Comments. Classes in the circles of the historical museum Historical circles for schoolchildren


I drink tea at work from my favorite mug, mechanically twirling it in my hands. I wondered what the history of this dish is. Decided to look.

Here's what I found.

A mug is a large glass, a glass with a handle, sometimes with a sock and a lid.

The lid protected the contents from getting into the mug of debris, insects, and maybe poison.

Now with a lid connected to the body, they produce beer mugs, and tea mugs with a separate lid, like in a teapot.

The name itself is borrowed from the Polish language, in translation it means a jug.

At first, the shape of the mugs really looked like small jugs. These mini-vessels appeared in the 15th century, since then they have been constantly in demand and loved)

The average volume of a mug is 300-500 ml, the shape is cylindrical or truncated cone.

They made mugs from clay, metal, wood, birch bark. Later they began to produce from glass, porcelain, faience.

At the beginning of the 19th century, for the needs of the army, they began to produce dishes in a factory way. The main requirement for it: light and unbreakable. This is how the well-known aluminum mug appeared.

Later, aluminum (due to its high thermal conductivity) was replaced by steel.

The word “mug” has another meaning, MUG is a Russian measure of the volume of liquid used in the 16th-17th centuries, one mug was equal to ten cups or, to be more precise, 1.23 liters of liquid.

Now mugs are distinguished mainly by the material from which they are made. Eat:

  • glass
  • Ceramic
  • Porcelain
  • Wooden
  • Aluminum
  • Plastic
  • Iron enameled
  • Thermo mugs

I noticed that most of all I like to drink tea from a rectangular mug made of transparent glass. And coffee from earthenware, shaped like a truncated cone. Why is that? I like the color of tea and the combination of coffee and white faience)

What mugs do you have?

The State Historical Museum invites children from 6 years old to classes in museum circles.

Circle "Firebird" (grades 1-3)

September 30, October 14 and 28, November 18, December 2 and 16, January 13 and 27, February 10, March 3 and 24, April 7

Members of the circle will get acquainted with the work of artists from different eras. At the exposition of the museum, the children will see authentic monuments of fine and decorative art of ancient times and will create their own works based on them.
Cost: student - 4200 rubles, student + adult - 5400 rubles.

Circle "Firebird" (grades 4-5)
Saturdays at 12.00 (twice a month)
October 7 and 21, November 11 and 25, December 9 and 23, January 20, February 3 and 17, March 17 and 31, April 14

In the 2017/2018 academic year, the topic of classes in the senior group will be the history of the Russian theater - from performances of buffoons to productions of the Bolshoi Theater. Participants will create compositions based on theatrical performances of different times.

Circle "Journey to History: Journey to Ancient Rus'" (grades 2-4)
Fridays at 15.30 (twice a month)
September 22, October 6 and 20, November 10 and 24, December 8 and 22, January 12 and 26, February 9, March 2, 9 and 23, April 6, 20 and 27

In the classes of the circle, children of primary school age in an accessible form learn the history of Ancient Rus', the features of life, life and beliefs of the Eastern Slavs. A variety of monuments will tell about this period: clothes and jewelry, books and coins, utensils and weapons presented in the halls of the museum.
Cost: student - 5600 rubles, student + adult - 7200 rubles.

Circle "Historical puppet theater" (grades 4-7)
Saturdays at 16.00 (twice a month)
October 7 and 21, November 11 and 25, December 9 and 23, January 20, February 3, 17 and 24, March 10, 17 and 31, April 14

A performance based on the Finno-Ugric epic "Kudym Osh" will be staged in the circle. In the process of preparing the performance, the circle members will learn how to make dolls, sew costumes, and paint scenery on their own. Each of them will receive a separate role and take part in the performance.

Circle "Ancient needlework" (grades 3-11)
Saturdays at 14.00 (twice a month)
September 30, October 14 and 28, November 18, December 2, 16, January 13, 27, February 10, March 3, 24, April 7.

In the classes of the circle, the children will master some traditional types of needlework from different regions of Russia: they will make a Vladimir patchwork doll “column”, decorations of a Voronezh costume - “mushrooms”, perform a Nizhny Novgorod “Krestetskaya line” and more.
Cost: student - 5400 rubles, student + adult - 6600 rubles.

Circle "Traditional types of woodcarving" (grades 5-11)
Sundays at 14.30 or 16.00 (three times a month):
October 8, 15, 22, 29; November 12, 19, 26; December 10, 17, 24; January 14, 21, 28; February 11, 18, 25; March 11, 18, 25; April 8th.

In the classes of the circle, participants study the history and technology of woodcarving. The children will be explained the symbolism of carved ornaments, the history of their appearance and the features of their use in everyday life.
Cost: student - 9,000 rubles, student + adult - 11,000 rubles.

Circle "Military history of the peoples of the world" (grades 5-10)
Sundays at 10.30 (twice a month):
Cost: student - 6300 rubles, student + adult - 7700 rubles.

Circle "Military history of medieval Rus'" (grades 5-10)
on Saturdays at 16.00
September 23, 30; October 14, 28; November 18th; December 2, 16; January 13, 27; February 10; March 3, 17, 31, April 14

In the circle, students will get acquainted with the military history of our country in the 9th - 17th centuries. Classes will be devoted to the study of the political prerequisites for military conflicts, their course and consequences, outstanding domestic commanders, including princes Svyatoslav Igorevich and Alexander Nevsky.
Cost: student - 6300 rubles, student + adult - 7700 rubles.

Circle "Young local historian" (grades 5-9)
Junior group: Fridays at 15.30 (twice a month)
September 29, October 13, 27; November 17; December 1, 15; January 19; February 2, 16; March 16, 30; April 13
Senior group: on Fridays (twice a month), 16.30 - 18.00:
October 6, 20; November 10, 24; December 8, 22; January 26; February 9th; March 2, 23; April 6, 20

The program of the circle includes studying the history of ancient Moscow, its streets and lanes, traveling through the protected areas of old Moscow, getting to know the history of its districts and courtyards. The course is supplemented by acquaintance with the exposition of the Historical Museum and its branches.
Cost: student - 5400 rubles, student + adult - 6600 rubles.

Circle "History with geography" (grades 6-11)
Mondays at 4:00 pm (twice a month)
September 18, 25; October 09, 23; November 13, 27; December 11, 25; January 15, 29; February 12, 26; March 12, 26; April 09, 23

the members of the circle will learn about many key figures in Russian history of the 10th-17th centuries. Getting acquainted with objects from the richest collection of the museum, the circle members will not only visualize the conditions in which people of that time lived, but also learn how their ideas about geography, neighboring countries and the world as a whole differed.
Cost: student - 7200 rubles, student + adult - 8800 rubles.

Circle "Secrets of numismatics" (grades 7-11)
Wednesdays at 4:30 pm (twice a month)
September 27; 4, 25 October; November 1, 08, 29; December 6; January 17, 24; The 14th of February; March 7, 14; April 4, 11, 18

Specialists of the Numismatics Department of the Historical Museum will tell about the history of coins in different parts of the world from ancient times to the present day.
Cost: student - 5250 rubles, student + adult - 6750 rubles.

Circle "How people lived in ancient times" (grades 2-4)
Thursdays at 16.30, Sundays at 12.30
October 5, 19; November 2, 16, 30; December 14; January 11, 25; February 8; March 15, 29; 12th of April; October 1, 15, 29; November 12, 26; December 10, 24; January 21; February 4, 18; March 4, 18

In the classes of the circle, the children will get acquainted with the distant past of our homeland, starting with the appearance of stone tools and ending with the formation of the Iron Age states.
Cost: schoolchild - 5400 rubles, schoolchild + adult - 6600 rubles.

Circle “The century is crazy and wise. XVIII century "(grades 6-8)
Sundays at 12.15 (twice a month)
October 8, 22; November 5, 19; 3, December 17; January 14, 28; February 11, 25; March 11, 25; April 8

Students will get acquainted with statesmen and writers, generals and teachers, books and household items of the "mad and wise" XVIII century.
Cost: student - 5850 rubles, student + adult - 7150 rubles.

Circle "Slavic-Russian archeology" (grades 7-11)
Mondays at 16.15 (twice a month)
October 2, 16, 30; 20 November; 4, 18 December; January 22; February 5, 19; March 5, 19; April 2, 16

In the classes of the circle, high school students study the problems of archeology and history of Russia in the 9th - 14th centuries, during the period of the birth and formation of the state.
Cost: student - 5850 rubles, student + adult - 7150 rubles.

Circle "Archaeology of the Great Steppe" (grades 5-11)
Thursdays at 16.15 (twice a month):
September 28, October 12, 26; November 9, 23; December 7, 21; January 18; February 1, 15; March 1, 22; 5th of April

In the "Archaeology of the Great Steppe" circle, students will get acquainted with the history of Eastern Europe from the first centuries of our era to the formation of the Old Russian state of the 9th century.
Cost: student - 5850 rubles, student + adult - 7150 rubles.

Circle "History of the most ancient civilizations of the Mediterranean" (grades 5-11)
Wednesdays at 15.30 (twice a month)
September 27; 4, 25 October; November 1, 8, 29; December 6; January 17, 24; The 14th of February; March 7, 14; April 4, 11, 18


Explanatory note.

Pedagogical expediencyThis program is due to the fact that in the school history course, due to lack of time, little attention is paid to the study of personalities, whose names are associated with the main milestones in the history of a particular state. But it is precisely with these names that the changes that took place in politics, culture, science, and art are associated. Unfortunately, the school curriculum gives a limited description of these people.

This program allows you to expand students' understanding of historical figures. The main task of implementing the program is seen in awakening in as many students as possible the desire to acquire active knowledge of history.

Orientation educational program - tourist and local history.

Relevance The program is determined by the fact that it is at school age that history is better assimilated through its “human” side, through the fate of specific people. Showing how individuals lived, how they influenced the course of events throughout history, is remembered and assimilated by students with greater desire than operating with events, processes outside the influence of bright personalities on them.

The purpose of the lessons:

To expand students' ideas about the outstanding figures of Russia in the 9th-19th centuries.



Contribute to the formation of self-awareness of the individual, its adequate self-identification in the world around;

Continue studying the events of general and Russian history in the biographies of great people;

Continue the formation of the conceptual apparatus;

Learn to work independently, attract additional material;

To teach to evaluate events and causal relationships from different positions.


To promote the disclosure of creative potential, creative self-realization;

Contribute to the activation of one's own experience, value-oriented behavior;

Develop communication skills.


To cultivate a culture of communication, feelings, creative interaction;

Cultivate an active life position.

Children's age involved in the implementation of this program of extracurricular activities: 13-14 years.

The duration of the program is 1 year.

Lesson forms.

The leading form of organization of classes is group. It is advisable to conduct some classes with the entire composition of the association, for example, lectures, conversations, excursions.

Along with the group form of work, individual work is also carried out.

Practice mode.

Predicted resultand ways to measure performance.

During the implementation of the program, students acquire a number of skills and abilities that serve as an indicator of the effectiveness of the work of the circle.

Students should know:how to write a characterization of a historical figure.

Students must be able to:

Analyze specific historical information;

Own historical and biographical information;

Work with popular science and reference literature;

Analyze and compare facts.

The forms of carrying out the results of the implementation of this program are:participation in school, district and regional competitions, quizzes, conferences on history.

Educational and thematic plan.

Name of sections.




Introductory lesson

Section 1. Russian land

Section 2. Moscow Rus

Section 3. Russia in the 17th century

Section 4. Russia in the 18th century

^ Section 5. Russia in the XIX-XX centuries - the era of great reformers

Final repetition

Total 34 hours

Introductory lesson.(1 hour)

Topic 1. Rurik (1 hour)

Topic 2. First princes (1 hour)

Topic 3. St. Vladimir (1 hour)

Topic 4. The first saints in Rus' (1 hour)

Topic 5. Yaroslav the Wise (1 hour)

Topic 6. Vladimir Monomakh (1 hour)

Topic 7. Princes of the period of feudal fragmentation (1 hour)The beginning of fragmentation in Rus'. The disintegration of Rus' into 15 major principalities.

Topic 8. Alexander Nevsky (1 hour)

Topic 9. Figures of the Russian church and culture (1 hour)

Topic 1. Ivan Kalita (1 hour)

Topic 2. Dmitry Donskoy (1 hour)Rus' under Dmitry Donskoy. Opposition to the Horde. Fight with Tver.

Topic 3. Sergius of Radonezh (1 hour)Sergius of Radonezh.

Topic 4. Ivan III (1 hour)The emergence of the Russian state. Ivan III - the first Grand Duke of All Rus'. The character of Ivan III.

Topic 5. Ivan IV the Terrible (1 hour)

Topic 6. Great painters (1 hour)

Topic 1. Boris Godunov (1 hour)

Topic 2. Minin and Pozharsky (1 hour)

Topic 3. Alexey Mikhailovich “The Quietest” (1 hour)

Topic 4. Stepan Razin (1 hour)

Topic 5. Church schism (1 hour)

Topic 1. Peter the Great (1 hour)

Theme 2. Women on the throne (1 hour)

Topic 3. Elizaveta Petrovna (1 hour)Elizabeth is the daughter of Peter the Great. Count Shuvalov. Opening of Moscow University.

Topic 4. Catherine the Great (1 hour)

Topic 5. Emelyan Pugachev (1 hour). Peasant War. Pugachev and his associates. Pretenders before and after Pugachev.

Topic 6. Great generals and naval commanders (1 hour)

Topic 7. Russian “enlightenment” (1 hour)

Topic 1. Alexander I (1 hour)

Topic 2. Speransky M.M. (1 hour)

Topic 3. Alexander II. (2 hours)

Final repetition (2 hours)

Calendar-thematic planning.


Name of topics, sections.

Number of hours


according to plan



Introductory lesson.Conversation, familiarization of children with the features of classes in the circle. What is a "historical person"?


Section 1. Russian land (9 hours)

Topic 1. Rurik Legendary and real in the “recognition of the Varangians”. Rurik. Norman theory, its role in Russian history.


Topic 2. First princesThe struggle of Novgorod and Kyiv as two centers of statehood in Rus'. Rus' at the end of the 9th - the middle of the 10th centuries. The unification of the tribes by the prophetic Oleg along the path “from the Varangians to the Greeks”. The value of the general campaign against Constantinople.


Topic 3. St. VladimirLegends, epics, history. Collective image of Vladimir Krasno Solnyshko.


Topic 4. The first saints in Rus'.Boris and Gleb are martyr princes.


Topic 5. Yaroslav the WiseThe heyday of Rus' under Yaroslav the Wise. Strengthening the international position of Rus'. Education.


Topic 6. Vladimir MonomakhA new strife in Rus' between the sons and grandchildren of Yaroslav. Personality of Monomakh.


Topic 7. Princes of the period of feudal fragmentationThe beginning of fragmentation in Rus'. The collapse of Rus' into 15 major principalities


Topic 8. Alexander NevskyThe advance of the crusaders. Alexander Yaroslavovich Nevsky. Prince's choice. Fight against the Swedish and German knights.


Topic 9. Figures of the Russian church and cultureThe first Russian Metropolitan Hilarion. Church and education. Nestor and other chroniclers.


Section 2. Muscovite Rus' (6 hours)

Topic 1. Ivan KalitaThe establishment of the Horde yoke in Rus'. Rise of Moscow. Beginning of the Moscow dynasty.


Topic 2. Dmitry DonskoyRus' under Dmitry Donskoy. Opposition to the Horde. Fight with Tver


Topic 3. Sergius of RadonezhSergius of Radonezh.


Topic 5. Ivan IV the TerribleRussia under Ivan the Terrible. The Tsar and his associates (Alexey Adashev, Metropolitan Macarius, Andrei Kurbsky, Archpriest Sylvester).


Topic 6. Great paintersIconography and frescoes. Andrei Rublev. "Trinity". Theophanes the Greek. Dionysius.


Section 3. Russia in the 17th century (6 hours)

Topic 1. Boris GodunovBoris Godunov - oprichnik - ruler - tsar. Establishment of the Patriarchate. The development of the corvee and the enslavement of the peasants.


Topic 2. Minin and PozharskyKuzma Minin. Commander Prince Dmitry Pozharsky. Formation of people's militias.


Topic 3. Alexey Mikhailovich “The Quietest”The revival of the country after the turmoil. Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich (Quiet). Formation of an absolute monarchy. Cathedral regulation. Enslavement of the peasantry.


Topic 4. Stepan RazinXVII century - "rebellious time". Popular uprisings. The personality of Stepan Razin. Caspian trip. The defeat of the discord.


Topic 5. Church schism)Growing intolerance and dissent. "The priesthood is higher than the kingdom." "Friends-enemies": Patriarch Nikon, Archpriest Avvakum. Boyar Morozova. Old Believers.


Topic 6. Cultural figures (1 hour)The beginning of the division of the culture of the "tops" and "bottoms". "Secularization" of culture. public thought. Simeon Polotsky. Painting (parsuna). Simon Ushakov.


Section 4. Russia in the 18th century (6 hours)

Topic 1. Peter the Great.Peter and Princess Sophia. Education of Peter. Peter's first independent steps. Travel abroad. Reforms of Peter the Great.


Topic 2. Women on the throne.

Catherine I. Anna Ioannovna. Favorites and politicians. The struggle of court factions. The role of foreigners in the era of palace coups.


Topic 3. Elizaveta PetrovnaElizabeth is the daughter of Peter the Great. Count Shuvalov. Opening of Moscow University


Topic 4. Catherine the GreatCatherine II and her entourage. "Enlightened Absolutism". Strengthening fortresses. The golden age of the Russian nobility.


Topic 5. Emelyan PugachevPeasant War. Pugachev and his associates. Impostors before and after Pugachev


Topic 6. Great generals and naval commandersVictories on land and at sea. Russian military art. Rumyantsev and Suvorov. Spiridov and Ushakov.


Topic 7. Russian “enlightenment”The rise of Russian culture. Russian "enlightenment". L. Magnitsky, Mikhailo Lomonosov, Novikov, Fonvizin.


Section 5. Russia in the XIX-XX centuries - the era of the great reformers (4 hours)

Topic 1. Alexander I"The days of Alexander's are a great start." Emperor and his "young friends". reform projects. The secret committee. military settlements. Foreign policy.


Topic 2. Speransky M.M.Speransky M.M. Activities in the Alexander Nevsky Seminary. State Council. The meteoric rise of an outstanding statesman. As governor of Penza. The activity of the reformer in Siberia. Resignation.


Topic 3. Alexander II.King Liberator. Before the abolition of serfdom. Foreign policy of Alexander II



Final repetition



Methodological support of the program.

The main types and methods of work are lectures, conversations, search and research activities, quizzes, extracurricular activities.

For the teacher:

  1. Buganov V.I. Peter the Great and his time. M., 1989
  2. Valishevsky K. Daughter of Peter the Great. M., 1990
  3. Valishevsky K Peter the Great. M., 1990
  4. Gumilyov N. From Rus' to Russia. M., 1992
  5. Pavlenko N. Secrets of the Petrine era. M., 2006
  6. Shitov A.V. Minin and Pozharsky. M., 1990

For students:

  1. Balandin R., Mironov S. Secrets of the Time of Troubles. M.. 2006
  2. Zarezin M., The Last Rurikovichi. M., 2006
  3. History of Russia for children and adults. (compiled by V. Solovyov) 2003.
  4. 100 Great Russians (compiled by K. Ryzhov), 2000.
  5. History of Russia in faces. M., 1995

Municipal educational institution

"Secondary school No. 3 of Pugachev, Saratov region"



(Age 12-13 years. Implementation period - 1 year)

Considered at the meeting

pedagogical council

Protocol No.___

from "__" _______ 2013

history teacher and

social science

Ramzina M.Yu.

Department of Education of the Administration of the Vyksa Municipal District Municipal Educational Institution Turtapa Secondary School

Accepted I approve: at the methodological council Director of the school MOU Turtapa secondary school _________ 01.09.2009. "_" ______________ 2009

History circle

Implementation period 1 year

With. Turtapka

Explanatory note

History is a fascinating, interesting and necessary science about the fate of mankind over a huge period of time from the moment the first people appeared to the present day. History is rightly called the memory of the people and the teacher of life.

Historical local lore is one of the most important elements of historical science. It is one of the sources of enriching students with knowledge of the history of their native land, fostering love for it and the formation of civic concepts and skills, introducing students to the study of the history of the Fatherland through independent research work. The research method is the highest form of educating the creative initiative of students, their independence. Students do not become consumers of ready-made information, but accomplices in the creative process. Schoolchildren learn to reveal the dialectical relationship between general historical and local material. Through local history, the general becomes more specific, figurative, emotional, conscious, and the specific, individual, local in the light of the general receives its correct assessment. Historical local history reveals to students the connections of their native land with the great Motherland, helps to understand the inextricable connection, unity of history, to feel the involvement of each family in it and recognize it as a duty, an honor to become a worthy heir to the best traditions of the native land. The additional educational program of the Historical Circle has a natural-scientific orientation.

The purpose of the additional educational program:

· introducing students to the study of history through independent research work on historical local history.


to cultivate a careful attitude to the historical heritage of the native land;

· to develop the skills of educational and research work;

· To develop the activity and independence of students.

Children from 10 to 16 years old participate in the work of the historical circle.

The duration of the educational program is 1 year, in the amount of 72 hours.

Classes are held at the school in the history room and in the school museum of local lore.

The theme of the work of the Historical Circle is based on local history material, which allows students, while doing collecting and educational research work, to join the study of the traditions and history of their native land, way of life, way of life of past generations.

Classes in the Historical circle contribute to the development of respect for the spiritual heritage of their region, city, region; preservation and enhancement

historical and cultural traditions of their people; stimulation of creative activity of students.

The curriculum of the History Circle allows you to pay attention, first of all, to the history of everyday life, the one that is enshrined in the fates of people living nearby, your family.

The result of the implementation of the additional educational program is the involvement of students in the study of history through independent research work on historical local history; the formation of historical thinking and the education of citizenship in the younger generation through the study of the history of everyday life, the history of the family, the fate of a single person; training in the techniques and methods of educational and research work: compiling a bibliography, annotations, working with a catalog, local history, scientific and reference literature, with documentary and reference materials, recording memories, collecting local history material, using logical techniques; teaching techniques and methods for observing and describing objects of material culture, historical monuments, events, the ability to correlate general historical processes and individual facts; development of activity and independence of students; successful performance of students at various conferences, olympiads.

Summing up the implementation of the additional educational program is carried out in the following forms: exhibitions, competitions, reports on search tasks, participation in scientific and practical conferences, creative presentations of the work of the additional association, excursions in the school museum of local lore.

Educational and thematic plan

Sections, topics

Number of hours


ChapterI. Introduction.

Circle presentation

ChapterII.Tree of life.

Introduction to genealogy.

Compilation of the "Tree of Life" of his family.

ChapterIII. My family in the history of the country.

My family traditions.

Work on the project "My family in the history of the country."

ChapterIV. Nizhny Novgorod regionXVI IV..

Under the banners of Moscow.

Nizhny Novgorod stronghold.

What is the Kremlin talking about?

Work on the project "Nizhny Novgorod region in the XVII century".

ChapterV. Streets of our city and village.

Acquaintance with the streets of our city and village (the history of the name of the streets).

Work on the project "Young Tour Guide".

ChapterVI. State symbols of the Russian Federation.

Acquaintance with the history of state symbols of the Russian Federation. Flag.

Acquaintance with the history of state symbols of the Russian Federation. Coat of arms. Hymn.

Work on the project "State symbols of the Russian Federation".

ChapterVII. and Nizhny Novgorod region.

in the Nizhny Novgorod region.

Work on the project "and the Nizhny Novgorod Territory".

ChapterVIII.Our native land.

Acquaintance with the history of your region.

People of the land of Nizhny Novgorod.

Work on the project "Our native land".

ChapterIX. Vyksa - 75.

Acquaintance with the history of the city of Vyksa.

A glorious story: the Batashev brothers in the Vyksa land. Vyksa factories.

Work on the project "Vykse - 75".

ChapterX. Prominent people of our village.

Design of the stand "Outstanding people of our village".

Meeting with interesting people of our village.

Meeting with a labor veteran.

Meeting with a participant in the Second World War.

ChapterXII. Excursion work.

A trip to the museum Shimorskoe.

A trip to the Museum of Murom.

ChapterXIII. Scientific and practical conference.

Report on the work of the association of additional education.


Municipal State Educational Institution Nizhnechumanskaya Secondary School of the Baevsky District of the Altai Territory

Educational program of the historical circle

for 2013-2014 academic year

Head S.V. Ignatenko

a history teacher

With. Nizhnechumanka


Program structure

    Explanatory note

    Thematic plan

    Main content of the program

    Conditions for the implementation of the program

    Planned results


Explanatory note

Historical science builds its conclusions on the material of historical sources. Under the historical sources understand all the remnants of the past, which are associated with the activities of people and reflect the history of human society. The circle program provides students with the opportunity to get acquainted with the main auxiliary historical disciplines, to give those knowledge and skills that are not always indicated in the curricula on history and cannot be given in the classroom.
The course is designed for 34 hours, of which part of the study time is allocated for intellectual games and research activities, taking into account the acquired knowledge and skills.

Purpose of the course : - development of intellectual, creative abilities of students, cognitive activity of students and interest in national history;
Course objectives :

    To form a system of historical views of students.

    Develop an interest in research

    To create conditions conducive to raising the level of education of students.

    To develop the abilities, creativity, horizons of students.


Organization of research activities of students;

Participation in the work of the school local history corner;

Participation in the regional local history conference;

Distribution and promotion of materials about their activities.

Thematic plan



Total hours




Search and research work of students










social etiquette

Examination of values

Final session


Program content:

Introduction 2 hours. Goals and objectives of the course. Familiarity with the content of the program. Historical sources: material and spiritual. Keys to the secrets to CLIO: VIEW - auxiliary historical disciplines.

Search and research work of students. Approaches to the problem of motivation at school and teaching and research activities. Fundamentals of research work. Preparatory period in research work. Collection of material and principles of working with it. How to present research results. Applications. Research writing advice.

Paleography 2 hours.

External signs of manuscripts, material for writing. Alphabet and graphics of letters, art decorations.

Numismatics 2 hours.

The study of the first monetary systems, coins and paper money, money circulation.
Metrology 2 hours.

Existence in different periods of history of a measure of length (length) and weight (gravity), surface (area) and capacity (volume), their relationship with the modern system of measures.
Chronology 2 hours.

Various time calculation systems, methods of processing direct and indirect dating information.

Sphragistics 2 hours.

Seals and their role in the historical process. Documents with and without stamps. Separate prints.
Heraldry 2 hours.

Coats of arms as symbolic insignia of individuals, surnames, clans, regions, cities, states, institutions. Family coat of arms and my personal coat of arms.
Onomastics 2 hours.

Proper names in history. Connection with linguistics. Patterns and different categories of names. My name.
Toponymy 2 hours.

Geographical names in the history of the country, region, small homeland. My region, my district, my village.

Genealogy 2 hours. The study and compilation of pedigrees. Dynasties of Rurikovich and Romanovs in the history of the country. Pedigree of my family and clan.
social etiquette 2 hours.

Systems of social etiquette: ranks, ranks, awards, titles, insignia.

Generalization 2 hours.

Features of the teaching methodology

The fulfillment of the planned tasks will be carried out on the basis of a person-oriented approach. The main forms of conducting classes will be: lectures, conversations, excursions, workshops, laboratory form of work.

Working methods:

reproductive, partially exploratory, exploratory, research.

Conditions for the implementation of the program.

Students use notebooks, pens, and pencils in class. They get practical skills in working with historical sources, exhibits in the local history corner.

Expected result:

When solving problems, the result can only be positive.

Students should know:

  1. What is research work

    What is heraldry, numismatics, sphragistics, metrology, onomastics, toponymy.

    Rules for writing research papers.

Students should be able to:

    To interview

    Record received data

    Solve problems in chronological order.

    Conduct excursions in the historical and local lore corner.


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