Comments Carousel, archive (95). Cord will wake your child up: the premiere of the song Good morning, kids, what time


The leader of the Leningrad group wrote a song for the new program Good Morning, Kids

The leader of the Leningrad group wrote a song for the new program Good Morning, Kids!

Screensaver of the program "Good morning, kids!". Photo: Klass TV company.

Today the TV company "Class!" officially presented its new program. Now the heroes of "Good night, kids!" We intend not only to put the children to bed, but also to wake them up in the morning. Starting in the fall, the federal children's channel Karusel will air the show Good Morning, Kids! on weekdays.

Such an idea came to the head of the President of the Transcontinental Media Corporation (it includes the TV company "Class!") Alexander Mitroshenkov. He, in a conversation with Sergei Shnurov, once mentioned that it would be nice to record some good song for the new program. Shnurov caught fire with the idea and soon announced that the melody was ready. And then there were poems.

Stepashka and Khryusha treated Shnurov favorably. Photo: Klass TV company.

By the way, the evening “Calm” is also waiting for big changes. Soon they will be aired not only on Karusel, but will also return to the air of Kultura and Rossiya 1. The program has a new beautiful studio, and boxer and State Duma deputy Nikolai Valuev has become another presenter. When the offer came to him, he did not hesitate for a second and found time for filming in a busy schedule.

Nikolai Valuev has already starred in several episodes of "Calm". Photo: Klass TV company.

"Good morning, kids!"
(song fragment, author and performerSergei Shnurov)

Morning is very cool
If you want - sing, if you want - dance.
All routes are open to you
Good morning kids!
The sun is shining, or the clouds,
We have fun from the heart.
Every day is the best!
Good morning, good morning, s good morning kids!

The Karusel TV channel launches the Good Morning, Kids program with the legendary children's characters Khryusha and Stepashka, the author of the song for which was the leader of the Leningrad group.

The leader of the Leningrad group, Sergei Shnurov, wrote a hit for young viewers of the new children's program Good Night, Kids on the Karusel TV channel.

According to the creators of the program, the main children's program in the country, which is 53 years old, has been "rebooted".

The new presenter of the program will be the former boxer Nikolai Valuev, and from September 1, the heroes of the program will not only put the children to bed, but also wake them up in the morning

Morning is very cool: If you want - sing, if you want - dance. All routes are open to us, Good morning, good morning, good morning, kids!

The idea to turn to Shnurov for a song came up with the president of the Transcontinental Media Corporation (it includes the Klass! TV company), Alexander Mitroshenkov.

According to him, the musician “was shocked and walked for several days, thinking. As it turned out, he did not just think, but recalled his childhood. And then he took it, called and said that he had written a song. Moreover, he wrote it absolutely free of charge, he just presented it, ”the MK website reports.

Shnurov wrote on Instagram that while writing the song he was inspired by his childhood photos and tried to remember what he thought about when he was little.

The musician hopes that his song in the new children's morning program will not frighten viewers.

“The song should be 'awakening'. I hope the kids will not be afraid to listen to her, although the children, I know, love Leningrad and perceive my voice as a kind of Barmaley, which is wildly pleasant to me, ”Shnurov said during the presentation of the new program, the Moscow agency reports.

In order to perform his own song, Shnurov went to the studio, where he personally met Khryusha and Stepashka.

“I met with idols. Stepashka was sewn a new one, and Khryusha is the same, the real one from my childhood, ”he signed the picture on the social network.

Mitroshenkov also believes that Shnurov's children's hit is "a fantastic thing, because the song turned out very good."

“This is what we wanted - crazy energy and a childish smile. She got him. Now every morning, starting from September 1, the Good Morning, Kids! program will begin with this song,” the head of the media holding explained, adding that one of the headings of the new program will be economic - “about how a child learns to earn money".

The creators of the program are confident that Shnurov will not only be the author of the song, but will sometimes be able to appear on the air, combining work on the daytime TV show “about love” for housewives.

The fact that “Cord will still surprise with a book of children's songs and poems and will definitely lead “Good night, kids!”, ”Sergey's friend, musician Stas Baretsky, also said.

From the psychedelic song of Shnur to the fashionable evolution of Piggy and Karkusha: 8 facts about the program "Good morning, kids!"

Figures and facts

"Good morning, kids!" will be aired every morning on the Karusel TV channel at exactly 7:00. "GOOG night kids!" will remain in the broadcasting grid in its time slot: every evening, at 20:30. The programs will differ not only in timing (the evening one is 10 minutes long, and the morning one will last 20), but also in the format. So, according to producer Alexander Mitroshenkov, the main goal of the morning program is to wake up the children, which means that they will have a completely new presentation of material, the pace and volume of the program.

Music screensaver

Musical intro of the program "Good night, kids!" is her business card. An attempt to change the "soundtrack" in the mid-80s failed: for 52 years now, children have been preparing to go to sleep to the lulling voice of Oleg Anofriev.

New show - new rules and new heroes. One of them is the main hooligan of the Russian stage - Sergey Shnurov, who recorded the song for the screensaver "Good morning, kids!". "Morning is very cool" sounds loud and ... frighteningly invigorating. According to Shnur, children associate his voice with the voice of "a certain Barmaley", but he even likes it.

The song, performed in the best traditions of "Leningrad", turned out to be so energetic that the creators of the children's show had to specially increase the rhythm of the program in order to adapt to it.

The experience of working with Sergey shocked me. We made a program for a year, which we began to change after receiving the song, - said producer Alexander Mitroshenkov at a press conference dedicated to the TV show.


For many years, the home for Khryusha, Stepashka, Fili and other heroes of the program was a cozy studio - the size of a dollhouse. On a soft sofa, moved up to the table, the host was located, next to them were the actors-puppeteers. There really was so little space in the studio that the puppeteers had to work in completely unimaginable poses: Sergei Grigoriev, who gave his voice to Filla, for example, lay down under the table, and Galina Marchenko, Karkusha's "voice", sat down in a specially carved bed in the floor to control from there. puppet-puppet and voice it in parallel.

In the new show, the studio will be much more spacious. In the tradition of morning TV programs - with a large table, high ceilings and bright decorations. Another innovation is that the TV presenter and the heroes of the program will stand, not sit, and also actively move around the studio.


Leading "Good night, kids!" the famous boxer Nikolai Valuev has been appointed in the new season, and "Good morning, kids!" - Anton Zorkin.

Dear friends, I am glad to announce that from September 1, a new program "Good morning, kids!", which we are hosting with Piggy, will go on the air! - Anton wrote on his Twitter.

Previously, Anton Zorkin was the host of the Your Morning program on the Kursk federal channel, and after moving to Moscow, he managed to work on Channel One, NTV, TV Center, Ren-TV, and also as a radio station host.

The new host of the show Anton Zorkin with Piggy and the guest of the program - the finalist of the Junior Eurovision 2016 Katya Maneshina

The "stuffing" of the classic version of the program is a funny dialogue of cartoon characters with the presenter and the cartoon. "Good morning, kids!" will offer children much more action.

There will be a lot of interesting things: children's weather, when children and dolls will report on the atmosphere in the country. There will be completely unusual guests who will talk about how children learn to earn money. There will also be a crazy professor reading funny opuses, and a lot of modern animation - both ours and foreign ones.

Show producer says.

star heroes

Guests "Good morning, kids!" there will also be stars, many of whom grew up with Stepashka, Khryusha, Fillya and Karkusha. The first episodes will be aired by Mitya Fomin and Sati Kazanova, who have already shared photos and videos from the filming on their social networks.

Anton Zorkin, Sati Casanova and Piggy
Anton Zorkin and Mitya Fomin with Piggy

New characters

The main characters of "Good night, kids!" - Khryusha, Stepashka, Karkusha and Phil - regularly welcome new characters in their ranks. So, since 1992, Mishutka has appeared in the program episodically, and since 2014, Moore the tiger cub, which, unlike the others, has only a digital projection on the screen instead of a puppet version.

Will not do without updating the composition in the new show. So, according to the producers, in the program "Good morning, kids!" children will get acquainted with a bird named Chizhik. It is noteworthy that a hero with that name was already in the program: in 1965, the dog was called Chizhik.

Stepashka, Filya, Karkusha, Khryusha and Mishutka with "Aunt Tanya" - TV presenter Tatyana Vedeneeva. "GOOG night kids!" sample of the 80s

fashion evolution

Dolls of heroes "Good night, kids!" change to new ones every 3 years because they wear out. And although the masters carefully copy the samples in the manufacture, each redesign brings its own innovations, as a result of which the dolls acquire an increasingly modern look. In the program "Good morning, kids!" heroes will also get new stylish costumes. Their creation was entrusted to the Russian designer Anastasia Zadorina.

In September, the project "Good morning, kids" starts - everything is in a modern, dynamic format, and we tried to make the clothes of the heroes match it, - said Anastasia Zadorina. - Of course, they are all in trend, fashionable, bright - I hope the little viewers will appreciate this and maybe even take an example from them. I can say that Khryusha, Stepashka, Filya, Karkusha, tiger cub Moore, Mishutka are our most accommodating clients, it is a pleasure to work with them. My team and I were very inspired by this project, and I noticed that we even began to smile more often. These heroes really give a good mood!

Anastasia Zadorina at a press conference on the occasion of the launch of "Good morning, kids!"
Stepashka and his new costumes

For each of the characters, we came up with and sewed 6 sets of clothes, there are suits for every day, and sports, and even festive options for special occasions. Everything is like in life! Each of them has its own character, and we tried to reflect this in clothes. For example, Stepashka is the most calm and strict, his style can be described as smart casual, Khryusha and tiger cub Moore are adherents of a sports style in clothes, Filya prefers shirts and cozy checkered sweaters, and Mishutka is the best fit for the preppy style, which a bit like a school uniform
- says Anastasia Zadorina.

My favorite heroine is Karkusha. She even looks like me. In her wardrobe there are a lot of dresses, sundresses - denim, striped, elegant. She is a real fashionista! In the new program "Good morning, kids!" I will have my own rubric "Workshop" - let's start with Karkusha "needlework": paint T-shirts, make applications. Little viewers can easily repeat all this at home with their mothers, fathers, grandmothers, older brothers or sisters. I will try to make my master classes interesting and inspire the kids for further creative exploits.

Good educational cartoon series for preschoolers, carrying only positive emotions and the right morning charge for the whole day. The project is designed for kids who wake up early.
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