Comprehensive analysis of the text based on the Christmas story by G.Kh. Andersen “The Girl with Matches. The secret cipher of the fairy tale "the girl with matches" Andersen the girl with matches analysis


Literary reading lesson Grade 4

"The Girl with Matches" based on the fairy tale by G.H. Andersen


Develop creative thinking, perception, memory, speech, correct logical speech;

Ability to work in a group: listen and hear each other;

To cultivate feelings of collectivism, interest in fairy tales, to cultivate respect for the point of view of the interlocutor, to cultivate positive human qualities in children: empathy, complicity, compassion;

Equipment: screen, presentation, textbook reader (text about G.Kh. Andersen for 2 groups), musical accompaniment; task cards for independent work in a group.

During the classes

Organizing time.

Psychological mood.

Listen to the riddle:

Everything in it is a lie, but there is a hint

Good fellows lesson...

Thumbelina lives in it,

Pinocchio drinks ink

The hare runs away...

It's no coincidence that I gave you a riddle.

Who guessed why my riddle is about a fairy tale? (Probably today we will get acquainted with a fairy tale in the lesson).

What is a fairy tale?

Now, what is the definition of a literary fairy tale?

Music sounds

We continue to get acquainted with the works of G.H. Andersen and his work. SLIDE 2

Write down everything you know about this author in a table for one minute (students work independently.

By the end of the lesson, try to complete the “Learned” table.

Checking homework CARD #1

SLIDE 7 What do they have in common?

This is the title of the book we are about to read.

"Tree of Predictions"- What is your guess about the storyline of the work with this title? (What do you think this story will be about?)

Vocabulary before reading

Children in the text you will come across such words:


Eve is the day before the holiday.

Proc - benefit

At full speed - very quickly, jump.

A cradle is a hanging cradle.

Apron - apron.

Impenetrable - does not let light or sound through.

Christmas Eve - Christmas Eve.

Sulfur is a chemical element, a yellow combustible substance used in engineering and medicine.

curl - curly strand of hair

Reflection - the radiance of reflected light

What words do you know the meaning of?

Gennady Tsyferov in the book “My Andersen” writes “Do you know, for example, how the bells are poured? A drop of silver must be added to each bell. Here he is calling...

If you add a drop of sadness to a funny fairy tale, it also rings.

Every time after Andersen's fairy tale, you seem to hear a ringing, long and timid. Then you can even forget what it is about, but the timid ringing remains in the heart.

"Contemplation Stage"- reading with notes. Open the reader, sit back, get ready to listen to the tale and try to feel, hear the “ringing of sadness”, take notes.

Enable Reader Recording

(When I listened to the story, I was sad.

The heroine of the story made me feel sorry.

And I was ashamed of those who passed the mime of a little girl.)

- Who is she talking about? (about a little girl who sells matches;)

- What is it about? (About the fact that in the distant past it was very difficult for poor people, including children)

(The writer wanted people to be more attentive to others.

The storyteller wanted to convey to us that we need to show compassion to those who need us.

Content work.

Have you heard the “ringing of sadness”, caught, understood the mood of the author?

What remains of the tale later - after it has been told?


What mood did you create in your soul after listening to the fairy tale ? (I have sadness in my heart.)

Why did you feel sad? (I felt sad because the girl died.)

Has it changed over the course of the audition? (My mood changed when the match burned and the girl saw

fire, she was warm. In those moments when the girl was good)

Who is the main character of the fairy tale?

What family was this girl from?

What words from the text prove this?

Selective reading. Discussion.

Find words in the text that describe the condition of the girl. SLIDE 9

The girl's condition

Wandered a little beggar with bare head, barefoot

Flushed, turned blue from the cold

Hungry, chilled


poor thing

She cringed, folded her legs

Even colder in the attic

Little hands are stiff

What is unusual in this fairy tale, and what could be real?

What are matches compared to? (Candle)

Andersen often uses words with the root light in the text, synonyms for this word and words describing fire, how it burns, shines. Find them in the text.

SLIDE10Words synonyms

(light, glow, light, flame, caught fire, lit up, reflection, candle, lights - stars, flashed dazzlingly).

How do you feel about the main character in the story?

Read the part of the story that moved you.

Why do you think G.-Kh. Andersen wrote such a fairy tale?

(Kharlanov - E.I., What kind of fairy tale is this? In fairy tales there is always a good end, but here it is sad)


Arrange the parts of the text in order

No. ___ The death of a girl

No. ___ The first miracle is a warm stove

№___Alone on the street

No. ___ Dream - a festive table

#___Meeting Grandma

No. ___Fear of a girl

part 2

cinquain about a girl

SLIDE 11, 12, 13 (Conclusion)

Kindness is responsiveness; - emotional disposition to people; - the desire to do good to others

Qualities according to Ozhegov: Good-natured





What qualities should we have?

Be caring, sensitive, attentive, caring, kind, sympathetic

Summing up the lesson.

What did you think about today's lesson?

What life lesson have you learned?

Here is what the great Russian zoologist and writer N.P. Wagner said about the fairy tale: “You feel sorry for everything good, and you don’t feel sorry for everything evil, bad ... Well, then the fairy tale has reached its goal! She is good for this. This makes her beautiful and strong. It leads to good, sows aversion to evil.

Reflection. SLIDE 14

"6 Thinking Hats"

Group work. (answers the one to whom the hat is given).

White - list the heroes of the fairy tale.

Yellow - which made me happy in a fairy tale.

Black - didn't like it.

Red - how the mood changed in the process of reading.

Green - what I would like to change at the end of the fairy tale.

Blue - The question of the blue hat is addressed to everyone.What did this fairy tale teach you? (Good.)

Homework Slide 15

Make drawings for the episodes that excited you the most.

SLIDE 16 - Thank you for the lesson!

Today I want to talk about a story. It has a deep psychological meaning. But first, the full text. Suddenly who did not read. I highly recommend it, when I read it for the first time, I cried.


G.H. Andersen

How cold it was that evening! It was snowing and dusk was gathering. And the evening was the last of the year - New Year's Eve. In this cold and dark time, a little beggar girl, with her head uncovered and barefoot, wandered through the streets. True, she came out of the house shod, but how much use was there in huge old shoes? These shoes were worn by her mother before - that's how big they were - and the girl lost them today when she rushed to run across the road, frightened by two carriages that were rushing at full speed. She never found one shoe, the other was dragged off by some boy, saying that it would make an excellent cradle for his future children.

So the girl was now wandering barefoot, and her legs were reddened and blue from the cold. In the pocket of her old apron were several packs of sulfur matches, and she held one pack in her hand. All that day she did not sell a single match, and she was not given a penny. She wandered about hungry and chilled, and she was so exhausted, poor thing!

Snowflakes settled on her long blond curls, beautifully scattered over her shoulders, but she, really, did not suspect that they were beautiful. Light poured in from all the windows, and the street smelled deliciously of roast goose—after all, it was New Year's Eve. That's what she thought!

Finally, the girl found a corner behind the ledge of the house. Then she sat up and huddled, tucking her legs under her. But she became even colder, and she did not dare to return home: after all, she did not manage to sell a single match, she did not help out a penny, and she knew that her father would kill her for this; besides, she thought, it was cold at home too; they live in the attic, where the wind blows, although the biggest cracks in the walls are stuffed with straw and rags.

Her little hands were completely numb. Ah, how the light of a small match would have warmed them! If only she had dared to pull out a match, strike it against the wall and warm her fingers! The girl timidly pulled out one match and ... teal! Like a match flared up, how brightly it lit up! The girl covered it with her hand, and the match began to burn with an even, bright flame, like a tiny candle.

Amazing candle! It seemed to the girl that she was sitting in front of a large iron stove with shiny brass balls and shutters. How gloriously the fire burns in it, how warm it blows! But what is it? The girl stretched out her legs to the fire to warm them up, and suddenly ... the flame went out, the stove disappeared, and the girl was left with a burnt match in her hand.

She struck another match, the match caught fire, lit up, and when its reflection fell on the wall, the wall became transparent, like muslin. The girl saw a room in front of her, and in it a table covered with a snow-white tablecloth and laden with expensive porcelain; on the table, spreading a wonderful aroma, was a dish of roast goose stuffed with prunes and apples! And the most wonderful thing was that the goose suddenly jumped off the table and, as it was, with a fork and a knife in its back, waddled along the floor. He went straight to the poor girl, but ... the match went out, and an impenetrable, cold, damp wall again stood in front of the poor girl.

The girl lit another match. Now she was sitting in front of a sumptuous Christmas tree. This tree was much taller and more elegant than the one that the girl saw on Christmas Eve, going up to the house of a wealthy merchant and looking out the window. Thousands of candles were burning on her green branches, and multi-colored pictures, which adorn shop windows, looked at the girl. The little girl held out her hands to them, but ... the match went out. The lights began to go higher and higher and soon turned into clear stars. One of them rolled across the sky, leaving a long trail of fire behind it.

“Someone has died,” the girl thought, because her recently deceased old grandmother, who alone in the whole world loved her, told her more than once: “When an asterisk falls, someone’s soul flies to God.”

The girl again struck a match against the wall and, when everything around her lit up, she saw her old grandmother in this radiance, so quiet and enlightened, so kind and affectionate.

“Grandma,” the girl exclaimed, “take me, take me with you!” I know that you will leave when the match goes out, disappear like a warm stove, like a delicious roast goose and a wonderful big tree!

And she hurriedly struck all the matches that were left in the pack - that's how much she wanted to keep her grandmother! And the matches flared up so dazzlingly that it became brighter than during the day. Grandmother during her life has never been so beautiful, so majestic. She took the girl in her arms, and, illuminated by light and joy, both of them ascended high, high - to where there is neither hunger, nor cold, nor fear, they ascended to God.

On a frosty morning, behind the ledge of the house, they found a girl: a blush played on her cheeks, a smile on her lips, but she was dead; she froze on the last evening of the old year. The New Year's sun illuminated the dead body of the girl with matches; she burned almost a whole pack.

“The girl wanted to warm herself,” people said. And no one knew what miracles she saw, in the midst of what beauty, together with her grandmother, they met New Year's Happiness.

Fairy tale analysis

You might think that this tale is just from the category of pitiful, but this is far from the case. Today I would like you to find out the secret meaning that lies in this seemingly unpretentious plot.

G.H. Andersen skillfully wrote out various female portraits in his creations: little girls, girls, women and grandmothers. Without suspecting it, he put his psychological problems into his heroines: into their mouths, actions and life in general. Because his childhood years were not sugar at all. Thus, the writer tried to live through his childhood traumas.

Same with the Match Girl. For many, it is this tale that becomes very memorable, vivid and at the same time cruel.
Let us first consider the objective level of the fairy tale, that is, the inner world of the heroine. What happens in it? Here reigns coldness and dislike.

Pay attention to her inner parents: father and mother, how hostile they are to their daughter. They do not give her parental love and support, but on the contrary, they force her to give away everything of value that she has on the cheap. Its light, creativity, something that should be cherished and developed.

How does this manifest itself in real life with real women? A lot of talented, smartest women are forced to drag out a miserable, ridiculous existence. They are not able to find the strength in themselves, finally, to begin to develop their talents, voluntarily enclosing themselves in the shackles of everyday life. If you started writing a novel, but limited yourself to a couple of lines and put it on the back burner, you should know that your soul is already cold. If thoughts come to you that “if I were in other conditions”, “as soon as I earn money, I will allow myself”, “if it weren’t for my environment, then I would sing (draw, be famous) for a long time” , "I will take care of my personal life as soon as the child grows up" know that you are in the position of the Match Girl. Because indulge yourself with the illusion that you will ever change the existing course of events.

Often this happens to women who did not receive love, sympathy and help from their own parents (or parents died at a very early age). When parents only made claims and brought up according to the type of "first lessons, and then we'll see if you deserve our love." Therefore, a woman does not show love, care, and attention to her true desires.

Here we see a similar plot “if you don’t sell matches, you will be punished.” And the girl prefers not to return home. The house - the symbolic soul of the girl - is cold and empty, since the inner parents do not create comfort in it. They do not care about the family, as if they do not care what happens in the end. After all, few people can withstand such a tense situation for a long time. And a real woman, feeling this deadly cold, wants to warm up. She takes not matches for this, but alcohol, drugs, food, many love affairs, countless purchases of clothes and jewelry, just so as not to think and not feel what she feels. But the next morning she gets up in an even worse condition. So her soul is dead.

Pay attention to the fact that duties are imposed on a small, not grown-up person, which she obviously cannot fulfill. She is obliged to earn money, and not to play, grow and gain strength. Only people who are not interested in the development of the child act in this way. This happens in families where children are raised in advance as small adults and they are charged with the duties of absolutely adult things: to nurse the younger ones, to cook, to run the household. Killing the child in the child, and with it the creativity. Unfortunately, the consequences of such upbringing are deplorable. Such women are often burdened by games, fun with children. They lack a sense of humor and have problems with sex.

Now think about this: what kind of response did this fairy tale evoke in your soul? What feelings do you experience after reading? Perhaps you are so attached to the main character that there is a feeling as if this is happening to you. And then think about what ideas and talents of yours you do not give a go? What innermost thoughts have you driven into a far corner so as not to see or think about them? If you manage to answer them - that's half the battle, you will be on the right track to create a cozy warm home for your soul.

Warming the soul is not easy, because for this you need to be able to listen to yourself. If this girl had positive inner parents, then she would know what to do in a difficult situation. Ask for help, secretly spend the night in someone else's barn, sneak into the house and there to fuss about food and warmth, that is, use all means in order to live and create further.

I know one trick to start building my inner support that works well. Imagine how you would like to see your inner parents: loving, kind, helping, caring for you. Try to imagine this picture. It will be good if you draw it. In difficult times, you can turn to them for support, this gives you the opportunity to feel that you are not alone, even if the whole world has turned its back on you.

I usually tell my clients this: "Become your own mother." And I wish you the same. Take care of yourself, develop your personality and talents, then you will definitely not freeze.

Literary reading lesson

Subject:G.H. Andersen fairy tale "Girl with matches" » .(Reading, work on the content with access to the subject project "Lessons of life and kindness in the fairy tales of G.Kh. Andersen".)

I Org. moment.

II Evocation.

Today we have an ordinary and unusual lesson, we will again talk about the familiar and the unfamiliar, about the tales of the great storyteller Hans Christian Andeosen.slide1

What will be the result of our work is a project, but we will determine its topic at the end of the lesson.

    Therefore, in the plan, I will place a card with a question at the end - this is our goal.

(Put a card on the board)

    Information is needed to achieve a goal. Where can I get it, what can I do for this? (Children's answers. As the answers are given, the table of the plan on the board is filled with cards).

    work with a book

    answer questions, discuss

    listen to each other's answers

    work in pairs

    receive information using a computer iPad )

    write or draw

PLAN on the board

Today I will add a new word LIBRARY.

What is a library?

What does the library have to do with reading lessons?

Quite right, the library helps us expand our reading circle, learn new things about the authors of works. So, let's try to look beyond the pages of the textbook.

Let's start.

Let's talk?

About what?

About miscellaneous and other things.

About what is good and not so good.
About something I know you, and something you know.

Let's talk?

Let's talk. We will be interested.

To make the lesson interesting, you need:

Determine the formula for successful work in the lesson

Today it looks like this:

Slide 2 And = T+T+F+W+D What letters have been added? Decipher the entry (interest = work + creativity + fantasy + attention + discipline, friendship, trust)

In the last lesson, we read a fairy tale about a tin soldier. You are familiar with other Andersen's fairy tales. Let's try to determine their names by reference words.(Slide 3)

Let's check the correctness of the answers.(Slide 4)

So, there is a work that has not been read. But you can already ask questions to the new text. Formulate them......(Slide 5)

As you already understood from the key words, the events in the new fairy tale will take place on the eve of the New Year. New Year is fun, gifts and a smart Christmas tree.(Slide 6). Why does the tree look like this?

We will return to it after reading the tale.

Reading and analyzing text (DIRECTIONAL READING METHOD).

II . Implementation

    Reading 1 part of the text.

    • What was your mood before reading the passage?

      Has it changed? Why?

      What made the girl go outside on New Year's Eve on a cold dark night?

    Making a double entry diary. Work in pairs.

Let's see what 3 main feelings the girl experienced?

What feelings did the girl experience?





    If you were alone on a dark street, what would you do?

    How will the girl do?

    Reading part 2.

    What does the girl decide to do, hiding in the corner behind the ledge of the house?

    What does she see while the match is burning?

Let's check your assumptions.

Reading 3 parts.

Yes, as it should be in fairy tales, the girl strikes a match again.

    What does she see this time?

    Why was this picture presented to her?

Reading 4 parts.

    Why does the tree she sees seem prettier and taller to the girl than in real life?

    Why does she compare the tree she sees with the tree in the merchant's house, and not with the tree in her own house?

    Three matches have been burned, a threefold repetition in the fairy tale has taken place. Is the story over? What could happen next?

Reading part 5.

    Why does the girl see the grandmother?

    Why does the girl light all the matches at once?

    Why did the people who found the girl in the morning think that she just wanted to keep warm. What didn't they know?

Let's trace again what pictures the girl saw at the moment when the match flares up and fill in the table.


What did the girl see?

1 match

2 match

3 match

4 and whole boxes

    Can we say that the girl at that moment, while the match was burning, was happy? Why?

    How would you title this work?

IV . Reflection.

What unites this tale with the tale "The Steadfast Tin Soldier"?

To sum up our work and formulate the theme of the project will help

"6 Thinking Hats"

Group work. (answers the one to whom the hat is given) . Who is the owner of the blue hat in the parable? So I'll keep the blue hat for myself today.

White - list the heroes of the fairy tale.

Yellow - which made me happy in a fairy tale.

Black - didn't like it.

Red - how the mood changed in the process of reading.

Green - what I would like to change at the end of the fairy tale.

Blue - The question of the blue hat is addressed to everyone. What did this fairy tale teach you? (Good.) Using this word, name the new project.

"Lessons of life and kindness in the fairy tales of H.H. Andersen".

We will work on the project in groups.

Group " Analysts ».


1. Analyze the texts of the works: "Wild Swans", "Ugly Duckling", "Flint", "The Snow Queen", "The Little Mermaid";

2. Choose from the proposed fairy tales 2 similar in ending.

Group: " Historians »:


1. To study the history of the creation of works selected by ANALYSTS. + fairy tales "The Steadfast Tin Soldier" and "The Little Match Girl"

2. Prepare material on the history of the creation of works (year of publication ..., conditions that contributed to this, etc.).

Group "Artists".


    Pick up illustrations for the works chosen by ANALYSTS.

We return to the tree. Each of you, probably, has already made a New Year's wish, dreams of a gift. Maybe it's a book, a toy. But there is a GIFT that you cannot touch with your hands, but it is pleasant to receive it for the soul - these are the words of a wish. On the ball, write one word what you wish for yourself, your loved ones, all of us in the New Year and attach it to the Christmas tree.

I Part.

How cold it was that evening! It was snowing and dusk was gathering. And the evening was the last of the year - New Year's Eve. In this cold and dark time, a little beggar girl, with her head uncovered and barefoot, wandered through the streets.

Her legs were red and blue from the cold. In the pocket of her old apron were several packs of matches, and she held one pack in her hand. All that day she did not sell a single match, and she was not given a penny. She wandered about hungry and chilled, and she was so exhausted, poor thing!

Snowflakes settled on her long blond curls, beautifully scattered over her shoulders, but she did not suspect that they were beautiful. Light poured in from all the windows, and the street smelled deliciously of roast goose—after all, it was New Year's Eve. That's what she thought!

Finally, the girl found a corner behind the ledge of the house. Then she sat up and huddled, tucking her legs under her. But she became even colder, and she did not dare to return home: after all, she did not manage to sell a single match, she did not help out a penny, and she knew that her father would kill her for this; besides, she thought, it was cold at home too; they live in the attic, where the wind blows, although the biggest cracks in the walls are stuffed with straw and rags.

Her little hands were completely numb. Ah, how the light of a small match would have warmed them! If only she had dared to pull out a match, strike it against the wall and warm her fingers! The girl timidly pulled out one match and...

II Part.

teal! Like a match flared up, how brightly it lit up! The girl covered it with her hand, and the match began to burn with an even, bright flame, like a tiny candle.

Amazing candle! It seemed to the girl that she was sitting in front of a large iron stove with shiny brass balls and shutters. How gloriously the fire burns in it, how warm it blows! But what is it? The girl stretched out her legs to the fire to warm them up, and suddenly ... the flame went out, the stove disappeared, and the girl was left with a burnt match in her hand.

III Part.

She struck another match, the match caught fire, lit up, and when its reflection fell on the wall, the wall became transparent, like muslin..(thin transparent fabric) The girl saw a room in front of her, and in it a table covered with a snow-white tablecloth and laden with expensive porcelain; on the table, spreading a wonderful aroma, was a dish of roast goose stuffed with prunes and apples! And the most wonderful thing was that the goose suddenly jumped off the table and waddled along the floor. He went straight to the poor girl, but ... the match went out, and an impenetrable, cold, damp wall again stood in front of the poor girl.

IV Part.

The girl lit another match. Now she was sitting in front of a sumptuous Christmas tree. This tree was much taller and more elegant than the one that the girl saw when she went up to the house of a wealthy merchant and looked out the window. Thousands of candles were burning on her green branches, and multi-colored pictures, which adorn shop windows, looked at the girl. The little girl held out her hands to them, but ... the match went out. The lights began to go higher and higher and soon turned into clear stars. One of them rolled across the sky, leaving a long trail of fire behind it.

V part.

The girl again struck a match against the wall and, when everything around her lit up, she saw her old grandmother in this radiance, so quiet and enlightened, so kind and affectionate.

Grandmother, - the girl exclaimed, - take, take me to you! I know that you will leave when the match goes out, disappear like a warm stove, like a delicious roast goose and a wonderful big tree!

And she hurriedly struck all the matches left in the pack - that's how much she wanted to keep her grandmother! And the matches flared up so dazzlingly that it became brighter than during the day. Grandmother during her life has never been so beautiful, so majestic. She took the girl in her arms, and, illuminated by light and joy, both of them ascended high, high - to where there is no hunger, no cold, no fear.

On a frosty morning, behind the ledge of the house, they found a girl: a blush played on her cheeks, a smile on her lips; she froze on the last evening of the old year. The New Year's sun illuminated the body of a girl with matches; she burned almost a whole pack.

The girl wanted to warm herself, people said. And no one knew what miracles she saw, in the midst of what beauty, together with her grandmother, they met New Year's Happiness.

"Girl with matches" G.Kh. Andersen and "The Boy at Christ on the Christmas Tree" by F.M. Dostoevsky

Learning from students

Vladislav Osipov

The work was written by Vladislav Osipov when he was a student of the 6th grade of the secondary school No. 110 in Kazan (literature teacher - Elena Vladimirovna Eremeeva).

"Girl with matches" G.Kh. Andersen and "The Boy at Christ on the Christmas Tree" by F.M. Dostoevsky

Benchmarking experience

This is the research work of the youngest participant of the scientific-practical conference "Science is the business of the young", held annually in Kazan. The author in 2002 was awarded a diploma of the 1st degree (section "Literature").

The purpose of my small study is to analyze works of art that at first glance have nothing in common with each other. They were written by completely different writers, one of whom lived in Denmark, and the other in Russia. One was a great storyteller, and the other a realist writer. But a deeper acquaintance with the story of F.M. Dostoevsky "The Boy at Christ on the Christmas Tree" and the fairy tale by G.Kh. Andersen's "Girl with Matches" suggested to me that these works are similar in many ways. Why did it happen? I thought about this for a long time and came to the conclusion that these writers are united by an attachment to one theme - the theme of childhood suffering. Of course, Dostoevsky and Andersen are humanists. It was hard for them to observe the life of small destitute children. Therefore, it seems to me that with these two small works they wanted to draw attention to one problem: “Reader, you are now skimming through these lines, and at the same time, somewhere on the streets of Copenhagen or St. Petersburg, a child, exhausted by suffering and cold, is freezing.”

So, let's turn to the content of the works. The action of "The Little Match Girl" and "The Boy at Christ's Tree" takes place on the eve of the New Year and before Christmas, respectively. The girl walked down the street and sold matches to earn money for food. She wandered through the streets, afraid to return home. After all, her father will kill her because she did not sell the box. And in Dostoevsky's story, to which he gave the subtitle "Svyatochny", boys with a "handle", that is, begging for alms, are also expected to be beaten by "halatniks". Thus, fear, hunger, humiliation become an integral part of a child's life. In the center of the narrative of both writers is the unfortunate fate of children from poor families in the 19th century.

The composition of the story is one-part, the story consists of two parts. Surprisingly similar, almost in parallel, develop the plots of these works. By chance, our heroes find themselves on the street.

“Finally, she sat down in a corner, behind the ledge of one house, huddled up and tucked her legs under her in order to warm up at least a little” (“Girl with Matches”).

“Here again the street - oh, what a wide one! Here they’ll probably crush them like that: how everyone screams, runs and rides, but there’s light, light!” ("The boy at Christ on the Christmas tree").

Both writers use antithesis as the main artistic device. The authors contrast the gloomy pictures of cellars, dark streets and dim lamps with the unusual beauty of the visions and dreams of young heroes. And surprisingly - these pictures are so similar!

“This is a Christmas tree, and there are as many lights on the Christmas tree as there are gold pieces of paper and apples, and around there are dolls, little horses; and children run around the room, smart, clean, laughing and playing, and eating, and drinking something ”(“ The Boy at Christ on the Christmas Tree ”).

“The girl lit another match. Now she was sitting in front of a sumptuous Christmas tree<...>Thousands of candles were burning on its green branches, and multi-colored pictures, which decorate shop windows, looked at the girl ”(“ The Girl with Matches ”).

As we can see, for children, the Christmas tree becomes a symbol of well-being, harmony, happiness and comfort. But they cannot get all this here on earth. Both writers understood that life and society are too cruel to children. This is probably why the ending of both the story and the story is the same: the fate of the heroes will be tragic, they will die of cold and hunger.

“In the cold morning hour, in the corner behind the house, the girl with rosy cheeks and a smile on her lips still sat, but dead. She froze on the last evening of the old year; New Year's sun illuminated the dead body of a girl with matches.

“And below, in the morning, the janitors found a small corpse of a boy who ran in and froze for firewood; they also found his mother ... She died even before him; both met with the Lord God in heaven.”

Special mention should be made of the attitude of the author to his characters, it seems to me very similar. Both Dostoevsky and Andersen sympathize with unfortunate children. Describing both the girl and the boy, writers use words with diminutive suffixes: “frozen fingers”, “pink cheeks”, “skinny hands”. Portrait characteristics are full of pity and tenderness, the hearts of real artists seem to be torn from pain. Neither Dostoevsky nor Andersen endow their hero with a name. I think this has a special meaning: such a fate was prepared for many children.

It is impossible not to pay attention to the fact that in both works there is an episode of a meeting with people close to the children. Even on the threshold of another life. At least in this way, but the boy and girl are rewarded for their suffering. Both writers give their heroes one moment of happiness.

“Grandma during her lifetime was never so beautiful, so majestic. She took the girl in her arms, and, illuminated with light and joy, both of them ascended to God.

“Where is he now: everything glitters, everything shines and all around are dolls, but no, these are all boys and girls, only so bright, they all circle around him, fly, they all kiss him, take him, carry him with them, Yes, and he himself flies, and he sees: his mother looks and laughs at him joyfully.

In conclusion, it is necessary to highlight the general idea of ​​F.M. Dostoevsky "The Boy at Christ on the Christmas Tree" and fairy tales by G.Kh. Andersen "Girl with matches", written in the XIX century. Idea - “Be merciful!” In the 21st century, it sounds especially relevant, because there are still a lot of children in need of compassion and help.


Andersen G.Kh. Fairy tales. Stories. Moscow: Sunday, 1996.

Dostoevsky F.M. Stories. M.: Sovremennik, 1983.

Literary Encyclopedic Dictionary / Ed. V.M. Kozhevnikov. M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1987. S. 750.

Encyclopedic Dictionary of a Young Literary Critic / Comp. IN AND. Novikov. M.: Pedagogy, 1988. S. 416.

Analysis with vyatochny story

"Girl with matches"

"Girl with matches" - short Christmas

short story by Hans Christian Andersen,

written as text accompaniment to

engraving by Johann Lundby (Danish) Russian. With

image of a young match saleswoman.

"The Little Match Girl" is a true classic of the Christmas story. This work is not only read - films and cartoons are made on it, and even operas are written.

The story tells of a little match seller who freezes on New Year's Eve, choosing not to return home, out of fear of her abusive father. Every time she lights a match to keep warm, bright visions rise before her eyes - a fat New Year's goose that rises from the plate and goes towards her, a New Year tree with toys, a late grandmother ... In the morning, the girl is found frozen with a box of burnt matches.

The image of the Child was born in ancient cultures along with myths about the Mother, about the Father, about the World Tree, about the creation of the world. Child, a good child is found in folklore and in literature. We see such a child in the great storyteller H. K. Andersen. The central character is a child suffering without guilt, punished without crime. It is this theme of childhood suffering that sounds in the Christmas tale "The Little Match Girl". In the work, the image of childhood is mournful - "the child is crying." Children's tears are perceived here as the result of the unrighteous, evil life of adults.

And only the genre of the Christmas story allows you to escape from the everyday bustle, human indifference, look into the world of the wonderful, remind you of kindness and mercy.

In the Christmas story "The Little Match Girl", for example, Andersen bows his head to a little girl who is trying to save her family by selling matches. She tragically dies, freezing against the wall of some house. The people around sympathize, but no one knows that a wonderful heavenly world has opened up before the girl - the world of angels who take the baby with them. This fairy-tale world is opposed by the life of well-fed and self-satisfied residents of the city.

The poor girl is not like those around her, because her soul is pure and pure, like an angel's. The fate of the baby makes me, like any reader, think about why there are poor and rich, and children who are considered angels go through such tests that only adults can do. All favorite heroes - children are strong in spirit, because God helps them in difficult times.

What episode is the brightest in the fairy tale?

Christmas is considered the brightest and kindest holiday, but this holiday does not bring joy to the child. Here, festive cordiality and hospitality coexist with cruelty and callousness.

Unfortunately, in real life, a miracle did not happen - the girl freezes in the icy winter season, but no one knew what beauty she saw, in what splendor she ascended with her grandmother to the New Year's joys in the sky, where she finds everything that she so lacked in reality - She was next to those who loved her, cared for her. The girl stopped suffering. It is a pity that the heroine did not find her Happiness in real life.

Why do you think Andersen wrote such a fairy tale?

The heroine is called upon to soften callous souls, to revive the holy and saving feelings hidden in the depths of the soul of every person. The writer appeals to the mercy of people.

How do you understand the meaning of the word mercy?

The ability to do something good for others, to help a person out of compassion, sympathy.

Can the ending of the fairy tale be called happy?

It all depends on the person's faith: if you believe in Christ, you are happy, but if you don't, it's another matter.

Andersen's fairy tales are deep, philosophical and inexhaustible in their wisdom, beauty, fantasy and at the same time truthfulness - after all, they talk about our life, which has changed little since the time when the great wizard lived on our land, because to this day in the heroes of fairy tales - Byley everyone will find himself. After all, only sad things make callous people kinder.

This work is very modern, I fully admit that such a story can easily happen in winter in a big city. A child can get lost, stay alone on the street, freeze, and no one will pay any attention to him. After all, this girl died from human indifference and cruelty, which now reigns in the world. There should be such fairy tales so that we do not become stale and our children are not allowed to become merciless and not compassionate. And remember that next to us there are always people who need help, we can provide this help and thereby save a person, perhaps even from death. In my opinion, the fairy tale "The Little Match Girl" is still relevant. It teaches not to be cruel not only to relatives, but to everyone. Be merciful, do not forget that we are people.

In conclusion, it is necessary to highlight the idea of ​​the fairy tale by G.Kh. Andersen "Girl with matches", written in the XIX century. Idea -“Be merciful!”

In the 21st century, it sounds especially relevant, because there are still a lot of children in need of compassion and help.

This is the main value of the work - it teaches sympathy, compassion and kindness.

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