When the artist Yakovlev died. Artistic director of Vakhtangovsky: Yakovlev's death came as a surprise to us


Yuri Yakovlev died on Saturday morning in Moscow at the age of 86. An outstanding actor and coryphaeus of the Vakhtangov Theater died in the hospital after a serious long illness. For a long life in art, Yuri Vasilyevich was awarded a huge number of awards and prizes. Condolences to the family of Yuri Yakovlev were expressed by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

At the age of 20, entering VGIK, he heard the verdict of the selection committee - "non-cinogenic". At 30, when the drama "The Idiot" was released on the screens, Yuri Yakovlev, who brilliantly played Prince Myshkin, proved that he was not only cinematic, but infinitely talented. For the first time, Yuri Yakovlev, a graduate of the Shchukin Theater School, crossed the threshold of the Vakhtangov Theater in 1952. And from the first roles - success. This is the rare case when an artist is in demand in the cinema, the love of the theater audience came from vivid comedic images. 60 roles in Vakhtangov, the same number in the cinema. However, Yuri Vasilyevich himself has his own chronology. He counts his popularity from the role of Prince Myshkin. " Here "Idiot" is coming, there the idiot has gone. And also Hippolyte - here comes Hippolyte. Hello. They say hello on the street. I am comedic and serious and dramatic and lyricist", - said Yuri Yakovlev.

"Ivan Vasilyevich changes his profession" - the second motion picture. Folk. House manager Vasily Bunsha, aka Tsar Ivan the Terrible, is the favorite hero of more than one generation. " Yura had a tuft of hair coming out from under his hat all the time, he said to the make-up artist: “Give me scissors.” The make-up artist gives scissors. He is so - just this tuft! And I look at him, I think: "Fathers, he is a great artist, what is he so afraid of?" And I think: "So the great ones are also afraid, they are also worried", - says actress Natalya Krachkovskaya.

He is organic in every role. No pretense, no selfishness. Colleagues say that this is the school of the great actress Tsitsily Mansurova. To convey an event, an image, and not oneself. Because from the cinema and the TV screen he is so funny, childishly naive. " Yuri Vasilyevich left behind such an amount of warmth, kindness and smiles that the memories of him will always, it seems to me, be the brightest. This is probably the biggest award for an artist", - the People's Artist of Russia, director, artistic director of the Yermolova Theater Oleg Menshikov is sure.

Yuri Vasilievich admitted that the secret of his longevity is the terrible tension on stage. When the pressure is under 200, and the pulse is over 100. All his life he carried the proud title of "Vakhtangov" with pride. In the year of the 80th anniversary of the entire theatrical repertoire, he left himself one role - his beloved "The Seagull", the wise Sorin. In the year of the 90th anniversary of his native theater, like all honored Vakhtangovites, Yuri Yakovlev spread his sail. And brilliantly played in the production of Rimas Tuminas "Pier". " And the most important thing is that the last work "Pier", it was also filmed on television, and he played Bunin's "Dark Alleys" simply cosmically. It is a great happiness that in the theater in the last two years of his life he had a role, he had access to the stage. And when he left, a wave of just screams, applause began in the hall, they even stretched out their hands to him", - says the actress of the Vakhtangov Theater, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Yulia Rutberg.

On the stage, by his own admission, he liked to improvise, and at home, with his eyes closed, he played the performance from beginning to end. He loved the classics, did not favor modern experiments. " A great artist left, a big child left. The child is gentle, passionate, wholeheartedly serving the sublime. Working with him was both joy, and despair, and screaming, and madness."- recalls director Roman Viktyuk.

He has been sick a lot lately. He joked that he heals what was acquired by overwork. December 3 was going to go on stage, in the play "Sail". The news of the death of the great artist came to the Vakhtangov Theater.

Anastasia Martynova, "TV Center".

MOSCOW, November 30 - RIA Novosti. The death of actor Yuri Yakovlev came as a surprise to the Vakhtangov Theater, where he played, artistic director Rimas Tuminas told RIA Novosti and shared that he most appreciated Yakovlev's "tenderness and pain of the soul."

People's Artist of the USSR, leading figure of the Vakhtangov Theater Yuri Yakovlev died on Saturday in the hospital after a long illness.

“We did not expect such a terrible end. Yes, there was a weakness, he apologized for letting me down, but we expected that on December 3 and 4, Yuri Vasilyevich would definitely appear in the play “Pier”, which he loved so much, a performance that unites us all, and now such an important note in this symphony is lost - the note of Yuri Yakovlev," Tuminas said.

He said that on December 3 and 4 the performance would be played "in memory of our friend." "And on the sail, which appears on the stage at the end of the performance, there will be a portrait of Yuri Vasilyevich," the artistic director added.

"I really appreciate and even not so much the talent of Yuri Vasilyevich - he is unconditional, but the pain of the soul, tenderness. People like him, like spirits, invisibly creating a theatrical soul, our home, our family. Tenderness and the greatest subtle knowledge of his profession. Sometimes he is like would unexpectedly offer some nuances, features and, as if apologizing, so sweetly accepted the assessments. It is this tenderness and pain of the soul that make up the miracle of the actor Yuri Vasilyevich Yakovlev. May his memory be blessed, "said Tuminas.

What do you remember about Yuri Yakovlev?

Theater and film actor, People's Artist of the USSR Yuri Vasilievich Yakovlev was born on April 25, 1928 in Moscow in the family of a lawyer. He studied at night school, worked as an assistant mechanic in the garage. In 1952 he graduated from the Theater School named after B.V. Shchukin (course of actress Cecilia Mansurova). Since 1952 - actor of the State Academic Theater named after Yevgeny Vakhtangov. Yuri Yakovlev has played more than 70 roles on the theater stage. In the movie, the actor began acting in 1956. Glory came to Yuri Yakovlev in 1958, when he played Prince Myshkin in the film version of Fyodor Dostoevsky's The Idiot, directed by Ivan Pyriev. Audience love earned Yakovlev roles in the films of Eldar Ryazanov - Lieutenant Rzhevsky in "The Hussar Ballad" (1962) and Ippolit in the TV movie "The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!" (1975).


At the end of autumn 2013, a talented Soviet and Russian actor died, who we remember as funny (“Ivan Vasilyevich changes his profession”, “Hussar ballad”) and dramatic (“Idiot”) heroes. What are the causes of death of Yuri Vasilyevich Yakovlev?


The future famous actor was born on April 28, 1928 in the capital's family of a lawyer and a nurse in the Kremlin clinic. Being a Muscovite by birth, Yuri Vasilyevich had roots from the outback: his mother's parents once owned a large oil plant in Taganrog, and his paternal grandfather was a Voronezh merchant. Yuri's father, Vasily Vasilyevich, once dreamed of becoming an actor and even entered the studio at the Moscow Art Theater, but at the insistence of a strict father, he went to study not as an artist, but as a lawyer, and attended the theater as a spectator with his young son.

Yuri Yakovlev's childhood can hardly be called carefree: his parents separated when he was still young, then a high-ranking relative was arrested and shot, and his mother was under close scrutiny of the NKVD. At the beginning of the war, he and his mother moved to Ufa, where the boy, along with adults, works in the hospital. Hunger and deprivation lead to dystrophy, due to which Yura interrupts his studies at school and finishes it only at the age of twenty. After returning to the capital in 1943, the future actor worked diligently, first as a messenger, and then as an assistant mechanic at the American Embassy. The salary in the last position was enough to complete my education and think about making my dream of becoming an artist come true.


Gaining courage, the young man applied to VGIK, passed an interview, but was eliminated at the screen test stage as “non-cinegenic”. At the same time, Yuri Yakovlev also submitted documents to the Shchukin School, where he was noticed by Cecilia Mansurova, who not only defended him upon admission, but also further engaged in the education of young talent. The fruit of her labors on the hard cutting of Yakovlev's natural talent was the demand in the cinema even before graduation. In the early 50s, graduate Yuri Yakovlev received an invitation to the Academic Theater. Vakhtangov, where he played for 60 years, refusing numerous invitations to other institutions.

For many years of service in the theater, he brilliantly performed many roles in performances, however, real success came to him after filming a movie. The debut picture - "The Idiot" (1955), was so successful that it was bought for hire abroad, which made it possible for the talented actor to see the world and even visit Hollywood. His characters on the screen have become an integral part of the cultural heritage of the people. We know him from the films “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession” and “The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!”. His total filmography includes about seventy paintings.

Why did Yuri Yakovlev die?

Two years before his death, the play "Pier" was released, which ended his career. Yuri Vasilyevich Yakovlev died on November 30, 2013 at the age of 85. The inexorably progressing ischemia of the heart, which he suffered for a long time, led to this outcome. The last time heart failure developed a complication in the form of pulmonary edema, which is the cause of Yakovlev's death. . Doctors tried their best to save his life, but this time the heart stopped forever.


Throughout his life, Yuri Yakovlev married three times, the first two were short-lived (with Kira Machulskaya and Ekaterina Raikina), and the last, with Irina Sergeeva, lasted the rest of his life. Irina Leonidovna patiently struggled with her husband's addiction to alcohol and turned a blind eye to betrayal. In such long-suffering, perhaps, lies the strength of their marriage. Yuri Vasilyevich could not resist the beautiful young ladies, but he was not going to leave his wife, with whom it was always warm and cozy.

The artist had children in each marriage:

  • Daughter Alena from Kira Machulskaya;
  • Son Alexey from Ekaterina Raikina;
  • Son Anton from Irina Sergeeva.

Interestingly, the actor's children communicate well and are friends with each other, unlike their mothers. Two of them connected their lives with cinema and theater (Alena is an actress of the Satire Theater, Anton is a film director), and Alexei, who tried to follow in his father's footsteps, switched to business.

When Yuri Yakovlev died, an entire era in Soviet and then Russian cinema ended, and the theater stage seemed to be empty. His body was buried with honors at the Novodevichy cemetery, and his autograph was engraved on the tombstone. Without exaggeration, this great artist passed away long ago, but until now, every year during the New Year holidays, a huge country sits down at the screens to once again see their favorite films with his participation.

Yuri Vasilyevich Yakovlev lived for 85 years and died of cardiac arrest on November 30, 2013. All his life he worked in one theater, he was remembered for his theatrical dramatic and comedic roles. Millions know the films in which he starred: "Ivan Vasilyevich changes his profession", "Irony of Fate", "Kin-dza-dza!".

The cause of death of Yuri Yakovleva was a heart attack. The roles he played in the theater and cinema will forever remain in the memory of the viewer as an integral cultural heritage of the whole people. His creative biography is closely connected with only one theater - the name of Vakhtangov. This did not prevent the actor from becoming famous throughout the country and beyond.

Years of life of Yuri Yakovlev

People's Artist of the USSR Yuri Vasilyevich Yakovlev was born on April 25, 1928 in Moscow. He fell in love with the Soviet audience with the role of Ippolit in "The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!" and building manager / Ivan the Terrible in the film "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes Profession". In addition, the actor's filmography contains dozens of works that have received recognition from the viewer. Beloved by many Russians, he died in the early morning of November 30, 2013 from progressive cardiac ischemia at the age of 85.


The disease was discovered in 2011. Yuri Vasilievich tried not to talk about these details. However, the changes that took place in his body were clearly visible to the people around him. Many noticed them, but tried not to talk about it, attributing everything to old age.

Yakovlev never complained about his health. One morning (about 2 weeks before his death), Yuri Vasilievich went to the theater, but on the street he became ill, causing the actor to lose consciousness. The attack was a second, returning to consciousness, he was able to come home on his own. He refused to go to the doctors.

When the attack recurred again, the relatives called an ambulance. According to Lifenews correspondents, the artist went to a private clinic for examination. As a result of another complication, heart failure provoked pulmonary edema, which became fatal for Yakovlev. Despite the presence of doctors, the inevitable happened. The heart of the favorite of the Soviet public stopped forever.

“It was obvious that something was wrong with Yura. But he categorically refused to accept it. I didn’t even pass the thought of it into my head ... ”, - this is how the old friend of the artist, Natalya Krachkovskaya, commented on the events of recent days to NTV correspondents.


The farewell ceremony was held in the great hall of the Vakhtangov Academic Theatre. The doors were open from 10:00 am on December 3rd. A live queue of fans of the artist's work stretched for a kilometer. Among them were both ordinary citizens and stellar faces intersecting with Yuri Vasilyevich on the set or theatrical stage.

The civil memorial service ended at 13:00, the coffin with the body of Yakovlev was placed in a funeral cortege, which headed for the Novodevichy cemetery. There was a funeral service and a funeral ceremony.

The employees of the Vakhtangov Theater were among the first to know about the death.

“We are announcing sad news. This morning Yuri Yakovlev's heart stopped. We, Vakhtangovites, deeply condole with the relatives of the greatest actor and unique personality.

This was the message that began Saturday morning at the theater.

short biography

Initially, Yakovlev did not plan to become an artist, his goal was a diplomatic career. Suddenly changed plans caused the discovery of an extraordinary talent that made films with his participation loved by the people even half a century after their release.


As mentioned earlier, Yakovlev was born in Moscow. When the Great Patriotic War began, together with his parents he moved to Ufa, worked in a hospital, helped his mother. He returned to his native Moscow only in 1943.

Further, a capable teenager studies at an evening school, gets a job as an assistant in the garage of the American embassy. In a short period of time, he becomes the chief mechanic, is fond of English and dreams of becoming a diplomat. She plans to try to enter MGIMO after school.

Studying and starting work in the theater

Why the plans of a young man who is going to become a diplomat changed so dramatically is unknown. In 1948 he applied for admission to the Institute of Cinematography.

Having been refused due to a “non-cinogenic” appearance, he submits papers to Shchukinskoye and achieves a positive result.

Film popularity

Fame in cinema came almost from debut roles. The success of the picture "The Idiot" was overwhelming, the film was released abroad. So Yuri Vasilyevich was able to visit many countries, including American Hollywood.

In total, there are 71 feature films in Yakovlev's creative biography, in almost all of them he plays the main roles. Among the most famous are such works.

The best roles in the theater

Yakovlev worked for 61 years in a single theater named after Vakhtangov, refusing all other offers. During his acting life, he played in 42 dramatic and comedy performances based on the works of modern and classical authors.

Performance name Author of the work Premiere year Role
Living Dead L. N. Tolstoy 1962 Karenin
Princess Turandot C. Gozzi 1963 Pantalone
Cavalry I. Babel 1966 Khlebnikov
Lord Glembai M. Krlezh 1975 Leon Glembay
Goblin A. P. Chekhov 1979 Khrushchev
Anna Karenina L. N. Tolstoy 1983 Karenin
Queen of Spades A. S. Pushkin 1996 Count Saint Germain
Gull A. P. Chekhov 2003 Sorin
jetty Based on the works of Russian and foreign classical authors 2011 Nikolai Alekseevich

In addition to acting and theatrical activities, Yakovlev voiced cartoons, participated in the recording of radio shows, records. He also starred in the video for "Agatha Christie" "Fairy Taiga" and the production of the hip-hop group "Casta" - "About Max".


Yuri Yakovlev married three times. A stormy relationship with her future wife, Kira Machulskaya, caused her to leave her fiancé for a life with a theater student. In 1952 they get married, after 9 years in 1961 their daughter Alena is born.

In the same year, it becomes known that Arkady Raikin's daughter Katya is pregnant from him. Yakovlev divorces his wife and marries Ekaterina. The born son Alexei could not become the reason for the preservation of the family, as a result, it broke up, having existed for a short time.

With the third wife, Irina Leonidovna Sergeeva, the actor meets in his native theater. At that time, she served as the head of the museum. In 1969, the couple had a son, Anton.

From the first 2 marriages, the artist has 2 granddaughters:

  • Maria Kozakova was born from Alena (1992).
  • from Alexei - Elizabeth (2003).

The youngest son from marriage with I. L. Sergeeva, Anton, gave Yakovlev 2 grandchildren and 1 granddaughter:

  • Andrey - born in 1992
  • Peter - born in 1999
  • Varvara - born in 2014

The death of Yakovlev can be regarded as a kind of end to the era of Soviet-Russian cinema. Although the great artist has passed away, he constantly returns to the audience during the New Year holidays in the form of heroes we love from real "folk" comedies.


Yuri Yakovlev. The last of the Mohicans. Documentary project of the TVC channel, dedicated to the life and work of the actor

Yakovlev's colleagues say that such great artists can be counted on the fingers of one hand.

Yuri Yakovlev, who only celebrated his 85th birthday in the spring, left, leaving us luggage from more than a hundred theater and film roles - Hippolyta from The Irony of Fate, Ivan the Terrible and Bunsh from Ivan Vasilyevich Changes Profession, Patsak Bi from Kin-dza -dzy ", Prince Myshkin in the movie" Idiot "... Bury him on Tuesday at the Novodevichy Cemetery, and farewell will take place in his native Vakhtangov Theatre.


Yakovlev is a Muscovite, born on April 25, 1928. But when the war began, his family moved to Ufa, where 13-year-old Yura worked in a hospital with his mother. In 1943 they returned to Moscow. To support his family, he went to work in a garage at the US Embassy. He started out running errands, but eventually became the chief auto mechanic. Yakovlev even had a Jeep "Willis" at his disposal. He rode it to evening school, drove friends ... Apparently, then he decided to become a diplomat. But at the last moment he submitted documents to VGIK, where they gave him: “Yes, you are not cinematic.” But in the same 1948, he entered the Shchukin School and in his first year got a deuce for acting ...

Frame from the film "The Hussar Ballad", 1962


One of his first appearances on the screen was the theater actor Chakhotkin in the comedy "On the Stage". His whole role is a replica: “Chu! The Priestess of the Sun should come to us now!” As theater-goers wrote then, Yakovlev gave the impression of an awkward pole with desperately flaming eyes. But a couple of years later, Ivan Pyriev saw Prince Myshkin in the lanky youth - and Yakovlev appeared in the film "The Idiot". After the release of the film, rumors spread that the actor had a nervous breakdown - he played this role on such an anguish. Yakovlev himself admitted: “This legend appeared because the truth can go crazy if you get used to the role like that.”

Frame from the film "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes Profession", 1973


His first wife, a medical student Kira Machulskaya, he recaptured from her then fiancé. Shortly after the wedding, in 1961, the young had a daughter, Alena (she is an actress, TV series "Fighter", "Sklifosovsky"). It soon became clear that Yakovlev would have a child on the side. Actress Ekaterina Raikina, the daughter of Arkady Raikin himself and the ex-wife of Mikhail Derzhavin, turned out to be pregnant. Yakovlev played with her in the play "Ladies and Hussars". He divorced Machulskaya and married Raikina, who gave birth to his son Alexei (became a businessman). But this marriage was short-lived. After the divorce, the actor had several stormy novels until he married Irina Sergeeva (at that time she worked as the director of the museum at the Vakhtangov Theater), with whom he lived until the end of his days. In 1969, their son Anton was born. He is now a director, his performances are in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Roman Viktyuk told us: “In art and in life, he was demanding of himself and others. However, life does not always coincide with ideals. Apparently, that's why he had one wife, the second ... "

Yuri Yakovlev with his children Elena, Anton and Alexei


Adored by millions of his roles of Ippolit and Ivan the Terrible, Yakovlev himself hated: “After the release of these films, it was simply impossible for me to walk from home to the theater ... But I have much more interesting and deep roles that they simply pass by. The same Steve Oblonsky. Nobody knows him. And I love this man." By the way, he got into the “Irony of Fate” by accident - at the last moment he replaced Oleg Basilashvili. “I turned down the role of Ippolit because I was very busy, so Ryazanov offered this role to Yakovlev,” Basilashvili told us. “I don’t feel envy, although this role turned out to be popular, because Yakovlev did an excellent job with it.” Roman Viktyuk, in whose performances he played the composer Prokofiev and Karenina's husband, told us: “Yakovlev rehearsed as if he were a beginner, a boy, a bully. We could yell at each other during rehearsals, but we also loved it, because we spoke the truth to our faces! He was not perfect, but his own person. He liked to drink, although his pancreas was naughty. This caused him terrible pain. The gland was destroyed, he understood this, he fought with it, but ... "

Frame from the film "The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!", 1976


In the 80s, when films were rarely made, Yakovlev, in addition to the theater, earned money by dubbing cartoons. One of his best animations was Ben Gan from Treasure Island, directed by David Cherkassky. “Yura recorded the entire role from the first take in just an hour. Then our entire creative group took pictures with him and he did not refuse anyone. Then we went for a walk along Khreshchatyk. The walk dragged on a lot - the people did not let him pass, but he did not refuse anyone, ”Cherkassky told us. The last significant role for Yakovlev was boy Bi in Danelia's film "Kin-dza-dza" in 1986. He later recalled: “My role was unusual. In addition, the script was constantly being rewritten. Sometimes it turned out to be the opposite of what we have already learned ... ”After her, he continued to act, sometimes four films a year, but these were passing pictures. Although Yakovlev gave his all in them. “We starred with him in two films - “Countess de Monsoro” and “Slander,” Alexei Gorbunov tells us. - When my knees were shaking on the first day of filming, he felt it and calmed me down. He had a soothing voice."

Frame from the film "Kin-dza-dza", 1986


Yakovlev celebrated his 85th birthday on stage, playing in the play "Pier". Now this performance will be shown at the Vakhtangov Theater on December 3 and 4, dedicating it to the actor. “Since it is impossible to replace Yakovlev, we decided to withdraw his excerpt altogether,” Anton Prokhorov, deputy director of the theater, told us. - He was a bright, kind and tactful person - a very Chekhovian character. In the theater, all the actors spoke of him only in superlatives. It is difficult to imagine who else would be loved as much as they loved him. And the artistic director of the theater Rimas Tuminas said that Yuri Vasilyevich had a premonition of his death: “Now, when I remember his last performances, I understand: he said goodbye to the audience. His scene in "Dark Alleys" ended with the words: "The Lord will ask me if I was happy in earthly life? And from sweet tears I will not have time to answer, falling on my knees.

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