Colony them. M


Upton Semenovich Makarenko (1888-1939) - Soviet teacher and writer. After graduating from the Poltava Teachers' Institute in 1917, he was in charge of the Kryukovsky Railway and Poltava City Schools. He led the "labor colony for handicapped children" of the Poltava governorate, which became from 1921 a colony named after. M. Gorky, and also from 1923 to 1926 - a pilot institution of the People's Commissariat of Education of the Ukrainian SSR. Working in the colony Gorky, Makarenko at the same time organized the Children's Labor Commune. F. E. Dzerzhinsky near Kharkov: head of the commune (since 1928), head of the pedagogical department (since 1932), head of the commune (since 1935). He headed the juvenile colony No. 5 in Brovary (1936), and soon he was appointed deputy head of the department of labor colonies of the NKVD of the Ukrainian SSR (1937). He moved to Moscow in 1937. Being engaged in the upbringing of juvenile delinquents and orphans, Makarenko pointed out that it was not children left to the mercy of fate that were “defective”, but the relationship between the child's personality and society was abnormal. Deprived of parental care, torn from normal social ties, deprived children in a labor colony were formed under the influence of Makarenko's pedagogical system. Rejecting the traditional "penitentiary pedagogy". Makarenko formulated the principle: "As many requirements for a person as possible and as much respect for him as possible." In the pedagogical process of the labor colony, there was no preparation for activity, but the production activity itself, which contributed to the restoration of ties between adolescents and society. “We want to educate a cultured Soviet worker. Therefore, we must give him an education, preferably a secondary one, we must give him qualifications, we must discipline him, he must be a politically developed and devoted member of the working class, a Komsomol member, a Bolshevik, ”wrote Makarenko. He argued that the army collective is an ideal model of a school that will educate a "cultured Soviet worker." “It is impossible to teach a person to be happy, but it is possible to educate him so that he is happy,” the teacher believed. The education system is based on the following pedagogical principles: 1) labor activity to ensure the well-being of the colony, and the pupils themselves disposed of the results of their labor; 2) self-government; 3) collective responsibility, in which the entire detachment is responsible for the misconduct of one. Just like I. P. Ionia and P. N. Lepeshinsky, Makarenko created his labor colony and commune under the influence of the “Regulations on a unified labor school”.

“Labor without a side by side education, without a side by side political and social education does not bring educational benefits, it turns out to be a neutral process. You can force a person to work as much as you like, but if at the same time you do not educate him politically and morally, if he does not participate in public and political life, then this work will simply be a neutral process that does not give a positive result, ”the teacher wrote. . The meaning of pedagogical activity was not in identifying the direction of the child, according to her individual, including biological needs, but in the general process of organizing children's life, social and collective relations, during which the personality of the colonist was formed. The creation of a close-knit team of colonists took place by combining productive labor in workshops, and in agriculture and self-service with education. According to Makarenko, it is precisely “the collective that is the educator of the individual,” which will become the goal-setting factor of all Soviet pedagogy. The militarized nature of collective education is very attractive, both for the teacher and for the colonists, who, however, are deprived of any other opportunities. “Where educators are not united in a team and the team does not have a single work plan, a single tone, a single precise approach, there can be no educational process,” the teacher argued. Makarenko developed the principles and methods of team management: parallel pedagogical action, promising lines, a combination of trust and demand, advancement of the individual, etc. “A team of teachers and a team of children are not two teams, but one, and a pedagogical team,” if you feel that you not "not enough knowledge, do not hesitate to sit at a desk next to the pupils." The Method of Parallel Pedagogical Action formulated by Makarenko activated the team of teachers together with the colonists. In the commune, groups of pupils of different ages were created, self-government was carried out at general meetings, councils of commanders were active. Education through the collective carried out the formation of the discipline of the colonists, the creation of pedagogical traditions in the colony. A correctly formulated and set socially significant goal allowed all members of the team to participate in joint work. Makarenko paid special attention to the creation of an optimistic atmosphere in the team, an emotionally elevated mood in the pedagogical process. In relations with pupils, in the process of constant pedagogical search, Makarenko developed the method of "promising lines" in education, in which the child should feel that "tomorrow's joy" awaits him. The "pedagogy of events" assumes that the collective develops only in the process of actions that are important for each and all communards. However, the concept of revolutionary pedagogy changed dramatically by the end of the 1920s. Makarenko's bet on paramilitary forms of the collective of pupils was rejected by the leadership of the People's Commissariat of Education and, in particular, by N. K. Krupskaya and A. V. Lunacharsky in the 1920s. However, even after the change of power in Nakrompros in the 1930s. Makarenko continued to be criticized for his "outdated views" on the organization of the "working school-commune." In 1928, A. M. Gorky came to the colony, supported and defended the pedagogical experiment, wrote about the teacher. However, the official leaders of education recognized his pedagogical system as non-Soviet, Makarenko was removed from the head of the colony. “The colony lives badly, after me four heads have already changed, irreparable stupid things have been done there, there is no team, a passage yard ...”, - an entry in the diary of 1933. M. Gorky is described by Makarenko in the "Pedagogical Poem" (1933-1935), the history of the Commune. F. Dzerzhinsky - in the story "Flags on the Towers" (1938). Makarenko is the author of The Book for Parents (1937).

So many impressions, I don't even know where to start. Probably, I'll start with advice: it's best to come to the museum immediately after reading the "Pedagogical Poem" (an interesting book, read in one breath). Then the effect of viewing the exposure will be many times stronger. Well, or, at least, the words “Trepke estate” and “colony named after. Gorky" will not be an empty phrase. And if someone arrives without reading it, they will probably want to do it later. As in my case: I read the "Pedagogical Poem" just under the impression of the museum.

A visit to Belopolsky does not give such an effect. They mainly talk about the life of Makarenko himself, but here, in Kovalevka, they put more pressure on the organization of the educational process. The topic is especially relevant for those who have children.

Be sure to take a tour (it costs only 20 UAH / $ 2.5). The duration of the tour is almost two hours, but during this time I was not bored for a minute. On the contrary, the topic turned out to be so contagious that I dived headlong into it for several weeks. I read both the works of Makarenko himself and those written by others about him. To be honest, after reading everything I was imbued with deep respect for this man.

The founder of the labor colony named after Maxim Gorkov was A.S. Makarenko. He worked in the colony from 1920 to 1928.

The colony named after Maxim Gorkov was located near Poltava, in Triby and Kovalevka until May 15, 1926. But from May 15, she changes her location and moves near Kharkov, to Kuryazh. That is why the inmates of the colony who lived in Kuryazh called themselves Kuryazh. However, the pupils of the colony who moved from Kovalevka (there were 120 of them) called themselves colonists - Gorky.

But the “conquest of Kuryazh” contributed to the creation of a single team. Anton Semenovich at the end of 1927 took over the leadership of the commune named after Fyodor Dzerzhinsky. There were transferred about sixty colonists - Gorky. They then formed the so-called core of the commune.

The meeting with Maxim Gorky was a wonderful and unforgettable meeting for all the colonists. M. Gorky was not only their friend, but also a respected teacher.

A. S. Makarenko set himself the following task: to create a strong, indestructible, able-bodied and responsible team of the pupils of the commune. It was this team that was supposed to become an educating force. But, according to Anton Semenovich, such an able-bodied and indestructible team could only be created with the help of socially useful labor. It was by working, A. S. Makarenko believed, that new social relations between people are formed.

Therefore, A. S. Makarenko began his educational work in the colony with the creation of this very team.

Educational work

Gradually, Anton Semenovich attracted the pupils of the colony to socially useful work. So, he set various tasks for each pupil separately and for a group of pupils, for the asset as a whole, set a personal example, won the respect of the pupils. The colonists worked not only in gardens and fields, but also guarded the road from robbers, protected the state forest from cutting down. These works undoubtedly brought excellent results in the formation of morality among pupils. This is how the former homeless children were brought up.

Anton Semenovich staffed the library in the colony from the very first days of its life. Books, individual and collective reading became an indispensable means of educating the colonists. This occupied an important place in their lives and, of course, had a great educational effect. In particular, the colonists liked to read the works of Maxim Gorkov "In People", "My Universities", "Childhood".

There were several groups in the colony. At the head of each of the detachments were commanders who made up the Council of Commanders. It was on him that A. S. Makarenko relied in his educational work, as well as in the very organization of labor of the inmates of the colony.

The Council of Commanders decided and discussed the organization of everyday life and the educational process, as well as cultural and educational work, the management of the colony, the admission of new members, and much, much more.

The People's Commissariat of Education of Ukraine noted the successes of the educational work of the colony. And in honor of the fifth anniversary of the birth of the colony, A. S. Makarenko was awarded the title of “Red Hero of Labor”, well, and the employees and workers of the colony were awarded gifts.

Learning activities

A. S. Makarenko paid great attention to the education of pupils. He made sure that the colonists received solid knowledge, since he believed that knowledge determines the path of a person in life. But the team of educators did not lag behind in its development. The team could already solve the tasks set for itself, which required discipline and organization. This was of particular importance before moving to the Kuryazhsky colony, since about four hundred children lived in the premises.

In 1921, the colony was named after M. Gorkov. M. Gorky was interested in the life of the colony, corresponding with Anton Semenovich, as well as with pupils, while appreciating the results of their work.

The colonists valued their lives and clearly understood that the life of the collective, which was created by A. S. Makarenko, was aimed at the formation of a new person. And he certainly succeeded. This could be seen by looking at the graduates of this team. They were filled with the spirit of optimism, camaraderie, humanism, respect for each other. It was through respect and trust that Anton Semenovich brought up readiness for defense and work in his pupils.

In connection with the large number of homeless children (from 4.5 to 7 million people), who appeared after the First World War, the October Revolution and the subsequent Civil War in Russia, a number of measures were taken by the state and the public to eliminate this phenomenon, not only by criminal prosecution , but also resocialization (return to the culture of society), including through the creation of colonies for the re-education of juvenile delinquents.

However, these colonies had weak state provision. Lacked organizational - methodological support, material - technical and food. This led to malnutrition of pupils and educators. However, this also had a plus: since there was a lack of methodological and organizational control, the most gifted leaders of this colony had greater freedom in educational and pedagogical creativity.

An example of such freedom is the transformation of a colony into communes, in other words, the transformation of settlements into communities of people who are connected by a common cause, into communities.

The most famous of them were the Red Dawns commune of I.V. Ionin near Leningrad, the Bolshevskaya labor commune (1924-1937) of M. S. Pogrebinsky. In essence, the activities and many finds of S. T. Shatsky (the colony was called “Cheerful Life”) echoes the best experience and achievements of the mentioned communal colonies (although this institution was not created by the state and for the “cheerful life” of ordinary children, not homeless children) .

The colony near Poltava was created on behalf of the Poltava Governor Anton Semenovich Makarenko in 1920.

However, the most diverse assessments and responses were caused by the activities and innovations of Anton Semenovich. So, there were both positive (the experience of the colony was called the best of all the colonies visited by the author, in the brochure of M.I. Litvina), and negative responses (for example, in the "Pedagogical Poem" it was said that the system of teaching A.S. Makarenko is a non-Soviet system).

The chief Makarenko expert, Professor G. Hilling, who lived in Germany, collected a number of evidence that the continuation of Makarenko's activities in these conditions until 1928. very markedly contributed to the head of the NKVD of Ukraine Vsevolod Apollonovich Balitsky (1893 - 1937).

However, after the sharply critical accusations of Makarenko’s approaches by N. K. Krupskaya from the rostrum of the next congress of the Komsomol in May 1928, pedagogical officials put Makarenko before a choice: to abandon a number of his principles in educational work or leave the colony. He chooses to leave the colony and completely transfers to the previously created (in 1927) in the NKVD system the Commune named after. F.E. Dzerzhinsky, where before that he worked part-time.

The new administration of the colony Gorky made efforts to ensure that Makarenko's approaches were no longer applied there. A number of Makarenko's closest associates either went with him to the Commune (for example, V.N. Tersky), or returned to their previous activities (for example, N.E. Fere took up agricultural science: first he went on a scientific expedition, later he defended his thesis on agricultural engineering, worked as a teacher, was appointed head of the department of operation of the machine and tractor fleet of the Moscow State Agroengineering University named after V. P. Goryachkin.

Colony them. Since that time, Gorky has not been mentioned in the scientific literature as a model for education, and after some time (including in connection with the general reduction in the number of homeless children), she was completely redirected to work with juvenile delinquents, acquired a high fence with barbed wire, changed title and so on.

educate. institution for juvenile delinquents on the territory. Ukrainian SSR (1920-36). Organized as a colony for handicapped children by the Poltava province-narod (in the town of Trepke, 1920-24, and the former estate of the Trepke brothers in the village of Kovalevka, 1924-26). First hand. colonies - A. S. Makarenko (until 1928). Since 1921, on the initiative of Makarenko and his pupils, the colony was named after M. Gorky. In 1923-26 there was an experimental shkazat. the establishment of the People's Commissariat for Education of the Ukrainian SSR, in 1926 she was transferred to Kuryazh (near Kharkov). The pupils of the colony were children with negative social experience. Makarenko rejected the attitude towards them as "morally defective" individuals, emphasizing that in these cases it is not the children that are abnormal, but the relationship between the emerging personality and society.

The activity of the colony was based on the principles of combining education with production, labor (in workshops, farming) and self-service. The latest achievements in the field of agrochemistry were used. science and animal husbandry. X-in was profitable and switched to self-financing. Labor was regarded as ped. factor, ped. tasks prevailed over narrow economic ones. Bring up. activity was based on the principles of strict internal organization. relations, discipline, a combination of respect and trust in the colonists, will put on development. their character traits. On the experience of working in the colony, Makarenko created the main. provisions of the theory of children. collective, used new forms of organization of his life. The colony had its own constitution (not published), i.e. practically developed principles and rules that are binding on everyone - pupils and educators. The colonists were organized into permanent detachments of different ages with a council of detachment commanders, endowed with the authority of the highest household. organ. There was a system of consolidated detachments, a general meeting. Cases of special misconduct by the colonists were examined by a comrades' court.

Bring up. work in the colony covered all aspects of children's lives. Traditions were created, holidays were solemnly celebrated. Pupils participated in games, performances, charades, were engaged in circles, an orchestra. There was a library. Particular attention was paid to the aesthetics of the environment, external. kind of colonists.

In a recent post about the procession with the Ozeryansk icon, the sad fate of the Kuryazhsky monastery, which was destroyed in the very first years of Soviet power, was already noted. A children's labor colony was placed on its territory, which turned the former monastery into a "robber's nest" and into a "bandit Kuryazh", as the inhabitants of the surrounding villages began to see the recent holy place. Their attitude towards the colonists, presumably, began to change when the pupils of the Gorky colony, headed by their head A.S. Makarenko, transferred to Kuryazh from near Poltava, joined the Kuryazhsky colony. This happened in 1926. The following information about the life of the Kuryazhskaya colony is taken from an article published in the Vsesvit magazine in 1927, photographs from the material about the Gorky colony posted on the website of the Ukrainian online news publication.

What was the Kuryazhsky colony named after Gorky in those years? All pupils were divided into 25 groups according to the production principle. Each detachment had its own bedroom, its own place in the dining room, its own household.

The summer working day began at 5 o'clock: getting up, cleaning the premises, feeding the livestock.

After breakfast - work in the workshops and in the field. At 12 o'clock - lunch and afternoon rest for an hour, after which work again - up to 4 hours. Next - the time of rest and cultural and educational work in the club.

A. S. Makarenko worked in Kuryazh until 1928. Over the years of his work in children's labor colonies, more than three thousand pupils who received education and a profession passed through his hands.

Instead of an afterword- about the monument to A.S. Makarenko in Kharkov.

MediaPort message:
The monument to Makarenko was dismantled .
Today, October 24, 2011, the workers dismantled the monument to the teacher and public figure Anton Makarenko. The bust on the pedestal, which stood for more than forty years in front of the main entrance to the Gorky Park, was dismantled.

The monument to Anton Makarenko was erected in 1968 at the initiative of the workers of the plant opposite the main entrance to the park. Gorky on Sumskaya street.
The statue was taken down this morning. Workers sawed it apart at the seams and loaded the stones onto a truck.
At the beginning of the year, the mayor's office announced their idea: to equip a square opposite the park named after. Gorky, “move the circle of the tram in the direction of FED”, and send the monument to Makarenko either to the FED plant or to Kommunar.
The management of the state-owned enterprise proposed to move the monument to the territory of the plant, assistant director Vladimir Derlyuk told MediaPort.
“This monument was built on the initiative of our plant, and we have a direct historical relationship with Anton Semyonovich Makarenko. A beautiful, worthy, visited place has been identified for this monument,” said Derlyuk. And to the objection that the monument would be hidden behind a factory fence, Derlyuk replied: “Whoever wants, he can [see]. Because there are applications from schools, from organizations to visit our museum. We often do this so that they know the history of our plant and the founder.” A bust will be placed between the administrative building and the assembly shop.
By the way, the workers of the Kuryazh correctional colony in the spring of this year turned to the city authorities with a request to give a monument to them: they say Makarenko worked in the colony, and it would be right to put his monument on the territory. But they did not receive a response to their request.

Letter to the Mayor of Kharkov

Dear Gennady Adolfovich!

I am sincerely glad that smart and energetic people have finally come to the leadership of our city, who are literally changing its appearance before our eyes. I fully support all the events you have held, which caused discussions among Kharkiv residents. However, yesterday I heard and saw with my own eyes that the city authorities removed the monument to A.S. Makarenko from the main street and decided to move it to the territory of the plant. I assure you that this is a gross mistake, which will receive an unfavorable world resonance for the city. This question, I am convinced, was prepared by incompetent people who do not understand what place the teacher-writer occupies in the modern cultural world.
To date, there is no name in the history of Kharkov more famous and more attractive to the world community than Makarenko. There is the World Makarenko Association, in all major countries there are special laboratories for the study of his heritage, the Pedagogical Poem has gained worldwide fame. The city of Marburg (Germany) has become the world center of Makarenko studies, where the Makarenko-Referat laboratory headed by Dr. Hillig has been operating since 1968. There are laboratories in Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Chelyabinsk, Volgograd, Poltava and other cities of the former USSR.
The final verdict of science about him is this: Makarenko is a great teacher of the 20th century, his pedagogical theory corresponds to universal humanistic, including Christian values.
I have been studying Makarenko all my life, I have been collaborating with a German laboratory for more than 20 years, which managed to collect and publish unique documents, and I know well the attitude towards Makarenko in the world. Believe me, there is absolutely no exaggeration here. I feel sorry for Makarenko and for our city, which is associated with the brightest period of his pedagogical activity. Chronologically, his life looks like this:
1920-1926 - Poltava
1926-1935 - Kharkov
1935-1937 - Kiev
1937-1939 - Moscow
My proposal is this. The monument was dismantled and it makes no sense to return it to its old place. Hiding it on the territory of the plant in the light of what has been said looks absurd. Its place is on the territory of the park, where there was a sculpture of Gorky. In Soviet times, all city parks were named after the Moscow model - the name of Gorky. Many Ukrainian cities abandoned this tradition and did the right thing. It's time for us to truly perpetuate the name of the great teacher: name the park of culture and recreation after Makarenko and erect a monument to him at the entrance.
Dear Gennady Adolfovich! I am ready to appear before the relevant commission to substantiate my proposal.
Getmanets M.F., Doctor of Philology. sciences, professor

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