Who in Rus' live well. Nekrasov to whom in Rus' to live well The content of the work to whom in Rus' to live well


From 1863 to 1877, Nekrasov wrote "Who in Rus' should live well." The idea, the characters, the plot changed several times in the process of work. Most likely, the idea was not fully revealed: the author died in 1877. Despite this, "To whom it is good to live in Rus'" as a folk poem is considered a completed work. It was supposed to be 8 parts, but only 4 were completed.

With the introduction of the characters, the poem "Who Lives Well in Rus'" begins. These heroes are seven men from the villages: Dyryavino, Zaplatovo, Gorelovo, Crop failure, Znobishino, Razutovo, Neelovo. They meet and start a conversation about who lives happily and well in Rus'. Each man has his own opinion. One believes that the landowner is happy, the other - that the official. A merchant, a priest, a minister, a noble boyar, a tsar, a peasant from the poem "Who Lives Well in Rus'" is also called happy. The heroes began to argue, lit a fire. It even came to a fight. However, they fail to come to an agreement.

Self-assembly tablecloth

Suddenly, Pahom quite unexpectedly caught a chick. The little warbler, his mother, asked the peasant to set the chick free. She prompted for this, where you can find a self-assembled tablecloth - a very useful thing that will certainly come in handy on a long journey. Thanks to her, the men during the trip did not lack food.

Pop's story

The following events continue the work "To whom it is good to live in Rus'." The heroes decided to find out at any cost who lives happily and cheerfully in Rus'. They set off on the road. First on the way they met a pop. The men turned to him with the question of whether he lives happily. Then the pop spoke about his life. He believes (in which the peasants could not disagree with him) that happiness is impossible without peace, honor, wealth. Pop believes that if he had all this, he would be completely happy. However, he is obliged day and night, in any weather, to go where he is told - to the dying, to the sick. Every time the priest has to see human grief and suffering. He even sometimes lacks the strength to take retribution for his service, since people tear the latter away from themselves. Once upon a time, everything was completely different. Pop says that rich landowners generously rewarded him for funerals, baptisms, and weddings. However, now the rich are far away, and the poor have no money. The priest also has no honor: the peasants do not respect him, as many folk songs speak of.

Wanderers go to the fair

Wanderers understand that this person cannot be called happy, which is noted by the author of the work "Who Lives Well in Rus'". The heroes set off again and find themselves on the road in the village of Kuzminsky, at a fair. This village is dirty, although rich. There are a lot of establishments in which residents indulge in drunkenness. They drink their last money. For example, the old man did not have money left for shoes for his granddaughter, since he drank everything. All this is observed by wanderers from the work "To whom it is good to live in Rus'" (Nekrasov).

Yakim Nagoi

They also notice fairground entertainment and fights and talk about the fact that the peasant is forced to drink: this helps to endure hard work and eternal hardship. An example of this is Yakim Nagoi, a peasant from the village of Bosovo. He works to death, "drinks half to death." Yakim believes that if there were no drunkenness, there would be great sadness.

The wanderers continue on their way. In the work "To whom it is good to live in Rus'," Nekrasov says that they want to find happy and cheerful people, they promise to give these lucky people water for free. Therefore, a variety of people are trying to pass themselves off as such - a former courtyard suffering from paralysis, for many years licking plates for a master, exhausted workers, beggars. However, travelers themselves understand that these people cannot be called happy.

Ermil Girin

The men once heard about a man named Yermil Girin. His story is further told by Nekrasov, of course, he does not convey all the details. Ermil Girin is a burgomaster who was highly respected, a fair and honest person. He intended to buy the mill one day. The peasants lent him money without a receipt, they trusted him so much. However, there was a peasant revolt. Now Yermil is in jail.

Obolt-Obolduev's story

Gavrila Obolt-Obolduev, one of the landowners, spoke about the fate of the nobles after They used to own a lot: serfs, villages, forests. Nobles could invite serfs to the house on holidays to pray. But after the master was no longer the full owner of the peasants. The wanderers knew perfectly well how difficult life was in the days of serfdom. But it is also not difficult for them to understand that it became much harder for the nobles after the abolition of serfdom. And the men are no longer easy. The wanderers understood that they would not be able to find a happy man among men. So they decided to go to the women.

Life of Matrena Korchagina

The peasants were told that in one village there lived a peasant woman named Matrena Timofeevna Korchagina, whom everyone called the lucky one. They found her, and Matrena told the peasants about her life. Nekrasov continues with this story "Who lives well in Rus'."

A brief summary of the life story of this woman is as follows. Her childhood was cloudless and happy. She had a working, non-drinking family. Mother cherished and cherished her daughter. When Matryona grew up, she became a beauty. A stove-maker from another village, Philip Korchagin, once wooed her. Matrena told how he persuaded her to marry him. This was the only bright memory of this woman in her entire life, who was hopeless and dreary, although her husband treated her well by peasant standards: he hardly beat her. However, he went to the city to work. Matryona lived in her father-in-law's house. Everyone treated her badly. The only one who was kind to the peasant woman was the very old grandfather Savely. He told her that for the murder of the manager he got to hard labor.

Soon Matryona gave birth to Demushka, a sweet and beautiful child. She could not part with him even for a minute. However, the woman had to work in the field, where her mother-in-law did not allow her to take the child. Grandfather Savely watched the baby. He once missed Demushka, and the child was eaten by pigs. They came from the city to sort it out, in front of the mother's eyes they opened the baby. This was a severe blow for Matryona.

Then five children were born to her, all boys. Matryona was a kind and caring mother. One day Fedot, one of the children, was tending sheep. One of them was carried away by a she-wolf. The shepherd was to blame for this, who should have been punished with whips. Then Matryona begged to be beaten instead of her son.

She also said that they once wanted to take her husband into the soldiers, although this was a violation of the law. Then Matrena went to the city, being pregnant. Here the woman met Elena Alexandrovna, a kind governor who helped her, and Matrena's husband was released.

The peasants considered Matryona a happy woman. However, after listening to her story, the men realized that she could not be called happy. There was too much suffering and trouble in her life. Matrena Timofeevna herself also says that a woman in Rus', especially a peasant woman, cannot be happy. Her lot is very hard.

Out of his mind landowner

The path to the Volga is held by wandering men. Here comes the mowing. People are busy with hard work. Suddenly, an amazing scene: the mowers are humiliated, pleasing the old master. It turned out that the landowner He could not understand what had already been canceled. Therefore, his relatives persuaded the peasants to behave as if it was still valid. They were promised for this. The men agreed, but were deceived once again. When the old master died, the heirs gave them nothing.

The Story of Jacob

Repeatedly on the way, wanderers listen to folk songs - hungry, soldier's and others, as well as various stories. They remembered, for example, the story of Jacob, the faithful serf. He always tried to please and appease the master, who humiliated and beat the serf. However, this led to the fact that Yakov loved him even more. The master's legs gave up in old age. Yakov continued to take care of him, as if he were his own child. But he didn't get any credit for it. Grisha, a young guy, Yakov's nephew, wanted to marry one beauty - a serf girl. Out of jealousy, the old master sent Grisha as a recruit. Jacob from this grief hit drunkenness, but then returned to the master and took revenge. He took him to the forest and hanged himself right in front of the master. Since his legs were paralyzed, he could not go anywhere. The master sat all night under Yakov's corpse.

Grigory Dobrosklonov - people's protector

This and other stories make men think that they will not be able to find happy people. However, they learn about Grigory Dobrosklonov, a seminarian. This is the son of a sexton, who has seen the suffering and hopeless life of the people since childhood. He made a choice in his early youth, decided that he would devote his strength to the struggle for the happiness of his people. Gregory is educated and smart. He understands that Rus' is strong and will cope with all troubles. In the future, Gregory will have a glorious path, the big name of the people's intercessor, "consumption and Siberia."

Men hear about this intercessor, but they still do not understand that such people can make others happy. This won't happen soon.

Heroes of the poem

Nekrasov depicted various segments of the population. Ordinary peasants become the main characters of the work. They were emancipated by the reform of 1861. But their life after the abolition of serfdom did not change much. The same hard work, hopeless life. After the reform, moreover, the peasants who had their own land found themselves in an even more difficult situation.

The characterization of the heroes of the work "To whom it is good to live in Rus'" can be supplemented by the fact that the author created surprisingly reliable images of peasants. Their characters are very accurate, although contradictory. Not only kindness, strength and integrity of character is in the Russian people. They retained at the genetic level obsequiousness, servility, readiness to submit to a despot and tyrant. The advent of Grigory Dobrosklonov, a new man, is a symbol of the fact that honest, noble, intelligent people appear among the downtrodden peasantry. May their fate be unenviable and difficult. Thanks to them, self-consciousness will arise in the peasant masses, and people will finally be able to fight for happiness. This is what the heroes and the author of the poem dream about. ON THE. Nekrasov ("Who Lives Well in Russia", "Russian Women", "Frost, and other works) is considered a truly folk poet, who was interested in the fate of the peasantry, its suffering, problems. The poet could not remain indifferent to his hard lot. The work of N. A. Nekrasov "Who in Russia is good to live" was written with such sympathy for the people, which makes even today to empathize with their fate at that difficult time.


In what year - count
In what land - guess
On the pillar path
Seven men came together:
Seven temporarily liable,
tightened province,
County Terpigorev,
empty parish,
From adjacent villages:
Zaplatova, Dyryavina,
Razutova, Znobishina,
Gorelova, Neelova -
Crop failure, too,
Agreed - and argued:
Who has fun
Feel free in Rus'?

Roman said: to the landowner,
Demyan said: to the official,
Luke said: ass.
Fat-bellied merchant! -
Gubin brothers said
Ivan and Mitrodor.
Old man Pahom pushed
And he said, looking at the ground:
noble boyar,
Minister of the State.
And Prov said: to the king...

Man what a bull: vtemyashitsya
In the head what a whim -
Stake her from there
You won’t knock out: they rest,
Everyone is on their own!
Is there such a dispute?
What do passers-by think?
To know that the children found the treasure
And they share...
To each his own
Left the house before noon:
That path led to the forge,
He went to the village of Ivankovo
Call Father Prokofy
Baptize the child.
Pahom honeycombs
Carried to the market in the Great,
And two brothers Gubina
So simple with a halter
Catching a stubborn horse
They went to their own herd.
It's high time for everyone
Return your way -
They are walking side by side!
They walk like they're running
Behind them are gray wolves,
What is farther is faster.
They go - perekorya!
They shout - they will not come to their senses!
And time does not wait.

They didn't notice the controversy
As the red sun set
How the evening came.
Probably b, whole night
So they went - where not knowing,
When they meet a woman,
Crooked Durandiha,
She did not shout: “Venerable!
Where are you looking at night
Have you thought about going?..”

Asked, laughed
Whipped, witch, gelding
And jumped off...

"Where? .." - looked at each other
Here are our men
They stand, they are silent, they look down...
The night has long gone
Frequent stars lit up
In high skies
The moon surfaced, the shadows are black
The road was cut
Zealous walkers.
Oh shadows! black shadows!
Who won't you chase?
Who won't you overtake?
Only you, black shadows,
Can't be caught!

To the forest, to the path
He looked, was silent Pahom,
I looked - I scattered my mind
And he said at last:

"Well! goblin glorious joke
He played a trick on us!
After all, we are without a little
Thirty miles away!
Home now toss and turn -
We're tired - we won't get there
Sit down, there's nothing to do
Let's rest until the sun! .. "

Having dumped the trouble on the devil,
Under the forest along the path
The men sat down.
They lit a fire, formed,
Two ran away for vodka,
And the rest for a while
The glass is made
I pulled the birch bark.
Vodka soon ripened
Ripe and snack -
The men are feasting!
Kosushki drank three,
Ate - and argued
Again: who has fun to live,
Feel free in Rus'?
Roman shouts: to the landowner,
Demyan shouts: to the official,
Luke yells: ass;
Fat-bellied merchant, -
The Gubin brothers are screaming,
Ivan and Mitrodor;
Pahom shouts: to the brightest
noble boyar,
Minister of the State,
And Prov shouts: to the king!
Taken more than ever
perky men,
Cursing swearing,
No wonder they get stuck
In each other's hair...

Look - they've got it!
Roman hits Pakhomushka,
Demyan hits Luka.
And two brothers Gubina
They iron Provo hefty -
And everyone screams!

A booming echo woke up
Went for a walk, a walk,
It went screaming, shouting,
As if to tease
Stubborn men.
King! - heard to the right
Left responds:
Butt! ass! ass!
The whole forest was in turmoil
With flying birds
By swift-footed beasts
And creeping reptiles, -
And a groan, and a roar, and a rumble!

First of all, a gray bunny
From a neighboring bush
Suddenly jumped out like a disheveled
And off he went!
Behind him are small jackdaws
At the top of the birches raised
Nasty, sharp squeak.
And here at the foam
With fright, a tiny chick
Fell from the nest;
Chirping, crying chiffchaff,
Where is the chick? - will not find!
Then the old cuckoo
I woke up and thought
Someone to cuckoo;
Taken ten times
Yes, it crashed every time
And started again...
Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo!
Bread will sting
You choke on an ear -
You won't poop!
Seven owls flocked,
Admire the carnage
From seven big trees
The night owls are crying!
And their eyes are yellow
They burn like burning wax
Fourteen candles!
And the raven, the smart bird,
Ripe, sitting on a tree
By the fire itself
Sitting and praying to hell
To be slammed to death
Cow with a bell
What has strayed since the evening
From the herd, I heard a little
human voices -
Came to the fire, tired
Eyes on men
I listened to crazy speeches
And began, my heart,
Moo, moo, moo!

Silly cow mooing
Small jackdaws squeak,
The boys are screaming,
And the echo echoes everything.
He has one concern -
To tease honest people
Scare guys and women!
Nobody saw him
And everyone has heard
Without a body - but it lives,
Screams without a tongue!

wide path,
lined with birches,
stretched far,
Sandy and deaf.
Along the side of the path
The hills are coming
With fields, hayfields,
And more often with inconvenience,
abandoned land;
There are old villages
There are new villages
By the rivers, by the ponds...
Forests, floodplain meadows,
Russian streams and rivers
Good in spring.
But you, spring fields!
On your seedlings are poor
It's not fun to watch!
"No wonder in the long winter
(Our wanderers interpret)
It snowed every day.
Spring has come - the snow has affected!
He is humble for the time being:
Flies - is silent, lies - is silent,
When he dies, then he roars.
Water - wherever you look!
The fields are completely flooded
To carry manure - there is no road,
And the time is not early -
The month of May is coming!
Dislike and old,
It hurts more than that for new
Trees for them to look at.
Oh, huts, new huts!
You are smart, let it build you
Not an extra penny
And the blood trouble! ..,

Wanderers met in the morning
More and more people are small:
His brother is a peasant-bast worker,
Artisans, beggars,
Soldiers, coachmen.
Beggars, soldiers
Strangers didn't ask
How are they - is it easy, is it difficult
Lives in Rus'?
Soldiers shave with an awl
The soldiers warm themselves with smoke, -
What happiness is here?

The day was already drawing to a close,
They go the way,
The pop is coming towards.
The peasants took off their hats,
bow low,
Lined up in a row
And gelding savrasoma
Blocked the way.
The priest raised his head
He looked and asked with his eyes:
What do they want?

“No way! we are not robbers!” -
Luka said to the priest.
(Luke is a squat man,
With a wide beard
Stubborn, verbose and stupid.
Luka looks like a mill:
One is not a bird mill,
What, no matter how it flaps its wings,
Probably won't fly.)

"We are men of power,
Of the temporary
tightened province,
County Terpigorev,
empty parish,
Roundabout villages:
Zaplatova, Dyryavina,
Razutova, Znobishina,
Gorelova, Neelova -
Crop failure too.
Let's go on something important:
We have a concern
Is it such a concern
What got out of the house
With work unfriended us,
Got off food.
You give us the right word
To our peasant speech
Without laughter and without cunning,
According to conscience, according to reason,
Answer truthfully
Not so with your care
We will go to another ... "

I give you the right word:
When you ask a thing
Without laughter and without cunning,
In truth and reason
How should you answer
Amen! .. -

"Thank you. Listen!
Walking the path,
We got together casually
They agreed and argued:
Who has fun
Feel free in Rus'?
Roman said: to the landowner,
Demyan said: to the official,
And I said: ass.
Fat-bellied merchant, -
Gubin brothers said
Ivan and Mitrodor.
Pahom said: to the brightest,
noble boyar,
Minister of the State,
And Prov said: to the king...
Man what a bull: vtemyashitsya
In the head what a whim -
Stake her from there
You won’t knock out: no matter how they argued,
We did not agree!
Argued - quarreled,
Quarreled - fought,
Podravshis - dressed up:
Don't go apart
Do not toss and turn in the houses,
Don't see your wives
Not with the little guys
Not with old old people,
As long as our dispute
We won't find a solution
Until we get it
Whatever it is - for sure:
Who wants to live happily
Feel free in Rus'?
Tell us in a divine way:
Is the priest's life sweet?
You are like - at ease, happily
Do you live, honest father? .. "

Downcast, thinking
Sitting in a cart, pop
And he said: - Orthodox!
It's a sin to grumble at God
Bear my cross with patience
I live ... but how? Listen!
I'll tell you the truth, the truth
And you are a peasant mind
Dare! -

What is happiness, in your opinion?
Peace, wealth, honor -
Isn't that right, dear ones?

They said yes...

Now let's see brothers
What is the ass peace of mind?
Start, confess, it would be necessary
Almost from birth
How to get a diploma
Popov's son
At what cost popovich
The priesthood is bought
Let's better shut up!
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Our roads are difficult
We have a large income.
Sick, dying
Born into the world
Do not choose time:
In stubble and haymaking,
In the dead of autumn night
In winter, in severe frosts,
And in the spring flood -
Go where you are called!
You go unconditionally.
And let only the bones
One broke,
No! every time it gets wet,
The soul will hurt.
Do not believe, Orthodox,
There is a limit to habit.
No heart to endure
Without some trepidation
death rattle,
grave sob,
Orphan sorrow!
Amen!.. Now think
What is the peace of the ass?..

The peasants thought little.
Letting the priest rest
They said with a bow:
"What else can you tell us?"

Now let's see brothers
What an honor to the priest!
A tricky task
Wouldn't it make you angry?

Say, Orthodox
Who do you call
A foal breed?
Chur! respond to demand!

The peasants hesitated
They are silent - and the pop is silent ...

Who are you afraid to meet?
Walking the way?
Chur! respond to demand!

They groan, shift,
- Who are you talking about?
You are fairy tales,
And obscene songs
And all the bullshit? ..

Mother will fall sedate,
Popov's innocent daughter
Seminarian of any -
How do you honor?
Who is after, like a gelding,
Shout: ho-ho-ho? ..

The kids got down
They are silent - and the pop is silent ...
The peasants thought
And pop with a big hat
Waving in my face
Yes, I looked at the sky.
In the spring, that the grandchildren are small,
With the ruddy sun-grandfather
Clouds are playing
Here is the right side
One continuous cloud
Covered - clouded
She fainted and cried:
Rows of gray threads
They hung to the ground.
And closer, above the peasants,
From small, torn,
Merry clouds
Laughing red sun
Like a girl from sheaves.
But the cloud has moved
Pop hat is covered -
Be heavy rain.
And the right side
Already bright and joyful
There the rain stops.
Not rain, there is a miracle of God:
There with golden threads
Skeins scattered...

“Not by themselves ... by parents
We are so ... ”- Gubin brothers
They finally said.
And the others agreed:
“Not by themselves, by their parents!”
And the priest said: - Amen!
Sorry Orthodox!
Not in condemnation of the neighbor,
And at your request
I told you the truth.
Such is the honor of the priest
in the peasantry. And the landowners...

“You are past them, the landowners!
We know them!"

Now let's see brothers
Otkudova wealth
Popovskoe is coming?..
During the near
Russian Empire
Noble estates
It was full.
And the landowners lived there,
eminent owners,
Which are no longer there!
Be fruitful and multiply
And they let us live.
What weddings were played there,
What babies were born
On free bread!
Though often cool,
However, well-meaning
Those were the gentlemen
The parish was not alienated:
They got married with us
Our children were baptized
They came to us to repent,
We buried them.
And if it happened
That the landowner lived in the city,
So probably die
He came to the village.
When he dies by accident
And then punish firmly
Bury in the parish.
You look to the rural temple
On the funeral chariot
In six horses heirs
The deceased is being transported -
The ass is a good amendment,
For the laity, a holiday is a holiday ...
And now it's not like that!
Like a Jewish tribe
The landowners scattered
Through a distant foreign land
And in native Rus'.
No more pride now
Lie in native possession
Next to fathers, with grandfathers,
And many possessions
They went to the barryshniks.
oh damn bones
Russian, nobility!
Where are you not buried?
What land are you not in?

Then an article ... schismatics ...
I'm not sinful, I didn't live
Nothing from the schismatics.
Luckily, there was no need
In my parish is
Living in Orthodoxy
two-thirds of the parishioners.
And there are such volosts
Where almost entirely schismatics,
So how to be an ass?
Everything in the world is changeable
The world itself will pass...
Laws, formerly strict
To the dissenters softened,[ ]
And with them and priestly
Income mat came.
The landlords moved
They don't live in estates.
And die of old age
They don't come to us anymore.
Wealthy landowners
devout old ladies,
who died out
who settled down
Close to monasteries.
Nobody is now a cassock
Don't give a pop!
No one will embroider the air ...
Live from the same peasants
Collect worldly hryvnias,
Yes pies on holidays
Yes eggs oh Saint.
The peasant himself needs
And I would be glad to give, but there is nothing ...

And that's not for everyone
And sweet peasant penny.
Our favors are meager,
Sands, swamps, mosses,
The cattle walks from hand to mouth,
Bread itself will be born,
And if it gets good
Cheese land-breadwinner,
So a new problem:
Nowhere to go with bread!
Lock in need, sell it
For a real trifle
And there - crop failure!
Then pay exorbitant prices
Sell ​​the cattle.
Pray Orthodox!
Great disaster threatens
And this year:
Winter was fierce
Spring is rainy
It would be necessary to sow for a long time,
And on the fields - water!
Have mercy, Lord!
Send a cool rainbow
To our heaven!
(Taking off his hat, the shepherd is baptized,
And listeners too.)
Our poor villages
And in them the peasants are sick
Yes, sad women
Nurses, drinkers,
Slaves, pilgrims
And eternal workers
Lord give them strength!
With such works pennies
Life is hard!
It happens to the sick
You will come: not dying,
Terrible peasant family
At the moment when she has to
Lose the breadwinner!
You admonish the deceased
And support in the rest
You try your best
The spirit is awake! And here to you
The old woman, the mother of the deceased,
Look, stretching with a bony,
Callused hand.
The soul will turn
How they tinkle in this hand
Two copper coins!
Of course, it's clean
For demanding retribution,
Do not take - so there is nothing to live,
Yes, a word of comfort
Freeze on the tongue
And as if offended
Go home... Amen...

Finished the speech - and the gelding
Pop lightly slapped.
The peasants parted
bow low,
The horse moved slowly.
And six comrades
As if they were talking
Attacked with reproaches
With selected big swearing
On poor Luke:
- What did you take? stubborn head!
Rustic club!
That's where the argument gets in! -
"Nobles bell -
Priests live like princes.
They go under the sky
Popov's tower,
The priest's patrimony is buzzing -
loud bells -
To the whole world of God.
Three years I, robots,
Lived with the priest in the workers,
Raspberry - not life!
Popova porridge - with butter,
Popov pie - with filling,
Priest cabbage soup - with smelt!
Popov's wife is fat,
Popov's daughter is white,
Popov's horse is fat,
Popov's bee is full,
How the bell tolls!
- Well, here's your praise
Pop's life!
Why was he yelling, swaggering?
Get into a fight, anathema?
Didn't you think to take
What is a beard with a shovel?
So with a goat beard
Walked the world before
than the forefather Adam,
And it's considered a fool
And now the goat! ..

Luke stood silent,
I was afraid they wouldn't slap
Comrades on the side.
It would be like this
Yes, fortunately for the peasant,
The road bent
The priest's face is strict
Appeared on the hill...

Pity the poor peasant
And more sorry for the cattle;
Feeding scarce supplies,
The owner of the twig
Chased her into the meadows
What is there to take? Chernekhonko!
Only on Nicholas of the spring
The weather turned up
Green fresh grass
The cattle enjoyed.

The day is hot. Under the birches
The peasants are making their way
They chat among themselves:
"We're going through one village,
Let's go another - empty!
And today is a holiday.
Where did the people disappear to? .. "
They go through the village - on the street
Some guys are small
In the houses - old women,
And even locked up
Castle gates.
The castle is a faithful dog:
Doesn't bark, doesn't bite
He won't let you in the house!
Passed the village, saw
Mirror in green frame
With the edges of a full pond.
Swallows soar over the pond;
Some mosquitoes
Agile and skinny
Hopping, as if on dry land,
They walk on the water.
Along the banks, in the broom,
Corncrakes hide.
On a long, rickety raft
With a roll, the priest is thick
It stands like a plucked haystack,
Tucking the hem.
On the same raft
Sleeping duck with ducklings...
Chu! horse snore!
The peasants looked at once
And they saw over the water
Two heads: male,
Curly and swarthy
With an earring (the sun blinked
On that white earring)
Another - horse
With a rope, fathoms at five.
The man takes the rope in his mouth,
The man swims - and the horse swims,
The man neighed, and the horse neighed.
Float, scream! Under the grandmother
Under the little ducks
The raft is moving.

I caught up with the horse - grab it by the withers!
I jumped up and went to the meadow
Child: the body is white,
And the neck is like pitch;
Water flows in streams
From horse and rider.

“And what do you have in the village
Neither old nor small
How did the whole nation die?
- They went to the village of Kuzminskoe,
Today there is a fair
And a temple feast. -
“How far is Kuzminskoe?”

Yes, there will be three miles.

"Let's go to the village of Kuzminskoye,
Let's watch the holiday-fair!
The men decided
And they thought to themselves:
Isn't that where he's hiding?
Who lives happily? .. "

Kuzminsky rich,
And what's more, it's dirty.
Trading village.
It stretches along the slope,
Then it descends into the ravine,
And there again on the hill -
How can there not be dirt here?
Two churches in it are old,
One old believer
Another Orthodox
House with the inscription: school,
Empty, packed tightly
Hut in one window
With the image of a paramedic,
There is a dirty hotel
Decorated with a sign
(With a big nosed teapot
Tray in the hands of the carrier,
And small cups
Like a goose with goslings,
That kettle is surrounded)
There are permanent shops
Like a county
Gostiny Dvor...!

Wanderers came to the square:
A lot of goods
And apparently invisible
To the people! Isn't it fun?
It seems that there is no way of the cross,
And, as if before the icons,
Men without hats.
Such a sidekick!
Look where they go
Peasant hats:
In addition to the wine warehouse,
Taverns, restaurants,
A dozen damask shops,
Three inns,
Yes, "Rensky cellar",
Yes, a couple of zucchini
Eleven zucchini
Set for the holiday
Village tents.
With each five trays;
Carriers - youngsters
Trained, poignant,
And they can't keep up with everything
Can't handle surrender!
Look what stretched out
Peasant hands with hats
With scarves, with mittens.
Oh, Orthodox thirst,
How big are you!
Just to douse the darling,
And there they will get hats,
How will the market go?

By drunken heads
The sun is playing...
Hmelly, loudly, festively,
Variegated, red all around!
The pants on the guys are plush,
striped vests,
Shirts of all colors;
The women are wearing red dresses,
The girls have braids with ribbons,
They float with winches!
And there are still tricks
Dressed in the capital -
And expands and pouts
Hem on hoops!
If you step in - they will undress!
At ease, new fashionistas,
You fishing tackle
Wear under skirts!
Looking at elegant women,
Furious Old Believer
Tovarke says:
"Be hungry! be hungry!
Marvel that the seedlings are wet,
What spring flood
Worth to Petrov!
Ever since the women started
Dress up in red chintzes, -
Forests do not rise
But at least not this bread!

Why are the chintzes red
Did you do something wrong here, mother?
I won't put my mind to it!

“And those French chintzes -
Painted with dog blood!
Well… understand now?…”

Wanderers went to the shops:
Love handkerchiefs,
Ivanovo chintz,
Harnesses, new shoes,
The product of the Kimryaks.
At that shoe store
The strangers laugh again:
Here are the goat's shoes
Grandfather traded for granddaughter
Asked about the price five times
He turned in his hands, looked around:
First class product!
"Well, uncle! Two kopecks
Pay, or get lost!" -
The merchant told him.
- And you wait! - Admire
An old man with a tiny boot
This is how he speaks:
- My son-in-law does not care, and my daughter will be silent
, Wife - do not care, let him grumble!
Sorry granddaughter! hung herself
On the neck, fidget:
"Buy a hotel, grandfather,
Buy it! - silk head
The face tickles, caresses,
Kisses the old man.
Wait, barefoot crawler!
Wait, yule! gantry
Buy boots...
Vavilushka boasted,
Both old and small
Promised gifts,
And he drank himself to a penny!
How I shameless eyes
Will I show my family?

My son-in-law does not care, and my daughter will be silent,
Wife - do not care, let him grumble!
And sorry for the granddaughter! .. - Went again
About granddaughter! Killed!..
The people gathered, listening,
Do not laugh, pity;
Happen, work, bread
He would have been helped
And take out two two-kopeck pieces,
So you will be left with nothing.
Yes, there was a man
Pavlusha Veretennikov.
(What kind of title,
The men did not know
However, they were called "master".
He was much more of a baluster,
He wore a red shirt
Cloth undershirt,
Lubricated boots;
He sang Russian songs smoothly
And I loved listening to them.
It was taken down by many
In the inns,
In taverns, in taverns.)
So he rescued Vavila -
I bought him shoes.
Vavilo grabbed them
And he was! - For joy
Thanks even to the bar
Forgot to say old man
But other peasants
So they were disappointed
So happy, like everyone
He gave the ruble!
There was also a shop
With pictures and books
Ofeny stocked up
With your goods in it.
"Do you need generals?" -
The merchant-burner asked them.
- And give the generals!
Yes, only you in conscience,
To be real -
Thicker, more ominous.

“Wonderful! how you look! -
The merchant said with a smile. -
It's not about the complexion ... "
- And in what? kidding, friend!
Rubbish, or what, it is desirable to sell?
Where are we going with her?
You're naughty! Before the peasant
All generals are equal
Like cones on a fir tree:
To sell the shabby one,
You need to get to the dock
And fat and formidable
I'll give it to everyone...
Come on big, portly,
Chest uphill, bulging eyes,
Yes, more stars!

“But you don’t want civilians?”
- Well, here's another with civilians! -
(However, they took it - cheap! -
some dignitary
For the belly with a barrel of wine
And for seventeen stars.)
Merchant - with all due respect,
Whatever, that will regale
(From Lubyanka - the first thief!) -
Dropped a hundred Blucher,
Archimandrite Photius,
Robber Sipko,
Sold the book: "Jester Balakirev"
And the "English milord" ...

Put in a box of books
Let's go for a walk portraits
By the kingdom of all Russia,
Until they settle down
In a peasant's summer goreka,
On a low wall...
God knows what for!

Eh! eh! will the time come
When (come, welcome! ..)
Let the peasant understand
What is a portrait of a portrait,
What is a book a book?
When a man is not Blucher
And not my lord stupid -
Belinsky and Gogol
Will you carry it from the market?
Oh people, Russian people!
Orthodox peasants!
Have you ever heard
Are you these names?
Those are great names
Worn them, glorified
Protectors of the people!
Here you would have their portraits
Hang in your boots,
Read their books...

“And I would be glad to heaven, but where is the door?” -
Such speech breaks
In the shop unexpectedly.
- Which door do you want? -
“Yes, to the booth. Chu! music!.."
- Come on, I'll show you!

Hearing about the farce
Come and our wanderers
Listen, stare.
Comedy with Petrushka,
With a goat with a drummer
And not with a simple hurdy-gurdy,
And with real music
They looked here.
Comedy is not smart
However, not stupid
Wishful, quarterly
Not in the eyebrow, but right in the eye!
The hut is full-full,
People crack nuts
And then two or three peasants
Spread a word -
Look, vodka has appeared:
Look and drink!
Laugh, comfort
And often in a speech to Petrushkin
Insert a well-aimed word
What you can't imagine
At least swallow a pen!

There are such lovers -
How does the comedy end?
They will go for screens,
Kissing, fraternizing
Chatting with musicians:
"From where, well done?"
- And we were gentlemen,
Played for the landowner
Now we are free people
Who will bring, treat,
He is our master!

“And the thing, dear friends,
Pretty bar you amused,
Cheer up the men!
Hey! small! sweet vodka!
Pouring! tea! half a beer!
Tsimlyansky - live! .. "

And the flooded sea
It will go, more generous than the master's
The kids will be fed.

He winds blow violent,
Not mother earth sways -
Noise, sing, swear,
sways, rolls,
Fighting and kissing
Holiday people!
The peasants seemed
How did you get to the hillock,
That the whole village is shaking
That even the old church
With a tall bell tower
It shook once or twice! -
Here sober, that naked,
Embarrassing... Our wanderers
Walked across the square
And left in the evening
Busy village...

"Step aside, people!"
(Excise officials
With bells, with plaques
They swept from the market.)

“And I’m to that now:
And the broom is rubbish, Ivan Ilyich,
And walk on the floor
Wherever it sprays!

"God forbid, Parashenka,
You don't go to St. Petersburg!
There are such officials
You are their cook for a day,
And their night is sudarkoy -
So don't care!"

"Where are you jumping, Savvushka?"
(The priest shouts to the sotsky
On horseback, with a government badge.)
- I jump to Kuzminskoye
Behind the station. Opportunity:
There ahead of the peasant
Killed ... - "Eh! ., sins! .."

“You have become thin, Daryushka!”
- Not a spindle, friend!
That's what spins more
It's getting fatter
And I'm like a day-to-day ...

"Hey boy, stupid boy,
tattered, lousy,
Hey love me!
Me, simple-haired,
A drunken woman, an old one,
Zaaa-paaaa-chkanny! .. "

Our peasants are sober,
Looking, listening
They go their own way.

In the very middle of the path
Some guy is quiet
Dug a big hole.
"What are you doing here?"
- And I'm burying my mother! -
"Fool! what a mother!
Look: a new undershirt
You dug into the ground!
Hurry up and grunt
Lie down in the ditch, drink water!
Perhaps the foolishness will jump off!

"Well, let's stretch!"

Two peasants sit down
Legs rest,
And live, and grieve,
Grunt - stretch on a rolling pin,
Joints are cracking!
Didn't like it on the rock
"Now let's try
Stretch your beard!"
When the order of the beard
Reduced each other
Grabbed cheekbones!
They puff, blush, writhe,
They moo, they squeal, but they stretch!
"Yes, you damned ones!"
Don't spill water!

In the ditch the women quarrel,
One shouts: "Go home
More sickening than hard labor!”
Another: - You're lying, in my house
Better than yours!
My elder brother-in-law broke a rib,
The middle son-in-law stole the ball,
A ball of spit, but the fact is -
Fifty dollars was wrapped in it,
And the younger son-in-law takes everything,
Look at him, he will kill him, he will kill him! ..

“Well, full, full, dear!
Well, don't be angry! - behind the roller
In the distance, one hears
I'm fine...let's go!"
Such a bad night!
Is it right, is it left
Look from the road:
Couples go together
Isn't it right to that grove?
That grove attracts everyone,
In that grove vociferous
Nightingales sing...

The road is crowded
What later is uglier:
More and more often come across
Beaten, crawling
Lying in a layer.
Without swearing, as usual,
Word won't be spoken
Crazy, indecent,
She is the most heard!
The taverns are confused
The leads got mixed up
Frightened horses
They run without riders;
Little children are crying here
Wives and mothers yearn:
Is it easy to drink
Call the men?

At the road post
A familiar voice is heard
Our wanderers are coming
And they see: Veretennikov
(That the goat's shoes
Vavila gave)
Talks with peasants.
Peasants open up
Milyaga likes:
Pavel will praise the song -
They will sing five times, write it down!
Like the proverb -
Write a proverb!
Having recorded enough
Veretennikov told them:
"Smart Russian peasants,
One is not good
What they drink to stupefaction
Falling into ditches, into ditches -
It's a shame to look!"

The peasants listened to that speech,
They agreed with the barin.
Pavlusha something in a book
I wanted to write
Yes, the drunk turned up
Man - he is against the master
Lying on his stomach
looked into his eyes,
Was silent - but suddenly
How to jump! Directly to the barin -
Grab the pencil!
- Wait, empty head!
Crazy news, shameless
Don't talk about us!
What did you envy!
What is the fun of the poor
Peasant soul?
We drink a lot in time
And we work more
We see a lot of drunks
And more sober us.
Did you visit the villages?
Take a bucket of vodka
Let's go to the huts:
In one, in the other they will pile up,
And in the third they will not touch -
We have a drinking family
Non-drinking family!
They don’t drink, but they also toil,
It would be better to drink, stupid,
Yes, conscience is...
It's wonderful to watch how it falls
In such a hut sober
Man's trouble -
And I would not have looked! .. I saw
Russians in the village suffering?
In the pub, what, people?
We have vast fields
And not much generous
Tell me, whose hand
In the spring they will dress
Will they undress in the fall?
Did you meet a man
After work in the evening?
Good mountain on the reaper
Put, ate from a pea:
"Hey! hero! straw
I'll knock you off!"

The peasants noticed
What is not offensive to the master
Yakimov's words
And they agreed
With Yakim: - The word is true:
We need to drink!
We drink - it means we feel the power!
Great sadness will come
How to stop drinking!
Work would not fail
Trouble would not prevail
Hops will not overcome us!
Is not it?

"Yes, God is merciful!"

Well, have a drink with us!

We got vodka and drank.
Yakim Veretennikov
He raised two scales.

Hey sir! didn't get angry
Smart head!
(Yakim told him.)
Reasonable little head
How not to understand the peasant?
And pigs walk on earth -
They do not see the sky for centuries! ..

Suddenly the song burst out in chorus
Deleted, consonant:
A dozen or three youngsters
Khmelnenki, not falling down,
They walk side by side, they sing,
They sing about Mother Volga,
About the prowess of the youth,
About girlish beauty.
The whole road was quiet
That one song is foldable
Wide, freely rolling,
As rye spreads under the wind,
According to the heart of the peasant
Goes with fire-longing! ..
To the song of that remote
Thinking, crying
Youth alone:
“My age is like a day without the sun,
My age is like a night without a month,
And I, baby,
What a greyhound horse on a leash,
What is a swallow without wings!
My old husband, jealous husband,
Drunk drunk, snoring snoring,
Me, baby,
And sleepy guards!
So the young woman cried
Yes, she suddenly jumped off the cart!
"Where?" - shouts the jealous husband,
I got up - and a woman for a braid,
Like a radish for a tuft!

Oh! night, night drunk!
Not bright, but stellar
Not hot, but with affectionate
Spring breeze!
And our good fellows
You didn't pass for nothing!
They were sad for their wives,
It's true: with his wife
Now it would be more fun!
Ivan shouts: "I want to sleep,"
And Maryushka: - And I'm with you! -
Ivan shouts: "The bed is narrow,"
And Maryushka: - Let's settle down! -
Ivan shouts: "Oh, it's cold,"
And Maryushka: - Let's get warm! -
How do you remember that song?
Without a word - agreed
Try your chest.

One, why God knows
Between field and road
The dense linden has grown.
Wanderers sat under it
And they said carefully:
"Hey! self-assembled tablecloth,
Treat the men!”

And the tablecloth unrolled
Where did they come from
Two hefty hands:
A bucket of wine was placed
Bread was laid on a mountain
And they hid again.

The peasants fortified themselves
A novel for a sentry
Left by the bucket
Others intervened
In the crowd - look for a happy one:
They strongly wanted
Get home soon...


In a fairy-tale form, the author depicts a dispute between seven peasants about "who lives happily, freely in Rus'." The dispute turns into a fight, then the peasants reconcile and decide among themselves to ask the tsar, the merchant and the priest who is happier, without receiving an answer, they go across Russian land in search of the lucky one.

Chapter I

The first peasants meet a priest who assures them that "priestly life" is very difficult. He says that peasants and landowners are equally poor and have ceased to carry money to church. The peasants sincerely sympathize with the priest.

Chapter II

Many interesting faces are drawn by the author in this chapter, where he depicts a fair, where seven peasants came in search of the happy ones. The attention of the peasants is attracted by bargaining in pictures: here the author expresses the hope that sooner or later the time will come when the peasant "will not carry my lord stupid - Belinsky and Gogol from the market."

Chapter III

After the fair, festivities begin, the “bad night”. Many peasants get drunk, except for seven travelers and a certain gentleman who writes down folk songs and his observations of peasant life in a book, the author himself probably embodied in this image in the poem. One of the peasants - Yakim Nagoi - blames the master, does not order to portray Russian people as drunkards without exception. Yakim claims that in Rus' there is a non-drinking family for one drinker, but it is easier for those who drink, since all workers suffer equally from life. Both in work and in revelry, the Russian peasant loves scope, he cannot live without it. The seven wayfarers already wanted to go home, and they decided to look for the lucky one in the big crowd.

Chapter VI

Travelers began to invite other peasants to a bucket of vodka, promising a treat to the one who would prove that he was happy. There are a lot of “lucky ones”: the soldier is glad that he survived both foreign bullets and Russian sticks; the young stonecutter boasts of strength; the old stone-notes is happy that the sick man managed to get from St. Petersburg to his native village and did not die on the way; the bear hunter is glad to be alive. When the bucket was empty, "did our wanderers realize that they were wasting vodka for nothing." Someone suggested that Ermil Girin should be recognized as happy. He is happy with his own truthfulness and people's love. More than once he helped people, and people repaid him with kindness when they helped buy a mill that a clever merchant wanted to intercept. But, as it turned out, Yermil is in jail: apparently, he suffered for his truth.

Chapter V

The next person the seven peasants met was the landowner Gavrilo Afanasyevich. He assures them that his life is not easy either. Under serfdom, he was the sovereign owner of rich possessions, "loving" he inflicted judgment and reprisal on the peasants here. After the abolition of the "fortress", order disappeared and the manor estates fell into disrepair. The landowners lost their former income. "Idle hacks" tell the landowners to study and work, but this is impossible, since the nobleman was created for another life - "smoke the heavens of God" and "litter the people's treasury", since this allows him to be noble: among the ancestors of Gavrila Afanasyevich there was also a leader with a bear Obolduev, and Prince Shchepin, who tried to set fire to Moscow for the sake of robbery. The landlord ends his speech with a sob, and the peasants were ready to cry with him, but then changed their minds.


The wanderers end up in the village of Vakhlaki, where they see strange orders: the local peasants, of their own free will, became "non-humans with God" - they retained their serfdom from the wild landowner who had survived the mind of Prince Utyatin. Travelers begin to ask one of the locals - Vlas, where such orders come from in the village.

The extravagant Utyatin could not believe in the abolition of serfdom, so that “arrogance cut him off”: the prince had a blow from anger. The heirs of the prince, whom he blamed for the loss of the peasants, were afraid that the old man would deprive them of their property before his imminent death. Then they persuaded the men to play the role of serfs, promising to give up the floodplain meadows. The Wahlaks agreed, partly because they were accustomed to the life of a slave and even found pleasure in it.

Wanderers become witnesses of how the local steward praises the prince, how the villagers pray for the health of Utyatin and sincerely cry with joy that they have such a benefactor. Suddenly, the prince had a second blow, and the old man died. Since then, the peasants have really lost their peace: between the Vakhlaks and the heirs, an endless dispute has gone on for flood meadows.

Feast - for the whole world


The author describes a banquet hosted by one of the Vakhlaks, the restless Klim Yakovlevich, on the occasion of the death of Prince Utyatin. Travelers, along with Vlas, joined the feasting. Seven wanderers are interested in listening to Vahlat songs.

The author translates many folk songs into literary language. First, he cites "bitter", that is, sad, about peasant grief, about poor life. Lamentation opens bitter songs with an ironic saying “It is glorious for the people to live in Holy Rus'!” The subchapter concludes with a song about “the serf of the exemplary Jacob the faithful”, who punished his master for bullying. The author summarizes that the people are able to stand up for themselves and inflame the landowners.

At the feast, travelers learn about pilgrims who feed on the fact that they hang on the people's neck. These loafers take advantage of the credulity of the peasant, over whom they are not averse to rising above the opportunity. But there were also those among them who faithfully served the people: he treated the sick, helped bury the dead, fought for justice.

The peasants at the feast are discussing whose sin is greater - the landowner's or the peasant's. Ignatius Prokhorov claims that the peasant one is bigger. As an example, he cites a song about a widower admiral. Before his death, the admiral ordered the headman to release all the peasants, but the headman did not fulfill the last will of the dying man. That is the great sin of the Russian muzhik, that he can sell his muzhik brother for a pretty penny. Everyone agreed that this is a great sin, and for this sin all the peasants in Rus' are forever in slavery.

By morning the feast was over. One of the Vakhlaks composes a cheerful song, in which he puts his hope for a brighter future. In this song, the author describes Russia "wretched and plentiful" as a country where the great power of the people lives. The poet foresees that the time will come and the "hidden spark" will flare up:

The army rises Innumerable! The power in it will be indestructible!

These are the words of Grishka, the only lucky man in the poem.

peasant woman


The wanderers thought that they should abandon the search for happy men among the men, and it would be better to check the women. Right on the way, the peasants have an abandoned estate. The author draws a depressing picture of the desolation of the once rich economy, which turned out to be unnecessary for the master and which the peasants themselves cannot manage. Here they were advised to look for Matrena Timofeevna, "she is the governor's wife," whom everyone considers happy. Travelers met her in a crowd of reapers and persuaded her to talk about her, woman's "happiness".

Chapter I

The woman admits that she was happy as a girl while her parents cherished her. For parental affection and all the chores around the house seemed easy fun: the girl sang for yarn until midnight, danced while working in the field. But then she found a betrothed - a stove-maker Philip Korchagin. Matryona got married, and her life changed dramatically.

Chapter II

The author sprinkles his story with folk songs in his own literary adaptation. These songs sing about the difficult fate of a married woman who ended up in someone else's family, about the bullying of her husband's relatives. Matryona found support only from grandfather Savely.

Chapter III

In the native family, grandfather was disliked, "stigmatized as a convict." At first, Matryona was afraid of him, frightened by his terrible, “bearish” appearance, but soon she saw in him a kind, warm-hearted person and began to ask for advice in everything. Once Savely told Matryona his story. This Russian hero ended up in hard labor for killing a German steward who mocked the peasants.

Chapter IV

A peasant woman talks about her great grief: how, through the fault of her mother-in-law, she lost her beloved son Dyomushka. The mother-in-law insisted that Matryona not take the child with her to the harvest. The daughter-in-law obeyed and with a heavy heart left the boy with Savely. The old man did not keep track of the baby, and the pigs ate him. The “chief” arrived and carried out an investigation. Having not received a bribe, he ordered the child to be autopsied in front of his mother, suspecting her of “conspiracy” with Savely.

Chapter Vmaterial from the site

The woman was ready to hate the old man, but then she recovered. And the grandfather, out of remorse, went into the woods. Ma-trena met him four years later at the grave of Dyomushka, where she came to mourn a new grief - the death of her parents. The peasant woman again brought the old man into the house, but Savely soon died, continuing to joke and instruct people until his death. Years passed, other children grew up with Matryona. The peasant woman fought for them, wished them happiness, was ready to please her father-in-law and mother-in-law, if only the children lived well. The father-in-law gave his son Fedot eight years as a shepherd, and trouble happened. Fedot chased after a she-wolf who stole a sheep, and then took pity on her, as she was feeding her cubs. The headman decided to punish the boy, but the mother stood up and accepted the punishment for her son. She herself was like a she-wolf, ready to lay down her life for her children.

Chapter VI

The “year of the comet” has come, foreshadowing crop failure. The bad premonitions came true: "the lack of bread has come." The peasants, maddened by hunger, were ready to kill each other. The trouble does not come alone: ​​the husband-breadwinner "by deceit, not in a divine way" was shaved into soldiers. The male relatives, more than ever, began to mock Matryona, who at that time was pregnant with Liodorushka, and the peasant woman decided to go to the governor for help.

Chapter VII

Secretly, the peasant woman left her husband's house and went to the city. Here she managed to meet with the governor Elena Alexandrovna, to whom she turned with her request. In the governor's house, the peasant woman resolved herself with Lio-dorushka, and Elena Alexandrovna baptized the baby and insisted that her husband rescue Philip from recruitment.

Chapter VIII

Since then, in the village, Matrena has been denounced as a lucky woman and even nicknamed the "governor's wife." The peasant woman ends the story with a reproach that the travelers did not start a business - “to look for a happy one between the women.” God's companions are trying to find the keys to women's happiness, but they are lost somewhere far away, maybe swallowed by some fish: “In what seas that fish walks - God forgot! ..”

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On this page, material on the topics:

  • to whom in Rus' to live well last brief retelling
  • summary of the last Nekrasov
  • a summary of the poem to whom in Rus' to live well
  • to whom in Rus' to live well last summary
  • Nekrasov head last summary

One of the most famous works of the Russian poet Nikolai Nekrasov is the poem "Who Lives Well in Rus'". The summary of this work will help you thoroughly study it, learn in detail the history of the journey of seven peasants across the country in search of a truly happy person. The events in the poem unfold shortly after the historic abolition of serfdom, which took place in 1861.

The plot of the story

The poem "To whom it is good to live in Rus'", a summary of which is given in this article, begins with the fact that seven men meet on a high road. All of them were still serfs quite recently, and now they are temporarily liable, living in neighboring villages with speaking and frankly depressing names - Dyryavina, Zaplatova, Gorelova, Razutova, Neyolova, Znobishina and Neurozhayka.

A dispute arises between them, who is having fun and at ease today in Rus'. Each of them has its own version. Someone believes that the landowner lives well, also among the versions are an official, a priest, a sovereign minister, a boyar, a merchant and the tsar himself.

You will find out how this dispute will end from Nekrasov's poem "Who Lives Well in Rus'". You can get acquainted with it very briefly if you read this article. While talking, the men do not notice that they have made a detour of as much as 30 miles, realizing that it is too late to return home today, they make a fire, pour vodka and continue to argue. Gradually, the dispute develops into a fight, but even after it it is not possible to decide who is right.

The decision comes unexpectedly. One of the disputants named Pahom gets a chiffchaff chick to free it, the bird tells the peasants where to find a self-assembled tablecloth. So all the participants in the dispute are provided with bread, vodka and all other food necessary for the journey. Then they decide for themselves to find out who in Rus' has a good life. The summary of this work will help you quickly recall the main episodes if you read the work itself for a long time or decided to get acquainted with it in a truncated version.


The first person they meet is a pop. His men begin to wonder if he is doing well. He reasonably answers that happiness is in wealth, peace and honor. He himself does not possess any of these benefits.

In the poem "To whom it is good to live in Rus'", a summary of which will help you prepare for an exam or test, the pop describes his unenviable fate. In any weather, he is forced to go where people get sick, are born or die. His soul is torn from the sadness of orphans, sobbing over the coffin, so he does not always dare to take money for his work.

You can't count on more. The landowners who used to live in family estates, lived in them all year round, got married and baptized children, are now scattered throughout the country, and someone has gone abroad, so you can’t count on retribution from them.

Well, the fact that few people respect the priest, the men themselves know, he sums up. As a result, the heroes of the poem "To whom it is good to live in Rus'" (a summary of the chapters will help to better understand this work) even becomes uncomfortable when the clergyman begins to recall the insults and obscene songs that are regularly heard against him.

country fair

As a result, the heroes of the poem "Who Lives Well in Rus'", a brief summary of which is now before you, end up at a rural fair in the village of Kuzminskoye. There they begin to question the people about true happiness.

The village is rich but dirty. It has a paramedic's hut, a rickety house that once had a "school", an untidy hotel, and many drinking establishments.

They meet the old man Vavila, who cannot buy shoes for his granddaughter, because he drank everything. He is saved by Pavlusha Veretennikov, whom everyone around for some reason calls "master", he buys a present for the old man.

The heroes are watching the farce Petrushka, trying to figure out where it is good to live in Rus'. A summary of the poem will help to better consider the author's intention. They see that every trading day ends with drinking and fighting. At the same time, they do not agree with Pavlusha, who proposes to measure the peasant by the masters. The peasants themselves are sure that it is impossible for a sober person to live in Rus'. In this case, there is no way to endure either the muzhik's misfortune or overwork.

Yakim Nagoi

These statements are confirmed by Yakim Nagoi, who came from the village of Bosovo, who, as everyone around says, "works to death, drinks half to death." At the same time, during a fire, he himself saves not the accumulated money, but his favorite pictures, which are completely useless. He believes that when drunkenness ends in Rus', great sadness will come.

Wanderers are trying to continue to find where in Rus' to live well. The summary details their attempts. They promise to give water to the lucky ones, but there are none. It turns out that for a free drink, both the yard, paralyzed, and the ragged beggar are ready to declare themselves happy.

Ermil Girin

Finally, the heroes learn the story of Ermil Girin. It tells about the steward, who is known in the district for his honesty and justice in the poem "Who Lives Well in Rus'" by Nekrasov. A summary of the chapters gives a complete picture of the work. For example, the peasants lent him money when he needed to buy a mill, without even requiring a receipt. But even now he is unhappy, as he ended up in prison after a peasant revolt.

The poem tells in detail about the nobles, many of whom were unhappy after the peasants received their freedom. A 60-year-old landowner named Gavrila Obolt-Obolduev says that before the master was happy with everything: fields, forests, serf actors, hunters, musicians, they all belonged to him, he himself was kind to them.

The peasants themselves understand that serfdom was far from the idyll painted by Obolduev, but they understand that the abolition of serfdom hit both the master, who had lost his usual way of life, and the peasants.

Russian women

Disappointed to find happy men among men, the heroes begin to ask women who and why live well in Rus'. This episode is also summarized. One of the wanderers recalls that Matryona Korchagina lives in the village of Klin. Everyone around her considers her lucky. But she herself does not think so, telling the story of her life.

She was born into a wealthy and teetotal peasant family. Her husband was a stove-maker from the neighboring village Philip Korchagin. But only the night when her future husband persuaded her to marry him was happy for her. After that, the monotonous life of a Russian woman in the village began.

At the same time, she admits that her husband loved her, beat her only once, but soon left for St. Petersburg to work. Matryona had to get along in her father-in-law's family. She was only sorry for her grandfather Savely, who returned after hard labor, which he got into because of the murder of a manager from Germany, whom everyone hated.

Birth of the first child

Soon Matryona had her first child, who was named Demushka. But the mother-in-law did not allow to take the child with her into the field, and old Savely did not watch over him, and the pigs ate him. In front of the mother, the judges, who came from the city, performed an autopsy. After her five sons were born, but she never forgot her first child.

A lot of suffering fell on her lot. One of her sons, Fedot, overlooked the sheep and one was dragged away by a she-wolf to protect him, Matryona took the punishment upon herself. Being pregnant with Liodor, she had to go to the city to seek justice when her husband was illegally taken into the soldiers. Then the governor's wife helped her, for whom everyone in the family now prays.

On the Volga

On the great Russian river, wanderers find themselves in the midst of haymaking. Here they become witnesses of another strange scene. A noble family is sailing to the shore in several boats. The mowers, who have just sat down to rest, jump up to demonstrate their zeal to the master.

These are peasants from the village of Vakhlachin, who in every possible way help the heirs to hide the abolition of serfdom from the landowner Utyatin, finally His relatives in exchange for this service promised floodplain meadows to the peasants. But when the old landowner still dies, the heirs do not keep their word, it turns out that the whole performance that the peasants staged was in vain.

Peasant songs

The main characters of the poem "Who Lives Well in Rus'" listen to various peasant songs near this village. A summary of the chapters will allow you to know what this work is about without even reading it. Among them are soldiers, corvee, salty, hungry. All these are stories from the times of serfdom.

One of them is dedicated to an exemplary and honest serf named Yakov. His only joy in life was to please his master. It was a small landowner Polivanov. He was a tyrant, in gratitude for his devotion and faithful service, he knocked out Yakov's teeth with his heel, causing even greater love in the lackey's soul.

In old age, the landlord lost his legs, then Yakov began to walk after him and take care of him like a child. But when the peasant's nephew decided to marry a local beauty named Arisha, Polivanov himself wants this girl and sends the guy to recruits. At first Yakov took to drink, but soon returned to his master again. In the end, he got his revenge on Polivanov in the only way a lackey like him could get his hands on. Yakov brought the master into the forest and hanged himself on a pine tree right in front of his master. Polivanov had to spend the whole night over the corpse of his servant, driving away wolves, birds and other animals.

Great sinners

Another story told about sinners. It is told by her divine wanderer named Iona Lyapushkin to the heroes of Nekrasov's poem "Who Lives Well in Rus'". A summary of this story is also given in this article.

Once the Lord awakened the conscience of the leader of the robbers Kudeyar. He was forced to atone for his sins for a long time, but received absolution only when he killed the cruel Pan Glukhovsky.

Another sinner is Gleb the elder. For a monetary reward, he hid the will of a widower admiral who, after his death, ordered the release of the peasants who belonged to him, but because of Gleb, no one knew about this for a long time.

Grisha Dobrosklonov

In addition to the peasants who want to find out who lives happily in Rus', the son of the local clerk Grisha Dobrosklonov, a seminarian, also thinks about the people's happiness. He loves his dead mother, this love merges with love for the whole Vahlachina.

At the age of 15, Grisha already knows for sure whom he is ready to die for, in whose hands he is ready to entrust his life. He reflects on the immense mysterious Rus', thinking of her as a mighty, powerless mother, expecting that the strength that he increasingly feels inside himself will still be felt in her.

Grisha Dobrosklonov is strong in spirit. Fate prepared for him the path of a people's intercessor, as well as Siberia and consumption.

The men do not know what is happening in the soul of this hero, otherwise they would surely have understood that they could return home, they learned everything that was necessary.


In what year - count

In what land - guess

On the pillar path

Seven men got together...

Seven not at all attached,

In that area abandoned,

Long Abandoned District,

Villages of Nepahano,

From adjacent villages:

Likvidovo, Banditovo,

Driven, Driven,

Kidalovo, Brosalovo,

Omitted too.

They agreed, as of old, - they argued ... -

From the older generation

That one, the Soviet one,

Although from the countryside, -

It has been read...

Read and Nekrasov

Light Nikolay Lyakseecha...

And, as they agreed, they argued

At least take out the saints:

Who has fun

Feel free in Rus'?

Roman said: to the farmer,

Now he is for the landowner ...

Yes, to the Duma deputy, -

Demyan said without hesitation,

Luke said - ass,

No, the stupid manager! -

Gubin brothers said

Ivan and Mitrodor.

Well, Pakhom strained

In a tablet beaten looking:

Yes to the fat oligarch

to the lop-eared minister,

Mahmoud said: to the king!

To each his own

The lanes are wandering around:

He went to the car service

Get the piston for the tractor,

And he walked to the track

So that his ancient "Niva"

Already the second day stalled

Taken in tow.

And the third with linden honey

To the gypsy dealer

And two brothers Gubina

In Kidalovo coven,

Pahom - so homeless ...

Mahmoud - he is a clear matter:

Got away from friends

Uzbek countrymen,

Found a Russian wife

And quickly became obsessed

And beget children...

They go to be bold,

Yell - do not calm down,

Like on TV

Gathered on the talk show...

They didn't notice the controversy

How the dark night fell

Still dew combustible,

Yes, the knocker knocked ...

But experienced men

Don't lose heart, dear

They lit a fire, formed,

Two ran for vodka ...

No ent pokedov

You can't, don't ask...

Ate and ate

They drank - but argued:

Who has fun

Feel free in Rus'!

Roman yells that the farmer -

Now he is for the landowner!

Yes, to the Duma deputy, -

Demyan screams without rest,

Luke is buzzing - ass,

No, stupid manager! -

The Gubin brothers got stuck,

Ivan and Mitrodor.

Well, Pahom is swaggering,

The tablet is no longer looking:

Yes to the fat oligarch

to the lop-eared minister,

Mahmud yells: to the king!

And the night, the terrible night,

At least gouge out the last eye -

Grabbed in hand-to-hand -

The dark forest hummed!

And no, in a warm office

Sitting at the computer

And Google quietly rummaged

And everything was calmly found out:

Who has fun

Feel free in Rus'?

But since antiquity it has been verified

Grandfathers established -

Plenty of cones stuffed! -

What is the truth-womb clean

The Internet doesn't!

It could, of course,

On-line catch and farmer

And to the Duma deputy

Write in email

And to the fat manager

Go to the site with a question

Ass in contact to calculate

And even in the oligarch

With clever hackers

Organize a ministerial...

But there's no chance here

What can unsubscribe!

King? At the press conference

For all Rus' it is allowed

Ask your questions...

And we are silent about the answer!

Having waved at a difficult matter,

To this virtual

Not at all masculine

Men decided:

As it used to be in the old days

Walk, take a walk

Where by hitchhiking, by train,

And where is the peshkodalchik

For Mother Rus'!

And the tablecloth is samobranochka ...

As in a fairy tale - we do not need!

What kind of fairy tales...

Until fairy tales now ...

You go from mountain to hill -

You will find both a house and a crust,

And drinks and snacks

And this is my God!

alcohol, solvents,

various dyes,

rocket launchers,

Where's the cologne...

And how is it, at Nekrasov's

Everything is beautifully painted

Painted, painted:

What, they say, a pood of bread,

Yes, a bucket of vodka

Yes, in the morning - cucumbers,

Yes, at noon would be on a jug

cold kvass,

And in the evening by the teapot,

Such as Sukhov's ...

Reading - drooling -

Pour and serve:

Oh what fun it was

Feel free in Rus'!

That life was a collective farm,

That life was Soviet,

Soviet "stagnant" -

With wide feasts -

Here are self-assemblies of the century!

You a hole from the lamb -

We wound up self-made

They stole ... the land was sold

And they rented it out!

They fought with the urks,

Then the Chinese with the Turks

Not rye will be sown with buckwheat

(And there's nothing to eat here...)

And not oats with wheat,

And rice with beans, yes with soy,

Or maybe hemp...

And then on arable land

Godfathers came in large numbers -

cottage villages,

Forests, fields, lakes

They put up a fence!

And the rest of the men

Hired as guards

And a homeless brother

Chasing from the gate...

Still on arable land

factories built,

Foreign iron

Free to collect.

Their factories are broken

Long since razed to the ground

And from other people's profits

Sailing across the ocean!

But - work places,

They are very eager

For just three pennies

There are men out there...

And what would be for the Fatherland -

Yes, there is nothing right:

Yes, only smoke and slag! -

Tajik is there like a donkey ...

But it's south... north

Where the field is full of clover

The river of milk flowed,

Yes, sour ... and now

Not heard in the plowman's field,

The fields are not plowed at all:

All the youth have gone

Let the men sleep.

Forests standing in the fields,

Harvesters are like lizards

Rust to the south,

As in the ancient Yura.

So we are without self-branching ...

Already we are on restructuring

endured this,

What God forbid!

Let's fix the old Niva

And we'll sit down the old fashioned way,

And let's get in all the way!

They said they got down to business:

Jets in the carburetor

Blowed out, poured oil -

In the box - vegetable oil,

And the tar is in the salen block.

Yes, the valves have been debugged,

You look - and earned,

grunted, snorted,

She blew black smoke...

Everyone exhaled, grunted

And the whole company got in ...

She is twice as much

Known inside...

And got in... and went

And they go to Rus' ...

Gasoline sometimes runs out -

Get birch sap

Moonshine will be added...

And if downhill -

That is without gasoline at all -

Roads are free

In abundance in Rus'!

Everywhere the Niva is old,

Battered and rusty

Passes - oh-oh-oh!

And if it happens somewhere

There is a Mirgorod puddle,

Which wide

And the goldeneye is rare, really,

Will fly again...

In which pikes are found,

Whales are sometimes born

And then - enemy submarines

They pop up at night...

They give gas - and with a walker ...

And if they sit in a puddle,

That's seven men -

Harnessed to the tow...

Or just taken out by handles,

Put on the path

And... rolling again.

Chapter 1

About the peasant's share

Spoken and sung

And more - drunk ...

Why should we ask the peasants:

Baffle, bewilder,

Throw questions,

Care, mow...

Not yet at work

I don’t want to tell tales,

Although in my soul I leave,

And yet not for him...

No days off at the construction site

Works for seven

And seven of us in the trailer

Construction site lives...

And there they chew and wash,

Erase, pray to God,

So that they are laid off

Do not accidentally fall

Since the competition

The mouth hangs over them.

In our wagons

twelve millionaires

(And how many in the cellars

The same illegals!)

Live freely, have fun

On Mother Rus'.

Gave them an apartment

Or at least a communal apartment

Soviet power...

Yes, even before the revolution

Rented work room

In the basement, but with the family!

And the population multiplied...

As now - it didn’t cuddle ...

And then he could not -

Went with children and wives

And different icons

And others to the king...

And the then king, father,

Son-in-law to the German kings

Bang from rifles, -

Thank you for that! -

So that the kids do not go

With icons to the king!

They asked for a little:

So-and-so on trifles

And a day, no more

Well, ten o'clock...

Now even more

They work. humbly

They sit in their wagons

And to where - no, no!

And so that, as in the Soviet

Epoch - seven hours...

Forgotten about it

And filled with cement

Silence about this

And hooked teeth...

Who else should we ask

Men laughed...

Clearly, not a serviceman

Soldier not shy

Who serves the Motherland,

And remember tomorrow!

Politics - squalor:

Hot spots - many

And it's good if mothers

Two hundred cargo will be brought ...

And not to the black miner

Ile to the hard worker of the mountain,

Or just, brothers, to the welder -

What is there - I'm silent!

They are mired in inertia...

Yes, what is there, even in space, -

For no money

I won't fly myself! -

Live, is it fun

Free in the sky?..

Not to ask them, of course.

About happiness in Rus'.

That's how they roll

Sing, sin and repent,

In general, they philosophize

As usual:

Our paths are right

We have endless work

And stray from the cause of the right

Never destined...

Yes, here you shave with an awl,

And maybe you hope

And where are you going

From this track!

Is it uphill or downhill -

One way we go

And all around...

As long as they argued

Look: the car is new

Stuck in a rut...

In the car of this father

The surrounding village...

Trusting in God

Got in a Mercedes...

And here in our area

UAZ is needed, it means ...

UAZ God will not give out,

UAZ pig will not eat!

Kruchin's father is sitting,

And the tractors don't seem...

Gone somewhere in the past

Especially - Belarus ....

Here the men came -

They hooked it up at once, pulled it

And they pulled out the father

Entirely mud!

And as it should

Nekrasov is written

It's been planned in my heart for a long time

They asked the question:

Who has fun

Feel free in Rus'?

After all, we fought here,

Take out the saints...

Roman considers: a farmer,

He seems to be for the landowner ...

Demyan, that the deputy

Luka again - ass,

No, the stupid manager! -

Gubin brothers interpret,

Ivan and Mitrodor.

Well, Pakhom with a tablet, -

He with his plot:

Like, a fat oligarch,

to the lop-eared minister,

Mahmud repeats: to the king!

Respond to us with mercy

Respond to us honestly

And if anything - I'm sorry:

Who has fun

Feel free in Rus'?

What is happiness according to you?

Peace, wealth, honor...

At the rural father's

Do not count everything...

Although anything happens

Others and with "chambers",

They take without "knowing honor"...

My Soul Hurts? - So we know...

Listen to confession...

Such soul-destruction

overseas series...

And then they will come and "donate"

Cursed bandits:

Don't take it, but take it!

As long as the temple is rebuilt -

What you can't burn.

And how do you build, build,

Here is the translation

In Kidalovo, Brosalovo,

Where is this people...

Where to rebuild everything again -

And so - what year!

And with a grandmother's penny

There will be no turn...

And a mature man,

Well, like you, robbers,

Walking around God's temple...

So how can you be saved

And we interrupt

And between two rush

Distant shores:

Old women and thieves?..

To be saved is the right thing, -

The Gubin brothers said, -

Let's move around

Here is this ancient Niva

For a new Mercedes!

She is miserable -

This ignition:

Will it fade, will it fade

Not how much we ride

How much we drag ...

And your crossover

They would travel all over Rus' at once, -

Don't slow down here -

And instantly recognized, recognized

Who is having fun.

Feel free in Rus'...

And what about me, dear ones,

My arrival is not small,

There, here I wander,

And then they will call to the lord,

So, go to the city!

And you are on our Nivushka.

It is soul-saving

And everywhere passing ...

And the priest is ruling

Does he recognize me?

Lord have mercy on you

The Lord recognizes the meek...

The Lord is high

And sponsoring deputies

Can't see far...

On the Niva you will roll up to them, -

So total lapel

From the very gates...

What's from the crossserver window,

Even if you cut two axles,

You don't know, you don't see

What is there, in Rus'!

Well, it didn't happen anyway.

That car, Soviet

to the new German

Change guys...

Yet they bowed

And kissed the pen,

And everyone is blessed

Keep the path far

Since a foreign car

By Craft as a gift ...

After all, neither Nissan nor Lexia,

Neither complete set

Can't cancel

Holy grace...


Well, how can we do without a fair,

Well, how about without a party

In the village of the great Prahovo

The men are walking...

There are girls with laughter

Some with fur, some with holes,

Yes, half the world has gathered here:

Walk, so walk.

Well, right here we find out

That's right, let's try

Well, for sure - let's get to the bottom -

Who do not ask:

Who's having fun

Feel free in Rus'!

They go to the market

They go to the main square -

How many are traded here

Nothing to trade! -

And how many are dabbling here

Appreciate and pout...

Ride, kiss

And they dance - do not appease ...

"Tatarga-matatarga -

daring fair

With frisky dancers,

Mostly sober…”

Yes, sober only until the time -

Get rid of the burden

Pocket coppers...

Our habit is Russian,

The path is narrow

Yes, we are talking about that

Let's not help...

Everything is well described there.

Our Nekrasov! -

All the marketplace is a disgrace,

Everything is a shambles...

All roam-lu-li!

And dancers with harmonies -

Not a little came in large numbers,

Already Indo from America

Walking with a harmonica:

Good-bye, my dear girl, good-bye!

I go to Alabama...

And my love story have the end

Goodbye dear

I'm off to Alabama!

Might be the last time

On you taram-there-there.

I was in Oklahoma

I stenciled the container.

Oklahoma jumped -

I didn't even notice...

I found my wife

On the New Floundland Peninsula...

This is and this is

Glory to you Lord!

We are New York girls

We are nayanki!

We won't disappear anywhere

Not at any party!

We are the Chicago boys

We are hedgehog guys!

If someone touches Chicago -

Shiny knives.

Our banjo played

I put a cent for twenty-five:

Come out to the octagon, -

Ours will endure again!

The banjo rang loudly:

I'll give you twenty-five cents.

Our little gang

Hooted again.

Living in Washington is not bad

Not life, but simply paradise!

Tired of kerosene, -

Prick and sunbathe!

Oh, my mother-in-law

Give me a hangover!

Your plastic cat

So it doesn't move!

Oh, son-in-law you, my son-in-law,

Something I can't believe:

Under Kansas Man

Everyone moves!

Past mother-in-law's blog

I don't go without jokes

Then I’ll drop something in the email,

I'll show you in touch!

And the local harmonists,

Russian harmonists

Of course, they respond

Try to keep:

You are a man, you are a man

Rusty car...

I thought to jump for a century -

The spring broke...

Perestroika passed,

The shootout has begun...

To conduct a roll call -

There is not a shish left!

mortgage, mortgage,

What have you done!

Impotent man

Done instantly!

Raise, bastards, minimum wage,

And people keep dying and dying...

What are you raising?

And you are not allowed to eat!

Harmonist, harmonist,

Purple erysipelas:

Oh, trouble, trouble, trouble -

Only because of Etova!

The ditties rang for a long time

And with pictures like this:

Earned a half

And they drank to the penny.

So the old beggar woman

There is nothing left to drop:

Druzhka from the friend removed the shavings -

It made my heart feel better...

Yes, how is it with Nekrasov,

At Nikolai Lyakseich, -

We have strayed from the truth

And lost the thread...

Write poems, it's -

Plow and harrow:

“It’s not the violent winds that blow,

Not mother earth sways -

Noises, sings, swears,

sways, rolls,

Fighting and kissing

The people are on holiday!”

Two centuries have passed

What has changed...

The people are noticeably at a loss

And drinks for the missing...

And for a long time they called:

"who are happy,

Who has fun

Feel free in Rus'!

But everyone around was laughing:

“Who, they say, have read,

Burnt, what have you got ...

Who do not ask here -

Laugh without measure fun

Freely in Rus'! .. "


There is an old KAMAZ

The man in the shoulders is not small

Potatoes and beets

Thinking of trading...

His trade is brisk

He himself flies in threes,

The very one that

Where are you flying, they say, Rus'?

Came - not dusty

Come and bow down

Seven burly men.

He knocked on his knees

He shook a little

And the crown of the head itched

(Let's write better - temyachko)

That farmer...

In an apron, in a robe,

With hidden "traumatic"

Yes, you can barely grab -

When there are seven

Fit randomly.

Ten he is not timid,

He is not fragile,

But there were so many

Can't describe in verse

And do not rhyme -

Since only "mother" ...

But the men bowed

And hats off

And then shared

History is simple:

We ourselves, - apparently read, -

Agreed, - so God counted, -

And here we carry our cross -

Seven completely restless,

From the realm of the Forsaken

Long Abandoned District,

Villages of Nepahano,

From adjacent villages:

Likvidovo, Banditovo,

Driven, Driven,

Kidalovo, Brosalovo,

Omitted too.

Agreed, as of old, - argued -

Well, just like Nekrasov

Light Nikolay Lyakseecha...

Agreed and argued

At least take out the saints:

Who has fun

Feel free in Rus'?

Roman considers: a farmer,

You're like a landlord...

Demyan, that the deputy

Luke insists - ass,

No, the stupid manager! -

Gubin brothers interpret,

Ivan and Mitrodor.

Well, Pahom is forgetful

A little mumbling inconsistently:

Like, a fat oligarch,

to the lop-eared minister,

Mahmud his: to the king!

Answer us according to your conscience ... -

After all, there is no sadder story -

What to ask, inquire:

I don't want to tempt fate

No matter how you squint your eyes ... -

Who has fun

Feel free in Rus'?

Let me be the landowner

But you look at things

And judge for yourself

Do I have fun

Feel free in Rus'!

I'll start from a long time ago

And I will tell you

About the family tree -

Whatever there is...

My great-grandfather is in the local parish

Walked properly in the elders ...

That was under the landowners,

That was under the kings...

At the master's clerk,

Epic, storyteller

And at the parish was listed

Psalmist, reader...

Pious breed...

And after the king gave freedom, -

He is a milling business

For eight suppliers

Started here. Nekrasov himself

Came here...

I won't lie - maybe

I wrote off Yermila from him,

Or maybe not from him.

And my grandfather said by the way

(Is he telling a fairy tale!)

What was in the Mazai family ...

Like rivers flowing into the sea

Smoke rises to the sky...

Revolutions broke out

Reamers, resolutions,

Citizen - God save! -

Rus' moved from the axis ...

And here we almost healed

Feel free in Rus'...

The land was rich

There is no order, no way ...

And so collective farms

We changed the combo...

But the enemy of the native hut

He came and robs, burns ...

"The earth, you see, is rich ..." -

And the terrible "ordung" awaits!

Through all the steppes and tracts

Growing up - so-so-so!

Father left the tractor

And moved to the tank.

For Rus', for Stalin they shouted

Near Leningrad and Moscow

“The tanks rumbled across the field,

The soldiers went to the last battle ...

A blank hit the armor,

Farewell dear crew ... "

And what will remain of the tank -

You won't give a penny on market day!

And what will happen from the tanker ...

But man is stronger than armor...

And so they converged in a clean field

They and us, we and them...

Father burned four times

"It burned, it burned, but it didn't burn!"

And death, fascist infection,

I've taken aim many times...

Changed drives and tracks

And they sang, looking at the dawn:

“They say, in the next attack

I will definitely burn…”

But apparently the ancestors prayed -

And a flour miller and a grain grower, -

Grinded, grinded

And Hitler was driven into a coffin ...

Why all this song?

Think and ask...

Riding home in wagons

Legless cripples,

But they breathed fun

Feel free in Rus'...

Oh, how fun it was to breathe

Feel free in Rus'!

Father of the call of the first

Came from the war with medals

For courage with medals,

But without a hand...

Him to us on a lorry

Brought with respect...

Was elected chairman

Worked with mother

She is then a milkmaid,

The girl was...

Stoves with pipes stuck out

And into these pipes are rough

At night the wind sang...

They broke, hunched,

The village was raised - to the city

Support that village!

Legless - wagons,

Fed by echelons,

Who robbed - the one from the pay and ...

And our dad is without a hand

Plowed for four ...

But what would be bitter to try -

No-no, no-no, no-no!

Although I went to the chiefs,

And mother in silence -

Cans for handles and

Loaded milk...

Bottomless cans

Forty liters each ... tons

Doi, drain, drag,

Yes, just do not crack!

And gave birth to six of us -

That's it, ordered the Motherland!

And yet, who ordered it?

The Russian soul asked

Our plain is sad,

Where the lark sang...

I was born last...

The latter is not a freak ...

That year with the Father of Nations

Farewell to all the people ...

And our collective farm is under the father,

Everything else was an example -

By that time it was listed as:


Yes, it was under the Union and

Have you planted corn?

They poisoned the pesticide...

But still, still, still

Still not bad lived

Not bad in Rus'

Lord save us all!

And now, according to the restructuring

Thirty years have passed

Our order is in threes

Gone... and hello!

The earth is the same

There is no order, how not!

Yes, brothers, in the nineties,

When the brothers are hungry, -

Well, right, as in the Civil, -

Well, almost with clippings,

I walked through the fields...

And that's not how we were robbed,

How do these loans

The bankers are ripping us off...

The lads are now in the collectors -

The collector is pretty cool!

From that and instead of Burushka, -

We cut them long ago! -

Australian horse meat

Now they are being taken to Rus' ...

Yes, here's the left sausage

From soy, palm oil,

And also GMOs.

And there is no meat

And there is no hearing

But here - a hundred varieties -

For a hundred hungry mouths!

Why did this happen?

Since capital

Invisible poison

Soaked all souls...

And what is going on in the state -

Not what is needed

For the Russian peasant

And what to the young lady ...

Let everyone die of cancer -

The bourgeois would not gasp -

For them, Mother Russia -

Raw material...


Goes downsizing

Around one "pragmatics"

And there is no love for people ...

On this one on "pragmatics"

According to the market "mathematics"

The village was just abandoned

The industry has been demolished!

Again comes illiteracy

Orphanhood, unemployment,

Just like before the revolution

But here's the problem:

Then - the ancient era! -

Needed a village

The grain was exported

And wait - they pump gas!

That's why with "pragmatics"

According to market dogma

A man like a worker

No one needs...

And to cover up the case -

To our Soviet system

They pour such a tub,

So, hemorrhoids...

Like, half the country was sitting,

And the floor, they say, in the guards ...

Although, in fact

Sitting even less

Under those leaders...

And what exactly, brothers -

I won't surprise you

Swear, so swear -

That's why I love Rus'!

Now half the country is trading,

And half the country is stealing

And the same - in the watchmen

Under the current leaders!

Yes, let it be with the Tatars,

Under the prince under any,

Although under Ivan the Terrible,

When building a fortress ...

What about the collective farm ... The main thing is

It would be a nice job!

And then they took it, threw it away,

And the general good...

After all, not everyone has a kulak

There is a gut.

And our land was sold -

Look for her, fist!

And here we sit at the Motherland,

How fistulas are on the navel!

All the youth have gone

Yes, the old man slept -

Rus' covered with holes

And now everything is a draw!

We need a chairman

And the Stalinist collective farm ...

And Borka ... he is a traitor

Threw everyone down the drain...

And behold, they are in trouble all around,

They steal, drink and burn...

They burned my first tractor...

What kind of "zer gut" is there!


And me with my sausage

Ran into the market...

Well, well, amused by a fairy tale,

Well, served!

And then they bowed:

Have mercy and save!

We have seen all this

Feel free in Rus'!

peasant woman

But even though it was not listed -

Babye! - in the beginning list,

But as you, right, remember -

After all, they are men! -

Not everything is between men... -

Roman said thoughtfully...

Find a happy

Demyan continued affectionately,

And the Gubins finished:

Let's touch the grandmother!

As thought, so said

As said, so done

But the question is who?...

And really, who to ask...

Not a dilapidated switch,

Which with coiled

Checkbox here on the step

Meets trains...

We're rolling in a car

She's in a hutch

Lost her age.

The barrier goes down -

Walks to bargain:

The salary is not great

And the kids in the city...

Comes with radishes in spring

And with onions, and with salad,

Then with a garden berry,

Then comes the mushrooms.

Chanterelles, milk mushrooms, mushrooms,

Oily, boletus,

And then a boletus!

There are few buyers...

Where are the helpers...

And I can't see my husband...

In winter, waving a crowbar

Ice breaks at the crossing and

With a whisk, with a shovel

In your seclusion

The age of women will live ...

The frenzied train rushed by

And in the windows everything is blocky ... -

But this song is sung...

Let's talk about this...

The barrier rises:

Bye Bye,

We drove...

We drove, we drove -

Here is the regional city

Spread over the hills

Arched along the river

With extinct factories

With great trumpets

In which there is not a haze!

During the Batev era

He is glorified,

In the age of John

And in the Troubled Ages.

Here the ancestors partisans

And even the Bonaparte

They were not taken prisoner by a miracle ...

And partisan again

In recent times

And the iron Wehrmacht

Broken back here.

Well, the factories are glorious,

Built under Stalin

Known all over Russia -

What to talk about...

Well, in general, the name of the city,

You can drop it here.

And what happened to him, glorious, ...

Again Batu marched

Ile Hitler with the Bonaparte

Made a parade...

No, what is it -

They would be uncovered instantly

And turned into smoke!

There's something a little harsher here.

Tunguska meteorite

Or an ancient plague...

City, famous in chronicles

miraculous transformation

Turned around nonetheless

In a continuous flea market -

People poke each other

Last sell...

Inflate, steal, snatch...

And yet our wanderers -

Until the women are now eager, -

Question to ask, of course -

No more...

To recognize and find out

To reveal the truth to the world:

Who has fun

Feel free in Rus'!

They look - a beauty rides

And become staunch slender,

Like in a fairy tale - high chest,

And the hair is dyed... -

Well, I don't know what.

It's just a white swan

Millionaire's wife

Escaped from the guards

Decided to walk...

And so they dared

Laugh, get angry:

Forgive me, - they shout, - beauty,

Wait, wait!

We bow down to you,

And we ask: no offense

Our difficult dilemma

The problem is reckless

Take it and decide! -

Who has fun

Feel free in Rus'!

The girl stumbled

Turned on them

Confused, confused

And her gaze faded...

And sat down on a bench

Sat down in front of a bar...

And it's pasted on the pole

And on the pole it says:

"Luba, Nadia, Vera,

cottage, sauna, love,

Twenty four hours,

Natasha, Masha, Dasha

And Sonya Marmeladova ... "

All pillars are marked

On all the pillars,

And, in general, there is nothing to do -

The men were silent:

They are a seasoned people

But so what! - out of hand...

Well, what will I answer you

By honor and conscience,

That there is no sadder story -

In order not to divorce you -

Who has fun

Feel free in Rus'...

I also ran to school

Haven't known trouble yet

I played with the boys

At the dance and then...

I'm addicted to smoking

And I learned to drink

And after the first drink

Pulled onto the mattress...

Oh, one more time

Many, many more times...

Better forty times a time

Than once - forty times ...

How did you finish school

I do not remember. Like a doctor

I cleaned up for the third time.

And I hear: "Never!"

And I wanted love

I wanted a baby

Without a husband, even a child -

It's not my will...

Then I cried for a long time

I wanted to run away to my grandmother

Village forever.

Yes, my grandmother is dead

Deserted village

And you're not going anywhere

From the word: "Never!"

My friend Lyubochka -

So miserable -

Moved to Moscow a long time ago

Dispel sadness-longing:

To Moscow, to Moscow, to Moscow...

And there provincial women -

Natalkam and Tamarochkam:

Panel, panel. Panel...

And there she is a good fellow

Arranged a trip

And took out the red girl

In a sky-high brothel...

I'm here at least with a passport,

I work in my homeland

I cry to the procuress

Yes to the local cop...

And there she got

Remained a slave

And the third year from Lyubochka -

At least SMS!

I'm alive now - I don't know

In what country - I do not know

Or maybe there is no Lyubochka -

Save her Lord!

And there was little vodka, -

After all, soberly try

Lie down on a mattress...

Oh, one more time

Many, many more times...

Better forty times a time

Than once - forty times ...


And I started smoking

And there is money - tingle,

And what will they give - to sniff,

But they won't give it - so - so ...

And there was a time before

In our green city

And they were, as in Ivanovo,

We are the city of brides!

But our factory was sold,

But it's all ruined

They destroyed our whole life -

What is there to say...

Laughed: "Komsomol"!

In a short tee...

Well, now they're gone...

Around the constitution

freedom of prostitution

Unemployment everywhere

And the poor - just darkness -

Take care of them all

Both zone and prison.

Our constitution

Rowing not according to the instructions:

All options and features

Offshore, restitution

(all the same - prostitution!)

They damage us.

Our constitution

Since the bourgeois revolution ...

And tears are flowing and...

And money - for cordon!

And here it is glued around:

Love love love,

Cottage, love and sauna

And even barbecue!

But kebabs and stuff -

After all, this is not about us:

We have a strict diet.

They give us doping.

Where to go - to the marketplace?

A cashier at a supermarket?

The last cleaner?

So it's already busy

Tajik, Uzbek,

And also a man!

Where is this seen:

The man at the checkout clicks...

Pinned the man!

And I want to eat, I want to eat...

And the output is on the panel ...

I'm standing at the restaurant:

Oh don't sing, don't sing, don't sing!

Marry late, die early,

Goodbye dear!

But there would be a factory,

Yes, I would work there!

winder, knitter,

Yes, even in OTC ...

I would be a Komsomol, -

What an anguish! -

Yes, I'm sure I'd marry

My man was not from the "roof"

And let him beat and drink,

But only would be, was!

And the pioneer kids

We would play rackets

But this story is amazing.

It hardly comes back ... -

Listen to the poor thing

Well, give it a puff... -

And the men fumbled

And mint Belomorina

She pulls ten hands ...

Since the Gubin brothers,

Pomeranian consent -

Don't smoke, for the life of me!

I'll ask you boys

Where does it all go

Why did it all give up

Did you succeed according to Daless? ..

And how is Dimidushka

Pig, Mad Mammon

Fed - I don’t know mail! -

Stupid grandfather?!

Yes, I know, I know - a sinner,

Burn me in hell, fry,

I pray to God fervently

When I'm not drunk!..

Yes, I know - do not lather:

"Cottage, love and sauna" -

There are no washcloths!

But who lives vile,

Where I had no choice...

Where by force, where by vodka

They dragged me onto the mattress...

Oh, one more time

Many, many more times...

Better forty times a time

Than once - forty times ...


So who's vile life

Built all this around

"Freedom" cursed,

Like a millstone

Tied around your neck?

And now I'm diagnosed

Remained unemployed.

And at twenty-eight

I sit and wait for the end...

Well, why are you sad?

Well, they hung their noses

Now you see for yourself -

Lord save you all! -

How am I having fun...

And who is fun to live with

Feel free in Rus'! -

Here the men are downcast

They threw off their hats in front of her:

Sorry for the demand, my dear,

Don't blame us fools! -

Scored that there are little things -

She hasn't accepted yet.

Didn't take any...

Well, here's another, started:

It's not about women

Happy looking.

Do you remember Nekrasov,

Our school program, -

What did the woman say to them...

You need to know the program:

"I'm not trampled with my feet,

Not tied with ropes

Not pierced with needles...

What else do you want?

And I'm trampled in every way -

Not the first night to the master,

A thousand and one!

And knitted and crucified

And how the veins are stabbed -

Come and have a look!


Go to the farmer

(Let him go for the landowner!)

Yes, to the Duma deputy,

Yes, even to the priest,

Let the stupid manager

Or to the fat oligarch,

to the lop-eared minister,

Or maybe the king!

That's what you need to ask them -

Even bite your elbow, -

Who has fun

Feel free in Rus'!..


And here's the last chapter

Last, cherished

Now we find out

We'll get to the truth...

Let's get to the bottom and find out

According to Father Nekrasov,

According to Gogol, according to Gorky,

According to Fyodor Mikhailych,

Yesenin, Platonov,

According to Sholokhov, well ...

According to Shukshin, Vampilov,

Vysotsky, Rubtsov,

Or with your mind...

Let's find out and calculate

And we'll understand everything about everything

No more arguing

Didn't argue, didn't argue

And every person

I would have learned for a century:

Who has fun

Feel free in Rus'!

Even if you fall off the shelf at midnight,

So ask right now

That would be clearly minted -

Don't shake your throat

Who has fun

Feel free in Rus'!

So that in the alley with a knife -

Oh, God save! -

And here we would not hesitate,

"Who lives happily,

Feel free in Rus'!

And I'll remind you the version

Pokedova one:

Roman yelped there: to the farmer,

Like, a farmer for a landowner ...

Yes, to the Duma deputy, -

Demyan said without hesitation,

Luke said - ass,

No, stupid manager! -

Gubin brothers said

Ivan and Mitrodor.

Well, Pakhom strained

Pointing at the tablet with his hands:

Yes to the fat oligarch

to the lop-eared minister,

Mahmoud said: to the king!

Our dear king, father,

Doesn't know the truth...

And he knew, dear,

Just like sleeping...

And the men went

Leaving the Niva old

In the bushes behind the roundabout,

In order not to get to the traffic cops,

That is, to the gibedeshniks, -

Have no insurance...

Nothing on the paw

Give the kids...

They went, as usual,

On foot, supposedly

Entered the Mother See

Under the May chime ...

And then they died...

Here their traces are lost,

Well, just like Ivanovich

Cheerful person:

"A man came out of the house

With a rope and a bag ... "

And then seven of them went

And not even on foot.


To the Abandoned Province

Long Abandoned District,

Villages of Nepahano,

To these villages:

Likvidovo, Banditovo,

Driven, Driven,

Kidalovo, Brosalovo,

Omitted the same

Nobody comes back...

Nobody to catch up


And make no noise.

One Andrei Vadimovich

Didn't compose, didn't invent -

Looked with one eye

And briefly wrote...

“What I didn’t see, I don’t know,

I didn’t hear - I don’t print ...

What's in the line

Don't take that! -

This is how it was written

Fell off the pen

Who has fun

Feel free in Rus'!

And pity the men

Remembering their labors, -

Let's all be well...

And yet, what they did not see -

Let's keep quiet, let's not lie ...

Maybe they didn't die

The sinners did not disappear ...

It wasn't like that,

For the man to disappear!

Were there such rati,

Such a plutocracy

And even - democracy -

He outsmarted everyone!

Beaten by serfs,

Peter twisted into ropes,

Not killed in Grazhdanka,

Past collective farm...

They fused the fascists

They melted down the Reichstag

And they were sent into space:

Let's go, no problem!

What are they going to do now

And each of us hopes

What does this glomerulus have

Tail untangled...

And what disappeared?

So it's a disguise

How creepy those roads are

In which now ...

There's a clever trick

The enemy is always waiting...

Or maybe Putin

Who knows in advance! -

stuck in the office

And they drink tea in a bite

And they talk about life...

Who's having fun

So he and get off!


I don't judge without time

Departed Nekrasov,

He lived like Raskolnikov

On the top floor...

Loved Mother Russia

And I carried the pain in my soul ...

"Come out to the Volga,

Whose groan is heard

Over the great Russian river?

We call this moan a song ...

That barge haulers wander towed ... "

To Russia unwashed

He looked like a prison...

"To whom, to whom?" - inquired...

He replied: "No one!"

I also came up with Grishenka,

Which song is new

Over Rusya composed ...

He is happy in the end

Walked over the Volga ...

Its central Vladimirsky

Waiting with this song...

Let me not live as a monk,

Didn't make a single stake...

But I would not write again

Everything that Nicholas ...

What has changed...

Yes, in general - nothing!

We dreamed of the commune...

But now she's not there...

Trading souls again

And Chichikov the scoundrel...

Again around bureaucrats

Strangled new growth...

What else would you add...

Already accepted the cross - carry:

Since then, life is fun

Feel free in Rus'...

It's so fun to live

Laugh, well, to tears ...

And these ... if released -

Send them to Davos:

That's where they find out

Answers to the question...

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Comments 43


43. Lucia : Reply to 35., Silvio63:
2018-01-14 at 15:02

That's better, have a laugh

You won't surprise anyone with madness in Russia. But if someone can be surprised by something in Russia, then this is a new degree of insanity. This in Russia never ceases to amaze.

Russian life, at least Russian life of the 20th century, was created by lunatics for lunatics. Created well. Created strong. Created for a long time. The crazy people who created it are no longer there. There are no those crazy people for whom it was created. But the madness remains.

I seem to have done a lot of good for Russia; I unraveled the code of madness that encoded Russian life. I am not a populist. In vain I will not fool the Russian people, exhausted by madness. I didn't crack the code of madness. But I found the point from which madness radiates in all directions, atoms, cells and millimeters of Russian life.

This point is Russian literary criticism.

It all started with Belinsky. Belinsky is our all Russian madness. For some reason, it is believed that our everything is Pushkin. But this is not true. This untruth was invented by those who wanted to hide the truth about Belinsky and about the point of insanity.

Belinsky was accidentally released from the lunatic asylum. It happened on December 14, 1825. The guards left to protect the Winter Palace from the Decembrists. Therefore, random people guarded the madhouse that day. They did not know who Belinsky was. That he had crazy parents. That he is crazy from birth. That the madhouse is his homeland. That he was born and raised in a madhouse. That under no circumstances should he be let out of the lunatic asylum. Therefore, they believed Belinsky when he said that he would only leave the lunatic asylum for half an hour. Stroll along the Moika embankment. And then immediately back to the lunatic asylum.

He has not returned back.

The Rotoseevs, who released Belinsky from the lunatic asylum, were beaten with gauntlets. Then they were hanged together with the Decembrists. Then they were exiled to life hard labor in Siberia. And Belinsky, while he was being caught, managed to write several Reviews of the Current State of Russian Literature and become a literary critic.

Belinsky was tormented by demons all his life. They went inside Belinsky at his birth. Demons are feminine. One demon was called Morality. The other is Spirituality. The third is the Natural School. Fourth - The need to overthrow the monarchy in Russia. The demons haunted Belinsky day and night. Belinsky himself was not happy with these demons and wanted to get rid of them. But there was no exorcist. Belinsky had only one way to get rid of his demons - to transfer them to someone else. For example, Russian writers.

Belinsky agreed with Pushkin to transfer his demons to him. Almost already passed. But Pushkin caught himself in time, wrote the poem "God forbid I go crazy" and, in order not to accept Belinsky's demons, died in a duel. Then Belinsky agreed with Lermontov. But Lermontov also managed to die in a duel and get away from the demons of Belinsky. Then Belinsky agreed with Dostoevsky. But Dostoevsky was also afraid to take his demons from Belinsky. Therefore, Dostoevsky, in order to be as far away from Belinsky and his demons as possible, went into exile to the Kazakh steppes. Only Gogol was not afraid to take demons from Belinsky. Gogol was generally the most courageous man among Russian writers. But then Gogol got scared too. Belinsky could not forgive Gogol for this, he wrote a frankly unfair "Letter to Gogol" and gave all of himself to be torn to pieces by his demons.

Dobrolyubov had fewer demons than Belinsky. There were only two of them. And they were male. One demon was called Real Day. The other is a Ray of Light. Dobrolyubov, his demons also interfered with his life. But Dobrolyubov did not give up. He wrote articles about demons “A Ray of Light in the Dark Realm” and “When the Real Day Comes” so that the demons would come out of him through the articles. The Ray of Light has indeed come out. But True Day still didn't come out. The real day remained with Dobrolyubov inside.

I don't know what happened to Pisarev. Pisarev himself did not know this either. Pisarev had no demons. But Pisarev had a voice. Apparently, Pisarev was struck by lightning at birth. Therefore, Pisarev was haunted all his life by a voice that told him that boots were higher than Pushkin. In the end, my mother revealed to Pisarev his secret. There was lightning at the birth of Pisarev. But she did not hit Pisarev. She got into the portrait of Pushkin. The portrait hung in the hallway of the Pisarevs just above the boots of the obstetrician, who took delivery from Pisarev's mother. After a lightning strike, Pushkin's portrait fell under his boots. So the boots turned out to be higher than Pushkin. But Pisarev did not believe his mother. It seemed to Pisarev that lightning had hit him after all.

With Chernyshevsky everything was standard for a Russian critic. There are no voices there. Only demons. Two, neuter. Impatience and Democracy. But Chernyshevsky defeated his demons. The demons constantly tormented Chernyshevsky with the question “What to do? What to do?”, and Chernyshevsky mimicked them with the question “Who is to blame? Who is guilty?". The demon Impatience could not stand such a mockery and left Chernyshevsky. But the demon Democracy remained in Chernyshevsky. Then Chernyshevsky imitated the preparation of the revolution. Chernyshevsky was sentenced to life imprisonment in Siberia. Chernyshevsky calculated everything correctly. In Siberia, the demon Democracy could not stand the Siberian cold and there, inside at Chernyshevsky, he froze. Then Chernyshevsky lived quietly - without demons.

Until 1917, demons remained in Russian criticism. They were either more or less. But under Soviet rule, there were no more demons inside the critics. Soviet critics had only voices. All demons from the inner world of Soviet critics were knocked out by the Soviet authorities.

However, there was one demon. The demon's name was Gap. The demon climbed inside to Tynyanov. The demon constantly whispered to Tynyanov that all modern literature is not Eternity. Not real. Not Pushkin. Not that. Everything is not right. Mandelstam is not. Kharms is also not the same. It's just a gap. And Eternity, the present, and that was before. When was Pushkin. And Tynyanov wanted to get into modern literature. But the demon Gap did not let him go there.

Tynyanov's demon was the last demon in Soviet literary criticism. Then there were only voices. They were almost affectionate. They whispered something about generations. About rural prose. On the search for a social hero. Critics of the voices were not afraid, they listened to them willingly and trusted them in everything.

The demons returned under Gorbachev. Under Yeltsin, they began to flourish. Along with the voices. Under Putin, they finally blossomed.

There were a lot of demons. They all got mixed up. They are now both feminine, masculine, and neuter at the same time. The main demons are Glamour, Pasternak, Booker, Detective, Format, Circulation, Bourgeoisness, Soviet Empire, Orthodox Faith, Liberal Value. There is also the demon Feminism. And the demon Russian Patriot. And the demon Stability. There are many others. Can't count them all. They don't just sit inside anymore. They now sound like voices outside.

After the madness of Russian criticism, Russian literature could no longer come close and often to madness. But I am afraid. I'm afraid of the demons inside her and the voices around her.

But I have shown the point from which madness spreads to all aspects of Russian life. Despite the fear. Now let Russia do whatever it wants with its crazy point. Let her heal for a long time. Let him operate quickly without anesthesia. Let him declare it a museum of Russian madness. Let it expand its boundaries. Let him leave – as Russia basically does – everything unchanged as it is.

42. Lucia : Reply to 35., Silvio63:
2018-01-14 at 15:01

But these are not vile stishats Lucia In a blue caftan - a venerable meadowsweet, Thick, crouching, red as copper, A contractor is going along the line on a holiday, Going to see his work. : "Okay ... something ... well done! .. well done! .. With God, now go home - congratulations! (Hats off - if I say!) I expose a barrel of wine to workers And - I give arrears! .. "Someone- then "hooray" shouted. They picked it up Louder, friendlier, longer ... Look: With a song, the foremen rolled a barrel ... Here even the lazy could not resist! .."

Their artistic value, of course, is very small. The poor fellow generally traveled for citizenship. No poet.
He is partly excused by the fact that all this stupid public simply did not foresee. what their howling can lead to. Then, after the 17th, all these smart people like them ran around like scalded cockroaches.

41. Descendant of subjects of Emperor Nicholas II : Reply to 27., Lucia:
2018-01-14 at 13:28

So they don’t need Snow White, but they need Red.

How stale, in a plebeian (but natural) way, it turns out to be syronized by a literary person who has settled on from the Shelter of graphomaniacs.
A complete lack of literary flair, not to mention basic good taste.
After all, it would have been said not "Red Lady", but "Little Red Riding Hood", - it would have been both deep and elegant, and, in fact, incomparably more caustic, if our "noblewoman" wanted to show her Nordic wit.

And this one is taken to judge other people's poems.

40. Abaza : Answer to 39., water:
2018-01-14 at 07:21

Did you get your thirty pieces of silver? You, Abazinsky, definitely got it, since the damned USSR collapsed by you and by you personally. Yes, by the way, it seems that Mr. “comrade” Sobchak was one of the first to shout in Moscow about the so-called occupation of the Baltic states, apparently they threw off directive from the Washington regional committee - it's time for the Baltics, as the most "occupied by Soviet invaders" and "the most suffering" in the USSR, to "liberate themselves." I remember when the Union began to collapse from the Baltic states, the Russians there stood in the same chain with the local natives for secession from the USSR ..

With the local anti-Soviet natives, who were not finished off in the local forests, there were the same dense anti-Soviet people, supposedly Russians, like you, Abazinsky.

Ek got hooked! So it hit the mark.
I knew about the moods of the Latvians and the Baltic states back in the early 1970s. And the fact that they openly called us Russian occupiers, and the fact that every Friday they showed "forest brothers" on TV and listed their "exploits". He also knew the mood of the Russians living there, "almost Europe!" So don't worry. While you were playing with dolls, I paid my debt to the Fatherland for three years. And I did not run around Europe in search of a culturally good life. Like some "advisers".

39. water :
2018-01-14 at 01:51

Got your thirty pieces of silver?


You, Abazinsky, definitely got it, since the damned USSR collapsed by you and by you personally.

Yes, by the way, it seems that Mr. "Comrade" Sobchak was one of the first to shout in Moscow about the so-called occupation of the Baltic states, apparently they threw off a directive from the Washington regional committee - it's time for the Baltic states, as the most "occupied by Soviet occupiers" and "the most suffering" in the USSR " be released."

I remember when the Union began to collapse from the Baltic states, the Russians there stood in the same chain with the local natives for secession from the USSR.


With the local anti-Soviet natives, who were not finished off in the local forests, there were the same dense anti-Soviet people, supposedly Russians, like you, Abazinsky.

I know from the stories of my friends, among whom there are both Latvians and relatives who were declared pro-Soviet Latvians as traitors, and Russians, and not only Russian occupiers.

I was then in Hungary, where the ashes of Nagy Imre (Imre Nogy), the chairman of the Hungarian Council of Ministers, who was killed in 1958, were solemnly and pathetically reburied in October 1956.

1956 - the year of the "great" TsERUSH revolution.

Imre Nod was executed, of course, “by order of the bloodthirsty USSR,” as it “unexpectedly turned out” only by 1989.

And then B.N. came to Hungary. Yeltsin, came to the Hungarian parliament and, almost on his knees, asked to forgive all ... Russians for not letting the Hungarians "breathe the American air of freedom" in 1956.

38. Kiram : Answer to 36., Abazinsky:
2018-01-14 at 00:24

Quite right! Nowadays, Russian "non-citizens" suffer for a reason. This is payback for what you mentioned. The vast majority of Russians wished to live separately in Baltic Europe. And then they were shown the door. The same story with the independence of Ukraine. Look at the statistics of voting for independence by regions of Ukraine. After 25 years, it fired.

37. Abaza : Reply to 34., Lucia:
2018-01-13 at 23:52

vile verses. I don't know what this post means...

Only one thing, on the eve of the elections, the muddy wave of leftist revenge is gaining strength. The rhymes are really ... not very good, but such is the structure of this dregs.

36. Abaza : Answer to 32., water:
2018-01-13 at 23:50

Dunka, who is eager to go to "Europe" - Turkey, pretends to be an "angel in white felt boots." Only the nomenklatura Dunka, who escaped to "Europe" - Hungary, has the right to pose as an "angel in white boots". Do not bury yourself, water. Lukia-Chernova was mistaken! The Baltic states, which, because of you - the Vlasovites, ended up in Europe, and then in the European Union. In Russia, no one was waiting for us and is not waiting, yet.

I remember when the Union began to collapse from the Baltic states, the Russians there stood in the same chain with the local natives for secession from the USSR. Got your thirty pieces of silver?

35. Silvio63 : Reply to 34., Lucia:
2018-01-13 at 23:32

vile verses. I don't know what this post means...

But these are not vile verses Lucia

In a blue caftan - a venerable meadowsweet,
Fat, squat, red as copper,
A contractor is walking along the line on a holiday,
He goes to see his work.
The idle people make way decorously...
Sweat wipes the merchant from the face
And he says, akimbo pictorially:
"Okay ... something ... well done! .. well done! ..
With God, now home - congratulations!
(Hats off - if I say!)
I expose a barrel of wine to workers
And - I give arrears! ..“
Someone cheered. Picked up
Louder, friendlier, longer... Look:
With a song, the foremen rolled a barrel ...
Here even the lazy could not resist!
Unharnessed the people of the horses - and the merchant
With a cry of "Hurrah!" I rushed along the road ...
Seems hard to please the picture
Draw, general? .. "

34. Lucia :
2018-01-13 at 20:45

I obviously don’t understand something, Dear editors ...... I went with my children and wives And various icons And others to the king ... And the then king, father, To the German kings, my son-in-law Bang out of rifles, - Thank you for that! -So that the kids don’t go with icons to the king! ((((((((((((((((((((Yes, and about rural priests somehow .... mercilessly.

vile verses. I don't know what this post means...

To pretend to be an "angel in white felt boots"
Only the nomenklatura Dunka, who broke into "Europe" - Hungary, has the right.

Don't bury yourself, water.

30. M. Yablokov : Answer to 23., Alexander Vaskin, Russian priest, officer of the Soviet Army:
2018-01-13 at 16:17

I don't do charity work. Especially in regards to schismatics and renegades. Clear?

29. Oleg V : answer 18, Lucia:
2018-01-13 at 15:56

Do not be offended, gnome. Who else would you be if you thought I was Snow White.

What are you, baby? Well, this is not fortune-telling on a camomile - offended, not offended, loves, does not love, ...
To whom in Rus' it is good to live is a block, snow-whites cannot afford to be allowed. Don't even bother. Only you will be exhausted and your children, dear gnomes, God forbid, you will leave them orphans.
And there will be poor, miserable Snow White, alone with unwashed, dirty, pro-Soviet peasant Russia. And then came the answer: "I sent you."


Russophobia, Urengoy you are a "girl", this is in your story about the bride's bouquet.

Russophobia is when Dunka, who is rushing to "Europe" - Turkey, pretends to be an "angel in white boots."

That's right, don't write!

In difficult times, in especially difficult times, you need to write only light. The rest, if you can not write - do not write. If you can't stop writing, write, but don't show it to anyone. 'Cause when the daylight comes you'll be dirty


And if you write, then don’t show it to anyone, and even better, as Yablukov advises all “aristocrats” - wipe the children’s snot, if you shout louder than everyone else about your large number of children.

Or is that also just a lie?

"And to cover up the case -
On our Soviet system- And you, dwarf, also love slander against the Tsar-martyr? Maybe you respect Matilda? Eco, how hooked you are, baby! Everything is as written: according to your liking. In your fairy-tale kingdom, you call your ideological comrades-in-arms "gnomes", and I, as there was nothing to share before, remains the same to this day. It is not for royal dignity to run away from the people, no matter how rebellious it is. As you know, "the courage of the city takes." But distributing aid to the families of the dead, which might not have been, is a property of aristocratic weakness. Who was there, right to blame - God alone now knows. Martyrdom, before the so-called revolt of 1905, and after the revolutions of 1917, are two different things. Everything could have been different in the fate of Russia from one right decision. History, however, does not know the subjunctive mood, and therefore we are Russian

Do not be offended, gnome. Who else would you be if you thought I was Snow White.

15. Oleg V : answer 12, Rodelena:
2018-01-13 at 00:19

Agree. These are two meters of excellent, ... let's say ... snickering. In general, this is the most elegant of all the elegant Russophobias I have read recently. Ridicule is not God's work, but vice versa. The devil is a misanthrope. Sometimes he giggles behind his back, and sometimes he makes people look ridiculous. Parodists know this well when they parody someone's lines or compose epigrams for people. The MAIN difference is that PERSONAL mockery is a small evil, and IMPERSONAL, indiscriminate, is already a mockery of the people. Whatever he was, but laughing at people is a sin. Especially in such a difficult time. When the parody is impersonal, it is acrimony. The author is also in trouble. In difficult times, in especially difficult times, you need to write only light. The rest, if you can not write - do not write. If you can't stop writing, write, but don't show it to anyone. Because when the daylight comes, you'll be dirty.

Lena, as soon as you moved to Turkey, you became so white and fluffy that an oriental marshmallow is in chocolate. With Russia now you are clearly not on your way, you will only stain your bright clothes on the gloomy humor of Russians about themselves.
Write your ornately "bright" about Russia in the spirit of oriental wise criticism for subsequent generations of Janissaries. You look, they will believe you that silent silver is more precious than talking gold.

13. Oleg V : answer 9, Lucia:
2018-01-12 at 23:40

And you, gnome, also love slander against the Tsar-martyr? Do you respect Matilda?

Eco, how you got hooked, baby! Everything is as written: according to your liking.
In your fairy-tale kingdom, you call your ideological comrades-in-arms "gnomes", and I, as there was nothing to share before, remains the same to this day.
It is not for royal dignity to run away from the people, no matter how rebellious it is. As you know, "the courage of the city takes." But distributing aid to the families of the dead, which might not have been, is a property of aristocratic weakness.
Who was there, right to blame - God alone now knows. Martyrdom, before the so-called revolt of 1905, and after the revolutions of 1917, are two different things. Everything could have been different in the fate of Russia from one right decision. History, however, does not know the subjunctive mood, and therefore we are Russian

12. : Reply to 7., Lucia:
2018-01-12 at 22:50

What an abomination. Either slander against the martyr tsar, then Fr. Gleb Grozovsky.

Agree. These are two meters of excellent, ... let's say ... snickering. In general, this is the most elegant of all the elegant Russophobias I have read recently. Ridicule is not God's work, but vice versa. The devil is a misanthrope. Sometimes he giggles behind his back, and sometimes he makes people look ridiculous. Parodists know this well when they parody someone's lines or compose epigrams for people. The MAIN difference is that PERSONAL mockery is a small evil, and IMPERSONAL, indiscriminate, is already a mockery of the people. Whatever he was, but laughing at people is a sin. Especially in such a difficult time. When the parody is impersonal, it is acrimony. The author is also in trouble.
In difficult times, in especially difficult times, you need to write only light. The rest, if you can not write - do not write. If you can't stop writing, write, but don't show it to anyone. Because when the daylight comes, you'll be dirty.

Elena Rodchenkova

10. Kiram : Answer to 3., Leonid-K:
2018-01-12 at 21:47

I obviously don’t understand something, Dear editors ...... I went with my children and wives And various icons And others to the king ... And the then king, father, To the German kings, my son-in-law Bang out of rifles, - Thank you for that! -So that the kids don’t go with icons to the king! apparently, young and at school, the history of Russia was given to you very truncated.Type in the Internet search (Yandex, Google) the line:

The essence of the issue is not in the text of the petition, but in the fact that "the tsar fired rifles so that kids with icons would not go to the tsar."
To you, baby, everything that is not to your liking is an abomination. The Fathers of the Church teach: "as is the nature, such is morality." This is for you, mother of all morality they say. Start with yourself, then the abomination of others, you Snow White, will seem like holiness.

6. Oleg V : answer 4, Leonid-K:
2018-01-12 at 19:03

The patriotic poets are alive, not extinct in Russia, and with them brilliant poetry, in the spirit of Nekrasov's love for Russia and its people. Kudos to the author and full respect ..

5. Oleg V : answer 3, Leonid-K:
2018-01-12 at 18:52

Dear Xenia, you are apparently young and at school you were given a very truncated history of Russia. Type in the Internet search (Yandex, Google) the line:
"Petition of workers and residents of St. Petersburg on January 9, 1905"
and understand what the author wrote in this poem.

Not really. This priest was offended by the editors that they have abolished censorship for all kinds of "sedition". According to modern mothers, she, the editors, would somehow combine the current liberal-church razmamaism with strict Soviet censorship, then you see, everyone in Rus' would live well and heal, and first of all, the builders of developed capitalism.

4. Leonid-K : A wonderful poem, quite worthy of the memory of Nekrsasov
2018-01-12 at 18:08

Such that the peasants saw in search of the one who “Who lives well in Rus'”, and Nekrasov did not see. The author very vividly described who and how lives today in Rus'. Marvel at the skill of the author. The outline of the poem is Nekrasov's, and life is ours. Poetry is alive in Russia!

3. Leonid-K : Answer to 2., Ksenia Balakina:
2018-01-12 at 17:47

I obviously don’t understand something, Dear editors ...... I went with my children and wives And various icons And others to the king ... And the then king, father, To the German kings, my son-in-law Bang out of rifles, - Thank you for that! -So that the kids don’t go with icons to the king! ((((((((((((((((((((Yes, and about rural priests somehow .... mercilessly.

Dear Xenia, you are apparently young and at school you were given a very truncated history of Russia. Type in the Internet search (Yandex, Google) the line:
"Petition of workers and residents of St. Petersburg on January 9, 1905"
and understand what the author wrote in this poem.

2. Ksenia Balakina : Re: Whom in Rus' to live well...
2016-05-15 at 19:17

I clearly don’t understand something, dear editorial...

Went with children and wives
And different icons
And others to the king...
And the then king, father,
Son-in-law to the German kings
Bang from rifles, -
Thank you for that! -
So that the kids do not go
With icons to the king!

Yes, and about rural priests somehow .... mercilessly.

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