Provision of accounting services - How to reduce the cost of accounting? Professional accounting services for organizations of any complexity


Professional Solutions offers accounting services businesses and individuals. Here you can order a wide range of works carried out by specialists, on whose account there are dozens of such cases. At present, using an outside firm can be more beneficial than having an in-house accountant or clerk. You can contact us for such accounting services as:

  • services " accounting entries";
  • control over the document flow of the client company;
  • accounting services;
  • consultation of the management and employees of the client enterprise, as well as individuals who ordered this service;
  • verification of company archives, correction of errors found in documents;
  • preparation and submission of reports to government bodies(PFR, FSS, tax and others);
  • determination of the amount of accruals wages employees;
  • company audit;
  • preparation of documentation for submission to other commercial organizations, including financial ones.

Thanks to us, you can not worry about mistakes in filling out documents, do not waste time submitting them yourself and significantly save on the staff of accountants. If you are going to start a new business - for the first time to open an individual entrepreneur or LLC, learn about the registration procedure, the features of doing business and other nuances. Through our employees, you will receive most of the necessary documents for this, without having to collect them manually.

The cost of accounting services in our company

The provision of accounting services in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities is provided in accordance with the approved rates, which you can find out by calling or contacting us personally. First of all, we focus on the size of the company and the complexity of the task, depending on which it is required to spend one or another time to complete it. An individual approach to the client allows you to set flexible rates suitable for both individuals and representatives of large organizations. You can receive accounting services at any time after reading the terms of their provision. We pay attention to the fact that it is not necessary to conclude an agreement with us - a number of issues are resolved without additional paperwork.

Accounting consulting services for individuals and legal entities

Almost every owner of a small and medium-sized business faced difficulties in office work. In order not to waste time and money trying to draw up papers on your own, it makes sense to contact specialists from Professional Solutions LLC. We focus primarily on working with individuals and small companies. Large organizations usually have a staff of accountants and lawyers, occasionally needing the help of higher-level experts. The provision of accounting services to individuals is required, for example, when filing a declaration after a real estate transaction. In addition, you can contact us in other situations:

  • if desired, register an individual entrepreneur or LLC;
  • when there is a need to prepare documents for their submission to the tax, pension fund or other state and commercial organizations.

Turning to us, you get advice on issues of interest and assistance in paperwork. Do not risk filling them out yourself, otherwise you will not be able to submit them on the first try.

Benefits of accounting support

Accounting services, the maintenance of which can be carried out for a long time, is one of the activities of our company. By concluding a long-term contract with us, you will receive benefits that are not available when hiring a full-time accountant or clerk:

  • High responsibility for the quality of the work performed. If a staff accountant can be reprimanded or lose bonuses for found violations, we prescribe in the contract more severe penalties for non-fulfillment of obligations.
  • Our experts have experience gained from working with dozens of organizations. Few accountants with many years of experience correspond to their level.
  • Cooperating with us, you will not have to create additional jobs, incurring new expenses.
  • The cost of ongoing accounting support is much lower than the cost of paying salaries to an accountant. You pay only for the result of specific actions, and not for the employee's stay at the workplace.

To receive accounting services for organizations and individuals, just contact our office in Moscow, St. Petersburg or other cities.

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IN modern world, which has made the Internet as convenient as possible for life, outsourcing of accounting services, operating on a remote service principle. In some cases, it even becomes a replacement for the usual accounting and analytical accounting support. The specialized Accounting Center offers services to enterprises and industries of any form of ownership. The Center provides assistance in the following areas:

Assistance in the formulation and organization of accounting;

Performing work on the preparation of management accounting and tax accounting documents;

Conducting an analysis of the financial and economic activities of the company;

Conducting full accounting of small enterprises, MP, IP, LLC. In this case, the invited specialists of the Accounting Center are ready to provide comprehensive management accounting. Work is being carried out to perform accounting in relation to individual sections, including payroll, preparation of documents for transfer to fiscal authorities, cash transactions, accounting for commodity groups and intangible assets, and more;

Consulting on any issues related to accounting.

Currently, the invitation of specialists is used by both private and state companies. Even state structures can resort to the services of the center's professionals within the framework of the execution of the state order.

Benefits of Outsourced Accounting

A distinctive feature of accounting in the framework of outsourcing is:

Opportunity to turn to the services of highly qualified professionals;

The prospect of obtaining significant financial benefits due to savings in the funds allocated for the maintenance of permanent accounting staff.

Only highly qualified specialists are involved in the staff of the Accounting Services Center. Work on various orders in enterprises various shapes property with different type work performed automatically contributes to the improvement of the skills of each employee. At the same time, the Center itself carefully monitors the professional development of each employee. Including applying for the provision of accounting services always becomes a guarantee that the entire range of activities performed will be carried out in strict accordance with constantly changing regulatory and legislative rules.

Provision of accounting services. Center for accounting services.

The provision of accounting services on the basis of outsourcing for a significant part of organizations benefits from the opportunity to refuse to hire an accountant. This is especially beneficial for small industries, accounting documentation in which is compact. In industries with a small number of full-time employees, the position of a permanent accountant may remain vacant due to the prospect of inviting a specialist from the Center. This will provide an opportunity to receive solid financial preferences due to the lack of social benefits and wages on a permanent basis. As a rule, the work of an accountant in such organizations is necessary when compiling quarterly and annual reports and some other production areas.

The accounting services center guarantees that all activities will be carried out at a high quality level using all the necessary programs and technologies.

How to order accounting services

Registration of work with the Center accounting services produced on the basis of cooperation agreements. They deal in detail with all areas of activity. Center practices individual approach to every client who comes in. First step joint activities becomes an assessment of the state of accounting in production. If necessary, restoration of accounting records can be recommended. All materials obtained as a result of the assessment are transferred to the head of the enterprise. Additionally, the volume and type of activities recommended to specialists are sent.

Provision of accounting services. Center for accounting services.

The provision of accounting services can be provided within the framework of one-time, temporary and long-term cooperation. Attracting highly qualified accountants with extensive experience on the basis of one-time consultations is practiced by both small companies and large corporations. Including orders for the provision of accounting services may come at times of peak load in the event of emergency financial situations. In this case, both specialists in the field of accounting and professional lawyers can be involved in the performance of work.

Maintaining your own accounting service is very expensive. It is necessary not only to pay for the work of accountants, but also to purchase furniture, computers, office equipment, install special programs and subscribe to their regular updates. All these expenses can lead to losses if the company is small. During a crisis, such expenses are beyond even big firms. How to reduce the outflow of funds for this article expenses? There is a solution - the provision of accounting services by Accounting Company Confidence Code LLC. Keeping records by a third-party company significantly reduces its final cost, while ensuring high level quality.

Provision of accounting services, how to find a contractor?

Reducing the cost of accounting should not affect its quality. Ordering a service from an experienced contractor will allow you to achieve the desired balance. Before concluding a contract, make sure that the outsourcer is a professional in the specified area and knows exactly the accounting rules and taxation requirements. This is the only way to be sure that the provision of accounting services will ensure the minimization of tax risks and the timely payment of taxes.

Targeted provision of accounting services - provision of accounting services to construction companies

Not all performers have an impressive client portfolio. Often, they are not familiar with many activities. You should not trust such service providers to keep records, as each industry has its own specifics. Providing accounting services to construction companies requires not only mastery of the chart of accounts for such enterprises, but also knowledge of the regulatory requirements applicable in this industry. This rule will be true for budgetary companies, and for housing and communal services, and for the tourist industry. Therefore, the provision of accounting services should be targeted so as not to lose quality.

Provision of accounting services in Moscow - is it expensive to order accounting remotely?

Although the price is not the main criterion when choosing a contractor, it is better to clarify in advance how much outsourcing costs. This is also important when choosing a service provider. In order to compare whose services are more economical, you need to fix the cost. A visual price list will allow you to calculate how much it will cost you to provide accounting services in Moscow for a period of 1 year.

Ready to order accounting services, but don't know where to turn?

LLC "Accounting company" Confidence Code "- a specialized bureau for accounting and control of assets on an outsourcing basis. Distant work allows the customer to reduce the cost of managing the company, without sacrificing quality. We guarantee:

Timely submission of reports

Correct calculation of taxes

No tax claims

Minimization of penalties

Providing accounting services is our main specialization. If you want to learn more about the work of the company, call our consultants by phone: +7 495 255 2132.

Need accounting services - we are ready to get down to business: the provision of accounting services taxation is our vocation!

For several years we have been cooperating with companies different forms property in order to make their accounting transparent, understandable, and in line with legal requirements. We know the laws, navigate the rules, follow the instructions. This approach allowed us to form a solid base regular customers who need accounting services. From year to year they entrust us with the provision of accounting services and taxation, as they have actually checked the professionalism of our employees.

Provision of accounting services outsourcing costs – we provide accounting services under a contract

It is important to understand that the involvement of a third-party company for organizing and maintaining records allows you to save on management costs. But this is not the only advantage of this kind of cooperation. We have been providing accounting services on a contract basis for many years and we are well aware of all the benefits of outsourcing for the customer. First of all, it is the ability to put the entire cost on costs. In addition, the provision of accounting services, the costs of which reduce income tax, may include VAT, which, in turn, the buyer puts for reimbursement, reducing the outflow of funds for taxes.

Provision of accounting services: competently, economically, qualitatively

Many advanced leaders have long calculated their benefits and are willing to conclude an outsourcing agreement. They understand that providing services accounting under an agreement with a third-party organization - a legitimate opportunity to increase the company's net profit.

A face-to-face consultation at Confidence Code Accounting Company LLC will allow you to understand all the advantages of this kind of cooperation. Do you want to conclude a contract, but still doubt whether it is so beneficial for you? Come to us for a consultation, we have been providing accounting services for many years and are well versed in the specifics of this work. It will not be difficult for us, using the example of a specific company, to show economic benefits outsourcing before organizing an independent accounting department. Competent provision of accounting legal services has allowed us to form an excellent base of clients who order accounting from us year after year.

At the end of each year, we review existing contracts. It is important to correctly outline the range of required services and determine how much accounting services cost in the Moscow region according to the supplier's price list. Then you can fix the cost and control the execution of the company's budget. Although the offer of accounting services is very diverse in the metropolitan area, our clients prefer to contact us, as they are satisfied with the quality of work performed.

Do you know how much you can save
having ordered Services Confidence Code?

We will optimize the tax costs of your business.
Right now call +7 495 255 2132 or fill out the form below and get
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