Concert lime vaikule jurmala rendezvous. International music festival "Laima Vaikule" opens in Latvia


International Festival “Laima Vaikule. Jurmala. Rendezvous”, which will be held in the Latvian city of Jurmala. Ukrainian viewers will be able to watch the performances of Laima Vaikule and her star guests starting from July 5. This festival appeared a year ago thanks to the personal participation and creative talent of Laima Vaikule. This year, the famous singer again invites her friends and colleagues, popular artists from different countries to perform together on the stage of the famous Dzintari Concert Hall. Maxim Galkin, Kristina Orbakaite, Verka Serdyuchka, Potap and Nastya, Edita Piekha, Soso Pavliashvili, Vladimir Presnyakov, Natalia Podolskaya, Sergey Mazaev, groups Viagra, Silver, Time and Glass and other artists responded to the invitation of Lima . Also, an outstanding opera singer, soloist of the Metropolitan Opera, soprano Khibla Gerzmava, will appear on the festival stage. Laima Vaikule promises that the audience of the festival will have a bright show and many surprises.

Lime color wave

On Friday, the Laima Vaikule festival will solemnly close in Jurmala. Jurmala. Rendezvous." The chased name contains laconic network “chants” so that as many people as possible know that the city still stands in its place, from where the fire evacuation of the New Wave contest began two years ago with a scandal, which collected not only pop “cream” of the post-Soviet space , guests-grands from Europe-Americas, but also a bunch of loitering public, filling the resort town with stormy movement.

In Russia, it is now generally accepted that Jurmala without the "New Wave" is completely bent. But, it seems, she is alive - the same neat, well-groomed, not at all deserted, with the same, or even re-opened restaurants, cafes, hotels. Cars with Russian numbers are still briskly scurrying through the streets and clogging parking lots. In the meantime, locals of all linguistic orientations are trying to find encouraging pluses in the sad minus - they say that the former giant festival suppressed all other cultural and entertainment activities, and now the poster is painted for months ahead with more modest in scope, but creatively very rich events.

The diversity of names from Russia on the posters really struck - from Yuri Bashmet to Yuri Temirkanov and Larisa Rubalskaya, from Konstantin Khabensky to Denis Matsuev and Dmitry Hvorostovsky, not to mention the pop-rock guard: “Time Machine”, “A-Studio”, Denis Maidanov, Grigory Leps, Oleg Mityaev, Dima Bilan, Maxim Galkin, Kristina Orbakaite, etc. and so on, not counting jazz with Igor Butman, humor with Alexander Revva and Mikhail Galustyan, and even theater with Gennady Khazanov…

But the holy place of the "New Wave" could not be empty for a long time, the local authorities still wanted something more. Laima Vaikule was “brought to account”, who managed to be in this situation a native of Jurmala, and she could not get away from the task of state importance, just as the unfortunate Igor Krutoy (already on the state task from the other side) could not help but take out of here everything that so many acquired over the years through hard work. The ban on Iosif Kobzon, Oleg Gazmanov and Valeria from entering Latvia during the last "Wave" for political reasons, against the backdrop of disorganized interstate relations, played a fatal and cruel joke on everyone.

Since then, however, the local “black list” has not been replenished with a single Russian cultural figure, regardless of anyone’s or any political orientation, but it’s impossible to delete the “holy trinity” from it, despite the fact that Lyme first of all she went to the authorities with a petition when it became clear that she needed to invite dear guests from Russia and Ukraine to her new festival.

With a cautious doe and a wise owl, the Latvian prima donna (as Elena Vaenga called Laima) did everything to “relax” the tense situation as much as possible. She came up with an original concept - not just a set of combed hair for four days, but a whole parade of exclusive duets with guests, which, first of all, caused amazement from the colossal work that the fragile and, in general, not the youngest star already spent on this. For four days, she was not only the main character of the concerts, but from morning to evening she rehearsed all the performances with the participants, except that she did not fall off her feet.

According to the rating of applause that ZD loves so much, let’s say, the most enthusiastic reception was noted in the first days of the festival (not counting the hostess of the event, Laima), the performances of Grigory Leps, Elena Vaenga, Kristina Orbakaite, Verka Serduchka, Alexander Buinov, Intars Busulis, Potap and Nastya, Sergey Mazaev. An interesting list, indicating that in addition to hit parades and notorious formats, the public always has its own arguments and preferences, often very mysterious for the blurry look of other critics and show business insiders. Mr. Mazaev, for example, wondered backstage how his new single "Photons" did not fit into the format of any (!) radio station ...

Not only the artists, but also the public were happy as plums (as Philip Kirkorov used to say, though he was not present at the festival). Everyone experienced a pleasant deja vu, as if playing the favorite game of the former New Wave. The same hall - albeit finally renovated (irony of fate!), the same stellar fashion shows on the red carpet, the same VIP terrace with rappoports and other imposing bohemians, even the headquarters room in Pegasa Pils next door, where the bustle of work was always seething and from where the news, rumors, the latest gossip flew intriguingly, and Nikolai Baskov used to lodge in his favorite suite with a balcony, often amusing the audience flanking under the balcony with loud chants.

The Russian press, of course, also came in large numbers, not in that quantity, of course, but they arrived to cover, so to speak, the event - with a clearly and in advance formulated "party" task and guidelines. True, most of my colleagues basically rushed to hatch their luck at the rented villa of the Pugacheva-Galkin couple half an hour walk from the hall in the hope of snatching their piece of “mega-sensation” in the face of Our Everything - even with children, even with a husband, at least one, at least on a scooter, at least some ... At this point, excuse me, it was not up to Lima with her festival.

Laima herself was very worried about possible parallels with her predecessors, and in order to avoid their importunity, she even shifted the dates of the festival from the usual end of the month to a less favorable time - from the point of view of both the weather and the marketing features of the place.

The press, however, did not really appreciate such a “sacrifice” and, continuing to sniff out Pugacheva, scribbled dispatches to the center on assignment, which more closely resembled (in terms of presentation and vocabulary) denunciations to the NKVD with a full listing of the artists who went “to the enemy country”. Of all the lists, however, at first the name Leps suspiciously disappeared - apparently, this artist did not fit into the harmonious puzzle of "traitors" and "corrupt souls", who were branded on the very first day with wide "public" indignation with some cultural figures who joined in Moscow.

It was not easier for artists from Ukraine - there, on the contrary, they were indignant about the participation of their stars in the "pro-Russian festival", even if it was held in "enemy" (in relation to Russia) Latvia. Panopticon! As a result, the Ukrainian TV broadcaster, which broadcast the festival, mercilessly cut out from the “live broadcast” not only Leps, officially banned in Ukraine (but, lo and behold, allowed in “NATO Latvia”), the young artists of his center and even his own Verka Serduchka .

In our country, no TV channel broadcast anything at all, although the festival was shown throughout the Baltics by a local branch of one of the Russian federal television monsters with a logo familiar to each of our eyes. In the "enemy country" he works quite openly and freely. And we, therefore, neither Leps with Serdyuchka and Potap, nor anyone at all!

For the future New Wave in Sochi, Sting has already been joyfully promised, just as joyfully recently buried at an oligarchic wedding in Moscow. Here, clever girl, his music is out of politics, and we praise him for it. But according to our logic, he should not go to Russia, because it is “enemy” for his homeland, and he should show solidarity with the Bloodhound Gang and Marilyn Manson, who were expelled from Russia, as well as declared de facto persona non grata by Madonna and Lady Gaga, whom we even tried to judge! Mirror situation! But why don't they, these lazy Westerners, think of such a thing?! They somehow really have everything separately - flies and cutlets ...

The participants of the festival, who nevertheless managed to maintain complacency and goodwill throughout the entire event, at first even tried to avoid “reactions” coming from behind various hillocks and bumps - not only so as not to spoil the mood for themselves and others, but also because in this relaxed , pleasant and friendly atmosphere, all these "goat faces" were perceived as a wild fiend of some distant and unreal hell.

However, to remain completely silent would still be excessive Buddhism, bordering on a lack of self-respect and a sense of justice. In any case, in their interviews with MK, Grigory Leps and Elena Vaenga severely dotted the i, although Lyme still preferred to stay, albeit with difficulty, within the framework of diplomatic and human decency.

Laima Vaikule: “Sprats are not allowed, but for what?!”

Laima, congratulations on the festival! It's obvious how much work you've put into this. Unfortunately, the joy of the premiere is overshadowed by all these news, curses and "revelations". How do you feel?

Thanks for the warm congratulations! Not everyone, you see, is so happy ... For me, to be honest, Ilya Reznik's statement was unexpected. I treat him so warmly, he did so much for me. From any person who is not in the music business, I could expect this, but not from him.

It's our job! We work wherever we are needed, where we are listened to, and suddenly at some point it turns out that we become enemies! And we don’t even know about it, because we love each other!

The singer cannot be silent. And most importantly, why should people who love Russian songs in Russian here, in Latvia, suffer? What are you punishing THEM for - half of the country of Latvia?! Even if someone considers her second half as enemies? On the contrary, one must always go out of love, gently. Under no circumstances should malice be tolerated. Everyone starts with themselves. I don't have a single person that I don't like. I don't watch all those venomous comments that people tell me about. And even if they don’t try, it still won’t reach me!

Hmm, I wanted the best, but it turned out ... I also have to take on a peacekeeping mission. Isn't it hard? You really have always been so peaceful, fluffy ...

I love everyone who came here. Unfortunately, we did not succeed with Valeria. We wanted to sing a duet. But I couldn't do it! There are bureaucratic formalities, protocols. They cannot be broken by the will of one person. This is a whole procedure that I could not run. And I'm very sorry about that. I tried to.

- Didn't you understand that the situation is now so tense that you will have to stumble over every bump?

The nightmare is that I didn't even think about it! I found out that the situation was unhealthy only when, excuse me, Ilya Reznik just said something! I thought that we are all friends and everything is fine with us. I am absolutely sincere. I have that feeling even now. I don't watch TV.

- And they still reproach you for treachery - they say, they took advantage of the fact that the former tenants moved out ...

I dream that "Volna" will return to Jurmala. I have no competition with her. How many people, artists, young performers could meet! What are they all guilty of? Well, all right, sprats are not allowed, but what are the performers for? And I didn’t just sit for a long time about this festival, I dreamed ... I didn’t even want to be a singer. Wanted to be a doctor. And in America, the disc was not going to be recorded. Invited by chance, it happened, it's fate. And this festival is destiny. Maybe she wants me to hold this place for Igor (Krutoy) ...

- By the way, how did he react?

We have a very good relationship. He wished me good luck, said that, unfortunately, he could not come now, but he hoped that everything would go well. And I also wish good luck - not only to his festival, but also to the "Slavianski Bazaar" and all others.

The more festivals there are, the more friendship there will be, the more we will communicate. In one book it is written that the whole planet rests on vibrations, which are called love. And we radiate these vibrations. Therefore, in all religions, love is the cornerstone. These vibrations are necessary for the planet. Physically required. So let's radiate them! Diplomats, politicians, let them go about their business, you see what they are doing... But we, the people, should not... Who will keep this planet?!

- You are talking about "people's diplomacy", but now, alas, this category is practically dead...

But where does this anger come from? I always knew that you can call, come to drink tea with a friend. If it’s bad, then no psychologist is needed, he came to a friend, cried ... Where are we losing all this ?! We have no right!

Okay, let's talk about pleasant things… The main creative of the festival is your duets with guests, how unexpected at times, so luxurious… It can be seen how you did not skimp on either physical strength or creative imagination!

And rehearsals, and live sound, all this is very serious. At the opening, I did not sing a single solo song, although I was on stage almost all the time. It is a great happiness that all creativity is based on these duets.

I get to know many artists better when I rehearse with them. With Khibla Gerzmava, with Larisa Dolina, for example, I rehearsed at home. In such an environment, the sides of people that you did not know before, did not suspect, open up, and people become closer. That is why I say that this is a great happiness for me. I recognize even my longtime colleagues from unexpected sides, I start to love them even more. They become part of my soul.

- Vaenga mysteriously said in an interview that I myself should find out from you how and why you invited her ...

She worked in Riga in a huge hall. I came, I saw Lena for the first time at a concert. I really liked her! She was so peculiar, different, with a core, as they say. And that's the kind of artists I like. Free on the stage, those hands, the movements, the way she conducts an orchestra... She was not at all what I imagined. Very cool, unique, talented. He starts his concert with poems, translates them into songs ... Nobody does this! And now I'm happy that I sang a duet with her.

And for the first time, it seems, there was a duet with Kristina Orbakaite, for whom you once became a “guiding star”, according to her confession, when at the age of 6 she saw you dancing and singing in the Juras Perle variety show, barely peeking her head out from behind high table, and then told mother Alla that she wants to be, “like that aunt” ...

Ha ha ha! And there is a nuance - how she was crazy about my shoes. The shoes were really crazy for that time, transparent, like glass, unusual, on a huge platform ... I immediately remembered this story, that's why I said, announcing that Christina had been in music for a long time, and Alla Pugacheva introduced us.

- And Alla's song "Grey-winged Dove" crowned the whole story ...

Certainly! Everything connected. I hope someday we will all take the stage. Maybe at the next festival.

- Super! I would like to, of course, and now. Moreover, Alla is sitting right next door, in a resort villa ...

She said that she would watch it on TV for the time being. But I know that there is nothing more terrible for a famous (especially such a!) person, how to pack up and go out somewhere. After all, they don’t look like that just - hello. After all, they look - yeah, what is wrong with you, not like that ... These views burn you, you cannot withstand them for a long time. Therefore, I understand Alla. Although, she was ready to come, and then, obviously, our relaxed Jurmala atmosphere worked, which sucks in so much that you don’t even want to wear anything but a tracksuit.

Grigory Leps: "Politicians are deeply mistaken!"

Grisha! Welcome to Jurmala - almost straight from Syria, from the Russian Air Force base. And congratulations on being included in the list of "traitors" and "corrupt souls" that has just been published in Russia. How do you feel?

Ha ha ha! I feel great.

And no jokes? After all, it is no longer just some kind of struggle of opinions and views. Cave frenzy, all-consuming malice, triumphant insanity burn out all life around, don't you think?

Well, you answered your own question. Anger and stupidity often coexist inseparably, but these categories are incomprehensible to me ... It is incomprehensible to me, including because we did not come here to support any particular country or policy, but came, firstly, to our friend Laima, she asked us. Because we are friends and communicate, this is a wonderful artist, she has done a lot for music - both in Latvia, and in Russia, and even in the USSR. That is why we are here. We don't make any money...

- Well, someone is making money. Is this vicious? Not birds - sing for free ...

We personally do not earn money, sorry, it just happened… Then, for the first time, I brought young artists from my center to such an authoritative stage. Sharif, who is already quite famous, the singers Romadi, Tanya Shirko. Very cool singing people, it's interesting to see how they show themselves on such a stage. It is useful for them, but it is useful and interesting for me.

- But what to do with this total insanity on the basis of clinical jingoism?

I don't think anything needs to be done about it, because I am absolutely convinced that sooner or later common sense will prevail over everything else. Music and sports should always be out of politics.

First of all, we sing for people. Secondly, we sing Russian music for those who live, including those outside Russia. These people, guys, girls, whole families need it, they are waiting for such meetings. This is the same “Russian world” that we have no right not to care about and support, including with our creativity. So we, as they say, kill several birds with one stone. Although this was not the main idea and goal. We came to the music festival, to visit a man whose authority and respect for whom is beyond doubt.

- As John Lennon sang: make love, not war - create peace, not war?

Like that.

But artists are now used more and more often as a tool in political games, and the artists themselves, as we see, sometimes with a servile gleam in their eyes willingly get involved in this.

Still, I think that some politicians are trying to earn points and points in this way. I don't know why they need it? I think they are deeply mistaken.

Do you have complaints from Latvia? On the last solo album here in Dzintar, you proudly raised our tricolor, for example. Didn't scold? Although, judging by the fact that you're here again...

No, there was nothing, they treat me well, meet, see off, I am grateful. Everything is fine.

Lima's creativity at this festival is duets. You are the person with whom each of the current famous artists seems to dream of singing a duet. How do you explain such a passion for yourself?

Here we do not even a duet, but a trio, Intars Busulis also sings with us - the song "The World is Fragile". Lyme is an outstanding woman, some pluses. This is my first time on stage with her to sing. Let's see how it goes. How can I explain this passion? Don't know. Maybe it seems to everyone that they will become a little more from this? I am grateful to everyone that they want to sing with me. Unfortunately, I can't with everyone. Life is not enough. But, if I see that the song is good, I see a perspective in the work, then, as a rule, I agree. There will be duets, probably with Irina Allegrova soon - new ones, although this is kept a secret for now. She has a holiday soon.

- With Irina Alexandrovna - already a good tradition. Soon you will sing for a whole album of duets. So love each other!

Well, if it is the will of God - let it be ... And the album, and the single, and whatever you want ...

It remains to be hoped that we will live to see the beautiful time when good will conquer evil, as in fairy tales, and not vice versa, as it is now in life ...

Everything will be fine, believe me!

Elena Vaenga, whose presence at the festival also caused a uniform paralysis among the "patriotic" public, which did not expect such a "betrayal", has its own attitude towards "many scoundrels".

Nobody kicked me in Latvia, - the singer is perplexed, - I have excellent relations with the government of Latvia, they consider me a good person and a good singer, can you imagine! They told me about it. And I proudly represent here my native country Russia, I sing for people who love not only me, but also Russian culture, I sing at the festival with the singer, who herself is an integral part of Russian music and pop genre. What is unpatriotic here and whose "wrong side" I took?!

Elena's rhetorical question requires, of course, clarification. I could not limit myself to a short commentary from the artist also for the reason that ZD was looking for a meeting with this original and unique singer for a very long time, and this happiness happened only in Jurmala! Read on the MK website big interview with Ms. Vaenga() about her motives in creativity and in human relations, about her teachers and favorite genres, about the war with journalists and what she is looking for on stage and in music, which she considers really patriotic and, of course, about an unexpected appearance at a party Limes.

Today in Jurmala a big press conference was held dedicated to the opening of the key event of the summer season 2016 - the festival "Rendezvous of Laima Vaikule". The musical festival will be held in the Dzintari Concert Hall this week - with the traditional support of Rietumu Bank - and will last for four days.

The Rendezvous of Laima Vaikule festival was held for the first time last year. The program of the first festival lasted two days. At the same time, it sounded that the plans and dreams were to create an annual event, which, according to the singer, was supposed to bring together wonderful performers of popular music from different countries on one platform. Then at a press conference in 2015, Vaikule said: “Our business is to unite. We can sing, we can be together, we can not forget each other and continue to be friends, this is our mission.”

"Date" in Dzintari won the hearts of spectators and professionals. As a result, the program of the festival has doubled: many popular pop singers from Russian and Latvian show business have joined the festival.

“Rietumu Bank has supported this festival from the first step, and we are very pleased that it has acquired its individual creative face, first of all thanks to Laima Vaikula,” said Alexander Gafin, a member of the Council of Rietumu Bank. - This year the festival has the opportunity to reveal its potential even wider, to reach a new creative level. It is very important, in our opinion, that such a wonderful event was not just a decoration of the Jurmala season - it created new opportunities for the development of Jurmala, its popularity for business and, which is no less important today, the strengthening of human ties.”

In turn, Laima said that she again invited her friends to the festival: “I love, respect and am sincerely glad to see everyone who will perform here. But I especially want to note that this year the People’s Artist of Russia and Abkhazia, a real world star Khibla Gerzmava, is participating in the competition with us, thanks to which our competition has acquired an even wider international sound.”

Festival organizer Elita Milgrave also noted that the current festival, unlike the previous ones, will receive even greater international resonance - it will be watched by more than 100 million people in the Baltic States, Russia, the USA, Kazakhstan and other countries of the world.

The well-known Latvian performer Intars Busulis said that he loves to take part in all sorts of adventures in the good sense of the word, and therefore participates in the Laima festival with pleasure. It should be noted that Intars Busulis will perform at Laima Vaikule Rendezvous for the second year in a row.

At the end of the first part of the press conference, Alexander Gafin emphasized: “Laima Vaikule is not just a wonderful performer and musician, not only a style icon for at least two generations, but also a wonderful charming woman who has the gift and ability to truly make friends. Therefore, it is very difficult for her to refuse someone when organizing such an event. In turn, we, as a bank, have nothing but money, and when she turned to us, we did not think long. I can assure you that Laima has a time-tested and reliable partner in the face of Rietumu Bank.”

Khibla Gerzmava, Grigory Leps, Edita Piekha, Emin Agalarov, Kristina Orbakaite, Maxim Galkin, Larisa Dolina, Alexander Buynov, Lolita, Soso Pavliashvili, Vladimir Vinokur, Elena Vaenga, Sergey Mazaev, Vladimir Presnyakov, Natalia Podolskaya will take the stage with Laima Vaikule. , Stas Piekha, Verka Serdyuchka, Potap and Nastya, Ilona Bronevitskaya, groups: Silver, VIA Gra, Time and Glass, Musiqq, M-Band and, of course, Latvian performers - Intars Busulis , Janis Stibelis, Olga Raetska, Lauris Reiniks and Maria Naumova. TV viewers from different countries will also be able to watch the concerts within the framework of the festival. Live broadcast will be carried out on the First Baltic Channel in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. And also on RTVi and Musicbox TV channels.

A scandal erupted around the Rendezvous Laima Vaikule festival in Jurmala. Ilya Reznik accused Galkin, Orbakaite, Vaenga, Mazaev and other Russian artists who came to Jurmala of greed and unscrupulousness.

July 5 started the music festival "Rendezvous" Laima Vaikule in Jurmala. The well-known songwriter Ilya Reznik expressed his indignation at the participation of representatives of the Russian show business in the event organized by the Latvian authorities.

As you know, this year the authorities of the Latvian resort, which lost the legendary "New Wave" the year before last, have relied on a new festival.

The organizers of the "Rendezvous" called the regulars of the "New Wave" there - Maxim Galkin, Kristina Orbakaite, Elena Vaenga, Lolita, Alexander Buinov, Vladimir Presnyakov and many other stars, for whose performances tourists flowed like a river in past years, bringing money to the city budget.

The producers of Rendezvous, headed by Laima Vaikule, even invited Alla Pugacheva, who had been the muse of the New Wave for many years, as a special guest.

At the same time, none of the invitees even remembered the high-profile scandal when Russian stars - Valeria, Oleg Gazmanov and Iosif Kobzon - were denied entry to Jurmala, thereby provoking Russia to refuse to hold the "New Wave" in Latvia and move it to Sochi.

The current headliners of the Jurmala "Rendezvous" were not embarrassed by the close "neighborhood" of Vladimir Zelensky's festival "Quarter 95", which starts in the city this month and positions itself as a "festival designed to promote Ukraine in Europe." However, there are a lot of Ukrainian stars on the poster of the Laima Vaikule festival: Verka Serduchka, the Potap and Nastya duet, and even the Time and Glass group, whose soloist not so long ago openly demonstrated fascist signs in his new video, are next to Russian names.

“This is the acting essence - corrupt. Most of our artists are unprincipled!” Ilya Reznik was indignant at what was happening in Jurmala.

"This unscrupulousness and the desire to earn money eventually leads to such" small betrayals ". When our great Kobzon was offended in Jurmala two years ago, our artists should have packed up and left already then, it would be humane and Russian! Well what are you going to do, this is our show business! Fee is a word with a capital letter," the poet said.

The main reason for the consent of the stars to return to Jurmala, according to the poet, was the crisis in the Russian show business and a significant decrease in the income of artists.

"Igor Krutoy, who made the New Wave, was replaced by Laimochka, that's all. Show business is in crisis, many artists have no fees. Of course, this is a reason for them to earn money. Especially when the government of Latvia has allocated a million dollars. Now and "our stars will replenish their budget there. Alas, we can count patriotic people, in a high sense, on our fingers! Those who truly love their Fatherland, respect their people and will never betray them," Reznik stressed.

He admitted that he considers all the possible arguments of the Russian stars about why they returned to Jurmala, "talking in favor of the poor."

“They can find any explanation: let’s be friends and so on. I don’t have any respect for it. They revealed their essence, you understand? This is greed. Many built palaces and mansions there, in Jurmala, and they also need to be supported. I I don't want to denounce them, but for me this festival is a regrettable event."

The statement of Ilya Reznik angered Sergei Mazaev, who answered the poet in a rather rude manner.

The vocalist of the "Moral Code" group said that he received a good fee for performing at the "Rendezvous" festival in Jurmala and is not at all ashamed of this.

“But I will bring home the money earned in Jurmala, pay taxes, so, on the contrary, I enrich our country. The money has already been transferred to my Moscow account: everything is very honest and without delays and empty promises. I didn’t put my fee in some bank in Jurmala, I brought it to Russia! I glorify my Motherland with any of my performances abroad, and I do not betray, "he said.

According to the musician, he is not at all embarrassed by the fact that he will have to "glorify" his country in the company of artists with an anti-Russian position (the poster of the Vaikule festival is replete with the names of Ukrainian artists who have repeatedly spoken very unflatteringly about Russia).

Laima Vaikule © Photo from the personal page in Instagram

A press conference dedicated to the festival "Rendezvous of Laima Vaikule" was held in Jurmala. A detailed program was presented and the guests who would take part in it were named. The festival will take place in the Dzintari Concert Hall from 5 to 8 July 2016 with the traditional support of Rietumu Bank.

The first festival took place in 2015. This musical festival immediately aroused great interest among the guests and permanent residents of the Baltic resort. It instantly became one of the key events of the summer poster.

Rietumu Bank, known in its homeland as a major philanthropist supporting high-quality projects in the field of culture and art, again acted as a partner of this festival.

As a member of the Rietumu Council Alexander Gafin notes: “We supported the first festival, and we are very glad that it was a success, that people are still talking about it, and we are waiting for the next meeting with Laima and her friends. This is very important, because starting in any business is always difficult. We are sure that this year the festival will take the next height and once again become a holiday for many, many fans of Laima Vaikule's work. I will add that such events create a bright, festive and creative atmosphere of the summer season in Jurmala.”

During a press conference, Laima Vaikule told what stage the work on the project is at: “Now I am working on the repertoire of concerts, which I coordinate with my colleagues. It turns out very interesting, because each of my guests is a personality and a star that gathers full houses. At this festival, everyone will present their biggest hits, and of course we will sing songs together that we choose. This is a unique opportunity to see almost all the pop stars of our neighboring countries in a few days! This will be a unique event, because during all four days of the festival, various events will take place outside the Dzintari concert hall. Fun parties and creative after-parties - as it should be at a summer festival - will be a real treat for artists and spectators.”

The program of the festival turned out to be very rich. Laima has prepared surprises together with each of the artists, original duets, trios and songs in Russian and Latvian are expected.

Among the invited guests: Khibla Gerzmava, Grigory Leps, Edita Piekha, Emin Agalarov, Kristina Orbakaite, Maxim Galkin, Larisa Dolina, Alexander Buinov, Lolita, Soso Pavliashvili, Vladimir Vinokur, Elena Vaenga, Sergey Mazaev, Vladimir Presnyakov, Natalia Podolskaya, Stas Piekha , Verka Serduchka, Potap and Nastya, Ilona Bronevitskaya, groups: Silver, VIA Gra, Time and Glass, Musiqq, M-Band and, of course, Latvian performers - Intars Busulis, Janis Stibelis , Olga Raetska, Lauris Reiniks and Maria Naumova.

This year, TV viewers from different countries will also be able to watch concerts within the framework of the festival. Live broadcast will be carried out on the First Baltic Channel in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. And also on RTVi and Musicbox TV channels.

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