Complexes of morning exercises for children for a year. Senior group



Complex №1

1 Week (no items)

I Walking. Run. Walking on toes (arms to shoulders). Walking on heels (hands on the belt) Light running. Walking with high knees (hands on the belt). Walking.

IIConstruction in three columns.

1. "Eyes" I.p. - o.s. "Eyes left, eyes right, up and down, and all over again"(6 times).

2. "Mouth" (kinesiology exercise). “In order to speak better, the mouth must be mobile”

(6 times).

3. "Let's wave our wings!" I.p. - hands to the side.1 - hands to shoulders;2 - i.p.(8 times).

4. "Let's grow big!" I.p. - o.s.1 -right leg back on the toe, stretch; 2 - i.p.;3 - left foot back on the toe, stretch;4 - i.p.(8 times).

5. "Spiral". I.p. - sitting, legs crossed, hands on the belt.1 - turning the body to the right;2 - i.p.;3 - turning the body to the left;4 - i.p.(8 times).

6. "Fence". I.p. 1-2 - raise arms and legs at the same time;3-4 - i.p.(8 times).

7. "Let's jump on one leg!" I.p. - hands on the belt.1-4- jumping on the right leg;5-8 - jumping on the left leg (alternating with walking)(2-3 times).

8. "Watch" (breathing exercise). "The clock goes forward, they lead us behind it."I.p. - standing, legs slightly apart.1 - swing your arms forward - "tic" (inhale);2 - swing your arms back - “so” (exhale)(2 times).

Complex №3

3 week (with handkerchiefs)

II. handkerchief exercises

1. "Show the handkerchief"

I.P .: feet on the width of the foot, a handkerchief in both hands at the chest. 1- straighten your arms, show a handkerchief, 2- and. P.

2. "Wave your handkerchief"

I.P .: feet shoulder-width apart, handkerchief in right hand, lowered down 1- hands up, shift the handkerchief from the right. hands to the left, wave them; 2nd. n. The same in the other direction.

3. "Put the handkerchief"

I. P .: legs on sh. p., hands down, handkerchief in the right hand.

2-and. n., shift the handkerchief behind the back from the right hand to the left.

The same on the other side.

4. "Put a handkerchief"

1- sit down, put a handkerchief on the floor, 2- and. p., hands on the belt,

3- sit down, take a handkerchief, 4- and. P.

5. "Jumping"

6 . "Geese are flying" I.p. - Oh.1 - 2 - (2 times).


Complex №5

1 Week (no items)

I. Line up, column, posture check; walking in a column one by one on toes, hands behind the head, on the heels, hands behind the back, light running, walking.

II. Exercises without objects

1 "Cotton on top" I.P .: legs slightly apart, hands below 1- hands through the sides up, clap your hands, 2-and. P.

2 "Shake our heads" I.P.: legs together, hands on the belt 1- head tilt to the right, 2- and. p., 3 - tilt to the left, 4 - i.p.

3 "Lean forward" I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt 1- tilt forward, touch the socks with your hands, 2- sp.

4 "Pendulum" I.P .: feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt 1- tilt to the right, 2- tilt to the left

5 "Squats" I.P .: heels together, socks apart, hands on the belt 1 - sit down, hands forward, 2-and. P.

6 Star Jumps I.P .: legs together, hands below 1 - legs apart, arms up, 2- sp.

7. "Rooster" (breathing exercise) 1 - raise your arms to the sides (inhale), 2 - clap your hands on the hips "ku-ka-re-ku" (exhale).

Complex №7

3 week (no items)

IWalking one after another on toes, on heels, in a squat with different hand positions. Running one after another, with straight legs forward and with different positions of the hands. Walking.

IIBuilding in links.

1. "Tongue" (kinesiology exercise). “You show the tongue, everyone look at it”(6 times).

2. "Let's dance!" (kinesiology exercise).I.p. - hands on the belt.1 - raise the right leg, bend at the knee;2 - i.p.;3 - raise the left leg, bend at the knee;4 - i.p.(6 times).

3. "Adjuster". I.p. - feet on the width of the feet, standing parallel, hands on the belt.1 - hands to the side;2 - up;3 - in sides;4 - i.p.(8 times).

4. "Look what's behind you!" I.p. - 1 - body turn to the right;2 - i.p.;3 - turning the body to the left;4 - i.p.(8 times).

5. "Look at your leg!" I.p. - lying on your back, hands behind your head.1 - raise the straight right leg;2 - i.p.;3 - raise the straight left leg;4 - i.p.(6 times).

6. "Airplane". I.p. - lying on the stomach, legs together, hands forward.1-2 - raise the upper body, legs and arms extended to the sides;3-4 - i.p.(4 times).

7. "Let's jump!" I.p. - o.s. Jumping on the right, then on the left leg, alternating with walking(3-4 times).

8. "Geese are flying" (breathing exercise). Geese fly high, they look at the guys.I.p. - Oh.1 - raise your arms to the sides (inhale);2 - put your hands down with the sound "goo!" (exhalation)(2 times).


Complex №9

1 Week (no items)

IWalking one after another on toes, on heels, with straight legs moving forward and up, with pulling the socks forward and down and a strong wave of the arms to the sides (like soldiers). Run after each other. Walking.

IIConstruction in three columns.

1 . "Tongue" (see complex October 2) (10 times).

2. "Palm" (kinesiology exercise).I.p. - o.s. With the fingers of the right hand, with an effort, press on the palm of the left hand, which should resist; the same with the other hand(10 times).

3. "Roll your shoulder!" I.p. - Feet shoulder width apart.1-3 - circular movements with the right shoulder;4 - i.p.;5-7 - circular movements with the left shoulder;8 - i.p.(8 times).

4. "Tilts to the side." I.p. - legs apart, hands behind the back - tilt to the right;2 - i.p.;3 - tilt to the left;4 - i.p.(8 times).

5. "Tilts Down". I.p. ~ legs apart, arms to the sides.1-2 - lean forward, touch your toes;3-4 - i.p.(8 times).

6. "Fish". I.p. - lying on your stomach, arms forward and up.1-3- raise the upper body, arms and legs;4 - i.p.(4 times).

7. "Turn around yourself!". I.p. - hands on the belt. Jumping around its axis in alternation with walking to the right and left side alternately(10 times).

8. "Cockerel" (breathing exercise). “The rooster flapped its wings, he suddenly woke us all.”I.p. - o.s.1-2 - arms to the sides (inhale);3-4 - hands down, “ku-ka-re-ku!”, claps on the hips (exhale for each syllable)(6 times).

Complex №11

3 week (no items)

I. Line up, column, posture check; walking in a column one at a time, jogging (1-2 min), jumping, walking.

II. Exercises "Tailors"

1 "Scissors"

I. P .: legs on sh. st., arms to the sides

1- cross straight arms in front, 2- and. P.

2 "Shuttle"

I. P .: legs on sh. p., hands down

1- tilt to the right, 2- and. p., 3- tilt to the left, 4- and. P.

3 "The sewing machine is running"

I.P .: legs together, hands clasped behind the lock

1- raise the right knee, 2- and. p., 3- raise the left knee, 4- and. P.

4 "Pull rubber" I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows in front of the chest, hands clenched. 1- take your elbows back with force, 2- and. P.

5 "The wheel of the car is spinning" I.P .: feet shoulder width apart, arms below

1- 8 circular rotations with straight arms (right - forward, left - back).

6 "The needle sews - jumps" I.P .: legs together, hands below. 1-8 jumps in place.

7 "Breathe with one nostril" (breathing exercise) ip - main stance 1 - close the right nostril with the index finger of the right hand. Take a quiet long breath with the left nostril; open the right nostril, and close the left with the index finger of the left hand. Breathe out slowly through the right nostril(2 times).


Complex №13

1 Week (no items)

I Walking. Easy run. Walking on toes (hands to the sides). Walking on the heels (hands behind the head). Running, throwing heels back. Walking. Building in links.

"To the forest, to the Christmas tree"

1. "Christmas tree". I. p. - the main rack; 1 - hands through the sides up. 2 - starting position Repeat 8-10 times.

2. "The blizzard shakes the trees." I. p. - the main rack. 1 - arms to the sides. 2 - 3 keeping your hands parallel to the floor, tilt to the right and left. Repeat 8-10 times.

3. "Snow". I.p. - kneeling, hands forward. 1 - hands up. 2 - starting position. Repeat 8-10 times.

5. "Hedgehog". I. p. - reliance on the hands and toes; 1 - support on the forearms and knees; 2- starting position. Repeat 6 - 8 times.

6. "Nut". I. p. - lying on your back, wrap your arms around your bent knees; 1 - legs straight, arms along the body; 2 - starting position. Repeat the exercise 6-8 times.

7. "Sled". I. p. - lying on the stomach, arms up, legs slightly up; 1 - 4 - swing forward, backward. Repeat the exercise 6-8 times.

8. "Squirrel". Jumping on two legs (10-12 times) alternating with walking.

9 "Blizzard" (Breathing exercise)

Children stand with straight backs, then take a deep breath, pronounced in exhalation lingeringly: "U-o-o-o-oo."

"Strong blizzard" - Children increase the power of their voices.

"The blizzard subsides" - Children reduce the power of their voices.

“The blizzard is over” - The children fall silent.

Complex №15

3 week (with checkboxes)

I. Line up, column, posture check; walking in a column one at a time with a high raising of the hip, like horses. Running, waving your arms like wings - butterflies.

II. Checkbox exercises

1 "Flags forward"

I.P .: feet on the width of the foot, flags below

1 - flags forward; 2 - to the sides; 3 - up; 4 - i.p.

2 "Show flag"

I.P .: feet shoulder width apart, flags at the chest

1 - turn to the right, right hand to the side; 2 - i.p. The same to the left.

3 "Bow nicely"

I. P .: feet shoulder width apart, flags below

1 - arms to the sides; 2 - tilt to the right leg, 3 - stand up, 4 - I.p.

The same for the left leg.

4 "Twisting with flags"

I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, flags to the sides in straight arms

1 - tilt - twisting to the right, 2 - I.p. The same to the left.

5 "Squats"

I.P.: heels together, toes apart, flags down

1 - sit down, move the flags forward, 2 - ip.

6 "Jumps"

I.P .: legs together, flags below.

Jumping - "asterisks with flags"

7 "Snowstorm" (Breathing exercise). See Complex No. 13 point 9


Complex №17

1 Week (no items)

IWalking one after another on toes, on heels, like a horse, like dolls. Running one after another, wide jumps, with different positions of the hands. Walking.

IIBuilding in links.

1. "Spine" (kinesiology exercise).I.p. - lying on the floor, touch the elbow (hand) of the knee, slightly raising the shoulders and bending the leg(10 times).

2. "Palm" (kinesiology exercise).I.p. - o.s. With phalanxes of fingers clenched into a fist, make movements according to the principle of a gimlet in the palm of the massaged hand; then change hands(10 times).

3. “Tilts to the sides” I.p. - legs apart, hands behind the back. / - tilt to the right;2 - i.p.;3 - tilt to the left;4 - i.p.(8 times).

4. "Turns". I.p. - feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt.1 - turn to the right, hands in front of you;2 - i.p.;3 - turn left, hands in front of you;4 - i.p.(8 times).

5. "Bridge". I.p. - lying on back, legs bent, palms resting on the floor.1-2- raise the pelvis, bend;3-4 - i.p.(in time).

6. "Birch". I.p. - lying on your back, arms along the body.1-2 - raise your legs, back, support the pelvis with your hands;3-4 - i.p.(6 times).

7. "Jumping to the side". I.p. - o.s.1-4- jumping right and left alternately in alternation with walking(4 times).

8 "Hedgehog" (breathing exercise).1 - turning the head to the right - a short noisy breath through the nose, 2 - turning the head to the left - exhalation through a half-open mouth. Walking.

Complex №19

3 week ("Sports warm-up")

I. Line up, column, posture check; walking and running with a change of leader.

II. Exercises "Sports warm-up"

1 "Running in place"

We alternately tear off the heels from the floor, socks in place (1-2 min.)

2 "Strongmen" I.P .: feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides, fingers clenched into fists

1- bend your arms to your shoulders with force, 2-and. P.

3" side stretch » I. P .: feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt

1 - tilt to the right, left hand above the head,

2 - i. p., the same on the other side.

4 "Look behind you" I.P .: feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt

1 - turn to the right, with the left hand gently push the right shoulder back and

we look behind the back, 2 - and. p., the same on the other side.

5 "Lunges to the side » I.P.: legs together, hands on the belt

1 - lunge with the right foot to the right, the back is straight, 2 - ip, the same to the left.

6 "Jumps" I.P .: legs together, hands on the belt. 1 - 3 - jumping in place,

4 - jump as high as possible.

7 . "Geese are flying" (breathing exercise). Geese fly high, they look at the guys.I.p. - Oh.1 - raise your arms to the sides (inhale);2 - put your hands down with the sound "goo!" (exhalation)(2 times).


Complex №21

1 Week (no items)

IWalking one after another on toes, on heels, like penguins (with socks very spread apart)

IIBuilding in links.

1. "Flight" (kinesiology exercise).I.p. - o.s. Standing, make a few strong waves with your hands, spreading them to the sides. Close your eyes and imagine that you are flying flapping your wings.(10 times).

2. "Neck" (kinesiology exercise).I.p. - o.s. Turn your head slowly from side to side, breathe freely. Lower your chin as low as possible. Relax your shoulders. Turn your head from side to side with your shoulders up and your eyes open(10 times).

3. "Let's be surprised!" I.p. - feet shoulder width apart, hands behind the back.1 - raise the right shoulder;2 - i.p.;3 - raise the left shoulder;4 - i.p.(8 times).

4. "Tilts". I.p.- feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt. 1-2 tilts forward, 3-4 tilts back, bending the back. (8r)

5. "Let's swear!" I.p. - hands on the belt.1-2 - sit down, palms on the floor;3-4 - i.p.(8 times).

6. "Swan". I.p. - O.c. 1-2 - right leg forward and sit on it, bending the leg at the knee;3-4 - i.p.;5-6 - left leg forward and sit on it, bending the leg at the knee;7-8 - i.p.(8 times).

8. "Jumping Forward". I.p. - o.s.1-8 - jumping on two legs, moving forward, turning around in alternation with walking(4 times).

9. "Wings" (breathing exercise). “We have wings instead of hands, so we fly - the highest class!”.I.p. - standing, legs slightly apart.1-2 - raise hands through the sides (inhale);3-4 - hands down through the sides (exhale)(6 times).

Complex №23

3 week (no items)

I. Line up, column, posture check; walking on heels, on toes, on the outside of the foot, on the inside; easy run.

II. Exercises "Let's dance"

1 "Met"

I. P .: legs on sh. p., hands down

1- spread your arms to the sides, smile, 2- and. P.

2 "Turns"

1- turn to the right, spread your arms to the sides, 2- and. P.,

same on the other side

3 "Heel, toe"

I. P .: legs on sh. p., hands on the belt

1- right foot on the heel, sit down, and. p., 2- left foot on the heel, 3- right

foot on toe, and. p. 4 - left foot on the toe

4 "Bent over merrily"

I.P .: legs together, hands on the belt

1- tilt to the right, smiled, 2- and. p., the same on the other side

5 "Dancing legs"

I.P .: legs slightly apart, hands on the belt

1 - lunge to the right, the left foot on the heel turns to the left, 2-and. p., the same to the left side

6 "Asterisks"

I.P .: legs together, hands below. 1- arms up, legs to the side, 2- and. P.

7 "Blizzard" (Breathing exercise). (See Complex No. 13 point 9)


Complex №25

1 Week (no items)

IWalking one after another, on toes, on heels, with high knees, with claps in front of you and behind your back for every step, like penguins, like soldiers, like mice, like dolls. Running diagonally, jumping, galloping to the right side. Walking.

IIBuilding in links.

1. "Turns" (kinesiology exercise)I.p. - o.s. Turn your head and try to see objects behind you(10 times).

2. "Teeth" (kinesiology exercise) i.p. – o.s. close your eyes, massage the areas of connection of the upper and lower molars with the index and middle fingers simultaneously on the right and left. Then make a relaxing sound of yawning.(10 times).

3. "Strongmen". I.p. - o.s., hands to the sides.1 - hands to shoulders;2 - i.p.(8 times).

4. "Ballerina". I.p. - hands on the belt.1 - right foot to the side on the toe;2 - i.p.;3 - left foot to the side on the toe;4 - i.p.(8 times).

5. "We exercise our hands." I.p. - o.s.1 - hands to the side;2 - hands up;3 - hands to the side;4 - i.p.(8 times).

6. "Fish" (see complex 9) (4 times).

7. "Scissors". I.p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. Leg movements left and right(6 times).

8. "Jumping". I.p. - o.s., hands on the belt. Legs apart - legs crossed(2 times 8 jumps).

9. « Grow big ”(breathing exercise) 1 - raise your hands up, stretch, rise on your toes (inhale). 2 - put your hands down, go down on the whole foot (exhale), say "Uhhh."

Complex №27

3 week (repetition with difficulty)

Complicate exercise 3. Starting position - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms lowered down. 1 - tilt forward - down, clap behind the right foot, 2 - starting position 3.4 - also clap behind the left foot. Repeat 6-8 times.


Complex №29

1 Week ( "Space motives" no items)

I Walking. Run. Walking on toes (arms to shoulders). Walking with toes too far apart (like penguins). Running with high knees. Walking.

II Complex of general developmental exercises.

1. "Cosmic wind". I. p. - o. with., hands up. 1-4 - sway like the wind, from side to side. (6-8 times).

2. "Trial rocket launch." I. p. - feet shoulder width apart. 1 - raise your arms through the sides up, rise on your toes, inhale (8 times).

3. "Let's check the suit" I. p. - main stance, hands on the belt. 1-2 - tilts to the right - to the left. 3-4 - tilt forward - back. 5-6 - turns of the body. 7 - i. n. (8 times).

4. "Getting Ready to Fly" I. p. - kneeling, hands down. 1-2 - turn to the right, arms to the sides; 3-4 - and. p., 5-6 - turn to the left, arms to the sides; 7-8 - and. n. (8 times).

5. "We warm up in flight." I. p. - kneeling, hands on the belt. 1 - arms to the sides, sitting on the heels. 2 - return to the starting position (6-8 times).

6. "State of weightlessness". I. p. - lying on your stomach, hands under your chin. 1 - raise your head, legs, arms. 2 - return to the starting position. (6 times).

7. "We sit in the astronaut's chair ". Starting position - lying on your back, arms along the body. 1 - sitting with straight legs, arms down. 2 - return to the starting position. Repeat 6 times.

8. "The joy of arrival." Starting position - legs together, hands on the belt. Jumping in place on two legs, alternating with walking.

9. "Sounds of space" (breathing exercise) (for the development of speech breathing). Children pronounce the sound “UUUU” on a long exhalation.

Complex №31

3 week ( with handkerchiefs)

I. Line up, column, posture check; walking and running in a column one at a time, bending around objects placed at the corners of the hall, lateral gallop from the right foot.

II. handkerchief exercises

1 "Show handkerchief" I.P .: feet on the width of the foot, a handkerchief in both hands at the chest.

1- straighten your arms, show a handkerchief, 2- and. P.

2 "Wave your handkerchief"

IP: feet shoulder-width apart, handkerchief in right hand, lowered down.

1- hands up, shift the handkerchief from the right hand to the left, wave it,

2nd. n. The same in the other direction.

3 "Put the handkerchief"

I. P .: legs on sh. p., hands down, handkerchief in right hand

1- tilt to the right, hand with a handkerchief straight to the side,

2-and. n., shift the handkerchief behind the back from the right hand to the left. The same on the other side.

4 "Put a handkerchief"

I.P .: heels together, socks apart, handkerchief below

1 - sit down, put a handkerchief on the floor, 2- and. p., hands on the belt,

3 - sit down, take a handkerchief, 4 - and. P.

5 "Jumps"

IP: legs together, handkerchief below. Jumping with a handkerchief.

    "Stork" (breathing exercise)

On an inhale, raise your arms to the sides. The leg, bent at the knee, proudly bring forward, fix. On the exhale, take a step. Lower the leg and arms, saying "shhhhh."


Complex №33

1 Week (with rope)

IWalking. Easy run. Walking on toes (hands to the sides). Walking on the heels (hands behind the head).

II Complex of general developmental exercises.

1. "Rope up." I. p .: feet shoulder-width apart, rope below. 1- rope forward, 2- up, 3- forward, 4- and. n. (8 times).

2. "Rope down." I. p .: legs on the w.p., rope below 1 - lift the rope up, 2 - bend down 3 - straighten up, lift the rope up, 4 - and. n. (8 times.)

3. "Rope rotation". I. p .: legs apart, one hand at the top, the other at the bottom, the rope is vertical. At the expense of 1,2,3,4 - change hands, while pulling the rope. Repeat 6-8 times.

4. "Put the rope." I. p .: legs on the w.p., rope in outstretched hands. 1- tilt down, put the rope on the floor, 2- stand up, hands on the belt, 3- tilt down, take the rope, 4- starting position. Repeat 6-8 times.

5. "Turns". I. p .: standing, feet on sh. p., rope forward. 1 - turn to the right, 2 - and. n., the same in the other direction. 8 times.

6. "Tilts". I. p .: feet shoulder-width apart, rope at the top. 1- tilt to the right, 2- and. p., the same on the other side. 6-8 times.

7. "Half squats." Starting position: heels together, socks apart, rope below. 1- sit down, rope forward, 2-starting position, the same in the other direction. Repeat 6-8 times.

8. "Jumping". I. p .: legs together, rope below. Jumping - legs apart, rope up, legs together, rope down. 6-8 times.

    "Crane" I.p.: o.s. Inhale, raise the right leg, slightly bent at the knee, arms to the sides, down, say "urrrr". Do the same with your left foot.

Complex №3 5

3 week (with handkerchief)

IWalking. Easy run. Walking on toes (hands to the sides). Walking on the heels (hands behind the head) Snake running. Walking.

II Complex of general developmental exercises.

1. "Show the handkerchief." I. p .: legs on the, a handkerchief in both hands at the chest. 1- straighten your arms, show a handkerchief, 2- starting position. Repeat 8 times.

2. "Wave your handkerchief." I. p .: legs on the s.p., a handkerchief in the right hand, lowered down. 1 - hands up, shift the handkerchief from the right hand to the left, wave it, 2 - starting position, the same in the other direction. Repeat 8 times.

3. "Signals to the aircraft." I. p .: legs on the s.p., a handkerchief in the right hand, lowered down. 1 - hands to the sides, shift the handkerchief from the right hand to the left, wave it, 2 - starting position, the same in the other direction. Repeat 8 times.

4. "Put the handkerchief." I. p .: legs on the w.p., hands below, handkerchief in the right hand. 1- tilt to the right, hand with a handkerchief straight to the side, 2- and. p., shift the handkerchief behind the back from the right hand to the left, the same in the other direction. 8 times.

5. "Pinwheel". I. p .: legs on sh. p., hands down, handkerchief in the right hand. 1- tilt to the right, hand with a handkerchief straight to the side, 2-and. p., shift the handkerchief behind the back from the right hand to the left, the same in the other direction. Repeat 8 times.

6. "Mahi hands." I. p .: legs on sh. p., hands down, handkerchief in the right hand. 1 - right hand up, 2-3-4-5 - swing your arms up and down, 6 - and. p., 7 - shift the handkerchief behind the back from the right hand to the left, repeat the exercise, starting with the left hand. Repeat 4 times.

7. "Jumping". I. p .: legs together, a handkerchief below. 12–18 times

8. "Grow big" ( breath. ex.) 1 - raise your hands up, stretch, rise on your toes (inhale).

I bring to your attention a complex of morning gymnastics for the senior group for the entire academic year, every 2 weeks new exercises. exercises are presented with various objects, game. I think you and your preschoolers will like them.



"Days of the week". September. (1-2 weeks)

1. Walking behind the guides in a column one by one, walking on toes, walking with a high knee lift. Running snake. Walking is normal. Construction in two columns.

2. Outdoor switchgear.

"Hello."I.p.: main stand. 1- tilt your head forward. 2-ip D-7 times.

"Spring" I.p.: standing, feet on the w.p., arms up. 1-3 springy forward bends - exhale. 4-ip D-6 times.

"Legs are walking." I.p.: standing on all fours, head straight. 1-4 - with an added step to move forward, 5-8 - with an added step to move back. D- 4 times.

"Met" . I.p .: lying on your back, legs down, arms along the body. 1- raise your legs, 2- spread your legs to the sides, 3 bring your legs together, 4- sp. D-5 times.

"Let's rejoice". I.p .: standing, legs together, hands behind the back. 1- legs apart, arms to the sides, 2-ip. Repeat 4 times.

3. Walking in a column one by one with the pronunciation of the text:

Charging is good for everyone

Everyone needs a charger.

From laziness and disease

She saves us.

The children return to the group.

Complex of morning exercises for the senior group

« Pets".September. (3-4 weeks)

1. Walking is normal one after another, walking on toes, slow running, fast running, loose walking, walking in a column one at a time. Construction in two columns.

2. Outdoor switchgear.

"Affectionate pussy ". I.p.: standing, feet on the w.p., hands behind the back. 1-2 hands spread apart, fingers clenched into a fist, bend your back back. 3-4 return to sp. D-6 times.

"Faithful dog" -I.p. 6 legs on the w.p., hands on the shoulders. 1- bring your hands together in front of your chest, 2 - ip, 3- take your elbows as far back as possible, 4- ip. D-7 times.

"Cow Mooing" I.p .: standing, legs slightly apart, arms lowered. Breathe in through your nose. As you exhale, pull out lingeringly: “mu-u-u-u-u”, while tapping your fingers on the wings of the nose. D-5 times.

"Lazy pig".I.p .: lying on your back, hands, on the floor above your head. 1- turn on your right side, cross your arms over your chest. 2- i.p. 3-4 turn on your left side, cross your arms over your chest. D- 4 times in each direction.

"playful horse"I.p .: sitting on the floor, legs together, hands in support behind. 1- raise the right leg, wiggle the toes. 2- sp, 3-4 raise the left leg, wiggle the toes. D- 4 times with each leg.

"Jolly Lamb"I.p.: standing, legs together, hands on shoulders. Jumps on two legs (10 jumps), alternate with walking in place. D- 4 times.

3. Walking in a column one at a time, running slow in all directions. Walking. Breathing exercises.

Complex of morning exercises for the senior group

"Visiting the Sun"October. (1-2 weeks)

1. Walking in a column one at a time, walking with a high knee lift, running with an overlap of legs, a regular snake run, walking in a column one at a time. Construction in 2 columns.

2. Outdoor switchgear.

« Be surprised by the sun. Ip 6 main stance - raise your shoulders, 2-i.p. D- 8 times.

"Glad for the sun."I.p .: sitting, legs bent at the knees, arms around the knees. 1- stop at the back, 2-4 turn while sitting, stepping with your feet, 180 degrees. 5-7- turn, 8- i.p.

"Playing with Sunbeams"". I.p.: standing, feet on the w.p., hands at the top. 1- lean forward, touch the floor with your hands - exhale, tap your fingers on the floor. 2- i.p. - inhale. D- 8 times.

"Resting in the sun". I.p .: lying on your back, legs bent at the knees and pressed to the chest.

1- roll over to the right side. 2- i.p.,

2- roll over to the left side, 4- sp. D- 4 times in each direction.

"We dance." I.p .: main stance, hands on the belt. 1- put the foot forward on the toe. 2- raise your leg up. 3- put the foot forward on the toe. 4- i.p. D- 4 times with each leg.

"Good mood".I.p .: main stance, hands behind the back. Jumping in place on two legs (10 jumps)

alternate with walking in place.

3. Walking around the hall in a column one by one. P \ game "The sun and the cloud." On command: "Sun" - the children run scattered around the hall. On command: "Cloud" - the children squat and wrap their heads around their hands. Walking at a slow pace.

Complex of morning exercises for the senior group

"Wild animals"

October (3-4 weeks)

1. Walking is normal in a straight direction with a turn around - 2 times. Walking on toes, running with straight legs thrown forward, running with a snake. Normal walking Formation in 2 columns.

2. Outdoor switchgear.

"Dimble squirrel". I.p.: main stand. 1- tilt your head to the right, hands on your belt. 2 i.p., 3- tilt your head to the left, hands on your belt, 4- i.p. D- 6 times.

"Nimble hare". I.p.: standing, feet on the w.p., arms up. 1- lean forward, touch your heels with your hands from the inside. 2- i.p. D- 7 times.

"Fast wolf » I.p.: main stance, hands on the belt. 1- raise the right straight leg forward. 2- move your right leg back. 3- raise the right leg forward again, 4- sp.

« Let's admire the animals. I.p .: legs together, arms lowered. Breathe in through your nose. As you exhale, pull out lingeringly: "m-m-m-m-m", at the same time tapping your finger on the wings of the nose. D-6 times.

"Sly Fox" I.p .: standing on your knees and palms, head raised. 1-2- arch your back, lower your head. 3-4 i.p. D- 6 times.

"Clumsy Bear".I.p .: lying on your back, arms along the body. 1- turn on your right side, press your legs to your stomach. 2-sp, 3- turn on your left side, press your legs to your stomach. D- 4 times in each direction.

"We welcome animals."Jumping on two legs, alternating with walking.

3. Rebuilding in a column one at a time. Run for guides. Walking. Breathing exercise.

Complex of morning exercises for the senior group

Animals and Birds of the North" November. (1-2 weeks)

1. Construction. alignment. Turn right, then left. Walking in a column one after another. Walking on toes, on heels. Side gallop right side, left side. Regular run. Normal walking. Construction in three columns.

2. O R W.

"Reindeer".I.p .: main stance, hands in the lock in front of you. 1- raise the brushes above your head. 2-s.p. - D-7 times.

« Polar fox.I.p.: main stand. 1- moving your right leg to the right, lean forward and touch your toes with your fingers. 2-ip 3-4 the same to the other leg. D-4 times for each leg

"Penguin" I.p .: main stance, hands on the belt. 1- raise your leg. 2-bend her at the knee. 3-straighten your leg. 4-ip Repeat with the other leg. D- 4 times.

" Seal" I.p.: sitting, legs straight together, hands resting behind. 1-2 raise the pelvis and hips, bend in the back. 3-4 - i.p. D- 7 times.

« Walruses » I.p .: lying on your back, arms along the body. 1- turn on your stomach. 2-I.p. D-7 times

"It's cold in the north."Massage of the hands and feet - tapping on the legs and hands with the fingers.

3. Walking with a change of leader.

Complex of morning exercises for the senior group

« Animals of hot countries» November (3-4 weeks)

1. Building an alignment. Walking in place. Walking around corners. Walking on toes, on the outer cuts of the feet. Sock running. Normal running, normal walking with a change in the position of the hands. Construction in three columns.

2. O R W.

"Monkeys "- sp .: main stand. 1- arms through the sides up, clap above the head while lifting on toes. D-7 times.

"Hippopotamus" II: main stance. 1- turn your head to the right, 2- turn your head to the left, 3- raise your head up, 4- lower your head down. D- 4 times.

"Cheetah getting ready to run"I.p .: kneeling, hands down. 1-2 bending in the back, reach your heels with your hands. 3-4- i.p. D- 6 times.

"Striped horse» I.p.: main stand. 1-raise the bent leg, pull the toe. 2-3- stand with your eyes closed, maintaining balance. 4-ip D- 4 times

"Long Crocodile". I.p .: lying on his stomach, hands, on the floor above his head. 1-2- hands reach forward, legs back. 4- relax. D-6 times.

"Elephant" I.p .: standing on your knees and palms. 1-4 - walking on knees and palms forward. 5-8 walking on knees and palms back. D- 5 times.

"Funny animals"I.p .: main stance, hands on the belt. Jumping back and forth. D-4 10 times, alternating with walking.

3. Walking in a circle. Breathing exercise.

Complex of morning exercises for the senior group


December. (1-2 weeks)

1. Construction. alignment. Posture check. Walking is normal, walking with a wide step, walking in a semi-squat. Running with jumps with an alternate swing of the right and left hand. Walking is normal. Construction in 3 columns.


"Merry conductor". I. p .: 1- arms to the sides, 2-hands forward, 3 - arms to the sides, 4- I. p. D- 8 times.

"Responsible Physician"» I. p .: standing, legs slightly apart, hands behind the back. 1-2-inhale., 1-2-3-4 - exhale. D-7 Times.

"Miner". I. p .: legs on the w.p., hands on the belt. 1-3- sharp turns to the right. 4- i.p. Repeat the movements on the other side. D-6 times.

"Funny Photographer". I. p .: main rack. 1- squat down, arms point-blank, 2-point straighten your legs. 3- push squat in an emphasis. 4-ip D- 6 times.

"Chauffeur » I. p .: lying on your back. 1-3- raised legs alternately bend and unbend (“bicycle”). 4-ip D-5 times.

"Attentive policeman» I.p.: feet on w. p., hands to the sides. 1- turn to the right, left hand on the right shoulder, right hand behind the back. 2-and. p., 3-4, repeat the movement in the other direction. D-5 times.

"Fun mood". I.p.: main stand. Jumping on two legs, legs crossed - legs apart. The position of the hands is different: on the belt, below, or for each jump of the hand to the sides - down. D-4 times 10 jumps.

3 . Rebuilding in a column one at a time. Run with a wide and small step. When walking, repeat the tongue twister. “Be kind, beavers, and be brave. Slowly at first, then quickly. D- immediately.

Complex of morning exercises for the senior group

"We are artists" December (3-4 weeks)

1. Walking in a column one at a time, walking with a roll from heel to toe. Run with a wide and small step. Regular run. Walking in a circle. Building in a circle.

2. outdoor switchgear

“We draw with the head.I.p.: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. Circular movement of the head. D- 5 times. (do not make sudden head movements)

"Drawing with elbows ". I.p.: standing, feet on the w.p., arms raised to the shoulders. 1-4 circular motions with elbows forward. 5-8-circular movements of the elbows back. D- 6 times.

« Draw with the torso". I.p.: standing, feet on the w.p., hands on the belt.

1-4 - circular movements of the body to the left side.

5-8 - circular movements of the torso to the right side. D- 6 times.

"Drawing with the knee". I.p .: standing, emphasis, right leg bent at the knee, hands behind the back. 1-3 circular movements with the knee of the right leg, 4- sp. I.p .: the left leg is bent, hands are locked behind the back. 1-3 - circular movements of the knee of the left leg. 4- i.p. D- 4 times with each leg.

"Stir the paint."I.p .: sitting, the emphasis of the hands is behind, the right (left) leg is bent at the knee, raised, the toe is pulled back. 1-7 rotational movements of the foot of the right (left) leg. 8-ip D- 3 times.

"Mysterious drawings". I.p .: lying on your back, legs together, hands behind your head. Raise both legs and draw whatever you want in the air. D- 3 times.

"We rejoice in our drawings» I.p.: standing, hands on the belt. Jumping on two legs back and forth. D-10 jumps 3 times in alternation with walking.

3. Walking in a circle with different positions of the hands (hands to the shoulders, behind the back, to the sides) Normal running with a change in pace. Walking loose around the hall.

Complex of morning exercises for the senior group

"Winter-winter". January. (1-2 weeks)

1. Construction. alignment. Walk in place, raising your knees high. Walking is normal. Walking in a column one by one with rebuilding in pairs. Scatter run. Walking in circles with eyes closed. Normal walking. Building in a circle.

2. outdoor switchgear

« Light snow is falling."I.p.: main stand. 1-4 raising arms to the sides, circular rotations with the hands. 5-8 slowly lower your arms, performing a circular rotation with your hands. D-7 times.

We warm our hands after a walk". I.p.: sitting, legs apart, hands behind the back. Arms bent at the elbows in front of the chest. Blow on your hands. At the expense of 1-2 - inhale. At the expense of 1,2,3,4 - exhale. D- 7 times.

« The eyes are tired of the snow.I.p .: standing, legs slightly apart, arms lowered. Sit down. See with your eyes. Close eyes. Blink your eyes, look up. I.p. D- 6 times.

« Ice Hill ". I.p .: sitting, emphasis on the back. 1-3- raise the pelvis and hips, bend in the back, 4-ip. D- 7 times.

"Snowball game ". I.p .: standing, legs slightly apart, arms lowered. 1- sit down, touch the floor with your fingers (take a snowball). 2- i.p. 3- take your right hand up - back - forward (thrown a snowball). 4-ip

« Rolling in the snow". I.p .: lying on your back, arms along the body. 1- turn to the right, touch the floor with the left foot, the right leg is straight. 2-ip 3- turn to the left, touch the floor with the right foot, the left leg is straight. 4-ip D- 4 times.

"Jumping into the snow » I.p.: kneeling, hands up. 1-2 sit on your heels with a deep tilt forward, while lowering your hands, take them back. 3-4- i.p. D- 6 times.

"We rejoice in the New Year."I.p .: standing, legs together, arms lowered. 1- legs apart, arms up clap above head. 2-ip D- 5 to 10 in alternation with walking.

3. Scattering around the hall. Breathing exercise.

Complex of morning exercises for the senior group

"Favorite toys". January (3-4 weeks)

2. ORU.

"Doll ". I.p .: main stance, hands on the belt. 1-take your hands back - down to the attention of the shoulder blades - inhale. 2- ip - exhale.

"Vstanka-Vstanka "- I.p.: standing, feet on the w.p., hands, down. 1 - hands behind the head. 2-3 springy slopes to the right. 4-ip

"Clapper". I.p .: main stance. 1- raise the leg bent at the knee up, at the same time a sharp movement of both hands back.

3- i.p. repeat the movement with the other leg. D-5 times with each leg.

"Ball". I.p .: sitting, emphasis on the hands behind. 1-3 raise the pelvis. 4- i.p. D-8 times.

"Pyramid ". I.p .: sit down, hands down, touching the toes.

« Yula ". I.p.: standing, legs together, hands on shoulders. Jumping around you, alternating with walking.

3. Rebuilding in one column. Run "snake" for the guide. Walking "snake" for the guide. Walking with a change of leader.

Complex of morning exercises for the senior group

Winter months» February. (1-2 weeks)

1. Walking in a straight line with turns at corners, walking on toes and heels., walking with a roll from heel to toe. Regular run. Jumps with alternate swinging of the right and left hands. Walking is normal. Building around the benches.

2. Outdoor switchgear on benches.

"Who's behind me? ". I.p .: sitting astride a bench one after another, hands on the belt. 1-2 head turn to the right - back. 3-4 i.p. Repeat the movement on the other side. D- 4 times.

"Who's with me ? I.p .: sitting astride a bench, hands down. 1- hands to the shoulders, clench the hands into fists, 2- hands to the sides, unclench the hands, palms up, fingers together. 3- hands to the shoulders, clench the hands into a fist. 4- i.p. D- 8 times.

"Who's with us ? I.p .: standing on the side of the bench, right leg on the bench, hands on the belt. 1- lean forward, touch the foot of the left leg. 2- i.p. D- 4 times.

"And so you can ? I.p .: sitting astride a bench, hands resting behind. 1-2- put both feet on the bench. 3-4 - i.p. D-7 times.

"Nimble Legs » I.p.: lying on the stomach, on the floor, hands under the chin, feet on the bench. 1- Raise your right leg. 2-ip 3- raise the left leg. 4- i.p. D- 3 times with each leg.

"Well, figure it out."I.p .: sitting on a bench one after another, hands behind the head. 1- lean down - to the right, touch the right knee with the left elbow. 2- i.p. 3-4 repeat the movements in the other direction. D- 4 times.

"Jumping in place ". I.p .: near the bench, legs together, hands on the belt. Jumping on two legs left and right. 20 jumps alternating with walking.

Complex of morning exercises for the senior group

"Heroes of fairy tales" February. (3-4 weeks)

1. Walking with turns at corners, walking on toes, on heels with different hand positions. Walking in a semi-squat. Running with high knees. Lateral gallop. Walking is normal. Building around the chairs.

2. Outdoor switchgear with chairs.

"Baba Yaga". I.p .: sitting on a chair facing the back of the chair. 1- hands through the sides up - inhale. 2-ip

"Pinocchio". I.p .: sitting on a chair, the back is tightly pressed against the back of the chair, legs in a wide stance, hands on the belt. 1- lean forward, touch the legs of the chair with your hands - exhale, 2-ip.

"Malvina". I.p .: sitting on a chair, the back is tightly pressed against the back of the chair, legs in a wide stance, hands hold on to the seats of the chair. 1- raise the right leg up-exhale. 2- sp. 3-4 repeat the movements with the other leg.

"Kolobok". I.p .: stand on the side facing the chair, hands on the shoulders, one leg on the chair. 1-2 bend over to the foot standing on the floor - exhale. 3-4-ip - breath.

"The Little Humpbacked Horse ". I.p .: sitting on a chair, hold on to the seat of the chair with your hands. 1- bend over. 2- i.p.

" Snow Maiden ". I.p .: standing, one leg is set forward, the other is set back. Jumping. After 20 jumps, switch legs. Alternate with walking. D-2 times.

3. Loose walking around the hall. (chairs in place) Scattering around the hall. Walking, while walking, pronouncing a tongue twister: “A day off is coming, we’ll rest on the day off”

Complex of morning exercises for the senior group

"Spring Months" MARCH (1-2 weeks)

1. Walking around the hall with turns at the corners. Walking with a wide step, walking with a roll from heel to toe. Running on toes, normal running. Walking in a column with rebuilding in pairs. Formation in a circle in pairs.

2. ORU - two children with one hoop.

"The sun has risen"I.p .: standing facing each other, hoop in hands at shoulder level, legs together. 1-2- hands up, hoop up, look into the hoop. 3-4- i.p. D-8 times.

"A funny day" I.p .: standing facing each other, legs apart, hoop in outstretched hands. 1- tilt to one side - exhale. 2-ip 3-4 repeat the movement in the other direction. D-4 times in each direction.

"We play with the sun". I.p .: sitting facing each other, legs on the w.p, the feet of one child touch the feet of another child, the hoop is in the hands in front of the chest. 1- one child leans forward, the other lies on his back, a hoop in his hands. 2-sp, 3 tilt to the other side. 4-ip D-5 times.

"Nimble Legs" I.p .: sitting with their backs to each other in a hoop, legs straight, hands on the belt. 1-2 - bend your knees, arms to the sides. 3-4- i.p. D-7 times.

"Walking on a hoop."I.p .: standing on the hoop against each other, holding hands. 1-4 - walking on the hoop in one direction. 5-8 walking on the hoop in the other direction. D- 6 times.

"Jumps". I.p .: the main stand near the hoop, hands on the shoulders. Jumping from foot to foot around the hoop, 2 laps. Walking in place.

3. Run with a wide and small step. Walking around the hall. While walking, repeat the tongue twister: I can catch up, but I won’t catch up. I can overtake, but I can't overtake.

Complex of morning exercises for the senior group

We are slim” March (weeks 3-4)

1. Walking in a column one at a time. Walking on toes, hands to the sides. Walking on heels, hands behind the head. Walking with high knees. Loose running, running in pairs. Loose formation in pairs.

2. Outdoor switchgear in pairs.

"We met ". I.p .: main stance, facing each other, holding hands to a friend. 1-2- raise through the sides of the hand up - inhale. 3-4-ip D-6 times.

"We are training ". I.p .: legs apart, facing each other, holding hands. 1-2- tilt to the side with the spread of the arms to the sides; 2-i.p.; 3-4 repeat the movements in the other direction. D-4 times in each direction.

"We are smart ". I.p .: kneeling, facing each other, holding hands. 1- move the right leg to the side, 2-ip, 3-4-repeat the movements with the left leg. D- 4 times with each leg.

« Flexible back ". And ..: one child lies on his stomach, hands under his chin; the second child, lying at the feet, holds his legs by the ankle joint. 1-2 - a standing child raises his legs up; 3-4 i.p. D- 5 times. Then change places.

"Nimble Legs" : I.p.: sitting, facing each other, arms in support behind, legs straight, feet touching the partner's feet. 1-2 sliding heels on the floor, spread your legs apart as wide as possible, arms to the sides. 3-4-ip D- 6 times.

"Together we have fun» I.p.: standing facing each other, holding hands. Jumps: legs crossed, legs apart. D-4 10 times in alternation with walking.

3. Slow running loose. Loose walking.

Complex of morning exercises for the senior group

"Ocean Journey"April. (1-2 weeks)

1. Walking in a circle in a column one at a time, walking with cross steps, walking on toes, on heels, on the outside of the foot. Easy run - at the signal of a tambourine, turn, run in the other direction. Walking formation in 3 columns.

2. ORU.

"Where's the ship ". I.p.: o.s., hands on the belt, look forward. 1 - head turns to the right. 2-ip, 3-turn the head to the left, 4-ip. D-3 in each direction.

"Baggage". I.p. standing, feet on the w.p., arms lowered. 1- clench your hands into fists. 2- raise both hands to the sides. 3- put your hands down. 4- i.p. D-4 times.

"Mast" I.p.: standing, feet on the w.p., arms lowered. 1-2 left hand on the belt; tilt to the left; the right hand goes up. 3-4 - right hand on the belt; tilt to the right; the left hand goes up. D-5 times.

"Up down". I.p .: sitting on the floor, arms bent, resting on the elbows. 1- raise both legs up, 2- sp.

"The waves crash against the side of the ship". I.p.: standing, feet on the w.p., arms lowered. 1-2 - circular movement with a straightened right arm. 3-4 - circular movement with a straightened right hand. 5-ip

"Dream the deck." I.p.: standing, feet on the w.p., arms lowered. 1-3 tilt forward; swings, with straight lowered arms to the right and left (trying to reach the floor with your hands). 4-ip D-5 times.

"And when the sea is pitching"I.p .: standing, legs wide apart, arms lowered. 1-2 arms to the sides; lunge to the right, right leg bent at the knee. 3-4 arms to the sides; lunge to the left. D- 4 times.

3. Walking in a column one at a time, breathing exercises.

Complex of morning exercises for the senior group

"Heron". April (3-4 weeks).

1. Walking in a column one at a time. Walking on toes, on the outside of the foot. Walking in a semi-squat. Run "snake" for the guide. Normal walking. Construction in three columns.

2. Outdoor switchgear.

« Heron ". I.p.: o.s. 1-3 raising your arms to the sides, make three wave-like movements with them at shoulder level, slightly bending and straightening your elbows. When bending the elbows, the arms fall, when straightened, they rise. 4- straighten the arms in a wave-like motion. 5-6 - slowly lower your arms, bent at the elbows, through the sides with the words "down-and-and-s" (exhale); the hands are slightly raised. 7- excerpt. D-4 times.

"The heron flaps its wings". I.p.: legs sh.p., arms lowered. 1- turn the body to the left side, clapping the sides with straight arms; legs are motionless. 2- return to sp. 3- turn the body to the right side, clapping the sides with straight arms; legs are motionless. 4- i.p.

« The heron stands on one leg". I.p.: o.s., hands on the belt. 1- raise the left leg, bent at the knee, pulling the toe down; hands to the side. 2-ip 3-. Raise the right leg, bent at the knee, pulling the toe down, arms to the sides. 4-ip D-4 times with each leg.

"The heron is dancing .: I.p .: o.s, hands on the belt. 1-4 joining on a bent right leg, putting the left foot on the heel forward, while raising and lowering the arms slightly bent at the elbows. 5-ip

3. Walking in a column one at a time, running in a circle with a wave of hands.

Walking. Breathing exercise.

Complex of morning exercises for the senior group

"With a gymnastic stick." May. (1-2 weeks)

1. Construction. alignment. Posture check. Walking is normal, walking with a wide step, walking in a semi-squat. Running with jumps with an alternate swing of the right and left hand. Walking is normal. Construction in 3 columns.

2. Outdoor switchgear with a gymnastic stick.

"Stick up ". I.p .: standing, feet on the w.p., stick in hands (hold it with a grip closer to the ends) - lowered down. 1- with straight arms lift the stick up. 2- lower the stick on your shoulders. 3- with straight arms lift the stick up. 4-ip D- 5 times.

"Forward bends ". I.p.: standing, feet on the w.p., arms lowered. 1- tilt forward, hold the stick in front of you, do not lower your head, do not bend your knees. 2- i.p. D- 6 times.

"Turns ". I.p.: standing, but also on the w.p., hands with a stick in front. 1- turn to the right side, do not lower the stick, say: "To the right." 2- i.p. 3 - the same to the left side, say: “To the left” 4- sp. D- 3 times in each direction.

"Step over".I.p.: standing, feet on the w.p., hands on the belt, stick on the floor. 1-10 jumps on two legs over a stick, alternating with walking.

3. Walking in a column one at a time. Breathing exercise.

Complex of morning exercises for the senior group

"With a pigtail". May (3-4 weeks)

1. Walking is normal one after another, walking on toes, slow running, fast running, loose walking, walking in a column one at a time. Construction in three columns.

2. Outdoor switchgear with a pigtail.

"Pigtail up".I.p. standing, feet on the w.p., hold the pigtail with both hands behind the back below. 1- lift the pigtail back - up, do not lower your head, arms straight, movement from the shoulder. 2- i.p. D- 5 times.

"Tilts to the side". I.p. standing, feet on the w.p., hands with a pigtail lowered. 1- raise straight arms up. 2 - tilt to the left. 3- straighten up, 4- sp.

"Triangle ". I.p .: lying on your back, pigtail in lowered hands. 1- simultaneously raise straight arms and legs, touch the pigtail with your socks (make a “triangle”), do not tear your shoulders off the floor. 2- i.p.

« Shift the pigtail". I.p .: o.s., pigtail in the right hand, hands down, hanging. 1- hands to the sides. 2- join hands in front, shift the pigtail to your left hand. 3- arms to the sides. 4-ip D-3 times with each hand.

« Put the pigtail on» I.p .: legs on the s.p., pigtail in both hands, below. 1- tilt, put the pigtail as far as possible in front of you, do not bend your knees. 2- straighten up, arms lowered. 3- tilt forward, lift the pigtail. 4-ip D- 5 times.

"Pigtail jumping".I.p.: o.s. sideways to the pigtail, the pigtail lies on the floor. 1-8 jumps with two legs sideways through the pigtail, moving forward a little. Walking, hands on the belt.

3. Slow running loose. Loose walking.

Complex of morning exercises for the senior group

"Summer Months". June. (1-2 weeks)

1. Walking in a column one at a time. Walk on toes, then on heels. Running with high knees, running with an overflow, walking is normal. Construction in three columns.

2. ORU without subject.

- I.p.: about. s., arms to shoulders, elbows to the sides. 1-bring your elbows in front of your chest - exhale. 2-ip 3- elbows back to the attention of the shoulder blades. 4- i.p. D- 6 times.

- I.p.: standing, feet on the w.p., arms to the sides. 1- turn to the right, hands behind the back - exhale. 2- i.p. inhale. 3-4 i.p. - breath. Turn to the left, exhale hands behind your back. D- 4 times in each direction.

- I.p.: o.s., hands on the belt. 1- raise the leg bent at the knee. 2- take your leg to the side. 3- knee forward again. 4- i.p. D- 4 times with each leg.

- I.p .: emphasis on the knees. 1-2- straighten your legs, arch your back, head on your chest. 3-4-sp, raise your head up, bend your back. D-6 times.

I.p.: on your knees, hands down. 1- sit on the floor to the right, hands on the belt. 2-ip 3- sit on the floor to the left, hands on the belt. 4- i.p. D- 4 times.

- I.p.: sitting, legs together, hands on shoulders. 1- lean forward, touch the feet with your fingers - exhale. 2- i.p. D- 6 times.

- I.p .: legs slightly apart, hands on the belt. 1-3 - jumping on two legs in place. 4- rotate 180 degrees. D-4 times, alternating with walking.

3. Line up one at a time. Running in a column one at a time. Walking. Breathing exercise.

Complex of morning exercises for the senior group

"With the ball" June. (3-4 weeks).

1. Walking and running in a column one at a time between objects.

2. Outdoor switch with a ball.

- I.p .: foot stand on the w.p., ball in the right hand. 1- hands forward, shift the ball to the left hand; 2- hand behind the back. 3- hands forward, ball in left hand; 4- i.p. The same in the left hand. D- 5 times.

- I.p.: - foot stand on the w.p., the ball in the right hand. 1- sit down, hit the ball on the floor and catch it. D- 6 times.

- I.p .: sitting legs apart, the ball in the right hand. 1- hands to the sides. 2- lean forward to the left leg, touch the toe with the ball; 3-arms to the sides; 4-ip The same for the right leg. D -5 times.

- I.p .: foot stand on the s.p., the ball in the right hand. 1-2- turn to the right, hit the ball on the floor with the right hand, catch with both hands; 3-4 i.p. Same with turning left.

- I.p. - foot stand on the w.p., the ball in the right hand. Throw the ball up with your right and left hand (low), and catch it with both hands D-8 times.

- I.p.: - o.s., the ball is in the right hand. Jumps on the right and left legs with a turn around its axis in alternation with a short pause.

3. Walking in a column one at a time.

Ekaterina Lapochkina
Card file of morning exercises in the senior group


morning exercises

V senior group

Card number 1

1. Walking in a column one at a time, on toes, hands on the belt; running in a column one at a time; walking and running in all directions; walking in a column one at a time.

Exercises without objects

2. I. p. - main stance, hands on the belt. 1 - arms to the sides; 2 - hands up, rise on toes; 3 - arms to the sides; 4 - return to the starting position (6 times).

3. I. p. - stand legs shoulder-width apart, arms below. 1 - arms to the sides; 2 - tilt to the right (left) leg, touch the toes with your fingers; 3 - straighten up, arms to the sides; 4 - starting position (6 times).

4. I. p. - main stance, hands on the belt; 1-2 - sit down, bring your hands forward (5-6 times).

5. I. p. - main stance, arms along the body. 1 - step to the right, arms to the sides; 2 - tilt to the right (left, right hand down, left up; 3 - straighten up, arms to the sides; 4 - starting position (5-6 times).

6. I. p. - main stance, arms along the body. 1 - right leg back on the toe, hands behind the head; 2 - starting position. The same with the left foot (6–7 times).

7. I. p. - main stance, hands on the belt. 1 - jumping legs apart, arms to the sides; 2 - jump legs together. Performed on the account 1-8 (or with musical accompaniment).

Card number 2

1. Walking in a column one at a time; running between things (dice, skittles or stuffed balls).

Small ball exercises

2. I. p. - main stance, ball in the right hand. 1 - arms to the sides; 2 - hands up, shift the ball to the left hand; 3 - arms to the sides; 4 - hands down (6 times).

3. I. p. - leg stand shoulder width apart, ball in right hand. 1-2 - turn right (left, hit the ball on the floor; 3-4 - return to the starting position (6 times).

4. I. p. - foot stand on the width of the foot, the ball in the right hand. 1 - crouch, hit the ball on the floor, catch it (5-6 times).

5. I. p. - kneeling, sitting on the heels, the ball in the right hand. 1-4 - with a turn to the right (left) roll the ball around the body (6 times).

6. Game exercise "Penguins". Children stand in a circle, hold the ball between their knees and, at the signal of the teacher, jump on two legs, moving in a circle like penguins.

Card number 3

1. Walking in a column one at a time with a high raising of the knees, like cockerels, the transition to normal walking; running at a moderate pace, walking.

Exercises without objects

2. I. p. - main stance, hands on the belt. 1 - step forward with the right foot, hands behind the head; 2 - starting position. The same with the left foot (6 times).

3. I. p. - stand legs apart, hands on the belt. 1 - tilt to the right (left); 2 - starting position (6 times).

4. I. p. - main stance, hands on the belt. 1-2 - sit down, hands forward; 3-4 - return to the starting position (5-6 times).

5. I. p. - kneeling, hands on the belt. 1-2 - turn the body to the right (to the left, touch the heel of the left leg with the right hand; 3-4 - return to the starting position (6 times).

6. I. p. - main stance, hands on the belt. At the expense of 1-4 jumps on the right leg; at the expense of 5-8 jumps on the left leg. After a short pause, repeat the jumps.

7. Walking in a column one at a time.

Card number 4

1. Walking and running in a column one at a time, stepping over the cords (5-6 pieces, placed at a distance of 40 cm from one another.

Hoop exercises

2. I. p. - main stand, hoop down. 1 - hoop forward; 2 - hoop up; 3 - hoop forward; 4 - return to the starting position (4–5 times).

3. I. p. - leg stand shoulder width apart, hoop on the chest, grip from the sides. 1 - turn the body to the right (left, hoop to the right, arms straight; 2 - return to the starting position (6 times).

4. I. p. - main stance, grip from the sides, hoop on the chest. 1 - sit down, move the hoop forward; 2. - return to the starting position (5-6 times).

5. I. p. - leg stand shoulder width apart, hoop below. 1 - hoop up; 2 - tilt forward to the right (left) leg; 3 - straighten up, hoop up; 4 - starting position (5-6 times).

6. I. p. - the main stance near the hoop, hands arbitrarily. Jumps on two legs around the hoop in both directions, alternating with a short pause. Repeat 2-3 times.

7. Game "Cars".

Card number 5

1. Walking in a column one at a time, at the signal of the teacher, performing exercises for the hands, without stopping walking; scatter run.

Checkbox exercises

2. I. p. - the main rack, the flags are below. 1 - flags forward; 2 - flags up; 3 - flags to the sides; 4 - starting position (6–7 times).

3. I. p. - stand legs shoulder-width apart, flags at the chest. 1 - turn to the right (left, right hand to the side; 2 - starting position (6 times).

4. I. p. - main rack, flags below. 1-2 - sit down, take the flags forward; 3–4 - starting position (5-7 times).

5. I. p. - stand feet shoulder width apart, flags below. 1 - flags to the sides; 2 - tilt forward to the left (right) (4–6 times).

6. I. p. - main rack, flags below. At the expense of 1-8 jumps on two legs, a short pause, then repeat the jumps.

7. I. p. - main stance, flags at the bottom 1-2 - put the right foot back on the toe, flags up; 3-4 - return to the starting position. The same with the left foot (6–8 times).

8. Walking in a column one at a time. Card number 6

Exercises with gymnastic stick

2. I. p. - main stance, stick below. 1 - stick up; 2 - lower behind the head, on the shoulders; 3 - lift the stick up (Fig. 26); initial position (6–8 times).

3. I. p. - stand legs apart, stick below. 1 - stick up; 2 - tilt forward, arms forward; 3 - straighten up, stick up; 4 - return to the starting position (5-6 times).

4. I. p. - main stand, stick below. 1-2 - sit down, bring the stick forward; 3-4 - return to the starting position (6–7 times).

5. I. p. - stand legs apart, stick on the shoulder blades. 1 - turn the body to the right (left) (Fig. 27); 2 - return to starting position (6–8 times).

6. I. p. - the main stance, a stick on the chest with a grip wider than shoulders, arms bent. 1 - jumping legs apart, stick up; 2 - starting position. Performed at the expense of 1-8, repeat 2-3 times.

7. I. p. - main stand, stick at the bottom 1 - right (left) foot to the side on the toe, stick forward; 2 - return to starting position (6–7 times).

8. Game exercise "Shapes".

Card number 7

1. Walking in a column one by one with exercises for the hands at the command of the teacher (hands to the sides, behind the head, on the belt) running between things (cubes, skittles) snake.

Exercises with a cube

2. I. p. - foot stand on the width of the foot, a cube in the right hand. 1-2 - raise your hands through the sides up, shift the cube to your left hand; 3–4 - starting position (6–7 times).

3. I. p. - leg stand apart, cube in the right hand. 1 - arms to the sides; 2 - tilt forward, put the cube at the toe of the left foot; 3 - straighten up, arms to the sides; 4 - bend down, take the cube in your left hand. The same with the left hand (4–6 times).

4. I. p. - foot stand on the width of the foot, a cube in the right hand. 1 - sit down, cube forward, shift to the left hand; 2 - stand up, cube in left hand (6–7 times).

5. I. p. - stand on the knees, a cube in the right hand. 1 - turn to the right, put the cube at the toes of the feet; 2 - straighten up, hands on the belt; 3 - turn right, take a cube; 4 - return to the starting position, shift the cube to the left hand. Same to the left (3 times).

6. I. p. - main stance, hands arbitrarily, a cube on the floor. Jumping on the right and left foot around the cube in alternation with a short pause. Performed at the expense of 1-8, repeat 2-3 times.

7. Game exercise "Giants and Gnomes".

Card number 8

1. Walking and running in a column one at a time, walking and running scattered throughout the hall.

Exercises without objects

2. I. p. - main stance, hands on the belt. 1 - arms to the sides; 2 - rising on toes, stretch, hands up; 3 - go down on the whole foot, arms to the sides; 4 - starting position (6–7 times).

3. I. p. - stand legs apart, arms below. 1 - hands behind the head; 2 - turn to the right; 3-straighten up; 4 - starting position. Same to the left (6 times).

4. I. p. - main stance, arms along the body. 1 - sit down, hands forward, clap your hands; 2 - return to starting position (6–7 times).

5. I. p. - stand feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt. 1 - arms to the sides; 2 - tilt to the right (to the left, right hand down, left up; 3 - straighten up, arms to the sides; 4 - starting position (6 times).

6. I. p. - main stance, arms along the body. 1 - max right (left) foot, clap under the knee; 2 - starting position (6–8 times).

7. Walking in a column one at a time.

Card number 9

1. Walking in a column one by one, along the bridge (board or track of cords); running between objects with a snake. Walking and running alternate. On one side of the hall, one task is carried out, and on the opposite side, another.

Stick exercises

2. I. p. - main stance, stick below, grip wider than shoulders. 1 - stick up, stretch; 2 - bending the arms, put the stick on the shoulder blades;

3 - stick up; 4 - stick down, return to starting position (4–6 times).

3. I. p. - foot stand on the width of the foot, stick on the chest. 1-2 - sit down, bring the stick forward; 3-4 - return to the starting position (6–7 times).

4. I. p. - main stance, stick on the chest. 1 - step to the right, stick up; 2 - tilt to the right; 3 - straighten up, stick up; 4 - starting position (6 times).

5. I. p. - sitting legs apart, stick on the chest. 1 - stick up; 2 - tilt forward, touch the toe of the right leg with a stick; 3 - straighten up, stick up; 4 - starting position (6–8 times).

6. I. p. - main stance, stick on the shoulders. 1 - jumping legs apart; 2 - jump legs together. On the count of 1-8, repeat 2-3 times.

7. Game exercise "Giants and Gnomes".

Card number 10

1. Walking and running in a column one at a time; walking and jogging.

Ball exercises

2. I. p. - foot stand on the width of the foot, the ball in both hands below 1-ball on the chest; 2 - the ball is up, arms are straight; 3 - ball on the chest; 4 - return to the starting position (6–8 times).

3. I. p. - leg stand apart, ball on the chest. 1-3 - lean forward and roll the ball from one foot to the other; 4 - starting position (5-6 times).

4. I. p. - stand on the knees, the ball in bent arms below. 1-2 - sitting on the heels and turning the torso to the right, touch the floor with the ball at the right toe; 3-4 - return to the starting position. Same to the left (4–6 times).

5. I. p. - foot stand on the width of the foot, the ball is below. 1 - sit down, take the ball forward; 2 - starting position (5-6 times).

6. I. p. - leg stand apart, the ball in bent arms in front of you. Throwing the ball up and catching it with both hands. Execution is optional.

7. I. p. - the main stance in front of the ball, arms along the body. Jumping around the ball in both directions on two legs, on the right and left legs, alternately, in alternation with a short pause.

8. Game "Echo".

Card number 11

Hoop exercises

2. I. p. - the main stand inside the hoop, arms along the body. 1 - sit down; 2 - take the hoop with a grip from the sides and stand up, the hoop is at the level of the belt; 3 - sit down, put a hoop; 4 - get up, return to the starting position (6 times).

3. I. p. - leg stand apart, hoop in bent arms on the chest. 1 - turn the body to the right; 2 - starting position. Same to the left (6–7 times).

4. I. p. - main stand, hoop vertically on the floor with both hands on top. 1-2 - leaning on the rim of the hoop with your hands, take your right leg back; 3-4 - starting position. The same with the left foot (6–7 times).

5. I. p. - leg stand at the width of the foot, hoop in bent arms on the chest. 1-2 - sit down, hoop forward, arms straight; 3-4 - return to the starting position (6–7 times).

6. I. p. - the main stand in the hoop, arms along the body. Jumps on two legs at the expense of 1-7, at the expense of 8 - a jump from the hoop. Repeat 2-3 times.

7. Game exercise "Giants and Gnomes".

Card number 12

1. Walking and running in a column one at a time; walking and running in a circle with a turn at the signal of the teacher.

Exercises without objects

2. I. p. - main stance, hands below. 1-2 - put the right foot back on the toe, at the same time raise your arms up through the sides; 3-4 - return to the starting position. The same with the left foot (6–7 times).

3. I. p. - main stance, hands on the belt. 1-2 - sit down in a slow motion, keep your back and head straight; 3-4 - return to the starting position (6–7 times).

4. I. p. - stand feet shoulder width apart, hands behind the back. 1 - arms to the sides; 2 - tilt forward to the right (left) leg; 3 - straighten up, arms to the sides; 4 - starting position (6–7 times).

5. I. p. - main stance, hands on the belt. 1 - swing with the right foot forward; 2 - swing with the right leg back; 3 - swing with the right foot forward; 4 - starting position. The same with the left foot (4–6 times).

6. Game "Fishing rod".

7. Walking in a column one at a time.

Card number 13

1. Game "Giants and Gnomes".

Exercises without objects

2. I. p. - main stance, arms bent in front of the chest with palms down. 1-3 - three jerks with arms to the sides; 4 - starting position (5-6 times).

3. I. p. - stand feet shoulder width apart, hands behind the head. 1 - torso tilt to the right (left); 2 - return to starting position (6–7 times).

4. I. p. - lying on your back, legs bent, feet on the floor, arms along the body. 1-2 - raise the pelvis, bend, leaning on the palms; 3-4 - return to the starting position (5-6 times).

5. I. p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. 1 - raise the right leg forward and up; 2 - with a simultaneous movement, lower the right leg down, raise the left leg up; 3 - left leg down, right up; 4 - lower the right leg. After a pause, repeat 2-3 times.

6. I. p. - sitting legs apart, hands on the belt. 1 - arms to the sides; 2 - lean forward, touch your right toes with your hands (left) legs; 3 - straighten up, arms to the sides; 4 - return to the starting position (6 times).

7. I. p. - main stance, arms along the body. 1-2 - rising on toes, hands through the sides up; 3–4 - starting position (6–7 times).

8. Game "Don't get caught!" (jumping in and out of the circle as the driver approaches).

Card number 14

1. Walking in a column one at a time; walking and jogging.

Hoop exercises

2. I. p. - main stand, hoop below. 1 - hoop up, right foot back on the toe; 2 - starting position. The same with the left foot (6–8 times).

3. I. p. - leg stand at the width of the foot, hoop below. 1-2 - sit down, bring the hoop forward; 3-4 return to starting position (5-7 times).

4. I. p. - main stance, hoop on the chest, arms bent. 1 - hoop up; 2 - step to the right with an inclination to the right; 3 - put your foot, hoop up; 4 - return to the starting position. Same to the left (6 times).

5. I. p. - main stand, hoop vertically on the floor, grip from above. 1-2 - leaning on the rim of the hoop with both hands, take the right leg back and up; 3-4 - return to the starting position. The same with the left foot (6–8 times).

6. I. p. - leg stand shoulder width apart, hoop vertically behind the back, grip from the sides. 1 - turn the body to the right (left); 2 - return to starting position (6 times).

7. I. p. - standing sideways to the hoop, hands arbitrarily. Jump around the hoop in both directions. Repeat 2-3 times.

8. Walking in a column one at a time.

Card number 15

1. Walking and running with stepping over objects; walking and jogging.

Exercises without objects

1. I. p. - main stance, arms along the body; 1-2 - rising on toes, arms through the sides up, bend over; 3–4 - starting position (6–7 times).

2. I. p. - foot stand on the width of the foot, hands behind the head. 1-2 - sit down in a slow motion, arms to the sides; 3–4 - starting position (5-6 times).

3. I. p. - stand with legs shoulder-width apart, hands behind the back. 1 - arms to the sides; 2 - bend over to the right leg, clap your hands behind the knee; 3 - straighten up, arms to the sides; 4 - starting position. Same for the left leg. (6 times).

4. I. p. - stand on the knees, resting your palms on the floor. 1 - raise the right leg back and up; 2 - return to the starting position. The same with the left foot (6–7 times).

5. I. p. - stand on the knees, hands on the belt. 1 - turn to the right, right hand to the right; 2 - return to the starting position. Same to the left (4–6 times).

6. I. p. - main stance, arms along the body. 1 - jumping legs apart, arms to the sides; 2 - jump legs together. Performed at the expense of 1-8 (2-3 times).

7. Walking in a column one at a time.

Card number 16

1. Walking and running in a column one at a time, walking and running with a stop at the signal of the teacher.

Stick exercises

2. I. p. - main stance, stick below. 1 - raise the stick to the chest; 2 - stick up; 3 - a stick on the chest; 4 - starting position (6–7 times).

3. I. p. - stand legs apart, stick below. 1 - stick up; 2 - tilt to the right leg; 3 - straighten up, stick up; 4 - starting position. Same for the left leg. (6 times).

4. I. p. - main stance, stick on the shoulders. 1-2 - sit down in a slow motion, keep your back and head straight; 3–4 - starting position (5-7 times).

5. I. p. - lying on his stomach, a stick in bent arms in front of him. 1 - bend, stick forward-up; 2 - return to starting position (5-7 times).

6. I. p. - the main stance, the stick with a grip from above is wider than the shoulders below. 1 - jumping legs apart, stick up; 2 - jump legs together. Performed on the account 1-8 (2 times).

7. Walking in a column one at a time.

Card number 17

1. Walking in a column one at a time, performing exercises for the hands at the signal of the teacher - hands to the sides, behind the head, on the belt; scatter run.

Small ball exercises

2. I. p. - main stance, the ball in the right hand below. 1 - arms to the sides; 2 - hands up, transfer the ball to the other hand; 3 - arms to the sides; 4 - starting position (6–7 times).

3. I. p. - leg stand apart, the ball in the right hand. 1 - tilt to the right leg; 2-3 - roll the ball from the right foot to the left and back; 4 - starting position. Same for the left leg. (4–5 times).

4. I. p. - kneeling, the ball in both hands. 1-2 - sitting on your heels and turning your torso to the right, touch the floor with the ball; 3-4 - return to the starting position. Same to the left (4–6 times).

5. I. p. - sitting on the floor, the ball is sandwiched between the feet, hands in support behind. 1-2 - raise straight legs, trying not to drop the ball; 3-4 - return to the starting position (5-7 times).

6. I. p. - lying on your back, the ball in straight arms behind your head. 1-2 - raise straight arms and right leg forward, touch it with the ball; 3-4 - return to the starting position. The same with the left foot (6–7 times).

7. I. p. - legs slightly apart, the ball is in the right hand. Hit the ball on the floor with your right hand, catch the ball with both hands. The pace is arbitrary.

8. Game "Fishing rod".

Card number 18

1. Game "Catch up with your couple".

Exercises without objects

2. I. p. - main stance, hands on the belt. 1-2 - rising on toes, arms through the sides up, stretch; 3-4 - starting position (6 times,

3. I. p. - stand with legs shoulder-width apart, hands behind the back. 1 - arms to the sides; 2 - tilt to the right, arms up; 3 - straighten up, arms to the sides; 4 - return to the starting position (6 times).

4. I. p. - kneeling, hands on the belt. 1 - turn to the right, touch the heel of the left leg with the right hand; 2 - return to the starting position. Same to the left (6 times).

5. I. p. - stand on the knees, leaning on the palms of the floor. 1-2 - straighten your knees, taking the position of the stop bent over; 3-4 - return to the starting position (5-6 times).

6. I. p. - lying on the stomach, arms bent in front of the chest. 1-2 - bend over, bring your hands forward; 3–4 - starting position (6–7 times).

7. Walking in a column one at a time.

Card number 19

1. Walking in a column one at a time, stepping over the cords. Running, stepping over the bars (or cubes).

Checkbox exercises

2. I. p. - the main rack, the flags are below. 1 - flags to the sides; 2 - flags up; 3 - flags to the sides; 4 - starting position (6–7 times).

3. I. p. - the main rack, the flags are below. 1 - step to the right, flags to the sides; 2 - tilt forward, cross the flags; 3 - straighten up, flags to the sides; 4 - starting position. Same to the left (6–7 times).

4. I. p. - main stand, flags at the shoulders. 1-2 - squat, flags forward; 3-4 - return to the starting position (5-7 times).

5. I. p. - the main rack, the flags below. 1 - flags to the sides; 2 - raise the right leg, touch the knee with chopsticks; 3 - lower the leg, flags to the sides; 4 - starting position. The same with the left foot (6–7 times).

6. I. p. - main rack, flags below. 1 - jumping legs apart; 2 - jump to the starting position. Performed at the expense of 1-8, repeat 2-3 times.

7. I. p. - main stand, flags below. 1 - right foot back on the toe, flags up; 2 - return to the starting position. The same with the left foot (6–7 times).

8. Walking in a column one at a time.

Card number 20

1. Walking and running in a column one at a time with acceleration and deceleration of the pace of movement at the signal of the teacher.

Ring exercises (ring toss)

2. I. p. - the main stance, the ring in straight hands in front of you with a grip with two hands in the middle from the outside. 1-2 - turn the ring with a twist of the hands to the reverse grip position; 3-4 - return to the starting position (5-7 times).

3. I. p. - the main stance, the ring in both hands with a grip on the middle outside. 1 - sit down, ring up; 2 - return to starting position (5-6 times).

4. I. p. - leg stand shoulder width apart, ring in the right hand. 1 - arms to the sides; 2 - hands up, shift the ring to the left hand; 3 - arms to the sides; 4 - hands down (6–7 times).

5. I. p. - foot stand on the width of the foot, ring in the right hand. 1 - raise the left bent leg, shift the ring under it to the other hand; 2 - lower the leg, arms down. The same with the right foot (6 times).

6. I. p. - leg stand shoulder width apart, ring at the bottom with a grip of both hands in the middle outside. 1 - straight arms forward; 2 - bend over, touch the floor with the ring; 3 - straighten up, ring forward; 4 - starting position (6 times).

7. I. p. - main stance, ring on the head, hands on the belt. 1 - step with the right foot to the right; 2 - put the left foot; 3 - step left foot to the left; 4 - put the right foot, starting position (6–7 times).

8. Game "Shapes".

Card number 21

1. Walking and running in a column one by one between the cubes - a snake; walking and jogging.

Exercises with cubes

2. I. p. - main stance, cubes in both hands below. 1 - cubes to the sides; 2 - cubes up, hit them one against the other; 3 - cubes to the sides; 4 - starting position (5-7 times).

3. I. p. - stand feet shoulder-width apart, cubes below. 1 - turn right (left, arms to the sides; 2 - return to the starting position (6 times).

4. I. p. - kneeling, cubes at the shoulders. 1-2 - lean forward, put the cubes on the floor (away) (Fig. 34); 3-4 - bend over, take the cubes, return to the starting position (5-7 times).

5. I. p. - main stance, cubes at the shoulders. 1 - sit down, cubes forward; 2 - starting position (5-7 times).

6. I. p. - lying on your back, cubes in both straight arms behind your head. 1-2 - raise straight legs up, touch the knees with cubes (Fig. 35); 3-4 - return to the starting position (5-7 times).

7. I. p. - the main stance, arms along the body in front of the cubes lying on the floor. Jumps on the right and left legs around the cubes in both directions in alternation with a short pause (2-3 times).

8. Walking in a column one at a time with cubes in hand.

Card number 22

1. Walking in a column, on a signal educator: "Hares!" three jumps on two legs. Scatter run, on signal: "Stork!" stand on one leg, hands on the belt. Walking and running alternate.

Hoop exercises

2. I. p. - the main stand, the hoop below with a grip from the sides. 1 - hoop forward; 2 - return to starting position (5-7 times).

3. I. p. - leg stand shoulder width apart, hoop below. 1 - raise the hoop vertically; 2 - bend over, touch the floor with the rim; 3 - straighten up, hoop up; 4 - return to the starting position (5-7 times).

4. I. p. - leg stand slightly apart, hoop grip from the sides at the chest. 1 - sit down, hoop forward; 2 - starting position (5-7 times).

5. I. p. - main stance, grip with hands on the upper edge of the hoop, standing on the floor. 1-2 - leaning on the hoop, take the right leg back and up; 3-4 - return to the starting position (5-7 times).

6. I. p. - main stand, hoop on the floor. Jumping into the hoop, then out of the hoop, turn around and repeat the jumps. It is performed at the expense of the teacher at an average pace, several times in a row.

7. Game "Mousetrap".

Card number 23

1. Walking and running in a column one at a time between objects; walking and running on the opposite side of the court with stepping over the cords (bars).

Exercises without objects

2. I. p. - the main stance, arms along the body. 1-2 - rising on toes, arms through the sides behind the head; 3–4 - starting position (5-6 times).

3. I. p. - sitting legs apart, hands on the belt. 1 - arms to the sides; 2 - lean forward to the right leg, touch the toe with your fingers; 3 - straighten up, arms to the sides; 4 - starting position. Same for the left leg. (6 times).

4. I. p. - kneeling, hands on the belt. 1-2 - turn to the right, touch the heel of the right foot; 3-4 - starting position. Same to the left (5-6 times each).

5. I. p. - kneeling, hands on the belt. 1-2 - sit on the right thigh, hands forward; 3-4 - starting position. Same to the left (3-6 times).

6. I. p. - main stance, arms along the body. At the expense of 1-8 jumps on the right foot; at the expense of 1-8 jumps on the left foot (2 times).

7. A game of low mobility at the choice of children.

Card number 24

1. Walking in a column one at a time; walking and running in a circle with a change in direction of movement at the signal of the teacher.

Stick exercises

2. I. p. - main stance, stick below. 1 - stick up; 2 - lower the stick behind the head on the shoulders; 3 - stick up; 4 - return to the starting position (5-7 times).

3. I. p. - stand legs apart, stick below. 1 - stick up; 2 - tilt forward, stick forward; 3 - straighten up, stick up; 4 - return to the starting position (5-7 times).

4. I. p. - stand legs apart, stick on the shoulder blades. 1 - turn the body to the right (left); 2 - to the starting position (6 times).

5. I. p. - the main stance, a stick on the chest. 1-2 - sit down, stick forward; 3–4 - starting position (5-7 times).

6. I. p. - main stance, stick below. 1 - right foot to the side on the toe, stick forward; 2 - starting position. Same to the left (5-7 times).

7. Game exercise "Shapes".

8. Walking in a column one at a time.

Card number 25

1. Walking in a column one after another; walking and jogging.

Exercises without objects

2. I. p. - stand feet shoulder-width apart, hands to shoulders. 1-4 - rotation of the arms forward; 5-8 - rotation of the arms back (6–7 times).

3. I. p. - main stance, hands behind the head. 1-2 - sit down, raise your hands up; 3–4 - starting position (5-7 times).

4. I. p. - foot stand on the width of the foot, arms along the body. 1 - swing the right foot forward, clap your hands under the knee; 2 - return to the starting position. The same with the left foot (6–7 times).

5. I. p. - main stance, arms along the body. 1 - step right (left) foot, arms to the sides; 2 - tilt to the right, hands behind the head; 3 - straighten up, arms to the sides; 4 - return to the starting position (4–6 times).

6. I. p. - stand legs apart, hands on the belt. 1-2 - lean forward, slide your hands to your toes; 3-4 - return to the starting position (5-7 times).

7. I. p. - main stance, hands on the belt. 1-3 - jumping in place; 4 - jump with a turn of 180 °. Repeat several times.

8. Walking in a column one at a time.

Card number 26

1. Walking and running in a circle, with a turn in the other direction at the signal of the teacher.

Checkbox exercises

2. I. p. - the main rack, the flags are below. 1 - flags to the sides; 2 - flags up, cross; 3 - flags to the sides; 4 - starting position (6–7 times).

3. I. p. - the main rack, the flags are below. 1-2 - sit down, flags forward; 3–4 - starting position (5-6 times).

4. I. p. - stand on the knees, flags at the shoulders. 1 - turn right (left, flag to the side; 2 - initial position (6 times).

5. I. p. - stand legs apart, flags behind the back. 1 - flags to the sides; 2 - lean forward, cross the flags in front of you; 3 - straighten up, flags to the sides; 4 - return to the starting position (5-7 times).

6. I. p. - main rack, flags below. At the expense of 1-8 jumps on two legs, then a short pause; at the expense of 1-8 jumps on the right (left) leg in alternation with a slight pause.

7. I. p. - main stand, flags below. 1 - right foot back on the toe, flags to the sides; 2 - starting position. The same with the left foot (5-7 times).

8. Walking in a column one at a time, both flags in the right hand above the head.

Complexes of morning exercises for a year. Senior group.

Complex No. 1 Dosage of exercises

Building exercises. Walking is normal. Walking in a column one at a time, "snake", on toes, heels, with the task "Circus horses", "Kangaroo", side gallop. Run in place. Rebuilding in three columns

1. "Hamster" I.p.: legs together, arms bent forward. 1- rise on toes, arms bent to the sides; 2 - return to the starting position. 8 - 10 times

2. "Parrot" I.p .: kneeling, arms to the sides. 1- turn right; 2 - return to SP; 3 - the same to the left; 4 - return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

3. "Oh." .I.p.: sitting with straight legs, arms to the sides. 1- smoothly bend your arms at the elbow joints and raise them to your shoulders; 2 - return to the starting position. 8 - 10 times

4. "Hedgehog". I.p .: lying on your back, arms along the body. 1- bend your legs at the knees, wrap your arms around them; 2 - return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

5. "Fish". I.p .: lying on his stomach, hands forward. 1- arms up, legs up; 2 - return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

6. "Bear". I.p. stand straight with your hands on your belt, 1-3 full squat with arms extended forward, 2-4 return to the starting position

7. "Tumbler". I.p .: leg stand shoulder width apart, hands on the belt. 1 - arms to the sides; 2- forward-backward tilts; 3- straighten up, arms to the sides;

8. I.p.: leg stance shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. 1- torso turns to the right, right palm up; 2 - i.p.; 3-4 - the same in the other direction 8 - 10 times

9. "Rabbit". I.p .: legs together. Jumping on two legs (8-10 times in a row) alternate 2 times with walking in place 3 times

10. Exercise to restore breathing: “Tick-tock” I.p. - leg stance apart. 1- swing arms back (inhale); 2 - swing your arms forward (exhale) 2 times

1.5 minutes

Speech: “Brighter, brighter the sun from the sky shines on us. Help us the sun to grow faster!

Complex No. 2

Building exercises. Walking in a column one at a time; “Snake”, on socks, heels, with the task: “We walk in hats”, “Naughty guys”. Running with an overlap of the lower leg back, side gallop (right (left) shoulder forward). Rebuilding in three columns

1. I.p.: o.s. 1- raise the hands up (do not raise the shoulders); 2 - return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

2. I.p.: o.s. 1- tilt your head to the right; 2 - to the left; 3 - lift up; 4 - lower down 8 - 10 times

3. I.p.: kneeling, hands down. 1-2 - bending in the back, tilt your head back, reach out with your hands to the heels of your legs; 3 - 4 return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

4. I.p.: sitting, legs together, hands on the belt. 1- spread your legs as wide as possible; 2 - return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

5. I.p.: sitting, legs together, hands on the belt. 1-3 slow forward tilt to touch the feet; 4 - quickly straighten up 8 - 10 times

6. I.p.: o.s. 1- right hand forward, right foot back, toe pulled back; 2- stand with your eyes closed, maintaining balance; 3 - lower the leg; 4 - return to the starting position. Repeat with the other leg 8-10 times

7. I.p.: stand feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. 1 - arms to the sides; 2- forward-backward tilts; 3- straighten up, arms to the sides;

4 - return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

8. I.p.-stand legs shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. 1- turns the torso to the right, right palm down; 2 - return to the starting position. 3-4 - the same in the other direction. 8 - 10 times

9. I.p.: legs together. Jumping on two legs alternate 2 times with walking in place 3 times in 8-10 jumps

10. Exercise to restore breathing: "Rooster". I.p. - leg stance apart. 1-2 arms to the sides (inhale); 3-4 - clapping hands on the hips, while exhaling, saying: “Ku-ka-reku” (exhale). 3 times

11. Dance movement: "Pick" 1.5 minutes

12. Rebuilding. Walking in a circle.

Speech: “What is charging for? To develop strength, so as not to get tired all day!

Complex No. 3

Building exercises. Walking is normal. Walking with a roll from heel to toe; incremental step. Regular run with high knees

1. "Cotton" I.p .: legs slightly apart, arms down. Hands through the sides up, rise on socks, clap, return to the starting position. 8 - 10 times

2. "Mill" I.p .: legs slightly apart, arms down. Rotational movements of straight arms in the lateral plane, also in the opposite direction 8-10 times

3. I.p.: hands on the belt. Sit down three times, spreading your knees, back straight, return to the starting position

4. "Hut". I.p .: emphasis on the knees, look forward. Straighten your legs, moving to your toes, without bending your arms, arch your back, look at your knees, return to the starting position 8-10 times

5. "Football". I.p .: lying on your back, pull your knees up to your stomach. Kick an imaginary ball with the right, then with the left foot 8-10 times

6. I.p.: sitting on the heels, hands behind the head. Turn to the right (left), spreading your arms smoothly to the sides, return to the starting position 8-10 times

7. "Cotton". I.p .: sitting, emphasis with hands behind. Raise the straight right (left), cotton under the knee, return to the starting position 8-10 times

8. "Oh." I.p .: sitting with straight legs, arms to the sides. 1- smoothly bend your arms at the elbow joints and raise them to your shoulders; 2 - return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

9. I.p.: legs together. Jumping on two legs alternate 2 times with walking in place 2 times in 8-10 jumps

10. Exercise to restore breathing: “The kettle stood on the stove, let the steam through the spout, puff-puff-puff” 3 times

11. Dance movement: Two sliding claps and three stomp (hands on the belt, turn 180 degrees)

12. Rebuilding. Walking in a circle.

Speech: "We are preparing for records, We will play sports!"

Complex No. 4 with flags

Building exercises. Walking in place in a column one at a time, on toes. Easy running on toes with a change of direction. Rebuilding in three columns

1. "Knock." I.p .: legs slightly apart, hands with flags behind the back. 1- arms to the sides; 2 - forward, knock flags;. 3- arms to the sides; 4 - return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

2. "Breeding". I.p .: legs slightly apart, hands with flags in front of the chest vertically. 1-2 arms to the sides; 3-4 - return to the starting position 8-10 times

3. "Don't be lazy." I.p .: legs slightly apart, hands with flags in front of the chest vertically. 1-2 tilt forward, hands with flags forward; 3-4 - return to the starting position 8-10 times

4. "Knock over your head." I.p .: kneeling, hands down. 1-2 sit on your heels, knock flags over your head; stretch, look at them; 3-4 - return to the starting position 8-10 times

5. "Spring". I.p.: o.s. Hands down, take back. 1 - semi-squat and wave flags forward; 2- return to the starting position. 8 - 10 times

6. "Pump". I.p .: legs apart, hands on the belt. Tilt to the right, the right hand slides down the torso, the left - up to the armpit. The same on the other side. While tilting, say: "sh - sh - sh" 8 - 10 times

7. "Parrot" I.p .: kneeling, arms to the sides. 1- turn right; 2 - return to SP; 3 - the same to the left; 4 - return to the starting position. 8 - 10 times

8. "Tumbler". I.p .: leg stand shoulder width apart, hands on the belt. 1 - arms to the sides; 2- forward-backward tilts; 3- straighten up, arms to the sides;

4 - return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

9. "Jumps" I.p .: legs slightly apart, hands on the belt 3 times in 8-10 jumps

10. Exercise to restore breathing: "Controller". I.p. standing legs apart, right hand up, left hand to the side. 1-2 breaths through the nose. 3-4 change the position of the hands, saying on the exhale: “rrrr” 3 times

11. Dance movement: Circling in pairs (boat hands) on an easy run to the right and left 2 times

12. Rebuilding. Walking in a circle.

Speech: “Even in the gloomiest morning, physical education amuses us. In order for everything to be in order, we need to do exercises!

Complex No. 5 without items

Building exercises. Walking in place, in a column one at a time, with a “snake” on toes, heels, with the task “Wild boars”, “Polar bears” with an overlap of the lower leg back, lateral gallop (right (left) shoulder forward). Run in place. Rebuilding in three columns

1. I.p.: o.s. 1- raise your shoulders up; 2- return to the starting position 8-10 times

2. I.p.: o.s 1- turn your head to the right; 2- straight; 3- to the left; 4- return to the starting position 8-10 times

3. I.p.: o.s. feet shoulder width apart, arms up. 1- tilt forward, down, touch the heels with the hands from the inside; 2- return to the starting position 8-10 times

4. I.p.: o.s., hands on the belt. 1- raise a straight leg forward; 2- swoop back; 3 - forward again; 4 - return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

5. I.p.: o.s. feet shoulder width apart, hands behind the head. 1- tilt to the right at the same time raise your hands up; 2- return to the starting position; 3-4 the same in the other direction 8-10 times

6. I.p.: o.s. 1- right hand forward; 2- left forward; 3- to the left; 4- return to the starting position 8-10 times

7. I.p.: kneeling, arms to the sides. 1- turn right; 2 - return to SP; 3 - the same to the left; 4 - return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

8. I.p.: sitting, emphasis with hands behind. Raise the straight right (left), cotton under the knee, return to the starting position 8-10 times

9. I.p.: legs slightly apart, arms down. Several springs with a wave of hands forward - backward, 10-16 jumps, springing with knees, 8-10 steps 3 times

10. Exercise to restore breathing: “Porridge is boiling” I.p. - right hand on the stomach, left hand on the chest. 1-2 - draw in the stomach and take a breath with the chest; 3-4- lower the chest, exhale and stick out the stomach, say: "F-F-F-F" 3 times

12. Rebuilding. Walking in a circle.

Speech: “In the morning, do exercises, you will be dexterous, you will be brave!”

Complex No. 6 with handkerchiefs

Walking in place in a column one at a time, on toes, "Geese", "Herons", "Polar Bears"

1. I.p .: legs slightly apart, hands with handkerchiefs behind the back. 1- arms to the sides; 2 - forward;. 3- arms to the sides; 4 - return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

2. I.p.: legs slightly apart, arms in front of the chest vertically. 1-2 arms to the sides; 3-4 - return to the starting position 8-10 times

3. I.p .: legs slightly apart, hands with handkerchiefs in front of the chest vertically. 1-2 tilt forward, hands with handkerchiefs forward;

3-4 - return to the starting position. 8 - 10 times

4. “Wave over your head” I.p .: kneeling, arms down. 1-2 sit on your heels, wave handkerchiefs over your head; stretch, look at them; 3-4 - return to the starting position 8-10 times

5. I.p.: o.s. hands down, take back. 1 - semi-squat and swing handkerchiefs forward; 2- return to the starting position 8-10 times

6. I.p.: legs apart, hands on the belt. Tilt to the right, the right hand slides down the torso, the left - up to the armpit. The same on the other side. 8 - 10 times

7. I.p. - lying on your back, legs together straight, hands behind your head. 1 - bend your knees, touch your knees with handkerchiefs; 2 - return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

8. I.p.: o.s. 1- right hand forward; 2- left forward; 3- to the left; 4- return to the starting position 8-10 times

9. "Jumps" I.p .: legs slightly apart, hands on the belt. 8-10 jumps. Repeat 3 times, alternating with walking 3 times for 8-10 jumps

10 Breathing exercises: "Controller" I.p. standing legs apart, right hand up, left hand to the side. 1-2 breaths through the nose. 3-4 change the position of the hands, saying on the exhale: “rrrr” 3 times

11. Dance movement: "Stomps"

12. Rebuilding. Walking in a circle.

Speech: “What is charging for? To develop strength, so as not to get tired all day! I.p .: leg stand shoulder width apart, hands on the belt. 1 - arms to the sides; 2- forward-backward tilts; 3- straighten up, arms to the sides; 4 - return to the starting position

Complex number 7 with pigtails

Building exercises. Walking is normal. Walking with high hips. Scatter run. Walking. Rebuilding in three columns

1. I.p.: o.s. - a pigtail at the bottom with a grip from above with both hands. 1-pigtail lift up, put the right foot on the toe; 2- return to the starting position. The same with the left foot 8 - 10 times

2. I.p .: feet shoulder-width apart, pigtail in both hands below, forward bends, touching the floor with a pigtail 8-10 times

3. I.p.: feet shoulder-width apart, arms with a pigtail at the top. 1-tilt to the right; 2- return to the starting position. The same to the left side 8 - 10 times

4. I.p .: kneeling, pigtail at the chest. 1-sit on the right thigh, bring the pigtail forward; 2-in return to starting position

5. I.p .: kneeling, pigtail at the chest. 1-sit on the right thigh, bring the pigtail forward; 2-in return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

6. I.p .: lying on your back, legs together straight, hands behind your head. 1- bend your knees, touch your knees with a pigtail; 2- return to the starting position 8-10 times

7. I.p.: lying on the stomach, pigtail in bent arms in front of you. 1 - bend, lift the pigtail forward; 2 - return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

8. I.p.: feet shoulder-width apart, pigtail in both hands at the top, leaning forward; 2 - return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

9. I.p.: o.s. pigtail on the floor. Jumps on two legs, through a pigtail in alternation with walking in place 3 times in 8-10 jumps

11. Dance move: Putting the foot on the toe

12. Rebuilding. Walking in a circle.

Speech: “Even in the gloomiest morning, physical education amuses us!”

Complex No. 8 without items

Building exercises. Walking in a column one at a time with a task. Running in a column with small steps. Walking. Rebuilding in three columns

1. I.p .: feet on the width of the foot, hands below. 1-hands forward; 2-to the sides; 3-forward; 4-return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

2. I.p.: feet shoulder width apart, arms below. Cross movement of hands 8 - 10 times

3. I.p .: feet on the width of the foot, arms bent at the elbows. 1-Sit down, bring your hands forward; 2-return to the starting position 8-10 times

4. I.p.: feet shoulder-width apart, hands in front of the chest shelf. Turn right arms to the sides; 2-return to the starting position 8-10 times

5. I.p.: sitting on the floor, feet shoulder-width apart, arms at the top. 1-Tilts forward to get the toes of the feet with the tips of the fingers. 8-10 times

6. I.p.: sitting on the floor, legs together, hands in support behind. 1-raise forward-up straight legs - angle; 2- return to the starting position 8-10 times

9. I.p.: o.s., hands on the belt. Jumping with a turn to the right (left), alternating with walking. 3 times 8-10 jumps

10. Exercise to restore breathing: "The horses sing." Stand up straight, arms down, feet together. Take a breath, then tilt

torso side - exhale, hands slide along the torso, while loudly pronounce: "yoke-go-go" 3 times

12. Rebuilding. Walking in a circle.

Speech: “Higher arms, wider shoulders. Wider step, breathe evenly! From charging you will be stronger, you will be stronger and stronger!”

Complex No. 9 with gymnastic sticks

Building exercises. Walking is normal, variable step. Running is normal, with straight legs thrown forward, lateral gallop. Rebuilding in two columns

1. I.p. - main stand, stick below. 1- stick forward; 2 - stick up; 3- stick forward; 4 - return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

2. I.p. - stand legs apart, stick at the chest. 1- lean forward, put a stick on the floor; 2- straighten up, hands on the belt; 3-tilt forward, take a stick; 4- return to the starting position 8-10 times

3. I.p. - main stand, stick below. 1-2-crouch, stick up; 3-4 return to the starting position 8-10 times

4. I.p. - kneeling, stick behind the head. 1- stick up; 2- tilt to the right; 3- straighten up; 4-return to the starting position 8-10 times

5. I.p. - the main stand with the support of both hands on a stick. 1- take the right leg back-up; 2 - return to the starting position. 3-4- left foot 8 - 10 times

6. I.p.: kneeling, stick at the chest. 1-sit down on the right thigh stick forward; 2-in return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

7. I.p.: lying on your back, legs straight together, hands behind your head. 1- bend your knees, touch your knees with a stick; 2 - return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

8. I.p .: lying on his stomach, a stick in bent arms in front of him. 1- bend, raise the stick forward; 2 - return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

9. I.p. - main stand. Jumping over the stick with the right, left side 3 times in 8-10 jumps

11. Dance movement: Fractional step "

12. Rebuilding. Walking in a circle.

Complex No. 10 with plates

Building exercises. Walking is normal. Walking on toes, hands on the belt, rolling from heel to toe. Side step side step.

Rebuilding in three columns. 8 - 10 times

1. I.p.: about. s., plate in the right hand. 1-arms to the sides; 2-hands up, shift the plate to the left hand; 3-arms to the sides, 4- return to the starting position 8-10 times

2. I.p.: feet shoulder-width apart, plate in the right hand. 1-2-turn to the right, hand to the side; 3-4-return to starting position. The same to the left. 8 - 10 times

3. I.p.: feet shoulder-width apart, plate in the right hand. 1-2-tilt forward - down, shift the plate to the left hand behind the left foot 3-4-straighten up, then left to the right hand 8 - 10 times

2 - return to the starting position .. 8 - 10 times

6. I.p. - heels together, toes apart, ball in two hands at chest level, 1-squat with straight arms extended forward;

8. I.p.: sitting on the floor, feet shoulder-width apart, hands up with a plate. 1-Tilts forward to get the toes of the feet with a plate; 2-return to the starting position. 8 - 10 times

9. I.p. o.s., hands arbitrarily, plate on the floor. Jumping on the right and left foot around the plate alternating with a short pause. 3 times 8-10 jumps

11 Dance Move: Polka Step

12. Rebuilding. Walking in a circle.

Complex number 11 with the ball

Building exercises. Walking, walking with a roll on the toe. Easy run. Walking with a task. Rebuilding in three columns

2. I.p.: about. s., feet shoulder-width apart, ball in right hand. 1-2-turn to the right, hand to the side; 3-4-return to starting position. The same to the left 8 - 10 times

4. I.p.: kneeling, sitting on the heels of the ball in the right hand. 1-4-tilt to the right, roll the ball in a straight line away from you; 5-8 - return to the starting position. The same to the left 8 - 10 times

5. I.p. main stance, ball up. 1 - sit down the ball forward; 2 - return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

6. I.p.: kneeling, sitting on the heels of the ball in the right hand. 1-4-tilt to the right, roll the ball in a straight line away from you; 5-8 - return to the starting position. The same to the left 8 - 10 times

8. I.p.: sitting on the floor, feet shoulder-width apart, hands up with the ball. 1-Tilts forward to get the toes of the feet with the ball; 2- return to the starting position 8-10 times

9. I.p.: about. with., the ball on the floor. Jumping on two legs around the ball to the right and left, alternating with walking in place 3 times in 8-10 jumps

11. Dance movement: Circling in pairs (boat hands)

12. Rebuilding. Walking in a circle.

Speech: “In order to be healthy, strong, we need to be friends with sports!”

Complex No. 12

1. 1. I.p.: about. s., feet shoulder-width apart, arms below. 1-hands forward; 2-to the sides; 3-forward; 4-return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

7. I.p.: sitting on the floor, feet shoulder-width apart, arms up. 1-Tilts forward to reach the toes with your fingertips; 2-return to the starting position 8-10 times

8. I.p.: lying on the stomach. 1- bend over holding the feet "Rocking chair"; 2 - return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

10. Exercise to restore breathing: "Parsleys inflate the balloon." Inhale, then tilt the torso to the side - exhale, hands slide along the torso, while saying loudly: "sh-sh-sh" 3 times

11 Dance Move: Polka Step

12. Rebuilding. Walking in a circle.

Speech: "Health is in order, thanks to the exercise!".

Complex No. 13 with pigtails

Building exercises. Walking is normal. Walking with a high lifting of the hip. Running in all directions. Walking. Rebuilding in three columns

1. I.p .: o.s, pigtail below with a grip from above with both hands. 1-pigtail lift up, put the right foot on the toe; 2-return to the starting position. The same with the left foot 8 - 10 times

2. I.p.: feet shoulder-width apart, pigtail in both hands below. 1- forward bends, touching the floor with a pigtail; 2 - return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

3. I.p.: feet shoulder-width apart, pigtail in both hands below. Tilts forward, touching the floor with a pigtail 8 - 10 times

4. I.p. feet shoulder-width apart, hands with a pigtail at the top. 1-tilt to the right; 2-return to the starting position. The same to the left side 8 - 10 times

5. I.p .: kneeling, pigtail at the chest. 1-sit on the right thigh, bring the pigtail forward, 2-return to the starting position 8-10 times

6. I.p .: kneeling, pigtail at the chest. 1-sit on the right thigh, bring the pigtail forward; 2-in return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

7. I.p.: lying on your back, legs straight together, hands behind your head. 1 - bend your knees, touch your knees with a pigtail; 2 - return to the starting position. 8 - 10 times

8. I.p.: lying on the stomach, pigtail in bent arms in front of you. 1 - bend, lift the pigtail forward; 2 - return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

9. I.p.: o.s., pigtail on the floor. Jumping on two legs through a pigtail, alternating with walking in place 8-10 times

10. Exercise to restore breathing: "Beetles". I.p. - legs together, arms along the body. Take a deep breath and exhale "zh-zh-zh-zh" 3 times

11. Dance movement: 2 steps back 3 stomp, 2 steps forward 2 slams 3 times

12. Rebuilding. Walking in a circle.

Speech: “Let all white snowflakes fly into our room, we are not cold at all, we are doing exercises!”

Complex No. 14

Building exercises. Walking in a column one at a time with a task. Running in a column with small steps. Walking. Building in three columns 8 - 10 times

1. I.p.: about. with., feet on the width of the foot, hands below. 1-hands forward; 2-to the sides; 3-forward; 4-return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

2. I.p.: about. s., feet shoulder-width apart, hands below. Cross movement of hands 8 - 10 times

3. I.p.: about. with., feet on the width of the foot, arms bent at the elbows. 1-Sit down, bring your hands forward; 2-return to the starting position 8-10 times

4. I.p.: about. s., feet shoulder-width apart, hands in front of the chest shelf. Turn right arms to the sides; 2-return to the starting position 8-10 times

5. I.p.: sitting on the floor, feet shoulder-width apart, arms at the top. 1-Tilts forward to get the toes of the feet with the tips of the fingers. 8 - 10 times

6. I.p.: sitting on the floor, legs together, hands in support behind. 1-raise forward-up straight legs - angle; 2-return to the starting position. 8 - 10 times

7. I.p.: sitting on the floor, feet shoulder-width apart, arms up. 1-Tilts forward to get the toes with your fingertips; 2-return to the starting position. 8 - 10 times

8. I.p.: lying on the stomach. 1- bend over holding the feet "Rocking chair"; 2 - return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

9. I.p.: o.s., hands on the belt. Jumping with a turn to the right (left), alternating with walking 3 times 8-10 jumps

10. Exercise to restore breathing: "Breeze". Stand up straight, arms down, feet together. Inhale, then tilt the torso to the side - exhale, hands slide along the torso, while loudly pronounce: “uuuuuuuuuuu” 3 times

11. Dance move: foot step

12. Rebuilding. Walking in a circle.

Speech: "In the morning, do exercises, you will be dexterous, you will be brave."

Complex No. 15 in pairs

Building exercises. Walking in a column one at a time, performing a springy step, a step with a stomp; running is normal, on the jumps. Rebuilding in two columns

1. I.p. - o.s., facing each other, hands clasped into the castle. 1-2 - raise your arms through the sides up; 3-4 - return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

2. I.p. - O. s., feet shoulder-width apart, hands clasped below; 1- lean to the right, right hands remain below, left ones rise up; 2- return to the starting position 8-10 times

3. I.p. - O. with., facing each other, hands are connected. 1-2 - alternately raise the leg (right or left) - swallow 8 - 10 times

4. I.p. - O. with., facing each other, holding hands. 1-2 sit down, spread your knees to the sides; 3-4 return to the starting position 8-10 times

5. I.p.: o.s. facing each other, a distance of one step, holding hands between each other. 1-2 press the left hand of the partner with the right hand; 3-4 return to the starting position 8-10 times

6. I.p.: o.s. facing each other. Hands raised up, fixed. Legs shoulder width apart. Transition from the right foot to the left 8 - 10 times

7. I.p.: o.s., hands on the belt. Jumps on two legs (right forward, left back - alternately in alternation with walking) 8 - 10 times

8. Dance movement: dance step 8 - 10 times

9. I.p. - O. s., hands on the belt. Jumps on two legs (right forward, left back - alternately in alternation with walking) 3 times 8-10 jumps

10. Exercise to restore breathing: "Parsleys inflate the balloon." Inhale, then tilt the torso to the side - exhale, hands slide along the torso, while saying loudly: “shhhh” 3 times

12. Rebuilding. Walking in a circle.

Speech: “Even in the gloomiest morning, physical education amuses us. In order for everything to be in order, we need to do exercises!

Complex No. 16 with flags

Building exercises. Walking in a column one at a time, rolling from heel to toe. Running is normal, with throwing straight legs forward, jumps. Rebuilding in two columns

1. I.p.: about. s., feet on the width of the foot, flags at the bottom. 1-flags forward; 2-sideways; 3-forward; 4-return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

2. I.p.: about. s., feet shoulder-width apart, hands in front of you. Cross movement of hands 8 - 10 times

3. I.p.: about. s., feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows. 1-Sit down, bring your hands forward; 2-return to the starting position 8-10 times

4. I.p.: about. s., feet shoulder-width apart, hands in front of the chest with a shelf. 1-turn to the right, arms to the sides; 2-return to starting position

3-turn left arms to the sides; 4-return to the starting position 8-10 times

5. I.p .: sitting on the floor, legs shoulder-width apart, arms at the top with a flag. 1-Tilts forward with flags to get the toes 8 - 10 times

6. I.p .: sitting on the floor, legs shoulder-width apart, arms at the top with a flag. 1-Tilts forward with flags to get the toes 8 - 10 times

7. I.p.: kneeling, flags in bent arms at the shoulders. 1-turn to the right (left), move the flag to the right, 2-return to the starting position 8-10 times

8. I.p.: about. s., feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows. 1-Sit down, bring your hands forward; 2-return to the starting position 8-10 times

9. I.p.: about. s., arms with flags bent in front of the chest. Jumps with a turn to the right (left) 3 times for 8-10 jumps

10. Exercise to restore breathing: "We blow on the sun." Inhale, then tilt the torso to the side - exhale, hands slide along the torso, while saying loudly: “shhhh” 3 times

11. Dance movement: "Variable step."

12. Rebuilding. Walking in a circle.

Speech: “We are preparing for records, we will play sports!”

Complex No. 17 without items

Building exercises. Walking with sharp turns at the corners. Walking with tasks: on heels, on toes. Lateral gallop. Walking. Rebuilding in three columns

1. I.p.: about. s., feet shoulder-width apart, arms below. 1-hands forward; 2-to the sides; 3-forward; 4- return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

2. I.p.: about. s., feet shoulder-width apart, hands below. Cross movement of hands. 8 - 10 times

3. I.p.: about. s., feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows. 1-Sit down, bring your hands forward; 2-return to the starting position 8-10 times

4. I.p.: about. s., feet shoulder-width apart, hands in front of the chest shelf. 1 - Turn right arms to the sides; 2-return to the starting position 8-10 times

5. I.p.: sitting on the floor, feet shoulder-width apart, arms at the top. 1-forward bends to get the socks of the feet with the tips of the fingers 8-10 times

6. I.p.: sitting on the floor, legs together, hands in support behind. 1-raise forward-up straight legs - angle; 2-return to the starting position. 8 - 10 times

7. I.p.: sitting on the floor, feet shoulder-width apart, arms up. 1-Tilts forward to reach the toes with your fingertips; 2-return to the starting position 8-10 times

8. I.p.: o.s., hands on the belt. Jumping with a turn to the right (left), alternating with walking 3 times 8-10 jumps

9. I.p. - lying on the stomach. 1- bend over holding the feet "Rocking chair"; 2 - return to the starting position 3 times

10. Exercise to restore breathing: "Blow into the ring." I.p. - standing, legs apart, feet directed towards each other, arms slightly straightened and laid back. As you exhale, lean forward; looking ahead say "shhhh"

11 Dance Move: Polka Step

12. Rebuilding. Walking in a circle.

Speech: "Health is in order, thanks to the exercise!"

Complex No. 18 with rattles

Building exercises. Walking, walking with a roll on the toe. Easy run. Walking "Stork", "Frog". Rebuilding in three columns

1. I.p.: about. s., rattle in the right hand. 1-arms to the sides; 2-hands up, shift the rattle to the left hand; 3-arms to the sides, 4-return to the starting position 8-10 times

2. I.p.: about. s., feet shoulder-width apart, rattle in the right hand. 1-2-turn to the right, hand to the side; 3-4-return to starting position. The same to the left 8 - 10 times

3. I.p.: feet shoulder-width apart, rattle in the right hand. 1-2-tilt forward - down, shift the rattle to the left hand behind the left foot; 3-4-straighten up, then left to right hand 8 - 10 times

4. I.p.: leg stand apart, rattle in bent arms in front of you. 1- Tilts to the left; 2 - return to the starting position. The same to the right side 8 - 10 times

5. I.p.: o.s., rattle at the top. 1 - sit down the rattle forward; 2- return to the starting position 8-10 times

6. I.p.: kneeling, sitting on the heels of a rattle in the right hand. 1-4-turn right. shift the rattle to the left hand; 5-8 - return to the starting position. The same to the left 8 - 10 times

8. I.p.: sitting on the floor, feet shoulder-width apart, hands up with a rattle. 1-Tilts forward to get the toes with a rattle; 2-return to the starting position 8-10 times

9. I.p.: about. s., hands on the belt. Jumping on two legs (right forward, left back - alternately in alternation with walking). 3 times 8-10 jumps

10. Exercise to restore breathing: "Beetles". I.p. - legs together, arms along the body. Take a deep breath and exhale "zh-zh-zh-zh" 3 times

11. Dance movement: "Accordion"

12. Rebuilding. Walking in a circle.

Speech: “The guys really need sports, we are close friends with sports!”

Complex No. 19 with plates

Building exercises. Walking is normal. Walking on toes, hands on the belt, rolling from heel to toe. Side step side step

1. I.p.: about. s., plate in the right hand. 1-arms to the sides; 2-hands up, shift the plate to the left hand; 3-arms to the sides, 4-return to ip .. 8 - 10 times

2. I.p.: feet shoulder-width apart, plate in the right hand. 1-2-turn to the right, hand to the side; 3-4-return to sp. The same to the left. 8 - 10 times

3. I.p. feet shoulder-width apart, plate in the right hand. 1-2-tilt forward - down, shift the plate to the left hand behind the left foot 3-4-straighten up, then left to the right hand 8 - 10 times

4. I.p.: heels together, toes apart, plate in two hands at chest level, 1-squat with straight arms extended forward;

5. I.p .: leg stand apart, plate in the right hand,. 1-arms to the sides; 2-hands up, shift the plate to the left hand; 3-arms to the sides, 4-return to the starting position 8-10 times

6. I.P. - heels together, toes apart, ball in two hands at chest level, 1-squat with straight arms extended forward;

2 - return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

7. I.p.: kneeling, sit on the heels of a plate in your right hand. 1-4-tilt to the right, roll the plate in a straight line away from you; 5-8-return to starting position. The same to the left 8 - 10 times

8. I.p.: sitting on the floor, feet shoulder-width apart, hands up with a plate. 1- bending forward to get the toes of the feet with a plate; 2- return to the starting position 8-10 times

9. I.p.: about. s., hands arbitrarily, plate on the floor. Jumping on the right and left foot around the plate alternating with a short pause. 3 times 8-10 jumps

10. Exercise to restore breathing: "The horses sing." Stand up straight, arms down, feet together. Inhale, then tilt the torso to the side - exhale, hands slide along the torso, while saying loudly: “yoke-go-go” 3 times

11 Dance Move: Polka Step

12. Rebuilding. Walking in a circle.

Speech: “In order to be healthy and strong, everyone must be friends with sports!”

Complex No. 20 with pouches

Building exercises. Walking, walking with a roll on the toe. Easy run. Walking "Stork", "Frog". Rebuilding in three columns 8 - 10 times

1. I.p.: about. s., pouch in right hand. 1-arms to the sides; 2-hands up, shift the bag to the left hand; 3-arms to the sides, 4-return to the starting position. 8 - 10 times

2. I.p.: feet shoulder-width apart, bag in the right hand. 1-2-turn to the right, hand to the side; 3-4-return to starting position. The same to the left. 8 - 10 times

3. I.p. feet shoulder-width apart, bag in the right hand. 1-2-tilt forward - down, shift the bag to the left hand behind the left leg 3-4-straighten up, then left to the right hand 8 - 10 times

4. I.P. - heels together, socks apart, a bag in two hands at chest level, 1-squat with straight arms extended forward;

2 - return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

5. I.p .: leg stand apart, bag in the right hand,. 1-arms to the sides; 2-hands up, shift the bag to the left hand; 3-arms to the sides, 4-return to the starting position 8-10 times

6. I.P. - heels together, socks apart, a bag in two hands at chest level, 1-squat with straight arms extended forward;

2 - return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

7. I.p.: kneeling, sit on the heels of the bag in your right hand. 1-4-tilt to the right, roll the bag in a straight line away from you; 5-8-return to ip .. The same to the left 8 - 10 times

8. I.p.: sitting on the floor, feet shoulder-width apart, hands up with a bag. 1-Tilts forward to get the toes of the legs pouch; 2- return to the starting position. 8 - 10 times

9. I.p. main stance, hands arbitrarily, bag on the floor. Jumping on the right and left leg around the bag alternating with a short pause. 3 times 8-10 jumps

10. Exercise to restore breathing: "Breeze". Stand up straight, arms down, feet together. Inhale, then tilt the torso to the side - exhale, hands slide along the torso, while loudly pronounce: “uuuuuuuuuuu” 3 times

11 Dance Move: Polka Step

12. Rebuilding. Walking in a circle.

Speech: “In order to be healthy and strong, everyone must be friends with sports!”

Complex No. 21 without items

Building exercises. Walking with sharp turns at the corners. Walking with tasks: on heels, on toes. Lateral gallop. Walking. Rebuilding in three columns

1. I.p.: about. s., feet shoulder-width apart, arms below. 1-hands forward; 2-to the sides; 3-forward; 4-return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

2. I.p.: about. s., feet shoulder-width apart, hands below. Cross movement of hands 8 - 10 times

3. I.p.: about. s., feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows. 1-Sit down, bring your hands forward; 2-return to the starting position 8-10 times

4. I.p.: about. s., feet shoulder-width apart, hands in front of the chest shelf. 1 - Turn right arms to the sides; 2-return to the starting position 8-10 times

5. I.p.: sitting on the floor, feet shoulder-width apart, arms at the top. 1-forward bends to get the socks of the feet with the tips of the fingers 8-10 times

6. I.p.: sitting on the floor, legs together, hands in support behind. 1-raise forward-up straight legs - angle; 2-return to the starting position 8-10 times

7. I.p.: sitting on the floor, feet shoulder-width apart, arms up. 1-Tilts forward to reach the toes with your fingertips; 2-return to the starting position 8-10 times

8. I.p. - lying on the stomach. 1- bend over holding the feet "Rocking chair"; 2 - return to the starting position, 3 times

9. I.p.: o.s., hands on the belt. Jumping with a turn to the right, left, left, alternating with walking 3 times 10 times

10. Exercise to restore breathing: "Parsleys inflate the balloon." Inhale, then tilt the torso to the side - exhale, hands slide along the torso, while saying loudly: "shhhh"

11. Dance move: Polka step 8-10 times

12. Rebuilding. Walking in a circle.

Speech: “The guys really need sports, we are close friends with sports!”

Complex No. 22 with rattles

Building exercises. Walking with sharp turns at the corners. Walking with tasks: on heels, on toes. Lateral gallop. Walking. Rebuilding in three columns

1. I.p.: o.s., rattles below. 1-arms to the sides, 2-raise up, cross, 3-arms to the sides, 4-return to the starting position 8-10 times

2. I.p .: foot stand on the width of the foot, rattles below. 1- rattles up, 2 - sit down, bring the rattles forward, 3- stand up, rattles up, 4- sp. 8 - 10 times

3. I.p.: sitting legs apart, rattles in bent arms at the shoulders. 1- rattles to the sides; 2- bend over, touch the floor with rattles at the toes with chopsticks, 3- straighten up, rattles to the sides, 4- return to the starting position 8-10 times

4. I.p.: kneeling, rattles in bent arms at the shoulders. 1-turn to the right (left), move the rattle to the right, 2-i.p. 8 - 10 times

5. I.p.: o.s., rattles in both hands below. 1-raise the rattles up, 2-lower the rattles behind the head, 3-raise the rattles up, 4-return to the starting position 8-10 times

6. I.p.: legs slightly apart, feet parallel, rattles below. 1-2 - sit down slightly, keeping your feet on the floor, alternately waving your arms forward and backward. 8 - 10 times

7. I.p.: lying on your back, legs straight together, hands behind your head. 1- bend your knees, touch your knees with a rattle; 2- return to the starting position 8-10 times

8. I.p.: sitting on the floor, feet shoulder-width apart, hands up with a rattle. 1-Tilts forward to get the toes of the feet with a rattle; 2-i.p. 8 - 10 times

9. I.p.: o.s., rattles below. 1-jumping legs apart, rattles to the sides, 2- return to the starting position. On account 1-8. 3 times

10. Exercise to restore breathing: "Breeze". Stand up straight, arms down, feet together. Inhale, then tilt the torso to the side - exhale, hands slide along the torso, while loudly pronounce: “uuuuuuuuuuu” 3 times

11. Dance movement: Belarusian polka step

12. Rebuilding. Walking in a circle.

Speech: “In order to be healthy and strong, everyone must be friends with sports!”

Complex No. 23 with a small ball

Building exercises. Walking, walking with a roll on the toe. Easy run. Walking between objects. Rebuilding in three columns. 8 - 10 times

1. I.p.: about. with., the ball in the right hand. 1-arms to the sides; 2-hands up, shift the ball to the left hand; 3-arms to the sides, 4-return to the starting position 8-10 times

2. I.p.: about. s., feet shoulder-width apart, ball in right hand. 1-2-turn to the right, hand to the side; 3-4-return to starting position. The same to the left. 8 - 10 times

3. I.p.: feet shoulder-width apart, ball in right hand. 1-2-tilt forward - down, shift the ball to the left hand behind the left foot; 3-4-straighten up, then left to right hand 8 - 10 times

4. I.p .: leg stand apart, the ball in bent arms in front of you. Throwing the ball up and catching it with both hands 8-10 times

5. I.p.: main stance, ball at the top. 1 - sit down the ball forward; 2 - return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

6. I.p.: kneeling, sitting on the heels of the ball in the right hand. 1-4-tilt to the right. roll the ball in a straight line away from you; 5-8 - return to the starting position. The same to the left 8 - 10 times

7. I.p.: lying on your back, legs straight together, hands behind your head. 1- bend your knees, touch the knees with the ball; 2 - return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

8. I.p.: sitting on the floor, feet shoulder-width apart, hands up with the ball. 1-Tilts forward to get the toes of the feet with the ball; 2-return to the starting position 8-10 times

9. I.p.: o.s., hands on the belt. Jumps with a turn to the right, to the left around the ball 3 times in 8-10 jumps

10. Exercise to restore breathing: "Blow into the ring." I.p. - standing, legs apart, feet directed towards each other, arms slightly straightened and laid back. As you exhale, lean forward; looking forward say “shhhhh” 3 times

11. Dance move: Spring side step

12. Rebuilding. Walking in a circle.

Speech: “For everything to be in order, you need to do exercises for everyone!”

Complex No. 24 with hoops

Building exercises. Walking in a column one at a time, at the signal of the teacher “Bees!” the children go on a run, waving their arms like wings, and say: “Zhu-zhu-zhu”. Walking and running alternate. Rebuilding in four columns.

1. I.p.: o.s., hoop vertically with grip from the sides. 1- hoop forward, 2- hoop up, arms straight, 3- hoop forward, 4- return to the starting position 8 - 10 times

2. I.p .: legs slightly apart, the hoop is lowered down. 1-2- - hoop up, behind the shoulders, head straight, 3-4- return to the starting position. 8 - 10 times

3. I.p .: leg stand shoulder width apart, hoop vertically behind the back. 1-turn the torso to the right; 2- return to the starting position. 3-4- also to the left 8 - 10 times

4. I.p .: leg stand shoulder width apart, hoop in bent arms at the chest. 1- turn to the right, arms straight, 2- return to the starting position. The same to the left 8 - 10 times

5. I.p.: o.s., hands on the belt, hoop on the floor. 1-right (left) leg up, pull the toe. 2-toe hoop, 3-up, 4- return to starting position 8-10 times

6. I.p.: sitting legs apart, a hoop in front of the chest in bent arms with a grip from the sides 1-hoop up, look, 2-tilt forward to the left leg (sock), hoop vertically, 3-hoop up, 4- return to the original position. The same to the right leg 8 - 10 times

7. I.p.: standing on all fours with support on your knees, hands in a hoop, look forward. 1-right (left) hand to the side, look at the hands, 2-sp. 8 - 10 times

8. I.p. - lying on your back, hoop vertically at chest level. 1-2 - raise the hoop, bending the legs, thread them into the hoop, straighten and lower to the floor. 3-4 - return to the starting position. 8 - 10 times

9. I.p.: o.s. in the center of a hoop lying on the floor, arms along the body. 1-7 - jumping on two legs in a hoop, 8 - jumping from a hoop. Return to the hoop. 1-7 - jumps in front of the hoop, 8-jump into the hoop 3 times

10. Exercise to restore breathing: “Bees have arrived!” 3 times

11. Dance move: "Variable step"

12. Rebuilding. Walking in a circle. Speech: “We are preparing for records, we will play sports!”

Games and exercises with elements of sports Game: "Towns" 4

1. Basketball game 4

2. Game with football elements 4

3. Game with elements of hockey 4

4. Game with elements of badminton 4

5. Game with elements of table tennis "4

6. Game with elements of competition: "Funny competitions" 4

7. Game with elements of competition: "Obstacle track" 6

8. A game with elements of competition: "Who will most likely run through the obstacles to the flag?" 6

9. Competitive game: "Which team will score more goals in the basket?" 5

10. A game with elements of competition: "Who will most likely crawl through the hoop to the flag?" 4

11. Game with elements of competition: "Who is faster?" 5

12. Game with elements of competition: "Who is higher?" 4

13. Game with elements of competition: "Relay races in pairs" 4

14. Game with elements of competition: "Carry the ball without hitting the pin" 4

15. Game with elements of competition: "Throw the ball into the ring" 4

16. Game with elements of competition: "Quickly take, quickly put" 5

17. Game with elements of competition: "Change the subject" 4

18. "Who will roll the hoop to the flag sooner?" 5

19. Game with elements of competition: "Catch up with your partner" 4

20. Game with elements of competition: "Who is the most accurate?" 4

21. Game: "Don't get caught" 4

Compiled by: Zavyalova A.V. 2017


Complex №1

  1. Walking. I.P. - standing, arms along the body. Children, standing facing in a circle, march at the expense of the leader with straight legs in place. - 10 times.
  2. . - 2 circles.
  3. Jumping. I.P. - standing. The child jumps forward - backward, facing in a circle. - 5 times
  4. Circular movements with straight arms forward. - 8 times.
  5. Tilts of the head to the shoulders - 6 times.
  6. Tilts of the body forward - backward. -6 times.

Complex №2 (with a ball)

  1. Walking. I.P. - standing, arms along the body. Children march in a circle at the expense of the leader with straight legs. - 2 circles.
  2. Walking in a circle. Children walk in a circle, depicting a bear (go on the outside of the foot). The children back up. - 2 circles.
  3. Jumping. The child jumps at the command of an adult through the ball back and forth, facing in a circle. - 5 times.
  4. Ball exercise. I.P. - standing, holding the ball in one hand. Children perform circular movements with the ball around the body, shifting the ball from the front to the left hand, and from behind to the right hand. - 3 circles.
  5. Shoulder workout. I.p. - standing straight, straight arms behind the back and holding the ball. The child should raise straight arms with the ball as high as possible, while trying to bring the shoulder blades together. - 5 times.
  6. Body tilts. I.p. - standing. The child holds the ball in his hands and lifts them up. At the command of an adult, the children tilt their torso forward along with straight arms and the ball, and then rise. Next, the children bend back. Children perform the same exercises to the right and left. - 4 times in each direction.
  7. Stretching. I.P. - the child sits, clasping his bent legs with his hands, then rolls back, lying on his back, and returns to I.p. During the entire exercise, the child's legs are bent, and he wraps his arms around them. - 8 times.
  8. Breath. I.P. - Lying on your back. The arms are extended along the body, the legs lie straight, do not cross. Children inhale through their nose and exhale through their wide open mouth. - 5 times.

Complex №1

  1. Walking. I.P. - standing, arms along the body. Children, standing facing in a circle, march at the expense of the leader, bending their knees in place. - 10 times.
  2. (walk on toes). -2 circles.
  3. Jumping. The child jumps at the command of an adult to the right - to the left, toy face around, jumping sideways. - 5 times.
  4. Warm-up of the elbow joint. I.p. - standing, right arm raised at shoulder level and bent at the elbow. The child should make circular movements of the forearm to the right and left sides. Same thing with the left hand. - 5 times with each hand.
  5. Shoulder workout. Raising the shoulders up to the ears and lowering the shoulders down. - 6 times.
  6. Press exercise. I.p. - lying on your back, legs bent at the knees. Hands behind your head. The task of the child is to raise his elbows, head and shoulders off the ground, and then lower himself back to the floor. - 10 times.
  7. Breath. I.P. - Lying on your back. The arms are extended along the body, the legs lie straight, do not cross. Children inhale through their nose and exhale through their wide open mouth. - 5 times.

Complex №2 (with cube)

  1. Walking. I.P. - standing, arms along the body. Children march at the expense of the leader, bending their knees, in a circle. - 2 circles.
  2. Walking in a circle. Children walk in a circle, depicting chicks (walk on toes)
  3. Jumping. The child jumps at the command of an adult through the cube to the right - to the left, standing facing in a circle, jumping sideways. - 5 times.
  4. Cube exercise. I.P. - standing, holding a cube in one hand. Children perform circular movements with the ball. Hands up - we shift the cube to the left hand, hands down and back - we shift to the right hand. - 3 circles.
  5. Leaning forward. I.p. - standing, feet shoulder width apart, arms to the sides. The cube is in front of the child on the floor. The child should bend down with a straight back and touch the cube with his right hand, after which he should stand up. Then the child does the same, but touches the cube with his left hand. - 6 times.
  6. Press exercise. I.p. - lying on your back, legs bent at the knees and squeezing the cube. Hands behind your head. The task of the child is to raise his elbows, head and shoulders off the ground, and then lower himself back to the floor. - 10 times.
  7. Stretching. The child lies on his stomach, stretches his arms forward, raises straight legs. At the command of an adult, he must bend and sway in this position. - 4 times.
  8. Breath. I.P. - Lying on your back. The arms are extended along the body, the legs lie straight, do not cross. Children inhale through their nose and exhale through their wide open mouth. - 5 times.

Complex №1

  1. Walking. I.P. - standing, arms along the body. Children, facing in a circle, march at the expense of the leader with straight legs in place, stretching the arm of the same name forward. - 10 times.
  2. (walk on heels). -2 circles.
  3. Shoulder workout. I.p. - standing, arms lowered, feet shoulder-width apart. Children make circular movements with straight arms in different directions. The right hand rotates back, the left forward. - 4 times.
  4. Press exercise. I.p. - lying on your back, legs bent at the knees and squeezing the cube. Hands behind your head. The task of the child is to raise his elbows, head and shoulders off the ground, and then lower himself back to the floor. - three sets of 15 times.
  5. (not high)

Complex №2 (with gymnastic stick)

  1. Walking. I.P. - standing, arms along the body. Children at the expense of the leader march in a circle with straight legs, stretching the arm of the same name forward. - 2 circles.
  2. Walking in a circle. Children walk in a circle, depicting ducks (walk on heels). Children go forward and back away. -2 circles.
  3. Stepping over. Holding a gymnastic stick at a level just below the abdomen, the children step over it forward. The stick is on the back. Without opening their hands, the children step back over the stick and again hold it in front of them. Then everything repeats again. - 6 times.
  4. Balance on one leg. Children raise their right leg and clasp it with both hands, after which the child should stand on one leg. Next, the leg changes to the left. – 30 sec.
  5. Press exercise. I.p. - lying on your back, legs bent at the knees. Hands behind your head. The task of the child is to raise his elbows, head and shoulders off the ground, and then lower himself back to the floor. - 15 times.
  6. Stretching. I.p. - lying on your back, arms and legs spread apart. Children should raise their arms and legs in the air (not high) and stretch each part of the body in different directions. – 5 – 10 sec.
  7. Breath. I.P. - Lying on your back. The arms are extended along the body, the legs lie straight, do not cross. Children inhale through the nose, while drawing in the stomach, and exhale through the wide open mouth, inflating the stomach like a balloon. - 5 times.

Complex №1

  1. Walking. I.P. - standing, arms along the body. Children, standing facing in a circle, march at the expense of the leader, bending their knees in place, while bending the arm of the same name in the elbow joint. - 10 times.
  2. . -2 circles.
  3. Neck stretch. I.p. - standing, hands on the belt, feet shoulder-width apart. Children make circular movements of the head in one direction, then in the other. - 3 times.
  4. Warm-up of the elbow joint. I.p. - standing, arms raised to the sides and bent at the elbow joint. The right hand - the brush looks up, the left hand - the brush looks down. At the command of an adult, the children begin to rotate their hands: the right hand rotates counterclockwise, the left hand rotates clockwise. - 5 times
  5. Balance on one leg. Children raise the right leg and press the heel to the right buttock. After the exercise is repeated on the left leg. - 30 sec.
  6. Press exercise. I.p. - lying on your back, legs bent at the knees and squeezing the cube. Hands behind your head. The task of the child is to raise his elbows, head and shoulders off the ground, and then lower himself back to the floor. - 20 times.
  7. Breath. I.P. - Lying on your back. The arms are extended along the body, the legs lie straight, do not cross. Children inhale through the nose, while drawing in the stomach, and exhale through the wide open mouth, inflating the stomach like a balloon. - 5 times.

Complex №2 (with a ball)

  1. Walking in a circle. Children walk in a circle, depicting penguins (go on the inside of the foot)
  2. Jumping. I.P. - standing facing in a circle, hands on the belt. The child jumps 90° to both sides. - 6 - 8 times.
  3. Shoulder workout. I.p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands holding both ends of a gymnastic stick in front of them. Children should, without bending their arms at the elbows and holding a stick, put their hands behind their backs, and then return them back. - 4 times.
  4. Ball exercise. I.P. Standing, lean forward. Children alternately roll the ball around the feet, pushing it alternately with their right and left hands. - 3 circles.
  5. Press exercise. I.p. - lying on your back, legs bent at the knees. Hands behind your head. The task of the child is to raise his elbows, head and shoulders off the ground, and then lower himself back to the floor. - 20 times.
  6. Stretching. I.P. - standing on all fours. Children arch and bend their back in the lumbar region. At the same time, the head moves synchronously with a change in postures: bending - head up, arching - head down.
  7. Breath. I.P. - Lying on your back. The arms are extended along the body, the legs lie straight, do not cross. Children inhale through the nose, while drawing in the stomach, and exhale through the wide open mouth, inflating the stomach like a balloon. - 5 times.

Complex №1

  1. Walking. I.P. - standing, arms along the body. Children, standing facing in a circle, march at the expense of the leader with straight legs in place, stretching the opposite arm forward. - 10 times.
  2. (walking with legs high). -2 circles.
  3. Warm-up of the shoulder girdle and arms. I.P. – standing, hands in the castle. Children pull "lock" up, down, to the sides, bend back and stretch your arms up; hands in the lock behind the back, pull up. - 5 seconds in each pose.
  4. "inhale - exhale" - 5 times.

Complex №2 (with cube)

  1. Walking. I.P. - standing, arms along the body. Children, under the leader's count, march in a circle with straight legs, stretching the opposite arm forward. - 2 circles.
  2. Walking in a circle. Children walk in a circle, depicting storks (walking with legs high). Children go forward and move backward - 2 circles.
  3. Jumping. I.P. - standing facing in a circle, hands on the belt. The child jumps 180° in both directions. - 6 - 8 times.
  4. Cube exercise. I.P. - standing, leaning to the floor, arms spread out to the sides. Children perform swing movements with their hands, touching them with a lying cube. - 6 times.
  5. Leg workout. I.P. - sitting, legs bent at the knees. Children imitate the movements of a caterpillar, squeezing and unclenching the foot, and move both legs away from themselves and towards themselves. - 4 times.
  6. Press exercise. I.p. - lying on your back, legs bent at the knees. Hands behind your head. The task of the child is to raise his elbows, head and shoulders off the ground, and then lower himself back to the floor. - 25 times.
  7. Stretching. I.P. - Lying on your back. Children raise and throw their legs behind their heads to reach the floor with their toes and lie down in this position for 2-5 seconds. Then slowly return to I.P. - 3 times.
  8. Breath. I.P. - Lying on your back. The arms are extended along the body, the legs lie straight, do not cross. Children inhale through their nose and exhale through their wide open mouth. Children breathe on command "inhale - exhale" - 5 times.

Complex №1

  1. Walking. I.P. - standing, arms along the body. Children, standing facing in a circle, march at the expense of the leader, bending their knees in place, while bending the opposite arm at the elbow joint. - 10 times.
  2. . - 2 circles.
  3. Jumping. I.P. - standing. The child jumps moving forward - backward, facing in a circle. - 5 times
  4. Stretching the shoulder girdle and arms. I.P. - standing. The right hand grabs the left elbow and pulls it to the right. The same with the other hand. - 5 - 7 sec.
  5. "Inhale (one two three four), hold (one - two), exhale (one two three four), hold (one - two)» - 2 times.

Complex №2 (with gymnastic stick)

  1. Walking. I.P. - standing, arms along the body. Children march at the expense of the leader, bending their knees and hands of the same name, in a circle. - 2 circles.
  2. Walking in a circle. Children walk in a circle, depicting geese (children move on their haunches and on toes). - 2 circles.
  3. Jumping. I.P. - standing. The child jumps moving forward - backward through the gymnastic stick, standing facing in a circle. - 5 times
  4. Exercise with a gymnastic stick. I.P. - standing, holding a gymnastic stick in a vertical position in his right hand. Children perform interceptions of the stick from the bottom up and from the top down. - 3 circles.
  5. Leg workout. I.P. - sitting, legs bent at the knees. Children imitate the movements of a caterpillar, squeezing and unclenching the foot, and move one leg away from themselves, the other towards themselves. - 4 times.
  6. Press exercise. I.p. - lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, hands behind the head. Children alternately touch the opposite knee with the elbow of one hand and return to I.P. The same is repeated on the other hand. - 10 times.
  7. Stretching. I.P. - lying on his stomach, fingers under his forehead pressed to the floor. On command, the children raise their elbows as high as possible from the floor for 3-5 seconds, after which they slowly lower them to the floor. - 3 - 5 times.
  8. Breath. I.P. - Lying on your back. The arms are extended along the body, the legs lie straight, do not cross. Children inhale through the nose, and exhale through a wide open mouth, holding the breath for a count: "Inhale (one two three four), hold (one - two), exhale (one two three four), hold (one - two)» - 2 times.

Complex №1

  1. Walking. I.P. - standing, feet hip-width apart. Children raise the leg bent at the knee and touch the elbow of the same name. The back remains straight. - 10 times on the spot.
  2. . - 2 circles.
  3. Jumping. The child jumps moving forward to the right - to the left, standing facing in a circle, jumping sideways. - 5 times.
  4. Neck stretch. I.P. - standing, arms relaxed. At a slow pace, the children try to reach the chest with their chin, the back of the head to the back. Slowly turn your head to the right and left. - 3 times.
  5. Breath. I.P. - Lying on your back. The arms are extended along the body, the legs lie straight, do not cross. Children inhale through the nose, and exhale through a wide open mouth, holding the breath for a count: "Inhale (one two three four), hold (one - two), exhale (one two three four), hold (one - two)» - 2 times.

Complex №2 (with a ball)

  1. Walking in a circle. Children raise the leg bent at the knee and touch the elbow of the same name. The back remains straight. - 2 circles.
  2. Walking in a circle. Children walk in a circle, depicting frogs (children jump, squatting, hands in front, between knees). - 2 circles.
  3. Jumping. The child jumps moving forward to the right - to the left through the ball, standing facing in a circle, jumping sideways. - 5 times.
  4. Ball exercise. I.P. - standing, holding the ball in one hand. Children toss the ball and catch it with one or the other foot alternately. - 6 times.
  5. Leg workout. I.P. - standing on one leg. Children rotate the other leg from the hip, first clockwise and then counterclockwise. Do the same for the other leg. - 3 times.
  6. Press exercise. I.p. - lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, hands behind the head. Children alternately touch the opposite knee with the elbow of one hand and return to I.P. The same is repeated on the other hand. - 16 times.
  7. Stretching. I.P. - Lying on your back. Children imitate cycling. – 15 sec.
  8. Breath. I.P. - Lying on your back. The arms are extended along the body, the legs lie straight, do not cross. Children inhale through the nose, and exhale through a wide open mouth, holding the breath for a count: "Inhale (one two three four), hold (one - two), exhale (one two three four), hold (one - two)» - 2 times.

Complex №1

  1. Walking. I.P. - standing, feet hip-width apart. Children raise the leg bent at the knee and touch the opposite elbow. The back remains straight. - 10 times on the spot.
  2. Neck stretch. I.P. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms relaxed. Children tilt their head forward and slowly roll it from one shoulder to the other. Then they tilt their heads back and roll over again. - 3 times.
  3. (a, y, w, h). - 3-4 times.

Complex №2 (with cube)

  1. Walking in a circle. Children raise the leg bent at the knee and touch the opposite elbow. The back remains straight. - 2 circles.
  2. Running in a circle. Children run around the hall, tilting their bodies with outstretched arms, now to the right, then to the left. – 2 laps
  3. Jumping. I.P. - standing facing in a circle, hands on the belt. The child jumps 180° in both directions over the cube. - 6 - 8 times.
  4. Cube exercise. I.P. - standing, hands joined at chest level, elbows apart. In the right hand is a cube. Children alternately make swing movements with each hand, turning to the right side and straightening the arm with the cube, and returning to I.P. Then the cube is transferred to the other hand and the exercise is repeated. - 6 times.
  5. Leg workout. I.P. - standing on one leg, the thigh of the other leg is raised parallel to the floor, the knee is bent. Children rotate their lower legs first clockwise and then counterclockwise. Do the same for the other leg. - 3 times.
  6. Press exercise. I.p. - lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, hands behind the head. Children alternately touch the opposite knee with the elbow of one hand and return to I.P. The same is repeated on the other hand. - 20 times.
  7. Stretching. I.P. - Sitting cross-legged, back straight, hands behind the head. Children perform free turns to the left - to the right, twisting the spine as much as possible. - 5 times in each direction.
  8. Breath. I.P. - Lying on your back. The arms are extended along the body, the legs lie straight, do not cross. Children inhale through the nose, and exhale through a wide-open mouth with a breath hold, after which they exhale through a wide-open mouth while singing sounds (a, y, w, h). - 3-4 times.

Complex №1

  1. Walking in a circle. Children walk in a circle, while they should touch the right heel with the palm of the right hand, then the left heel with the palm of the left hand. - 2 circles.
  2. Stepping over. Holding a gymnastic stick at a level just below the abdomen, the children step over it forward. The stick is on the back. Without opening their hands, the children step back over the stick and again hold it in front of them. Then everything repeats again. - 6 times.
  3. . - 4 times.
  4. Neck stretch. I.P. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms relaxed. Children imitate the movements of the turtle's head: the shoulders fall, the chin stretches forward, then the shoulders rise, the chin to the chest. - 3 times.
  5. . - 3-4 times.

Complex №2 (with gymnastic stick)

  1. Walking in a circle. Children walk in a circle, while they should touch the left heel with the palm of the right hand, then the right heel with the palm of the left hand. - 2 circles.
  2. Stepping over. Holding a gymnastic stick at a level just below the abdomen, the children step over it forward. The stick is on the back. Without opening their hands, the children step back over the stick and again hold it in front of them. Then everything repeats again. - 6 times.
  3. Jumping. I.P. - standing facing in a circle, hands on the belt. A child jumps 180° on two legs over a gymnastic stick with an intermediate movement (one jump over the stick, the other parallel to it). - 4 times.
  4. Exercise with a gymnastic stick. I.P. - standing, hands holding both ends of the stick behind your back. Children make rotational movements of the body in one direction and in the other. - 6 times.
  5. Leg workout. I.P. - Feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, back straight. Children roll from toes to heels, then from the outer to the inner surfaces of the feet and back. - 3 times.
  6. Press exercise. I.p. - lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, hands behind the head. Children alternately touch the opposite knee with the elbow of one hand and return to I.P. The same is repeated on the other hand. - 26 times.
  7. Stretching. I.P. - sitting, legs straight, back straight. Children slowly stretch their fingers to their toes, rounding their backs and bending their legs if necessary. The delay in the position is 5 seconds, after which the children slowly return to the I.P.
  8. Breath. I.P. - Lying on your back. The arms are extended along the body, the legs lie straight, do not cross. Children inhale through the nose, and exhale through a wide-open mouth with a breath hold, after which they exhale through a wide-open mouth while singing a combination of sounds (z goes to s, o to y, w to u). - 3-4 times.


  1. Semenovich A.V. Neuropsychological correction in childhood. The method of replacement ontogenesis: Textbook. M., 2012.
  2. Denison P., Denison G., Gymnastics of the Mind. M., 1993.
  3. Sirotyuk A.L. Exercises for the psychomotor development of preschoolers. M., 2008.

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