When Katya Ogonyok died. Katya and merciful death


Fans of Russian chanson know and love this performer very much. Katya Ogonyok, whose biography is like a flash of a bright star, won hearts with soulful performance, sincerity and a touching way. What a pity that fate measured her too few years! How many more masterpieces she could give to a grateful public, if not for this fatal illness.

The birth of a singer

Katya Ogonyok, whose photo is in this article, was born on May 17, 1977. She was also known as Masha Sha, but the real name of the queen of Russian chanson is Kristina Evgenievna Penkhasova. Her family was creative: father Yevgeny Semyonovich was a musician, for some time he worked with the famous ensemble "Gems". The mother was a housewife, but before the birth of her daughter she danced in the famous Virsky studio. The singer Katya Ogonek was born in an urban-type settlement, but then the family moved to a permanent place of residence in Kislovodsk.

The beginning of a stellar career

Peers remember Katya as a groovy girl, active, energetic. She studied at a regular school and at the same time studied music, ballet and choreography. These skills later came in handy on the big stage. In 1995, a talented girl was noticed by Vyacheslav Klimenkov, who invited her to his new project. Then a new sonorous pseudonym of the singer appeared. Katya Ogonyok, whose biography resembles a good fairy tale, began performing on stage in the same year and won the Russian chanson competition. After all, her velvety voice with hoarseness was ideal for this genre, and she was not interested in "pop music".

Katya's first album, which appeared in 1998, included compositions based on the verses of Slava Klimenkov. Its name was "White Taiga", and it enjoyed tremendous popularity. A little later, she briefly collaborated with the Lesopoval group, as well as with M. Sheleg and V. Chernyakov. However, subsequent works did not bring her such a triumph as her debut. Throughout her creative life, the singer has released a dozen solo albums and an infinite number of collections.

Personal life

Katya Ogonyok, whose biography is beautiful and tragic at the same time, was not officially married. She had a civil husband - Levan Koyava, from whom in 2001 she gave birth to a daughter, Valeria. They lived in Moscow, alternating long tours with a quiet, calm life.

The tragic end of the singer's life

Anyone who listens to songs performed by Katya is sure that she passed away too early. However, a terrible illness pulled her out of life, leaving the album “You are in my heart” and many other plans unfinished. She left this world on October 24, 2007 in the intensive care unit of one of the capital's clinics. Doctors would later name the cause of death - heart failure, but her strength was undermined by exhausting work without rest and normal living conditions. Not sparing herself, Katya Ogonyok, whose biography we reviewed above, gave charity concerts, traveled to prisons, comforting the destitute and stumbled, and donated money to them.

She was only thirty when she left us. Gone to another world, but not into oblivion. After all, her songs still excite the listener, tune in to optimism, conquer with sincerity. The star was buried at the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery in Moscow. And to this day, her most devoted fans carry fresh flowers to her grave.

Biography Katya Ogonyok. Career and work of the singer. Memorable places. Causes of death. Quotes and testaments photo, video, documentary.

Years of life

born May 17, 1977, died October 24, 2007


“The path from beginning to end is marked by fate,
And you can't run away from it, and everyone is a sinner.
But why be sad about that, we will live in the present,
Let's go the way to the light of fire, burning in darkness.
From a song by Katya Ogonyok


Singer Katya Ogonyok (real name Kristina Penkhasova) is known in wide circles as a talented chanson performer. During her short life, the girl published several dozen solo albums, and some of her songs became almost the standards of this musical direction. Her work is an echo of the harsh reality, the heavy burden of life that oppresses a person from day to day until death. And high emotional tension is achieved by hoarse hysterical vocals, conveying its message to the very depths of the soul.

The creative life of Katya Ogonyok began at a young age immediately after graduation. At the invitation of a family friend of the musician Alexander Shaganov, the girl moved to Moscow, where after a few years won the competition of chanson performers and released several albums. At the same time, touring activities began. Recognition, of course, did not come immediately, but soon the young chansonnier became interested in both producers and colleagues.

The peak of Katya Ogonyok's musical career took off in the 2000s. Her songs literally captured the air of the country's leading radio stations. However, "star fever" did not follow. According to friends, the girl still remained sincere and sincere and still reacts sharply to injustice. In the course of her work, the singer had the opportunity to collaborate with many outstanding chansonniers: Alexander Shaganov, Mikhail Tanich, Vladimir Okunev and others. Shortly before the death of Katya Ogonyok, it was planned to record a duet with Willy Tokarev, which, alas, did not have time to take place. Haven't even finished the last album...

Cause of death

On the morning of October 24, 2007, Katya Ogonyok passed away. The singer died in intensive care, and the cause of death of Ogonyok, according to medical findings, was pulmonary edema and acute heart failure. According to other sources, the death of Katya Ogonyok was provoked by a severe epileptic seizure (it is known that the singer suffered from epilepsy since childhood). At the time of his death, Ogonyok was only 30 years old. The funeral of Ogonyok took place in Moscow at the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery. Katya Ogonyok's funeral was attended by her relatives, stage colleagues and hundreds of caring fans of creativity. Only a six-year-old daughter was not allowed to attend the ceremony ... In 2010, a monument was erected on the grave of Katya Ogonyok with funds raised through a charity concert in memory of Katya Ogonyok.

life line

May 17, 1977 Date of birth of Katya Ogonyok (Kristina Evgenievna Penkhasova).
1993 Moving to Moscow and the beginning of a creative career.
1995 Victory in the competition of performers from the studio "Soyuz Production".
1998 The release of the first album "Misha + Masha = Sha !!!"
2000 The beginning of cooperation with producer Vladimir Chernyakov.
2001 Birth of daughter Valeria.
2004 The release of one of the most famous albums "Tatuirovochka".
October 24, 2007 Date of death of Katya Ogonyok.
October 27, 2007 Date of the funeral of Katya Ogonyok.

Memorable places

1. The village of Dzhubga in the Krasnodar Territory, where Katya Ogonyok was born.
2. The city of Kislovodsk in the Stavropol Territory, where Katya spent her childhood.
3. The city of Moscow, where Katya Ogonyok lived.
4. Studio "Union Production", from which the musical career of the singer began.
5. Club "Glory" in St. Petersburg, where the chansonnier performed.
6. Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery in Moscow, where Katya Ogonyok is buried.

Episodes of life

Facts about the criminal past of Katya Ogonyok is nothing more than an image duck. Although the singer herself announced the alleged deadline, producer Vladimir Chernyakov posthumously refuted her words. “Katya Ogonyok is a fictional character, and Christina portrayed her as an artist. The songs that I wrote to her were about life, and neither betrayal, nor death, nor prison can be thrown out of it, ”stated Chernyakov.

It is known that Katya Ogonyok had several explosive character. Her friend Alexander Shaganov recalled that once they even had to take their feet out of the club up the back stairs, escaping from angry gangsters. It turned out that Katya heard out of the corner of her ear that one of the “boys” offended the girl, went up to him and insistently explained that it was impossible to behave like that. There was a moment of silence when one could watch the eyes of the offender swell with blood. The next minute Shaganov was already dragging the indignant chansonnier closer to the exit and fresh air.


"I'm looking for simple understanding."

Film in memory of Katya Ogonyok


“Katya ended up in the hospital after an attack - she suffered from epilepsy since childhood. I always thought they didn't die from it. She spent five days in the clinic, three of them in intensive care. It seems to be getting better…”
Vladimir Chernyakov, producer

“This is a very sad event, especially since Katya was still so young. At any age, death is a terrible event, but especially at the age of 30. We didn’t talk much, but we knew each other, we met at performances. She seemed like a very bright person to me. It's sad that it all happened, because she has a huge number of fans, people who lived her songs. It's very unfortunate that this happened."
Mikhail Shufutinsky, chansonnier

“I still can't get over myself. I miss her so much now. They say no one is indispensable. Eat. No one will ever replace Katya for me. She was a very good person. Decent."
Alexander Dyumin, chansonnier

Katya was brought to the ICU on a gurney from the intensive care unit, and even the nurses, who over the years of work had seen enough of everyone, looked at Katya in horror, holding their mouths with their hands. Katya did not have a frontal bone, in place of her forehead there was just a hole. She lay on a gurney and looked at everyone with huge eyes. Katya had a small, perfectly round face and huge eyes - she was like a doll. Katya was very beautiful, but it was impossible to look at her. Scary.

Katya asked her husband to steer the scooter, her husband sat in the back, Katya got behind the wheel, and they rushed off - young, very happy. Katya recently became the boss, and this was the first step towards a great career, Katya had a loving husband, whom she married so early that everyone dissuaded her, and now no one believed that her daughter was already almost a first grader. Katya lived a full life, everyone loved her for her easy character and fragile, doll-like beauty.

Katya flew on a scooter, her husband hugged her and the wind tousled her hair ... and happiness. And then she saw a trolleybus that had to be bypassed, and a car drove out from behind the trolleybus at speed, and night fell, happiness ended.

Katya's mother said that the impact on the asphalt was so strong that it is not clear how Katya survived - her head turned into fragments, even the thickest and strongest frontal bone was broken into pieces, split into dozens of fragments, exposing her brain.

Katya was taken to the hospital, and then, according to a quota, to the best hospital for brain injuries in Moscow - to the hospital named after N. N. Burdenko. And Katya lived, fought, and although it seemed that it was almost impossible to live like that, almost without a head, she tried. She was very young, remember, and she had a loving husband and a daughter who wanted to go with her mother to the first line of school.

She even got better, but then her brain, riddled with fragments, began to enter through some invisible holes one after another infection. And Katya ended up in intensive care, and then, when she got a little better, in the ICU - the intensive care unit.

Now, she was lying on a separate bed, next to her was Sergei, who fell at a construction site and did not even see his newly born son, and Andrei, who, having learned that his wife was cheating on him, shot himself in the head, but remained alive, and the eastern guy Vakhtang, who crashed on a quad bike, and his father was crying, slouched in a chair in the corridor. And now my mother was sitting with Katya, her husband came to Katya, but they didn’t bring their daughter to Katya.

- Why are you showing Katya films? the nurses asked her husband.

“Because she answers me, I see it,” he said.

“Get married, don’t wait, can’t you see, it’s useless,” friends and colleagues at work told him.

“This is my wife, and I will always be with her,” he answered, and squeezed Katya's hand.

Without a forehead, with a shaved head with huge scars, but with beautiful eyes and a doll face, Katya lived.

There was only one thing that neither the sisters, nor the roommates, nor the mother, nor the husband could stand. Katya was very often hurt, and then she cried. And everyone - nurses, doctors, nannies, were ready to do anything, just not to see this crying. Because all ICU patients had tracheostomies, because all ICU patients could not speak, even if they really wanted to, and Katya opened her mouth wide and screamed with a silent, terrible scream. If Katya had a voice, the entire traumatology department at the Burdenko Hospital would have heard this suffering, this huge cry of pain. But Katya screamed with a silent cry, and there was nothing more terrible than this crying.

Doctors could not find, even give a name to all the new infections penetrating Katya's brain. Katya was constantly studied, taken for examinations, pulled, tortured, and therefore Katya was constantly crying. Every movement of her toned body caused her pain. And the nurses hurried with all their might when they put Katya on a gurney and begged and stroked her, and asked: Katya don't cry! Because there was nothing more terrible than this silent scream.

But infections killed Katya, her poor broken head, on which, starting from the eyebrows, there was no living place. Katya was getting worse, she constantly had a temperature, and nothing helped.

Katya is dead.

And everyone who was with Katya, who knew her at least a little, thought: Thank God that Katya died. Because no one could see Katya crying. Because no one else wanted Katya to suffer, neither the nurses, nor the PIT neighbors, nor her relatives, nor her husband, nor her mother. I think death itself could no longer watch Katya cry. She came, bent over her wounded, shaved, so beautiful head and said: Come with me, I will take you to a place where you will never cry again!

And the dead Katya smiled.

Why did Katya Ogonyok fade away?
Yesterday the ranks of the chanson thinned out. In the morning, the star of this genre, Katya Ogonyok, died in the intensive care unit of one of the capital's clinics. She was known even by those who had never listened to and did not like chanson in their lives. On October 26, she was supposed to perform at the evening in memory of Mikhail Krug in Nizhny Novgorod ...

Kate was only thirty years old. After a divorce from her husband, she raised her daughter Valeria alone. Some time ago, the singer was taken to one of the capital's clinics.

According to rumors, Katya had serious kidney problems. It was rumored that recently the famous singer has been abusing alcohol, which is a very common occurrence among chanson.

“It’s not good to discuss these problems when a person is gone, but I think that Katya died precisely because of this,” said another representative of the chanson, who, for obvious reasons, asked not to name her. – In our country, you know, both men and women drink, it's like a lifestyle. Tours, constant feasts, the genre itself ...

Well, you understand. And if, in addition to this, a person also has personal problems, then you can’t get away from a glass. I know that Katya loved cognac. After the divorce, she somehow weakened, or something, the spark in her disappeared. Yes, she drank. And the female body can not stand much. That's how I ended up in the hospital. I am very sorry that we lost this man. She was very kind and open. There just wasn’t a decent male shoulder nearby, and she burned down.”

The death of Twinkle is regretted even by those who knew her very superficially. During the ill-fated feasts, which, perhaps, really brought Katya to the grave ahead of time, she was the soul of the company - cheerful, perky, witty. In general, it is fully consistent with its stage name - Ogonyok.

In this love of life, they were very similar to their mother, a former dancer at Virsky's studio. Their resemblance was also striking. And the hospitality characteristic of the people of the Krasnodar region was overflowing.

I remember when Katya performed under the name Christina with a pop repertoire, she tried to watch her weight and constantly pulled herself up at the table. "I'm eating like a cow!" - Christina laughed, and could not do anything with her healthy appetite.

I happened to meet Christina back in 1997. We met in Vitebsk, at the festival. The poet Sasha Shaganov and his friend composer Igor Pyankov simply took me by the arms and said: “Come on, you will meet our singer! Christina is a cool girl!

And she really turned out to be gluey, although at times she struck with her spontaneity. Then I even began to like this spontaneity, she was the highlight of Christina, who in any place and in front of any people could say whatever she thinks and do as she wants. She was absolutely not shy about who and what would say about it.

We became friends. New Year's Eve of the upcoming 1998 was celebrated vigorously, announcing with joyful cries the cozy area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe Schelkovskaya metro station, where Christina's apartment was. "Let's sing?" the hostess suggested. And all the guests sang, then they continued this business on the street, drinking cognac, which Christina really loved.

And one evening, Christina called and, without any preamble, blurted out: “Lenchik, come! I have a fur coat formed here, my mother and I think that it will suit you! I was dumbfounded, but that was all Christina.

In general, this fur coat, although it has already lost its presentation, is still kept in my wardrobe - as the most extravagant and pleasant friendly gift. He will always remind you of how unpredictable and groovy Christina Pozharskaya, aka Katya Ogonyok, was.

Even having gained incredible popularity, she still remained a person of a wide soul, always ready to help. It is a pity that in recent times it was possible to communicate less and less.

Christina changed her phone number, but left a new one through my parents. Asked to call back. It is sad that because of the daily hustle and bustle, I never got around to making a call ... I express my sincere condolences to all Kristina's family and friends.

Kristina Penkhasova was born in the Krasnodar Territory, in the resort town of Dzhubga, located on the Black Sea coast. Parents were creative people. Mom Tamara Ivanovna is a former professional dancer. In her youth, she was a member of the National Honored Academic Dance Ensemble of Ukraine named after Pavel Virsky. Father Evgeny Semenovich Penkhasov was a musician, collaborated with several well-known groups, including the famous ensemble "Gems".

When Kristina was 6 years old, the family moved to Kislovodsk. Here the girl studied not only in a comprehensive school, but also studied in choreographic and music schools. A friend of her father, a famous songwriter, wrote a song for the young girl and even helped make a demo at a local recording studio. Of course, this test of Penkhasova did not bring any popularity, but it made it possible to gain experience working with sound.

Kristina Penkhasova - real name Katya Ogonyok

At the age of 16, the girl leaves for Moscow, as the producer and poet Alexander Shaganov created the 10-A pop group and invited Kristina Penkhasova as a vocalist. In this semi-amateur group, she performed under the pseudonym Christina Pozharskaya. She also collaborated with the famous Lesopoval group as a soloist and backing vocalist.


In 1995, the Soyuz Production studio held a casting for a new musical project in the style of Russian chanson. Christina becomes a contestant and wins. As part of the project, under the pseudonym Masha Sha, she releases the albums "Misha + Masha = Sha !!!" and "Masha-sha - Rubber Vanyusha." Both recordings were released in 1998 and were distinguished by rather low-quality texts on erotic topics, the author of which was Mikhail Sheleg. After the release of the albums, Christina dramatically changes not only her repertoire, but also her pseudonym to Katya Ogonyok.

Since 1997, she has been collaborating with composer and producer Vyacheslav Klimenkov and, under his leadership, released the album "White Taiga" in 1998. A year later, the follow-up album "White Taiga-2" was released. The songs of these albums are written in the style of Russian chanson, which is typical for Katya Ogonyok, from which she will no longer depart.

Many of the lyrics of these compositions raise the theme of prison life, but there are also many songs about love, separation, human loneliness. Albums have become very popular with fans of the chanson genre.

The uniqueness of Katya Ogonek lay in her ardent presentation of the material, characteristic of a young woman. After all, most of the performers of the genre are mature men. Against their background, the girl's voice stood out very much.

In 2000, albums of new songs "Call from the Zone" and "Through the Year" were released, as well as several collections of popular well-known songs by the singer. Since 2001, her records began to be released annually, one at a time. "Road Romance", "Commandment", "Debut Album" with covered early songs, "Kiss", "Katya". The last disc during the life of the singer was the album "Happy Birthday, sidekick!" 2006.

Katya Ogonek was a very popular performer of Russian chanson, not only in Russia and the countries of the former Soviet Union. She was invited on tour to many countries where former compatriots lived - to Israel, Germany, the USA. But in America, she was never destined to speak due to bureaucratic delays. In 2007, Katya Ogonyok worked on new songs, but did not have time to see her new album. The CD "In My Heart" was released already in 2008 and became a posthumous monument to the singer.

Personal life

Katya Ogonyok entered into the only official marriage when she was still 19 years old. It was a childhood friend she was waiting for from the army. The couple lived together for 2 years, then separated and a year later they divorced officially. In the future, the singer had only civil marriages and industrial novels.

The last husband of Kristina Penkhasova was former boxer Levon Koyava. In 2001, Katya Ogonek gave birth to a daughter, Valeria, from him, who would later follow in her mother's footsteps and dedicate one of her songs to her. Lera lived and was brought up by the singer's parents.

It is known that Katya Ogonyok in her youth, in addition to dancing and music, was fond of various martial arts, especially women's boxing.


Katya Ogonyok died on the morning of October 24, 2007 from acute heart failure and pulmonary edema. The cause of death, according to doctors, was cirrhosis of the liver, although the singer was admitted to the hospital after an attack of epilepsy, which she suffered from early childhood.

The funeral took place in Moscow, at the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery. In order to erect a monument on the grave of the famous singer, whom many fans called the "Queen of Russian chanson", Kristina Penkhasova's father had to organize a charity concert in the city of Krasnogorsk in 2010.


  • 1998 - White Taiga I
  • 1999 - White Taiga II
  • 2000 - Call from the zone
  • 2000 - Through the years
  • 2001 - Road Romance
  • 2002 - Commandment
  • 2003 - Debut album
  • 2004 - Kiss
  • 2005 - Katya
  • 2006 - Happy birthday, Koresh!
  • 2008 - In my heart

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