kvn teams. The brightest teams of KVN Kvnshchiki after


The prototype of KVN was the program "Evening of funny questions", organized by journalist Sergei Muratov on the model of the Czech program "Fortune-telling, guessing, fortune-teller". In the program "An Evening of Funny Questions", which was released in 1957, viewers answered the questions of the presenters, and humor was especially welcomed. The idea was completely new for that time. For the first time in a Soviet TV show, not only the presenters, but also the audience participated. In addition, "Evening" was broadcast live. Produced the program "Festival Edition of the Central Television", the first youth edition on Soviet television, founded by Sergei Muratov in 1956.
"An Evening of Funny Questions" was very popular, but it aired only three times. On the third transfer, a prize was promised to everyone who would come to the studio in a fur coat, hat and felt boots (it was summer) and with a newspaper for December 31 of last year. The host of the program, composer Nikita Bogoslovsky, forgot to mention the newspaper. Of course, almost all viewers had winter clothes. A crowd of people in fur coats and felt boots burst into the studio, swept away the policemen, and complete chaos began. The broadcast was stopped, but the transmission was not replaced by anything. Until the end of the evening, the televisions showed the screensaver "Break for technical reasons." The transmission was closed.
The closed resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU regarding "VVV" was published only a few years ago (according to the textbook "Television Journalism" edited by A. Ya. Yurovsky, Moscow, 2005). [Source not specified 154 days]
Four years later, on November 8, 1961, Elena Galperina called Sergei Muratov and said that the people needed their transfer. A number of former creators of the program "Evening of Cheerful Questions" released a new TV show - KVN. The first presenter - Albert Axelrod - left the program in 1964, Sergey Muratov and Mikhail Yakovlev left KVN with him. Axelrod was replaced by MIIT student Alexander Maslyakov (since then he has been the permanent host of this program), along with him, the program was hosted by announcer Svetlana Zhiltsova. The abbreviation KVN stood for "Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful", but in addition, it was the brand of the then TV - KVN-49. Teams have already competed in the KVN program. Since the teams often sneered at Soviet reality or ideology (it was precisely such jokes that viewers liked the most [source not specified 154 days]), from some point they began to be broadcast not in live broadcasts, but in B recordings, and jokes that were dubious from an ideological point of view cut out [source not specified 154 days]. The program irritated the source not specified For 154 days, the head of the central television, Sergei Lapin, soon became involved in the KGB. Censorship became more and more severe over time, to the point that it was impossible to go on stage with a beard - this was considered a mockery of Karl Marx. source not specified 154 days / At the end of 1971, after the proceedings between Lapin and Muratov, the program was closed.
KVN, like the Evening of Funny Questions, was very popular. A KVN movement sprang up all over the country. In imitation of the transmission of KVN games, they were arranged in schools, pioneer camps, etc. KVN qualifying tournaments were held in universities throughout the country, the best teams got on television.
They revived KVN in 1986, the beginning of perestroika. The initiator was the captain of KVN MISI of the 1960s Andrei Menshikov. The leader, like u before closing, was Maslyakov. After the revival of the founders of KVN, they were invited first by the jury, and then as guests of honor. The first presenter of the program, Albert Axelrod, offered his image of Maslyakov, but the presenter did not like this idea. After a few releases, the teams reached the same high level as the KVN of the 1960s. The KVN movement has reappeared, and the games are organized in Western Europe (Western European League of KVN), Israel and the USA. The first international game of the CIS - Israel (1992, Moscow) and even the world championship between the teams of the USA, Israel, the CIS and Germany (1994, Israel) are being held (with stunning success). KVN becomes one of the most popular Russian TV shows.
Many KVN participants, after completing their playing careers, became popular TV presenters by organizing their own humorous programs. Among them are Yuli Gusman, Bakhram Bagirzade, Oleg Filimonov, Valdis Pelsh, Alexei Kortnev, Sergei Sivokho, Tatyana Lazareva, Mikhail Shats, Sergei Belogolovtsev, Timur Batrutdinov, Mikhail Galustyan, Garik Martirosyan, Garik Kharlamov, Alexander Pushnoy, Gennady Khazanov.

Rules of the game

Performance of the student team
In KVN they play according to different rules, sometimes they can change right during the game, which happens even in the most important major league. However, there are rules that are followed in any case in all leagues, which makes KVN a recognizable game.
Firstly, KVN is played in teams. At the very least, the team must contain at least two members (the smallest team that performed at a high level - the "Team of Small Nations" - at one time consisted of only two players). Each team must have a captain. The KVN captain must also represent his team at the captains' competition, if he was included in the game program. Most teams perform in original costumes that distinguish the players of this team from other players. Costumes within one team can be the same, designed in the same style or personal, unique for each team member.
Secondly, the game should be divided into separate contests. Usually, each competition is given, in addition to the nominal (“Warm-up”, “Music Competition”), an original name that sets the theme for the entire performance. The game itself also receives an original name that defines the overall theme of the game. Each competition must be judged by a jury headed by its chairman.

KVN contests

This contest is played from the beginning of the game. In it, team members introduce themselves and their team. The greeting consists mainly of text jokes and thumbnails.
Warm up
A competition in which the teams must come up with a funny answer in thirty seconds to questions asked by other teams, the audience, the jury and / or the presenter.
STEM (Student Variety Miniature Theater)
A short competition that was coined in 1995. The main principle of the competition is that there should not be more than three KVN players on the stage at the same time. In the 2008 Major League season, the three-man rule became optional.
BRIZ (Bureau of rationalization and inventions)
A short literary competition in which teams need to present some kind of invention or phenomenon.
Musical competition
A competition that focuses on musical numbers - songs, dances or playing instruments. In 1995, they came up with the One Song Contest (SPC), in which only one melody can be used, and in 2003, the Musical Final, which is a final song contest, in which teams need to write a beautiful and funny final song.
A competition invented by the Belarusian KVN. The team members “shoot” with jokes, and after each round the jury removes the less liked team from the distance. The winner receives 1 point, and in case of a draw - 0.9 points for each of the finalists of the competition.
News Contest
Similar to BREEZE, but looks like a joke news release. Like u “warm-up” u at “biathlon”, all the playing teams stand on the stage in this competition.
Long contest, played at the end of the game. In the absence of the "Musical" it is sometimes played as a "musical homework".
A free competition in which teams are allowed to play in any style and show any numbers. The competition was created in 2003.
Film competition
A competition that needs to shoot a video clip or dub a famous film.
Captains competition
Individual competition for captains of competing teams.
One Song Contest (SOP)

League KVN

Official leagues of MS KVN (TTO AMiK) for 2009
Central Leagues Editors
Major League Moscow Andrey Chivurin (KhAI), Leonid Kuprido (BGU)
Premier League Mikhail Gulikov (Transit), Valentin Ivanov (KhAI), Alexey Lyapichev (NzM)
Ukrainian Higher League Kyiv Andrey Chivurin (KhAI), Valentin Ivanov (KhAI)
First Aiga Minsk Leonid Kuprido (BSU), Arkady Dyachenko (KhAI)
League "Start KVN" Voronezh Valentin Ivanov (KhAI), Anatoly Shulik
League "KVN-Asia" Krasnoyarsk Sergey Ershov ("Pelmeni"), Dmitry Shpenkov (MPEI)
Slobozhanskaya League Kharkiv Arkady Dyachenko (KhAI), Dmitry Prokhorov (SSU)
Ural League Chelyabinsk Sergey Ershov ("Pelmeni"), Ilgam Rysaev ("4 Tatars")
Northern League Khanty-Mansiysk Vyacheslav Myasnikov (Pelmeni), Alexey Eks (Left Bank)
Luga "Povolzhye" Kazan Arkady Dyachenko (KhAI), Dmitry Kolchin (SOK)
Camp "KVN-Siberia" Novosibirsk Yuri Kruchenok (BSU), Renat Aktuganov (Sib. Siby)
Ryazan League Ryazan Alexander Yakushev ("Prima"), Vadim Ermishin ("Warlock")
Laga of Moscow and Moscow region Moscow Alexey Lyapichev (NzM), Oleg Valentsov
Krasnodar League Krasnodar Mikhail Gulikov ("Transit"), Ilgam Rysaev ("4 Tatars")
First Ukrainian League Odessa Arkady Dyachenko (KhAI), Dmitry Prokhorov (SSU)
Inter-regional leagues Editors
Dnieper League Dnepropetrovsk Evgeniy Gendin ("KVN Theater" DGU "")
Pacific League Khabarovsk Andrey Minin ("Maximum"), Alexey Petrenko ("Bot. Garden")
Far Eastern League Vladivostok Alexander Madich (Team of Vladivostok), Evgeniy Usov (Okean-Nakhodka)
League "Kavkaz" Vladikavkaz Timur Karginov ("Pyramid"), Zaur Baitsaev ("Pyramid")
League "West of Russia" Kaliningrad Ilya Romanko (Pyatigorsk), Pavel Pavlovsky (GUU)
Astana League Astana Kumar Lukmanov (Astana), Nurlan Koyanbaev (Astana)
League "Caspian" Astrakhan Artyom Usov ("4 Tatarina"), Alexey Lyapichev (NzM)
League "Polesie" Gomel Yury Kruchenok (BSU), Ilya Zuev (Belarusian national team)
League "Baltika" Saint-Petersburg Timofey Kuts (Team of St. Petersburg), Taymaz Sharipov (Team of St. Petersburg)
Liga "KVN-Plus" Nizhny Novgorod Ivan Pyshnenko ("Sports Station"), Konstantin Obukhov ("Sports Station"), Alexey Yurin ("NZ" Nizhny Novgorod)
League divisions Editors
All-Russian Junior League Moscow
Moscow Student League Oleg Valentsov, Pavel Pavlovsky (GUU team)
Moscow Student League 2 Moscow Oleg Valentsov, Pavel Pavlovsky (GUU Team)

Major League

Main article: Major League of KVN
The Higher League of the revived KVN has existed since 1986, when KVN reappeared on television. Until 1993, this league was the only official one, and in 1993 the first league appeared, the champion of which received an automatic ticket to the top league of the next season. Thus, the level of the major league began to grow from year to year, and most teams got there already having played in the first league. Later, in 1999, other official leagues of KVN appeared, teams with experience of playing in various official leagues of TTO AMiK began to get the highest. The number of top league teams increased from 6 to 12 and 15 teams in the B season. Typically, the top league consists of three games of the 1/8 finals, two quarter-finals, two semi-finals and the final, although at different times there have been experiments with repechage games and double semi-finals. The champion of the highest league is considered the champion of the entire club and receives the right to play in the KVN Summer Cup. The leader of the league is Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov, the jury is attended by well-known people, recently the permanent members of the jury are Konstantin Ernst (chairman of the jury), Julius Gusman, Leonid Yarmolnik, Mikhail Efremov and Igor Vernik. The remaining members of the jury change from game to game.
From 1986 to 2009, 138 KVN teams played in the major league.
Premier League
Main article: KVN Premier League
The Premier League was opened In 2003, it became the second television league of Channel One. Younger KVN teams play in the Premier League, mostly champions and finalists of various official leagues. In 2004, it was decided that the champion of the first league would fall into the television league, that is, into the higher or premier league, only the champion of the premier league automatically enters the higher league. In addition, the Premier League season includes teams that lost the 1/8 finals of the Premier League, which are offered to continue the Premier League season. The premier league season pattern changes from season B season: sometimes the season starts with a premier league festival (which functions as a qualifying game), then three or four round of 16 games are played, two or three quarter-finals, two semi-finals and a final. At the moment [when?] most of the teams of the higher league are graduates of the Premier League, among them are the champions of the Club in 2005, "Narts from Abkhazia" and "Megapolis", as well as the champion of 2007 MPEI team, "Ordinary People", Champion 2008 "Maximum" (Tomsk). Alexander Maslyakov Jr. leads the Premier League, and well-known KVN players sit in the jury. From 2003 to 2007, 86 teams played in the Premier League (the Premier League only reached 86 in 2001). Until the 2007 semi-finals, the jury made decisions in the Premier League by meeting, but since the fall of 2007, scoreboards have appeared in the Premier League. In addition, it was decided not to put on the jury editors of the league and KVN players working with competing teams. The champions of the Premier League were the teams "Region-13" (2003), "Left Bank" (2003), "Maximum" (2004 and 2005), "Megapolis" (2004), "Sportivnaya Station" (2006), "SOK" (2007), "Triod and Diode" (2008), "Polygraph Poligrafych" (2008), "Parapaparam" (2009).

Club Champions
Higher League-1987 Odessa OSU Odessa Gentlemen
Major League-1988 Novosibirsk NGU
Higher League-1989 Kharkiv HVVAIU
Major League-1990 Odessa OSU Odessa Gentlemen
Higher League-1991 Novosibirsk NGU
Major League-1992 Yerevan Baku YSMI Boys from Baku
Higher League-1993 Novosibirsk NSU Only girls in jazz
Premier League-1994 Yerevan YSMI
Major League-1995 Moscow Kharkov Armed Forces of the Russian Federation KhAI Squadron of hussars
Major League-1996 Makhachkala DSU Makhachkala vagabonds
Higher League-1997 Zaporozhye-Krivoy Rog Yerevan Transit New Armenians
Major League-1998 Tomsk Children of Lieutenant Schmidt
Major League-1999 Minsk BSU
Major League-2000 Yekaterinburg USTU-UPI Ural dumplings
Higher League-2001 Minsk BSU
Major League-2002 Chelyabinsk-Magnitogorsk County town
Major League-2003 Sochi Burnt by the Sun
Major League-2004 Pyatigorsk Team of Pyatigorsk
Major League-2005 Sukhumi Narts from Abkhazia Megapolis
Major League-2006 Moscow RUDN University
Major League-2007 Moscow MPEI Ordinary people
Major League-2008 Tomsk TSU MaximuM

Deal of the day: performance of the KVN team

November 8 is the International Day of KVN. Exactly 50 years ago, in 1961, the first episode of the KVN program went on the air - a game that was and still remains a second job and vocation for KVN players. But the most important thing is that the legendary program has always been the starting point for many Russian cultural and show business figures.

"Veterans" KVN

One of those for whom KVN became a ticket to life was Gennady Khazanov. Before appearing on the stage of the club of the cheerful and resourceful, Khazanov tried to enter several theater universities in Moscow, but to no avail. Entering the Moscow Civil Engineering Institute, Khazanov did not say goodbye to the dream of a stage and took part in student amateur performances, and later began to play in the KVN MISI team.

Khazanov appeared on stage with the famous monologue of a culinary college student. The trusting "little man", whose innocence often turned into worldly wisdom, in an instant became a favorite of the public.

Khazanov did not manage to enter the Moscow Art Theater School and the Shchukin School. Only on the second attempt he was taken to the State School of Circus and Variety Art, where Nadezhda Ivanovna Slonova, one of the leading actresses of the Moscow Satire Theater, became his teacher. A few years later, Khazanov became one of the most popular domestic artists and the main director of the Variety Theater.

Julius Gusman also stood at the origins of the legendary game. He was the captain of the Baku Boys team from 1964 to 1971.

Gusman is considered one of the brightest KVN players of the 60s. He first introduced "organization" into KVN - his team always performed in the same uniform. On the stage of KVN, Yuly Solomonovich was remembered as the author and performer of the tricks "Tearing off the mustache", "Removing the beard" and the phrase "From me, like water from Gusman!".

During his participation in KVN, he managed to graduate from the Medical Institute. Nariman Narimanov, graduate school and write a dissertation. However, Guzman never became a doctor.

But he became a director who made several films and staged many performances, including in America, Japan and China.

A new generation of fun and resourceful

After closing in 1971, KVN was revived only in 1986.

With the words of the new anthem "We start KVN", the game began a new chapter in its history. The first new champion of KVN was the team of Odessa State University.

In total, more than a hundred teams played in the major league.

Many KVN participants after the end of their playing career became popular TV presenters, actors, writers, screenwriters, etc.

For example, in the late 90s, former KVN workers created the popular program "O.S.P."

Another "graduate" of KVN, Elena Khanga, subsequently became a popular TV presenter of the sensational program "About This" and "The Domino Principle".

She was one of the first to transfer KVN outside the domestic airwaves.

So, Hanga played for the World team at the Festival in Israel. And together with the former players of the first team of the KVN team, she opened a Russian comedy club in New York.

Valdis Pelsh has repeatedly been on the jury of the Major League of KVN.

One of the founders of the group "Accident" himself once played in the student theater, and then in the KVN team of Moscow State University. Pelsh was remembered by the audience in the form of a Latvian who does not know Russian well.

In one of the scenes, he turned to Alexei Kortnev (a colleague in the Accident and KVN group) with the words: "As Lesha's narrow-minded friend said ..."

When Pelsh came to the Guess the Melody program, he decided to end the old joke and speak without accents. But the viewers were told that in fact the presenter speaks with a wild accent, it's just that the ViD TV company bought a special expensive device for him that muffles the accent. This joke was taken at face value by many.

Contemporaries of humor

The whole country knows Mikhail Galustyan by the unique image of a little girl named Gadya Petrovich Khrenova. While studying at a medical school with a degree in international-class obstetrician, he played in the Burnt by the Sun team. Later, he entered the Sochi State University of Tourism and Resort Affairs at the socio-pedagogical faculty with a degree in history and law teacher. However, he was soon expelled for poor attendance, as the team, which rapidly gained popularity, gave three performances a day.

The career of KVNshchik helped Galustyan become a sought-after actor, who is easily given the role of guest workers, security guards, football coaches and other "folk" heroes.

Semyon Slepakov, playing for the Pyatigorsk National Team, also became a real star of modern KVN. The matter was not limited to one KVN cup. Now Slepakov is a successful producer and screenwriter. He works on such television shows as "Comedy Club", "Our Russia". Since 2010, the former KVNschik has become the producer of the series "Interns", and since 2011 - the series "Univer".

The material was prepared on the basis of information from open sources

KVN today is not only an abbreviation for a popular TV show. This is a game that connects several generations and a huge number of representatives of different countries and cultures. After the next birthday of the club, let's remember the history of KVN, the founders and how it all began.

In the beginning it was VVV

Although the official history of KVN dates back to 1961, the basis of the popular program was laid a little earlier. In 1957, on the eve of the World Festival of Youth and Students, the center of which Moscow was chosen, at the Komsomol meeting it was decided to introduce the humorous program "An Evening of Merry Questions" into the television program. It is worth noting that the prototype of this program was the Czechoslovak TV show "Guess, Guess, Fortune Teller". The creators of this game were Sergey Muratov, Albert Axelrod and Mikhail Yakovlev, and the composer Nikita Bogoslovsky and the aspiring actress Margarita Lifanova were chosen as the hosts of the program.

The format of the TV show "Evening of funny questions" was significantly different from KVN, to which we are accustomed. First of all, the game was broadcast only live, and its participants were directly the audience. Unfortunately, despite its great popularity, the program went on the air only three times, due to an overlay on the air, the project was canceled.

The birth of a club of cheerful and resourceful

Only four years after the closing of the Evening of Funny Questions program, the idea of ​​​​creating a humorous TV game "The Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful" (or simply KVN) was born. The authors of the games of the humorous club were the same people who were engaged in the games of BBB. "An evening of funny questions" was closed due to overlap with the audience, who wished to participate in the program. In this regard, the founder of KVN Sergey Muratov decided to make the game purely television. Yes, and the name KVN came in handy: in those days, this was the name of the KVN-49 TV brand. It was at this time that the format of the game-competition in wit between different teams, familiar to us from childhood, was laid.

The debut of the new TV show took place in November 1961, and Albert Axelrod and Svetlana Zhiltsova turned out to be the hosts of KVN some time after the start of the broadcast of the games.

Members of the club's first games

Unlike the current teams, the first members of the club were students of institutes and universities. In the debut game, the participants were teams from MISI (Moscow Institute of Civil Engineering) and the Institute of Foreign Languages. The first programs were broadcast live in the same way as the "Evening of Funny Questions" program had once been. And although there was no script as such initially, and some of the competitions were invented on the go, and the rules were improved in the process, the popularity of KVN grew at an amazing rate.

The KVN movement quickly spread throughout the country. Games began to be held not only among students, but also among schoolchildren and vacationers in pioneer camps, at enterprises. To get into the game that was on TV, the teams had to go through a serious selection, which only the best of the best managed to overcome.

Leading KVN - Alexander Maslyakov

Until 1964, Albert Axelrod was the main host of the TV show, but he left the TV project along with other founders - Sergei Muratov and Mikhail Yakovlev. Instead of Axelrod, Alexander Maslyakov, a student of the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers, was appointed to the post of game manager, who to this day is the leader of the club's major league games.

However, the program was not destined to be on television for a long time. The players were often ironic about the ideology of the Soviet regime, so the records of the club's games began to be censored. Over time, censorship became more severe, and sometimes even reached the point of absurdity. So, KVN participants could not go on stage with a beard - the censors saw this as a mockery of Karl Marx. And in 1971, due to the overly sharp jokes of the teams, the program was closed by decision of the head of the central television, Sergei Lapin.

We start KVN

Thanks to the efforts of one of the participants in the first KVN, the TV show was aired again. The new founder of KVN Andrey Menshikov, the captain of the MISI team, left the format of the program and the presenter (Alexander Maslyakova). But there were some innovations: an invited jury appeared (in the first editions, these were the founders of the game), new contests and a scoring system. Among other things, the host of the program had to take on the role of editor.

So, in 1986, the first game of the revived club of the cheerful and resourceful was shown on the country's television screens. It was at this moment that the club's anthem "We start KVN" appeared, and past games began with a song performed by Oleg Anofriev.

The TV show needed only a few episodes to reach the same level of popularity as previous projects. The Kvnov movement also revived, moreover, it spread not only in Russia, but also in some countries of Western Europe and in the United States of America.

KVN today

To date, KVN is one of the highest rated television programs. Kvnov games are held not only in schools and universities, but also in various enterprises. This humorous club brings together participants not only from Russia and neighboring countries, but also from many European countries. Since the return of the game to television screens, more than 100 different teams have taken part in the major leagues alone.

And although the rules of the game can change even during the competition, regardless of the level of the league (including in the major league of KVN), there are several basic, mandatory conditions. Firstly, KVN is a team game, one participant will not be released onto the stage. The team must have a captain or front man representing it at the captains' competition, if such is included in the program. Secondly, teams are tested for their ability to joke in several competitions, for example, it can be a warm-up, homework or biathlon. Moreover, each game has a thematic name that sets the direction.

On television, you can now see the games of the major leagues, premieres, international and releases of children's KVN.

The most famous kvnschikov

In the very first KVN games, which took place from 1961 to 1971, the participants were such celebrities as Boris Burda, Mikhail Zadornov, Gennady Khazanov, Leonid Yakubovich and Julius Gusman (who has long been a permanent member of the jury of major league games).

In addition, almost all the founders of the popular comedy television project "Comedy Club" left KVN. So, Garik Martirosyan led the team "New Armenians", Mikhail Galustyan - "Burnt by the Sun", in which Alexander Revva also performed, Semyon Slepakov - the team of the city of Pyatigorsk, Pavel Volya and Timur Rodriguez were members of the team Valeon Dasson.

In addition, over the years, Alexey Kortnev, Vadim Samoilov, Alexander Pushnoy, Pelageya, Alexander Gudkov, Vadim Galygin, Ekaterina Varnava and many other kvnschiks who became famous took part in the club's games.

The KVN team "Ural dumplings" releases a show of the same name, in which, like in KVN, Dmitry Sokolov, Dmitry Brikotkin participate. The first team that continued to joke on television in their own show was "Odessa Gentlemen", by the way, with their light hand, or rather, a joke uttered in one of the games, Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov was proclaimed the president of the club of the cheerful and resourceful.

The best KVN teams. What are they?

To earn the title of the best KVN team, the participants needed to win the major league games. Over the long history of the TV show, the cup of winners has received many teams, each of them can be called the best.

Over the years, the best were the participants of one of the most titled teams "Children of Lieutenant Schmidt", the national team of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, the Tomsk team "Maximum", "County Town", "Juice", "Triod and Diode", "SOYUZ", "Asia MIX" and many others.

Who was on the jury of the major league of KVN?

Celebrities are invited to the KVN jury - show business stars, former KVN participants, producers, actors or TV presenters. And although the composition of judges changes regularly, it is never less than 5 people. So, let's remember the most eminent members of the referee team of the club.

In the entire history of the KVN game, a huge number of celebrities have been in the role of judges. So, the founder of KVN Andrey Menshikov was present at the first games as a member of the jury. As mentioned earlier, a permanent member of the jury of major league games - He has been evaluating the ability of the participants to joke for over 30 years. - the chairman of the judging panel of the game of the major league - is present at almost all games of this level. Permanent members of the jury also include Leonid Yakubovich, Ekaterina Strizhenova, Valdis Pelsh and Mikhail Galustyan.

In addition, at various times, media personalities participated and continue to participate as members of the jury of the major league in KVN: Alexander Abdulov, Igor Vernik, Semyon Slepakov, Ivan Urgant, Andrey Malakhov, Pelageya, Leonid Yarmolnik, Andrey Mironov, Vladislav Listyev, Larisa Guzeeva and a lot others.

Julius Gusman

Now the second person (after the head of Channel One Konstantin Ernst), sitting on the jury of the Higher League, Julius Solomonovich Gusman, began playing in KVN back in 1966. Together with his friends, he created the "Guys from Baku" team and became its leader and captain. For five consecutive years from 1967 to 1972, the Baku team did not lose a single competition! And in 1970, the team even became the owner of the KVN Champion of Champions Cup. Yuli Solomonovich has a diploma in psychiatry, he also graduated from the courses of scriptwriters and directors of the USSR State Film Agency, and then returned to his native Azerbaijan, where he worked at a film studio and in a musical theater. And in 1988 he moved to Moscow. It was he who was the author and embodiment of the idea of ​​​​creating the prestigious Nika film award. He hosted entertainment shows on TV and radio, staged musicals, shot the legendary film "Park of the Soviet Period". And although today Guzman is mostly silent during the filming of KVN, it is absolutely impossible to imagine a humorous show without him!

Garik Martirosyan

Garik Martirosyan

Surprisingly, one of the brightest players of the end of the last century, Garik Martirosyan, also has a medical education, like Julius Solomonovich. Moreover, in a similar specialty, Garik is a neuropathologist-psychotherapist. For three years Martirosyan even worked as a doctor! But you can't fool fate. Garik began playing in KVN in 1993 as part of the New Armenians team, and in 1997 he became a champion. In 2005, it was he, together with his countrymen friends Arthur Tumasyan, Artur Dzhanibekyan, Artak Gasparyan and Artashes Sargsyan, who created the mega-popular Comedy Club project, which had no analogues on Russian TV at that time. In 2007, he hosted two seasons of the Minute of Glory project on Channel One, and a year later he became the host of the ProjectorParisHilton show along with Alexander Tsekalo, Ivan Urgant and Sergey Svetlakov. Produced and wrote the script for another very successful project - "Our Russia" on TNT. He also hosted the programs "Main Stage" and "Dancing with the Stars" on the Russia channel. And all this time he did not stop acting in the Comedy Club, with which we congratulate him!

Sergei Svetlakov

Sergei Svetlakov

Because of the game in KVN, Svetlakov, a student at the Ural State University of Communications, began to have serious problems with his studies, but they were not going to expel him, because he was the captain of the Ural dumplings university team. In 2000, Pelmeni became champions, Sergey graduated from his studies, but did not leave KVN. Svetlakov wrote jokes and scripts for other teams, and in 2005 he began writing for Comedy Club. But Sergei did not rush into the "frame", and appeared on the screen only a couple of years later - in the project "Our Russia". But he earned real popularity only after the release of the ProjectorParisHilton on the First Channel of the program. In 2009, he presented the South Butovo project on the main button of the country, in which he was a regular participant along with Vera Brezhneva. Every New Year, Sergei appears on the screens of cinemas in one of the main roles of Timur Bekmambetov's film "Christmas Trees", this has already become a good tradition for the inhabitants of our country, "Our Rashi" ...

Pavel Volya

Pavel Volya

Pavel Volya, a resident of the glorious city of Penza, did not play in KVN for long. His Valeon Dasson team played only one game in the Premier League - and "flew out" in the 1/8 finals of the 2001 season. Pasha returned to his hometown, worked as a DJ on the radio. After graduating from university, Volya moved to Moscow, where at first he worked as a foreman at a construction site, later he got a job as a screenwriter on RTR in the Good Evening program by Igor Ugolnikov. Then he got a job at MuzTV, for some time he even voiced the cartoon character Masyanya (there was then a cartoon evening show with a popular animated girl). But Pasha, a talented joker, was remembered when creating the Comedy Club, he himself came up with the image of a glamorous bastard, and it was he who opened the first performance of a stand-up show in one of the capital's shopping centers. In 2007, Volya sang, recorded several songs that became hits, and then released an album. In 2008, the film "Plato" was released on cinema screens, after which Volya became a superstar. After the first success, he played in several more popular films - “Happy New Year, Mom”, “Office Romance. Our time”, “Love in the big city-2”, “Bride at any cost”, “The best film”. Some time ago, Pavel accumulated so much of his own material - monologues and humorous selections - that he began to give solo concerts, which had unprecedented success among the public. Volya even traveled half the world on tour - everywhere the Russian public takes him with a bang. Last year, together with his wife, Laysan Utyasheva, he launched the Willpower project, in which the gymnast is responsible for improving the body of the participants, and the comedian is responsible for increasing intellectual vigor and mental activity (at least that's what it says on their official website). In general, everything is fine with Pasha!

Mikhail Galustyan

Mikhail Galustyan

But Galustyan, because of the game in KVN, was nevertheless expelled from the Sochi State University of Tourism and Resort Business.

Too much time was spent on rehearsals and games, and there was not enough strength or desire to study. Despite this, Alexander Maslyakov called Galustyan to the Major League, and then he also managed to recover at the university. In 2002, Mikhail became the team captain, and in 2003 "Burnt by the Sun" became champions. In 2006, he was invited to appear in the Our Russia project on TNT. Considerable popularity was brought to him by the show "Ice Age" on Channel One and the series "Zaitsev + 1". In 2012, Galustyan founded his own film company, which shoots clips, corporate and documentaries. Mikhail has already 17 films on his account, in which he played far from the last roles.

Semyon Slepakov

Semyon Slepakov

The captain of the legendary Pyatigorsk National Team Semyon Slepakov played in KVN from 2000 to 2006. The talented author (and he wrote the scripts for his speeches himself) was immediately noticed, so he was one of the creators of the Our Russia project, and at the same time worked as a screenwriter in several programs on Channel One at once. In 2008, he became one of the producers and author of the popular TV series Univer and the film Our Russia. Eggs of Destiny. In 2010, he cuts the “truth-womb” from the “Comedy Club” stage with his songs with a guitar. Producer of the famous series "Interns", "Sashatanya", "Concerned, or Love of Evil" and the "HB" sketch-com. He recorded as many as two music albums, using his own role as a "foreman" bard.

Natalya Yeprikyan

Natalya Yeprikyan

Natalya Andreevna appeared in KVN as part of the Megapolis team when she was already 26 years old, which is a very respectable age, because mostly students play here. In 2004, her team became the champion of the Premier League, and a year later - the champion of the Major League. The following year, a small but very ambitious girl creates her own women's humor club, which she calls "Made in Woman", and two years later the show begins to be shown on the TNT channel. The transfer quickly wins the audience and changes its name to "Comedy Woman".

Dmitry Brekotkin

Dmitry Brekotkin

Dmitry Brekotkin devoted the whole 12 years of his life to KVN and the Ural dumplings team in particular. He came there in 1995, but the team became champions only in 2000. Then the artist began to be invited to such popular projects as “Thank God you came!”, “Show News”, “Give Youth!”, “Big Difference”, “Southern Butovo”. In 2009, he became a member of the permanent show of the STS channel "Ural dumplings", which included many members of the KVN team of the same name. Former KVN players not only appear on TV, but also give big concerts, which are sold out in Moscow.

Svetlana Permyakova

Svetlana Permyakova

In 1992, Svetlana was a member of the KVN team of Perm State University, but the guys only reached the first quarterfinals of the Major League. After 10 years, Permyakova returned to KVN with the Parma team. Svetka and Zhanka, funny fat women in funny hats and bright makeup, fell in love and were immediately remembered by the audience. In 2005, she became a DJ on Russian Radio, and in 2006 she appeared on TV screens as the host of the Three Rubles show on RU.TV. In 2007, Permyakova finally breaks her finest hour, she begins acting in the TV series "Soldiers" and successfully does this for three years in a row. After filming is over, she gets the role of the head nurse in the TV series Interns. Svetlana also plays in private theatrical productions.

The host and director of one of the most popular television programs, which has become a nationwide game played in Israel, Japan, Australia - the Club of the cheerful and resourceful. President of the International Union of KVN and the creative association "AMiK".


Decree of the President of the MS KVN on the prohibition of plus soundtracks.

Decree of the President of the MS KVN "On participation in nekvnovskih television projects."

Rules and instructions for the official leagues of MS KVN


In KVN, everything happens differently than in normal people. Although normal people have their reasonable traditions. For example, textbooks are republished every year, each time correcting and supplementing.

This book has gone through three editions. And this is not the limit, comrades! After all, KVN changes with our lives, which means that the process of improvement is endless!

The most surprising thing is that this book, most of which was written six or seven years ago, is still being read by KVN and even argue that reading this still implies not only historical interest, but also practical benefits.

Our days

Today's KVN is just as different from KVN 50 years ago as the first television receivers with a lens are unlike modern devices with a flat screen, dolby surround sound and other bells and whistles. But still. How did it all start?


Like a bolt from the blue XX Congress of the CPSU. Stalin's personality cult exposed. There is no “Sovremennik” and “Taganka” yet, the songs of Okudzhava and Vysotsky still do not sound from all windows, but freedom has already been breathed in the country. Moscow becomes the capital of the World Festival of Youth and Students. Young heads are already full of happy hopes, creative projects...

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