Minecraft team to plow the desired territory. How to privatize territory in Minecraft on the server


If you have already started playing on servers with other players, then you should know a few simple commands that will allow you to privatize house in minecraft. Private territory and your home will protect you from theft and destruction created by other players. In fact, there is nothing difficult in creating a private, and for this business you only need a wooden ax. All the commands below should be entered into the chat and confirmed by pressing "Enter". The chat is opened with the eng key "T".

How to secure a house?

  1. After you have decided on the size of the future site, you should enter the command //wand. With its help, you will receive a wooden ax, and we will put labels on it.
  2. Picking up an ax, we set them two points diagonally. The first is set with the left CM, and the second with the right mouse button. After each click, a message will appear in the chat about assigning this coordinate point on the map.
  3. Half the work is done, it remains to expand the territory down and up, this is done with two teams:
    • //expand (number of blocks) up- expands the territory up
    • //expand (number of blocks) down- down. Set your number of blocks. Optimal: 20 up, 15 down.
  4. The point is small, you must save the region by giving it a unique name. You can come up with anything, you can use your nickname. Enter the command in the chat /rg claim region name and confirm with "enter".
That's what you found out how to secure a house in Minecraft, you see, there is nothing complicated about it. But after the operation, no one will enter your house and steal nothing. Thank you all for your attention! If you have any questions - ask them in the comments.

Here it is described how to secure your territory in Minecraft, it will be useful for any crafter.

One of the first things you should do when finding a place to build is.

There are many people in the game who want to break your house, which you have been building for so long, which is why it needs to be protected.

Some theory for beginners:

For private, the territory is divided into special regions called cubanoids, cuboids, and so on. This territory is given by 2 points located at the corners. To create a territory to be privatized, it is necessary to mark 2 opposite points of the house that needs to be privatized.

In the screenshot, I showed 2 points that need to be marked in order to make it possible to make a private territory.

I chose an ax as a weapon for private, which is why we will consider private territories with an ax:

Enter command in chat //wand and get the ax needed for private.

Attention: In order to select a point, you need to aim at the block you have chosen, then press LMB to create the first point and press RMB to create the second point.

Having done these simple steps, if you have not made any mistakes, then 2 messages should appear in the chat:

Let me explain a little what these entries mean so that newcomers do not get confused at the very beginning. In brackets you see numbers, they show the coordinates of the points that you have set, as well as the size between these points, that is, the area of ​​​​the privatized territory.

The area you privatize will be highlighted with a red grid. At this point, experienced players would note that this grid does not cover the entire house, and therefore it is vulnerable, which means that we forgot something ...

In fact, of course, we haven’t forgotten anything, I just want to teach you everything that I know myself, and this must be done consistently so that the information is easier to perceive.

So the next step, we need to extend the private territory in different directions, is done by this command: // expand

It is important to know how the command is entered correctly, and it is done like this:

//expand (set distance in blocks) [set direction]

// expand 60 up- increases the region by 60 blocks up
// expand 40 down- increases region 40 blocks down

Don't forget to constantly check your changes. Maybe I'm paranoid of course, but go around your protected territory and check whether everything that is necessary is protected or not. If everything is protected, then save the selected area with the command: /rg claim (region name).

Note: As the name of the region, you can use absolutely any name in Latin. For example, I call my territories simply by my name.

As an example, I will name the territory testhome. If you did everything right, you will see the following message:

If the message does not appear, but some kind of error is generated, then at the end of this article I will try to talk about the most common errors among players and how to solve them.

After all this, your territories in Minecraft are under reliable protection. None of the other players will be able to break or build anything else on your territory. It belongs only to you and you can do whatever you want with it.

Some additions:

We make a private territory for two in Minecraft, for this there are 2 special commands:

/region addmember (your region) (player nickname)
/region addowner (your region) (player nickname)

The difference between these commands is that the first one you add a player to your region as a friend. He will be able to build something, but he will not have the rights to manage the territory.

The second command, as you probably guessed, allows the other player to use the territory at his discretion. That is, YOU give full power over your home and everything around it. I would not recommend giving such rights to a person in whom you are not sure.

Important: Having staked out the territory, you could make a mistake when saving, so the only way to change something, for example, to expand the already saved territory, is to delete the old one and create a new one.

In order to remove private from the territory, you must run the command: /rg delete (region name)

Remember above I said that errors can occur, so here are the most common ones among crafters who asked me questions:

Region with that name already exists!- Everything is simple here, you are trying to create a territory with the same name as before, just change the name and save, everything should work...

This region overlaps with someone else's region!- The territory that you decided to privatize has already been staked out by someone before you, it will not work to take this territory away, so walk along the border and choose the territory that would not intersect with the neighboring one.

This region is too big! Max. allowed size is 600.000- The greed of the fraer has ruined, you are trying to appropriate too large a piece of land, the game has a limit on the territory of one plot from 600 thousand cubic meters. It would seem a lot, but if this error occurs, then you are not enough.

You own too many regions!-In total in the game it is possible to occupy only 3 territories. Therefore, if you need this particular territory, then by sacrificing an unnecessary one, deleting it, you can privatize a new one.

Let's approach this issue from this side: what does it mean to privatize, what is it for and where is it used?

Territory privacy is the process of selecting a certain part of the terrain in Minecraft and describing it with some commands that do not allow anyone other than its owner or user to change the composition of this territory. This is necessary so that the insidious Griefers cannot rob your house in Minecraft.

The following question arises: who are Griefers? As they said in one series about the Zombie Apocalypse, there is nothing more dangerous for a person than another person. After all, Griefers are Minecraft players who are too lazy to extract resources and other things in Minecraft themselves, and who rob other players for profit. True, there are also Griefers who, instead of robbing Minecraft players, set traps in their homes to laugh. It is for such reptiles that we need to privatize a house.

From what I told you, we can conclude that you need to privatize only on large servers, because there are no Griefers in a single player game. In order to be able to privatize the territory on your server, you need to install a special Minecraft Bukkit plugin “World Guard”.

To privatize a house, you need to select a region. Any part of a region selected in Minecraft is a cuboid. This means that you can only select a territory in the form of a parallelepiped (no other shapes). It is marked with two dots.

The first and easiest way to select a region

Select one block with the left button while holding a wooden ax in hand (it can be obtained an infinite number of times with the //wand command), and the other with the right button while also holding an ax. These will be the extreme points of our cuboid. But this method is not the most convenient. With it, you will have to erect high pillars and dig deep holes so that you can choose the extreme point.

Attention: brackets below< >commands do not need to be written. This applies to all of this text.

To make your work easier, we set the commands:
// expand<длина> <направление>– Thus, we will expand the region in the direction we set.
For example: //expand 7 up - The territory allocation increases by 7 cubes from the bottom up.

// contract<длина> <направление>- So we will reduce the selection of the region in the direction we set.
For example: //contract 9 down - The territory allocation is reduced by 9 cubes from top to bottom.

We can choose from the following areas:

  1. down;

The first changes the parameter in the direction we are looking. The second two do it down or up.

Let's talk more about the contract command

By choosing the direction me, we will decrease the region by the number FROM us that we specified. By specifying the up side, we will make the region smaller from the bottom up - which means that its bottom face will rise up. You can also use a third argument between the first and last, which will give you the ability to specify the amount of shrinkage of the selection from one side to the other.

If we want to shift your entire selection from head to head:
//shift<длина> <направление>.
Example://shift 3 down - This will shift our selection 3 blocks down.

To select a block from a distance, you need the following commands:
//hpos1 (instead of left click);
//hpos2 (instead of right click).

Thanks to these commands, extreme points appear in those blocks that are behind the cross located in the middle of the screen.

When you change the selection of the region in the chat, the coordinates of the outermost block and the number of blocks in the selected region at the moment are shown.

Now that our private territory is selected, it can be saved with a name that we ourselves will come up with:
/region claim<имя региона>– Saves the designated cuboid as a region with a name of our own making.

Actually, this is already a reserved territory, but it can be configured.

Each private has its owning players (owner) and their users (member). Owners can change the region settings, and add other owners and just users. The latter can only build, destroy, use doors, chests, etc. - in general, to do only what is possible in the unclaimed territory. When we create a region, we immediately acquire the status of its owner.

To register another player as the owner or user of the region, you will need the following commands:
/region addon<регион> <ник1> <ник2>etc.
Example:/region addowner MyRegion MyFriend Somebody;

/region addmember<регион> <ник1> <ник2>etc.
Example:/region addmember MyRegion MyFriend Somebody.

To remove them, you need to know the following:
/region removeowner<регион> <ник1> <ник2>etc.
Example:/region removeowner MyRegion MyFriend Somebody;

/region removemember<регион> <ник1> <ник2>etc.
Example:/region removemember MyRegion MyFriend Somebody.

Let's look at this with an example

Two friends Super_Ninja and Duper_Ninja joined a Minecraft server and built a house. Super Ninja was tasked with locking him up. He typed in /region claim Ninja_Dojo. After that, he added his friend Duper_Ninja as the owner of this region: /region addowner Ninja_Dojo Duper_Ninja. After a while they decided to make the house more beautiful. They called two more players Samurai_Jack and Samurai_Petya to help. Duper_Ninja added them to the region so they couldn't kick them out: /region addmember Ninja_Dojo Samurai_Jack Samurai_Petya. When they finished, the diamonds disappeared from their chest. Super_Ninja suspected those two assistants. And he entered: region removemember Ninja_Dojo Samurai_Jack Samurai_Petya. From that moment on, they were no longer members of the private. But then Super_Ninja found out that Duper Ninja did it. Then he removed that too: /region removeowner Ninja_Dojo Duper_Ninja. Now he is the only one who can do anything in the Ninja_Dojo region.

IMPORTANT POINT: You can’t allocate territory that was not reserved by you, allocate more than 50,000 blocks of territory or from the sky to Bedrock, call the private after someone else’s name and “take over the world of Minecraft”.

Minecraft is an interesting computer game in which a completely open world is available to the player. It has gained immense popularity due to the most interesting game modes, a large number of all kinds of game situations, the ability to create your own world. The gameplay directly depends on the selected mode, each of which is interesting in its own way. The simplest is the creative mode, in which the player cannot die without using a cheat code, and all the tools and materials created by the developers are available to him to create the world around him.

On the contrary, adventure, hardcore and survival modes force the player to carefully monitor the scale of health, hunger, look for resources and create shelters. But how to protect your property when every night the character is attacked by mobs and other players? To do this, Minecraft has created the ability to seize the selected area and turn this territory into an impregnable fortress.

How to forget about the griefer problem

Private plot in the game is a way to avoid a lot of problems. Other players are very fond of destroying other people's buildings, flooding a beautiful house with lava and generally harming other game participants in every possible way. Such people are called griffers. And you can protect yourself from them only if you seize the place where the player's house and other necessary buildings will be built in the future.

Private territory allows you to completely forget about the griefer problem. Only on such a site can you safely build a beautiful good house, equip a safe area for crops and set up the production of goods that in the future can be traded with other inhabitants of the Minecraft world. In this interesting, but rather hostile world to the player, there is an equal sign between the words privatize and survive. Therefore, let's look at how to privatize a territory in minecraft.

Only limited territories can be privatized

Of course, it is impossible to “stake out” a territory of unlimited size in the world of Minecraft. Otherwise, the very first players who enter the server would be able to secure the vast majority of available plots. And the rest would either have to somehow negotiate with them or look for another game server, hoping that there was still an opportunity to somehow join the gameplay. Or play solo - which, of course, is interesting, but not as much as on an online server.

Therefore, private plots on each server are limited by the number of blocks. At the same time, there are no horizontal or vertical restrictions. The standard number of blocks that can be privatized for most servers has become 45,000. In fact, it can change in any direction. Therefore, familiarize yourself with the indicated server restrictions in advance, and also study the list of available commands. After all, there are two ways to privatize the selected territory in the game, which will be discussed below.

A convenient way to lock a zone

The first way to stake out the territory for the house is as follows. The player needs to select two points diagonally of the zone, which in the future will become his personal space on the server. In this case, one point should be located in the highest position of the future personal space, and the other in the lowest. Setting each of the points is quite simple - you just need to place the cursor on the corresponding block. Having selected the first point, it is necessary to register the command in the console //hpos1. With the second point, the same situation - select, hover over and write the command //hpos2. Done - the privatization of the selected territory has been completed.

After that, evaluate the size of the resulting area and, if necessary, reduce or increase its size. There are commands for this. // expand And // contract. With help // expand can be increased, and with // contract reduce the selected area. But, there is one caveat - when changing its size, do not forget to indicate the direction. Otherwise, the territory of the private area will increase only in the direction where our character is looking. The final step is to save the result. To do this, write /rg claim name where "name" is the name of the selected region.

The second way to get a safe territory

Also, some Minecraft servers have special plugins that allow you to become the owner of a separate zone without having to select points. Such a private is convenient in that the player becomes the sole owner of all blocks of the selected zone without having to select its upper and lower points.

Initial players on servers with such plugins have the opportunity to get a territory designated as //zone0 or //zone1. After that, you only need to save the selected area. You should also familiarize yourself in advance with information about the available zones depending on the type of user, as they vary greatly. After that, by choosing a zone and getting it for your personal use, you can build your world and relationships with other players, knowing that "my home is my fortress." Good luck playing!

Every day reminds us that someone hurt someone. And often “offended” is still very mildly said. And well, if not us. Minecraft is a small life. Here are the same troubles, only on a smaller scale.

There are normal crafters, there are not ah, but there is “there is a bad word here”. These third parties periodically force negligent players to tear their hair and recall the need they heard from someone to secure their territory. “Come on, evil fate is not up to me,” many say. We very much hope that our readers will not be reckless. Why, we believe that you are from a different test. That this article will serve you faithfully. Today you will learn what the words mean: privat, privatize, privatize. Believe me, these are super-important words.

To protect your territory in Minecraft, it is enough to privatize your site. Private territory in Minecraft- this is a restriction of access to it to other players, as well as restriction of them in performing certain actions on it. Before privatizing a region, of course, it must be selected. We’ll tell impatient readers right away that later you can easily privatize it.

Why you need to use private in minecraft

How to privatize a territory in minecraft? Some players are asking this question, and therefore, an article dedicated to this has appeared on our website especially for you. When playing on a minecraft server, you need to secure the territory, i.e. your house, in order to avoid adverse events. Private gives you protection from griefing in minecraft.

Grieving- this is causing moral and material harm to players in computer games. If you do not protect the territory, then another player in your zone can dispose of all your property that you mined, built. In most cases, it turns out that the player who finds the player with unclaimed territory enters the door of the house and starts breaking everything and taking things.

In order to avoid such cases, a private was invented, which will protect all your property, as well as things in a certain territory that you have secured.
The locked house will stand in safety and tranquility.

Allocate territory for private

There are at least three ways to select a plot in Minecraft.

The most popular - with "axe" help. An ax does not have to be crafted, a command is enough //wand registered in the chat. The selection itself is achieved by two clicks: one with the left button at point 1, the other with the right button at point 2. As in the figure. This method is enough, but since Minecraft offers us others, we will tell about them.

So, number tou method . Stand at point 1 and write //pos 1. Then move your character's body to point 2. Chat entry again, this time //pos 2. Not difficult at all, right? You are almost close to securing your territory. But one step before "almost" to privatize her :)

Method number three . Aim at point 1 and again run to the chat to write a command - //hpos 1. You can't say more, I guess. But for some smart kids, let's say that then you need to aim at point 2 and write a similar command - //hpos 1.

Private commands

Once you have selected the region you have chosen, you urgently need to learn how to secure the territory in Minecraft. Well, privatizing it is generally indecently simple. Write "/rg claim [site name here]". Parentheses are for beauty, you don't need them. The name is up to you. This is the main command, but there are other necessary commands as well:

  • /region define(/region redefine)- change of private.
  • /region claim- allows you to assign a region to yourself.
  • /region select- allows you to select a region.
  • /region info- allows you to view information about the region. Only available when you already have a region.
  • /region list- allows you to see a list of your regions.


In order to fully privatize, you need to allocate not only superficially, but also in depth and height.

This can be done with the command // expand<кол-во кубов> <направление>

Direction can be selected with commands

  • down - down
  • up - up

Some additional useful commands

Here one could whisper: "Chao-cocoa!", Since the private territory has already been mastered by you. But there is no need to rush. Yes, you learned how to privatize, but there are still so many useful commands! And privatize, if that! And give other players the opportunity to chem on your site! In short, keep learning.

  • So. If you suddenly get tired of your private property, you, as a decent crafter, will definitely need to take it away. And it turns out that a whole piece of the Minecraft world will be inaccessible to others. Team "/rg remove [site name here]"- this is what will allow the territory to be privatized.
  • This and the following commands are from the category for, so to speak, advanced "privatizers". Remember the difference between owners and users of a region. The former can both move and delete the region, but the latter are only allowed to build and destroy. This is important to know. So. /rg addmember [site name here] [player nickname here]– with this command we add a crafter-user.
  • /rg removemember [site name here] [player name here]– with this directive we evict the crafter-user.
  • /rg addowner [here is the name of the lot] [here is the player's nickname]– add a crafter-owner.
  • /rg removeowner [lot name here] [player nickname here]. There are suspicions, hurry to get rid of the co-owner, because he is also able to say goodbye to you. In the future, you will privatize alone.

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