Abstract of the lesson in fine arts "Linear perspective" Grade 6. Lesson summary on the topic "linear and aerial perspective" Explanation of new material


The outline of the lesson is the "alpha" and "omega" of the teacher's activity. A detailed, detailed plan will help to conduct the lesson as efficiently as possible, save time and allow you to quickly achieve your goals. A well-structured lesson structure helps the teacher to keep students' attention throughout the lesson.

Stage 1. Lesson topic

The theme of the lesson is always indicated in the teacher's annual lesson plan. But in some cases clarification is required. For example, the topic "Biography of A. Pushkin" in the 5th grade will differ in volume and coverage of the material from the same topic in the 9th grade. Therefore, when formulating a topic, specify the amount of material in advance.

Stage II. Lesson Objectives

Modern methodology does not require the division of goals into teaching, educational and developing. But it is more convenient for young teachers to use the old, proven method and clearly distinguish between the objectives of the lesson in three positions:

Learning goals. These could be goals such as:

Give an idea about…;

Generalize and systematize knowledge about ....;

Introduce students to (concept, rule, facts, law, etc.)

Develop skills (for example, analysis of a lyrical text).


To instill in students a sense of patriotism, humanity, diligence, respect for elders, aesthetic taste, ethical standards, discipline.

Developing. Here are the goals that will help develop students' memory, imagination, thinking, cognitive skills, will, independence, communication. If the lesson provides for group types of work, then it can be indicated that the main developmental goal will be to teach how to work in a team, express and defend one's point of view, and develop communication skills.

Stage III. Planned tasks

This indicates the minimum of the knowledge and skills that students should acquire during the lesson. Planned tasks should be compared with the requirements for knowledge and skills of students, which are indicated by the Ministry of Education for each grade and for each subject.

Stage IV. Type and form of the lesson

They may not be indicated in the plan, but each time it is worth clarifying for yourself whether this will be an explanation lesson, a conversation lesson, or you are aiming to conduct a non-standard lesson.
For convenience, we give examples of the most common types and forms of the lesson.

Types and forms of the lesson

1. Lesson of acquaintance with new material.

Forms: conversation, problem lesson, lecture.

2. A lesson in consolidating what has been learned.

Forms: games, competitions, KVN, travel, benefit performance, briefing, auction, fairy tale, briefing, performance, etc.

3. A lesson in applying new knowledge and skills in practice.

Forms: the same as for consolidation lessons. You can also conduct research lessons, laboratory, creative workshops, competitions, testing, excursions, etc.

4. Lesson of generalization and systematization of knowledge.

The form is chosen free, at the request of the teacher.

5. Control lesson.

Forms: both traditional tests, tests, dictations, essays, and more creative types: seminars, briefings or consultations.

6. Integrated lessons. Forms are free, as 2 or more subjects are involved in one lesson.

Stage V. Equipment

This lists everything that the teacher will use during the lesson. These are multimedia presentations, reproductions of paintings, audio and video materials, visual and handout materials.

Stage VI. During the classes

1. Organizational moment- a mandatory stage of all lessons. Helps to focus the attention of students, determine their composure and readiness for the lesson.

2. Checking homework. Experienced teachers practice hourly checking of homework. This helps not only to check how well the previous topic has been mastered, but also to remind the class of the main points of the previous lessons.

The exceptions are control lessons.

3. Actualization of students' knowledge on the topic. This step is optional, but very popular in teaching methods. Actualization helps students tune in to the perception of the topic, identify the range of issues that will be considered in the lesson. In addition, actualization makes it possible to set a practical goal for the lesson.

For example, listening to P. Tchaikovsky's composition "The Seasons" activates the imagination, sets the students up to talk about the time of the year.

4. Announcement of the topic and objectives of the lesson. The teacher can define the topics and objectives of the lesson. And you can lead students to this during a preliminary conversation, clustering or mini-testing.

5. The main part of the lesson.

This part of the lesson will be different depending on the type and form of the lesson. But the principle of construction is the same: from the simple to the complex, from the general to the particular.

6. Summing up. The step is optional. Many teachers replace this stage with reflection. It is important for the teacher to understand what the students have learned, what questions remain incomprehensible, what problems remain unresolved.

7. Grading. This step is self-explanatory. There is only a clarification. Grades can be set by the teacher himself, analyzing and evaluating the work of students in the lesson. Recently, self-assessment or a system of accumulative points has been practiced more. In this case, the students themselves evaluate their work.

8. Homework.

Traditionally, this stage is left at the end of the lesson. But homework can be given both at the beginning and in the middle of the lesson. Especially if the home will be given, for example, writing an essay, composition or doing a laboratory. In this case, the teacher directs attention in advance that the theses developed in the lesson will be important when doing homework.

The modern methodology recommends, in addition to the mandatory task, to offer students options of a more complex level or aimed at developing creative abilities. For example, not just learn a poem, but also create a collage, draw a picture on a topic, or prepare a report or presentation.

Recommendations: Remember that each lesson should contain a "zest". This may be an interesting fact, a non-standard task, an unusual form of presenting the material, an intriguing epigraph - something that will contribute to the interest of students.

Linear and aerial perspective rules

( art lesson in 6th grade)

Kolosova Larisa Grigorievna, MAOU secondary school No. 77, teacher of fine arts grades 5-9

The purpose of the lesson:


2. Development of creativity and imagination of students.

Lesson type :


Used teaching materials and teaching aids:

1. Visual arts and artistic work: 1-9 classes (with methodicalrecommendations) / under the guidance and ed. B.M Nemensky, / textbook for educational institutions. M. "Enlightenment", 2009

2. L.A. Nemenskaya; fine arts, "Art in human life". M. "Enlightenment", 2009

Used methodological literature:

1. A new generation of educational standards as a mechanism for the implementation of the national initiative "Our New School". Humanities education:Guidelines for the 2010-2011 academic year / Under total ed. L.L. Belyaeva. - Khabarovsk: HC IRO, 2010

2. Designing the educational process in the subject area "Fine Arts": Educational and methodological manual / V.A. Andreev, N.V. Andreev; ed. V.A. Andreeva. - Khabarovsk: HC IRO, 2010.

3.A.A.Ustinova. Theory of teaching methods for the subject "Fine Arts": Educational and methodological complex of advanced training courses for teachers of fine arts in secondary schools, lyceums, gymnasiums. - Khabarovsk: HC IPPC PK, 2003.

Used equipment :

Computer, projector, screen, blackboard, gouache paints, brushes, pencil, paper.

Used DERs : educational film "Perspective", educational film "Aerial perspective", DER (from the collection of the regional educational resourceschool- collection. edu. en).

Lesson plan:

1. Organizational part - 3 min.

2.Updating knowledge - 5 min

3. Explanation of new material - 10 min.

4. Warm-up (with research and choice of point of view and changes in visibility in space) - 2 min.

5.Practical work - 20 min.

6. Summing up the lesson -5 min.

During the classes.

1. Organizational part.

Greeting, checking those present, checking readiness for the lesson.

2.Updating knowledge.

Repetition of the studied material (the concept of the landscape genre and the concept of space image forms), performing a test (to repeat the previous topic).

3. Explanation of the new material.

On the board is the topic: "Rules of linear and aerial perspective."

I announce the new topic of the lesson, the purpose and objectives of the lesson.

Questions for the class:

What do you know about the horizon line?

What is a "vanishing point" and "point of view"?

What is "foreground" and "background"?

During the discussion, I find out the basic rules of linear perspective:

Objects that go into the distance decrease in size;

Parallel lines converge at the vanishing point on the horizon line (the lines of our eyes).

Skyline can be high and low, and it is very important to understand that this is a means of expression. To convey earthly distances, a high point of view is needed - a view from the mountain.

And from a low point of view, when the horizon line is located at the lower edge of the picture, we see the expanses of heaven.

Vanishing point , its position also greatly affects the character of the image. Off-centering the vanishing point to the right or left will give the image a sense of movement.

To consolidate the concepts of "horizon line", "vanishing point", "foreground", "background", we watch the educational film "Perspective".


Now it's time for rest. Take a piece of paper in your hands, and, holding it in front of you, begin to squat, looking at the screen. How is your point of view changing?

In order to correctly and expressively portray the landscape, it is necessary to know the laws of aerial perspective.

Questions for the class:

How are near and far objects depicted?

What can you say about dark and light objects at a great distance?

The teacher summarizes:

In the course of discussions, we find out that air, filling all space,

envelops all objects - what is removed, we see through its thickness. So the first rule is:

- as the planes are removed, the tone loses its saturation and contrast and brightens.

The second rule about changing the color of objects as they move away:

- the distance shrouded in air turns blue.

- warm colors stand out, seem closer, and cold colors recede .

Renaissance artists were the first to develop the division of space into plans:

- near plan - warm and contrast;

- average - the most developed, the tones are softer;

- far - light, generalized, everything merges into a common air haze.

We summarize our dialogue, and students make a conclusion about the patterns of aerial perspective:

- as objects move away from the observer's eyes, their outlines become softer, and the chiaroscuro transitions become blurry;

The air layer, as it were, hides the volume and texture of the material: the objects acquire a silhouette character.

To consolidate this material, I suggest that children watch an educational film about aerial perspective.

After we figured out everything about the perspective, we analyze and do the practical part.

Practical task.

We carry out the image of the road receding into the distance in compliance with the rules of perspective.

I focus on the implementation of the practical part of the assignment by students. On the blackboard, once again, together with the students, I repeat all the rules of linear perspective, determine which horizon line they need to choose, and only after that do the students begin to complete the practical part of the task.

Performing practical work.

Stages of work on the image of the aerial perspective: To prevent mistakes, I demonstrate children's drawings of different levels, previously made by students of other classes. On the screen I show slides of the phased implementation of the task.

Slides help children reinforce a new topic better.

Summing up the lesson.

When summing up, I conduct a discussion of the best work of students, I note the most interesting work in the composition or in the color scheme. I invite the children to analyze once again the phased execution of the drawing, to say what discoveries were made in the lesson.

I assign homework. Thank you all for your work in class.

I make sure that everyone cleans their jobs, puts things in order (poured water from jars and wiped desks with rags).

self-analysis of the lesson.

There are 25 students in the class, the children are calm, balanced, with the exception of one student. Most of the students in this class are middle class. This lesson is a continuation of the previous two lessons, designed for intermediate level children.

The purpose of the lesson:

To teach students to choose and build a horizon line, a vanishing point; familiarity with the techniques and means of depicting aerial perspective.Tasks:

1. Development of skills in the image of space.

2. Development of creativity and imagination in students.

3. Consolidation of knowledge gained in the lesson.

The lesson achieved its goal. Familiarize yourself with the techniques and means of constructing aerial perspective. aerial perspective. To achieve the goal of the lesson, the development of the cognitive activity of schoolchildren, emotional motivation was used - the organization of the lesson in the form of a dialogue "teacher - student", "student-teacher", ICT - technology and TCO. The chosen structure of the lesson was rational for solving the tasks. The stages of the lesson are logically connected with each other. The productive activity of students was facilitated by various teaching methods; verbal (conversation, explanation), presentation, educational films, practical activities. The mastering of the material of the lesson was facilitated by the stage-by-stage fulfillment of the task. Conducted individual work with students. I try not to correct the drawing, for whom it does not work out. I help to draw the correct elements of the images next to the erroneous ones, on the free field of the landscape sheet. I strive for the children themselves to see and correct their mistakes, in the lesson I use a democratic style of communication.

Evgeny Shchekotikhin

Target lesson: To develop an eye in students, the ability to draw straight lines without auxiliary tools. Get to know the varieties polyhedra and learn how to draw them angled perspective. Give a concept angular perspective. Understand the method of drawing with the help of auxiliary constructions based on the necessary laws perspectives.

Tasks lesson:

In an accessible form, present the essence of the material to students. After completing the pedagogical drawing on the board, show the depth of the lines, remind students of the meaning of the auxiliary lines and lines of the visible contour. Present the material in a way that students can understand. With the help of visual aids, explain the essential cultural aspects of this topic. "Ignite" pure children's hearts to the perception of art.

Disable negative qualities in children, instill in them attention to proportions and perseverance in lesson.

In this lesson, children have the opportunity to practice drawing skills pyramids and prisms. Drawing can take place without nature, however, the same principles of representation apply as when working with nature. In the course of the lesson, children learn about the rules perspectives, learn a lot of new about geometric bodies.

Synchronized work of students and teacher is provided. The teacher draws on the blackboard with chalk. The students follow his actions. The teacher leads the drawing, consistently commenting on his actions. Students, in order to have time to complete the drawing, perform tasks and the requirements of the teacher in turn. A reserve time reserve is provided, in view of the fact that the child may not immediately understand everything and often there is a need in the course lesson approach it systematically.

Students receive the necessary training for working with nature, smoothly approaching related topics in drawing and geometry.

Lesson summary: .

On the past lesson we got to know how draw two geometric bodies pyramid and prism in frontal perspective.

Let's draw a horizon line. Let's take two vanishing points along the edges of the sheet, respectively. Divide the entire width of the sheet in half and carefully draw a thin line from top to bottom. Our job is to set the foundation. Set the first near corner. From a given point, draw a line to point 1. Next, outline the direction of the next line from corner 1 to point 2.

Set the serif to the size of the right side. One side is a little longer, the other is a little shorter.

From corner 2, we direct the line to the vanishing point 1. From 3, we outline the line in t. 2. By pressing the pencil we will show the depth of the lines. We draw diagonals and use them to find the middle. Let's draw a vertical line parallel to the side edge of the sheet to the center - this will be the height.

Having built the base and outlined the top, we outline the edges. By pressing the pencil we will show the nearest edges. At the bottom you need to sign that it is - pyramid.

Drawing a pyramid from life.

By eye, we determine the size of the picture in height, determine the width. A little Let's shift the image to the left, since the drop shadow is on the right.

The height is 1.5 times the width. Show where the near corner has moved. Let's put the pencil horizontally near the corner and determine the direction of the lines to the vanishing point. Let's draw opposite lines not in parallel, but a little closer. The other opposite side should also approach. Draw diagonals to find the center.

Outline the subject plane and background. In the figure, we can clearly see the penumbra. Outline a falling shadow from the near corner and from the far one. We take an elastic band and remove unnecessary lines.

The light falls from above on the left, we begin to hatch the right side of the object in shape, and the shadow must be shaded.

Plan lesson:

1. Greeting - 5 min.

2. Checking homework - 1 min.

3. Introductory part - 5 min.

4. Explanation of a new topic - 12 min.

5. Implementation of a practical task-16 min.

6. Completion lesson-2 min.

During the classes:

Teacher:-Hello children!

Children: Welcome the teacher.

Teacher: On the past lesson we drew a pyramid and a prism in frontal perspective.

Who will say how many vanishing points in the frontal perspective?

Children: In frontal perspective there is one vanishing point.

Teacher: The answer is correct. Please tell me the following parts of the faceted body. (Picks up layout.)

Children: They call faces, edges, base; refine their form.

Teacher: Today we will draw the same objects - a pyramid and a prism in an angular perspective. Draw a horizon line and mark vanishing points on it.

Children: React to the leader's words.

Teacher: Proceeds to explain a new topic in accordance with this abstract.

Children: Listen to the teacher.

Teacher: Gives an assignment to the class.

Children: Execute the task.

Teacher: On this lesson over Let's have an exhibition of drawings.

Children: Rent drawings for an exhibition.

Teacher: Thanks to all! On the next lesson I will ask about the material.

Introspection lesson"Angular perspective of polyhedra".

1 The entrance to the class is confident, the state of health is satisfactory.

2 In the initial period of communication, work with the class is productive, although there were some inaccuracies due to unforeseen technical problems.

3 The nature of the communicative mood is excellent, good essential-culturological preparation. A noticeable presence of love and concern for children.

4 Energetic manifestation of communicative initiative, positive emotional attitude to activity, ability to set the class to an emotionally charged beginning lesson.

5 The ability to emotionally preserve the psychological mood of the audience was not uniform. I had to speak loud and clear lesson. If the leader lowers his voice, begins to behave insecurely, then the children can often get out of the working rhythm.

6 The ability to manage creative well-being was manifested. Positive and elevated emotional state, there were jokes, jokes, fables.

7 In general, communication is organic, but at some point it was strained due to the agility and restlessness of the students.

8 The efficiency of communication management is above average. Educational and educational tasks have been successfully solved. pedagogical flexibility.

Conclusion: The lesson took place and passed at a fairly high level. Precise geometric constructions and some difficulty in completing the task, combined with reasonable rigor, give their results - they discipline the class.

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Lesson summary in grade 6

in fine arts


Subject: “Rules for constructing perspective. Aerial perspective.

Target: To teach how to convey space on the image plane.


Tutorial: To teach how to depict a landscape according to the laws of perspective with the transfer of the depth of space.

Developing: Develop perspective drawing skills.

Nurturing: Cultivate interest and observation in the world around.

Equipment and materials:

For the teacher: reproductions of paintings by artists, presentation.

For students: album, pencil, eraser, watercolor or gouache.

Terms: linear and aerial perspective, horizon line, planning.

Lesson plan:

1. Organizational part.

2. Message of the topic of the lesson.

4. Learning new material.

5. Fixing.

6. Statement of the artistic task.

7. Physical education.

8. Practical work.

9. The result of the lesson.

10. Homework.

During the classes:

1. Organizational part.


test readiness for the lesson.

2. Message of the topic of the lesson.

No, it's not the landscape that attracts me,

not the colors I seek to notice,

And what is in these colors

shines love and joy of being,

She's scattered all over the place...

She is everywhere beauty is...I. Bunin

In today's lesson, we will analyze the rules of linear and aerial perspective, and find out why artists need these rules. How do you think? (Students set the objectives of the lesson).

During the classes:

3. Repetition of the studied material.

But first, let's remember what we talked about in the previous lesson:

Guys, tell me what is shown in this picture?(scenery)

What is the artist depicting in the landscape?(nature, space)

Today we understand that a landscape is, first of all, an image of space. Let's remember what image methods we studied earlier. During the era of ancient Egyptfrontal perspectiveimages never created the illusion of volume. The image was transferred to the plane not in the form in which it appears to the eye, but in the one that most expresses its essence. Reverse linear perspective - a type of perspective used in Byzantine andold Russian,in which the depicted objects appear to increase as they move away from the viewer, the picture has severaland points of view, and other features.

In the Renaissance, art was dominated by interest in the study of the actually observed world and the personality of a person. The concept was born - perspective, horizon line, vanishing point.

perspective - This is an image of objects as the human eye sees them. We need perspective in order to depict objects realistically.

4. Learning new material

Presentation display.

During the presentation, you are given the opportunity to fix the main concepts in notebooks for further discussion and memorization.

In order to learn how to depict three-dimensional objects, you need to know the laws of constructing linear and aerial perspective.

The main distinguishing feature of linear perspective (whether direct or reverse) is a fixed angle of view and the presence of a common vanishing point (usually on the horizon line).

Imagine a railroad. Everyone knows that the rails are parallel, which means that they do not intersect anywhere.

But if we stand in the way and look into the distance, it will seem that with the distance from us, the rails converge closer, closer, until, finally, they merge into one point.

The point where the rails or edges of the road join is called "vanishing point" or " point of view » . This point always lies on the horizon line.

Word "horizon ”of course, it is familiar to everyone. This word we call the line separating the visible sky from the visible earth.

Skyline - This is the line that is at the level of our eyes.

The horizon line is high and low, it is a means of expression. To convey earthly distances, a high point of view is needed, and when the horizon line is located at the lower edge of the picture, we see the expanses of heaven.

aerial perspective - apparent changes in some features of objects under the influence of air and space,changes in the color, shape and degree of illumination of objects that occur as nature moves away from the eyes of the observer.

aerial perspective is associated with a change in tones, therefore it can also be calledtonal perspective .

The air environment, especially if the air is filled with haze or fog, helps to convey space in the drawing, emphasizes the plannedness in the composition. In creative work, it is necessary to take into account future changes in the air environment, thanks to which distant plans seem lighter than the front ones, the contours of objects blur, lose their clarity. This is especially noticeable in the mountains or on a plain overgrown with forests.

Usually it is customary to talk about plans - front (first), middle (second) and distant (third). In the foreground, all objects are perceived most voluminously, their chiaroscuro and coloring are the most contrasting. On the second - all this softens somewhat, on the third - merges in an airy haze.

Foreground. All objects are perceived in volume, the color is the most contrasting.

Medium plan. The volume and color gradually soften.

Background. Everything merges in an air haze.

5. Fixing:

It's time to practice to check how you learned the material.

Issue cards with questions:

1. Find mistakes.

2. Perspective - This…

a) the science of color;

b) an image using a horizon line;

c) display system on the plane of the depth of space;

3. Linear perspective - This…

4. Aerial perspective is...

5. Laws of aerial perspective.

6. What is called a point of view or a vanishing point?

(After collect cards and answers to questions)

6. Physical education.

7. Statement of the artistic task.

And now, using the knowledge gained, you will draw a landscape. Your task for today's lesson is to complete the construction according to all the rules of linear and aerial perspective. In order to get a good grade, you must correctly show the horizon line, the vanishing point, the perspective abbreviation of the road (path) in your work, and, if possible, apply the rules of aerial perspective. The entire drawing is done by hand, without the help of rulers. The construction is carried out with thin lines, so that if necessary it can be easily corrected.

1. We place the sheet horizontally.

2. Draw a horizon line.

3. Draw a road with a vanishing point on the horizon line.

4. Trees, starting from the first plan.

5. We work with paints.

6. In the end, we work out the objects in the foreground in more detail.

8. Practical work.

Students make their own sketches of the landscape, putting into practice the acquired knowledge.

9. The result of the lesson.

Based on the results of active work in the lesson, I can positively evaluate ...

For further effectiveness, I recommend that you observe nature and analyze how the color scheme of the type you have chosen changes during the day, pay attention to the linear construction of the streets of our city.

10. Homework. Homework will be to complete the drawing started in the class, according to the results of which I will give grades.


  • Familiarize yourself with the rules of perspective.
  • Learn to depict a landscape according to the laws of perspective with the transfer of the depth of space.
  • Improve the technique of working with watercolor in a raw way.
  • To instill love for a small homeland, to develop the ability to see and appreciate the beauty of native landscapes.

Equipment: a diagram of the change in the height of the horizon line, a diagram for determining the horizon line on the picture plane, a manual demonstration map “Find errors in perspective”, examples of pedagogical drawing, reproductions of paintings by landscape painters, photographs of views of the native village, poems by the local poetess Neretina M.I.

Dictionary: landscape, linear and aerial perspective, horizon line, picture plane, point of view.

Lesson plan:

  1. organizational part.
  2. The topic of the lesson.
  3. Repetition of the studied material.
  4. Learning new material.
  5. Consolidation.
  6. Statement of the artistic task.
  7. Fizkultminutka.
  8. Independent work.
  9. Check of knowledge.
  10. Summary of the lesson.

During the classes

No, it's not the landscape that attracts me,
Not the colors I seek to notice,
And what shines in these colors.
Love and joy of life
She's scattered all over the place...
She is wherever there is beauty.
I. Bunin

1. Organizational part.

- greetings;

- checking readiness for the lesson.

2. Posting the topic of the lesson.

Teacher. Guys, today we will talk about the landscape, about the nature of our native land. Let's get acquainted with the laws of perspective. Let's learn how to show the depth of space.

3. Repetition of the studied material.

Recall what does the concept of landscape mean? That's right, this is a genre of fine art, the subject of which is the image of nature, the type of terrain. It is true that the birthplace of the landscape is Holland, and as an independent genre it appeared in the 17th century. You know that landscapes are divided into rural, urban, architectural, industrial, park, sea.

4. Learning new material.

Today we will talk about the rural landscape, since we live in the countryside and this landscape is the most dear to us. Each person has a small homeland, the place where he was born. Russian wisdom says: "Where I was born, there I came in handy." For most of you, your small homeland is the village of Maslovsky in the Novousmansky district.

Any of you probably knows our local poetess Maria Ivanovna Neretina. Let's listen to one of her poems.

The student is reading.

I walk through the meadows, I walk through the fields
And along the bank of the blue river.
And I whisper softly that I won't betray you,
Dear, dear Russia.
And in the spring, breathing in the scent of the gardens,
I get it, I'm still happy.
My Voronezh region is rich in beauty,
And it is not in the world more expensive.

Listening to these lines, you involuntarily imagine familiar landscapes. Now we will look at the photos of the village, which were prepared by a 10th grade student Masha Fomina.

No wonder they say - mother earth, mother nature. Thus, they express love for their native land. Landscape painters depicted the beauty of Russian nature in their creations. An example of this is the canvas of Russian artists - lyricists.

Isaac Levitan"Falconers".

Fedor Vasiliev Dawn, After the Rain.

Ivan Shishkin"Rain in the oak forest", "Morning in the pine forest", "Forest distance".

To correctly paint a picture, you need to have knowledge of perspective.

perspective is a mapping system on the plane of the depth of space.

To understand the topic, let's discuss planning in the picture.

Foreground. All objects are perceived in volume, the color is the most contrasting.

Medium plan. The volume and color gradually soften.

Background. Everything merges in an air haze.

(slide 3)

aerial perspective- a change in objects under the influence of the air and space, a change in color, shape and degree of illumination that occur as nature moves away from the eyes of the observer.

(slide 4)

Linear perspective- an exact science that teaches to depict objects of the surrounding reality on a plane in such a way that an impression of reality is created.

(slide 5)

Need to know perspective laws.

  1. As they move away, objects visually decrease.
  2. The color fades.
  3. The contrast gradually softens.
  4. Close objects are depicted in detail, and distant objects are depicted in general.
  5. Distant light objects are darkened, and dark ones are lightened.

(slide 6)

Consider skyline chart. Let's get acquainted with the concepts - point of view, line horizon, picture plane.

Point of view is a view from one fixed point.

Skyline- This is the line that is at the level of our eyes.

picture plane- This is the image of visible objects in the order in which we see them.

(slide 7) Discussion with children.

Now let's turn our attention to change schemes horizon line height.

(slide 8) Discussion with children.

5. Fixing

It's time to practice to check how you learned the material. To do this, we will use the demonstration material "Find errors in perspective." Let's discuss several options for aerial and linear perspective. You need to find errors and explain how to fix them.

(slide 9,10,11) Discussion with children.

6. Statement of the artistic task.

And now, guys, using the knowledge gained, you will draw a landscape in the technique in a raw way.

1 stage of work.

- Create an outline drawing with a simple pencil (slide 13)

2 stage of work.

– Moisten everything with water and quickly proceed to the color scheme.

– Start work from the sky, from the background to the foreground (slide 14)

3 stage of work.

- Draw small details on a dry layer of paint.

- Enhance color contrast (slide 15)

7. Physical education

Close your eyes, relax. Imagine that we are walking along a green meadow along a winding path that gets lost somewhere in the distance. Near the path in the foreground, bright flowers delight the eye. Trees in the background lose their clear outlines and appear small. Birds chirp overhead, fluttering in the clear blue sky. Pleasant meetings, a feeling of joy and happiness await you ahead.

8. Independent work.

Students make their own sketches of the landscape, putting into practice the acquired knowledge.

9. Checking knowledge.

Choose the correct answer from the given options

Perspective is...

  1. color science.
  2. image using the horizon line.
  3. display system on the plane of the depth of space.

(slide 16)

10. The result of the lesson.

Exhibition of works. Well done guys, the landscapes turned out to be unusually expressive. You were able to express love for your native land, apply the laws of perspective in your works, thereby showing the depth of space. Each of your creations deserves special attention. For further improvement, I recommend that you explore the work of Alexei Savrasov, Vasily Polenov, Igor Grabar and other artists who glorify the beauty of Russian nature.

Homework: write an essay on the work of one of the studied landscape painters.

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