Competition the world with young eyes. All-Russian competition of young amateur photographers "The world through the eyes of young






Theme of the year : « The joy of business!»

The topic chosen for this year's competition sounds unusual, but in fact it is again a competition for the ability to see real life artistically. This is the main task for the artist - the ability to interestingly, meaningfully see and reveal in his works-compositions significant and poetic in seemingly ordinary everyday life.

This is the main task of a real Artist to show - to reveal in his work the life of his time, his contemporaries, and thereby his indifferent creatively active inner world.

The named theme involves the image of the work of the surrounding people. What professions do people who live next to you have, what does their work look like?

Go outside and see, through the eyes of an Artist, how much is being done around! These are transport drivers, and sellers, and builders, and there is a school, and a library, and a stadium, and a clinic, and a factory, and a scientific laboratory, and someone plants plants, raises animals, sews dresses, repairs cars, bakes bread …

How long can you list! Maybe where you live, there are some special works that characterize exactly your region? This would be especially interesting.

This may be the work of your relatives. Maybe homework, various activities and hobbies, a composition about the joy of family work together.

Remember that the main criterion for evaluating drawings will be the ability of the artist to see the surrounding life and the ability to tell about it in an artistic way. Therefore, it is necessary that the depicted characters are in their real environment of the interior or landscape. So that as a result of the competition an expressive artistic story about the life of modern people and their interesting deeds is obtained.

And it is no coincidence that we called the contest "The Joy of Work". Only a creative person can overcome difficulties and obstacles, and beauty, the joy of good deeds should be a source of strength for a young person.

1. General Provisions

The concept of the International Children's Drawing Competition is based on the actively developing pedagogical concept "Nemensky School", which is a holistic integrative system for introducing the younger generation into the world of modern artistic culture of Russia and the world. Art in it is considered as a system of human socialization, creative development of personality and harmonization of students' thinking.

The name of the competition came from a conceptual position "From life - through art - to life"- one of the basic principles of the artistic and pedagogical school of B. Nemensky. That is, art in school education should be an instrument of "humanization", knowledge of the relationship of a person with reality and self-building of the individual. Both the artist’s activity and the artist’s training are based on the fact that he simultaneously learns to peer - to think about the life around him, learns the pictorial language, that is, masters expressive means, and with his creativity he must help himself and people to see in a new bright and figurative way and experience life. These qualities are necessary not only for artists, but for every person the semantic ability to see the surrounding life is a source of filling his inner world and the productivity of his personality.

The competition is organized to support the subject "Fine Arts" in a general school, as well as artistic and pedagogical activities in additional and pre-professional education. In the conditions of “loss of interest” in culture and art in the modern education of children, we want to convey to every official, leader and administrator the importance and value of a full-fledged art education, its teaching by specialists. Without the formation of artistic-figurative and visual-spatial thinking, the social adaptation of children, the formation of patriotic and heuristic thinking, which is so necessary for our society, is impossible today, just as it is impossible to fully prepare a person for work in a society where there has been an explosive visualization of all means of communication, information and labor.

We invite you to take part in the creation of the International Gallery of Children's Drawings, which will contain the best competition entries. Works from the collection will participate in various forms of exhibition, festival, charity activities to promote the high level of professional skills of art teachers and children's creativity.

The main objectives of the competition:

  • Stimulation of familiarization with art as a system of emotional and value criteria of life activity (in the system of general education), development of creative abilities (creativity) (in the system of additional education), mastering the basics of figurative language, its grammatical foundation (in the system of pre-professional education).
  • Development of the ability to observe, analyze, artistically and poetically see real life, to be able to express its content by means of art.
  • Increasing the authority and role of the subject "Fine Arts" in the school.
  • Development of a system of work with creative, art-motivated children.
  • Identification and support of professionally and creatively working teachers - artists.
  • Activation of the creative energy of school groups and increasing motivation for socio-cultural activities.
  • Creation of a fund of children's works of art and a database of gifted children.
  • Support for creative initiatives and exchange of experience in the field of art education.
  • Attracting artists to the cause of aesthetic education of the younger generation and promotion of the results of children's creativity.

2. Competition organizers

The competition is held by the Office (TsNHO) of Continuing Art Education ( School of B. Nemensky) GAOU DPO MTsRKPO together with " International Union of Teachers-Artists". The partner and sponsor of the competition is Fila Stationari LLC is the official representative office of the FILA group of companies in Russia.

Organizers provide:

Equal conditions for all participants of the Contest;

Information support of the Competition;

Conducting the Contest, viewing and evaluating the works of the Contest participants;

Awarding of the winners of the Competition and their teachers.

3. Organizing Committee of the Competition

Chairman of the Organizing Committee

Nemenskaya Larisa Alexandrovna

Deputy head of the TsNHO, laureate of the Prize of the President of the Russian Federation, honorary member of the Russian Academy of Arts, professor, chairman of the Moscow branch of the International Union of Art Educators

Deputy Chairman of the Organizing Committee

Astafieva Marina Konstantinovna

Executive Director of the International Union of Art Educators, Editor-in-Chief of the International Network Educational Journal ART TEACHER, Specialist of the Central Scientific and Cultural Organization.

Competition Jury Chairman

Nemensky Boris Mikhailovich

Head of the TsNHO, People's Artist of Russia, Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts and the Russian Academy of Education, holder of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, laureate of the State Prizes of the USSR and the Russian Federation, international prizes, professor

Executive secretary of the subject-methodological commission

Tereshchenko Anna Sergeevna

Analyst of the Artistic and Pedagogical Excellence Sector of the TsNKhO, Public Relations Specialist of the International Union of Teachers-Artists.

Exhibition project curator

Volkov Alexander Evgenievich

Head of the Museum and Exhibition Sector of the TsNKhO

Information Support

Kondratiev Andrey Vitalievich

head sector of organizational and information support of the TsNHO

Yudina Lyubov Yurievna

document manager of TsNKhO

4. Conditions of the Competition


The participants of the competition are schoolchildren from grades 1 to 11, studying in general education, art schools, art schools, studios, circles, preschoolers 4-6 years old. The drawings of the contestants are evaluated separately in five age groups: 4-6 years old, 7-9 years old, 10-12 years old, 13-15 years old, 16-18 years old

Competition nominations

"Color" (best painting work).

"Line" (best graphic work).

5. Procedure for the Competition

The competition is held in three stages.

The first stage of the competition: acceptance of works in the electronic gallery of the competition

on the website of the International Union of Art Educators

It is welcomed during the first round to hold a competition on the theme of the year at the regional level with the awarding of the winners. This contributes to a wider coverage of the attention of the participants of the competition, the dissemination and discussion of the competitive goals and objectives, which are an important educational task, an environment for professional growth and communication of teachers.

At the suggestion of the participants, the competition in the region may be organized face-to-face. The local jury selects the winners, whose works are sent to the e-gallery address. At the same time, the regional jury may award the participants of the full-time round as winners of the regional stage of the International Competition .

Second round of the competition:


The third stage of the competition - full-time: February-March 2019

Upon notification of the organizers, the selected laureates of the competition must send the originals of their works to the address indicated in the notification.

The 2nd stage of the work of the JURY is held in the TsNHO (Center for Continuing Art Education) and the WINNERS of the Competition are selected.

(the works of laureates not sent for the full-time stage of the competition are not considered by the jury)

Opening of the exhibition of works by laureates and winners of the competition ,

V I International Forum of Art Educators .

6. Basic requirements for competitive work

Figurative expressiveness;

Expressed ability of artistic observation of life;

Originality of idea and mastery of execution;

Disclosure of the content of the topic by artistic means.

Main evaluation criteria The artistic quality of the work of students of any age and degree of training is creative independence in the disclosure of a given topic, stylistic individuality, vital observation and fantasy not torn off from it, a poetic vision of the world around. The main quality of children's work is its content, which is organically intertwined attitude the author to what he depicts, i.e. content realized in an expressive (artistic) form.

7. Awarding the winners of the Competition

By decision of the Jury, competition winners in nominations: "Color" and "Line" (without awarding 1, 2, 3 places), as well as the GRAND PRIX of the competition in each age category.

In addition to the main nominations, special diplomas and jury awards are awarded:

"For the best embodiment of the theme of the competition",

"For a poetic vision of life",

"For responsiveness and empathy",

"To the youngest participant of the competition."

The winners are awarded with diplomas and prizes.

All teachers who have prepared the winners of the competition are awarded with certificates of the jury of the competition.

The works of the winners of the competition are published:

The best young artists from all over the region gathered in Stary Oskol. A regional children's drawing competition in memory of Ilya Khegai was held at the Children's Art School. This year it brought together 56 participants.

The full class of participants, the silence and only the rustle of pencils and the rustling of brushes speaks of the hard work of young artists. Focusing on the easels, the guys depicted on paper how beautiful this world is. This is how the theme of the regional competition in memory of Ilya Khegai is designated this year. Participants are not limited by any form or technique of performance.

Children can work as oil pastels, watercolors, gouache. Choose any technique, work on tinted paper with a brush, felt-tip pens, pencils. The competition itself is very interesting because the children come and work in real time. What the children did here in two hours is an exclusively independent work of the child, there is no teacher's hand here, and we can really evaluate the work of the children.

13-year-old Sofia Niroda from the village of Rovenki decided to portray the Crimea. She is the only one of the contestants who works in the technique of scratching, which is an ancient way of drawing a picture by scratching. Preparation for the competition was preparing for a week.

Of course I would like to win. With pleasure I participate, to enjoy the process, look at the other work.

- Sofia Niroda.

Thoroughly prepared for the competition and Natalia Sukhenko from the Korochansky district. This year, after graduating from the 9th grade, she plans to continue her studies at the college in the department of graphic design.

At my art school, I tried to paint this picture in color, then at home I distributed the time. I never drew hastily, usually competitions were inaccurate, and now the lack of time is very affecting on my work.

- Natalya Sukhenko.

A8-year-old Ksenia Tulinova from Gubkin coped with the task ahead of schedule. She drew a plot based on the memories of the summer holidays.

As we went fishing with the whole family, I remember it most of all in the summer. I depicted everything that reminds me of this event, I drew how my uncle was sailing on a boat. Probably, my grandfather's ability to draw was taken.

- Ksenia Tulinova.

The jury determined the winners in three age categories. It is very difficult to do this, 56 participants gathered here.

The best of the best have come to us. Talented work, I want to consider each work and admire, the children are great fellows, in principle, everyone did a good job.

- Olga Gladkikh, director of the Stary Oskol children's art school.

The competition in memory of Ilya Khegai has been held for the seventh year. It started as a general school, then it became an urban one, and since 2016 it has become a regional one.

Ilya Nikolayevich is a world-class artist, which I tirelessly repeat. There is an encyclopedia "Artists of all times and peoples", which has been published in Germany for many years, on there in this encyclopedia.

- Tatyana Bryzhik, organizer of the competition.

As a result of the competition, nine best artists received memorable gifts and cash prizes.

Out of more than a hundred works by young artists, the jury members selected 89 in the nominations: "Easel Painting", "Graphics", "Decorative and Applied Arts", "Sculpture", "Collective Work", among four age categories. The authors of these works were awarded diplomas of I, II, III and IV degrees, and their works will go to the regional stage, which will be held in late April - early May this year in Murmansk.

- The variety of work is enormous. New items were presented this year as well. One of them, the work "Again deuce" in the nomination "Sculpture". Very interesting lithography and, of course, painting, graphics, - says Daria Silushina, director of the North Sea Children's Art School. - Every time I admire the work of our children, because sometimes you look and think: "where did you see this in our city?" And they see it! It is truly unusual to look at the world around us through the eyes of a child. Every time I smile, I rejoice. Thank them for this!

The acceptance of applications for participation in the regional stage of the International competition of children's drawings "Labor protection through the eyes of children" in 2019 has started.

The competition is held with the support of the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Belarus and the State Labor Inspectorate of the Republic of Belarus.

Children can participate in the competition in 3 age categories:

Preschooler - children from 3 to 6 years old;

Primary school student - children from 7 to 12 years old;

High school student - children from 13 to 18 years old.

The competition is held among young residents of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

Conditions of the competition:

1) It is necessary to draw a picture on the topic of labor protection,

including linking it to one of the following areas:

— General issues of labor protection;

— Labor protection in the construction industry;

— Labor protection in the transport industry;

– Labor protection during the operation of lifting structures;

— Occupational safety in the gas industry;

— Labor protection in housing and communal services;

— Labor protection in agriculture;

– Labor protection in forestry;

— Labor protection in the petrochemical and chemical industries;

— Labor protection in the oil industry;

— Labor protection in the mining industry;

— Labor protection at communication enterprises;

- Fire safety;

— Road safety;

— Environmental protection;

- Electrical safety.

The themes of the drawings correspond to the nominations for additional rewarding of participants.

2) Fill out the registration form on the website in the "Competitions" section. It is MANDATORY to fill in all fields!

3) Upload the scan of the drawing to the website in the "Competitions" section or send it by e-mail to e-mail: [email protected] until August 1, 2019. Drawing file requirements: format - jpeg, png, bmp, pdf; size - up to 5 MB (with a resolution of at least 150 dpi).

Entries will be accepted until August 1, 2019. Only 1 entry will be accepted per participant.

The winner will be determined by the results of voting - the largest number of "likes" collected in the official group of the contest: Voting will last until August 1, 2019.

The best drawings with the highest number of "likes" according to the results of the voting will be sent to the national stage of the competition, their authors will receive diplomas of the laureate of the regional competition (the first 30 authors in the rating - diplomas of the I degree, the remaining 70 authors - diplomas of the II degree).

Three winners in separate nominations will also be determined and awarded with diplomas. Their works are also sent to the national stage of the competition.

All participants of the competition receive a diploma of the participant of the regional stage of the competition. Diplomas are signed by representatives of the organizers of the regional stage of the competition.


Since 2000, in the Samara region, on the anniversaries of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, the All-Russian competition of young amateur photographers “The world through the eyes of the young. Heirs of the Great Victory". This good tradition was born in the Samara Photo School of the Samara Palace of Children and Youth Creativity.

More than 2800 photographs from 582 authors from 53 Russian photo studios from Orel, Moscow, Sverdlovsk, Novosibirsk, Tomsk Tver, Tyumen, Kostroma, Leningrad, Omsk, Lipetsk, Penza, Ryazan, Irkutsk, Kurgan, Samara, Chelyabinsk, Kaluga regions, as well as from the Altai Territory, Krasnodar Territory, Kamchatka, the Jewish Autonomous Region, the Republic of Mari El, the Republic of Tatarstan, the Republic of Bashkortostan, the Perm Territory, the Republic of Crimea and from Kazakhstan.

1. "Winners"single photographs or series showing the life of participants in the Great Patriotic War, the attitude of those around them, the connection of generations, the preservation of the memory of the feat of the defenders of the Fatherland.

2. "People and Everyday Life" single photographs or series illustrating the richness and diversity of everyday life, including portrait photographs.

3. "Nature" - single photos or series about the natural world (mammals and birds, landscapes, macro photography, plants, underwater world).

4. "Free Theme" single photographs or series, which in their content do not correspond to other categories (still life, architecture, abstraction, etc.).

The selection of works took place in four age categories: 11-13, 14-16, 17-19 and 20-25 years old.

The founders of this photo contest are the Ministry of Education and Science of the Samara Region and the Union of Photographers of Russia, the Public Chamber of the Samara Region, the organizer of the photo contest is the Samara Palace of Children and Youth Creativity.

  • Formation of patriotic feelings and consciousness of young citizens on the basis of historical values ​​and the role of Russia in the destinies of the world, the preservation and development of a sense of pride in their country.
  • Popularization of photography among children and youth of the Russian Federation.
  • Promoting the establishment and expansion of creative links between young photographers.
  • Identification of young talented photographers, creating conditions for improving their professional level and providing an opportunity to realize their creative potential.
  • Improving the professional skills of leaders of photo associations.

Svetlana Pozharskaya — chairman, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, For more than 25 years Svetlana Georgievna has worked as a leading specialist in the photography department of the State Russian House of Folk Art. Member of the jury, winner of international, all-Union, Russian photo exhibitions, festivals and competitions. Passed 20 solo exhibitions in Russia and abroad. Photographs by Pozharskaya S.G. are stored in the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, in the State Center for Contemporary Art, as well as in private collections.

Vladimir Vyatkin— Honorary member of the Union of Photographers of Russia, photojournalist for RIA Novosti, member of the Union of Journalists of Russia, winner of the Golden Eye award and six World Press Photo gold medals, lecturer at the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University (Moscow).

Galina Temchina- Head of the Moscow Window photo studio (1986-2000). She taught photography at the Faculty of Journalism of the IMPiE. Griboyedov (2002-2012). Currently a counseling psychologist. Member of the Union of Photographers of Russia (Moscow).

Mukhanov Nikolai- Samara conceptual photographer, member of the photo association at the Union of Journalists of Russia, winner of the Grand Prix of the Baltic Biennale.

Yuri Sagittarius- Editor of the illustration department in the regional newspaper "Samarskiye Izvestia", chairman of the photo association at the Samara regional organization of the Union of Journalists of Russia. Member of the Union of Photographers of Russia, member of the Union of Journalists of Russia (Samara).
All teams that sent their work to the contest will be awarded certificates of participation in the photo contest.

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