The appearance of the box is dead souls. Chichikov's meeting with Korobochka


In Gogol's poem Dead Souls” very correctly noticed and described the lifestyle and customs of the landowners of the feudal lords. Drawing images of the landlords: Manilov, Korobochka, Nozdrev, Sobakevich and Plyushkin, the author recreated a generalized picture of the life of serf Russia, where arbitrariness reigned, the economy was in decline, and the personality was undergoing moral degradation. After writing and publishing the poem, Gogol said: ““ Dead Souls ”made a lot of noise, a lot of murmuring, touched the nerves of many with mockery, and truth, and caricature, touched on the order of things that everyone has daily before their eyes ... she (the poem) instilled in everyone disgust from my heroes and from their insignificance ... "
The third chapter of the poem is devoted to a visit to the landowner Korobochka. The author describes Korobochka as follows: “An elderly woman, in some kind of sleeping cap, put on hastily, with a flannel around her neck, one of those mothers, small landowners who cry for crop failures, losses ... and meanwhile they are gaining a little money in motley pouches...” The surname of the heroine metaphorically expresses the essence of her nature, thrifty, distrustful, timid, superstitious. The name and patronymic of Korobochka - Nastasya Petrovna - resemble a fabulous bear and point to the "bear corner" where she lives. On Korobochka's farm, "there were no number of turkeys and chickens." By folklore tradition the birds mentioned in connection with the Box (turkeys, chickens, magpies, sparrows) symbolize stupidity, senseless troubles. Things in Korobochka's house express, on the one hand, her naive idea of ​​magnificent beauty, and, on the other hand, her hoarding and a limited range of domestic entertainment (fortune-telling on cards, darning, embroidery and cooking). All her life she has been hoarding and hoarding; even when treating Chichikov, he puts only flour dishes on the table, since they are cheaper. The box has no claim to high culture Like Manilov, she does not indulge in empty dreams, all her thoughts and desires revolve around the economy. For her, as for all landowners, serfs are a commodity. Therefore, Korobochka does not see the difference between the souls of the living and the dead. Korobochka says to Chichikov: "Really, my father, it has never happened before to sell me the dead."
Korobochka knows the price of a “penny”, which is why she is so afraid of selling too cheap in a deal with Chichikov. All the arguments of the latter are shattered by her "clubhead" and greed. She refers to the fact that she wants to wait for the merchants and find out the prices. Korobochka is afraid that Chichikov will deceive her, wants to wait, so that "somehow not incur a loss", maybe these souls will come in handy on the farm. After all, "the goods are so strange, completely unprecedented" (at first she thinks that Chichikov intends to dig the dead out of the ground). The box is going to slip hemp or honey instead of dead souls to Chichikov. She knows the prices for these products.
The image of the Box contains a type of a person who has become dead in his limitations. Even the main one works to belittle the image. positive trait landowners, which has become her negative passion - commercial efficiency. Each person for her is, first of all, a potential buyer. A small house and a large yard The boxes symbolically represent her inner world- accurate, strong; and flies everywhere, which in Gogol always accompany the frozen, stopped, internally dead world. Gogol, at the same time, draws our attention to the fact that this landowner herself manages the household, and the peasant huts in her village "showed the contentment of the inhabitants."
Korobochka decides to sell dead souls out of fear and superstition, when Chichikov promised her the devil and nearly cursed her. Doubts (did she sell too cheap?) force her to go to the city to find out the real price for such a strange product. Nastasya Petrovna is riding in a tarantass that looks like a watermelon. This is another analogue of her image, along with a chest of drawers, a casket and bags full of money ... Poor in spirit and mind, Korobochka does not see anything that lies outside her estate. Artistic details(type of estate, houses, interiors, things, etc.) speak more about the owner than his actions. The image of the Box perfectly symbolizes the social order, where the observance of the form was of great importance, where living soul for the sake of the impression of well-being, they tried to kill.

Reference material for students:

Gogol Nikolai Vasilyevich is a representative of the galaxy of the most outstanding and honored writers of Russia.
Years of life: 1809-1852.
The most famous works and works:
Dead Souls
Theatrical tour
Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka
The story of how Ivan Ivanovich quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich
old world landowners
Taras Bulba
Petersburg stories
Nevsky Prospect
Diary of a Madman

Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov gets to the landowner Korobochka at an odd hour, having lost his way, and even rolled out in the mud when falling from the britzka. The horses, driven by the not entirely sober coachman Selifan, literally crash into the fence of her house.

The image of the Box is very interesting. Nastasya Petrovna Korobochka gives shelter to belated travelers, since Chichikov presents himself as a nobleman, which makes a favorable impression on the landowning widow. Let's take a quick look at Chichikov's visit to Korobochka and brief description Boxes.

Characteristics of the landowner

The strong and tidy Korobochka farm is located in a secluded place, far from the main roads, so life on the estate looks frozen. The essential details that emphasize the frozen world of the heroine and the very image of the Box are a huge number of flies and hissing, like snakes, Wall Clock.

The landowner living in the wilderness is cordial, hospitable and caring. She, despite two in the morning, offers Chichikov food, rubbing his back after a fall, and even scratching his heels before going to bed, as was done before by the late master.

But Chichikov, whose eyes are already sticking together from the desire to sleep, as if they had been doused with honey, gratefully refuses everything.

Caring Nastasya Petrovna Korobochka is manifested in the fact that she gives the servant the task of cleaning and drying all the dirty clothes of the guest. After that, Chichikov literally falls into a huge lush feather bed, and wakes up in the morning from the invasion of flies, one of which even manages to get into his nose.

Chichikov amazes the landowner with his offer to sell the dead peasant souls. Nastasya Petrovna is at a loss and does not understand the whole benefit of the offer made to her, because before that she had to trade only in honey, flour, hemp, bird feathers, but in no way dead serfs.

Chichikov in his heart mentally calls her "strong-headed" and "cudgel-headed."

Some more details of the image of the landowner Korobochka

The image of Korobochka is also revealed in the fact that, after a fair bargain, the collegiate secretary's widow finally agrees to the deal and treats Chichikov with all kinds of dishes: mushrooms, pies, pancakes. The pancakes are so delicious that Pavel Ivanovich eats them three at a time.

After such a warm welcome, Chichikov sits in his britzka and leaves with the thought that Korobochka is a born entrepreneur, trying with all his might to anyone and everyone to profitably sell their products and earn as much as possible. more money. To then carefully lay them out in bags and hide them in a chest of drawers. Here is the image of the Box.

Chichikov also visited other landowners of the city No., including such characters from "Dead Souls" as Nozdrev, Sobakevich and Manilov. Check out their characteristics to get a complete impression of

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol created his work "Dead Souls" in 1842. In it, he portrayed a number of Russian landowners, created their grotesque and vivid images. One of the most interesting representatives of this class described in the poem is Korobochka. The characteristics of this heroine will be discussed in this article.

Performance plan

The plan according to which the analysis of the landlords - the characters of the work "Dead Souls" is carried out, includes in one way or another the following points:

  • the first impression a character makes;
  • characteristic features of this character;
  • speech and demeanor;
  • the attitude of the hero to the economy;
  • attitude towards other people;
  • goals in life;
  • findings.

Let's try to analyze according to this plan the image of such a heroine as Korobochka ("Dead Souls"). Our characterization will begin with the first impression that the heroine made on Chichikov. In the work, the third chapter is devoted to the creation of the image of the Box.

Chichikov's first impression

Korobochka Nastasya Petrovna is a landowner who is the widow of a very thrifty and economic woman, already elderly.

Her village is small, but everything is in order in it, the economy is flourishing, which brings a good income. Korobochka compares favorably with Manilov: she knows by the names of all the peasants belonging to her (quote from the text: "... she knew almost all of them by heart"), she speaks of them as diligent workers, she is engaged in farming on her own.

The behavior of this landowner, the address "father" to the guest, the desire to serve him (since Chichikov introduced himself as a nobleman), arrange for the night in the best possible way, treat him - these are all features characteristic of the landowner class in the provinces. The portrait of Korobochka is not as detailed as the portraits of other landowners. It is, as it were, stretched out: at first Chichikov heard the voice of an old servant woman ("a hoarse woman"), then another woman appeared, younger, but very similar to her, and finally, when he was led into the house and he had already looked around, she herself entered mistress Korobochka ("Dead Souls").

The characteristic portrait of the heroine is as follows. The author describes her as an elderly woman, in "a sleeping cap, put on hastily, with a flannel around her neck." Quote characteristic Boxes ("Dead Souls") can be continued. Nikolai Vasilievich emphasizes the old age of Korobochka in the image of the landowner, in the text further Chichikov calls her directly to himself - an old woman. Especially does not change in the morning of this hostess. Only the sleeping cap disappears from her image.

The box is just like that, so the main character immediately discards the ceremonies and gets down to business.

Attitude to the economy

We describe further such a character as Korobochka ("Dead Souls"). The characterization according to the plan continues with the attitude of this heroine to the household. In understanding the image of this landowner big role plays a description of the decoration of the rooms in the house, as well as the estate as a whole, which is distinguished by contentment and strength.

It can be seen in everything that this woman is a good housewife. The windows of the room overlook the courtyard, which is filled with numerous birds and various "house creatures". Further you can see vegetable gardens, fruit trees, covered with nets from birds, there are also stuffed animals on poles, on one of which the "cap of the hostess herself" flaunts.

The prosperity of their inhabitants is also shown by peasant huts. This is also noted by Gogol ("Dead Souls"). Characteristic (Box - an image transmitted also by external details) includes a description of not only the character himself, but also environment associated with it. This must be kept in mind when analyzing. The economy of this landowner is clearly flourishing, bringing her considerable profit. And the village itself is not small, it consists of eighty souls.

Character traits

We continue to describe such a character as Korobochka ("Dead Souls"). The characteristic according to the plan is supplemented by the following details. Gogol includes this landowner among the small owners who complain about losses and crop failures and keep their heads “somewhat to one side”, and in the meantime they collect a little bit of money in “variegated bags placed in drawers of a chest of drawers”.

Manilov and Korobochka are antipodes in some way: the vulgarity of the former is hidden behind arguments about the Motherland, lofty phrases about its good, and Korobochka's spiritual poverty appears in a natural, undisguised form. She does not pretend to culture: in the whole appearance of the heroine, first of all, the unpretentious simplicity that Korobochka has is emphasized. The characterization of the hero "Dead Souls" also shows that this unpretentiousness is found in Nastasya Petrovna in relations with people.

Briefly cited by the author, it is noted that their decoration was ancient - striped old wallpaper, paintings depicting birds, small antique mirrors between the windows, framed in frames in the form of leaves. Behind each of the mirrors was either a letter, or a stocking, or an old deck of cards. The wall is decorated with a clock with flowers painted on the dial. Here are the items that are shown during Chichikov's short visit. They say that the people living in the rooms are turned more to the past than to the present.


In a conversation about the acquisition of "dead" souls, the character and essence of the Box is fully revealed. At first, this woman cannot understand in any way what the protagonist wants from her. When she finally understands what can be beneficial for her, bewilderment turns into a desire to get the most benefit from this deal: because if someone needs the dead, therefore, they are the subject of bargaining, because they are worth something.

Attitude towards people

Dead souls become for the Box on a par with bacon, flour, honey and hemp. She has already had to sell everything else (quite profitable, as we know), and this business seems unknown and new to her. This is where the desire not to sell too cheap comes into play. Gogol writes that she "began to be very afraid that this bidder would somehow cheat her." The landowner infuriates Chichikov with her obstinacy, who was already counting on getting an easy consent.

Here an epithet appears, expressing the essence of not only Korobochka, but also a whole similar to this landowner - "club-headed".

Nikolai Vasilyevich explains that neither social status nor rank are the cause of this property. The phenomenon of "clubhead" is very common. His representative can even be a statesman, a respectable person who actually comes out as a "perfect box". The author explains that the essence of this trait is that if a person has taken something into his head, you can’t overpower him in any way, regardless of the number of arguments clear as daylight, everything bounces off him, just like a rubber ball flies off a wall .

Purpose in life

The main goal of life pursued by Korobochka ("Dead Souls"), the characteristics of which are presented in this article, is the strengthening of personal wealth, non-stop accumulation. The thrift inherent in Korobochka reveals at the same time her inner insignificance. Apart from the desire to benefit and acquire something, she has no other feelings. Deprived of some of the "attractive" features inherent in Manilov, the image of this hoarder. Her interests are completely focused on the economy.


At the end of the chapter on Korobochka, Gogol says that her image is typical, there is no significant difference between her and some representatives of the aristocracy. The author pays great attention Chichikov's behavior, emphasizing that he behaves with this landowner more freely, more simply than with Manilov.

This phenomenon is typical for Russian reality, Nikolai Vasilyevich proves about how Prometheus turned into a fly. Such is the Box ("Dead Souls"), the characteristics of which were carried out by us. It can be presented more clearly. In order to better assimilate the information, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the table that characterizes such a landowner as Korobochka ("Dead Souls").

Characteristic (table) Boxes

Appearance of Nastasya Petrovna Estate of a landowner Feature Boxes Attitude towards Chichikov's proposal

This is an elderly woman, with a flannel around her neck, in a cap.

Small house, old wallpaper, antique mirrors. Nothing is wasted on the farm, as evidenced by the net on the trees, as well as the cap on the scarecrow. The box taught everyone to order. The garden is well maintained, the yard is full of birds. The huts of the peasants, although scattered, show the prosperity of the inhabitants, and are properly supported. This landowner knows everything about every peasant, while not keeping notes, she also remembers the names of the dead by heart. A kind of "coat of arms" of Korobochka is a chest of drawers in which a turkey, a pig, a rooster protrude from ajar boxes. The second row of drawers is filled with various "household vegetables", and many pouches protrude from the lower ones.

Practical, economical, knows the value of money. Stingy, stupid, cudgel-headed, landowner-accumulator.

First of all, he is interested in why they needed Chichikov dead souls. Afraid to make a deal cheap. He knows exactly how many peasant souls died (18). Look at dead people, like on hemp or lard: they will suddenly come in handy on the farm.

You were introduced to the landowner Korobochka ("Dead Souls"). The characterization with quotes of this heroine can be supplemented. Seems very interesting passages devoted to the decoration of rooms, housekeeping, an agreement with Chichikov. Quotes you like can be written out from the text and supplemented with them. this characteristic. We only succinctly described such a heroine as Korobochka ("Dead Souls"). The characterization was briefly presented in order to arouse in the reader the desire to continue it independently.

In the scene with Korobochka, the conversation about "dead souls" reveals with particular clarity the old woman's stupidity, her greed and prudence. The box represents this case very concretely: “But how can I, really, not take it for granted? Do you want to dig them out of the ground?” Having learned what was the matter, Korobochka is most worried about the fact that she "never sold the dead", and is afraid to sell cheap goods that are unusual for her. Nozdrev proposes to play the "dead" in cards, in a "bank" or at least in checkers. He is not embarrassed by either the unusual nature of the deal or the unexpectedness of the offer. Nozdryov's rogue gambling nature, his "flair" for all sorts of unlawful deals, sensed the possibility of another speculation, which Nozdryov is so greedy for. It was from Nozdryov that Chichikov happened to hear very unpleasant remarks: “After all, you are a big swindler, let me tell you this as a friend! If I were your boss, I would hang you from the first tree." Here the scythe found a stone - the swindler met with another swindler. For Nozdryov, the sale of "dead souls" is another excuse for me or a game, which make up the "poetry" of his life. Sobakevich's business is different: the sale of "dead souls" is a natural commercial business for him, in which he seeks to obtain the greatest benefit. Bargaining between Sobakevich and Chichikov, mutual distrust and stubbornness reveal with particular clarity the kulak principle in them. The dead serfs act as a "commodity". "You give the real price!" - insists Sobakevich, and Chichikov, cursing him in his soul, thinks: "I'll add half a ruble to him, a dog, for nuts." "Excuse me, I'll add half a ruble." - “Well, if you please, and I will also tell you my the last word; fifty rubles! right, loss to yourself, cheaper nowhere to buy this good people!" This shameless bargaining with the "souls" of dead peasants, as it were, symbolizes the whole "order" of things, when people become a "commodity", a means of profit for greedy purchasers.

Gogol set the task of leading his hero through various social spheres in order to eventually show "all of Rus'." If in the first volume of the poem Chichikov's adventures are limited to the circle of provincial landowners and officials, then from the surviving chapters and excerpts of the second volume one can judge that Chichikov is increasingly expanding the scope of his acquaintances, falling into higher public circles- to General Betrishchev, to the farmer Murazov, etc. Such a construction of the plot made it possible to create a gallery of vivid typical images.

"Dead Souls" to the writer himself was drawn not only as a satirical work, exposing the feudal way of life, the deathly inertia of landlord Russia, but also as a work facing the future, outlining the path of revival. He conceived a trilogy depicting the fate of Russia, a work of wide social coverage. The writer himself considered the first part of the poem only as a "porch" to the future building. “In relation to them (that is, to the subsequent parts. - N.S.)," Gogol wrote to Zhukovsky on June 26, 1842, "everything seems to me like a porch attached to the palace by the provincial architect, which is planned to be built on a colossal scale ... "It is quite possible that Gogol imagined the idea of ​​the poem in three parts, following the model of" Divine Comedy» Dante.

An elderly landowner living in the vicinity of the city of N is a colorful and recognizable character. Life goals a widow who manages her own estate - to get as much money as possible in every possible way. Therefore, the old woman sells dead souls without hesitation. The only thing that worries the lady is whether she has sold too cheap.

History of creation

For the first time, the landowner Korobochka appears in the work "Dead Souls" in the third chapter. The old woman does not occupy a central place in the work, while the author has invested in the resulting image a large number of contempt.

However, with a negative attitude towards the character, Gogol recognized the household talents of the landowner:

“The collegiate registrar Korobochka, who had not read any books except the Book of Hours, and even then with sin in half, without learning any fine arts, except perhaps fortune telling on cards, knew how, however, to fill chests and boxes with rubles.”

The late analysis of "Dead Souls", where Nastasya Korobochka appears in all its splendor, inspired writers to build various theories. For example, he claims that Gogol's work correlates with the creation of the Odyssey.

In this version, the old landowner is an analogue ancient greek character Circe. The Greek woman poisoned her husband and established a strict order in her own possessions. The same behavior is characteristic of Nastasya Korobochka, who, for all her outward stupidity, is shown to be a real skilled housewife. However, no evidence similar to Bykov's conclusions has been found.

First published in 1842, the work still does not lose its relevance. Based on the novel-poem, films are regularly shot, performances are staged and operas are created.

"Dead Souls"

Nastasya Petrovna Korobochka is a landowner who leads a relatively secluded life. The biography of an elderly lady is not filled with bright events. Nastasya Petrovna married a collegiate secretary at an early age, and after years stable marriage widowed. A woman runs a household located between the estates and.

In Gogol's work, Nastasya Petrovna appears at the moment when Chichikov, the protagonist of the novel, goes astray and is forced to look for a place to sleep. Active Nastasya Petrovna, despite a stable income, is concerned about her own financial condition, therefore, tries to sell a variety of products to guests.

internal state women are reflected in her appearance. The fussy landowner does not pay attention and time to the wardrobe. At the first meeting with Chichikov, the heroine does not strive to make a good impression. Doesn't waste time on clothes Box and after:

“She was better dressed than yesterday - in a dark dress and no longer in a sleeping cap, but there was still something imposed on her neck.”

The main activity of Nastasya Petrovna is her own household. Despite constant complaints, the landowner skillfully leads the peasants. The woman grows a variety of vegetables and fruits, the yard is full of poultry. The life of the peasants of Korobochka is subject to a strict routine. People either work in the fields or sell their own goods to neighboring estates: honey, flour, meat, feathers.

A caring hostess takes care of the smallest details. Stuffed animals were installed in the landowner's fields to scare away crows, and spare carts were hidden in the sheds so that the harvest would not stop even in an emergency.

Korobochka's house, like the household, is kept in strict order. A small estate is guarded by a pack of dogs, every breakdown is immediately corrected. However, the petty Korobochka looks after both her own estate and the village. Unlike her neighbors, the landowner takes care of the huts of the peasants.

With such a correct and thoughtful approach to housekeeping, Nastasya Petrovna is no different mental faculties. An elderly woman is petty, selfish and obsessed with thoughts of constant deception from acquaintances and strangers. Similar traits in character complicate communication with the landowner:

“... one of those mothers, small landowners, who cry for crop failures, losses and keep their heads somewhat to one side, and meanwhile they collect a little money in motley bags placed in drawers of chests of drawers ...”

A woman's favorite pastime, in addition to counting her own fortune, is fortune telling on cards. At the same time, Korobochka believes in God and claims that the devil met because of the cards.

After the first communication with Chichikov, the old woman worries about whether she has sold too cheap with selling the dead shower. Such a thought does not leave the landowner, and she, having abandoned her own affairs, goes to the city to find out how much the goods actually cost.

The old woman's questions lead to the spread of rumors, which acquire new incredible details and bring the situation to the point of absurdity.

Screen adaptations

Transferred to film in 1960 theatrical production"Dead Souls" 1932. The film was directed by Leonid Trauberg. The artists of the Moscow Art Theater embodied the idea of ​​Gogol. academic theater them. . The role of the Box went to the actress.

8 years later, in 1968, to classic plot turned director Alexander Belinsky. The screen adaptation was aired as part of the Theater on Screen project. The role of the colorful Box was played by the actress Claudia Fadeeva.

In 1984, the Dead Souls series was released, based on the first volume of Gogol's work of the same name. The plot of the film is as close as possible to the original source. The role of the landowner was played by an actress.

In 2005, on the NTV channel, the premiere of "The Case of" Dead souls". The series also touches on the creation of the same name by Gogol, and several other works of the author. Critics did not appreciate the work of the director and spoke negatively. The role of the Box got the actress.

  • The name of the heroine in the work of Gogol has a hidden meaning. Researchers of the writer's work claim that the character has become a kind of trap (or a box from which one cannot get out) for Chichikov.

Illustration for Gogol's book "Dead Souls"
  • Main character I bought 18 souls from the landowner for 15 rubles.
  • Unlike other characters, the elderly landowner remembers the names of the dead peasants by heart.
  • The lack of development of the heroine Gogol displayed with the help of flies. Despite the cleanliness of the house, insects constantly fly around the characters, personifying stagnation and lack of development.
  • Perhaps Korobochka suffers from a serious psychological illness. Nothing is wasted in the household of the landowner, not even the hissing clock and the ancient unknown portraits. Psychologists call this phenomenon pathological hoarding.


“My such an inexperienced widow’s business! I’d better wait a little while, perhaps merchants will come in large numbers, but I’ll try on prices. ”
“Honest to God, the product is so strange, completely unprecedented!”
“Last week my blacksmith burned down, such skilled blacksmith and knew locksmith skills.
“Ah, so you are a buyer! What a pity, really, that I sold honey to merchants so cheaply, but you, my father, would surely buy it from me.

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