Summary of a lesson on art on a New Year's theme. Summary of GCD on fine arts in the middle group on the topic: New Year


state state educational institution of the Sverdlovsk region "Polevskaya boarding school, implementing adapted basic general education programs"

An open art lesson in grade 6 on the topic:

Happy New Year

Fatkullina Marina Valerievna


I qualification category

Polevskoy 2015

Lesson topic: "Happy New Year"


    Development of the ability to see and convey in the drawing the characteristic features of people's emotions;

    introduce children to the history of the New Year, the appearance of the symbol of the holiday - the Christmas tree, the main characters of the new year - Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden;

    to teach creative thinking and work on compositions;

    develop: fantasy, creative imagination; artistic taste, aesthetic sense and understanding of beauty;

    bring up: interest and love for art; taste through a minimal combination of colors, create a positive cheerful mood, pleasure from work; cultivate perseverance.


    computer, drawing samples, paints, brushes, albums, color cards, emoticons, cut out monkeys, pencils.

Lesson plan

    Explanation of new material

    Completing of the work


During the classes

I. Org.moment. Statement of the topic and goal

Hello guys! Sit down please. Let's remember what we drew in the last lesson? Who can tell me what a sculpture is?(cord) Today I will show you colored cards at the beginning of the lesson, you will name the colors and remember, and at the end of the lesson I will remove 2 cards, and you tell me which colors are missing.

II. The explanation of the new material takes place in the form of a story with elements of a conversation.

What holiday is approaching? ... And what time of the year does the New Year take place in our country, and on what date?

The theme of today's lesson is "Merry Christmas". We will need to draw the New Year cheerful, joyful, playful and even fabulous.

Did you know that for the first time the New Year was celebrated on January 1 only in 1700?

In ancient times, for many peoples, the year began in spring or autumn. In ancient Rus' until the 15th century, the new year began on March 1. It was met as a holiday of spring, sun, warmth, and expectation of a new harvest. In 1700, the Russian Tsar Peter 1 issued a decree to celebrate the New Year according to European custom - January 1. Peter invited all Muscovites to decorate their houses with pine and spruce branches. As a sign of a good undertaking and the beginning of a new century, after thanksgiving to God and prayer singing in the church, it was ordered“in honor of the new year, make decorations from fir trees, amuse children, ride sleds from the mountains.

At 12 o'clock at night, Peter 1 went to Red Square with a torch in his hands and launched the first rocket into the sky. Wriggling as a sign of a national holiday, they fired from cannons, and in the evening, in the dark sky, multi-colored fireworks, never seen before, flashed. People had fun, sang, danced, congratulated each other and gave New Year gifts.

This is how the New Year came to us, with Christmas tree decorations, lights, snow creaking in the cold, winter children's fun: sleds, skis, skates, snowmen, gifts ...

About three hundred years ago, people believed that by decorating the New Year tree, they make evil forces kinder. The evil forces have long been forgotten, but the tree is still a symbol of the New Year holiday.

And who is in charge of the New Year's holiday?

How old is Santa Claus?

It seems to us that this kind old man with a snow-white beard, a friend of children and forest animals, came to us a very long time ago, like other heroes of fairy tales. But in fact, he is the youngest of the Russian fairy tale characters. Kind Santa Claus, a symbol of the New Year holidays, he became about 100-150 years ago. But already in ancient times, the Russian people told tales and legends about Frost - a strong and evil old man, the owner of snowy fields and forests, who brought cold, snow, snowstorms to the earth. He was called differently: Moroz, Morozko, and more often, with respect, by his first name and patronymic: Moroz Ivanovich. In those days, he rarely gave gifts, on the contrary, people who believed in his strength gave gifts to him so that he would become kinder.

When in Rus' they began to celebrate the New Year in winter, on the night of December 31 to January 1, Santa Claus became the main character of the holiday. But his character changed: he became kinder and began to bring gifts to children on New Year's Eve

And the second main character Snegurochka- fabulous and character, granddaughter , his constant companion and assistant.

Thus, it became customary to celebrate the New Year cheerfully, smiling and rejoicing!

Which of the proposed faces can be attributed to happy and joyful? (smilies on the board, several students choose).

Well done guys, do you know the year of which animal we are coming?(monkey) And which one are we following?(goats)

I will give you funny monkeys, they are joyful, happy and ready to help you draw an unusually fabulous merry new year! But they must be in the center of your drawing and everything you draw must be connected to this center!

Now let's see examples of drawings(computer, pictures) , and you already fantasize what you will draw on your sheet.

III . Completing of the work

You have brushes, albums and paints on your desk, let's recall the rules for working with these tools again.(do not splash paint, do not leave a brush in the water, do not push a neighbor, work calmly and quietly).

Fizminutka (under video)

Now I will turn on New Year's music to keep your cheerful New Year mood! In the drawings we will depict a merry new year, perhaps you will draw yourself, perhaps your friends, and maybe fairy-tale heroes. In conclusion, I will decorate the class with your work!

IV. Summing up takes place in the form of an exhibition of student work.

Reflection: What did we guys draw today? What new did you learn today? What difficulties did you have?

Do you remember cards? I have already removed 2 cards, look carefully, what colors are missing?


Tidy up your workspace.

It was a pleasure to work with you, thanks for the lesson. I want to wish you to give others only a good, cheerful mood, and then other people will answer you in the same way.

DRAWING LESSON « Grade 2 2014

Guess the riddle:

It's snowing outside,

holiday coming soon

New Year.

What's happened New Year?

This is a friendly dance

This is the laughter of funny guys

Near all the elegant Christmas trees.

That's what the New Year means!

What's happened New Year?

Everyone knows in advance:

These are pipes and violins,

Jokes, songs and smiles.

That's what the new year means

There is another game for you:

I will start it now.

I'll start and you finish

Chorus, answer together!

  • Softly glowing needles

Coniferous spirit comes from …….


  • The branches gently rustle

Beads bright ……………


  • And the toys swing

Flags, stars………..


  • Threads of colorful tinsel,

Bells, ………..


  • Fish fragile figurines,

Animals, birds and ……….


  • White-bearded and red-nosed

Under the branches Grandfather ………


  • And, decorating the top,

There it shines, as always,

Very bright, big

Five-winged ………….


  • Well, the tree, just a miracle!

How pretty, how………


* Here the fires were lit on her,

Hundreds of tiny ………


* Doors wide open, just like in a fairy tale,

The round dance rushes to ………


Everyone who hears us, who knows us,

We congratulate you on the New Year!

We wish you happiness and good luck

Good health in addition!

Holidays joyful, cheerful,

But don't forget about school!

Study for "4", "5",

Help mom around the house!

We wish that every home

He was rich in peace and warmth!

Happy New Year,


Sources of materials:

  • Animation -
  • Riddles about the new year -
  • Poems about the New Year -
  • New Year's songs -
  • Step by step drawing of Santa Claus -

Lesson outline.

Teacher: Mitseykene Natalya Alekseevna.

Lesson topic:"Christmas tree".

Goals and objectives:

    Introduce children to Christmas tree decorations (modern and antique);

    consolidate the ability to draw a Christmas tree branch and decorate it;

    develop imagination;

    connecting the drawings, get a big Christmas tree, then finish it together and complement it with decorations.

Demo material:

    Christmas decorations (modern and vintage),

    Artificial Christmas tree branches

    Christmas decorations,

    Illustrations with Christmas trees.

    The painted top of the Christmas tree with a tip on a sheet of A2 paper in light green color.


    sheets of A4 paper in light green color;



Lesson progress:

The teacher gives the children a riddle:

Here comes the winter holiday

We have been waiting for him for a year.

Fairy tale, funny

New Year holiday)

    "Do you like New Year's Eve?

    What do you like about him the most?

    What is the main decoration of the New Year holiday? (Christmas tree)

    How do you decorate a Christmas tree?

Today we have an exhibition of Christmas tree decorations and toys. These are the toys that decorate the Christmas tree these days, and such toys are produced by Christmas tree decoration factories. But Christmas trees were decorated with such toys before our grandmothers, when they were small. These toys are made of cardboard, paper, cotton wool, wire, fabric, wood. Here we see a fox on a sled, a bear skier, a crow, a hut on chicken legs and much more. These toys are not as bright as modern ones, but very interesting in content. Did you like them?

Look at the branches of the artificial Christmas tree! Do they look like the branches of a real Christmas tree? Branches are long, short, they have small branches. The longer the branch, the more small branches it has. The shorter, the less. We will draw Christmas tree branches and decorate them with toys.

Children sit two at a desk, one draws a long branch, the other a short one. One row draws a branch from left to right, the other from right to left. Children decorate the painted branches of the Christmas tree with toys.

Ready-made work is laid out by children with a teacher on a free table, picking up branches so that a Christmas tree is obtained. The middle can be glued with tape.

"Guys, look! We laid out the drawings, what did we get? What is missing from our Christmas tree? (Trunk) All together we draw a trunk. What else is missing from our Christmas tree? (tops)

The teacher attaches a pre-drawn crown.

“Now, to make our Christmas tree even more elegant, let's draw garlands, tinsel, beads. We got a big elegant Christmas tree. We will hang it in the corridor in front of the music hall to decorate the kindergarten for the New Year. All kindergarten children and their parents will admire the Christmas tree.”

Sadieva Venera Galinurovna,

art teacher

MBOU "Bolshegondyrskaya secondary school"

"Art". 1 class
Lesson topic: Christmas tree.
Lesson type: A lesson in learning new material.

Technology used: Technology of problematic dialogue.
The purpose of the lesson. Development of aesthetic perception of nature and observation through the transfer of characteristic features, shapes and colors.

During the classes

Stage of the lesson and its goals - Well, guys, mind you, shut up.The lesson starts.We all love to drawYou just have to watch!
- Guys, tell me please, what season is it now on the street?-Do you like this time of year, why? -Let's read the verses that are prepared on your tables (children read verses in groups) -Guess the holiday that we are looking forward to adults and children.He comes on a winter eveningLight candles on the tree.He starts a round dance.This is a holiday ... (New Year).
Soon, soon the New Year!He's in a hurry, he's coming!Knock on our doors:Children, hello, I'm with you!

Without what it is impossible to celebrate the new year? - So what will our lesson be about? (The discovery of new knowledge). - What steps do we take when discovering new knowledge? (“What I don’t know?”, “I’ll find a way myself”)

-Guys, please tell me how people are preparing to celebrate the New Year?
- Without what it is impossible to celebrate the new year?
What kind of guest came to us?How pretty and slender.A star burns aboveAnd the snow glitters on the branches,And to the very top,All in toys and crackers.
What is this guest? (Christmas tree).The theme of our lesson is the Christmas tree.Guys, please look, what color is our Christmas tree?
- Before we start painting our Christmas tree, what should we do?(Learn to mix paints using primary colors, paint our Christmas tree, only then decorate the Christmas tree with toys).in front of you Primary colors 1) Red, blue, yellow. 2) - Choose the colors with which you can get green? What color is missing? ? We will give an exact answer to this question when we try to mix paints. - Decide which colors you will choose? be The purpose of the lesson. Find out what it is - a Christmas tree? You already have some ideas about this amazing Christmas tree. - Tell "What is our Christmas tree?" (green, fluffy, prickly) - Ch - To answer this question more fully and accurately, what do we need to know what shade the Christmas trees are? 1) 1) Mix red and yellow. 2) Mix red and blue 3) 3) Mix yellow and blue 4) - We made a plan for discovering new knowledge.

Lesson topic: Christmas tree

The purpose of the lesson:

    The development of imagination and fantasy when creating a certain image.

Lesson objectives:

    To form and develop creative abilities; artistic and graphic skills;

    To acquaint with the different forms of the image of the New Year tree, using various techniques;

    To develop an emotional perception of color as a means of conveying mood, a festive atmosphere, one's attitude to the depicted image.


    Video projector;

    Flash drive with records of New Year's songs;

    Gouache, watercolor; brushes, palettes, non-spills;

Lesson plan.

    Organizing time.

    Message about the topic and purpose of the lesson.

    Presentation of new material.

    Independent work in stages.

    Exhibition of works. Summing up the lesson.

During the classes

I come with gifts

I shine bright lights

Cheerful, elegant

For the new year, I'm the main one!

What is the topic of our lesson?

How do we start work on the sheet.

First, let's decide on the location of the sheet.

Next, let's decide on the background of the picture: what should be the background to convey delight, joy, festive mood. To do this, consider two paintings by artists and the guys are determined with the choice of warm colors. For backgrounds, students mix different colors of paint with white paint on a palette to create soft, pastel colors.

After completing the background, we move on to the main task of our lesson, drawing a Christmas tree. And the question helps us in this: “What does the Christmas tree look like in shape?” Children name the figures associated with the shape of the Christmas tree: a triangle, an umbrella, a female figure in a long dress. Associating the Christmas tree with a female figure, the harmony of the forest beauty is emphasized. This association immediately creates an image of a tree that is correct in proportion.

“If the Christmas tree is a woman in a long dress, then how will the folds lie on it?”

Let's start drawing step by step.

1. Draw a triangle. Draw a star at the top of the triangle.

2. Draw the upper part of the Christmas tree, consisting of three branches, as shown in the figure. The ends of the branch lines must join the star.

3. Add two or three more rows of spruce branches. In each subsequent row of branches, add one more. Thus, row 1 - three branches, row 2 - four branches, row 3 - five branches, etc.

4. Then draw a trunk under the tree.

5. Erase all auxiliary lines.

6. Let's start coloring.

7. Decorate the Christmas tree.

Reflection. There is a Christmas tree on the board. We need to decorate it. Everyone has three Christmas decorations on the table: red, yellow, blue. It is necessary to hang a toy on the Christmas tree, the color of which corresponds to the emotional mood by the end of the lesson (blue toy - did not like the lesson, yellow - so-so, red - liked the lesson very much).

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