When good is paid for evil, a Moldavian folk tale. Pay good for good, don't be a kestrel according to the work Telegram (Paustovsky K.G.)


(for older preschool children)

Program content:

Educational tasks:

To consolidate ideas about the difference between such qualities as obedience - disobedience, friendship - quarrel, mercy - anger, courage - cowardice.

Learn to understand and use proverbs and sayings: “For good - good pay”, “The brave and death is not terrible.”

To teach children to work with reproductions of paintings by V.M. Vasnetsov.

To acquaint with new means of musical expressiveness of chamber music.

Educational tasks:

To educate in children obedience, mercy, responsibility for the tasks entrusted.

Teach children to overcome difficulties for the benefit of the common cause.

Development tasks:

Help children see the dependence of the names of heroes on their appearance(Sivka-Burka).

Develop artistic perception.

Material: the text of the fairy tale "Sivka-Burka", illustrations for the fairy tale, recordings of music by P.I. Tchaikovsky "Russian folk song” and “Quartet”, colored plasticine, cardboard base for bas-relief modeling, stack.

Lesson progress:

Educator: Guys, today I will read you the Russian folk tale "Sivka-Burka". But first listen to the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky "Russian Folk Song". (Listening to the recording). Consideration of illustrations for a fairy tale and a conversation on the content of a fairy tale.

Educator: Who are the main characters of the fairy tale?

Children: Ivanushka, Sivka-Burka's horse.

Educator: Tell us how it happened that Ivanushka became friends with a horse?

Children: Ivanushka guarded the wheat, and the horse galloped to trample it. Ivanushka caught the horse, and he says human voice: "Let me go, Ivan, I will faithfully serve you." Ivanushka released the horse. So they became friends.

Educator: What magic words did the horse say to Ivanushka?

Children:“Sivka-Burka, prophetic kaurka! Stand before me like a leaf before grass!

Educator: Describe Sivka-Burka?

Children: He has a golden mane, one of his hairs is silver, the other is golden.

Educator: Look at the illustration, how did the horse run?

Children:"Running - the earth trembles, smoke pours from the ears in a column, flames burst from the nostrils."

Educator: Tell me, how did Ivanushka manage to get the ring of Elena the Beautiful?

Children: Sivka-Burka helped him.

Educator: How did the princess find her fiance?

Children: She treated everyone to wine and saw Ivanushka's ring under the rag.

Educator: The tale says: "The horse ran to Ivanushka and froze as if rooted to the spot." How do you understand this expression: "as if rooted to the spot"?

Children: The horse stood straight, did not move.

Educator: How do you understand this expression: “Go out into the open field, whistle, bark ...”

Children: Shout out loud.

Educator: What is Ivanushka in the fairy tale?

Children: Obedient, brave, merciful.

caregiver: Why do you think he is obedient?

Children: Fulfilled the request of his father.

Educator: Why is he brave?

Children: Not afraid of the horse.

Educator: Why is he merciful?

Children: Released the horse.

Listening to the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky "Quartet".

Educator: Guys, in a fairy tale there are words that can be said in different ways, in different words. Here, for example: "the people poured to the tower." How can you say differently "shaft knocked down"?

Children: There are a lot of people.

Educator: Ivanushka "did not twist."

Children: Not sad, not sad.

Educator: He kissed the princess "on the scarlet lips."

Children: Mouth is lips.

Educator: The princess gasped.

Children: Surprised, didn't expect to see this.

Educator:“I didn’t have time to blink an eye.”

Children: Blink your eyes. The eye is the eye.

(If the children find it difficult to answer, the teacher explains the meaning of incomprehensible words found in the fairy tale).

Educator: There is such a wise proverb: "Good is paid for with good." How do you understand?

Children: If someone has done good to us, we must also repay the good.

Educator: About whom can this be said in our fairy tale?

Children: About Ivanushka, about Sivka-Burka.

Educator: How do you understand the proverb: "The brave is not afraid of death."

Children: If a person is brave, he is not afraid of anything, not even death.

Educator: Children, if you met such a Sivka-Burka in your life, what would you ask him for?

Children: For people to be kind, not to quarrel, to help each other, to love each other.

Educator: And now the children, we will play the finger game "Horse".

With one hand I tear the grass,

With my other hand, I also tear.

I will feed the horse with grass

That's how many fingers I have!

Educator: Please come to the tables. Let's mold Sivka-Burka from plasticine.

The teacher explains and shows the modeling process.

The children do their work to the music. Then children's works are exhibited on one tablet.

Educator: Well done, children! Present your Sivka-Burka to your parents and say good wishes.

Our lesson is over.

Bugrova S.N., educator NDOU

"Orthodox Kindergarten"

"Christmas" Belgorod

Topic of the lesson

One day a man was walking through the woods, returning home from work. The road is not close, he goes, he thinks and suddenly he sees ahead - the tree is on fire. The flame is raging, embraced him from top to bottom, only the twigs crackle. And at the very top, a long snake writhes, wriggles in a fierce fire, toils and hisses, that there is urine, from terrible pain. She noticed a snake of a man, wailed plaintively and plaintively:

- Help, kind person save me from cruel death.

It became ashamed for a person to pass by, not to rescue the snake from trouble; and she, tea, a living creature, also does not want to die. He stretched out his long staff, and the snake slowly, gently descended, crawled along the man’s arm, and unexpectedly, unexpectedly, and wrapped around him.

The poor fellow was dumbfounded with amazement.

He grabbed a snake, twists it, tears it to get rid of it, but it wasn’t there! The snake only became furious and even more squeezed, almost strangled.

“Ugh, attack,” the man rushes about. - I wanted to do good to the snake, but it turned evil against me.

- That's the way it always happens.

- Like this?

“Al don’t you know that good is always paid for with evil?”

Where did you get this rule from?

- How is it, from where? It’s the way it is, ask anyone, no one will tell you that good is repaid for good; and if there is at least one creature who thinks otherwise, I will slip off your neck.

- Hello, horse.

- Hello, stranger.

“Listen to the trouble I'm in. I passed through the forest and now I took pity on this snake, pulled it out of the fire, and it wrapped itself around my neck, and now I carry it on myself, like a heavy cross. Judge us, is it right that I am repaid for good with evil.

- Oh, poor fellow, I understand your grief, because I can hardly stand on my feet from bitter grief. In my youth, the owner fed me with selected grain, watered and groomed me, and then, it happened, he jumped on horseback, and I carry him around the world up and down. But as soon as I grew old, he drove me in all four directions. There is no more need for me. That's how it happens in the world! Woe to us, unfortunate ones, for good we are paid with evil.

- Well, am I wrong? Do you hear what the horse is saying? the snake hissed wickedly.

- Hello, dog!

- Hello.

“Come closer and listen to my grief. This is what happened to me. And he told the dog everything as it happened.

“Oh, good man, I can only sympathize with you, because a great misfortune has befallen me too. In my youth I served the master, and he fed me well; I caught hares, foxes, wolves for him; but as I grew old and exhausted, the owner drove me away, and now I loiter like a restless one, and rummage through the garbage heaps, and gnaw at the moss, the owner forgot all my services. Hey, what can I say, good is repaid with evil.

Do you hear what everyone is saying?

- I hear, how, I hear, but let's ask someone else.

They went on their way, went on ahead until they reached another forest.

Here I met them good fellow, a young handsome man with a clear look, with a club on his shoulder and a sword on his side.

“Hello, good fellow,” the man says.

- Hello, wretch.

“Listen to my sorrows.

- Say what hurts.

- I was returning from work, but in the forest alone I pulled this snake out of the frying pan, and now it wrapped itself around my neck, striving to strangle. Judge us, good fellow, tell us whether it is possible to pay evil for good.

- Good man, I can’t judge you when one is sitting on top of the other.

- How can we be?

- Disperse one on this side of the road, the other on that, then I will judge you.

The snake - in any. It sits on the neck of a person, as if bewitched.

“Get down, you damned snake, let the good fellow judge us,” the man shouted at her.

The snake crawled down, headed to the side of the road. Then the good fellow whistled with all his might, and suddenly a detachment of mighty knights grew out of the ground, and they began to trample on the snake, beat it, chop it into pieces until they mixed it with the earth.

This is the verdict when good is repaid with evil.

Translation: L. Shchetinina

One day a man was walking through the woods, returning home from work. The road is not close, he goes, he thinks and suddenly he sees ahead - the tree is on fire. The flame is raging, embraced him from top to bottom, only the twigs crackle. And at the very top, a long snake writhes, wriggles in a fierce fire, toils and hisses with all his might from terrible pain. She noticed the snake of a man, wailed plaintively and plaintively: - Help, good man, save me from a fierce death. It became ashamed for a man to pass by, not to rescue the snake from trouble: and she, tea, a living creature, also does not want to die. He extended his long staff, and the snake quietly, gently descended, crawled along the man’s arm, and unexpectedly, unexpectedly and wrapped itself around him. The poor fellow was dumbfounded with amazement.

He grabbed a snake, twists it, tears it to get rid of it, but it wasn’t there! The snake only became furious, and squeezed his neck even more, almost strangled him.

Ugh, attack, - the man rushes about. - I wanted to do good to the snake, but it turned evil against me.

This is how it always happens. - Like this?

Al don't you know that good is always paid for with evil?

Where did you get this rule from?

How is it, where is it from? It’s the way it is, ask at least someone, no one will tell you that good is repaid for good; and if there is at least one creature who thinks otherwise, I will slip off your neck.

Hello horse.

Hello passerby.

Listen to the trouble I'm in. I passed through the forest and now I took pity on this snake, pulled it out of the fire, and it wrapped itself around my neck, and now I carry it on myself, like a heavy cross. Judge us, is it right that I am repaid for good with evil.

Oh, poor fellow, I understand your grief, because I can hardly stand on my feet

from grief-bitter. In my youth, the owner fed me with selected grain, watered and groomed me, and then, it happened, he jumped on horseback, and I carry him around the world up and down. But as soon as I grew old, he drove me to all four directions. There is no more need for me. That's how it happens in the world! Woe to us, unfortunate ones, for good we are paid with evil.

Well, am I not right? Do you hear what the horse is saying? - the snake hissed maliciously.

Hello dog!


Come closer and listen to my grief. This is what happened to me. - And he told the dog everything as it was.

Oh, good man, I can only sympathize with you, because a great misfortune has befallen me too. In my youth I served the master, and he fed me well; I caught hares, foxes, wolves for him; but as I grew old and weakened, the owner drove me away, and now I loiter, like a restless one, and rummage through the garbage heaps, and gnaw at mosley, the owner forgot all my services. Hey, what can I say, good is repaid with evil.

Do you hear what everyone is saying?

I hear, how, I hear, but let's ask someone else.

They went on their way, went on ahead until they reached another forest.

Then they met a good fellow, a handsome young man with a clear look, with a club on his shoulder and a sword on his side.

Hello, good fellow, the man says.

Hello, wretch.

Listen to my sorrows.

Say what hurts.

I was returning from work, but in the forest alone I pulled this snake out of the frying pan, and now it wrapped itself around my neck, striving to strangle. Judge us, good fellow, tell us whether it is possible to pay evil for good.

Good man, I can’t judge you when one is sitting on top of the other.

How can we be?

Disperse one on this side of the road, the other on that, then I will judge you.

The snake - in any. It sits on the neck of a person, as if bewitched.

Get down, you damned snake, let the good fellow judge us, the man shouted at her.

The snake crawled down, headed to the side of the road. Then the good fellow whistled with all his might, and suddenly a detachment of mighty knights grew out of the ground, and they began to trample on the snake, beat it, chop it into pieces until they mixed it with the earth.

This is the verdict when good is repaid with evil.


P.S. In our life, everything is exactly like this - do not do good, you will not get .... People want good relationship to yourself - from yourself and start .... If men want care and attention from a woman, learn to appreciate and respect. And if you put a snake on your neck, put it yourself - then there is nothing to blame everything and everyone - start with yourself, be at least truthful to yourself, learn to be men. It's never too late to learn - it's too late to lose .... Remember, good only pays for good.

For good, good and pay (increase: but for worse or worse).

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  • - adv...

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  • - GOOD, adv. . 1. Of good will, without coercion. Better give it back. 2. In a good way, without a quarrel. D. please...

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