Synopsis of literary reading E. Charushin "Teremok" outline of a lesson in reading (Grade 1) on the topic. Teremok Russian folk tale The course of the lesson Children's activities


It stands in the field of a teremok-teremok,

Like a field, a field a mouse runs,

She stopped at the door and squeaked:

Peak! Peak! Peak! Peak! Peak! Peak!

Peak! Peak! Peak! Peak! Peak! Peak!

Who, who lives in a teremochka?

Who, who lives in the low?

Who lives in the terem?

There is no one in the tower - no one answers the mouse. The mouse climbed into the tower; began to live and live - to sing songs:

Peak! Peak! Peak! Peak! Peak! Peak!

It stands in the field of a teremok-teremok,

He is not low, not high, not high.

Like a frog running across the field,

Qua! Qua! Qua! Qua! Qua! Qua!

Who, who lives in a teremochka?

Who, who lives in the low?

Who lives in the terem?

- I'm a mouse! And who are you?

- I'm a frog!

- Come live with me!

The frog jumped into the tower. They began to live with the mouse, live - sing songs:

— Peak! Peak! Peak! Peak! Peak! Peak!

It stands in the field of a teremok-teremok,

He is not low, not high, not high.

Like a field, a bunny runs in a field,

Chuk! Chuk! Chuk! Chuk! Chuk! Chuk!

Who, who lives in a teremochka?

Who, who lives in the low?

Who lives in the terem?

- I'm a mouse!

- I'm a frog! And who are you?

- And I'm a hare - a dodger on the mountain!

- Come live with us!

- Okay, I'll come.

The hare jumped into the tower. They began to live and live together - to sing songs:

— Peak! Peak! Peak! Peak! Peak! Peak!

— Qua! Qua! Qua! Qua! Qua! Qua!

- Chuk! Chuk! Chuk! Chuk! Chuk! Chuk!

It stands in the field of a teremok-teremok,

He is not low, not high, not high.

How the fox runs across the field,

At the door she stopped and shouted:

Tyaf! Tyaf! Tyaf! Tyaf! Tyaf! Tyaf!

Who, who lives in a teremochka?

Who, who lives in the low?

Who lives in the terem?

- I'm a mouse!

- I'm a frog!

- I am a hare - dodger on the mountain! And who are you?

- And I'm a fox-sister!

- Come live with us!

- Be back soon.

The fox climbed into the tower. Now four began to live and live - to sing songs:

— Peak! Peak! Peak! Peak! Peak! Peak!

— Qua! Qua! Qua! Qua! Qua! Qua!

- Chuk! Chuk! Chuk! Chuk! Chuk! Chuk!

- Tyf! Tyaf! Tyaf! Tyaf! Tyaf! Tyaf!

It stands in the field of a teremok-teremok,

He is not low, not high, not high.

Like a field, a field, a gray wolf runs,

At the door he stopped and shouted:

— Wow! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

Who, who lives in a teremochka?

Who, who lives in the low?

Who lives in the terem?

- I'm a mouse!

- I'm a frog!

- I am a hare - dodger on the mountain!

- I'm a fox-sister! And who are you?

- And I'm a wolf - because of the bushes, a snatch!

- Come live with us!

The wolf climbed into the tower. They all began to live and live together - to sing songs:

— Peak! Peak! Peak! Peak! Peak! Peak!

Qua! Qua! Qua! Qua! Qua! Qua!

Chuk! Chuk! Chuk! Chuk! Chuk! Chuk!

Tyaf! Tyaf! Tyaf! Tyaf! Tyaf! Tyaf!

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

It stands in the field of a teremok-teremok,

He is not low, not high, not high.

How the bear wanders across the field,

At the door he stopped and roared:

Phew! Phew! Phew! Phew!

Phew! Phew! Phew! Phew!

Who, who lives in a teremochka?

Who, who lives in the low?

Who lives in the terem?

- I'm a mouse!

- I'm a frog!

- I am a hare - dodger on the mountain!

- I'm a fox-sister!

- I'm a wolf - because of the bushes grabbing! And who are you?

- And I'm a bear, a blubber, you're crushing all of you!

As Mishka fell on the tower, so the tower crumbled. And all the animals fled. The bear began to catch them, but did not catch anyone.

Where is he, such a clubfoot!

Russian folk tale, which can be read in full looking at beautiful pictures or listened to online. Here you will find a summary, find out what its main idea is and what it teaches. For reading by roles or skits, it is very convenient to download the text in PDF or DOC formats, and then print it. The fairy tale Teremok is an excellent option for staging a children's play in kindergarten.
Summary fairy tales Teremok: The little mouse saw Teremok in the field and began to live in it. Then the Frog Frog, the Runaway Bunny, the Chanterelle Sister, and the Gray Barrel Top were asked to live with her. I saw Teremok the Bear with a clubfoot, and also began to ask for a hut, there was no more room in the house, and he climbed onto the roof. Teremok collapsed. But the animals did not despair, and together they built a new house, better than the previous one.
the main idea Teremok's fairy tales are that in a good team there is enough space for everyone, and if a difficult situation happens, together it will be easier and more fun to solve it.
Tale Teremok teaches friendship, hospitality, mutual assistance, solidarity. Proverbs fit the fairy tale: “In cramped quarters, but not offended”, “Together we are strength”, “Where there is friendship and advice, there is light”.
audio fairy tale Teremok is kind and instructive for the youngest children. The fairy tale about Teremok can be listened to online or downloaded to your device in MP3 format for free.

Tale Teremok listen

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Tale Teremok read

Stands in the field Teremok. A mouse runs past. I saw the tower, stopped and asked:
Nobody responds. The mouse entered the tower and began to live there.

A frog jumped up to the tower and asked:
- Terem-teremok! Who lives in the terem?
- I'm a mouse! And who are you?
- I'm a frog.
- Come live with me! The frog jumped into the tower. They began to live together.

Runaway bunny runs past. Stop and ask:
- Terem-teremok! Who lives in the terem?
- I'm a mouse!
- I'm a frog!
- And who are you?
- I'm a runaway bunny.
- Come live with us! Hare jump into the tower! They began to live together.
A little fox is walking by. She knocked on the window and asked:
- Terem-teremok! Who lives in the terem?
- I'm a mouse.
- I'm a frog.
- I'm a runaway bunny.
- And who are you?
- And I'm a fox-sister.
- Come live with us! The fox climbed into the tower. The four of them began to live.

A top-gray barrel came running, looked in the door and asked:
- Terem-teremok! Who lives in the terem?
- I'm a mouse.
- I'm a frog.
- I'm a runaway bunny.
- I'm a fox-sister.
- And who are you?
- And I'm a top-gray barrel.
- Come live with us!
The wolf got into the tower. The five of them began to live. Here they live in the tower, they sing songs.
Suddenly a clumsy bear comes along. The bear saw the teremok, heard the songs, stopped and roared at the top of his lungs:
- Terem-teremok! Who lives in the terem?
- I'm a mouse.
- I'm a frog.
- I'm a runaway bunny.
- I'm a fox-sister.
- I, a top-gray barrel.
- And who are you?
- I'm a clumsy bear.
- Come live with us!
The bear climbed into the tower. Lez-climb, climb-climb - he just couldn't get in and says:
- And I'd rather live on your roof.
- Yes, you crush us.
- No, I won't.
- Well, get down! The bear climbed onto the roof and just sat down - bang! - Teremok collapsed.
The tower crackled, fell on its side and fell apart. A mouse-louse, a frog-frog, a bunny-runaway, a fox-sister, a spinning top-gray barrel barely managed to jump out of it - all are safe and sound.
They began to carry logs, cut boards - build a new tower.
Built better than before!

Class: 1


  • introduce the fairy tale "Teremok";
  • develop the skill of expressive reading of fairy tales by roles;
  • promote the development of interest in the works of oral folk art.


  • exhibition of books with fairy tales;
  • illustrations for the fairy tale “Teremok”;
  • handout (cut mosaic, proverbs);
  • reading tables.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment


Do we understand each other?
Are we reading well?
Do we all know the letters too?
Do we fall asleep in class?

- Signal me, indicate your mood.

I remind you:

  • red color - anxious mood, you are worried about something, upset;
  • green color - a good, joyful mood, you are comfortable.

II. Cognitive minute

(Held twice a week).(”Buzzing” reading. Students read small cognitive texts prepared in advance by the teacher.)

What did you learn from what you read today? ( student answers).

III. Preparatory exercises

(Breathing exercises.)

Let's move on to gymnastics, which will help us prepare for work.

Exercise "We breathe"

Deep breath through the nose. Exhale - through the mouth. (3-4 times)

Imagine that we have three candles. Take a deep breath and three intermittent exhalations. Blow out each candle. Imagine that you have a big birthday cake in front of you. Let's take a deep breath and try to blow out as many candles as possible, making the maximum number of short exhalations.

Exercise “Knead the tongue”

Let's brush the lips. One-two. Let's dry. Twist the tongue in the mouth.

Exercise “Brushing your teeth”

Warm up the muscles of the tongue, lips, cheeks. To do this, we will perform the exercise “Brushing your teeth”. We open our mouth and brush the outer side of the upper teeth, lower teeth with the tip of the tongue. Brush your teeth from the inside.

IV. Reading skill development

a) work in subgroups;

(Students of the first and second row work in pairs on cards.)

- Make up words, taking the first syllable from the first column, and the second syllable from the second. Write them down in your notebook.

- We read correctly, clearly, abruptly.

- Read the first line as you exhale.

- We read in sequence.

- We read “at the pointer” of the teacher.

- Let's check how the guys who worked in pairs did the work.

List the words that you have.

(The students name the words, the teacher hangs a card with the named word on the board.)

V. Checking homework

- Guys, you were invited to pick up riddles about fairy tales or about the heroes that are found in these fairy tales at home. Please, you have the floor.

a) a quiz.

Answer your friends' questions very quickly: (The questions were given beforehand.)

  1. How many people pulled the turnip? (Three.)
  2. What animal is called Toptygin? (Bear.)
  3. How does Baba Yaga and the witch move? (On the step.)
  4. The patronymic of the famous snake from fairy tales. (Gorynych.)
  5. The heroine of which fairy tale woke up from the kiss of the prince? (Sleeping Beauty.)
  6. What did Ivanushka play from the fairy tale “Geese-Swans” with Baba Yaga? (Golden apple.)
  7. Who helped Petushka out of trouble in r.n.s. "Cat, Rooster and Fox"? (Cat.)
  8. How did the wolf catch fish in the fairy tale “The Chanterelle-Sister and the Gray Wolf”? (Tail.)

Physical education minute

VI. Learning new material

A) opening talk.

- Do you like fairy tales?

- What fairy tales, besides those already mentioned, do you still know?

- I see that you know a lot of fairy tales. This is good. Today we are starting to study a new section, which is called like this: ( On the desk): Fairy tales. Puzzles. Fables.

Our lesson will focus on the first topic of this section. We'll talk about fairy tales.

What kinds of fairy tales are there? (magical, everyday, about animals).

- Why do we call some folk tales, and others - author's?

- Who can tell me how the fairy tales end?

Let's read the proverb proverb written on the blackboard).

- We read in syllables.

- We read confidently, in whole words.

– How do you understand it?

- In order to find out what kind of fairy tale we will read today, you need to complete the following task.

- In my fairy chest there are things that belong to the heroes of fairy tales. Try to guess the fairy tale and name the hero who owns this item. If you answer correctly, you will be able to open one letter from the name of our fairy tale.

(On the board are cards with inverted letters TEREMOK. The teacher takes the following items out of the chest one by one. Students name a fairy tale in which this object can be found. If the answer is correct, students have the right to open any letter).

  1. Egg.
  2. Washcloth.
  3. Mirror.
  4. Pie.
  5. Jam.
  6. Flour.
  7. Stethoscope.

- So, you guessed that this is a fairy tale ... in the processing of Evgeny Charushin.

(Teacher's word about the writer, showing a portrait).

VII. Preparing to Read

- Remember the main characters of the Russian folk tale "Teremok".

- In order to recognize those heroes who will come to visit us today, you need to work in groups. Who will remind me the rules of working in a group? (Do not make noise. Work together, harmoniously. Consult with comrades.)

(Students work in permanent groups. Each group is invited to assemble from puzzles fairy-tale hero, attach the resulting image to the board).

What do all these heroes have in common? (From one fairy tale - "Teremok").

Do you remember the order in which they appeared?

Guys, this fairy tale is well known to you since childhood. Let's try to characterize the heroes of this fairy tale. To do this, I suggest you play the game "Scout". Let me remind you that you can’t shout from a place, we play silently.

- Find a card in the class perimeter indicating the quality of any of the heroes presented here and attach it under the image of this hero.

VIII. Fairy tale dramatization

“Now is the time to go to the theatre.”

Which of you has been to the theatre?

- Who knows how to behave while watching?

(Prepared students show an excerpt from the fairy tale "Teremok").

IX. Checking for comprehension of what was heard

- Did you like the story?

- Which character did you like the most? Why?

- What heroes have we not seen here?

Do you know how the fairy tale will end?

- What words will the wolf say - because of the bush, the snatch?

- What words will the bear pronounce - the oppressor of everyone?

- If you have a desire, then at home you will read the fairy tale to the end and learn the words of any fairy-tale hero. And in the next lesson you will try yourself as an actor.

Physical education minute

X. Work on the text

A) Selective reading.

- Find in the text a passage in which there is an external description of the tower.

- Find in the text and read the words of the mouse.

- Find in the text the words of the frog when she asked for a teremok. Read.

Find in the text all the words of the hare. Read them.

b) Reading “Stumbling over Pebbles”(for students with a slow pace of reading).

Imagine a stream flowing. On his way there is a stone. What does a stream do? It stops, bends around it and flows on. Now imagine that our voice is a stream. And the stones are punctuation marks. We read, stumbling over pebbles.

(The rest of the students work in a group on the instructions of the teacher.)

- Gather a proverb. Read it to the class.

(In the course of work, cards with the text of the proverbs obtained by the children are posted on the board:

In crowded but not mad.
The magpie knows where to spend the winter.
Concord is stronger than stone walls.)

Which of the proverbs written on the board best fits this tale?

– How do you understand it?

- Let's read it in unison.

XI. Summarizing

- What is the name of the fairy tale that we met today?

What is she teaching us? (Friendship, kindness...)

- I I'll light a candle now. This is a tricky one. This is the flame of the human soul. Whoever has such a light in his heart is a real person, a real friend. I I want you to always feel each other's shoulder, support in difficult situations. Each of you has a “tongue of flame” on your desk ( cut out of colored paper). I will ask you to take it and come to me. Let's stand closer to each other and make a big fire of friendship. Like these rays, always be friendly!



Yesterday you finished the section on literary reading, which was called "Once upon a time there were letters."

Do you remember what works you went through?

Organization of cognitive activity

Today we will study new material, but what you will learn by adding a word from letters.

( A A K S K Z)

goal setting

What are we going to talk about in class today?

Today we begin to study a new section, which is called like this: Fairy tales. Puzzles. Fables .

Discovery of new knowledge

Open the tutorial on page 29 and let's see what awaits us in this section.

Our lesson will focus on the first topic of this section. We'll talk about fairy tales .

What fairy tales do you know?

What kinds of fairy tales are there? (magical, everyday, about animals).

How do you understand the expression "A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it - a lesson for good fellows"

- In order to find out what kind of fairy tale we will read today, you need to complete the following task.

- Try to guess the story. If you answer correctly, you will be able to open one letter from the name of our fairy tale.

(On the board are cards with inverted lettersTEREMOK . The teacher takes the following items out of the chest one by one. Students name a fairy tale in which this object can be found. If the answer is correct, students have the right to open any letter).


    Golden pen.

    Three chairs.

    Little kid.

(The inscription opens on the board: TEREMOK)

- I see that you know a lot of fairy tales. This is good.

What fairy tale will we meet today?

- This is not just a fairy tale, but a fairy tale in the processing of Evgeny Charushin. Such fairy tales are called author's.

From childhood, he was surrounded by wildlife - his parents' house with a huge garden, a home zoo with piglets, rabbits, chickens and birds, which the Charushins cured and nursed. It is clear that in such a house and in such a family - his father was a famous architect - only an amazing and talented person could grow up, which was Evgeny Charushin. Yevgeny Ivanovich recalled how, as a child, he, listening to fairy tales, held a pencil in his hand and drew stories that came to his mind.

He grew up as a kind, sympathetic, animal-loving boy.

When he grew up, he fulfilled his cherished dream, graduated from the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg.

Important in the biography of Charushin was the acquaintance with Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak, who convinced the artist that he should start writing himself. It turned out to be difficult, but Charushin continued to work hard.

The world of animals was also his world, that's why his drawings were so lively, bright, talented, that's why more than one generation of young readers were fascinated by his drawings and read his stories.

- These are the works created by Evgeny Charushin.

Primary fastening

Guys, this fairy tale is well known to you since childhood. Let's try to characterize the heroes of this fairy tale. For this I suggest you play the game "Scout" . You will work in groups.

- Find a card with the quality of any of the heroes presented here and attach it under the image of this hero.

(cunning, cowardly, cautious, greedy, ferocious, noisy.)

-Read the phrase:

Lena was looking for a pin,

And the pin fell under the bench.

It was too lazy to climb under the bench,

Been looking for a pin all day.

Independent work

Reading a work.

Repetition and inclusion in the knowledge system

Read the names of the characters in the order they appear in the story. How does the fairy tale end? What heroes are missing?

What is the difference between this fairy tale and the folk tale known to you?

What ending to the story can you suggest?

Which of the proverbs fits the fairy tale "Teremok" by E. Charushin?

Reflection-Let's summarize: What work did you get acquainted with?

Pike Egg







Golden pen Three chairs




Literary reading, grade 1

Lesson 45

The list of questions considered in the lesson:

  1. folk and author's tales;
  2. Evgeny Charushin - writer, animal painter, illustrator;
  3. characteristics of the characters in the story.

A folk tale is a genre of oral folk art, so it can change as it is passed from mouth to mouth. In folk tales, it is impossible to determine the author.

An illustrator is an artist who does not create an image corresponding to the content of the text, using the means of fine art.

An animal artist is an artist who depicts animals.


Basic and additional literature on the topic of the lesson:

1. Literary reading Grade 1: A textbook for educational organizations: At 2 hours. / L.F. Klimanova [and others] - M.: Prosveshchenie, 2015. - 158 p.

2. Zaikin's hut. Russian folk tales: a collection of Russian folk tales / Ed. A. V. Sagalova. - M.: Azbuka, 2016. - 152 p.

In the lesson we will learn:

That famous children's writers loved to express Russian folk tales in their own way;

That the fairy tale "Teremok" was retold in his own way by Evgeny Ivanovich Charushin;

That Charushin is not only a writer, but also an illustrator, an animal painter.

Set the sequence of events;

Describe the characters in the story.

Write your own ending to the story.

The main content of the lesson:

Evgeny Ivanovich Charushin - writer and artist. He was born in 1901 in the city of Vyatka in the Urals. Most of all, little Zhenya loved books about animals.

One day his father gave him 7 heavy volumes for his birthday. It was the book of the German scientist Adam Brehm "Animal Life". He cherished and read it all his life.

From the first pages of the book, the boy began to draw the animals he had read about. After serving in the army, Evgeny Charushin enters the Petrograd Academy of Arts. He becomes an animal painter (this is an artist depicting animals). Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak invited him to illustrate Vitaly Bianchi's book. So Charushin became an illustrator. Later he illustrated books by Mikhail Prishvin, Samuil Marshak, Maxim Gorky.

Charushin also had literary talent. He himself wrote wonderful books about animals and illustrated them. The writer-artist depicted each character with a certain character, therefore the Charushin animals are very touching and emotional.

Listen to the fairy tale "Teremok" by Evgeny Ivanovich Charushin.

At the end of the lesson, read the story on your own. In the meantime, think about how this story ended.

Analysis of a typical training task

Question text:

What characteristics are suitable for E. Charushin's fairy tale "Teremok"?

folk tale

everyday fairy tale

fairy tale


Types of fairy tales: magical, about animals, household.

All fairy tales can be divided into two groups: folk (the author is unknown) and author's (the author is known).


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