When to dream from Friday to Saturday. Dreams about emotions


29 November 2016

They say that dreams come true in the morning. But it must be remembered that there are several varieties of dreams. And for the correct interpretation of sleep, you need to understand what it is.

Prophetic dream dreams infrequently, but absolutely anyone can see it. Another thing is whether he will understand that the morning dream is really prophetic? The human body is connected with the soul by an invisible thin thread. When a person sleeps, this thread gradually unwinds.

If it is not unwound much, then the soul is next to the body. In this case, what worries, then dream. Even if you had a dream in the morning, there will be nothing prophetic or prophetic here.

And it happens that the thread unwinds so much that the soul flies to the other world. In such cases, prophetic dreams are dreamed in the morning. But it must be remembered that in that world there is a language that still needs to be deciphered. What the soul sees there is transformed into images familiar to it. It happens that fate itself comes to a person. The most important thing is not to be deceived by mistaking a false morning dream for a prophetic one. Prophetic dreams tend to come true in up to ten years.

Dreams - divination. If before going to bed a person thought of something, uttered certain words, then he should see the corresponding plot. Do dreams come true in the morning if you thought of something the day before? Basically, yes.

Dreams - reference. In such a plot, a person can see the Saints (the Mother of God or Jesus Christ), the dead, the living, who are far away. Such dreams in the morning always tell about something important and require the first decoding.

Dreams - signs. These are dreams that never directly come true: to understand them, you need to know the traditional symbols.

Empty dreams or "bodily" never come true. What worries you the most is dreaming: memories, anxieties, deeds. Nightmares are also empty dreams, so there is no need to wait for something bad.

If you had a dream in the morning: breakdown by day of the week

Sleep on a Monday morning. High probability that it will come true. For those who were born on this day, it will come true for sure.

Sleep on a Tuesday morning. It usually clears up within ten days. If it has not been fulfilled on the last day, then it will never be fulfilled.

Dream Wednesday morning. Such stories come true in whole or in part.

Dream Thursday morning. Usually on this day, empty, meaningless stories are dreamed of.

Dream Friday morning. predictive dreams. Love dreams on Friday morning completely come true.

Sleep on a Saturday morning. Comes true completely, regardless of the theme and plot.

Sleep on a Sunday morning. Dreams about relaxation, entertainment and good deeds come true completely, the rest are only partially realized. If a dream occurred on Sunday morning, it will be fulfilled either before lunchtime on the same day, or in a year.

As for morning dreams, there are several signs here:

First of all, only those dreams that you remember come true!

Usually the plots that a person sees while lying on his right side come true.

Daytime dreams are always empty and usually heavy except for visions. Evening and night dreams are often bodily. If you are wondering what it means if you had a dream in the morning, you should know that such stories are the most important, because the soul has already forgotten the day's sorrows.

If you have a desire to make your morning dream come true, it is better to hide it from everyone or not talk about it for at least three days.

So that the dream does not come true, you need to take yourself by the crown, whisper into the water, look at the fire, look out the window and knock on it three times.

If you had a terrible dream in the morning, and you don’t want it to come true, you need to turn the pillowcase and linen inside out.

To prevent a bad dream from coming true, you need to tell it to as many friends as possible before lunch.

It is undesirable to look into the water and in the mirror before going to bed, so that you do not dream bad things.

Dreams that occur in the morning are ideal in terms of clarity of perception, increased awareness and good memory. During sleep, each person, without exception, goes through several stages. There are five of them: from the phase of slow sleep to fast sleep. The slow phase is also called the "slumber phase".

Ordinary inhabitants accidentally fall into a fast phase of sleep most often in the morning. They wake up clearly remembering the dream in every detail, with fresh, exciting heart or soul, or maybe all together, emotions. Then they dive into the Internet, with the request “if you had a dream in the morning”, what does this mean?

This means that you not only had a dream (dreams are dreamed every night, and more than once), but you, lo and behold! He was remembered. This is good. If the dream was pleasant, then your inner intuition tells you that in the future, at least in the near future, everything will turn out well for you. Remember, the mood in the dream, the atmosphere, your own feelings are the best indicator, even if you do not yet know how to decipher your own dreams. Although - this is a big omission on your part.

Dreams are messages from your subconscious. To receive information from such a source and not be able to use it is blasphemy in relation to oneself.

If you had a nightmare, horror or a bad dream, this is unpleasant, as it disturbs the soul, causes a bad feeling and prophesies bad changes. In this case, you still need to figure it out: was your psyche cleared of accumulated negativity, or were you still able to “peep” into the future? Events that have not taken place in reality can still be canceled or corrected before they occur. First, the matrix of events is born on more subtle planes, and then its projection forms the basis of reality. That is why dreams are the best predictors. And if you are endowed with the ability to see them, you do not need prophets and fortune-tellers, you can see everything yourself!

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Each person is periodically in a state of sleep for about a third of his existence. This is not at all a stupid pastime, in this it a person learns the answers to the questions posed, finds the right way out of the current situation and catches important signs. Each dream has a different energy, as it is subject to a certain influence of the planets. For example, if a guy dreams from Friday to Saturday, then this dream will carry a slightly different meaning than it will appear on any other day of the week.

Closer to midnight Friday, the influence of the planet Venus and Saturn increases. They serve as patrons of the brightest feelings of a person: love, joy, passion, beauty, sincerity. If a girl saw herself with a pretty male on that very night, then this is her destiny, you need to take a closer look at it. If she dreamed of him alone or in the company of her friends, then this promises that she will find happiness in her personal life. The meaning of such a pleasant dream on another day of the week should be considered in more detail.

If a guy dreams from Saturday to Sunday

Weekend nights are the longest and most enjoyable for most people. No need to wake up to an alarm clock, you can lie down a little after waking up, and then go about your business.

  • If on this wonderful night a well-known young man dreamed, then soon you will receive a pleasant message from a distant relative. A somewhat different meaning is the dream in which an unfamiliar young man had a dream, he reminds the dreamer that he must diversify his routine with an extreme adventure;
  • If a guy dreamed of a lonely girl on the night from Saturday to Sunday, then she needs to stop “digging” into other people's shortcomings, otherwise she will spend a long time all alone;
  • If a girl saw her own man in a dream, then she can rejoice, her business will soon go uphill She will definitely succeed in her field. Making love to him in a dream means an improvement in the financial situation.

A guy can dream not only of a girl, but also of a man. If this happened, then he stop being jealous of others. Such a manifestation of feelings ruins his own plans.

If a guy dreams from Monday to Tuesday

On Monday, the Moon provides patronage, and on Tuesday, Mars, who personifies the power of fire, takes this position. The dream that came that night is desirable memorize and analyze, this will help to know its true meaning.

  • Did the dreamer see a guy through a dream that she really likes? Excellent sign! She can hope that they really will be together soon. And if she saw a man with whom she has been in a relationship for a certain time, then this dream promises a speedy marriage and the appearance of a child;
  • Married women and ladies of mature age see such a dream to money. But if the guy in the dream did not look decent, then, most likely, failures and disappointments in loved ones will soon occur;
  • good news portends a dream in which a person from a past life appeared. For example, a former classmate, fellow student, neighbor, and so on;
  • Flirting with a young man promises dubious adventures in your life. Try not to get involved in dubious adventures, do not trust your finances to those people in whom you are not 100% sure.

A man who sees such a dream should become more courageous and confident in his actions. The manifestation of this character will allow him to significantly improve his status in his career.

If a guy dreams from Wednesday to Thursday

The fourth day of the working week is ruled by Jupiter. Perhaps this is one of the most calm and balanced planets. Dreams on this day are practically neutral for humans.

For example, if a young man dreamed that day, then most likely the girl just thinks about him a lot, remembers him, or is simply tired of being alone and wants to start a relationship with someone.

Maybe another version if the girl do not attend such thoughts, it is most likely that the young man actively recalls her.

If you dream from Thursday to Friday

The brightest, most emotional and most truthful coloring is the dream that I had from Thursday to Friday. It comes to the human subconscious under the auspices of several planets at once, the greater of them is precisely Venus.

On Friday, you can find out the answer to any important question, you just need to correctly study the interpretation of this night message.

Brief description of sleep

Its meaning

I dreamed of a person for whom there is sympathy.

He also cares about you. Rather take the first step.

There were bright colors in the dream.

You will have a happy and long relationship.

In a dream there are black and white shades.

You will have a short relationship that will end in a sad breakup. Rather, it will not even be a relationship, but hard work.

I dreamed of an unfamiliar nice guy.

You will receive good news.

I dreamed of an unfamiliar guy with an unpleasant appearance.

You will receive news that will upset you.

You yourself can turn to the last working day of the week and ask him to dream about someone with whom you can get a good relationship, saying the phrase: “ Friday, Friday, let me dream of the one with whom I will be happy". After this spell, you need to comb your hair and put the comb under your pillow.

If you dreamed from Sunday to Monday

An excellent start to the week is laid if from Sunday to Monday a man of the heart has been seen. This promises preparation for another surprise for his lady of the heart.

You should be patient and start preparing a speech of gratitude. In addition, the dream promises good, favorable events for this couple. In any case, it has a positive color.

The girl needs to pay special attention to this prediction in the event that if she rarely sees a guy and began to show little interest in him. In this case, the dream promises that the young man needs support from his beloved.

If a lonely person had such a dream, then he warns her of the need " loosen your grip". You need to be lighter, feminine and romantic. Men want to take the first step towards you, but your strong character prevents them from doing so.

If you dreamed from Tuesday to Wednesday

Above, it has already been said what the meaning of a dream is if a guy dreams from Friday to Saturday. Tuesday is also under the influence of Saturn and Venus, which suggests that sleep has a similar meaning on this day. A girl who sees her beloved, familiar or unfamiliar boyfriend, waiting for success in personal life

What fateful events promise dreams from Friday to Saturday? This night is ruled by Saturn - a planet that personifies order, predictability, discipline and security. Dreams on the night before the weekend can be very realistic and tell you how to behave in the short term.

It is believed that dreams from Friday to Saturday are prophetic, because they are able to tell about upcoming events. This does not mean that the dream will come true exactly, but it will tell you what tests fate has in store for us and what rules and unwritten laws should be observed so that adversity does not cause harm.

There can be many memorable dreams, but the dream book highlights three key plots that can give clues about upcoming events. What are these stories?

  • You need to pay attention to visions filled with vivid impressions and positive emotions.
  • Sleep, which tells about upcoming events literally, will be important.
  • Gloomy visions filled with painful emotions will tell you what obstacles and how exactly you can avoid

Bright and joyful, cheerful and colorful dreams, after which Saturday morning is filled with a feeling of happiness, mean that luck will not turn away from you. You can safely embark on new endeavors, implement fresh ideas, and if your current business pleases you, continue to do it. Terrible Saturn has nothing against your goals and how to achieve them - this may be the interpretation of sleep.

If you had a dream telling about events with your participation, try to remember it in as much detail as possible. It is in such a dream that you can see the further development of events. When the dream storyline suits you, you need to try to match the circumstances, and if not, you need to calculate your actions in such a way as to prevent the realization of a negative scenario.

The gloomy vision that dreams of on the night from Friday to Saturday says: on the way to the goal, a fair amount of obstacles await you. Their symbols in the "territory of sleep" can be closed, thorny bushes and other obstacles. In a dream, we managed to find a workaround - the interpretation says that you will be able to do this in reality, but you will have to work with your brains, hands, and feet.

Traffic light of fate

The dream interpretation believes that it is worth paying attention not only to the plot and events that the dream told about from Friday to Saturday, but also to its “colors”. What is the meaning of the color scheme of sleep?

  • I dreamed of a “study in crimson colors” - that is, shades of red predominated - you need to pay attention to the state of health. Red color in visions may indicate the likelihood of a disease whose symptoms have not yet manifested.
  • The color scheme of the dream was predominantly in green, blue and blue tones - consider that fate showed you a green traffic light. There are no serious obstacles on the way to your goal, you can “go” to it calmly.
  • The warning signal of the "traffic light of fate" will be a dream in dark colors. The dream book says that such a vision warns of obstacles on the path of life, and you need to gather your will into a fist and think seriously in order to meet them fully armed.
  • If Saturday morning began for you with memories of the delicate shades of your dream - light green, pink, sky blue, peach - you can hope for a miracle and wait for your cherished desire to come true.

Do dreams come true from Friday to Saturday? There is more than one interpretation here. It is believed that such a dream will surely come true for those who were born on Friday or Saturday. Everyone else should be on their guard if unfavorable dreams are dreamed of until three o'clock in the morning from Friday to Saturday during Holy Week. The dream interpretation says that the same rule applies when Friday and Saturday fall on the 13th and 14th of the month, respectively.

The dream book believes that the most favorable dreams on Friday night are visions that come already on Saturday morning. Such dreams can turn out to be “shifters”: if in the morning you had a dream about unpleasant events, it can begin to come true just as unpleasantly. However, then the curve of events will even out and even go to the “plus” - unlike midnight gloomy dreams, it will take a lot of effort to overcome the consequences of which.

love shifters

What other dream from Friday to Saturday can give the dreamer important information? Not key, but informative plots are considered:

  • About family.
  • About love.
  • About travel.

If on the night from Friday - especially until midnight, when Venus still knows dreams - a guy dreamed of a girl, the dream should be interpreted depending on what exactly was dreamed of. One guy appears in dreams for several nights in a row from Friday to Saturday - he is probably not indifferent to the dreamer. An unfamiliar young man in a dream can predict the approach of serious changes in the life of a sleeping woman.

When a girl sees her young man at midnight from Friday to Saturday, the dream promises a quick wedding. If you dreamed, most likely, the dreamer will soon meet a person who will evoke romantic feelings in her. Several young people dream at once - the girl will have to make a difficult life choice in the near future.

Among love dreams there are also “shifters”: for example, if a young man is sleeping in a dream, this is a betrayal. And if he takes something in his dreams, in reality the dreamer will be presented with a gift. A young man offers a hand and a heart - in reality, the lovers will part, a stormy showdown with a guy was dreamed of - expect a pleasant surprise.

For a married lady, dreams that night will be interpreted literally. All good dreams about loved ones will be favorable, and negative ones will signal that you need to show tact and wisdom in order to avoid conflicts and misunderstandings.

For everyone else, dreams about traveling that night will directly talk about whether it makes sense to go on the road or not. If the visions left a pleasant impression, you can safely pack your bags.

As for the timing of the fulfillment of "Saturday" dreams, they are quite short. It is believed that if a dream has not been fulfilled within a week, then it is unlikely to come true. And if not the most favorable plot has been dreamed up, a person should exercise caution and prudence precisely during the week - you must admit, this is not so much.

Our sleep is not an empty pastime and not just a rest of the body from daytime activities. In a dream, we enter the information plane of the universe, where we can receive answers to our questions. Some dreamers are specially trained in lucid dreaming in order to communicate at the subconscious level with people of interest to them. And today we will consider the meaning of sleep from Friday to Saturday. What does it mean if a person dreams from Friday to Saturday?

The general meaning of dreams from Friday to Saturday is fateful events in life. This is a dream-tip: how to behave, what to expect from the future, what mistakes not to make. Often dreams on this night warn of dangers and trials.

If we are tormented by the problem of choice, it is on Friday that the subconscious mind suggests the right decision and way out of the situation. Rainbow vivid dreams prophesy a happy future, disturbing and gloomy dreams warn of future problems. If you pay attention to the dream, you will find in it a hint for solving problems.

If loved ones dream

The presence in a dream of a close or dear person notifies that you pay little attention to him. If a loved one had a dream in some unusual state for him, you should tell him the dream in detail. Things that you do not understand can become a revelation for him.

If a living father or grandfather is dreaming, you should carefully analyze the dream, remember the details. Usually this is a dream-hint for solving problems. The same applies to seeing a living mother or grandmother. Dreams involving deceased relatives have a different interpretation.

If you dream of an unfamiliar man

Friday is a special day that has a sacred mystical meaning. This day is under the auspices of the goddess Venus (Aphrodite) and is filled with the energy of romance. - it is also passionate feelings, nobility, beauty, art and wealth. If a girl sees a dream about a guy on that very night, fate points her to a suitable party. You should take a closer look at the guy. If you dreamed of a stranger, the interpretation may be as follows:

  • see a handsome man- you are lucky in any endeavors;
  • to be near a man- failure in business;
  • kiss a stranger warns against rash decisions;
  • be afraid of meeting a man- beware of new acquaintances;
  • pleasant impression from a stranger- to receive unexpected good news;
  • chase a stranger in a dream- to the imminent novel;
  • attack(pursuit) of a stranger in a dream - to empty chores and worries.

Another dream book defines the meaning of the dream a little differently:

  • if you often dream of the same guy- he constantly thinks about you;
  • if your boyfriend is dreaming- for an early marriage;
  • beating in a dream prophesies the meeting of all life;
  • see a drunk guy- to problems with other people;
  • if you are asked for something- for a quick gift;
  • kiss a guy- to treason;
  • fight with boyfriend- to a surprise;
  • they make you an offer hands and hearts - to separation.

If you saw in a dream freak or disabled- expect happy events. But to see the image of an unfamiliar woman in the mirror is a warning about a secret enemy. Remember her face in detail and be on the lookout. Also, a dream can show a rival in love, once dreamed in the hour of Venus.

see the beloved

What does a dream with the presence of a loved one mean? Interpreters interpret this dream in different ways. The accuracy of the interpretation will depend on your emotional experience in a dream. Often in a dream, the subconscious processes the information received from a close relationship with a person, so dreams are a continuation of the development of feelings between loving hearts.

Sometimes in a dream, unfulfilled desires come true, and we see scenes that we secretly dream about. But there are also so-called "prophetic dreams". Prophetic dreams differ from ordinary ones in bright colors and plots; such dreams are remembered for years. A prophetic dream may not be rosy if the subconscious mind seeks to warn of impending danger.

Some interpreters define a dream from Friday to Saturday as the jealousy of a loved one. He not only loves you, but is also jealous! So, try not to give rise to jealousy after such a dream!

But the vision of a former boyfriend means a new love and a serious relationship.

Men's dreams

  • stranger in a dream- to a new meeting;
  • Dreaming of an old lover Are you unsure of your feelings for your girlfriend?
  • Gypsy- to deceive loved ones;
  • unknown man- to new beginnings;
  • old man portends success;
  • clown- beware of close surroundings;
  • freak- good luck.

Do dreams come true from Friday to Saturday? The interpreters claim that these dreams all come true within a week. Get ready for a change in fate!

It is traditionally believed that dreams that occurred on the night from Friday to Saturday come true if you see them as close to Saturday morning as possible. These dreams don't always happen. They can be kind and dark. One way or another, these dreams, according to interpreters, express the state in which a person is currently located.

If everything is fine with you, then the dream will be pleasant, bright. If it’s bad, however, try not to take it to heart. Remember that this is just a signal, a warning that some changes in your life are needed.

The patron saint of the Sabbath is Saturn. In the power of this planet - the fate of people, the laws by which they are formed, good luck or failure that falls to a person. That is why dreams from Friday to Saturday talking about some upcoming trials and suggest what tactics to choose so that these trials do not harm us.

Good dreams from Friday to Saturday

If on Saturday you woke up in a great mood under the impression of a good dream, then you will not have any serious tests “from Saturn”. There will be no life restrictions that would have to be heroically overcome with difficulty. Moreover, all your plans for the near future will be carried out as usual.

A good dream from Friday to Saturday promises you in reality the fulfillment of desires and favorable prospects.

Do you have bad dreams from Friday to Saturday

What if the dream was heavy, even scared you? How to react to it? First of all - do not panic. Do not forget, it was just a dream, and even if he even drew some gloomy prospects for you, it is not a fact that they will come true. But the fact that you, having received information, can somehow influence the course of events, change something in your behavior and in your plans, accept with gratitude. Forewarned means protected.

Saturday night you can see your destiny in a dream or the fate of the people you care about. If such a dream upsets you, remember that after all, a person is the master of his own destiny and should not live according to the principle "as it will be, so it will be."

Mysticism of dreams

These dreams are often attributed mystical meaning. According to the interpreters of dreams, the whole point is that it was on Saturday that Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross. And this event leaves an imprint on everything that happened and is happening on earth in this time frame. Hence the many superstitions. For example, it is generally accepted that on Friday it is not necessary to start any important business, because they will not end in anything good anyway. If you are superstitious, then the dream you had on Saturday night can carry a certain mystical load.

History has preserved many examples when dreams seen from Friday to Saturday came true. Classic example - US Lincoln history, who, a few days before his death, saw this tragic event in a dream, told his relatives about it and even made entries in his diary. And he dreamed of one of the halls of the White House, covered with a flag, mourning people. In a dream, he asked who they were burying, and heard in response: "The President."

Special studies were carried out, which confirmed: on the eve of some important events related to the fate of the country, with some public person, a lot of testimonies are found (though already in hindsight) from people who allegedly "saw all this in their dream." In many cases, there was no reason to doubt the sincerity of these confessions, and the researchers concluded: prophetic dreams happen. Of course, not everyone has.

Do dreams of love come true

In the fate of a person, love usually has a very important meaning. Therefore, among the dreams that Saturn “rules”, it is especially necessary to single out dreams about the relationship between a man and a woman. If in a dream your chosen one is next to you, then you really made a very right choice in real life, your union is exactly what you need for happiness.

It is believed that the period during which the dream will have to come true is quite short - three to seven days. Try these days to be more careful in your deeds and actions, and then forget everything, “like a bad dream”: the danger has passed.

If the dream was kind, and you would really like it to come true, do the opposite - don't tell anyone a word, no matter how much you want to. And when the dream comes true, be sure to thank God for such mercy.

After studying a large number of patients, the researchers concluded that dreams, as a rule, reflect the mental suffering of a person. If disturbing dreams are repeated too often, then you need to give yourself a rest - for example, if from sleep to sleep you unsuccessfully tried to cope with some problem, then you need to postpone this problem "for later", otherwise your body simply cannot cope with the psychological load.

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