast of the Holy Trinity.
  • Dmitrovskaya - the first Saturday of the last month of autumn.


The clergy tell about whether it is possible to visit the cemetery on Sunday. This day of the week is called Little Easter, and it is a reminder of when the resurrection of Christ the Savior took place. In churches and temples on this day, the main service is held, which is called the Divine Liturgy. And all Christians take part in common prayer.

For this reason, it is not customary to plan a trip to the churchyard on Sunday. An exception may be the case when the date of death falls on this day. In other situations, it is better to reschedule a visit to the place of eternal rest for another time.

How to behave in a cemetery?

A visit to the cemetery is associated with rules that are quite understandable to everyone.

  • If we talk about clothes, then it should not be bright. Muted tones, black or white are the best choice. It is better to cover your legs with a long skirt or wear trousers. Shoes should be closed - so you definitely will not bring grave earth into your house.
  • Behavior in the cemetery also requires compliance with certain rules: be balanced, calm, do not show unnecessary emotions. You can neither swear, nor swear, nor laugh, nor shout, nor cry too loudly. It is not allowed to leave rubbish behind.
  • Arriving at the grave, light a candle and remember the deceased person. When they go to the cemetery, they commemorate the deceased mentally and do not drink alcoholic beverages. If you want to arrange a memorial dinner, then it is better to do it within the walls of the house, having gathered at the table with relatives and friends.
  • You should behave with restraint in the cemetery: do not jump over the grave mounds, do not step on them, do not touch the neighboring monuments and do not put things in order near them, as this will most likely not be approved by the relatives of the person who is buried in this place.
  • If something accidentally falls on your graveyard, do not pick up this item: now it belongs to the deceased. But if you cannot part with this thing, then something should be left instead: flowers, bread, cookies, etc.
  • Money cannot be counted in the cemetery, because by doing so, you can attract poverty or premature death. If the money was in your hands, then according to the signs, they must be left on the grave hill - this is how you pay off troubles and failures.
  • They leave the place of eternal rest along the same path they came along. But at the same time, they approach their home from the other side.

Who can not be taken with you to the cemetery?

And finally, we will find out whether it is possible to go to the cemetery with a child under one year old and for pregnant women. Popular beliefs say that it is better to do this, since negative energy flows in the burial places, which creates a very unfavorable aura. Babies are still too vulnerable to evil spirits, and the baby, who has not yet been born, does not have a guardian angel at all.

With children and during pregnancy, it is better not to go to the cemetery, but to the church. To remember the departed relatives, it is quite enough to read a prayer in front of the holy face and with a lit candle in hand.

In general, each person decides on which days to go to the cemetery on their own. The only thing is that you do not need to visit the burial sites too often: you can bring trouble to your home and at the same time do not allow the soul of the deceased to calmly go to another world.

The final resting places have always attracted attention, it is not surprising that cemetery superstitions are so numerous. What can the secret signs that otherworldly forces send us in a mournful place warn about? We understand the issue.

In the article:

Signs in the cemetery - what can be done

There are many superstitions associated with this place. All rules of conduct are required. You can’t come empty-handed - bread and other treats, leave them on the grave.

alcohol at funerals

It is forbidden to come to the resting place of thousands of people while intoxicated. It is also unacceptable to drink alcohol at a funeral.

Moreover, alcohol loosens the tongue, and in the cemetery it is better to follow the words so as not to offend the dead. For the repose of the soul, drink at the wake.

What should I say

There is such a sign:

Whatever good you say on the grave, it will remain on it.

With deceased relatives, you can share experiences and joys, while you should not arouse envy or excessive pity in them. Because in both cases, they will want to take the speaker to themselves. A phrase like "I'm living so badly, it's better to die" can become fatal. Spirits will regard this as a call to action and "come to the aid" of the suffering, who is so eager to get into the other world.

We must remember that you can afford to be open only with that relative who was trusted during his lifetime and with whom he was close. If you talk loudly and brag about your victories on someone else's grave, then all the good things will go to the relatives of its inhabitant.

Refrain from sorting out relationships and swearing among the graves. The sign says that whoever comes to the cemetery to quarrel will live in eternal squabbles.

Is it possible to take things from the grave

Of course not. Remember this rule yourself and explain it to the children: the house is the territory of the living, and everything that is in the cemetery belongs to this place. Taking anything from there is a very bad omen.

Bringing graveyard soil is like recognizing your home as part of a cemetery. For spirits, it will be "marked" as their sphere of influence. It will take the help of a very strong magician to clear the dwelling from the grave seal.

To raise something from the grave means to take this thing away from the dead. And the dead are very jealous of what belongs to them.

Is it possible to count money in a cemetery

There is another well-known sign: if you count the money on the grave, you will part with it forever. Bills fell out - do not touch them. Even a large amount, let it lie.

If you raise money from the cemetery land, due to your negligence and greed, you can accumulate problems and illnesses and spend much more money on their solution than you could leave.

I had to get a wallet at the cemetery - leave the coins on the grave. Better at the gravestone of a relative or at least namesake.

Is it possible to take pictures at the cemetery

Most signs say that it is impossible, since this is a place of accumulation of negative energy. A mystical connection between a person and his image in the photo is known - the image will leave an imprint of all the negative of this place.

If you capture yourself in the realm of the dead, you will either draw them to you, or you yourself will soon go there.

It is especially reckless to take a picture near the coffin with the deceased, as well as on graves younger than forty days old. It has long been known that this period is not accidental, that is how long the negative energy that was released during the death of a person is preserved. The soul of the deceased is among the living, not finding peace. The consequences of such a photo can be disastrous - up to the appearance of serious diseases.

It is believed that the memories of this belief have been preserved since ancient times in the word "term". “The term has expired” means forty days have passed.

Photographing can disturb the souls of people buried in the graves that fell into the frame. They will return to their home or come to the person who took the photo. In this case, it is quite possible to encounter.

The cemetery is used not only for the burial of the dead. This is one of the main places for black rites. Here , they ask , and the witches are here . It is saturated with powerful negative information that will remain in the picture.

It doesn't matter if it's a paper photo or an electronic one. The second option is even worse, because digital images are easily copied. Don't post them online.

Storing "dead" images is fraught with a deterioration in the atmosphere in the home, household illnesses and the appearance of problems in relationships, money issues and other aspects. Children especially suffer from such sources of negativity - they are more susceptible to magical attacks than adults.

If there are already similar photos in the house, and there is no desire to part with them, despite the bad omens, keep them face down, so that the image is not visible. You can pack the source of the negative in a tight envelope.

Signs at the funeral and cemetery

Seeing off the last journey is a very serious event. :

  • stand not in black attire, but in white or multi-colored;
  • speak loudly, show disrespect to the deceased;
  • take any things from the coffin (even if the deceased promised to give them during his lifetime);
  • tell stories that are not related to the theme of the event;
  • speak badly about the dead;
  • wear open shoes (bare toes, heel).

To get rid of the negative energy of the place, you should take a bottle of holy water with you and wash your face, hands and feet at the exit. You can only leave the cemetery the way you came.

Sign - if you fell in a cemetery

This sign indicates that the fallen person is drawn to the grave ground, and possibly to him. Anyone who fell at a funeral must urgently leave the cemetery. After that, over it you need to read the prayer three times “ Our Father”, wash with holy water and baptize with a church burning candle.

If a monument fell in a cemetery

In this case, they say that it is the restless soul of the deceased that makes itself felt. If a person is holding something in this world, he will try to figure out what is the reason for the delay.

Perhaps the deceased has an unfinished mission or he needs to protect relatives or friends from something - the spirit will try in every possible way to contact them. A fallen monument is a clear sign that the soul wants to be heard. You should seek help from a medium and find out what a relative needs.

A cat at a funeral is a bad omen

In ancient Egypt, cats were considered intermediaries between the living and the dead. According to legend, these animals could speak on behalf of the deceased and even temporarily be a haven for his soul.

There should be no pets in the room where the deceased lies. This is especially true for cats. As soon as a misfortune happened, they need to be taken out of the house. And even better - for some time to send to live with relatives.

The cat is torn back - to the new dead. It is especially dangerous if the animal lies down to sleep under the coffin with the deceased. This suggests that another grief will happen in the family soon.

It is better to drive away an animal that has joined the procession, but show respect to it. Do not kick or push - someone's spirit may come in his image. Throw aside the present, which is not a pity - pay off.

If a cat jumps on the deceased or the lid of the coffin, this portends the death of the closest person to the deceased. In some countries, it is believed that this behavior of a cat indicates a terrible prediction in the form of a vampire or ghoul for the deceased.

Much depends on the color of the cat met on the churchyard. Of course, signs pay special attention to black individuals. It is believed that in their guise there may be a witch or a necromancer magician. According to ancient legends, they are receptacles for the souls of sinners. The white cat is the embodiment of a righteous man who has not completed some work in the world of the living. But meeting with him does not bode well, it is a sign of illness or serious danger.

Unfortunately, every person has to visit the cemetery several times in his life: attend the funeral, clean up the mess, or just visit the deceased relatives. At such moments, it is necessary to follow certain rules and pay attention to signs that will allow you to predict misfortune and prevent it.

The first and most important rule of what not to do is no alcohol and sobriety while visiting the grave. If a person is drunk, he can say a lot of unnecessary words and this will attract bad energy to himself or even anger the spirits. Subsequently, there may be retribution for insulting the dead, so it is best to leave alcohol for a wake.

Faced with the loss of a loved one, you need to pull yourself together and try to lead him on his last journey with dignity.

In no case should you take alcohol, although for many this seems to be the only way to muffle the pain.

As mentioned above, drinking alcohol offends the memory of the deceased, and in order for his spirit to successfully leave the earth and not disturb people, the following rules must be observed:

Signs on the grave

As you know, the impossibility of placing a coffin in a pit due to its small size is a bad omen, but that's not all: if the grave begins to collapse after burial, this may mean the imminent death of one of the close relatives of the deceased.

Some believe that the appearance of ants on the grave is a bad sign, but it’s not at all like that: firstly, people bring food during a visit to deceased relatives - an excellent bait for ants, which is quite natural, and secondly, such insects do not start at the burial place of bad people.

In such a situation, you should not worry: there is nothing wrong with the appearance of ants on the grave.

Why can't you eat in the cemetery?

When visiting the grave of the deceased, it is customary to bring food with you - cookies, sweets, pies.

This is necessary for the energy supply of the deceased, and he receives it from human food.

According to old beliefs, food brought to the grave should not be consumed, because. they no longer have positive energy, and they not only will not bring benefits, but can also harm a living person.

There is another interpretation: it is possible and necessary to eat the products brought for commemoration, if only because over time they will disappear and begin to decompose.

However, the church does not approve of this, considering the habit of eating over the grave a relic of the pagan faith, when it was customary to commemorate the dead right at the cemetery on the first Sunday after Radunitsa.

Who can't go to the cemetery?

It is undesirable for children and pregnant women to appear on the graveyard, because. they have weak energy protection.

If you neglect this rule, the spirit can move into a child or an unborn baby.

It is also not recommended to visit the graves for girls during critical days: it is believed that at this time the fair sex is dirty, and the evil spirits coming from the inside can prevent the deceased from moving to the Kingdom of Heaven.

If you step on a grave

When a person accidentally steps on a grave, this can cause the wrath of the deceased buried in it. The ancient peoples believed that in this case it was necessary to immediately jump back and ask for forgiveness, but in any case, trouble would not be avoided.

If a person is drawn to the cemetery

It also happens that people are overcome by an irresistible desire to go to the cemetery. Most often, this desire worries for several months after the death of a loved one.

There is another explanation - strong energy. Some feel peace and tranquility in the churchyard. There are two options here:

If, even after visiting a church and a cemetery, the desire to go there does not disappear, it means that the spirits of loved ones need more frequent communication, and there is nothing wrong.

In order to avoid misfortunes, it is enough to follow a few rules:

Why can't you count money in the cemetery?

Another most common superstition is that you cannot count your money over the grave. As you know, what you boast about - you will remain without it.

A person who neglects this rule may soon notice a deterioration in his financial situation.

If even a lot of banknotes have fallen on the churchyard, it is best to leave them there, and not pick them up, otherwise you can attract illnesses and problems, for the solution of which you will have to spend a much larger amount.

If you fell in the cemetery

Very often at funerals, people either lose consciousness or stumble due to a distracted state and fall.

In both cases, falling into a cemetery is a bad sign, foreshadowing illness or the imminent death of the fallen.

To fence him off from trouble, you need to read “Our Father” over him three times, sprinkle with blessed water and cross him with a lit church candle.

If a monument to a close relative falls on the churchyard, this indicates that he is trying to remind himself or talk to the living in order to predict a significant event or protect him from trouble. In the latter case, to communicate with the deceased, you will have to turn to a medium.

Funeral Animals

After the death of a person, it is desirable to remove all animals from his house at least for a while, especially cats: it is believed that they maintain contact with spirits, and if necessary, the latter can inhabit them.

If during the funeral procession a cat tagged along behind a crowd of people, you need to carefully remove it to another place. You can’t kick or push away with your foot, because. it may contain the soul of a deceased person.

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One of the most important elements of the culture of every nation is the commemoration of the dead. In the treasuries of folk and philosophical thought, one can find many wise sayings on this topic, but even without them it is not necessary to explain the importance of this custom, which comes from the depths of centuries and invisibly connects all human generations with each other. Remembrance is of particular importance for those for whom the loss of loved ones is still a fresh wound. Visiting cemeteries for them is one way to cope with their grief.

All religions of the world are in solidarity with folk custom, but they also warn against the undesirability of frequent visits to cemeteries, and the Orthodox Church, for example, even shares the so-called. "days of joy" and "days of sorrow" that fall on Easter (one of the main Christian holidays dedicated to the resurrection of Christ). Psychics also agree with religions, claiming that a cemetery is the focus of dead energy, and a person who visits it too often not only perceives it in full, but also bears the so-called. "dead earth" to your home. Therefore, it is so important, in their opinion, not to take anything from the cemetery, and upon returning from it (after cleaning the graves or visiting them on certain days), be sure to wash your hands and wipe your feet, leaving this land outside the threshold.

Since many signs, superstitions and the most contradictory information are associated with the custom of remembering the dead, especially in rural areas, it is not surprising that one can very often hear a question addressed equally to Orthodox priests and ordinary elderly people: when can and when can not go to the cemetery ? Surprisingly, the answers are very different. For example, when asked whether it is possible to visit a cemetery on Easter, one priest will answer in the negative, another will say that this is not according to the canon, but nevertheless it is not forbidden, but in the villages, on the contrary, there is often an opinion that it is possible. In addition, there are stories about how the priests themselves visited cemeteries on Easter and blessed Easter cakes there (such a story, for example, is told by the rector of the church in the village of Maksakovka, the Komi Republic, Father Ignatius). Who is right and on what days do you really need to visit the place of the last rest?

"Time Machine"

Let's start with Easter - more precisely, with a story not about it, but about its history in the 20th century (this will help to understand the nature of some of the customs common in the post-Soviet space to this day). Before the revolution of 1917, it was not just a great religious holiday, but also a state holiday, for which, according to the law of 1897, four days off were given (Friday and Saturday of Holy Week preceding Easter, and Monday and Tuesday the next). Thus, the inhabitants of pre-revolutionary Russia received a small Easter vacation. The first seven days after the holiday were called "Easter week", and after it the so-called "Easter week" began. Radonitsa (or Radunitsa) is the oldest folk holiday commemorating the dead, which arose back in the pre-Christian era and is almost the only one (with the possible exception of the Trinity) that is fully accepted and supported by Orthodoxy. There was no exact day for Radonitsa: it was celebrated on the first Sunday after Easter, and on the Monday following it, and on Tuesday. The only thing that can be noted in this regard was a rule common to all localities: they commemorated the dead (and accordingly visited the cemetery) no later than the 9th day after Christ's Resurrection.

The ubiquitous distribution of Radonitsa is evidenced at least by the fact that in Russian it has 14 dialect synonyms, in Ukrainian - 5, in Belarusian - 7, and in the border Ukrainian-Polish-Belarusian-Russian Polissya it is called "Joyful Grandfathers". By the way, it is worth paying attention to the last name, as well as to some synonyms like “Babsky Great Day” or “Dead Great Day”, which have taken root in the Ukrainian language. After the baptism of Rus', the people's consciousness firmly linked Easter as a celebration of the resurrection of the Son of God and the resurrection of all the dead on Judgment Day, which he promised through Scripture, which contributed to the emergence of the following interpretation: Easter is a common holiday for all the living and the dead; on this day, God releases souls to earth so that they can celebrate this day together with the living, and allows them to be together for a whole week. On Radonitsa, the souls return back, and this was also enshrined in some synonymous names for this holiday: "Seeing" (or "Seeing") - in Ukrainian and "Navii Sendings" - in Russian. That is, Easter became a symbol of the unification of the dead and the living world, supported by the gospel story about the descent of Jesus into hell these days and the release of all sinners from it, and Radonitsa was perceived as its natural continuation: living people escort the souls of dead relatives back to the cemetery. Despite the fact that this was a non-canonical interpretation of the essence of the holiday, the church did not interfere with it and even encouraged it in some ways - for example, it preferred to call the "dead" "departed", in which the popular consciousness saw an extra confirmation of its correctness. The only thing she warned the believers against was excessive revelry and scope during the celebration, which is characteristic of the Slavic soul (especially after a strict Great Lent).

As you know, the Soviet government did not really favor the Orthodox faith and its ministers, and this is putting it mildly. Pulling out of context Karl Marx's phrase about religion as "opium for the people" (while completely forgetting that in Marx's time opium was a painkiller, and its narcotic properties were revealed later), she took it as a slogan and began to act in accordance with him. During the years of the Civil War, the clergy were among the first to be subjected to various repressions, and even Patriarch Tikhon's (V. I. Bellavin (1865-1925)) search for a compromise between the Soviet government and the church was not very successful. None of his assurances of the loyalty of the church to the authorities, no help during the seizure of valuables to help those affected by the famine of 1920-1921. (Tikhon allowed "to donate to the needs of the starving" church utensils and decorations "not having liturgical use") could not cancel the fact of the anathema of 1918 and his public condemnation of the actions of the Soviet government during the revolution and civil war. The reaction was appropriate: temples and churches were closed and defiled, and all previous holidays were declared "a relic of the old regime" and banned. Naturally, Easter also got into this list: its open celebration at the state level was prohibited (as, in fact, Radonitsa). An exception was made only for the elderly, but against them (as well as against believers of various age categories who were brought up in an appropriate environment and did not succumb to atheistic propaganda), the Soviet government used moral pressure, blocking the approaches to the surviving churches by volunteers on Saturday and Sunday. The logic was not only in preventing the parishioners: active non-party, sympathetic to the Soviet government, Komsomol members and communists were involved in the cordon, and among them there must have been (and were) acquaintances and friends of those who went to worship, who reported their names to the party and Komsomol cells. It is not difficult to understand that the consequences for believers could be the most unpleasant and deplorable.

This state of affairs led to the fact that people, under the pretext of “visiting the graves,” began to go to cemeteries on Easter day, where they celebrated Easter together with their dead relatives and friends. This did not contradict the popular understanding of Easter, which we have already mentioned, and contributed to its final unification with Radonitsa, albeit in a version somewhat distorted under the influence of external circumstances. Thus, a custom was born that still misleads many residents of post-Soviet countries.

This continued until 1941. During the war, when the USSR was looking for not only material, but also moral support wherever it could and in whatever it could (it is known that on the night of November 19, 1942, before the offensive of the Soviet troops near Stalingrad, a special aircraft even secretly flew over their positions, having on board the relics of the famous commander Tamerlane), relations between the authorities and the church became noticeably warmer. Stalin more than once had long conversations in his office with the locum tenens of the patriarchal throne, and then the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Sergius (I.I. Stragorodsky, (1867 - 1944)), and on April 4, 1942, just before the next Easter, a decree was issued, officially allowed its celebration and allowed everyone, despite the curfew and the blackout regime, to be on the streets all night.

The consequences of this order are preserved in the archives of the Russian FSB. So, according to the reports of the NKVD, on that night in Moscow alone, about 85 thousand people attended festive services, and in some churches their number reached up to 4-6 thousand. It is unlikely that this number was exaggerated: the department was well aware of the consequences for the performers of unreliable information of this kind. Of course, many skeptics immediately interpreted this step as, in modern terms, a very competent PR campaign designed not only to provide support for the power of Soviet believers, but also to gain additional points in the eyes of the allies in the anti-Hitler coalition, but the believers did not care at all. In the same reports, words of gratitude to Stalin carefully recorded that day, which were pronounced by visitors to Moscow churches, were preserved, and they were completely sincere.

After the war, Easter was no longer officially prohibited, although opposition to its celebration in the pre-war spirit still turned out to be, especially in the outback. One such celebration was witnessed in 1961 by a mathematics teacher in a rural school, the future world-famous writer A. I. Solzhenitsyn, who reflected his impressions in one of the stories in the Tiny series. In many families that were not even churched, the tradition of celebrating Easter at home was born (and many amateur photographs on this topic have been preserved in the archives of RIA Novosti), after which people went to the cemetery on the same day to commemorate their relatives and celebrate with them. So the pre-war custom became even more entrenched in the minds of Soviet people.

Until the collapse of the USSR, the attitude towards Easter was an amazing duality inherent in the very essence of Soviet power. Starting from the 70s of the XX century, closer to the holiday, the so-called. cake "Spring", very, very reminiscent of its shape Easter cake, and state printing houses - first in Moscow, then regional ones - produced Easter cards. Of course, there were no inscriptions on them like “Congratulations on Easter”, but Easter elements were invariably present. Festive worship services still attracted crowds of people, and in Moscow it often came to the point that on Saturday the routes of buses and trolleybuses passing by the most visited churches were canceled: there were so many visitors that they did not fit either in the premises or inside the fence and dammed the sidewalk and the roadway. On the other hand, Easter was still not officially recognized, the days following it were working days, and the measures of influence became more sophisticated and very effective. For example, on the night from Easter Saturday to Sunday, television (or in a village club) was scheduled to show some popular foreign movie (most often a French action movie or comedy), and large discos were organized in the outback. Naturally, often the choice was not made in favor of worship. There was a similar attitude towards the commemoration of the dead: since the traditional days for this were working, the custom of "Parents' Day" arose, for which the day off was spontaneously chosen on the 7th day after Easter - Sunday. A visit to the cemetery on Easter was also preserved, especially since many graveyards in the outback were located directly at churches, and thus people killed two birds with one stone. Those who were forced to leave their homes tried to visit the graves of relatives during their holidays, which led to the fact that the cemeteries were visited not on any particular day, but on any convenient day.

The customs that developed under the influence of realities led to the fact that when, with the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the church began to openly point out the inadmissibility of uncontrolled visits to cemeteries, this led to numerous questions and confusion. Its echo is still the different understanding of the same holiday by the inhabitants of the post-Soviet provinces mentioned by us and the disagreement of Orthodox priests on this matter. However ... is it a disagreement?

When is the right time to visit cemeteries for Easter?

Today, the answer to this question consists of two seemingly mutually exclusive approaches. On the one hand, the church, speaking of "days of joy" and "days of sorrow", categorically advises against mixing them with each other. The logic is simple: visiting a cemetery on Easter day, it is difficult to resist mourning for those who have died untimely, and even the promise of a coming resurrection is little able to console a person. Meanwhile, the essence of Easter is, first of all, the joy of victory over death, and this is how all festive hymns and prayers interpret it. The Church still welcomes visiting the cemetery on Easter days, but advises to do it in such a way as not to confuse one with the other - that is, in other words, go to the deceased relatives on Radonitsa, also called St. Thomas Week. The question is different - what if the 9th day after Easter is still working? The answer to it can be found in pre-revolutionary folk traditions: as we have already said, Radonitsa was celebrated in different parts of Russia on any of the three days - the first Sunday after Easter (7th), Monday (8th) and Tuesday (9th) . The church charter allows you to pray for the dead from Monday. It is best, of course, to go to the cemetery on the 9th day - this is quite consistent with folk ideas that do not contradict Christian tradition about visiting the world of the living by the souls of the dead - but if this is not possible, then it is quite acceptable to go to the churchyard on Sunday or Monday . The only thing that the clergy warn against is that you should not go to cemeteries after Radonitsa, that is, on Wednesday and the rest of the days: this is simply meaningless from a Christian point of view. Unless you wish...

On the other hand, in the Bible and the Orthodox church charter, there really is no prohibition to visit the cemetery on Easter, and from a formal point of view, you can go there on this day. But, as we have already said, this is contrary to the spirit of the holiday, and in a dispute between form and essence, preference should always be given to the essence. In addition, there is another important nuance: during the Easter week, the departed are not commemorated in churches and the magpie is not read, postponing it until Radonitsa. If someone dies on Easter, the church regards this as God's mercy and grace, and the funeral of the deceased is performed according to the Easter rite, not like on other days. Before visiting cemeteries, priests advise to go to the temple, pray for the deceased and take communion yourself.

As for the story we mentioned about a priest visiting a cemetery on Easter Day, this really happened several years ago in one of the Russian cities on the orders of the rector and, most likely, had as its goal not the maintenance of tradition, but unobtrusive enlightenment. It is known that many clergy, explaining to their parishioners the delicate subtleties of the celebration of Easter and Radonitsa, do not talk about a direct ban on visiting the cemetery on Easter (they cannot talk about it), but only prioritize and otherwise place semantic accents - they say, it will be better, if you do so...

When else can you visit cemeteries?

In addition to Radonitsa, there are a few more days a year when they go to the cemetery:

  1. the day of the funeral of the deceased person (which goes without saying).
  2. 3rd, 9th and 40th day after his death.
  3. annually on the day of the death of a person.
  4. meat-fare (the first ecumenical parental) Saturday, after which the Maslenitsa begins.
  5. 2nd, 3rd and 4th Saturdays of Great Lent.
  6. Trinity (universal parental) Saturday - the day before the feast of the Trinity.
  7. Dmitrov Saturday is the first Saturday in November.

In many Russian regions, as well as in the Balkans, these Saturdays were considered the main days of commemoration of deceased ancestors, who, according to popular beliefs, also come to visit their relatives, just like on Easter. After visiting the cemetery, a home funeral dinner is expected, which usually consists of an unpaired number of dishes, and the so-called. "grandfather's evening", during which they try to conduct measured conversations and remember all the departed. For their souls, they set aside a little from each dish, light a candle and put it in the grain, pour alcohol into a separate glass. At the end of the evening, the dishes from the table are usually not removed until the next day.

Often in rural areas you can also find the custom of going to the cemetery a few days before memorial Sunday or between May 1st and 9th, when they traditionally went to clean the mass graves of soldiers who died during the Great Patriotic War, and at the same time put things in order on the graves of relatives. The priests on this occasion say this: they say, there is no clear schedule for when to look after the graves, but it is best to adhere to established traditions.

It is definitely not recommended by the church to visit cemeteries on the main Christian holidays - Christmas, the Annunciation and others. If one of the relatives died these days, then to resolve this conflict, it is better to turn to an Orthodox priest, although it must be said that the people's consciousness, faced with such a choice, did not philosophize slyly and often chose to visit the cemetery with burial, motivating their choice the well-known saying "Death and relatives do not wait for the year." However, neither priests, nor psychics, nor folk wisdom advise going to cemeteries after sunset, and all sorts of statements like “they won’t do their harm, so you can even spend the night in the churchyard” are regarded by them as superstitions. You can also find advice not to visit cemeteries even on set days:

  1. pregnant.
  2. women who have their period (although this advice is not strict, and in the end the church leaves the final decision to the women themselves).
  3. on the birthday of the deceased, which is also best spent in the family circle, remembering him with a kind word.

How to behave in a cemetery

The Orthodox Church does not welcome stable folk traditions:

  1. eat and drink at the cemetery while visiting the graves in order to commemorate the dead.
  2. pour vodka into the grave.
  3. leave food on the grave.

According to the canon, on the days of visiting the cemetery, one should clean up the grave, light a candle, pray for the soul of the deceased (for this you can invite a priest) and just be silent in memory of him. Funeral lunch / dinner is best done at home. It is forbidden to step on the graves and jump over them, clean up on other people's graves, unless the relatives of those buried in them ask for it, and take something away from the cemetery. If you drop something, it's best to leave it there. If the dropped item is very important, picking it up, you need to put something in return (sweets, flowers, cookies) - that is, “pay off death”, as psychics say, otherwise a dead person will soon appear in the house. Be sure to wash your hands after visiting the cemetery, clean your shoes from the "dead earth" and the tool that was used to clean the grave. It is also encouraged to give alms on this day, and it is recommended to distribute the food stored for the cemetery to the hungry and the poor for "remembrance of the soul."


Remembering the dead is a very important part of human culture, but it is equally important to do it right. Unfortunately, no one can know whether the folk customs and prescriptions of the church are right or not, and a person’s behavior on commemoration days is an echo of his secret hopes and belief that everything will be fine for everyone in the end. And if so, then it is best to celebrate memorial days with a mandatory visit to the cemetery so that later you will not be ashamed of your behavior or for not knowing something - neither in front of the living, nor in front of the dead.

They were sacred places, and any disturbance of the peace, not to mention the destruction of graves, was considered blasphemy, desecration of the memory of the buried and disrespect for their ancestors. Such rules of conduct have survived to this day.

According to Christian customs, the place of burial of a person is marked by a small mound, on which a cross is installed. This religious symbol can be inscribed on a tombstone, or it can be placed above a monument.

The Church does not call the deceased “dead”, but prefers to use the word “departed”, implying that the time will come when the Almighty will revive the believers, and the grave will become the place of resurrection. For this reason, it must be kept clean and tidy.

When visiting the burial place of a loved one, you should light a candle and make a lithium - that is, it is meaningful to be silent for a while. At this time, your good thoughts and memories of the departed will be much better than any words. If you want to perform the rite of lithium, then you can invite a priest.

You yourself can read an akathist for the repose of the dead or an ordinary prayer. Many priests say that prayer is better than tears and sobs for the dead. After that, put the grave in order: clean the monument, trim the flower bushes. In no case do not set the table and do not drink at the grave of a loved one - this will offend his memory. The custom of leaving food in the cemetery is pagan - it is much better if you give it to those in need.

Before you go to the cemetery, you need to visit the temple in order to submit a note with the name of the deceased loved one - then not only you, but the whole church will ask for higher powers for your dear person. It is good if you can not only attend the service, but also take communion.

What days do you need to go to the cemetery?

There are certain days in the year when the Church commemorates all the dead. These days include universal parental Saturdays. It is impossible to name the exact date of these days, since they are calculated based on the Easter cycle. Here are the most significant of them:

  1. Eight days before the onset of Great Lent, Orthodox believers celebrate Meat-Feast Sabbath.
  2. The second, third and fourth Saturdays during Lent are called parental.
  3. Trinity parent Saturday - the ninth day after the Ascension, before the day of the Holy Trinity.

Before each of these days, memorial all-night vigils are held in church churches, which you can attend. However, these are not all the days established by the Russian Orthodox Church. It is customary to go to the cemetery and commemorate your ancestors on the following days:

  1. Radunitsa is celebrated on the Tuesday after Easter.
  2. Dmitrievskaya parental Saturday. Initially, this day was established in memory of the Battle of Kulikovo, but now all the dead soldiers are commemorated this Saturday. Dmitrievskaya is considered the Saturday before the eighth of November.
  3. May 9 - commemoration of the deceased soldiers.

These days, in addition to prayer, it is useful to donate to the church and to those in need. Remember that you can go to the cemetery and commemorate deceased loved ones not only on the above days, but also on their birthdays, deaths and name days. You can also visit the cemetery when you yourself want to communicate with a loved one, bring him flowers or pray at the burial site.

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